Bob Ross Painting, Knife Only, Cabins and Barns (ASMR) (Volume 1)

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now on this side i'm going to use white with a little bit of the gray color in it just enough to dull it down we don't want it too bright and we'll just start here and pull down just like so you can lay out your basic shape of your cabin and then fill it in now over on this side of the roof we need a little bit of snow over there okay and we can come in here and put some boards right here just pulling straight down over here there we go and had a super way to make a little cabin and all buildings work basically the same it's just a matter of angles and perspective if we had shows that were a little bit longer gosh i'd love to show you some fantastic buildings there we go now maybe we want to turn this into a maybe like a log cabin so we can take some brown and some white maybe we'll put a tiny bit of umber into it burnt umber want to keep it quite dark we don't want it to get too bright yet and just touch give it a little pull just to make it look like little little logs there there we go just touch and sort of pull there don't don't get it too bright there we go okay now we can go sort in the opposite direction and put some logs going this way and all we do is touch sort of give it a little downward pull this time just a little don't overdo and just work right across in layers there it'll sort of give you an impression of little logs now when you're at home and you have unlimited time you could take your little liner brush and really put some detail in there as i've said before if we run over 30 minutes here they they yell at me a lot and kick me off the set so we'll try to keep it very simple just to give you some ideas all we want to do is give you ideas and teach you how to do this fantastic method and turn you loose on the world now i want this side to be a little darker over here maybe now if the old fellow that lived here is like the rest of us he probably probably ran out of space very quick and had to build a little shed on his cabin so maybe we should do that too i'll take a little bit more of the brown and let's come right in here and build him a shed we'll just put a little little roof right here coming out like so maybe this is where he keeps his firewood because undoubtedly this is cold now we need a little bit of snow on the roof so we just take a little titanium white and just come across there that should come across just like so there we are now out here in the foreground a little bit more brown i need to put some walls on his little shed maybe over here just there good good maybe these are boards here maybe these aren't logs maybe these are slabs so we'll just put some indication of some boards here and there okay now let's go right up in here and give him a couple of windows maybe he needs some windows we're looking at the back of his cabin so first we'll take out this paint that we have up here and let's go right into a little bit of a cad yellow and we'll just put some light in his window just give him some light maybe he's got the old lantern on tonight if there's no electricity out here in the woods we'll take a little bit of the magic black on the liner brush and then just sort of outline the windows just a tiny bit this is a very thin paint it's a liquid so it flows there okay now maybe we need a little maybe there's a little chimney right here we'll just throw it on just use a little bit of the gray color in the small edge of the knife there we are maybe you can see the least little amount of red on his chimney and we won't have a fire going right now okay make the snow a little bit thicker on the roof and i think we're ready to ready to start playing with some other things now then we can just take the knife and begin blocking some of this in there's the back eaves have no barn that has a projection out there i like those i like those something about like him there comes out down don't need a back side for the whole rascal we're just blocking in color here don't worry about it i'm using that same brown that i made from the alizarin crimson and the sap green and here we need a front on our barn so we'll just drop it in there and aside like that maybe it's got a maybe there's an old shed that comes out here on the side probably none of this makes sense yet but i i can sort of see it in my mind and that's really all you have to do if you can just sort of visualize things then off you go gosh what started out to be a little barn is going to end up being a big barn but that's okay we need a place to put the old cow there we go and all this would just fill in all right maybe today hey what let's do let's get crazy let's take the old filbert brush i'm going to take some of that brown that i made and we'll use the old filbert brown be right back get a little touch of the red a lot of paint on there just really gob it on so just pull it through there but don't over mix your color there's all kinds of colors going on in there now very gently you just touch this and let's just start pulling it down barely touch though barely touch just enough to let the paint come off and it'll make it look like old boards there old wood just enough just enough that it drags the paint off the brush there it's just it's very gentle it's like putting snow on the mountain very very gentle barely touch you could do this with a knife if you wanted to i thought maybe they would just do it with this doesn't much matter it's up to you there a little more of that red in there just so it sort of matches everything this is a super way of making old wood and a little bit of the dark color went a little darker up here because they'd be a little shadow cast from the top something like that let's get the knife we'll take a little bit of yellow yellow ochre a little bit of red a little bit of that brown we made but don't over mix it leave it sort of marbled so when you cut off that little roll of paint you have all these colors they're living right here in this roll on your knife i just want to touch now and let it just bounce just let it bounce and make it look like an old old roof on this thing it's like me it's had a hard laughing this one's probably seen it's a better day there there comes a little point out there on the barn i like to paint old barns they're a lot of fun a lot of fun and i travel i see barns all over sometimes i stop and take pictures of them it's a good way to to make your reference library on old buildings or even trees and clouds and stuff like that shoot stop and take pictures of them save them i have a i have a file i guess you would call it of photographs and pictures and ideas that people have sent from all over the country and that's where a lot of these ideas come from go through there and look at them and see what kind of scenes are that people are sending in and that they want to see painted and that's where we get a lot of so if you have some ideas you want done send me a photograph maybe maybe one day you'll see it on here there just put a little highlight along the edge maybe a little bit there just so it stands out okay wipe the old knife off now just take a little bit of brown on the knife and just touch here and there just to give a little division between the individual boards slabs whatever you want to call them just a little division between them there see how easy that is you can really make old old looking wood like that it's not that difficult over here i want this to be almost almost dark very dark but almost the color we painted it originally now we can come back with a knife and just do a barnectomy we just cut the barn off so it's where we want it something about like so now let's take some let's take some midnight black come right in here put a door in gotta have a place for the old cow to get in there there take a little bit of brown just go around sort of outline the door shoot that's not so bad we got us a little barn right there that easy now maybe in our barn let's make some more of that brown crimson sap green mixed together didn't mix up enough to start with okay let's just sort of have an idea maybe here there's an old path gotta have a way for the cow to get up to the barn maybe when the storm comes he has to go up here and hide so we'll just put a little bit of color right on here like this there have a path that goes up into the barn all right wipe off the knife because every so often we like to put them together and show them here so send me a photograph of what you're doing share it with us and and we'll share it with the tv audience and let everybody see it if you don't mind if you don't want it shown on tv if you send a picture just just say so we'll respect that there let's go right here and we can just use a little bit of this brown and sort of decide where we want everything to live touch pull all we're doing blocking in color get some dark on there so our light will show maybe it comes down like maybe maybe it's got a longer roof on the other side see some old houses are like heaven just like so there and we have that brown there we just block in some sides in front maybe maybe this is a i don't know what kind of building is maybe it's no barn you decide you could make it a little house or a barn or whatever whatever now we'll take some white a little bit of that brown color and just mix it together there we are something like so cut us off a little roll of paint about that touch see just go down like that but you got to make that little noise or it doesn't work and our lights coming from here so that'll be the brightest side same color i'll add a little dark sienna van dyke brown to it same color though same color there i go that noise again really some reason maybe it's the exhaling of air or something but it really does seem to make it work a little better there gently create the illusion of the old building now then in our old building let's have some boards we'll take some van dyke brown here just a small roll and just touch just touch see there create the illusion of some boards want a few on this side there they are there they are let them go let them go we're going to have one neat building here in a minute we'll take our two inch brush and only one hair and some air just barely caress barely just barely oh just barely touch it if you want to smooth it out you may like it a little rougher i want to smooth this one out a little bit though so it's up to you let me take the little knife i like that little knife and let's put a door in here maybe i'll just put a big old door like that and we'll let everybody figure out what their own building is see a little light right there round two there we are for the roof for the roof we'll take some white a little bit of brown maybe at least a little touch of black in there oh yeah graze it down some more but don't over mix it i want a lot of things happening right there on the knife and we touch and this is where if you're a little nervous it'll pay great dividends just touch let it work its way down there i go with those noises again there now just a tiny little bit on the other side just so there's a little light zinging through there shoot we got a pretty nice looking little building there we can live with that try to keep that a little bit higher if you put that a little lower which is almost a natural tendency it'll look like your cabin is sort of well maybe the front of it fell down into a hole i live in florida and sometimes there's we have sink holes there it almost looks like your cabin fell into a sinkhole see that all right let's just put a little i'll just use dark sienna and van dyke brown mostly randy brown let's just lay in all i'm doing is laying in some color now just laying in some color there you could do this with a cement trowel it didn't matter a little something like that see and the bottom at this point don't be concerned with because you can come along here with your knife and do a cabinectomy and decide exactly where everything should live that easy now maybe we said this was going to be a log cabin or something that gives you the impression of a log kevin so we'll take a little brown and white and let's just come along in here and think about this angle right here and let's just tap in some little indications here and there see there all right okay just drop it in there and we can take that dark color we picked up earlier and go back and help create that illusion there over in here this is going to be very dark on this side we don't want much color over here i think i'll put a tree there what the heck put the indication of the end of the logs just using the point of the knife that easy maybe we got a door in here let's put a little door we gotta have a way to get in and out that's all there is to it put in a little door a little light around the door now we need a little let's put a little snow up here on the roof see there but just pull it down just pull down we said we'd have a tree in front of us so we don't have to worry much about the back of it at this point we do need a little bit of snow over on this side just so there's snow on both sides now let me go back now then we can start off with just titanium white we can sort of outline this decide where you want it to live and do like that and then bring your paint in that's probably the easiest way to get a nice smooth edge there sometimes when you get my age you get a little shaky in it you need all the help you can get there now then we want a corresponding angle on the other side because there'd be snow on the other on the other roof see about like so bring it right down and then we need to put some boards in that old barn use some van dyke brown touch of dark sienna pull it out very flat flat as you can get it and cut you off a little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife now we can go in here and we create the overhang if a little that white gets in there it makes it look like little boards and then you have to decide how tall he is you have to make all kind of big decisions there he goes see there that easy okay now then we have the other side over here like that and we said there was going to be a little shed on this barn so just take the white and come right out like so there he goes there and once again we need some boards underneath there let me clean off my knife and we'll put some sides in the front right on the little shed okay now with a knife you can sort of take and clean up the bottom of it you have to make a decision here where you want it to be i think we're going to have a little snow bank that comes around like that now then take a little dark sienna some white mix them together cut off that little roll of paint again okay now that let's just go up here and just sort of touch and give it a little pull just a little sideways pull make it look like old boards and leave some cracks this is an old barn it's old and it's tired and winter's been rough on it okay and then we can come right along here just drop them in now the other side we just add some van dyke brown and make this side much darker much darker and then once again you just take your knife and do a cabinectomy you just take off whatever you don't want okay now we need a we need a way to get into this old barn so let's build us a door to straight old van dyke brown decide where the door is going to be and just pull it down see there that easy that easy you've got a door in there take a touch of white maybe there's a little white right around here just firm up the edges a little bit of dark this is just van dyke brown and you can really increase the illusion of old boards here just by touching and we'll take off all that excess paint now see all of god's creations ah and no place did he have a better day than alaska oh god it's gorgeous there it is gorgeous i love it i miss it there all right all i'm doing is just blocking in a little color now take a little white a little dark sienna maybe a little bandai too and white but mix it so it's marbled but i'm marbled i mean not over mixed has a lot of things happening in it see there all the little doers cut off our little roll of paint now we said this was going to be a little cabin so let's put the indication of some little duders in there like that go back across this way make some little log-looking things that's all there is to it take a little bit of the van dyke brown on the knife and we go back and just sort of just sort of line them up a little like so that's all that's well i'll make a darker brown now for the side because in my mind it's not dark enough in my mind not as much light would hit over here something about like that that gives us an idea of how to make a little cabin now then we need we need some snow on the roof this reminds me some places i used to see in oregon and even into utah and etc beautiful places there beautiful we need a door got to be able to get in and out of our little cabin our door lives right there there we are now we can come back with our knife do a little cabinectomy there maybe maybe we'll take just a point of the knife cut in a few little sticks and twigs just hanging there and if you want to twig this a little wider turn the knife sideways and it'll make wider little sticks and trunks and stuff if you want them real skinny use it straight on and i use just the point of the knife tell you what let's have a little let's have a little house right there we back the distance i'll start with some van dyke brown and and we'll make a decision maybe it lives right there and we'll do the eaves see that's sort of a nice way just to lay it out here goes the roof goes right over like that see you just lay out a basic shape pull it all together there just barely barely touching the canvas you need an overhang down through here there we go i don't want this to get too big i want to be far away okay let's take some van dyke brown some white little burnt umber and we'll put some highlight on this old building here barely barely touch barely touch barely touch it just let it whisper through now we have to make a decision what kind of roof does it have does it have a shingle roof flat roof what do we want okay let's take some permanent red and we'll use a little edge of the knife and maybe we'll just drop a few little indications of some shingles just touching pulling at the top of this one over left the other one just let them overlap and you can put all the little shingles you want on here it's a super way to make very simple little shingle grooves we need a door maybe this is an old barn type building we'll put a big door in it maybe it's just an old barn the farmer head sitting out here a little bit of white make that door stand out and when you're painting buildings you know you can change your mind maybe maybe right out here there's an old shed on this building maybe this old farmer here was like me he ran out of room so he started putting additions on to it need a front side take just a little paint put some boards in there just cut right through the paint got just a tiny bit of white paint on the knife okay let's put some indication of the shape of the roof chances are he probably put some shingles over here on this little shed there we go just like that have some fun today i'm gonna go i got to do this i got it it's fun i like to make little cabins and little shacks in the woods so let's do one pull the paint out very flat this is van dyke brown cut across get our little roll of paint okay now then make a big decision where does your little house live i think he lives right there there and here's other side of the roof there we go now these are very simple little little houses and little cabins but if you learn to do them then big big buildings are just little buildings that had a shot of vitamins the principles are all the same no matter what size your building is see and it doesn't matter right here all you're doing is blocking in color we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents learn to work with whatever happens whatever happens okay that gives us a basic shape to work with now we can add some white to some dark sienna pull it out very flat once again get that small roll of paint on the knife let's go right in here and just barely touch and pull it down like so now the other side here we'll make it by just pulling down like that now some dark color come across gives us a door we need a door for a little house there we go gotta have a way to get in and out a little bit of light color around the edges and that fixes him up now you take a clean point of the knife just go down make it look like little little boards in this shack i'll tell you what we'll take a little bit of the blue color just make the indication of a little window there now with a knife you can cut this off just cut it off and create create all kinds of shape now then let's come right in here just use a little bit more of the dark sienna and i'll just pop in the indication of some little things happening up here on the roof that easy that is i want to keep this roof quite dark dark now then maybe this will help help it stand out we'll just take some a little bit of light color and come right along here just highlight the edge a little see that makes it jump right out at you right out at you now then maybe there's a happy little cabin there i like doing these little cabins and they're so simple cut off a little bit of brown see pull it out flat and get that little roll of paint okay let's go up here maybe this little cabin lives right here in the woods wouldn't that be a super place to have a little a little house to come and hide okay let's give him the roof and a little front on the cabin both sides see there just just a quick little happy cabin and a little bit over here this is just van dyke brown dark sienna just mixed together okay then we can take a touch of brown and white and we can throw a little highlight on there little on this side soon just a touch just a touch boy that's a rough looking old cabin hunter built this one a long time ago he was out here maybe there was a maybe there was a beaver lived out here and he came out here and trapped a trap to animals maybe one day he had a couple of drinks too many and fell off in the lake here and the old cabins just sort of went went back to nature okay let's take a little that same brown color let's put some little happy things up here on the roof just touch and just let it sort of bounce down like that let's take at least a little bit of white and maybe just just sort of highlight this edge so it just stands out a little bit just so it stands out a tiny bit that old cabin seen its better day now now you can cut it off see you can do a cabinet to me just sort of zip off whatever you don't want work out your perspective then we go back to our round brush let's have some bushes and some weeds that are growing all up around he didn't cut his grass very good either okay some more brown maybe there's some happy stones that just live right in here little path just all kinds of little stones a little brown and white for some highlight don't cover all your dark just sort of hit it here and there and we'll take a bit in you could do anything here a little bit of van dyke brown we'll put the back eve in first just that easy okay here comes the front nice straight edge right along there there it goes and i'm pushing this paint into the fabric don't worry about the bottom we'll do a cabinectomy when we get to that point and then we'll make big decisions there we go just whack that right off when we get ready see there and take now we need the other side the roof there it is maybe it comes to about there i don't know wherever you want it to be wherever some sides over here let's really get crazy maybe this guy put a little put a little room out here on this little house so we can do that too maybe it comes from right here see got another little area it's that easy that's what's so fantastic about this you can change your mind do anything that you want make up little stories just let these things happen let it come down and all we're doing is just blocking in color that's really all we're doing that's all we're doing there okay now then let's take let's take some bright red bright red some dark sienna let's mix those together like so i'm gonna put a little touch of yellow ochre in here too it's such a beautiful day here i hope it is where you're at we'll just sparkle this up cut off our little roll of paint just a small roll of paint and let's begin coming right down here barely touching barely barely touching no pressure no pressure at all like so maybe even a little touch more the yellow ocher and she will even put a little white now i want this to sparkle a little more oh that's it that's it that's it that's what we're looking for look at that in that something there we go and over in here we'll put a little bit right in there maybe there's a little dark area in between these two you can do that now got to put something on the roof for that i'm just going to take some black and titanium white and just mix it together add a little bit of the van dyke brown there just to give it leave it marbled don't over mix it and we'll come right down here and all you do is touch and just let it bounce gotta make a little noise so it doesn't work just touch it and let the knife just bounce as it works right down here look at that see it's all there is to it on this part of the roof since it comes this way touch and once again just let it bounce let it bounce right on down right on down there we go all right now this is a much darker color and we'll come right in here same color but darker and put in the front of this rascal and sometimes on these edges it's nice to put a nice bright area so they really stand out so the edges stand out from each other darken this one a little bit there we are shoot we got a heck of a little house there that's coming along pretty nice we'll take a little bit of the van deck round and let's make the indication of some boards here there we are see how easy you can make it look like it's old boards now if you want to soften that if you want to make it look very soft and smooth you can take the large brush and lightly barely barely barely caressing the canvas just pull gently down gently down you know what we need we need a door gotta have a way to get in there it's not that easy we'll put us in a little door there just cut right around there with a little bit of light color just to make that little door stand down shoot tell you what over here maybe there's a window when he put that section of the house in maybe he wanted a way to look out see all this beautiful scenery there we go a few little board indications over here and a little touch of roof on the other side you gotta have that there so it stands out shoot that's not a bad looking little house i sort of like start off with titanium white pull it out very flat cut across and we get our little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife now that big decision time so here let's start and begin laying snow right out here on the roof angles are very important very important just pull that rascal down now out here if you want to make this edge nice and sharp you can come along that way see and then come back and smooth it out sneaky huh and then just smooth it out like so there you go and that's part of our roof i'm going to go into a little bit of the van dyke brown get a little roll of paint and we'll do this back eve here and for that we just pull it over like that now we'll take a mixture of dark sienna and van dyke brown and just sort of mix it a little bit not much just don't over mix it cut off a little bit once again that roll of paint so important now then let's take that and just begin pulling down remember we have a chimney in here we're going to put a chimney in this one remember that so you can sort of save a little spot there for your chimney we don't want this old guy that lives out here to freeze to death same color right out there see there that's all there is to it now that gives us a basic shape now then i'm gonna take some white a little bit of the titanium white a touch of the dark sienna in it and maybe the least least little touch of bright red dark sienna touch of bright red that's so strong and a white more dark sand i want that darker see you make the decision however you want it there let's see leave your paint like this don't over mix it get a little roll of paint and all those colors are right there in that row let's go up here now that you can touch no pressure no pressure no pressure pull down pull down let it break let them holes in there it'll give the illusion of age it looks old like me there see there now that on the other side of this little cabin i want to be much darker much darker so same color i just added brown to it see here same color but it's much darker so there's a distinct difference distinct difference now take some brown let's put our little chimney up here we come right up in here and it came down like so see a slight angle down down like right on the cross i'll tell you what i'm gonna get my little knife a little knife is so good for these little places and we'll go right in here and i want this one to sort of go upward upward so it gives the illusion that this chimney is square a little bit right down through there because most of that chimney is inside the house we won't see it i'll take some bright red some bright red and a little bit of van dyke brown and i'm going to mix it together maybe these are bricks so easy way to just make indications just touch and just sort of let the knife bounce as you work down flip up now if you don't make that little noise it won't work gotta have that little noise gotta have it and maybe just a few over here but show the difference in angle that way it'll it'll make it square and tell you what right along the top up here maybe there's a little snow laying up here there we go just a touch of snow clean off my knife and talking about speaking of a touch of snow on this side of the roof over here we need we need a little bit of snow on that side of the roof now said we might put a porch on this one so i think we're doing all right for time let's do it take some a little bit of brown and just sort of come right out here i'm not using much brown just a little because i want a little bit of to show through right into the white bring your porch right out like that see there that easy and easy now we need a floor so same thing under here bring it out roughly the same angle like so a little touch of highlight would sneak under here not a whole bunch because it's gonna be pretty dark under there pretty dark and then we'll give it a little distance that easy boy you know what you know what we need something to hold this porch up so let's just put a rail or two in here just like so see there that's easy bad easy you got a little rail and since our lights coming from this direction put a little light on those there and we can put the indication of a board or two here just using a dark color that simple if you wanted a window you could just scrape in a couple windows isn't that easy i knew you could do that i'll tell you what let's do let's have some fun today let's put a happy little house right in here now there's a lot of ways you can do it let me let me show you here probably one of the simplest ways i'm just going to take a little paint so you can see it you can just sort of scrape in a basic shape here see there's part of the roof see and then it comes down maybe like so and the other side and here and then you need something there and there you can do this just to sort of build yourself a little outline and then you can start filling it in and we'll take van dyke brown a little bit of the dark sand in it and we'll begin building us a house right here just like so really push this into the fabric push hard very hard i want this i want this color to just grind right into the right into the material there van dyke brown a little bit of dark sienna there we go there we go tell you what maybe maybe this whole fellow that lives here is like me he needs a it needs a little shed out here so we can go ahead and lay that in right now gotta make those little noises or it doesn't work see right now we're just blocking in color we could care less we'll come back and separate all this yeah i know you're saying bob you really you've really done it this time and you may be right maybe right we'll see now we're putting a little roof up here okay there we are doesn't that look just like a house oh it doesn't okay well we'll work on it a little bit more then see what we can do okay i'm going to take some bright red some bandai brown a little dark sienna i'll touch a little touch of white in there just to just to brighten it up so just to brighten it up there we go now then this time let's use the little edge of the knife see that little roll of paint okay let's go ahead up there now then go back here on this back and let's start like that it doesn't matter where you go here because you can just cut it off when you when you put the other building on there look at that looks like happy little shingles back here that easy this is a old tired building now then let's come right down in here see and we pick out this next eve there it is comes right across there you knew that take a this is a titanium white i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a little bit of black to that and make a nice gray color titanium white with a little midnight black oh that's much nicer much nicer there we go there we go now go back with a tiniest little bit of black let's put some let's put some lines in here like boards all right then with a clean knife we just grab it and pull down just a tiny bit so it picks up the least little touch look at there look at that it makes all kinds of old looking effects okay all kinds of old things now then now then i'll take some more the midnight black and titanium white make us that gray color again pull it out let's go right up in here and pull this one down just pull him down pulling down doesn't matter if a little bit of that brown mixes in makes it look old see there look at there all those pretty things happen and i'm gonna go right along this edge here and firm it up with just a little dark color just so it's a little bit firmer back to my black then we can go right through here and put see just put these little rascals back in there and don't don't get these too perfect you want this to be an old house this wood is weathered it's really caught the devil out here now barely touch just graze the canvas caress the canvas barely barely touch it give it these little pull downs let some oh there's a nice one see you can sit there with your one haired brush for a week trying to get those and and here just sort of happens okay now then let's do let's do the other side i want a darker gray oh there's a nice gray for this side of the building see maybe tell you what maybe even a little darker yet i want it distinctly different much darker yes this one's in shadow you don't see as much don't see as much but we can still see that there's some little boards running up through there like that same thing grab them give them a little pull make them look cold that building that building looks as old as me and that's old all right now then maybe we'll take some black let's come right up in here and put a happy little window need a way to see out maybe the door is on the other side of this house but i have to have a window over here so you can see what's happening and and we'll take a little bit of light color this is very light gray and just go around sort of clean up the edges and it just cleans up the edges makes your little window look good now maybe look at there maybe like so i know next you want curtains in there and that easy we got a nice little nice little window now then got to finish up the roof on this side over here so let's go right up in here and we'll take the small edge of the knife again and just pop in some some little roof indications little shingles see do it just like you really really lay shingles you do the bottom one first and then work upwards so they overlap that keeps mr rayne from slipping up under him she started talking down he'd be in bad trouble and you paint him the same way of course this is a lot faster than putting shingles on the roof my father was a was a carpenter and when i was young he gave me a little taste of this my job was carrying all this up on the roof boy they were heavy sounded good worked me to death i decided i want to be a painter there now we got a lot of a lot of shingles on there i'm going to take a little bit of the the white now then let's come right along in here and i'm just going to put a little white on here just to make that stand out so you really it just pops out at you maybe there's a little building or two so i'll get out the knife and i'm going to use this same old brown color okay pull that paint out very flat just as flat as you can get it and take your knife and cut across it gives you that little roll of paint right on the edge of your knife okay let's go to the canvas maybe there's a little bitty house that lives right there we just want some indications we'll be back here in the distance little house he lives there little barn little shed whatever and all we're doing here is just laying in the dark we'll come back and put in a few little highlights and and fix him all up and make him nice and pretty right now you're just trying to get some dark on your canvas okay good now let's take a little bit of the titanium white a little brown make a color that's somewhat lighter than what we have on the canvas and you don't want to mix this color dead add a little blue to it and gray it down i'm going to use a small edge of the knife this time same way a small edge and it's just a little bit of paint right out turn that small edge of the knife good okay now let a little light just bounce and play right along there just like so i don't want a lot of color on this just enough so it stands out and it's lighter than the side i want the side to be very dark it's in shadow the oh shadows get it there we go and maybe right along this edge here a little light plays right through there there good just to make that little edge stand out there we go now maybe there's some boards in there we just cut through and i know somebody's saying well you got to have a door in there so you can get into the old shed okay give you a door cut around it there we are and quick we have a little building now we can just clean up his foots touching bringing some grass right up around him and maybe over here right there right there i'm gonna tell you what let's do let's build this that's built it's a happy little bar and it lives right there it'll come this way now and then let it drop over just sort of visualize these things in your mind put them on the canvas put them on the canvas and these are far away they're small so we're not worried about tremendous detail fill this in just like we did the other one we need that dark color so the light will show little edge of the knife there pull some of this down and all we're doing here is just trying to cover the canvas with dark color now take a little permanent red and van dyke brown i'll just mix it together real quick here like so i'll put some shingles up here on this roof just touch start at the bottom and work up this is just just the way they put shingles on the roof too start at the bottom work up so they overlap each other and that'll give you an indication of a few little few little shingles a little highlight along the edge right along there and down okay now now then once again we need a little highlight on the front here okay and then the old barn here needs the door big door this is where the cow had to go in smooth that out a little bit of color around the edges okay here we are there and maybe this old farmer maybe he's like me i never have enough room let's give let's give him a shed out here on his barn he needs a little shed maybe this is where the chickens live chickens need a place to live too then we'll put a little board or two right there there we go a little bit more of this roof color it's almost permanent red with a little van dyck brown and just put some indications right there good mix up some more of that van dyke brown permanent red prussian blue just mix it up we need a good dark brown here now these are super little scenes to make on a white canvas other day scenes good okay now we pick up that small roll of paint again always using that small roll of paint just go up here now remember the blade's taller or wider at the top is at the bottom so you touch and start to go bloop like that okay and that's how we make our little blades and let's do like that look at there look at there over here there and one here touch and sort of pull it around now if you do these four first then all you have to do is come back in here and you can lay in all the rest of them and they'll work out correctly and that's sneaky and you can make beautiful windmills beautiful windmills there you go i lived in nebraska for a long time and there was a lot of windmills there look at there look there now the circle that you made up here something has to connect all these blades so you can cover up that line that you scratch by taking your knife a little edge see and that just brings them all together you need you got to have a connector here to hold all these together or they fall off look at there come right on around just like so however many you want now then i'm going to put a use some of that uh red and brown and let's put just a touch of highlight right here on the corner maybe a little more of the permanent red into it a little brighter so it stands out you can see it a little better okay just all you do is touch just touch just so there's a little color on that edge and you can see it now if you were doing this on a white canvas you'd probably want a lot more color there we go just to give you an idea now then there usually is a couple of big blades that stick out here and that's what the wind catches and that guides it so we just come right over the top here because these little windmills had to turn into the wind so we'll put in these and the old windmills that i've looked at i usually have two of them on it and they sort of go to the center we'll put a little tiny highlight on that there we look at that wow okay then we need something to bring it all together here and there's usually a cross like so and there good little highlight on that too so it stands out you can see it now there's the little thing where the chain goes and a little platform up here now we need some legs to hold all this up that plaque forms where the bird always comes and builds his little nest and he sits up here and he watches the farmer and when the farmer feeds the chickens and stuff he slips down there and gets him something to eat too same same brown color and we've got to give this whole windmill a leg don't want him to fall over give him a lick and this is closer to you so respectively it's much bigger there we go and let's give him another leg here there see we don't use any pattern so nobody knows we make a mistake or not there another leg right here gotta have four foot so he'll fall over now if you don't have windmills where you're at and you want to paint a windmill there's a thousand books that have beautiful beautiful pictures and you can pick up one of those and and look at it there we go okay that gives us gives us four foots and usually in here there's a little platform so we'll just make a little platform and then bring this leg over the top of the platform and we need some supports in here to hold all this together like so maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe there's another one right here underneath the platform okay and we need we need some little steps so the old farmer can climb up there and shoot that bird off if he wants to that's living up there just drop them in now we can go back to our highlight color and let's just lay tiniest little bit of highlight here and there just so this stands out a little better for you tiny little bit there we go a little bit over in here this sort of this sort of separates everything and makes it look a little better a little touch right there okay a little bit right on that oh nice if you get one that's nice don't touch it again leave it alone because it may never come out again and you're not committed now we can go in here and start with some white let's go in here watch here well let me do it this way this is the best way so you stay in the lines so you just sort of outline it just sort of outline it that'll help you keep it nice and smooth on the edges then pull down see how straight that line is getting that sneaky i'll look for those easy ways to do things roof comes right down like that right on down and over here we need a little bit of snow there it is well i wish i could build a barn out quick now with bandage brown i'm gonna come right in here and put a little eve or an overhang now i'm going to use some bandai brown and dark sienna sort of mixed together and we'll start off by just putting some dark in here we need dark in order for a light to show you have to have dark for the light to show you put light against light you have nothing dark against dark you have nothing painting is just continually dark against light light against dark clean off the old knife now then let's put some color in there take some dark sienna some bright red mix it together let's put the least little touch of white in there oh that's nice don't over mix it leave it about like so cut off a little roll of paint see how even there it's all mixed and marbled okay let's go right up here now i'm going to just take the edge of the knife and just let it sort of bounce across now if you get some down to snow like i am don't worry you just take it right off we just zip that off don't worry about it see a little bit right in there now we take our knife and do a cabinectomy that easy and see it gives the impression of a lot of little boards that easy now a darker color and we come right in here there we go that's a little darker not as if the light is going to hit in there now show you a little trick let's get to some brown on the knife here and come right down here and look see we have that little roll of paint on the knife that's so important that you have that little roll of paint now maybe maybe there's a little opening under here so just put dark right here there just a little bit of dark now over in here see we'll put some more boards like that and with our dark we'll continue that opening isn't that neat looks like there's a place under there the chickens could go at night and as a kid i had all kinds of little chickens we put a post there so it don't fall down the only problem though i wasn't a very good chicken farmer they turned out to be my friends and i wouldn't kill them shoot i we ended up with a bunch of chickens and we're hungry but i had my buddies okay i'm going to take a little brown this is van dyke brown a little of the bright red in it and i got the little knife now and i've cut off that little roll of paint with a little knife and over here i just want to show let me just go in a different angle see now this board's going that way and when you're doing these old buildings i don't know if you can see that maybe if i make it a little bit lighter you see it a little better there see when you're doing these you designed your barn however you want it barns grow all kinds of ways however the old farmer wanted to make them okay now then we can come right down this is where the fun starts because this you can do any way that you want to do you're really just blocking it in here just throw it in just throw it in all right now then decide where the front of this is and we'll just do a bridge ectomy see it comes right across like that that gives us a basic shape for a bridge now then this is going to be the side of the bridge we'll start filling it in there okay just pull it down pull it now we go about to here pull that down now that we need the bottom of this to be nice and straight and smooth so for that i'm going to touch and pull upward sort of have an idea of where the bottom is touch it and pull there okay that gives us a nice straight edge along the bottom then all we have to do is just sort of fill it up fill it in there okay now underneath that we had some very dark color because there's some stones and stuff under here that hold all that up and it comes under something like so and then we had a little water under here that's reflected right down into the water so you can just continue that this is basically just van dyke brown there and our water's going to live right along in here somewhere i don't know exactly yet somewhere right along in here there but whatever is going to be water we'll just grab the big brush and pull that straight down and that'll end up being our water area okay gently go across and we already is beginning to have that impression of water now then see maybe this hangs out a little farther here and there's a bank over on the side and it sort of comes around all right now then we can start having some real fun here i'm going to darken that one area a little bit underneath that's much better i like it better see now you can see that reflection okay let's make this a combination of some bright red a little dark sienna a little touch of yellow ochre and maybe a little bit of white but don't over mix it leave it sort of marble like that take our little roll of paint and let's go right up here and just touch and begin pulling down very gently very very gently there and from down here i'm going to gently do the bottom and pull up once again i need a nice straight edge at the bottom here so i don't want to lose that just sort of pull it up just like so see grab it and go upward you can go either direction upward or downward there a little from here and down now then something like so i'm going to take just to touch the yellow ochre and just highlight it here and there maybe a little touch of white hair oh that's nice that's nice look at that looks like old wood already old old wood but leave it sort of old looking like that don't overdo now then on the other side i'm going to add same color i'm going to add a little dark i mean van dyke brown to it to dull it i want this side to be less bright not as bright as the other there just pull it down let it break just like you're painting mountains that's all there is to it now now we had a you got to have an entrance way to get in here so basically figure out where that's at and we can just begin screaming and tell you what i'm going to get the little knife i like it better it gets in these little areas we got a door like so comes over and down there we go there's our doorway now we need to fill it up full of dark color so it looks like it's very dark inside there not a lot of light's going to get in there okay and that neat and then we'll take take let me see here i'm going to add a little yellow occurred a little touch of brown and white we'll make the side there so you can see it see a little across the top over there just a little outline now you got an entrance way want a window back here so to make a little window back here i'm just going to take and pull just pull it there's our little window right there just like so you can see right through that and they have a little window now we take a little of our highlight color and just go around the edges there now i'll tell you what let's take a little the van dyke brown and in here i want to make this look like old boards just take a little brown and touch here and there there we are now then let's have some windows out here let's have one right here just pull it down like so now in my mind in this window here you couldn't see anything there would be no light hardly coming through it because it's dark right in there now they may we'll have a second one a lot of these little covered bridges have windows in them maybe there's another one here but now in these in my mind because you're looking through sort of an angle there you would see a little bit of light coming through so we'll just put a little light in there a little light in my window a little light in my window you know what everybody wants there we are now then let's put some snow on the roof if it's winter time there's gonna be a little snow up there there now we just come right along here see this is the reason we didn't want to get those trees all down in in the roof area because when we pulled the snow down we'd ended up with a tremendous amount of this color so be sort of careful there when you do that make you unhappy if you end up with this bright green roof on your covered bridge now very gently following the angles you can just pull that right down this whole knife will do fantastic things for you just follow those angles though there see there okay right on down okay a little more color now you can take a knife and just sort of smooth that all out all right good and that easy you can make a nice snow-covered roof on your covered bridge but as i say it's basically just like making a cabin only big certainly is a big cabin now we could take a little bit of our dark color and just very carefully fill in these little areas here that so the tree fits right up against there okay we got that take our knife then and we'll put a little snow on this side of the roof see that brings it all together and that easy that easy you have a very nice little thing there all right now then over here let's have some stones that hold all this up for that i'll just take some white a little midnight black there we are a little tiny touch of phthalo blue not much not much mostly black and white maybe a little there that's what i'm looking for something like that now take the little edge of the knife and let's just put an indication here of a few little stones one i'm basically straight across the front and you just drop them in like that and make them sort of different sizes huge when these old covered bridges were built they'd use whatever size stone they happened to be laying around now over in here we'll just put the indication this is in shadow underneath so you're not going to see many stones under here though you might get the impression here and there of one or two maybe even the least little touch of yellow ochre because there'd be a little light coming through the side over there there just enough to sparkle a little there very nice okay now if you want to really make that look like stones we take our liner brush we'll go into a little bit of titanium white dark sienna mixed together and a little black put some black in there to gray it down real oh there we are that's what i'm looking for that's what we're looking for okay let's go up here now you take a liner brush and just sort of very quickly go around each stone and that will give you the illusion of stones that are put together there you know this one's been in the opening of every show in this series with a little cartoon character you know it takes a couple of minutes to paint it but it takes a lot of fantastic people a long time to make that beautiful little opening so i really hope you enjoy it really hope you enjoy i hope you like that little cartoon character too hope you like it we're thinking about making maybe a full-length cartoon out of him and turned him loose on the world if you'd like to see that let me know i know maybe yep let's get crazy maybe there's a little maybe a little shed on this cabin you need a place to to put your tools right there or you fish and tackle i'd rather put my fishing tackle in there all right we'll take a little that brown let's get some bright red nice color nice color just makes you feel good bright red white a little that brown we made don't over mix it leave it marbley if that's a word cut off a little roll of paint let's go up here and just let that bounce right down the side so it looks like maybe old shingles that are falling off the roof times are hard out here real hard there i like to make old buildings and stuff that look like they've they've had a rough life there okay maybe i'll tell you what take a little white a little bit of that brown without the red in it and with that let's just put the indication of some highlights there and a little bit more in there making the front a little brighter so it stands out wipe off the old knife and you take a little that brown paint on the edge of the knife and just make it look like old boards that live in there see there just old boards now back to our roof color and let's put a roof right here on this little shed got to make those little noises or it doesn't work brown and white again need a little bit out there put some little boards in there i can't shoot that's about about to give us a basic little shape there about there and then you can just use the brush to cut off wherever you want it like there i'll tell you what let's take a little brown on the small edge of the knife just put a little window in there maybe one right there that easy that easy all right back to all of our little colors just begin working it down like that take old two inch brush a little bit of that brown on it and here and there we can just tap in using a top corner indication of some little bushes that live in there wherever wherever there to go by let's take some van dyke brown on the knife and we'll start back here with the back eve something about like that and there's more and at this point we're not committed we can change this any way we want we're absolutely not committed this is just blocking in a little color just a basic shape you cannot make a mistake here the only thing that happens is maybe your barn gets a little bigger there but you can change it any way that you want all right never come down does that begin to make sense i sort of see things in my mind and from there off we go because this painting technique allows you to to visualize things and then to put them on canvas in a very short time very short time i get letters from a lot of professional people who say they have very limited amounts of time and they love this technique because after a busy day they can come home unwind relax set their easel up and in an hour or two they can have a nice little painting and that's wonderful now over here on this side we decided he was going to have a little thing coming out here about to there it doesn't matter see well this is going to be a big barn i got carried away but that's okay it's our world and we can do anything in our world that we want to do anything that we want to do all right and this barn keeps growing here there now now we can begin putting in the goodies we've got some color blocked in let's take some dark sienna some white i'm going to pick up a little bit of yellow ochre just a little yellow girl i like it sort of a gold color but notice the paint is very marbled there's all kinds of colors happening in there pick up a little roll of paint let me go back up here and very lightly touch and pull down just touch it and pull it down and all those different colors that we saw on the palette are in that role of paint so you get a variation it's not just one old dead color there's a lot of things happening in there a lot of gorgeous things lights and darks you couldn't do that intentionally if you tried but we we know how to make happy accidents happen on a regular basis here there now over here and put some more we'll get a little more the dark sienna i want this side over here to be darker something about my cat take a little of the van dyke just plain van dyke and maybe here and there we can put the indication of some fuel boards live in there just touching allowing it to pull off what it wants there we go see there that easy good place for the old cow to live right in here there i grew up with a with an old cow that lived with us she was a nice old cow oh milk cow i miss her we used to drink fresh milk right from the cow unpasteurized and all that guess that's not considered safe anymore but it was some of the most best tasting milk i've ever had all right now for the roof let's take let's just use those same colors and brighten them yellow ochre a little dark sienna and some white once again don't over mix the color we want all those things happening so you can just sort of pick and choose wherever you want them a little roll of paint go back up here and let's just take the knife touch and just sort of let it bounce gotta make those noises though there we are but look at all the colors that happened in there i mean think how long you'd have to work to try to come up with those colors if you ever could don't know that you ever could but just let it bounce there see maybe brighten this edge just a wee bit darker darker dark as it goes down and over here coming out in this direction there's some more look at their old old barn and a little right along the edge all right now then we can take let's see what will we use here there's a little white with a touch of phthalo blue just a touch just enough to shade it a little bit very small roll of paint and with that i just want to just want to sort of sparkle that edge so it stands out and you can see it just enough to sparkle a little maybe just an indication that it goes back here see there but not much not much you could overdo very quickly just tiny wee little bit around the barn door just enough to outline it now we can do a barnectomy we can just cut it off wherever we want it think about perspective and all those little things okay and i didn't put any little boards there just touch with the dark sienna or the bandage brown either one just enough to give some little indications right along in there and it will help make it look like it was made out of old boards there and that's basically all we have to do to have a little barn not committed van dyke brown dark sienna you can change your mind at this point little roll of paint now let's begin picking out the little things in here there's the the back eve see there that easy okay now then the old barn comes down gotta make those noises there it is see all we're doing here is blocking in a little color we'll come back and do a barnectomy after a while and cut it off wherever we want it but right now all we're doing is putting in the dark putting in some dark color there here we go see there sorry i make those little noise i sort of forget because i really do make them even when i'm by myself i make little noises sort of makes things work better for me all right and over here there we go see that's really about all we're looking for to block it in right in here would be a little dark paint okay now let's take let's take let's take some white dark sienna a little bandaik in there a little crimson too what the heck give it a little warm feeling don't over mix the paint cut off a little roll of paint then we can go up in here and just barely touch just let it gray see let it graze it looks like old low wood if you've painted barns and cabins and stuff before you know i i really like to paint old things i'm an avid collector of antique glass for example i like old things when you get my age you have a tendency to like old things you can relate to them there we are and i am old older than dirt just take a little a little van dyke brown and i want to darken that color so that it's darker over here on the side because not maybe not as much light's going to hit over here see that's much darker now then let's put some boards in there for that we'll just take some van dyke brown and we'll just put the indication here and there some little boards some slabs that live in here there see there i wish the barn was this easy to build for real my father was a carpenter and i built a few barns it's not this easy there it's not this easy there we are something about like that now then we need a roof on this barn so the cow don't get cold let's take some titanium white since we said this was winter maybe the snow is there let's just outline it so that way you'll get a nice straight edge when you pull it down watch see there there we go now then a little more of the white a little touch more there there we go and that neat looks like snow's piled up on top of the old barn a little bit over there because you'd see some on that side too you would also see some here and oh we got a whole section to go here there let me get some more white same thing though i want to outline it a little bit so you'll have a nice straight edge then when you pull it nice straight edge there we go something about my cap okay there but you can just move it pull it work it any way that you want them all right we need a door old cows gotta have a way to get in and out there let's take some van dyke decide where your door lives and once again don't worry about the bottom we're going to do we're going to do a barnectomy as i mentioned earlier we'll cut this rascal off wherever we want it to be which is about time to do the shape let me grab a little bandage brown it will uh do two things it removes excess paint which is most important but the other thing it does is it allows you to sort of lay out your whole perspective and your whole building and everything without really being committed there okay so i say we said we'd have a little shed out here so we'll just put a little roof pull down and all we're doing right now is just blocking in color that's all we're doing just blocking in color like so there a little bit on this side i wish it was that easy to actually build a barn this certainly makes it easier my father was a carpenter so i've spent a lot of my life building things i know how difficult it is to to actually make a barn that's why i say i wished it was this easy to do and i'm going to take a little let's take a little white a little dark sienna a little van dyke brown we'll just mix them together like so maybe even at least a little touch of blue into it and that'll gray it will give it a gray tone pull across get our little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife then we can come back in here and no pressure no pressure just like putting snow in the mountains barely touch barely barely touch i want to make this look like old weathered wood old weathered wood like me it's had a hard life there we go a little bit over in here just barely touch them barely barely touch now i'm going to take a little more of the van dyke brown and make it make it much darker because on the other side not much light is going to hit so you need you need to have that quite a bit darker so you had a comparison how dark it is but our little roll of paint still come right up in here decide where the roof line is just enough so it barely barely shows up that's all we're looking for there would not be much light striking this side of the building not much light there and right along the edge here maybe i'll put up a nice distinct line so it shows that there's a there's a difference there let's take a little bit more of the van dyke brown and i'm going to turn this into an old slab building with other words made with boards and to do that we'll just take the knife a little bit of van dyke brown on it and create the illusion of a lot of little boards in here something like so now you can smooth that by taking a two inch brush and barely touching barely just graze it now for a roof what are we going to let's just take midnight black on the roof midnight black well like yeah get our little roll of paint right on the edge of knife again and let's just let it bounce along here and play just touch it got to make that little noise though that's all there is to it just let it bounce let the knife touch the canvas will pull off what it wants give you back what's left there we are that easy now we'll take a small edge on the other side and i want to make the indication of little shingles showing on the other side but by using the small edge you'll be sort of jaggedy there it'll look like you're looking at the edge of little little doers there okay right here excuse my arm a second make that line a little darker where they come together there maybe we'll make a little doer there and make it a little more distinct now we need a door in there this is an old barn gotta have a place for the cow to go we just take a knife and go how's that instant door we'll take a small edge go up here put a little little place for the hay to go up cut around there there we are shoot we got a pretty good-looking old barn there what the heck shape now i'm going to take the knife and pull out some van dyke brown cut off a roll of paint is that a little roll of paint right on the edge there good now then let's begin laying in our shapes now this is a time to start being a little more careful before it didn't matter but now you want to start making big decisions maybe this whole barn is a little sway back let's do an old barn years and years it's set here the old timbers in the middle are getting weak and it's like me it's tired it's ready for a rest there now we can just begin blocking this in all we're doing is just block it in color just blocking in color there we go that easy and this comes down like so and we said there was gonna be some more of it came out that way now you know there's just hundreds of different kinds of barns so pick the kind of barn that you want the principles are basically the same doesn't matter what kind of barn you're doing the principles are pretty much the same there we are now on this side we need another little protrusion see there there we are and this paint i'm just pushing it right into the fabric i need that dark color underneath so we put some highlights on top of it it'll show up there okay let's keep going down there we are and we've got a pretty good old barn shape going there already not bad let's have some fun now we can begin putting color into our barn i'm going to take some bright red use some dark sienna i want to dull it down it's too bright too bright unless we dull it down maybe put a little van dyke in there there i don't want this painting to be bright but once again if you want yours to be brighter then all you have to do is make it that way we just want to show you how to make it then we're going to turn you loose on the world cut off our little roll of paint let's go right up here now then let's put some let's put some roof up here and i'm just going to let that knife just bounce it helps to make those little sounds maybe i'll make that a tiny bit brighter so you can see it a little better put a little white in it don't think it's showing up as well as it should there we go now you can see just let it bounce right along there helps if you make him little sounds there once again i want this to be old so these the old shingles up here boy they caught the devil some of them are gone some of them blowed away in the last storm the looks of it the rest of them are going to go in the next storm there okay a little bit over on this side there we are shoot oh we got those shingles going let's put some out here there you are okay well at least it was that easy to actually build a barn my father was a carpenter and i grew up building things i worked in houses all over florida in fact if you live in florida you very possibly could live in a house that my dad and i worked on there and he was a master carpenter oh he could do some beautiful things beautiful things let's take a little dark sienna some white pull it out very flat cut across get our little roll of paint again now then let's put the icing on the cake here look at that this is just like you're putting snow on the mountain if you painted with me before and done mountains and you've mastered that this is easy for you to do and i want to make this look like old weathered wood there there we go beautiful delicate touch does not take any pressure the knife will literally literally allow the paint just to come right off just the right amount a little dark right up here because there'd be a shadow under that edge a little bit of brown right under that edge there now take a little van dyke brown and mix that same color i want to darken it i want to make it darker than it was now over here it's going to be much darker on this side much much darker just like so okay let's put a door in here big door is right there and that's all there is to it now we can take our knife and we can do a barnectomy we can just cut it off wherever we think it should be take some straight vending brown you can just put the indication of boards here and there there looks like a lot of old boards [Music] let me tell you what maybe years ago old trapper maybe he built him a little little house right there so i'll take some some of the van dyke brown cut across and get a little roll of paint on my knife there you can see right out of the edge is most important it's right out on the edge of the knife let's go up here okay maybe the little house lives does now right there there it is let's see paint that little back eve first i'll tell you what to put a front on him a little bit front front on the other side so just sort of in your mind think think what a house looks like and he needs a little side over here too boy all right now take a little white a little brown pull it out very flat get us a little roll of paint and let's let's put at least a little touch of highlight on there barely touching barely touching just caress the canvas okay now see we can see that the lights coming from here so this side is going to be a brighter this one over here this one's going to be almost dark almost pure brown don't worry about too much color over that side before that the guy that lives in there it's freezing because there is no roof on his house let's give him a roof let's give him a roof there we go just that easy now he's got a half a roof let's feel sorry for him give him the other half don't want him to freeze okay a little snow on the other side just sort of bring all that together not easy we got a little cabin a door don't want him to get locked in there and can't get out all winter there you got a little door take a little white go around the edges there make that rascal stand down i'm going to take the small knife now i'll put a little window right there just a little blue and white just to give the indication of a happy little window like that okay we're going to chimney we'll use a small edge of the small knife again put a little chimney take a little tiniest little touch of the bright red excuse my arm there maybe he don't have his fireplace lit a little snow laid up here on his chimney there we go that easy i'll tell you what take a little bit of liquid black maybe there's what remains of an old fence and it went right on off here this is just straight liquid black there it goes there and there's a fuel rails left on it right off into the distance okay now we can go right into some van dyke brown and let's go right up here and begin building our little covered bridge there we go you know just recently i found out while i was here in indiana why they built covered bridges i always thought it was a place you could go and get out of the rain or something and the reason they covered these bridges was to protect the structure so the weather wouldn't get to it it really wasn't the reason i thought it was at all so i learned something okay here i'm going to just lift upward with a little brown all i'm going to do is fill all this in with the brown and then we can begin working on detail just fill in the entire thing with nothing but van dyke brown there we go make us a nice edge right down like that firm that edge up this old bridge he's had a hard life he's not in the best of repair give him a side over here and one here there we go now we can just fill all this in that's the beauty of using a big knife you can just drop things right in no problem okay now we have to do this bridge in stages and we do the part that's farthest away first and come forward so i want to be able to see through this bridge we'll do the back of it first and then come forward down here we can just fill all that in just fill it in a lot of brown there we go a lot of brown paint there i know you're you're sitting at home saying boy he's he's messed up this time and you may be right let's just see what happens here so in the background i want very very little light back here not a great deal is going to show back here just some little indications don't overdo just some very faint indications so when we put the front of the bridge on it will show better okay now let's put a little tiny highlight here this is just a little brown and white just a little a little light playing right across there don't want too much just a little now we can start working on the front of the bridge and take some brown some bandana brown some umber and white make this look like old wood don't over mix your paint leave it sort of marbley here so that way all these colors will happen right here in your bridge okay now let's let's just take the small edge of the knife and begin making some boards now maybe maybe just scratch a line right through here if it'll help you a little bit to give you an idea of where you want the front of the bridge to be that'll be our stopping point so we take the small edge of the knife and just start making some boards this one's made out of old slab boards just barely touching pulling down there we are and leave some space in between them as i say these old bridges some of them are in bad repair they've really been beat to death just want to make it look like old boards hanging here there we go now then let it come all the way down here just put you some boards in wow that bridge has really had a rough life and we let these come all the way down like so there we go now don't don't cover up all the dark because back in here we want to give the impression that we can see in and over maybe a little bit there angles are very very important here i want to make it look like we can see through this bridge keep this very dark because it's all in shadow here it's all in shadow now just come right on down like so put all these little nice wood things in here maybe there's a little beam right here we can see comes right across okay now we can straighten up this edge a little give him a little more distance a little more depth in the bridge there we are this is just straight van dyke brown now if you wanted to you can take a little bit of brown and create some boards here i just got a little tiny bit of brown on the knife and just touching just to create the illusion of wooden planks look at that do you ever think that an old covered bridge would be this easy to make and just let a little bit run down like so okay van dyke brown let's go right into the van dyke brown and begin blocking in this basic barn there we go just straight old van dyke brown just let the knife do the work okay maybe right down through here and we just fill all this up with brown there it only takes you a second when you're using a big old knife okay that'll give us a nice base color to work with maybe it comes right out here like so one over here one out here and we can just fill all this in and we're not worried about detail at this time all we're doing is laying the base color in so don't worry about detail saying already we have a nice basic barn shape here there we go and now we can begin worrying about little details okay i'm going to take some van dyke brown and permanent red and maybe maybe this whole barn has shingles on it so we'll put some shingles there we go it gives us a nice color to work with now up here we're going to have some some angles that we just see the edge of the shingle so we really don't have to spend a great deal of time worrying about them here all we're going to see is the edges okay you just drop these in all i'm doing is just touching the canvas and following the angles that we've put into the roof here when you're doing buildings angles are very very important in this series we've tried to show you quite a few buildings and just let you go now then take a little bit of the titanium white the little brown in it just a small amount of brown and let's begin highlighting these little edges maybe there's a little highlight here and when it comes right down like so okay now we can work on this angle right here and i'm going to take let me clean up a spot here to work on i'm going to take and mix up some phthalo green and alizarin crimson in about equal parts make us a nice gray color there we are very very dark very dark now we'll take a little bit of white maybe a touch more of the crimson into that that's better that's what i'm looking for nice gray color okay now let's go right up in here and angles once again are most most important just pull it across and you can vary that with a little bit of darker color if you want to push it back a little further make it look old and we need to come right down through here with a highlight sun would strike right there like so and now it's time to start figuring out where the other side of the barn is here before we do that though we can take a little bit of the light brown and make it look like little boards in here little pieces of wood all we're doing is just touching the canvas maybe there's a big door right here where they load the hay there we go then we need to highlight around the door just a little bit of color maybe there's some boards here that they made the door out of now let's come right down here and put another highlight just to give us an idea let's make some shingles on this roof and just like you were laying shingles start at the bottom using the little edge of the knife and just start laying in some shingles start at the bottom and layer them so the bottom of the top one covers the top of the bottom one that's hard to say and just do one row at a time and these old shingles are all beat up and weather beaten and they've had a rough life out here follow the angles in your roof most most important and this will give it a layered appearance there we go just keep layering until you get all the way to the top and at home when you have all kinds of time you can really make some little tiny shingles and put a lot of detail into this there that gives us a nice shingle looking roof now we have to make some more determinations here where does this come maybe it comes right out like that we'll just put this in to sort of give us a guide to follow get a little bit more of the brown and permanent red and we can begin laying some shingles right here now these are laying down so you don't see them at the same angle that you would see these here so all you have to do is just touch the canvas just touch the canvas and let it go there isn't that a super way to put a roof on a barn god i wish it was that easy in real life okay now let's take a little blue panda brown and a little touch of white there we go just mix it up till it's marbled and we can begin putting some boards here maybe from here right down just let them come down like so and we want this to be all weather beaten so let the paint break let all these little things happen maybe there's a little touch of this color right up here just so it follows through there we go now we can put in some little boards here just by dragging the knife right down through the paint like so wherever you think they should be now this side over here we want to keep it very very dark very dark so just a little indications and we can just put a few little indications of a board here and there we don't want a lot of detail over here okay now we need a door to get in that barn we gotta have a way to put the horse in there so let's just come right here and maybe maybe there's a big door on this barn just like so just pull it across this is just straight van dyke brown there we go we can take a little bit of the light color and highlight it so that door stands out there son of a gun we got a pretty good looking old barn going here okay now we can just take the van dyke brown and just go right up here and begin building us a house and all we're doing is putting the brown in so we don't have to worry about detail or shape right now just drop it in and we'll come back and begin adding all the little highlights okay there we go right over here put that little back eve on that building i think we need some some long boards just drop them in let them fall right off the knife there they go need a tall building here so our wheel we want a big wheel big wheel i think my son used to ride one of those and he was very small okay there that gives us a basic shape for our building okay now now we can begin putting in some highlights let's use a little bit of the umber van dyke touch if touch of titanium white maybe a little more of the umber one a little more into the red issue there we go that's a nice color and makes your paint marbly so it all kinds of colors happen when you come down here oh building i like old buildings they're so much more fun to paint than bright shiny new ones and we can add a little more there just brighten that rascal up a little bit and we need some right down this side over here now let's add a little bit more of the van dyke brown darken this color up a little bit and we'll do the dark side of the building first touch and just go down let the paint break so it looks like old wood here just touch go down hitting that something okay now the front of the the old mill here we need to have a little bit lighter because the light's going to be striking in this direction so i've just added a little bit of white to the same color and just drop it right down like that makes nice looking old wood i mean take a little bit of color on the knife a dark color yeah we can put some boards in here like so a lot of times when they built these they'd put a little maybe there's right up here just a little tiny little projection right there just drop that right in and fill that up full of dark paint then we can come back and highlight it just put a little highlight right there a little bit right there and maybe we'll make this one right here quite bright just come across there we go and now just come straight down and cut that off that'll get you the right angle in there you can put some little board indications and we got a little roof that's all there is to it okay you ready to build a wheel probably the same thing as before it's easier if you sort of scrape off some of this loose paint so let's start right here and make part of the wheel and then right here oh there goes the building now one of the big things here i want this to show through it's very important to me that this part shows through so you can see depth inside of this wheel so we just scrape it right off like that go right into the van dyke brown touch and sort of fill it up touch come around just come right on around now how do you make a round circle with a square knife that's your challenge for the day and i want to see the back of the wheel back here so we'll just do that now let's just take a little bit of paint thinner a little bit of yellow ochre and let's just highlight this little rascal here a little bit there we go to highlight it and we can work that paint right in maybe maybe we'll take the fan brush it's a little faster there that's better pull that right around like there now we need a little bit of water on this wheel so let's start right up in here somewhere maybe there's just the littlest indication of water as it comes down more and more and more now you could go real slow and put the water in between each one of these little pegs but this is much easier then we go back and put the pegs over the water sneaky huh and we just drop that right in come right on up like that back to our little fan brush and we'll bring this right on around just like that so we got we got a basic water wheel already okay now gotta have something to hold the wheel up so let's just do this come all the way through that way all the way through that way maybe all the way through that way and that way just have all kind of fun and we need a rod that goes through here a big shaft to hold it up so we'll put that in now let's put some spokes on the other side from there there let's bring this one right on down like that right over here right about there and maybe there now these we need a little bit of highlight on the ones on the outside so just touch just put a little bit of highlight out here don't overdo just enough to make them stand out create a little depth in there and we can take our liner brush and smooth all this up there by golly we got a pretty good wheel going here and at home you have a lot of time so you can really put some detail into this if you'd like here we're just trying to show you how to do it okay got us a wheel maybe maybe there's another little projection that comes right out through here just like this that easy just drop it in okay we'll put a little bit of highlight on that and we need some boards to hold that little shed up some right out here there we go a little bit of highlight out here let's brighten it there that's what we're looking for a little dark area right there it's always a little shadow there little tiny shadow in this one too there we go okay okay now we got to have something to hold this wheel up we don't want to just to float out there in space so we'll take some van dyke brown and we'll put a little block right there that holds it up and then we have maybe there's a little stone thing here there that's got to have a place to set just put it right there bring it down maybe it comes right on over like this big stone thing that's holding up a lot of weight a lot of weight there we go now let's take a little permanent red here make that look like maybe old bricks or something and just give you a little indication that's permanent red with a little brown a little white in it and there's some little things on the side here something like so just a basic idea okay
Channel: ShreddedASMR
Views: 1,921,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, Bob Ross, Sleep, Painting, Painting knife, Calming, The Joy of Painting
Id: JXieAiuSsww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 10sec (7990 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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