Bob Ross - One Hour Special - The Grandeur of Summer

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What a time to be alive

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/CyaLaterBye 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2015 🗫︎ replies

This is quite possibly the best news I have heard all day. Hell, who am I kidding? The best news I've heard in a while!

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/tuckertrucker77 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2015 🗫︎ replies

Not that I would exploit such knowledge, but are these available on those... ya know... torrent sites?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/CDC_ 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2015 🗫︎ replies

Especially nice hearing this after they all got taken down from the internet archive.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/unorthodoxprat 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2015 🗫︎ replies

Huh. Didn't know ghosts could operate computers!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Missing_Intestines 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2015 🗫︎ replies

Is this an official channel from his estate? I hope so that they stay up.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MasterPsyduck 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2015 🗫︎ replies

I never had any interest in painting until now.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Live_Z_Or_Die 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2015 🗫︎ replies

What painting is that? I have something like that in my house

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dwbrown705 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2015 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello i'm bob ross i'd like to welcome you to the joy of painting this is a one hour instructional tape designed to take you step-by-step through a beautiful painting project on this tape we will paint a picture which has never been seen on the joy of painting television series and will have sufficient time to demonstrate in detail the various steps and procedures use to create individual effects think of this tape as a private lesson in my studio and I reserve this front-row seat just for you to start off I suggest you get a tall glass of iced tea set back and view the tape in its entirety before you begin painting this way you will have a preconceived idea in your mind of how the painting progresses and how individual effects are achieved if any procedure is unclear to you you may run the tape back and see it again to see exactly how particulars it made pay close attention to the way tools are loaded to achieve certain effects a great deal of the magic occurs right here on the palate take your time and work at your own pace speed will come with practice this is the project we'll be painting today I think you will find this painting fun as well as an excellent learning experience I strongly suggest that you use this painting only as a guide and add your own ideas to it we each see nature through different eyes and your painting should reflect your visions your personality devote some time to practice and become familiar with each piece of equipment and very soon you too will experience the joy of painting before we get started let's put a complete supply list on the screen listing all the materials you need to paint this fantastic scene with me then I'll be back in just a second you welcome back we've got all your materials out tastic painting with me good tell you what though before we get started let me take just a moment of your time and talk a little bit about the equipment that we're going to be using today first of all the main two brushes that we'll use we have here a two inch and a one inch natural bristle brush and of these may look like house painting brushes but these are high quality artist brush is designed specifically for this technique don't confuse these with synthetic brushes such as nylon polyester and etc it absolutely won't work the painting knives that we'll be using will use two different knives we have a number 10 knife which is the larger of the two and a number five knife it's basically the same knife only smaller and it allows you to get into the smaller areas and do detail work with these knives you can create unbelievable effects you can paint mountains and trees and roads and stones rocks houses it's unreal what you can do with those son of a guns we'll be using a fan brush this isn't number 6 fan brush right here now this is a bristle fan brush it's quite firm has a lot of spring to it it's not a soft little delicate brush it's quite quite stiff with that you can do such things as clouds trees waterfalls a multitude of beautiful effects just using a fan brush also and the way of brushes we'll be using a number two script liner brush now this is the brush that we use to do fine detail and most important this is the brush that we use to sign our completed painting some of the other things that we'll use liquid white liquid white is a thin oil base coat with this we cover the canvas to make it wet make it slick it allows us to literally blend color right on the canvas rather than working yourself to death on the palette the paint's that we use the paint's that we use are specifically designed for this technique of painting they're much farmer and dry than normal paint if you use a loose slippery paint here gonna you're gonna end up being a mud mixer and you're gonna be upset with me purchase a paint this design for this specific technique it needs to be firm and dry I can't say that enough other pieces of equipment that will make your job easier the pallet that you use I like a plexiglass pallet and you need a pallet that's big enough to give you sufficient work area when you're using big brushes because where the brush is big you need a nice area to work in if you get a little teeny pallet you're gonna you're gonna kill yourself trying to stay in this little area get you a nice big pallet it really will work fine plexiglass makes a good palette now normally it's very clear I've scuffed this one up so it doesn't shine on TV but normally they're crystal clear okay also another thing that will help you because if you've watched the television series you know I beat the brush against the leg of the easel and paint thinner goes everywhere can run a happy marriage in a heartbeat this is called a brush beater rack and it's just a little wire rack that goes in the bottom of a waste paper basket and you shake the brush inside of the basket then you beat the devil out of it right on these right on these little wire things here right across this rack and it contains all of your brush cleaning procedure inside of the bucket it'll keep you from covering your whole room and getting everybody covered with paint thinner I really think it's a good investment very cheap little thing so I tell you what let's take off and we'll get started here today as we mentioned earlier normally the first thing we always do is cover the entire canvas with a thin even coat of the liquid white so we'll just dip the old 2 inch brush right into the liquid white that like so and we go right up here and begin covering the canvas all we're looking for it's just a nice than even coat just we'll really work it in just cover the canvas with it June has to cover the entire canvas probably the most common mistake made is applying too much of the liquid white all you want is just enough to cover the entire canvas if you think you may have a little too much liquid white one of the easiest ways to make sure clean and dry your brush and then go back over the entire canvas with a clean dry brush that have picked up any excess liquid white and your canvas will be just right down this road okay just really scrub that off one thing that'll help I use a canvas it's very smooth some people like canvas it has a little more tooth to it but more napped and I like a smooth canvas but also use a canvas that has a gray primer and that way you can tell exactly where you look with white is now if you if you don't have a canvas it has a great primer system a white primer a little little trick that you can do is take a little bit of liquid black just put a tiny little bit into your liquid white and it'll give it a great cast and then when you paint your white canvas you can tell exactly where it's covered kennie long horizontal and vertical strokes just to assure that you have a nice even coating of liquid white over the entire surface and you're ready to go remember wash your brush now we wash our brushes with odorless paint thinner and I really really recommend you use odorless thinner it's a screen down here in the bottom of this bucket scrub the bristles against the screen the solid material settle to the bottom and your paint thinner it remains relatively clean shake off the excess then hmm and that's the fun part of this whole technique tell you what let's make a happy little sky and for that I'm gonna go right into a touch of phthalo blue just a little bit just pull a little bit of the color out and then tap the Brussels bristles firmly into the color this will assure a nice even distribution of paint all the way through the bristles it does not take much color just a little kennis curette appear now then just using little crisscross strokes again laying in a basic sky and start at the top and work down word that way that way your brush will pick up the liquid white and automatically automatically your color gets lighter toward the horizon let the canvas work let the liquid white work let your brush work you just enjoy do you just enjoy because painting should make you happy should be a fun experience and you can always add a little more color start with very little color you can always go back and add a little more that's that's very simple it's a sin or gun to try to take it off though you can do it but it's very difficult okay that quickly we've laid in happy to the sky that easy okay now then all we have is brush dirty let's have a little touch of water in this painting I love water and it's always fun to do so I'm gonna take go right back into my phthalo blue reach right over here and grab a touch just a touch of the phthalo green don't need much of that it's very strong just a touch they love blue on the table green and just tap it into the bristles again okay and I decide where you want to water to be and pull from the outside in start on the outside pull it in and start on the bottom work up so it gets lighter and lighter toward the horizon now see if you start if you start here and go over it leaves a very distinct line which is hard to blend out but you can't if you if you happen to forget but blend of outside in and leave a little air area open right in here look like a little sheen of light coming across the water when we're done start at the bottom work up let it get lighter and lighter toward the top of lighter and lighter just like so there we go see how easy that is so there is two of them and then I have several brushes going and you'll find it saves you a lot of time and a lot of a lot of money and wasted paint if you have several brushes if you have one for dark color and one for light otherwise your good paints going to end up down here in this washer bucket a clean brush and I'm just gonna blend right across here it's very lightly I don't want to lose this light area but I just want to bring it all together in a stack so that's ready Oh fixed up if you just have a tiny bit of paint on your brush you can just wrap it like it and it takes it'll take that paint off okay let's use the fan brush today we'll build a happy little cloud let's go right into titanium white I'm gonna reach down here be right back get the least little touch a little bit more of the bright red want to put a little sunlight in these clouds Oh make a happy little cloud today happy little cloud okay decide where your cloud lifts maybe he lives right in here take the corner of the brush and just make tiny little circles tiny little circles round and around and around don't stay in one place and keep working if you just stay in one place here and keep grinding the paint you're gonna end up with big cotton balls up in the sky you can also do this just as well with a one-inch brush or or two-inch brush two inch brush makes Finn take of clouds okay now with a clean dry two inch brush use the top corner of the brush and you won't blend just the base of these clouds out not touching the top yet just believed see very lightly very very lightly just like so just barely barely lit me okay now we're gonna fluff it and this we're gonna do a big circular pattern just grab it gently and fluff it upward just fluff it and you're gonna pull up little stringy things when you do that don't worry about it because when you go across they just go away and that's easy you have one beautiful little cloud and maybe we'll maybe we'll put another happy little cloud in here maybe this other cloud maybe he lives right over here same thing tiny little circles and just drop him in wherever you think you should live he lives right there and in your world you put a cloud where you want it you don't necessarily need to put a cloud where I do you put it where you think if you think it they have somewhere else and that's where it over to be there we go lift it gently lift it and very lightly just go across it and that easy you got another happy little cloud right there absolutely no problem okay I'm gonna wipe off the old fan brush okay I just have some paper towels over here that I clean the brushes on wipe it off and we're in business let's build maybe we back in here there's just a small little mountain that lives so let's take a touch of Prussian blue a little bit of midnight black we're gonna get a little touch of a lizard crimson so we get blue black lives in crimson maybe even little Van Dyke Brown what - hey aren't the heck just drop it in dark colors can't pull the paint out as flat as you can get it just really mash down hard and take your knife and cut across see there get that little roll paint this knife has a straight edge on it and by having a straight edge it's very easy to load it let's go on up here okay and then maybe maybe our little mountain yeah I got to make a big decision here maybe he lives right here just floats around in the clouds pushing very firmly very firmly we're trying to push this color right into the fabric and you just decide where you want little bumps to live see there's one wherever wherever you may be happy little fingers right there scrape off all the excess paint just really get in there that's great heart you can't hurt this just scrape it'll go anything we're worried about that's just nice outside edge in here we could care less now then for the two inch brush I want to grab this and because of the liquid white canvas is whipped you can pull this and move it just a little bit remember if you can see the entire Mountain it's always more distinct at the top then it is at the bottom and by doing this that will happen automatically just like so see just let it sort of float off in the sky there there we go because this is a very firm paint you can blend right over it okay now that maybe there's some maybe there's some snow on that little mountain so we can take some titanium white and once again pull it out as flat as you can get it just really pull it out then go across get that little roll of paint see there yes tired able to roll the paint let's go up here okay now then right along in here take the point of the knife put it right up at the top of the mountain don't pressure just let it float just let it float all right down the side of the mountain there no pressure see follow the angles in the mountain absolutely no pressure okay maybe right here think we're light with strike thank where the Sun would shine through here and create all these beautiful little effects and if you're right-handed it's normally easier for the light to come from the right side normally easier see very delicate touch though very delicate now very Delhi this is a time when the little knife would come in even better so you can get back here with a little knife and get these little places a little son of a gun just sneaks right in there either knife works very well they both have the straight edges and they working very good take a little bit of blue and white this is a little phthalo blue just a touch Janice to touch it makes it up about like so that's good cut across and once again we have that small roll of paint right that on the edge of the knife seeing see it's right on in there you go that it decide which Peaks father's to weigh if this one's in the background put a shadow behind this one first just a little tiny shadow then a shadow here they are distinctly through see they're just simply through no pressure at all link in your mind that the only thing touching the canvas is that little tiny roll of paint and each little highlight needs a shadow if it doesn't have a shadow you won't come out and play with you and just leave you just leave you stranded okay now then sometimes it's fun to play some games all right clean dry brush I'm gonna tap the base of this following the angles I want to create mist now lift upward very softly three hairs and some air over here follow these angles lift left blend say it just softens that son-of-a-gun right down there Jane have it maybe so you can change your mind now maybe there's a peak Eclipse right here if we wanna make this one look like it's in front of that by diffusing that first and then bringing a line distinctly down it'll push all that back but that little misty area is the only thing it separates those so cherish it it's your good friend maybe this shoot look here you could take this anywhere you want it to go anywhere you want to go but notice all the angles of highlight or light color are in the same basic direction the same basic direction that cause lights on hang on strike gotta give an angle coming through your scene pretend you're a sunbeam just wandered around here and having fun okay now we need a shadow back here everywhere there's a highlight they have to have a shadow just a little shadow just a little happy shadow them lives right back here see how that pops right out it covers you for him it's easy just a few little rules mountains are just geometric shapes highlights and shadows that you can make some of the most fantastic mountains you've ever seen what's gratings right for practice and you get to give you experiences just take a canvas and start at the top paint mountains from top to bottom and you'll learn more oh it's it's a super way to practice and by the time you're finished you'll be good friends with the knife okay tapping the base following those angles again now you want to say that one line right there that's a distinct line that separates these two entities save that left upward very originally whisper light you don't want to destroy you just want to diffuse over here follow these angles save this line that's a distinct line that you need give it a little blend and you've got one very effective yet very easy little mountain and I knew you could do it tell you what let's have some little foothills that live right in here prevent us mix up some color she will take we had this mountain color I was just impression blue and so midnight black we'll put some Van Dyke Brown alizarin crimson just a little touch of SAP and green don't want too much Sam green I'm gonna reach over here and find some white and let's see what we got here you got to put a little white with it to know what you have it's very difficult to tell a little more blue in there oh yeah to sort of play with the color till it gets like you wanted I'm looking for a color that sort of a bluish gray maybe with a least little hint of green it's too far away to have much green okay and we can lift it up like so okay let me clean the knife and today to tell you what let's do let's use a one inch brush and I'll just go right into that and just pull it through just to load a little paint on it like so just like so gave us go up to the canvas now you have to make a big decision here where's your little foothills live maybe let's start right in here maybe just using a corner of the brush maybe they just come right down here they come wherever you want them and just sort of sort of pull it straight down turn it over and use the other corner if one gets gets am T you can turn it over just pull straight down but very important here see this little misty area right in here you want to save that mist that's between the foothills and the mountain if you if you kill that misty area these foothills are gonna look like they're right up against the mountain you don't want that you know then time to wash your brush I'll cut off Washington brushes if I'm about to run out give them a good shake and just beat the devil out there now I want to create mist at the base of this foothill so here all we're gonna do and pay attention pay attention here to the angles this foothills gonna sort of be coming down this way just like so there we go see how soft that makes the base of that little sign of a gondola that give it gentle little upward lifts gentle gentle gentle alright now that maybe we'll put one coming down this way same color only darker the same color only darker so as things get closer to you in a landscape they should get darker and value little darker and the values they get closer and you just mix these colors on your brush shoot no big deal little green in there not much greens too far away okay maybe maybe this one lives right along in here somewhere there he goes there he goes see this one's a little darker so it'll stand out now sometimes you want to make something that looks like a little individual trees you just take a brush and turn it on the end see pull down and it makes a little more distinct things pending on the effect that you want to achieve maybe this comes right on down you just sort of have to make a big decision in deciding where it lives look at there that easy though and I'll show you show you something this is fun here maybe you decided here maybe there's a little separation and this one comes right on down here you can you can sort of pull them apart and make more than one that easy and you just take them wherever you wanted to go I'm gonna sue for the way though just to make some some happy little foothills that live back here in the distance maybe over here this one comes up below I don't know whatever you think whatever you think you just put them in okay now then with our two inch brush still paying attention to the lay of the land they can sort of begin tapping this just wherever you think it should go don't want to destroy this little line though if we're gonna keep that in we're going between there just tap for the corner of the brush to soften like so okay and short little strokes lift straight up even if this comes down the hill lift it straight up straight up straight up straight up always if you lean it to the side and lift it'll look like a little trees far away look like the winds blown a thousand miles an hour and got to blow them away there straight up but in that one super way to make some happy little foothills and they're that easy ant using tell you what let's do I find there it is there it is I can't find my brush you know when you get old the mines the second thing to go okay what takes up that dark color you some black some blue I want this to be a very very dark black and blue would get some little brown SAP green this should look black it should be so dark now pull this brush through the paint and as you pull it through wiggle it see wiggle it and then sharpen it that'll bring the brush to a super sharp chisel edge super-sharp page there you can see it's very sharp and the only reason it's sharp is because you have so much pain in there it's literally just stuck the bristles together okay now then maybe back in here we back in the distance there's some little evergreens that live now the only way to make these show is to save this little misty area I said touch it with us that last chisel edge see here don't kill that little misty area that's in between and every so often reload your brush to bring it back to a nice sharp edge and you can begin dropping in all kinds of just a happy little distant trees we're not looking for a distinct shape yet too far away still too far away when they get closer then we'll worry about individual shapes right now Paul we're trying to do this just sort of tap hmmm ain't that fun it's a super another way to make have a lot of trees now if you get them too far apart if you let's just do something I see if you put them like this they're very rapidly but don't look like telephone poles or a fence post if that happens just put some more in there just means you don't have quite enough not quite enough load your brush frequently and maybe as they wander out here they get a little bit bigger and by making them bigger out here and smaller toward the center it'll create the illusion of a little pond here you'll see what I mean in just a second but sort of let them get bigger toward the outside edges and it makes a wonderful effect a wonderful effect it all thank you happy if you're interested in selling paintings soon that's what I'll sell them okay I doesn't matter if a little bit that color comes down cuz we're gonna have water so this will just end up being just happy little reflections there we go but now one of the things when you're painting the more planes you have in a painting the more depth the more distance that you'll have your painting will look deeper so come right up here a minute look look up close let me show you look at all the planes that we have here this one right here were these dark trees and then this this one another one and then you have several different planes in the mountain now if you can zoom back a little bit and take a look see when you look at all these planes independently look at the right there look at the depth that's in that already and has caused only because of all of these various planes in your painting and that's that's what'll that's what'll make a happy bug now then let's create some reflections right here let's take two inch brush decide where you want reflections to be grab and pull straight down because these trees are short just have short reflections here as you work outward they don't get a little longer trees are little taller reflections a little longer see there go out the other way just pull straight down though straight down straight down and not a super easy nice way to make fantastic reflections and you can do it you can do it and very lightly very lightly come straight across and instant reflection I'll show you another little trick this is fun maybe you want to create another plane in here you can do that simply by just taking a little doesn't matter as long as it's a light color we just whatever happens to be on the palate now watch right in here maybe you want to show a little another little plane touch here with a fan brush and lift upward it'll make it look like a little tree trunks far away but it also begins creating the lusion have another plane in the painting so yeah looks like a little Bank back here and it also looks like little tree trunks hundreds of little tree trunks in that sneaky and the more of these you put in that better look the more planes that you have in your painting if you get one here that you don't like or it's too bright all you have to do is work it in and all that dark color back there I'll heat it up I spilled a little waterline for that I'm gonna take a touch of the liquid right and put it on a pallet just pull it out and then lightly cut across all there is to us he's a little bit of paint right up on the top here okay now go up here use a firm pressure and all we're gonna do is just cut in a water line use a fan for keep these lines basically straight basically straight say they're just cut out a happy little water line wherever you think they should be wherever this should be there we go okay look at that and it's super and you can do it you can do it see now a few little ripples here and there in the water they too need to be straight if they're not straight the water looked like it's gonna run right out of your painting cause you a lot of problems okay tell you what tell you what let's do let's begin putting some foreground in here let's take a big bunch of the Prussian blue black brown oh I don't know crimson SAP green it doesn't matter whatever you have shoot just drop it in there dark colors dark colors look at that Mazal mix up a big water paint can't let me clean off of a knife today tell you what tell you what let's do let's use shoot we'll just use a little two inch brush you could you could do this for the fan brush one inch brush it doesn't matter I'll use a two inch today pull it through the paint wiggling it I see wiggle it other side pull it through and wiggle it you need a lot of pain in the bristles just like with the one inch brush to bring it to a nice sharp chisel edge wiggle it that loads it brushes the bristles I mean loads of bristles and by wiggling it and pulling it it pulls the paint toward the end of the bristles and sharpen just like you would a knife okay look at how sharp it is I want it son of a guns just you could shave with it look at that super sharp now that let's decide maybe there's a happy tree evergreen tree he lives right there start with just touching the canvas use just the corner of the brush just the corner and begin pushing making the bristles Bend slightly downward there look at that another nice little tree and he lives right here in this brush oh you have to do is sort of push him out each time you start a new evergreen reload the brush to a nice sharp chisel edge go through the same procedure let's have another one maybe he lives soup right there just make a decision and drop him in there he goes one of the questions I get asked quite frequently what do a tree and decided don't like you or maybe I'll make him taller watch here watch here let's see what I hate to mess up his treatment I want to show you this it's a good tree maybe you wanna make history taller all you have to do is touch and come right back over the top of it stay here and you just paint a bigger tree right over the top we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents and you have a brand-new beautiful tree that easy tell you what let's do let's have a tree on the other side to bring the brush back to a chisel edge nice and sharp okay I may be this tree this old treat maybe he goes almost all the way to the top of the canvas same way this will give you some practice using a big brush making some beautiful little evergreens this might be my favorite brush to do this with it's so much fun some so often we avoid this brush because it's big but it'll do some of the most beautiful little delicate things just you're pushing downward with a corner of the brush just the corner just the corner as you work down the tree you push harder and harder so you're actually using more of the brush but just the corner and push down see down I'm exaggerating this they can sit down like that okay now then maybe we'll have some leaf trees in there so pull the brush in one direction through the paint or one direction loaded full of color one directions is the same old dark color really pull it pull it by pulling it in one direction it'll generate a around corner see you pull it and in that corner is around when we touch the canvas we want that rounded corner toward the top let's go right up here maybe right here lives a nice tree nice tree lives there just push bend the bristles upward that rounded corner was toward the top just push and bend it up with you okay you have to make some decisions now where does this live I said comes right out here here like so whatever this is it's your world you make the big decision throw it in hmm that was so much fun let's go over here maybe on this side maybe there's a tree lives right in here so we don't have to separate these yet we separate them with highlights right now all we need are just basic shapes so just push in that brush it up now when you do it don't let the brush slide like that see the difference you get those makes good swamp grass we're not after that right now just push there and you just wherever you want you can begin filling all that in good place to practice bushes and stuff right in here excellent excellent place to practice and we've got all that color-block down that easy baby nice individual fish lives right there okay now then let's make a few tree trunks here and there and to do that we'll take a little the dark Sienna little Van Dyck Brown and some white just pull it out very flap don't overmix leave it leave it marbled like it and cut across get that little roll of paint all those various colors will be in that little roll out here it's all there same there okay we'll go right up in here just touch allow the canvas to pull off what it wants give it just a least little pull to the side and you can put in just a happy little tree trunk wherever you want that easy maybe in this big tree over here here's a little trunk you don't have to show the entire truck cause the leaves are gonna cover up places you won't see all of it okay maybe in this old tree here there's a trunk lives wherever you want every another thing just take a clean knife and scratch through the paint see it makes it look like all kinds of little delicate sticks and twigs people will think you work for weeks doing this with a little one hair brush if you want them to be wider stronger turn the knife and they'll get thicker and you can put a lei on the zone trees or whatever you want just doing this most of these will be covered up as I say put a few on the other side over here there okay yeah then over here let's have some reflection so take the big brush decide where you want reflections and land to meet grab and just pull it straight down straight down liquid white it's still wet it stays wet for several days on a good canvas and the paint will move and you could turn what was land right into reflections that easy then go lightly across okay I'm gonna grab an old one-inch brush here now then let's begin putting some highlights and all these things I'll go right into a touch of a liquid white into yellow CAD yellow more each appear to be right back a little SEP green maybe add a little black dull it down some there you could just use black and yellow makes a beautiful green I'm looking for a dark green color here dark green color bring it brush back to a nice sharp sharp edge see they're very sharp okay now then I want to highlight these big evergreens using just the corner of the brush just sneak in here and put all kinds of little highlights don't kill all your dark areas Oh evergreens are usually quite dark so try not to kill all those dark areas there they're important especially in evergreens okay a little bit out here on this one don't want him left out dad easy easy okay let's go over here this other evergreen while we're in the Evergreen business shoot I'll get them all see they're just basically using just the corner of the brush though and not a great deal of pressure if your paint won't come off your brush and the least little touch least little touch of paint thinner that'll loosen the paint up and allow it to come off easier then paint will stick to a thick paint okay it'll wash it brush off real quick get my good shake no if we go now we can begin working on these leaf trees back into the liquid white and let's go right through some yellow and just a touch agree on what has to be a nice shiny green and your world you make it whatever color you want okay just want to show you how to create the effects pull that brush in one direction and get it full of paint it's a lot of pain in there the secret to this is to have a lot of paint so you just have to barely touch the canvas if you have to hit the canvas off firmly or hard that it's gonna smudge we pulled it in one direction it rounds one corner look right up here you can see it how that's around on that corner with that rounded corner to the top take go slightly above the dark give it the least little touch and just push slightly upward you're just barely bending the bristles it's a delicate little touch no pressure and then working layers working downward see there there we go down down just decide where you treat lives and pay me man it's all you have to do think about limbs that are projecting towards you they're not just all going out the sides and don't just hit a random look at it get a feel for it one of the best things you can do is take some time in and go out in your yard or go out in the woods and and study trees make friends with a tree talk to him then you'll get to understand him look at what makes a tree look around what gives it what gives it personality get a touch of paint thinner on the brush just to thin the paint a little bit okay maybe right in here now it's a happy little Bush it lives right there very little pressure very very little pressure mm-hmm then it pretty little suddenly good adalah yellow ochre Indian yellow hearing their little touch of bright red just sort of mixed color on the brush shoot for maybe maybe back here oh there's a nice one there's a nice one you want to be able to really see him little fireball nice little bright one a happy one maybe there's one that lives in front of him pushes him back through the bush but in your mind is a father's to wait to him first okay now you can use the side of the brush and just push upward see make all kinds of happy little grassy areas look at that then a super super weight Creed all kind of little bushes working layers here though and notice there's a dark here you see the little dark area between each layer that's the only thing that separates your bushes don't kill it it's your good friend keep the camera right there let me show you you take the knife and come right back in here and on these dark areas scratching little sticks just in the dark yo and it'll help create depth in your painting can you see those and give little sticks and twigs it holds all these little bushes up looks like a lot of detail and you haven't worked very hard you hadn't already worked at all don't tell me about it that's our secret okay see paintings fun should always make you happy a little more color on the brush and maybe let's do this one right back here here's a happy little Bush he lives right there got a little arm it comes out through there make up little stories talk to them talk to your canvas shoot people expect us painters to be half crazy it's all right get away with it okay Indian yellow yellow hooker but let's put some bright red in there too what the heck now as I mentioned earlier when you're doing this at home you use the colors that make you happy I want I want to use colors here that are bright enough that you can see them and you can distinguish how they're made there we go because very soon very soon how do paint will become easy what's gonna be hard is what to paint that becomes the challenge one thing you'll help you there we have all kinds of instructional books and there's a book for each television series and each book contains 13 paintings with detailed instructions and just hundreds and hundreds of how-to pictures it'll give you a lot of ideas of things to paint and with what you've learned here I shouldn't have any trouble at all any trouble at all or if you'd like we have instructors that travel all over the country we have certified instructors that I personally have taught and trained and that we guarantee and these instructors travel all over the country teaching hundreds and hundreds of people the joy of painting if you'd like to have an instructor in your area let us know or let your local art shop know okay there may be yeah there's one I do one bush at a time well Bush it's time just one at a time here's one that one a rascal you're looking for a little lacy effect should you get a bush it that you don't like just take your knife scrape it right off just to a bush ectomy scrape that little rascal off put your dark color back in and you could do it right over the top no problem no problem at all because if you're not happy with something and you want to change it a little Bush right there and maybe ooh there's a bright little rascal it's not pretty that really stands up nice tell you what before we get too far along let me see we'll use a little small knife it's fun for getting in here maybe you want to have maybe back in here it lives maybe there's a big rock big stone ah there he is I just use some fan type brown a little dark Sienna on it so you paint a big old happy Rock and then we can take some oh we can take some brown and some height whatever color rock you want okay still using the small knife and just reach up in here just like you were doing a little mountain just let this bounce along put some highlight on that rock and then a pretty little rock say there he lives out here monks - all these bushes and trees and rocks are just baby mountains with proper care nutrition - to grow up and be a big mountain - to tell you what all we got Brown going here maybe over on this side let's put it a little bit of land we don't want all these bushes to to fall off in the water we'll give him some give him something for his little foots to stand on here Van Dyke Brown just like so and we can use some Brown little touch of blue even in there graze it okay Brown right touch of blue just let that sort of bounce along make some nice how it looks like dirt sand rock stones okay if you want to make it shine a little more you can take a little lighter color and just barely Grady's here and there just barely that'll make it jump right out at you and then with the one-inch brush see this is a very straight edge here you can take and just pop in a little bush lucker there see and that sort of pushes that back just hearing they're just a happy little Bush wherever you think they should live okay back into our color and let's put in a little bush or two right around here see right around the wrong one thing I'd like to mention if you've enjoyed painting along with me on this instructional video tape we have numerous other tapes by myself and a lot of other fantastic painters in and just about every medium you can think of if you'd like if you'd like a free color brochure showing a lot of the tapes that we have drop me a line we'll be glad to send you one give you an idea of some of the beautiful beautiful projects you can do in the comfort of your home with videotape okay now I'm going to take just a clean knife and I'm gonna go up in here and here there I'm gonna just scratch you in just some sticks on the twigs where do you think they should live where everyone okay a little bit of liquid right and we can go under this area here of dirt and land and just cut in a water line same way as we did in the back keeping it basically straighten basically straight like so thanks so go anywhere you want to go here but you want to keep these lines as straight as you can okay maybe there's a happy to the ripple lives out here this too should be straight okay tell you what let me get the liner brush I'm gonna put paint thinner on it paint then let's go right up here in the brown you want this to be as thin as ink this is paint thinner little Van Dyck Brown turn that brush turn it it brings it to a sharp nice sharp point Sam I'll kiss go up here now this is a thin thin paint maybe in here it lives a little stick or twig right there all right here and this paint is thin it will flow it will literally flow right off your brush if your paint won't flow then it's probably not thin enough they had a little more paint thinner to it sometimes I use a thin oil that'll work quite nicely to seen you've got a little stick it lives there and he's got a friend lives over here it's always old sticks in the woods and it adds little details to your pain I have the liner brush I'm gonna go right into paint thinner and right into the bright red and now we'll do the most important part of the painting then the paint once again toes consistency of ink load the brush full and let's go right down in here and seiner painting just like so and his thin paint will flow there we go and I hope you've enjoyed this painting it's a lot of fun it'll teach you how to use the equipment and it's very very rewarding and now I look forward to painting with you again on the other instructional videos and until then from all of us here happy painting god bless [Music] you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 14,502,707
Rating: 4.9073496 out of 5
Keywords: Television Program (Media Genre), chill, bob ross twitch, art, drawing, Draw, asmr, pbs, bob ross asmr, bob ross full episode, brushes, Special, how to, Artist, coloring, bob ross inc, Episode (Award Discipline), Fine Art (Industry), happy trees, lake, The Joy Of Painting (TV Program), beauty is everywhere, pastel, free, Drawings, twitch, oil, Grandeur Of Summer, happy trails, bob ross, bob ross painting, painting, snow, canvas, bob ross joy of painting full episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2015
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