Bob Ross - Secluded Bridge (Season 10 Episode 4)

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hey welcome back glad you could join me today today I thought we'd do a fantastic little painting maybe that's maybe it's deep in the woods it's very dark and Misty and I think you'll enjoy them so let's start out and have them graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and they'll come across in the same order as I have them on the palette starting with the white and working around while they're doing that let's go on up here I have the good old standard 18 by 24 inch canvas and I've already covered it with a thin even coat of the liquid white and it's all wet and slick in it it's ready to do a fantastic oil painting on so let's let's just take off and have some fun today let's start to tell you what let's use a little phthalo blue halo blue will pick up a little SAP green so we have phthalo blue and SAP green just sort of mix them on the brush a little bit of paint I don't have a whole bunch of paint now then we're gonna be deep in the woods we need some just some nice colors back in here so just sort of dance this around twirl it let it play don't get it too even we want it to be dark in areas and light in areas and use a lot of pressure in places and don't pressure a lot of pressure in the top pressure just make all these little different things happen just like so doing this like coloring the brush will just cover the whole top of the canvas like is we really push hard when you want it to be darker and then where you want it light just let it caress the canvas just very gentle and very soft it every once a while you can get tough and just grind it in and see it makes a nice dark spot it's blue iced a little blue and SAP green just mix on the brush they're a little darker right in there and you don't care where this goes just let it go just let it blend down and play wherever it makes no difference okay man we wash the brush and we wash your brush with a little stone I have a screen in the bottom of this bucket that I scrub the the brush against shake out the excess just beat the devil out of it that's all there is to it now then with a clean dry brush we'll be right back up in here and just bring all this together and you can over blend it till it becomes just one solid mass of color I don't want to lose all these light and dark areas here I just want to bring it together just just about like so right in there sometimes it's hard to stop things get working so well you guys want to keep going there when we're all finished I hope this looks like trees we back in the distance all kinds of little things will be happening back here okay that gives us a nice little background we just go across take out the brushstrokes I'm gonna have some water down here so I'll use some they little blue some sample green and we'll add a little black gonna make this dark and I'll just I'm gonna have water maybe right in here a little bit more to the blackish color here we go want this to be dark start at the bottom because I won't be the darkest and then worked back up with that we is gonna pick up a liquid white and automatically it gets lighter in value that's where our water will be somewhere in there we don't really care it okay wash the old brush it one more time that's the most fun part of this whole technique it's just just washing the brush sometimes they slip out of your hand go across the room there yeah I'm gonna take the liner brush put some thinner on it and go right into a little bit of Van Dyck Brown now this paint is thin like water it's about the consistency of ink turn that brush pull it to a nice sharp point see they're good let's go up here and then we're gonna start making some decisions there's all kind of trees that live in here just wherever you think they should live that's where the other lever look at him these are far away trees now we can just put the indication here in there from halftee little limb if it doesn't want to flow off your brush add a little bit more the thinner see and then it'll just flow you know I'm just gonna put in some basic indications when you're at home and you have all kinds of time you can put in just as many or as few as you want there we go just wherever you think there should be a tree that's exactly where it should be and you can lift up some people find it easier to lift upward some find it easier to pull downward try it both ways whichever works the best for you then that's the right way there so you just as many as you want or as few and don't make them all straight trees grow every which way some of them have little little kinks in a minute they're like people hey everybody's different trees are different let them be individuals let them have personalities there they go see how them little rascals well it looks like a looks like woods already back here now sometimes it's nice when these paintings try to have a tree trunk that has some shine to it so for that I use liquid clear take a little liquid clear and thinned the paint down now put these in tree trunks at a little bit closer now when this dries these trunks it'll look almost like they're glazed like glaze it just that's a thin paint with an oil base that's put over the old master used to use a lot of glazing it's very pretty that'll help push all those in back here farther back there we go they're just wherever you want these there we go don't want to get too carried away here you could spend all day just putting in all kinds of beautiful little tree trunks all right the old liner brush does fantastic thanks the liner brush is nice because it has a long hair on it bomb here and it holds a lot of paint okay yeah then today I'm gonna use the oval brush and I'm gonna mix up let's take some of the phthalo blue local SAP green and I'm gonna reach out over here got a little touch-up white no more to the bluish side there we go so that's a little blue SAP green touch it white I'm gonna had a little blacks too bright too bright a little more height so you can see Oakley gap good that's good very nice that's take the old oval brush and just load a little bit of paint we don't want a whole bunch it let's go right up in here and then just begin just putting a few little details see how it makes oh well brush makes it look like your Stalin's the little leaves on those Rascals super for that man I'm just barely barely tapping barely tapping just sort of look at where you think they might live and drop them in drought oh man if you want them to have more curve on them then hold a brush downward if you want to be straight go straight in see then eat just barely touching allow the canvas to take off what it wants I may be down in here there's some we're getting into some things are a little bit thicker nice bushy creatures that live here just like some and something just sort of float around Raqqa there there's one he lives right there so you just have as many or as few as you want in your world all kinds of little things pushes everything back all right maybe over in here there's some just some little indications these will just sort of show through and it'll look like there's all kind of little branches leaves squirrels have to have a place to hide I call squirrels tree urchins because they live in a tree I have a whole bunch of around where I live then they come down and they I feed them they're coming they come eat over time at the house have all kind of little creatures ever had Coons and possums bunny rabbits there we go on the last show I think I showed you my little bird maybe I'll show him again we've got we were beginning to get so many calls about him maybe we'll just have to show him again already tell you hon let's do let's take a little brown it's just straight Van Dyke Brown I'm gonna start making some decisions maybe there's some land that lives back here just all I'm doing here just pushing in some color just like so just a little color no big deal right now no a little big deal would take a little white little white oh the dark sienna pull it out cut us off a little bit then barely touch just put the indication have a little highlight here in there I don't want too much this is too far back it's too dark back in here it's too dark and it will use a whole number 6 fan brush I'm gonna go right in to some yellow I went into the liquid white first going into some yellow reach up here and grab some SAP green over here a little bit of black there what what is to be quite dark Oh yellow ocher to it this makes these on the brush okay now maybe back in here we're beginning to see a little color just push upward with that brush just pushing up button look at there see I know all these little things just sort of happen here and maybe I'm using that oval brush again okay I'm gonna add a little color and just put the least little touch of highlight here and there not much not much yet what we get into the foreground and we begin adding more highlights but right now right now I just want the least little indication here and there a little light playing through there begin picking out just sort of some individual little bushes yeah tell you what Musti let me find reusable fan brush liquid white titanium white load the brush full of paint a lot of paint okay let's go right up here maybe there's some happy little water coming right down through here and it's just bubbling along I'm having a good time the splashing carrying on just just think how water would think you know just pretend your water coming down here and having a good time and just the world's happy and it's a good day and all of a sudden oh you fall over it just it falls right over look at that and that easy you can make a happy little waterfall there just drops right over but you need the dark underneath or on the show and it's Blash is down here underneath this waterfall and it's just all kinds of little things going on like so so many little happy thanks put a little splashy here in there maybe it hmm there's a stone under the water there all these little things just just flash a little water actions just this fan brush is fantastic for doing these absolutely unreal and sometimes it's fun just to just to play a little let me find that good yes we'll just take a one-inch brush and go right in to we'll use some Brown some black little SAP green on a very dark green here let's have a maybe there's a happy little Bush he lives right here just push upward on a very dark little bush right here he's in the shadows in my world in your world maybe he's maybe he's in the sunshine so you can put all kinds of happy little little highlights on me but in my world today and I'll have him in the dark right there just sort of close already enemy see it pushes that whole area back here it just pushes it right back into the into the background and then if you lived here you'd have to have a way to get over this little stream so let's do that let's have some fun I'll take some van Dyck Brown maybe there's a happy little bridge here and I take like maybe it's behind these bushes and all you can see is a part that goes over the water so let's have it come up and then maybe like this we'll put some character in it and then it has a little bend in it there let me get the small knife small knife to be a little better for them i'll puts a little post on here see there's a little post dangerous woman look it down hidden it cute there we go that one goes over behind the bush then take the big knife look I had to put a little rail up here we go I don't want anybody to fall off this bridge and get wet okay there I know you could do that little browning hike tiniest a little bit of paint now I want to go along here and just show the indication of a little highlight here and there just a bright name up make him sing in the sunshine used to be a song about singing in the sunshine okay back to my small knife I'll put a little indication here on these post little knife gets right in there and does these little things there maybe here and there that light really hits it and you could add a little just a little sparkle white just don't overdo just hearing there maybe like singing through there and it's right there to kill a little sparkle I said I think some of the rest will jump out at you all right there we go and then we'll push this a little breed you behind this bush we don't know where he lives whatever there same thing over here I'm gonna push this Ridge completely back behind these bushes like it brush is too slow let's get a big one go right into my Van Dyck Brown I'm gonna have a a lot of land areas and big rocks and maybe maybe there's some big let's just do it just just take the big brush it's a straight Van Dyck Brown and here we're just applying dark color maybe there's one it comes right on out here all you're doing is laying in basic shapes we'll go back with a knife and straighten all this out and make big decisions about where things live but right now all we're interested in is just basic shapes maybe this one comes Leon out here there just fill it up just fill it up for the color like so yeah I really hope you enjoyed seeing my little bird on the last show he's coming along fine if you're following his progress as I say we've got so many calls maybe maybe on one of the future shows I'll bring you back let you see him again I think I think you'll like him he's my friend and I taking care of him under the supervision of the bird lady we have a lady here in Muncie who takes care of all the injured animals and stuff they call her the bird lady she keeps me straight and tells me how to take care of all these little creatures fact when these days we'd like to do it we elected to a television show where we show you what she does and and people like her all over the country that devote their time and money energies into taking care of all of god's little creatures because here there's super special people so maybe one day we can do this all right yeah same old dirty brush I want to add some SAP green to it foolish brush in one direction load a lot of paint into it it's just tiny little bit of SAP green I'm gonna grab some dark sienna - so we get dark sienna Van Dyke Brown and SAP green maybe maybe over here there's gonna be a big tree and it's right here so we can go ahead and throw in some dark color see how this dark it sort of closes in and make sure I go toward the water it's lighter all right what's doing the other side maybe there's a happy thing it lives wherever you just make a decision and put it in there we go this and that quickly got all that blocked in and we're ready to start picking out some some beautiful little details okay you know it might be find if I had the one-inch brush we'll dip it into a little bit of liquid white some yellow gnome over absol midnight black I want this to be a dark dark green pull it brush in one direction one direction loaded full of color just go right up here maybe right in here put on some dark leaves there just begin building some shape and form into this big tree that lives here just like so look at all those things see but think of individual little bushes and limbs and stuff that are all living in here each one has its own personality all kinds of happy little things there's one I think you could just make hundreds and hundreds of building layers do the one that's farthest away first and work forward that way it it has depth and distance in there I had a little yellow ocher to that maybe there's one right here this side a little bit of light singing through there saying you can leave some of them dark in total shadow especially when you're doing these deep wood scenes or you can use almost pure green so it just barely barely shows I like to leave some of these that are very dark I can't see and here and there the lights gonna zing through and sparkle some of these makeup shine get that right darker darker darker down here toward the base leave these dark areas they very very important very important we'll wash it over brush off get my shake there we go now then let's start let's start picking out some stones and rocks you use some dark Sienna here a little bit of white maybe maybe right along in here we're beginning to see some nice rocky areas still want this to stay quiet dark quiet dark just all kinds of things happening tell you what let's do that up here now watch you watch you this is so much fun because now you can make a decision that there's a big cliff or a sheer drop-off right here bank I swear I'm looking for and you can just bring that around and leave this right in front you can make all kinds of little things that go up in there like so have some fun now sometimes some of these stones getting just full of little grassy and mossy things so just tap tap with the fan brush like so okay this isn't the greens and the yellows and all you do is just tap just touch pick out individual stones see makes it look like it's just all currents a little grassy slimy things the things that are wet all the time they grow all kinda little algae and oh it's pretty stones look like they have fur on them at times right down here by the water and you can just do as many of these I'll leave some dark don't don't kill all the dark look at all those little rascals just like so okay back to my one-inch brush a little bit of the yellow and the green they have it let's bring all this together yeah we could begin putting all kinds of little bushes live here see they follow the lay of the land coming right down like yes as many or as few as you want this is your world so you make it happen you make it happen there it is tell you what tell you huh maybe there's one lives down here see how you can bring all that together and we all go back with our little fan brush and let's put some little grassy things out here on these stones too we don't want gonna be left out here we go just all kinds with little rascals daddy yeah we can come right over here maybe there's a happy little Bush he lives right there just sort of let your imagination go crazy let's get the small knife and we can take some dark brows come right in here and just begin adding all kinds of little little foots on these stones let's bring them straight down you get a little let in the water don't worry about it don't worry about it can't fix easy just all kinds of little little thanks man hey if I'm a fan brush that has a quick white and titanium white on it a lot of paint on the brush lot of paint now then us begin cleaning up the bottom of all this stuff water splashing into some of these little recessed areas here lucky death that's fun splash shield crash and maybe it's just a little got a little stone underneath the water just sort of look at it and make decisions there stones underneath the water all over yeah so to take it ooh there's another one they go in all kinds of directions this water is just churning through here you ever listen to a little stream it has one of the most peaceful sounds to it that's always been one of my fantasies is to have a house it was right next to the stream and at night you go to sleep listening to all that and bubbling and Cherney there we go just as many as you wanted so right off in here wherever okay now then that's let's take it I'm gonna dip right into some liquid clear and brown maybe there's some nice trees soon live just wherever made he got me as you walk or as few you can just drop the tree here in there just like so a couple little tree limbs here and there there we go yeah would take her oval brush put a little put a little brighter yell on it the old clock on the wall tell me I gotta finish this up just tap in the indication of all kind of little leaves hang in here see there is that easy you can really really do a fantastic little painting in just a matter of minutes as I say the old clocks tell me I got to leave you for this at this time good I'll be back so we'll put a little leaf maybe there's one it hangs out right here I can't I think that pretty well gives us a finish little painting from all of us here happy painting god bless you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 8,950,185
Rating: 4.911026 out of 5
Keywords: the joy of painting, host, bob ross twitch, drawing, bob ross marathon, beauty is everywhere, landscape, bob ross joy of painting, bob ross full episode, painting, wildlife, bob ross painting, art, kappaross, paint, oil, free, happy trails, bob ross asmr, bob ross, brushes, ocean, tv show, alaska, full episode, twitch, canvas, mountain, pastel, happy accident, pbs, livestream, asmr, joy of painting, snow, lake, chill, bob ross inc, coloring, stream, steven ross, happy trees
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2016
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