Bob Ross - Hidden Creek (Season 13 Episode 6)

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hello I'm truly glad you joined me today because today we're going to do something a little bit different and I believe you're going to really enjoy this one let me tell you what I've done up here I've taken just a plain old canvas stretch canvas and I've covered this whole area here with black gesso as you can see I've allowed that to dry completely and then all this area I have covered with a mixture of phthalo blue SAP green and a little touch of Van Dyck Brown and just to dull it down so and then we've just taken the two inch version and put this all over I'm going to do a nice dark dark painting today so in paintings like this all this big dark hair you here you can use the black gesso and it's already done for you let's start off and hammer on all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and while they're doing that let's go on up here and get finished I'm just using the two inch brush to apply this base color on here and maybe I'll have some big limbs hanging out here so we can begin working on some basic shapes this is just liquid white up in this portion playing canvas nothing on it and see maybe up in here maybe we're going to have a big tree so we can just take the color that's left on the brush and just tap in a basic shape of a happy tree that lives right up in here and all we're doing is using the corner of the brush and tapping it down all we're looking for once again is very very basic shaped not looking for detail at this point later on we'll worry about that there and a little bit more of that color shoot who knows maybe they'll be we can have one over here to wherever you want I want this to look like it's deep in the woods beautiful little place to just to play and hide okay and then let's have some fun take a fan brush today go into a least little touch of the cadmium yellow get a little yellow ocher also we'll use them together yellow ochre and kid Hill oh let's go back up here I want to I want to have some spots back here where it looks like light shining through so take the brush and get mean with a disco in here and hip and turn it now there's green on the canvas so and blue so you're gonna get that you're gonna get all these pretty little colors that just show through and here and there pick up a little white see how that lightens it up makes all kinds of effect so you have white can yellow yellow ocher just hit here and there just to random and spin the brush keep it moving don't let that sound I'm gonna go to sleep on you keep it moving then we'll take a clean dry 2 inch brush and very lightly I'm just gonna lift that up and down just as easy as it can be and hopefully if everything works right that'll look like there's a little bit of light shining through a lot of trees when we're done so let's get another fan brush I have several of them going here and we'll go into straight midnight black load a lot of paint into the bristles both sides King now back in here all we do is just tap downward and begin putting the indication of little trees that live far far away back here these are far back in the distance so we're not looking for a lot of detail there hmm and that's sneaky and just sort of stag you trees around you know trees grow a girl however makes them happy suggests wherever you think you should be a tree that's where you should be if we can take our script liner brush with paint thinner on it and go right into some black we want to thin this paint tell us literally like ink and with that just here and there put the indication a little limbs that are growing out of these trees I'm looking for a lot of detail once again I think I'll probably put some big trees in front of this and we'll cover up a lot of this there say just let that paint flow on there like so well I have it'll brush going on when I had a little Brown to it so I have Van Dyke Brown and midnight black and a little more paint thinner okay maybe right here in this big old tree it needs a trunk so we'll just pull that right on up - you can go from the large part up or from the small part down whichever way works best for you try it both ways some people find one way works better some find the other way works or each different and just test it see how it works for you just the indication here and there in a few little limbs and sticks maybe back over here you can make out some little things that are happening I don't want these two distinct these are just little indications back in there all kinds of pretty little things happening we back in the distance baby there's even one it goes back there wherever you think they should be in your world that's exactly where they should be okay now then I'll tell you what we're just use a one-inch brush that you could do it with any brush but we'll use a one-inch I'm going to it takes in that dark color we're going to some yellow this will use all the different yellows Indian yellow yellow ochre CAD yellow we just tap it a little bit of color just tap the brush though like that okay now maybe there's a few little highlights on these trees that are we back in here once again I don't want too much detail back here it'll destroy that illusion of distance just a little just weird little lights shining through there and playing in the little leaves or sparkly it's all we're looking for there it's black gesso is fantastic for as I mentioned earlier for areas that it you in that you have a lot of dark and paintings save you a lot of time there and it's designed specifically for this type of painting so it works good there may be over here on this tree there's a few little things just wherever you on them hope you like this little painting I continually try to bring you new and different things so you don't get bored with it not only in in painting - I try to bring you new things but also an equipment I'm continually designing new and different pieces of equipment that help make painting easier so you get the best results and I hope you hope you enjoy them here I'm just going to start with some individual little bushes and begin dropping in some highlights but work with form over and over si then work with form and shape the hair we go lights coming through here just as hanging down have fun there see how easy this is just tapping it's all you have to do is just tap maybe this one here or you just barely can make out a little bit on him there I designed this tapping because people were having so much trouble trying to push upward where the brush should making it work so this is a lot easier you'll find it anybody can do this with almost no practice the thing to spend time with is is worrying about shape and form that's where it happens okay well I guess about dark green on here that's begin but again some of the dark areas on these big limbs that are back in here this is a very dark very dark green this is where we start laying out some of our basic form and shape I get that and we're just using the corner of the brush just tapping down right that easy okay maybe there it is there is you knew it was there this one there we'll come back later maybe will brighten those highlights up so you can make them as bright or as dark as you want them maybe over in here there's some basic little shapes that live in there and play we back here in the dark just think about the limbs that are projecting in all kind of directions and that beautiful way though to make deep in the woods effect and you can do this with any color on the black canvas it works super any transparent color and the way to tell if a color is transparent enough to do this win it just rub a little bit on you can't black canvas if it still looks black then your colors transparent enough for what we're doing here and as soon as you rub some on a black canvas you'll understand exactly what I'm saying if it doesn't make any sense now hmm okay now then maybe you know me I love water so maybe we'll have a little bit of water in here so I'm going to start off and have a little land back here first and we'll use this old dirty brush so two-inch brush and I'll just tap right into some of my CAD yellow and SAP green and yellow ochre and all those colors all the yellows and decide where your land area is gonna be look at there see look at that isn't that fantastic beautiful soft grassy area just by tapping with a big old brush yes begin forming a lay of the land the way the land flows there okay and maybe maybe up in here maybe in your world there's a little bit of light shining through there the sunbeams just singing through there and it's having a good time go right into titanium white just a little touch of titanium white and then come back and just Sparkle that where you want the Sun to really zing through and shine just Sparkle now for it to be effective don't overdo it's easy because it starts looking so nice it's easy to do too much don't overdo just a little bit here and there is extremely effective too much will bother you ting and just all kinds of little shapes see the little dark areas in between these that's what separates them that's your friend take care of it treat it nice don't hurt that I need to get darker darker darker back here in these trees in the woods and stuff darker darker darker so it looks like is big shadows okay there we go just bring it right on out wherever you want it and this is just done by tapping that's all there is to it are you doing this just tap tap tap just like the old tap dancers did that's all you have to do tap out a happy little tune here let it go okay we said was going to have some water let me get another brush and let's have some water right into here someone going in too we were right into some titanium white just pull a little bit onto the brush okay now we have color on the canvas so decide decide where your water lives touch the canvas and pull straight down just sort of give it a little snap pull downward and because it's wet underneath it'll mix for that color and you automatically get all these effects you don't have to worry about them they just happen there we go and the more the titanium white paint you put on your canvas the brighter this will be so you have to make some big decisions here how bright do you want it I would suggest that since this is your brightest area on the land it'd also be the brightest area in water fair now very lightly come across just enough to give it a water effect don't want to destroy and you can push this you can push it and put it give it the impression that the water shimmering stare with yeah it would take some more of a dark color here I'll just use this little brush and maybe there's another little Peninsula Vlad over here because we want that maybe to go around it sort of hide back here somewhere all I'm doing this tapping on some dark color into that will add some highlights there we go okay I'm back to my little highlight brush and you can do it once again with one or two inch brush whatever is handy we put our little highlights on see in my world if the light shining through there this is gonna be quite bright in here but then it's very quickly over the other side this Hill here is gonna get darker darker darker so you use less and less pressure here are you just barely touching the canvas just you just caress it barely touching very gentle very very gentle and then if we want to have a little reflection there would take a little of our titania money and pull it down just help spark lit up something go straight down and go across and once again you're gonna wiggle parts of it here and ask wherever you want it and that easy there we go okay now then let's start putting us some land masses in their wheels take some Van Dyck Brown then take Browns dark sienna titanium white we'll just mix that together about like so don't over mix it just not like so just pull it through and leave it cut off a little roll of paint just a small amount of paint and let's go right up in here and wherever we think land should be then let's just put in a little touch of land there just really scrub it maybe it comes right around there and there is some more little rule of paint though okay maybe here maybe this begins coming like there maybe it comes right on around my kiss wherever you want it see there you could change your mind right in midstream there's no commitments in this anything that you want you can do maybe we'll just maybe this is an old old dried-up area here just a bank and all I'm doing is just rubbing a little bit of color like it there that's fantastic that's some of that dark color show through some of that black show through wherever you want to go maybe just sort of fades off back here into the shadows then darker darker darker as it goes back no shadows and the more you rub this the darker it's gonna become because it's picking up the color it's underneath that easy there we go I like to do these where you use the knife a great deal and some of the earlier series we've showed entire paintings done with nothing but the knives and you can do it's a superb way to make friends with that knife super way tame maybe on the other side here over here I'll tell you what let's have a little dirt over here to tell what this side left out comes right around my cat brighten that up a little bit so it shows up see this would let it sneak ready from appearing to the all the little grassy areas yeah we take a fan brush I put a little bit of titanium white on it it may be back in here I hear there's some little ripples happen this is quite small we got a little more paint maybe it comes right on down here there's a tiny little D up there you're right a little waterfall is right there just a tiny one just coming over that little protrusion and then he comes right on out here into that wider Parton goes on about his way so all there is to it and he just goes on around and we don't know where he goes came back to my fan brush it has a dark color let's get crazy over here shoot we're having so much fun and doing so well back to the midnight black a lot of paint into the bristles a lot of color about of color okay maybe there's some big trees that live just sort of decide make a decision and yep you're right there's a tree these trees are closer to you so they're bigger they're stronger there's more detail in them tell you what let's have it just have another one right there and we could get really crazy and maybe we over here there's even a bigger one but doesn't it make a beautiful effect very simply you can make deep dark woods without working hardly at all go back to my liner brush paint thinner on it now you really want this paint to be as thin as ink so it flows turn the brush turn the bristles in there and pull it out to a sharp point that's what we're looking for now then let's just put the indication here in there some tree trunks just hearing their eyes I'm sorry not tree-trunks we got those some tree limbs there sometimes your tongue gets over your eye teeth you can't see what you're seeing there okay let's let some of those run through there's some coming out in front of the tree they're all which way here wherever there and you can strengthen up this trunk a little weak right there so you can just use a liner brush and add a little more so to stand out good and strong now if you get to where your paint does not want to flow as I mentioned earlier add some paint thinner normally that'll cure your problem there we go you know one of the reasons I like to design so many things when I was in school I was in college my major was engineering until I changed art so for several years I studied engineering so there's all kinds of crazy things I've designed and developed and they're all over the country and they're being used by people all over I guess that's a compliment there okay more little lambs here and there I decided in school that I liked to paint more than I like to design bridges and buildings and all those kind of things there seemed to me like it was a heck horrifying heck of a lot more fun now then here and there just dead little sticks and twigs wherever you think they should live just wherever and these little sticks and twigs help add detail to your painting and these details are that's what makes your painting stand out so Adam in the more the merrier you'll really like them to pay great dividends ok maybe tell you Hart we get a little more thinner oh my it's going the other side over here maybe over here lives yeah some big ol they go big old big old tree Levin grows right out deep in the woods you have all kinds of beautiful beautiful tree limbs at home so don't be afraid to paint them in there let them go and I'm go wherever you want him maybe he's got an arm it hangs out over here maybe down in here there's all kind of little sticks and twigs and these are going to be big trees one day if you take care of them there see back in ears were all the little creatures hide the little bunny rabbits and the squirrels I think I mentioned on one of the earlier shows I'm I have two little baby squirrels I'm raising now he was tearing down an old house we threw out of boxing so how do I got to little squirrels rolled out so you know me I had to take them home and I probably spent a fortune on and I say the best fed squirrels in the country they don't eat nothing but walnuts and almonds they'll never going to make it on the outside they're gonna be out there looking for those walnut trees there's not many of those growing in Florida and that's where I found them right there well limbs here and there okay I tell you what sometimes it just get brave maybe maybe there's an old treated a little more thinner see if it dawned with a dud and flow right add more thinner there we go maybe this old tree just cruise right up through there I can't and you can put little arms on him and they just reach out here maybe this can't maybe this one's dead sometimes people write me letters me they don't like the fact that I put dead trees in the painting but when I go to the woods I see dead trees I think it's part of nature but if you don't want dead trees in your painting then leave them out all I want to do is show you how to make these what you put in them is it completely up to you but if you have time take a picture of your paintings and send to me I love to see what you're doing it really it makes a lot of hard work about a lot of people worthwhile and every once in a while we put them together on a board and try to show them show what everybody's doing and maybe you'll see your painting on here so if you have time just take a little photograph to send them in we'd really like to see it okay now then I go back to my little one-inch brush I'm gonna go into some CAD yellow and just tap in a little bit of color here just a little color I want to sort of separate these leave we say we come back and brighten those a little so let's do that just out here we think the Sun would strike Italy to really shine jazzed here there like so there and that's all there is to it and in your world you sort of look and designed your own painting and as I've mentioned before we all see nature through different eyes so look around where you're at and do a fantastic painting with this black gesso you really love it I'm gonna sign this when you will take a little rib let's just sign it right here then the paint with paint thinner plus absolutely like ink and then it'll flow and you can just assign your name and you signed it in whatever color that you want whatever color makes you happy and that easy we have a sign painting I certainly hope you've enjoyed this painting it'll it'll teach you some new things you'll get you started on a world that maybe you haven't tried before so give it a shot and from all of us here happy painting and god bless you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 740,105
Rating: 4.9025369 out of 5
Keywords: asmr, paint, joy of painting, tv show, chill, landscape, bob ross, twitch, free, bob ross full episode, bob ross marathon, brushes, livestream, mountain, full episode, oil, beauty is everywhere, pbs, alaska, drawing, happy trees, bob ross painting, pastel, stream, bob ross inc, the joy of painting, ocean, canvas, coloring, wildlife, steven ross, art, bob ross joy of painting, happy trails, painting, happy accident, host, snow, kappaross, bob ross twitch, lake, bob ross asmr
Id: KmoRz01bm0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2016
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