Bob Ross - Evening's Peace (Season 19 Episode 12)

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Wow Bob Ross knew something we didn't... he had future alien knowledge of TLD!!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

I see a beauty in these kinds of paintings now that I never really noticed before TLD. Now all I can imagine is how cozy that cabin has to be.

But now all I can imagine is Bob Ross going all: "Let's paint a happy little bear. Maybe a moose, so the bear is not alone." Please no.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2018 🗫︎ replies
- Hi, welcome back. Certainly glad you could join me today. Tell you what, today let's do a little scene that maybe is at night time in winter. That'd be something a little different, and we get a lot of letters people asking how do you do a night time winter type scene, so I'll show you how easy that is to do. Let's start out, have them run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint this little picture at home. While they're doing that, let me show you what I've done up here. As you can see, I have a black canvas today, and we make it black by painting it with black gesso, and that's an acrylic paint. All you do is put it all the way over it, let it dry completely. Then I've taken and covered it with a thin, let me repeat that word, thin coat of liquid clear. And on top of that I've covered the entire canvas with a mixture of phthalo blue and midnight black. More black than blue. I just wanted sort of a blue gray color, OK? That's all there is to it. And we put the clear on there only to make it easy to apply this firm dry color over the top of it. And that way we also don't have to put as much paint as you normally would on there. OK, let's start off today with the old two-inch brush. What the heck? Be brave. And we'll go right into a little titanium white. We don't need a lot of color today, just a little titanium white. Let's go right up here. Have to make a decision right off. If it's gonna be a night scene, maybe we wanna have a little moon up here, so you have to decide where that's gonna be because that's gonna be the lightest spot in your sky. And we'll just start making little crisscross strokes like so. (stroking) Start in that light area and blend outward. Always blending outward, outward, outward. There. (stroking) And I want it to get darker and darker and darker as we move away from that light area. See how it's picking up that color underneath though, and all these beautiful things happen. As I've mentioned in several other series before, if you're painting for family or friends, and you're gonna do one of these black canvases with the black gesso on it, put the color on before you start doing your demonstration for your family or your friends, and when you touch it with white all these colors will appear. My gosh, people think it's magic. We do that a lot of times when we're doing demonstrations in public, and people are so excited when they see this happen, and it's so spectacular. There. Something about like so. OK, and we wash the old brush off. And as you know, we wash our brushes with odorless thinner. Odorless thinner, and I really, really recommend you use odorless. There, shake it off. (banging) (laughing) There we go. I get letters all the time from people, and they say I went to the hardware store and I bought some odorless thinner, or the art store, and I got home, I opened it, and it stunk bad. Even if it says odorless I would suggest your take the lid off before you purchase it, and (sniff) give it a good sniff and see. Now we can go back and make this as light as we want. You can go back in here several times, if you wanted to, and make this as light as you want, or you could leave it as dark as you want, depending on what your mood is, or what you think it oughta look like. There. But always start with a clean brush in the light area and work outward. There we go. And I really don't want it much brighter than that. If it gets much brighter than that, it's gonna look like it's high noon. (stroking) OK, now I'm gonna wash the brush one more time. One more time. I just like to wash this brush. There. (banging) Be sure it's as dry as possible. Now then, I just want to blend all this together. Just blending. (stroking) There. So it's quite dark around the edges here. OK, be sure your brush is dry. If it's not, if you hit this with a wet brush, it's gonna cut right through your paint and expose all the black that's underneath. Alright, we'll just take the brush strokes out like that. (banging) Now right here in this light area let's just take our finger, and we'll just finger paint a little bit. We'll come right up and just make a little circle like so. There we are, that's all you have to do. Then with a clean, dry brush very gently just go over that, and you can blend it once again to any degree of lightness or darkness that you want. And that's good enough for today. Now then, let's take our, we'll use a fan brush. Let's go right in that same color we put on the canvas. That's just a mixture of phthalo blue and midnight black, more black than blue. And maybe we have some little clouds floating around here. There he is, little cloud lives right about there. And all we're doing is using the corner of the brush and making tiny little circles. Tiniest little circles, or you can just do it like this. See. (stroking) Just make little rocking strokes, little chh chh strokes. There. Maybe the clouds will go all the way up in here somewhere. We don't know where they go. Don't know that we even care at this point. This is just fun painting, so let it be fun, enjoy. Painting should make you happy. It should make you happy. The other thing that's so fantastic about painting is it teaches you to see, teaches you to notice nature and to see the things that, I've had people write over and over again, they say, Bob, there's been a tree living out here in my front yard for 25 years, and I never paid any attention to it. And I started painting a little bit, and son of a gun, now I notice that tree, and there's shape and there's form, and it's a whole new world that's opened up just because I've started painting. Teaches you to really see things. There. Now then, we'll just take a clean dry brush, and just gonna sort of blend that a little. Basically all we're doing here is taking off loose color and blending it together. (stroking) Alright. And you can pull and move that paint because it's wet. It has the clear underneath and the wet paint underneath, and you can move it. Now then, I have several old fan brushes goin', so we'll take another one here. Take a little white, put a little of that blue and black on it. Little more white. Oh, something like so, nice. Hey, let's go right up here. Maybe wanna put a little highlight on some of these. Now remember on these black canvases color shows up much, much stronger than it does on a white canvas, so don't overdo. Be careful, be careful. It'll just jump right up here and eat up your whole world. There we are, little bit right in here. Decide where you think a little light would strike on these clouds, and drop 'em in. Little streaks here and there. All kinds of little beautiful things happening. Just follow your imagination. There. Maybe right into here. Little lights under here, little highlights. OK, shoot, maybe there's even a big old fluffer that lives up in here. (stroking) But just by making these tiny little circles you can create all that. That easy. That easy. This one here wants a little highlight on it, it needs to be a little brighter. There it shows. Just enough to get it to show. That's all we're looking for. OK. Good clean dry brush, and we can go back, and we can stir this up a little bit. Just stir it up. OK, and then we'll blend it. Blend it, blend it and blend it to any degree of darkness that you want, 'cause the more your blend this, the darker it's gonna get. You can continue to blend it 'til it goes away, just leaves you. There. Alright. There we go. OK, now I give this just a pretty nice little evening sky. And that's one of the easiest ways that I know to make a night time sky. This is very effective using these black canvases. Now then maybe back here let me find, huh, we'll use the old round brush today. What the heck? I'll go right into that dark color. Maybe there's some little bushes and stuff that live right back here. Just gonna tap right into the paint. See, tap firmly, tap firmly. This is my new gold brushes. See that, nice gold hair in 'em. They're beautiful, beautiful little devils. Now then, let's just go right in here, and let's just put in some very basic little bush shapes. A dark color will stand right out against that. Maybe there's a little bush that lives, a little tree, he lives right here. There we go. (stroking) That easy. That easy. Hope you got to see all the paintings we've shown in a earlier show of this series that people have sent in. I'm just, I'm always tickled to death to see what people are doing. They send us some of the most fantastic photographs. So if you're painting, if you have time, drop us a line. Love to hear from you anyway, but send some photographs in of what you're doing. I read every letter that comes in, and we answer every letter that requires an answer. So if you have time, drop us a line. It's nice to hear from people who are watching and who are enjoying some success with this. We'll take a little bit of same black, blue, little white. Got another brush going here. I have several of these, see, but I'm just gonna tap, firmly tap some of that color right into the bristles. Alright, let's reach over here and get a little more. Alright, just tap it, that's all there is to it. Now then, up in here, here's our light source, very gently go right above that dark, and begin laying in just little highlights. Look at that son of a gun sparkle. That easy, you could make a beautiful little tree. Now I'm painting it a little bit brighter than I normally would so it shows up better. So at home when you're doing this, you paint it any degree of lightness or dark that you want. As I say, I want it to show up on your set, so I'm painting a little brighter than I normally would. As we work away from the light area here, I'm gonna start adding more dark to that so it gets darker and darker. Little individual speck here. There we go. This brown brush is fantastic though for making these little type of trees and little distant things. Alright. Then you can create the illusion of layers. Let's go on the other side for a minute. Right over in here. There we go, we don't want this little tree left out. He would get angry with us. Nothing worse than a angry tree. Got tree chased all over the yard one time with one. There we are, see there, create layers. See that tree is definitely in front of that one. And you do that just be leaving little dark areas in between. There maybe there's another little tree right there. Looks like thousands of little snow covered leaves or ice fog, if you're from Alaska. There we are. Boy, that's a beautiful country. Gotta go back and see all my friends there pretty soon. See, just layer after layer after layer. Look at the depth that's already in there just from doing that. You could just take a knife and scrape through, let a little black show through if you wanna make the indication of a few little trunks here and there. Just like so. (scraping) Wherever you want 'em. Maybe we find, yeah, we'll use a two-inch brush, what the heck? Take a little titanium white. Just pull the brush right through there and get a little white on it. Doesn't matter if it even has a little of that blue and black in it. Just like so. OK, let's go up here. Gotta make a big decision here. Where does our snow live? Let's just come right in here, put a little snow. See, that's gonna pick up all of those fantastic colors that are on the canvas, and beautiful things will happen automatically. Look at that. And by starting out smaller and letting it disappear up in here, already it gives the impression of depth and distance in the painting. Sneaky, huh? There we go. (stroking) And the more you work this, the darker it's gonna become, of course. OK. Now then, maybe there's a big tree in our world. Let me find a round brush here. Go right back into that dark color. Yep, right here. Just come right here, right up into the sky, there it lives in our world, a great big old tree. There he is. (stroking) Shoot, just drop them in wherever you think they should live. There he is. (stroking) Now then, let's go on the other side. Maybe there's a bigger one over here, too. This sorta bring everything in. Maybe there's a nice one that lives right here. Maybe he's not quite as big, but... substantially bigger than the rest of 'em. Now then, you know what we're gonna do? Maybe, tell you what, I got an idea. Got an idea. Maybe back here, let's just do this. Maybe there's a little cabin back here. See here. (scraping) Watch how easy you can do this on these canvases. (scraping) I just scrape out a basic shape, and that removes that excess paint. OK, now I'm gonna take a little brown, like the back edge, zup zup. Like so. Come straight down. Gives us a front. We'll just use that same blue white color. Put a little highlight on there. There, just a little highlight. OK, now a little door. Gotta have a place to get around. There, and that's super simple little cabin. Maybe there's a light on the window. Little yellow, little cad yellow. Put a little window in there, zup. Little one over here, zup. Now there's somebody at home. Somebody's at home, maybe they got dinner cooking. We don't know. OK, little bit of titanium white. Phew. Put a little snow on the roof. Little bit on the other side. And that just gives us a very simple little cabin way back there. And put a few little bushes right around the bottom there. Little highlight on those bushes, and you push that cabin right back into the woods, that easy. Little white, grab it, pull. Bring a little snow right up to the cabin. Look at that, see how easy you can just put your little house in there. Wherever you want it. (stroking) There we go. (stroking) Now maybe, tell you what, let's have some fun. I'm gonna take a little touch of the lizarin crimson, mix it with a little touch of the blue, little bit of blue. We're just mixing on the brush, little white. Crimson, white, blue. I'm gonna make a very dark lavender color. Little bit of the crimson, OK, just to change the flavor a little. There, let's go right up here. We'll put some highlights on this tree. I want it to stay a little darker though, 'cause it's further away from the light source. I want it to be darker. There he is. Big old tree. He just hides back here and watches everything that's going on. (stroking) Alright. We can put, maybe there's a little snow behind back here. But it's gonna be much darker. Don't want it to get too bright on you. Set that tree right down in the snow. (stroking) OK, maybe over here on this one on the other side. Maybe that's... Oh, yeah, good. Good. See there, little rascals just live right there in that brush. All you gotta do is just sorta tap 'em out. Sometimes it's nice to take some of that dark color, just some black. Let's put a little Prussian blue in there. That'll really darken it up. Maybe in our world, let's go right here. Maybe in our world there lives a little evergreen tree. There he comes. Just push him upward with the corner of the fan brush. There we go. Just a very dark little evergreen. (stroking) There. Let's see, we take another fan brush, take a little white, little pthahlo blue, little black. Go back in here and put in just an indication here and there. Few little highlights on the tree. I don't want a whole bunch. Too dark. There, something like so. And you could put as many or as few trees in there as you want. There. And begin creating the lay of the land here. (stroking) There. As I say, as I mentioned earlier, I hope you got a chance to see all those pictures of the paintings that people had sent it that they've done at home just from watching the show. Every once in a while we pick out a few of these and show 'em in our newsletter. It's another way that you will get an opportunity to see what other people are painting. Super, super job that a lot of people are doing. (stroking) There. Now if you wanna ever change the lay of land when you're painting show like this, all you gotta do is take a little bit of color, it's a little bit lighter, and maybe you want a little hill right here. Just go huuummm, gotta make the noise, though. You put a little hill. Let it flow right off over there. There, see, and that's all there is to it. It creates another plane in your painting. And it's that simple. You wanna get crazy? Tell you what. Maybe this is a little old farm something setting out here. And maybe back in here the old farmer has his barn. Once again, I think I'll just scrape out a basic shape. Like so. Very, very basic. Now this is much closer to you, so perspective-wise it's gonna look much bigger. Much, much bigger. OK, that'll give us enough paint removal so we can get this to stick. And we'll put in little Van Dyke brown first of all. Then we can begin just putting in the front of this barn. Maybe this is old farmers like me. He's not too good at keeping things up. Not really keen on that maintenance stuff. I let mine sort of get behind. I don't have a barn, but I let my maintenance get behind. There. Then we take a little bit of dark sienna, a little titanium white, mix it together, and leave it marble. Cut off our little role of paint. Then we can go right up here. No pressure, just allow that to just sort of graze it. Just allow it to graze it. Slide right down like that. Now I'm gonna use some white with some of the blue and black in it, and very carefully come down, chumm. Just begin putting in the basic shape for our roof. Over and down. Then over on this side. Of course, we have to have a little snow showing over there. Here we go. Chuummm. Just like so. Maybe, tell you what, shoot, while we got that goin', let's get crazy. Maybe there's a little shed out here. That's all you have to do is just come right in there. Put in a little white. Go back to our brown, come underneath. See how you can add onto buildings. It's that easy, that easy. You can do anything on this canvas. (scraping) Really can, any old thing. There, little of that highlight color. And if you wanted to show a little indication over here, it'd be very little. Be too dark to show much of anything. Very, very dark. Very dark. OK. Gonna make it look like old boards. Just take a little dark sienna, go like so. Create the illusion of boards. Little bit over here, tt-tt-tt-tt-tt. And we need a door. Gotta have a place for the old cow to get in. Maybe the door is, chuuuh, right there like so. And we can just make out a little edge on that door. There we are. Outline it a little bit so it shows up. Shoot, we're in business. Now we can come right along here, do a barnectomy, cut it off where we want it. Just where we want it. Go back to our titanium white. Go right up to the bottom and pull. And then you just blend it, just blend it out. (stroking) There. See there. Little bit right in here. (stroking) Now once again, the more you blend this, the darker it'll become because it picks up the color that's underneath. There we go. Let's take a clean dry brush, and just blend that there. (stroking) Well, that's a rough lookin' old barn. They've had a bad winter here, I can tell. Bad winter. (stroking) Now then. Maybe, maybe, maybe we get a little liquid white, put it right here. I'm gonna take some of that dark sienna, maybe a little touch of the crimson in there. Whew, too much crimson. Let me start over. The liquid white. Little dark sienna. That's better, just wanted a touch of the crimson. As I've mentioned before, sometimes that crimson or red will just eat up your whole world in just a heartbeat. OK, we'll take our liner brush. Go right into here, and get a lot of that Van Dyke brown on the liner brush, so it's very dark. Then I'm gonna go one side right through that thin color we made. So we have dark on one side, light on the other. Maybe right up here, maybe there's an old fence, part of an old fence. So just touch and pull down. And here's another rail, and another one. How many you want? Want to go over the hill? We can do that. We're just makin' 'em look like they're shorter. It'll go, shoop, right over the hill. Put some old rails across there. Put a little more color on our brush. And there we go. See, just let 'em go. Goes right on over somewhere. We don't know where it goes. Maybe here is one that's broke. Who cares? Cow broke that one one day when he was havin' a bad day. Little touch of liquid white. Put a little snow right up on top of these. There. Take a little dark sienna, little white. Maybe there's a few little weeds that live right around the bottom here. Something like so, just here and there. Few around the old barn, and we about got a finished painting. Think we'll sign that one, call it done. Hope you've enjoyed this one. It'll show you how to use a black canvas to create some very nice night scenes. So try it, think you'll like it. From all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, and god bless, my friend.
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 3,098,063
Rating: 4.9149914 out of 5
Keywords: happy trails, bob ross asmr, livestream, oil, full episode, joy of painting, bob ross twitch, free, mountain, painting, bob ross inc, brushes, bob ross joy of painting, the joy of painting, bob ross marathon, wildlife, twitch, tv show, drawing, stream, pastel, happy accident, art, landscape, asmr, happy trees, lake, chill, bob ross, coloring, kappaross, paint, alaska, ocean, pbs, bob ross painting, canvas, steven ross, bob ross full episode, host, snow
Id: uEUMVwc4o5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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