Bob Ross - Frozen Solitude (Season 13 Episode 2)

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hi welcome back certainly glad you could join me today you ready to do a fantastic little painting with me good tell you what let's start out and have around all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and while they're doing that let's go on up here i have my standard old pre-stretched canvas up here it's been covered with liquid white and it's ready to go so let's get started i thought today let's do a little winter scene maybe one that's maybe one that's really cold and you'll have to put on your coat for this one's over so let's start out with a little touch of prussian blue on the two inch brush and just a small amount let me reach up here and grab a little the midnight black too need very little color both of these colors are extremely extremely strong so be careful with them be careful they'll eat up your whole world in just a heartbeat okay now we have those sort of just mixed on the brush i want to just sort of dance in a just all kinds of little things just take the brush and do little circles just little happy circles let it spin in all kinds of directions just back and forth from one way than the other and just let it play let all these little brush strokes happen don't stay in one place and keep mixing look like a look like a big gob in the sky just keep the brush moving let it bounce and play and have fun just let it go maybe we'll darken this like that if it's darker out here and gets lighter toward the center then it'll automatically automatically bring your eye down to this lighter area see there we go just sort of let this bounce and play and have fun and you know me shoot i love water i'm just a water fanatic so let's put a little bit of water in this painting i'll use exactly the same colors the blue and the black or black and blue whichever whichever and let's just drop in a little bit of water pull from the outside inward like so just like so there then we'll go over to the other side add a little more paint to the brush and do the same thing i don't know exactly where we'll have water but wherever now i want to leave a little area open here where there's there's no no color nothing there but the liquid white and i'll show you why in just a second there we go but pull from the outside in if you start here and pull across you're going to get great big marks that are very very difficult to get rid of okay wash the old brush wash the oil brush there's a screen in the bottom of this can that i scrub the brush against the screen allows this that allows the solid materials to settle to the bottom it keeps your thinner relatively clean now with a clean dry brush i'm just going to grab this and go all the way across and that light area will remain there and it'll look like a sheen of light coming across your water when we're done sort of sneaky huh we look for easy ways to do things that's what makes this style of painting so fantastic even if you've never painted this will work for you there we go okay up here in the sky i'm just going to take and just sort of wind this up a little bit just mix it and stir it all kind of directions but i'm using basically just the corn of the brush and i'm just sort of stirring it up just blending and mixing just letting the brush sort of slide around there i don't want to kill all these shapes that i've made but i want to diffuse them make them softer there okay now you could stop right there and have one very nice stormy looking sky and for a lot of paintings that would be just right it'd make you a beautiful sky but let's play a little bit today tell you what i'll take you a one inch brush i'm gonna go right into titanium white i'm gonna load the bristles full of paint a lot of paint a lot of paint and let's go right up here and maybe we're gonna have a bright area right in here and we'll put some clouds in but you can get tough here and just take the brush and sock it just sock it and then begin just blending outward just let all these little things just sort of happen and play see sort of look at your light areas and and these shapes will just sort of happen automatically just sort of let them play and have fun in there wherever you think they should be that's exactly where they are to be this is a fantastic way of making some beautiful beautiful sky effects just like so let them blend and play but don't stay in one place and just keep working if you do it'll it'll end up looking like a big old cotton ball in the sky we want life in these clouds action movement just keep them going keep them going look at all that all kinds of fantastic little things happening that easy there we go okay now then i have several brushes going so i don't have to wash them continually now then with a large brush i want to take just the top corner of the brush very top and just begin blending the base of each one of these little individual shapes we've made just blend it using tight little circular strokes like so very gentle very just absolutely just barely barely caressing the canvas make love to the canvas gentle very soft there we go just whisper light and in your world you decide how many clouds you want and drop them in now i'm beating the brush just to remove excess paint that's the best way to do it all you have to do is just beat the devil out of it and it'll take that excess paint out you don't have to go through the entire brush cleaning procedure now then we want to fluff these clouds this is two hairs and some air i mean just oh you're just barely touching lift them upward like so just give them a little circular upward stroke there let's see just like so just lift them up remove the excess paint and very lightly very lightly just blend the entire sky isn't that something that easy you have instant clouds there all right tell you what today today let's build some almighty mountains i like big old mountains lived in alaska for over a dozen years and alaska has some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world so we'll take some prussian blue some midnight black little van dyke brown and we'll just mix it together pull the paint out as flat as you can get it get tough with it pull it out cut across we have a small roll of paint there it is right out on the edge of the knife okay now maybe there lives in our world right here a little a little little mountain lives up here in the clouds and you just sort of decide where you want to be and firmly very firmly push that mountain right into the sky get tough with it get tough there the only thing you're worried about is a nice top edge you could cure less what's happening anywhere else in this mountain now we'll take a large brush and we'll grab that paint and pull it downward you can see the entire mountain it's always more distinct at the top than it is the bottom so by pulling this paint down like that automatically it mixes with a liquid white and it gets lighter and lighter in value toward the base of the mountain see there and then let's just take some straight straight old titanium white same way pull it out flat and cut across and get our small roll of paint again just like so and then with that take the point of the knife put it right up here at the top and no pressure no pressure at all just touch the mountain and let it flow right on down it's that simple no pressure though probably the biggest single mistake made is applying too much pressure maybe there's a little bit on that peak right there we'll take a little prussian blue and white just mix that together and we'll use that for a shadow color you need a shadow color and a highlight color and same way we pulled it out got our little roll of paint now let's go right up in here and in the opposite direction let's just put some happy little shadows like so no pressure i can't say that enough times absolutely no pressure and you can continually change this mountain maybe now there's a see there's a big old thing that lives right out here big peak it's your mountain so you can do anything that you want to do with it little ridges here and there and that's all there is to it clean dry brush we'll tap that very lightly following the angles and lift upward that creates more mist at the base over here same way always follow those angles in your mountain tell you what today let's have some fun we'll use that same color that was black compression blue and van dyke brown pull it out flat and get our little roll of paint again always a little roll of paint and maybe over here today on this side we'll put a monster mount this will really give you some practice using the knife and if you can make mountains with this knife then you can make roads and houses stones oh anything some of the earlier series we painted entire paintings using nothing but the knife and mountains will teach you how to make friends with it and that's what you need you have to make friends with the equipment there once again all you're worried about is that nice top shape take our large brush grab this paint and pull it just pull it it'll move because the liquid white's on there it'll move and it'll mix if you were trying to do this on a dry canvas you'd be upset with me and i don't want you to be upset i want this to work for you because it's a tremendous amount of pleasure in creating a painting that you see in your mind and with your own hands that you put on canvas it's very very satisfying psychologists would probably tell us that phil some inner need i don't know about that it's just fun and enjoyable okay go back to our white just plain old titanium white and let's put some highlights right on this mountain follow those angles just let that float right down the side of the mountain no pressure no pressure i think i've mentioned another series and i was teaching my son steve to paint i used to tell him just just to pretend that if he wasn't careful his hand would float right off the canvas and go away that he was a whisper floating through the mountain that little center of the gun can paint some mountains now there of course he spends all his time trying to find his hand and float it away there okay and then we'll come right in here drop in some little shadows this is just blue and white there we go but you see just from this exercise what fantastic mountains can be made quite simply mixing up a little more shadow color here ran out fresh in blue and white there okay now once again though you can go right back in here and maybe in your world you want to have a little peek right there see all you have to do is drop it in make a decision put a shadow behind it and that easy it becomes a separate and complete entity our clean dry brush oh shoot got ahead of myself i didn't put any shadows right there there if you don't put a shadow behind each peak it doesn't look right it won't come out and play with you it'll go off and he'll go off and leave you okay let's just tap right here still following those angles most most important follow those angles okay see and lift upward very gently very gently always following those angles over here going this direction but see in just a couple of minutes you've made two planes two different areas of fantastic mountains not a traditional painter i might have spent a week just just to do that there we go beat off the excess we're ready tell you what we just take it same old mountain color that we had that was prussian blue midnight black van dyke brown i'm just gonna mix it back together here with a little white just to lighten it up until it looks about like so let me let me wipe my knife off and we'll find we'll find we'll get a little one inch brush that's good now i'm just going to tap the one inch brush right into this color just tap it that's all there is very easy and then let's have some little foothills and all you have to do is just tap on some color see all you're doing is tapping once again the only thing you're worried about is that nice top edge just relax let it go and enjoy that's the only prerequisites painting should make you happy should always make you happy if it doesn't make you happy you're doing the wrong thing there okay see and i'm sort of working in layers and leaving some little light areas in there and those will show up just working little layers and you don't care if you get some down here shoot we're going to we'll turn that into reflections so don't worry about it it'll be one of those happy accidents that turn out so beautiful learn to work with anything that happens anything that happens because god made trees in all shapes and mountains and all shapes anything that you do is right don't let it fluster you as they say in the south okay now while i have that color on the brush i'm just going to grab this and pull a little bit of it down this will be our reflections like so just pull it straight down even though this is curved pull the reflection straight down do you knew that there we go pull them straight down now then that will be our reflections okay then we'll take a clean one-inch brush and very gently very very gently you want to grab this in short little strokes quarter inch high type and begin lifting upward in layers starting at the top and working down just lift straight up straight up if you let them go at an angle it'll look like little distant trees and if they're at an angle it'll look like the wind's blowing about 100 miles an hour and all your trees are going to fall over so even though it comes down the side of a hill or whatever trees still grow basically the majority of them will grow straight up they'll go up here looking for the sun and the light and all those good things this is one of the most fantastic ways there is of creating the illusion of a lot of little trees that are far far away just little foothills see and you can do it so quickly then we'll take a little bit of liquid white on the knife there and we'll pull it out flat and i'm just going to cut like that and get a tiny little bit on right on the bottom of the knife and let's go in here and maybe there's some little little areas of snow that live up in there now sometimes the liquid white is real thin you might want to add a little bit of titanium white to it just to make it go up in there a little better you sort of you sort of have to test yours and see there see but this is loaded on the bottom of the knife normally when we're making water lines we load it on the top of the knife this is on the bottom okay and we can take our large brush pull this straight down and straight down straight down like so and go across that gives us some instant reflections come in here now we can straighten all this up clean up the bottom edges bring it all together and have some little lines that protrude out past this there but keep these lines basically straight even though they're coming downhill keep them straight or to look like your water is going to run right out of your painting maybe a little ripple here and there you don't want this water to run out on run out on the floor and get your floor wet so keep all these lines basically straight like so now we can take our little one inch brush and just grab this and lift a little bit of this white up also and that that'll set it in there bring everything together it looks like little snowy areas laying in between the trees there told you this was going to be a cold one now then over here on the other side tell you what let's do clean off the space here put that up there and save it for later let's take a big cup of black and blue put some brown in there mix up a pile of paint let me clean off my knife and let's use the old fan brush today take the fan brush and go right into that pile of paint load both sides full of paint a lot of paint tremendous amount of color on the brush now then maybe there's some big evergreens that live right there start off by just touching to give you a center line as sort of a guide then use the corner of the brush and as you work down the tree apply more and more pressure i'm still using the same corner but as you work down just apply more pressure a little sign of a gun slip right there and you right there in your brush all you got to do is scare them out just start at the top and work down down like so there we go and you put as many or as few trees in your world as you want just sort of look at it and make a decision and sometimes you can put layers of trees by that i mean maybe there's some trees that are that are far away say if you wanted to have some trees that were further away maybe right here for example there we go now you want to make them smaller and a little bit lighter in color to show distance there's one let's get let's give them a friend everybody has to have a friend you need a friend there's another one and maybe even a third one wherever and we can just see i'll show you how to make a little peninsula out here and underneath there we'll drop in a little color take our big brush pull that down go across and that easy we have instant okay i'm going to take oh let's take a little prussian blue and a little touch of white making a dark blue color here just on the one inch brush and let's put in let's put in some basic shapes for some nice little bushes that live here we'll make some little snow-covered bushes today see you can just have those come right on out wherever you want them where of everyone you need to start coloring here in order to show light so all we're doing right now just just putting in some shadows and we'll come back and put in all the nice highlights there okay back to my fan brush it has white white and a little prussian blue on it white impression blue let's go up here and just put the indication here in there of a little bit of highlight on these trees don't much if you put too much you're going to lose this beautiful contrast just on these very dark trees and while we have that we can go in here put a few highlights in these little grassy areas just a few and with our knife a little water line here this is just liquid white put this little water line right in there that'll push all that back okay now we'll take a one inch brush and i'm going to dip it right into the liquid white and remember our golden rule a thin paint will stick to a thick paint so liquid white first and then into titanium white pulling the brush in one direction okay now then let's just go up here and begin creating all these little snow-covered bushes wherever you think they should live that's where they ought to be okay do one bush at a time just one at a time don't get in too big a hurry just drop them in see there but now because that darks back here these will stand out otherwise otherwise they just sort of fade right into the background tell you what right here's a nice place for a little cabin we'll do a quick little cabin just scrape out a basic shape with a knife see that's all you have to do take some van dyke brown a little dark sienna mixed in it see make the far side of the roof and we'll come right down here put in this side of the roof and we'll put in the front the other side of the front and we need a little side here and that easy you've got your cabin blocked in we'll take some brown and white and just barely touch it whisper light just let this float right down this is an old cabin boy it's seen as better day okay then we can do a cabinet cut it off wherever we want it take a little brown just gives us a door just sort of highlight that cutting through and make the indication of little boards this whole cabin has been deserted out here by the trapper for many years but maybe there's still a little path here it comes right out like this see just a little touchy white and back to our liquid white and titanium white and we can come back in here look at that the whole bush is growing right over the side of that cabin nearly and you can put bushes all up and down where the old path used to be he cuts his yard about like i do there we go and you take the knife and just scrape in a little stick of a twig here and with that i think we've got a pretty good winter scene try this you'll like it and from all of us here i'd like to wish you happy painting god bless and i'll see you next time do you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 1,946,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tv show, ocean, beauty is everywhere, steven ross, happy trails, free, mountain, bob ross joy of painting, canvas, bob ross, asmr, bob ross painting, painting, brushes, host, paint, bob ross asmr, joy of painting, kappaross, drawing, twitch, landscape, bob ross inc, chill, happy accident, lake, full episode, bob ross marathon, wildlife, oil, pastel, bob ross twitch, the joy of painting, art, stream, coloring, bob ross full episode, pbs, alaska, snow, happy trees, livestream
Id: kNZssD9zWlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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