Bob Ross - Evening at Sunset (Season 13 Episode 4)

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hi i'm glad you could join me today today i think we'll do a painting that i've had a lot of letters requesting a lot of people have written and said bob i'd like to know how to do a very simple little sunset so i want to show you how to do that today it's going up here let me tell you what i've already got done today we have an 18 by 24 inch black canvas and that's painted with a black gesso and then the black gesso is allowed to dry on top of that i've covered the entire canvas with alizarin crimson just a thin even coat and in the corners we've put a little bit of van dyke brown just to darken it and then a couple of places here i've added a little bit of phthalo blue just to have some little streaks so i tell you what let's start off and have around all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me while they're doing that let's go on up here and get started today i'm going to start with just plain titanium white on the two inch brush and just add a little color to the brush by just tapping just a little didn't take much now remember the canvas is already covered with the alizarin crimson and the brown and a little touch of blue here and there not much blue and keep the blue toward the top of the canvas okay now immediately today we have to make a big decision normally we don't have to make any but today we have to make a big decision basically where's your horizon going to be because that that will be the lightest area if this is going to be a sunset type painting so let's make a decision and decide that right here right along here will be the horizon and i'm just using little crisscross strokes and start in the slide area and begin working outward just like so but i'm using the brush like so and then little strokes like see just little strokes so it makes little patterns in here okay and we can add a little more white here and there and just begin laying in some little some happy little things here now there it hit a little bit of the blue so you're going to get sort of a sort of a little lavender feel and that's nice that's very nice there okay this is a fantastic painting to do for friends and don't tell them you put anything on the canvas and they see you starting out with just white paint and you start putting this on and all of these beautiful colors appear and they think you're magic so try that you'll enjoy it there we go we have teachers that travel all over the country and i have them do paintings where where they start out like this people don't know they have anything on the canvas and then they start just adding plain old white and all these beautiful colors appear and immediately they have an audience that just they stay with them for a long time there we i want go to be the brightest area right in here but isn't that a fantastic scale already you could leave it just like that if you wanted to and have a winner okay and then just use long strokes just to sort of bring it all together okay i love these black canvases some of the most exciting effects in this technique happen there okay now then let me wash my brush and we wash our brush as you know with odorless thinner get rid of that excess and beat the devil out of it tell you what let's go right into a little touch of the cadmium yellow just a small amount of paint on the brush just tap a little in there okay let's go right back up here maybe right here i'll add a little yellow you go you wonder where the yellow went there it is that's where it went and just sparkle this area here now we don't let this go up too high we have a little bit of blue on the canvas up in here we don't want to let that yellow get up into that blue if it does you're going to have a bright green sky and then you're going to be upset with me don't i want you to be unhappy i'm going to add a touch of yellow ochre and we can just add a little of that here and there but still using that little sort of like just let it sort of rock back and forth it creates all kinds of happy little things in the sky maybe up in here just to change the color we're getting very close to that blue there so just be careful didn't that a unbelievable little sky and it's so simple it really is one of the easiest guys to do because all your color is done beforehand you put all that crimson on there and it just works for you and that black gesso holds it so well the black gesso is designed specifically for this type of painting works good okay now then very lightly go across the entire sky and we can wash our brush one more time get rid of that excess shake it off and we're in business again okay now then i'm going to use we'll use the little fan brush and i'm going to go into a little touch of blue stay low blue the little blue and a lot of alizarin crimson proportionately much much more crimson than the blue much much more in case we hit yellow we don't want it to turn green now if you're not sure what color you have there add a little white to yours and put a little over here and add a little white you can tell exactly what you have okay now then let's have just some little floater clouds around here and just still using that same little stroke just let some of these little things just sort of float around let them have fun see wherever you want them to go maybe there's some little ones that they come right down into the into that bright spot wherever wherever here's here's a little one over here i see it there it is so you just sort of just sort of make these things up in your mind and let them drop in maybe right in here there's one there's an old big one that just sort of floats around see how you can create the illusion of all kinds of beautiful effects just like so you need these dark ones to make that color stand out just like so there we are that has just phthalo blue and blizzard crimson that's all there is to it now back to our big brush make sure it's dry you want to you want a dry brush for this if you take a wet brush and go over this the color is going to mix together and you're going to be living in mud city it'll all turn to mud on you and we don't want that we want to keep these colors vibrant and happy and just beautiful be sure your brush is dry can't say that enough you might want to might want to run it against some paper towels or something just to make sure there we go and all we're doing here is still just following those little i don't know what we want to call maybe little rocking strokes like so why can't but didn't that a super way to make a very very nice sky you have to wear your sunglasses when you look at this one but already you have the feeling of a sunset and all these clouds rolling through there and you can do it all right now then maybe i want to keep this painting quite easy in case this is your first time painting with us this is a good one to do so let's take some black and crimson and some phthalo blue would just mix all these colors together let me wipe my knife off i'll be right back okay let's go with our fan brush and load it full of paint a lot of paint look both sides full all right let's go up here now right here where we decided we decided our horizon would be we're going to begin tapping in some basic little tree shapes look like little trees far away and allow it to pick up some of that color so some of them's lighter in the background it looks like a light shining through don't fight this it'll happen automatically sometimes we have a tendency to want to make it darker and darker let some of those remain lighter it really will enhance your painting there we go that's one of those happy accidents let them happen and we'll just let that go right on out like so see and that easy we have the indication of some distant trees that are just living far away there and you can have as many or as few as you want now one thing that i notice when people first start is they'll put these trees too far apart like this and they end up looking like fence post should that happen all you need to do is just add some little things in between and it'll bring them together and make them look pretty good there and where we want this to go there we go maybe here and there real dark one this might be a little bit closer now a super super way of making the indication of some little tree trunks that live back in here without doing a lot of work show you how to do that that's a lot of fun a lot of fun let me find another fan brush i have several of each brush going here so i don't have to waste all of my time cleaning i like cleaning those brushes i'm gonna just pull just just barely tap a little tiny bit of white into the brush just a little bit see none on that side just a little bit now if we want to make this look like little trunks that are far away just take it lightly pull up just lightly just lightly pull up very light color shows up so much stronger on these black canvases just lightly here and there there's light coming through and you can see those little trunks that are far away if you happen to get one that's too light it's too bright all you have to do is just go over it two or three times and that dark color that we have underneath we'll just eat it up and it'll go away and already you have thousands of little tree trunks and you haven't already done a thing and that's the joy of painting there that's a pretty little painting already okay i'll wash my fan brush and that we just wash in the thinner then wipe it on a paper towel like so now that let me find here's an old dirty two inch brush we'll just use it now i want to begin creating some little grassy areas back here and create the lay of the lamb so i'll take this brush it has a little bit of that dark color on it doesn't matter and i'm gonna go right into some yellow let me reach up here and get some green i'll be right back there we are a little touch of the sap green but now tap downward with that brush see do it slow so you can see tap let it slide a little bit there okay now then you have to make another big decision here where is our layer of land how does how does the land flow in this painting is there a hill here i think there is maybe i'll have a little water you know me i love water so all you got to do is decide where you want your land to be and just start tapping just tapping like so now in reality if you had a sunset this bright chances are this wouldn't be quite this green but it looks better all these beautiful colors and you know when you when you buy your first tube of paint you get an artist's license and that license says you can do anything that you want to do on this canvas maybe not anywhere else but on this canvas your artist license gives you complete freedom so we'll do that and all i'm doing here is just tapping there now if you get one that's too bright continue to tap it and once again the color underneath will be picked up and automatically get darker i'm adding a little yellow ocher indian yellow hair and there maybe i'll even touch a little bright red just however but begin begin thinking about a lay of the land i know i say that over and over but to me in a painting that's very important it's most important to heavy land flow the way you want it to normally if you have water water is lazy it's like me it lays in a recessed area so you need a hill or something here to show that there's a recessed area a reason for the water being down there instead of a pier so and do you're not too worried about where you go here we're going to have some reflections in this water so anything that we don't like we'll turn it into reflections well i wish you could do that in the real world but anyway this is our world here so we can do it here okay and we just keep on this little hill but in that fantastic look at the look at the way the land flows there and the more you tap this the darker and the softer it'll become but it'll get very very soft looks like the velvet if you try you can make little little grassy areas that oh it's just some place you want to go and run through barefooted okay you ever had any places like that let me wash this brush there goes the studio again okay now then if we're going to have some reflections under here i'll go right into some yellow right into the cad yellow just tap a little on the brush it doesn't matter how you load it now you have to make another big decision where is your where's your reflections going to live if you want them right here touch and pull straight down just grab it and pull straight down think about how the land would would be underneath this grass though just pull it straight down hope you got your sunglasses on the day that's a bright son of a gun beautiful and maybe this water goes we'll let it go right on up here now the more you rub this the darker it'll get because it's picking up the crimson and the other colors underneath all the time it's continually picking them up there now maybe under here we want that to be the brightest now if you want to in your world you could even take a little bit of titanium white and add to it and make it even brighter see now you remember what i was telling you anything you don't like you can turn the reflection see if you want to grab that look at there of course now i have to do it all the way across but anything that you want you can change to reflections here okay if you want to add a little the titanium white see how that makes it sparkle be sparingly on that be sparing not too much don't want to over kill okay now very lightly very lightly come straight across even though this is going uphill it's a tendency to go this way come straight across just enough to wiggle it you can move this ripple it look at that fantastic but you can create water that easy now then let's go back i'm going to take a little dark sienna little van dyke brown a little white let's just mix that together and you don't have to worry about over mixing it just like so cut off our little roll of paint that we use all the time like so now then come in here and you can begin making big decisions where's our water lines and very lightly just scrubbing you can begin putting a little bank a little shoreline just let it work its way right around that's all there is to it you can do it you can do it you can do anything there it comes okay just see there wherever you want it okay now maybe over here on the other side we need some we need some things happening over here too we don't want this i go back to this big brush shoot it's faster we'll go right into our dark color like so now then we just use the corner of this brush and let's begin making some big decisions maybe the other side is over here and there's little grassy things that live right out here like that just close that in turn it into a little little stream or a little river it lives right down here whatever you want it to be i tell you what let's get crazy i had a little more color here i ran out of color oh we got this big old brush going let's just get crazy with it maybe their lives a great big huge tree right let's see maybe that tree comes oh my gosh when i said big tree a mean big tree didn't realize it was going to be that big but that's all right whatever let's see and i want to sort of tilt sort of lead your eye into the painting and nature didn't make all these trees perfectly straight trees grow anyway that makes them happy and that one grew right on off the canvas there now then maybe i'll tell you what when you're painting like this a lot of times you just look at a painting and you begin seeing things you might not have planned them when you begin this painting but they happen and learn to use whatever you see in your mind because very quickly if you do much practicing you'll learn to compose as you go along and maybe there's a little maybe right down here there's a little peninsula of land that just sort of floats around just comes out there like so and there's a little touch of highlight sparkling across there this is just a little tiniest little bit of white but tiniest little bit tiny little bit a little bit of dark underneath just so to set it down into the water see there create a little shadow underneath it then we can put a little tiny water line into there let that just sort of maybe the water just bounces and plays right there's a little slow stream it just has fun just plays and meanders along here there this is a little cad yellow with white just to sparkle the water here and there okay now then let's use the knife today we could do this with a fan brush or a knife whatever i'm going to take van dyke brown and just cut off a little roll of paint there it is now that maybe there's a nice tree trunk that goes right up through this big old tree and if a tree's crooked chances are chances are so is the trunk we'll have two and because this is so dark you really don't have to put nothing but an outline a little brown and white it's the same color i was using for the little land areas put a few little indications here and there of a trunk maybe a little touch of white right on the edge just where the light's really striking it's really sparkly and we can come back let's use a one-inch brush today what the heck take a little yellow yellow ocher indian yellow all the colors let's get over here and get some bright red too what the devil okay now then let's put some happy little lambs that live right out here on this tree little leaves oh boy them son of a guns are sparkling and you've heard me over and over say and i'll repeat it one more time think about form and shape when you're doing this don't just throw these in at random think about all the little shapes see there all the little clumps let them sparkle let the sun shine through here use your artist license even if we get a little too bright it's all right they're pretty so pretty like that there see look at all them setup guys and you can put as many or as few as you want in your world just drop them in like that okay maybe down in here let's highlight some of these little things there we go oh boy that's a beautiful little sparkler there just drop them in see by putting some of these in front of that dirt area that we built that'll push that right back it's over the hill i can't even see that now maybe in here maybe in here this little land areas just at random wherever you want them a few little dirt areas and that's just the brown white that we use to make all the little colors all the little banks and stuff i mean there there's another little bush now think of individuals here don't just throw these in at random you'll be unhappy with me think of individual little bushes that live here and there give each one of a name if necessary i know that's a little crazy but it's all right it's our world we can do that if we want to tell you what i got a few minutes left here so let's have some fun let's put us a happy little cabin over here shoot this is such a pretty scene you need a place to live there's one sign there's the other side man you're painting if you don't want a little cabin don't put it in you can put anything in your world that you want i just want to show you how to do some of these things and i just think this would be a super place to have a little cabin and sit enjoy these beautiful sunsets let's use a little red white maybe a little yellow ochre we'll make that sound again bright on the front sun striking there and all those beautiful colors are reflecting on that little cabin and the other side would just use a little brown and white it's not very dark i mean very light it's in the shadow a little bit of van dyke brown make a door and we can take a little a little bit of brown on the knife and just cut through put some little slabs on that cabin there a little nice little side and we'll come right down let me grab a little red little dark sienna a little touch of white a little yellow ochre let's come right down this side here and just let this knife bounce bloop we gotta make that little noise see and over here on the other side little touch of white with a little red in it just to make that edge stand out a little so you can really see it like so then we can take our big brush put some grass around his little foots knife with a little brown add in a little path and i think your painting's about finished let's call this one done i hope you enjoyed this one this will teach you how to make a very simple sunset that'll work for you from all of us here happy painting and god bless you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 633,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bob ross painting, full episode, bob ross joy of painting, landscape, bob ross marathon, twitch, asmr, snow, the joy of painting, painting, pastel, bob ross inc, bob ross full episode, tv show, stream, livestream, host, kappaross, wildlife, pbs, canvas, steven ross, art, bob ross, chill, ocean, alaska, drawing, bob ross twitch, bob ross asmr, oil, joy of painting, free, paint, mountain, brushes, happy trails, coloring, lake, happy trees, happy accident, beauty is everywhere
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2016
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