Bob Ross - Winter Night (Season 3 Episode 4)

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welcome back today I'm very excited because I'm going to show you something that you've never seen before on television today we're going to start with a white canvas and we're going to use some magic black on it so I'm going to let you see cover the canvas and this is magic black here we'll just cover the entire canvas and go all the way across and there we go and a little bit more we apply this exactly the same way as we do the magic white and just cover the canvas but maybe today we do a maybe a cold little winter scene something with some snow and ice in it and maybe even a little cabin let's see what happens here okay all we were looking for here is a nice and even coat exactly the way we put the magic white Oh doesn't take me just a second when you're using a large brush alright just about you have it finished and we're ready to go so now we've started with a white canvas and turned it black but this is still wet this is an oil-based paint it'll stay wet for several days okay now we'll wash the brush and once again we wash our brushes with odorless paint thinner that's the most fun of all okay let's take a one-inch brush in some titanium white and let's figure out maybe maybe there's a little light back in here so where the white paint will just begin making little X's there we go let him work out start here that'll be your lightest area and work sort of in an ever-growing circle that way automatically gets darker as it works outward okay just about to sell now we can take the large brush and very gently blend this together just like putting a sky on the Magic Flight Cheers Flint together and that gives us a light source in the background okay today I want to mix up some alizarin crimson and phthalo green and about equal parts we just make us a big pile here we're gonna be using it all day this makes a beautiful gray color just mix it up real good there we go we're looking for a nice dark gray it should look black on your palate okay now let's take a one-inch brush and load some paint into it just load quite a bit of paint into the bristles and we can go back now and begin putting in some little details that are far away I don't want a lot of detail yet all I want is indications back here just want to put some little trees we back in the distance there we go just some little indications far far away but one I'm too close we want this to be very dark this is a night scene of course there already we got a pretty nice little background going here and maybe we'll take a one inch brush and first I'm going to put some titanium white in it like so load that very deep into the brush very deep then we'll go right into a little bit of the gray color just on the tips of the bristles so we have white deep down and gray on the ends of the bristles like so there we go maybe there's a larger tree back here and when you push real hard a little bit of the white will show just to make it stand out a little better just a big old tree laying back here it's got a little bit of white tips on it where the snows caught on the little little tips of the tree maybe right there a little more snow okay maybe maybe right over here in the corner there's a big tree that just hangs here just drop some limbs on it you can see how the white comes out to make the little tips and now let's use the fan brush and we'll load a lot of the gray color on it and maybe back in here we can see some little tree trunks just here and there maybe these trees don't have any limbs on Amorth leaves on them it's cold and wintry maybe right here maybe maybe there he is there's a much bigger one right there and if you wanted to make that stand out a little better but a little tiny bit of white on your brush and come down the side that'll give him a little bit of highlight just enough to make it stand out okay now let's take some titanium white very very little paint and begin putting a little hill back here let it mix with the magic black start way back here and begin working on a little just a little inclined a little hill something we don't want this to be too bright we want this to be late at night very dark and just follow the lay of the land with your knife okay now we can take a clean 1 inch brush and very gently lift upward just sort of to bring this together why don't you just sort of disappear back here quiet misty soft there we go okay now with a liner brush and a little bit of thinner on it but just a tiny bit of thinner just so I can thin this down so it's almost like water we can begin maybe on this tree back here we'll just put a few limbs hanging off here just a few little things here and there maybe there's another one right there this is your world so wherever you think there's a limb that's where it's at maybe there's a couple right in here on some of these little trees just makes the painting a little more interesting okay now we can start coming forward a little bit now maybe this layer of snow will bring at this angle just make it so there's a change in here very little paint very very little paint on your night and you just sort of have to make almighty decisions maybe there's a hill like that right there very little pressure if we head up had another big tree maybe right right here maybe there's a last big tree back here so using the fan brush was still nothing only put the gray now we'll add a tiny bit of white so we can get my cat side to stand out a little more just a little bit want to keep the dark dark color in here and with our liner brush we can put a few little limbs on this one just wherever you think there might be a little down growing a little bit of paint thinner that there new paint so it flows on here there's a limb up there right there sometime let's sum his limbs wrap around the tree so you have limbs on this side of the tree also you don't want them all just coming off the sides there okay now let's let's get a little bit crazy here let's take maybe right in here there's a nice little cabin we'll take some van Dyck Brown and we'll begin building on our cabin maybe right there just make a decision drop it in we do the back eve of the cabin first part father's to way from you just like so on this side I'm going to use white with a little bit of the gray color in it just enough to dull it down we don't want it too bright and we'll just start here and pull down just like so you can lay out your basic shape of your cabin and then fill it in now over on this side of the roof we need a little bit of snow over there and we can come in here and put some boards right here just pulling straight down over here there we go and had a super way to make a little cabin and all buildings work basically the same it's just a matter of angles and perspective if we had shows that were a little bit longer gosh I'd left to show you some fantastic buildings there we go and maybe we want to turn this into a maybe like a log cabin so we can take some brown and some white maybe we'll put a tiny bit of umber into it our number want to keep it quite dark we don't want it to get too bright ship and just touch give it a little pull just to make it look like little little logs there there we go it's touching sort of pull there oh don't get it too bright there we go okay now we can go sort in the opposite direction and put some logs going this way and all we do is touch sort of give it a little downward pull this time just a little don't overdo and just work right across in layers there and sort of give you the impression of little locks now when you're at home and you have unlimited time you could take your little liner brush and really put some detail in there as I've said before if we run over 30 minutes here they they yell at me a lot and kick me off the set so we'll try to keep it very simple just to give you some ideas all we want to do is give you ideas and teach you how to do this fantastic method in and turn you loose on the world now I want this side to be a little darker over here maybe half the old fella that lived here is like the rest of us he probably probably ran out of space very quick and had to build a little on his cabin so maybe we should do that too I'll take a little bit more of the brown and let's come right in here and build him a shed we'll just put a little little roof right here coming out like so maybe this is where he keeps his firewood because undoubtedly this is cold now we need a little bit of snow on the roof so we just take a little bit titanium white and just come across there that should come across to this like so there we are now out here in the foreground a little bit more Brown need to put some walls on his little maybe over here just there cut good maybe these are boards here maybe these aren't logs maybe these are slabs so we'll just put some indication of some boards here and there okay now let's go right up in here and give him a couple of windows maybe he needs some windows we're looking at the back of his cabin so first we'll take out this paint that we have up here and let's go right into a little bit of a CAD yellow and we'll just put some light in his window just give him some light maybe he's got the old lantern on tonight if there's no electricity out here in the woods we'll take a little bit of the magic black on the liner brush and then just sort of outline the windows just a tiny bit this is a very thin paint some liquid so it flows there okay now now we need some more snow in there we just start right here begin bringing the snow forehead on down and angles are very very important when you're doing snow start right up in here there we go just let it come right on through hmm the net fun this magic black is so exciting there's so many things that can be done with it maybe in our next series will devote several shows to using the magic black and show you how it works now if you want to soften this snow a little bit it's very bright right now you can take the large brush and be very careful and follow the angles and just gently gently gently rub it you can blend it right into whatever degree of brightness darkness that you want always follow the angles Oh okay maybe we need a little maybe there's a little chimney right here we'll just throw it on just use a little bit of the great color in the small edge of the knife there we are maybe you can see the least little amount of red on his chimney and we won't have a fire going right now make this snow a little bit thicker on the roof and I think we're ready to ready to start playing with some other things now I'm going to take a fan brush and start out loading it with titanium white a lot of pain in the bristles and very deep very very deep into the bristles then go right over here into the gray color and load the tips so we've got the dark gray right on the tips and the white father down just double og brush and maybe we'll put a couple of pretty little evergreens that are sitting right in here and we start by just touching the canvas and we use just the corner of the brush and as we push harder the white shows up she has to put a little white highlight on that tree look at that son of a gun there now load a little bit more of the great color in here let's give him a little friend maybe maybe there's another little treat lives right here now we a couple of nice little evergreens right there and we can take clean brush and just lift up or just make it look sort of misty back okay I think maybe maybe we'll put a very large tree right over in here so I've got a little white in the bristles and I'll load it full of the gray color and remember this gray is made from phthalo green and alizarin crimson maybe maybe there's a large tree that just hangs right here nice big limbs would just hang out comes right over in front of the cabin here pick up a little bit of white and we can highlight this a little bit I'm just picking up a little bit of the slow and going back don't want these shapes too distinct is supposed to be late at night just indications now with the liner brush a little bit of paint thinner and a little bit of the yellow just a tiny bit of the yellow maybe want to put a little light reflecting across the snow here so we can just lay it on with a little bit of the liner it's barely touching that a little bit of the yellow shine out across the snow and we're not too worried at this time then we'll take the large brush and very gently just blend it right in you know the story is about yellow snow so be careful there there we go we'll wash our little liner brush maybe maybe there's up maybe there's a big tree right out in here let's start with some Van Dyke Brown let me clean off a spot to work here take Bandag Brown and maybe today we can let's get a close-up of what the knife looks like when it's loaded there's a small roll of paint right on the edge of the knife there you see that roll of paint that's what we work with okay now let's take him let's put a big tree right up through here all we're gonna do is touch the canvas just touch it the roll of paint just just comes off and makes your tree for you we just let this one go right on up you've got one side done now let's do the other side of the tree there we are and just keep going there and you can make as many trees as you want in your painting that's what's the nice about painting you create your own world and you control it you can make anything happen in your world that you want giving some roots down here I have something for him to stand up on and maybe maybe he's got a nice arm right here a little limb it just goes right on off the canvas there you might be able to see the beginning of another one over here somewhere and just put them where you think they should be Jenelle let's go into a little bit of the gray in white just a little bit and let's lay a little bit of highlight right along here just to make this tree stand out a little better just follow right on up the tree let it go a little bit of light shining on it want to keep this painting very dark Gil to give the impression of night and this trees is very thick when it's dry you can feel the bark on it it'll have dimension name is a little highlight right there little touch here and there there we go I knew you could do it and then here at the bottom maybe this little snow is sort of piled up on us on these little foots and you can take the large brush and very gently just blend that so I just flows right up a tree like so maybe maybe here and there I'll take a little bit of magic white this time a little bit of the gray color or what don't want it to get too bright maybe there's a little butcher tool it it's right along in here just a couple of the bushes it grow they're still hanging on and it sort of breaks up the little snowy areas and makes it look a little more interesting don't want to get carried away with these just a few okay I think we have a painting that's that's almost finished and ready for a signature some we use a little bit of thin oil and back to my permanent red always like to sign in permanent red and we'll just go right down in here and put a quick little signature on it you know if during the course of the series I don't answer all your questions please feel free to drop us a line and I'll try to answer any question that you have if there's things that you want to see that we're not painting let us know we'll try to paint them for your will will surely find somebody who can so on behalf of everybody here at the station we'd like to wish each and every one of you happy painting god bless we'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 4,343,050
Rating: 4.8703117 out of 5
Keywords: steven ross, bob ross twitch, bob ross full episode, wildlife, landscape, oil, alaska, joy of painting, bob ross marathon, happy trails, livestream, free, tv show, snow, the joy of painting, bob ross joy of painting full episode, host, drawing, painting, kappaross, brushes, happy accident, pastel, asmr, stream, mountain, chill, canvas, twitch, pbs, paint, art, bob ross asmr, bob ross inc, coloring, bob ross painting, full episode, garden, happy trees, ocean, lake, bob ross, beauty is everywhere
Id: 8ysFkNYwhAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2016
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