Vans Rebel Jam

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[Music] welcome to Huntington Beach California here at the US Open of Surfing where the celebrated bands rebel Jam BMX Street competition debuts for its first time on American soil unlike any other traditional contest format the Vans rebel Jam philosophy supports fun creativity and innovation by integrating custom designed obstacles and tailored course elements that are inspired by the sports storied history and the unique style and approach of each PMX specialty from vert and park to street style riding don't go anywhere because the Vans rebel Jam starts now and welcome to Surf City USA Huntington Beach California where we're about to witness the Vans rebel jam go down as we see a beautiful Sun Sun sunny day here in California and we have the course for the rebel jam right there I am Darryl now lifetime a BMX rider joined by the one the only one of the most inspirational BMX riders in BMX Scottie Cramer good to be here down amazing event happened already this weekend watching qualifying it was absolutely insane it was incredible seeing the level of ride and currently right now but we're about to go into the finals this is gonna be nuts yeah this is such a unique event the emphasis of rebel Jam for the last 15 years has always been about fun and also the individual style and personalities of the riders we're gonna talk about the contest format will break down the judges who they are and what they're looking for but let's take a moment and rewind it to yesterday where we had our prelim the 34 riders out on the course and see which are the top 12 will be joined as today in the finals [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were talking about this earlier down the level of riding in 2019 is at an all-time it's unbelievable what these guys are landing consistently riding BMX Street yeah just to see those combinations that would almost be that of like a video game out there so we're seeing the rebel champ course it's definitely a little more Street focus that may be a part course but all riding styles out there are expressed Scottie I want to ask you as a rider how's that individual expression basically play out for a rider on a course like this like a course like this there's so much variety you have the rails you have the ledges you have quarter pipes are actually on here too now what's cool about this we've seen in qualifying guys are combining the quarter pipes with the other you know parts of the course like the ledges and getting linked runs through it which is amazing because the level is that high yeah it's really cool and the great thing about rebel Jam it's not just about your runs out there it's about bringing elements of fun with BMX to an event for fans to enjoy yesterday we had a BMX bunny hop and also higher went down let's take a look at some of the craziness that ensued [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we had double hires in that when we had the quarter pie Meyer which Larry Edgar absolutely destroyed but we also had the plenty up competition where rock Rayford actually had to use four different bikes for bugs he got flat tires on like three bikes total to get to that mark and he tied with genre candy right there that is so crazy just think about that you're getting flat tires three flats four bikes because you're going so high super nuts well the cool thing about BMX it's not just about being here for an event or a competition BMX is definitely about enjoying with your friends you can grab your bikes if you travel around the world and if you want you could capture that experience well your name is Calvin Kosovich you did just that you rounded up a lot of the big vans riders and you put out a masterpiece thankfully we've got a little taste of the project that he's worked on known as shimmer let's take a look [Music] well BMX definitely all about fun and shimmer not only captures a unique side of that with an artistic approach to the riding but Calvin also did an awesome job as far as the artistic expression of video and editing definitely make sure you want to check out that full piece online but there's one third member of our team who is always about fun we're talking about fbms Steve Crandall thankfully we threw him down on the deck and we have an opportunity to get a little insight from Steve Crandall himself all right what's up Huntington Beach my name is Steve Crandall I am on the deck with one of the top qualifiers time Morrow out here at the US Open the van's rebel Jam if you didn't know ty just dropped two new colorways with vans you qualified you also just dropped the big video part and shimmer how many spots did you get to travel to and what's it like to come here in Huntington Beach and qualify shimmer was an awesome project we got to travel like Barcelona Australia Vans helped us out like took care of us everywhere we went it was pretty sick it's like to see rebel Jam out here like it and US Opens supporting like Street BMX it's like a little bit of a switch up from the normal bowl contest and it's really awesome to see like we usually have our Street contest every year but doing it down by the beach is really sick because get a lot more people checking it out and stuff and seeing what we do awesome I know I'm stoked everyone in the crowd seems really stoked darryl scotty they're real stoked how stoked to the riders that made it into the final i think everyone's really stoked man to be in that top 12 like with the dudes that are out here it's like you kind of have to just be like honored in a sense because like anyone could be in this top 12 it's really just a matter of like who was kind of on it that day so well if you get that 10 grand we're going out tonight that cool we're gonna go back to scotty and daryl up top thank you ty thank you everybody out here on the beach let's make some noise for all these riders let's have a time all right well thank you Steve thank you very much Scotty we want to make sure that ty gets that top 10,000 because if they go out to party we're going with them sounds good and it's very cool we are getting so close to having our competition underway but you can see this park just over our shoulders it's actually only built just for this event which is so crazy to think it's amazing it's made out of concrete and it's actually such a unique piece as well there's not many skate parks you'll see like this around the world so yeah well why don't we take a look a little bit more of what makes this Park so special with our local Huntington Beach rider Dakota Roche we're here in Hudson Beach at the Vans rebel jam super excited that this event has made it to America finally after being in Europe for all these years [Music] this is my hometown so having a street comp in my hometown at the US Open is like insane to me I'm so thankful to be a part of it super stoked Vance brought it down here really excited to have Colts involvement in the course and designing the curved wall ride obstacle that things gonna get destroyed this weekend it's gonna be crazy and I can't wait to see what happens [Music] well Dakota Roach the street bomber extraordinaire from Huntington Beach showing you a couple of those features especially that curved wall Scottie fellow rider I know that you've entered many competitions of all different kinds what is your take on this course I love the variety of it I love the fact that they have the ledges they have the rails they even have a bit of homemade back to the Huntington Beach skate park of replicating the kink rail that's directly behind us over here so there's a little bit of everything out here it's cool to see yeah it's definitely gonna bring out the uniqueness again we talked about rebel jam being about fun and also really about the personalities that BMX and that's what this course is going to show well not only do we have the men competing we're also gonna have the women here which is so cool we actually have six of the world's best and most creative women riders who are going to be out on the course Scottie they're gonna have an opportunity to get out in the competition but we're gonna talk a little bit about the format I was hoping that you could walk us through it yeah sure we'll women's format today it's gonna be a six-round or Jam so six riders at one time you ride until you fall thirty-second max run but you can stop early if you want equal amount of runs for all the riders they're gonna be judged on overall impression and there's going to be a edition one-off Awards at the end yeah it's gonna be a unique one out there again that 30 seconds is going to be something we're going to talk about a lot that's going to be a very cool format but we do have our six riders let's take a look we see us a top to bottom out there it's going to be Angie Moreno Jesse Gregory Jessica Asik Mackenzie Barros Natasha Wetzel and Paris Venegas so those are going to be our top six women in our finals for the rebel Jam USA top to bottom is going to be represented very strong out there yeah we've got a lot of great riders out there and a lot of different varieties of styles and the women as well so I'm really curious to see how this plays out today yeah it's going to be very cool because again this is a course that not only has Park elements but also Street as well we're taking a look at our first rider 29 years old from San Diego doing it for vans and coke crew on course right now is Angie Moreno Wow look at that beautiful one-handed table hair right there that was amazing and Angie's got such a great style in BMX and she's known throughout BMX by both the women and the men for having amazing styles so I'm really curious to see how she approaches this course today because she is known as more like a park rider so and with this course is a lot of rails ledges but there's also quarter pipes as well so we're gonna see how she diversifies her riding yeah we have our three judges Alex Valentino from Marseille France we also have Calvin Kosovich from the USA and Ryan Jordan who's our head judge they're going to be the three riders and they're looking for an overall impression that the rider is going to leave with them on the course now rebel Jam isn't necessarily about your numeric number out there creativity style and fun but what do you think the main things the judge is gonna look for so I think the judges that they picked a really good for this and a lot of them all the judges are street based so they're going to want to see Street approach this because it is a Street contest when it comes down to it so if you can mess with the pegs you can come up with unique lines that are more Street driven I think they'll do better when it comes to judging awesome alerts second rider to take the course is Jesse Gregory 17 years old Rockstar SNM and s1 are her sponsors now Scotty let's see if she takes that Street approach you were talking about you can see on her bike setup she's got two pegs on there she does and look at she started out with that manual across that ledge which the judges are definitely gonna want to see what's cool about Jessi she's from right here in Huntington Beach California so she's a local girl just like Dakota rose so she's loved in this one today but I did see her in practice and she was doing some really cool things look at that turn down across that gap in the center but when I'm really curious to see is how she uses her pegs because I saw on her Instagram she did do a feeble to 180 and this oh there's the regular people so but that just goes to show and she has more in the tank towards the end of this entire yeah so we're seeing Jessi Gregory put down a solid first run out there as you mentioned she utilized the pegs on the course and had the flow for the entire 30 seconds now one thing that event organized her andis ice was talking about the clock is a mere suggestion it's not a traditional comp where they want the rider to run down to the buzzer but they want to let the writing speak for itself all right well our third and female competitors take the course 36 years old from Denver Colorado this is Jessica Kasich so just got been watching her ride today look at she start things off with the first official double peg grind of it and across that concrete ledge she rides metal pegs as well so you can hear the sound but looks like she's waving it off it looks like she might have had a little bit of an injury with her knee right there wanting to pass on the run hopefully not from injury maybe they wind up saying hey I only want to use 15 or 20 seconds they will potentially be able to come back I hope Jessica is gonna be okay you see her holding her knee yeah I'm not sure what happened right there but you know what at the same time this is also a 15 minute jam and that was run number one so she might just be waiting it out to see how her leg feels she's a BMX er and BMXers they know exactly what it takes when it comes to injuries and what they can handle it's just what we come with naturally this is how it is now you know that Scottie as much as I like to say I know that you're cut from another cloth actually I've seen some of the crashes you take in riding and actually it's a perfect opportunity if you guys haven't had a chance yet to log on and see Scotty's classic tales of your double flip gone wrong it is one of the funniest stories I'm sorry I'm laughing about you falling on a double backflip but you have such a terrific personality I think you're the only person well I'm glad I can finally laugh about the double flip but definitely go check it out it was so much fun and those classic tales the whole series amazing so yeah just make sure you logon type in classic tales Scottie Cramer will wind up coming in here right now coming up their screen Mackenzie Barbados ooh certain things off with a 180 barge fan out there that's a good move especially in the street competition when you're incorporating fakies into the urine that's very important for the judges because fakies are part of BMX at this point especially the way that everybody rides free coasters it's it's it's almost expected but look at that nice feeble across the ledge so fakie is when you were riding backwards on the bike and when I said the term free coaster free coaster means you can ride backwards without pedaling back around and wind up thankfully being okay so we will wind up seeing her second appearance come to the course two more riders remain of a jam number one as we work our way through the women out here at the rebel jam you can see a little bit of that rider camaraderie as she gets a pound from Angie Moreno but two more riders remain the next one the 28 years old from Las Vegas Nevada doing it for modesty Sunday bikes and dubard this is Natasha Wetzel I'm excited to watch Natasha ride because in practice she's been doing so good she's been doing these really awesome fast might want 80 combinations and just like that the fakie up the Euro gap where the stairs are yeah the cool thing about that Scottie looked like she was maybe trying to hit that peg or the front tire on the rail look at that our first person to our first rider today to touch one of the rails and she went for the longest rail that's on the course that one goes across flat probably about 10 feet and then it goes another 10 feet up and it's about 10 or 12 feet down so that's a big rail so what would be the main challenge on being a rail that long so balance is key when it comes to do like that when you don't have the right balance it's gonna be really hard to stay balanced on the pegs and keeping your weight in the right area but it's a really good sign because she came close on her first attempt and we also have you know probably about 13 and a half minutes left so they're definitely gonna get a few more touches to this course yeah this is such a cool format we're working our jam out here for the ladies so the sixth and final rider to come on the course and I'm gonna say definitely last and not least is none other than a 24 year old Reno Nevada scope rider Paris Venegas so Paris is amazing rider she is so great at jumping she's got such great bike control and style she could do a little bit of everything as you can see she's already grinding but she is also known as more of a park rider she's actually currently qualified for the Olympic team for Team USA which is amazing so let's see her out here competing in the street course is so cool to see here really is but so far so good down you know Paris very well you called her runs in the bowl competition you know it's just how high she can go but look at her using the pegs across a ledge yes god it's a very good point that you make she definitely can air the highest of some of the women in the world and it's great to see her actually switching things up out here utilizing the pegs and really just putting together unique lines on the course it's awesome to see her pushing her riding in a different direction as well that's true and here's Andy back on the course another Kimi would say hopeful and Angie can go just as Haj and she's got great style as well shown that toboggan air now Angie just recently put her pegs back on she's had them all for a little while so I know she's grind in a couple things I talked to her in practicing she talked to me about hitting a rail she wanted to do it in the competition she doesn't want practice she just wanted to go straight into the competition so we could be seeing that the future runs Wow Scotty getting some behind-the-scenes action from Angie Moreno so we are gonna see if she does utilize them we talked about the format though this is the jam format we do have the 15 minutes on the clock so we wound up working through our six riders we would back up to the top and that's why Angie Moreno we're the second and that alley-oop over the hip house nice I actually saw her crash on that one in practice two days ago she landed pretty hard on her on her backside see her going conquer that one in the run like that that's going to mean a lot to her and she get the solid second run again the clock and the thirty seconds is merely a suggestion look at that starting things off with the can-can that's Huntington Beach is Jesse Gregory now Scotty you've traveled the world entering tons of competitions and I know that back in New Jersey where you're from you used to actually have contests at your skate park what's it like for a rider when they're on home turf like this you know it's it can go both ways because you have your family support there for you Jesse fallin on that 360s mess it look like she quit back wheel off that quarter pipe but back to our last thought you know the pressure could come from that though you know you have all your family and friends in there and you want to do good for them so it can go both ways it all depends on the rider and how they're able to take that energy oh look at that right there she looked at the double peg cross it and looks like she like went to a toothpick it's all like a toothpick top at the end there that was pretty cool yeah well we actually just heard that Jessica tweaked her knee unfortunately in practice but is so focused and committed and want to be a part of this event she's actually pushing herself through the pain out there and it's really amazing to just see that she wants to put herself and it's unfortunate she's having that pain hopefully we'll see her in the future runs it's true McKenzie back on the course she's been doing so good I seen her do a Taylor of Na 540 in practice so I'm curious to see if she's going to throw out at one look at that fakie getting stuck on that on that front medal winner who's coming around and she survives at least so yeah it's very interesting to see that street element out here so we have Natasha went so I'll drop it in she has definitely made a name for herself because at the band's US Open of Surfing for the last 15 years there's always being a BMX element at this event yes clean on that 180 coming back a few years ago we had the band or Invitational and then we actually had some stops on the Vans BMX Pro Cup no it's a sigit strip we see today especially it's a full-on Street move people to fast playing 360 off of the ledge I have never seen her do that once oh that was special following up with a nice toothpick across the ledge as well I'm telling you I've been so excited to watch her ride today because I seen what she's capable of but she even surprised me on that one that was flipped on Eve my radar yes was that a big trick the thing about Natasha's her riding has a ton of bike control the confidence and where has she seen that confidence is the rebel jam I air-water player seen the high air contest yesterday I would've loved to have seen her out there but right now we are watching it all Paris Batangas she does that fast plant and there's the feeling tonight goes to coast across that grind box Wow seeing the Tasha and him followed up sprayed by Paris like a sheet we're looking at these guys the two girls that are fully understanding how to ride this course right now and I think it's only gonna get better for the rest of the crew as this keeps on going today down you know the momentum builds and BMX that is a very important part it's great to see Paris out there doing shoot totally different runs and that's something where it's the overall impression the judges don't want to just see a rider go on the course and do the same thing for each one of their approaches on the course Angie right now looking to switch things up she had that nose press going for a disaster on the elevated bands quarter pipe dropping back in you could actually see her tires very cool Colt tires out there they have a tread that is very similar to the band's waffle sole it's one of their collaboration and tires very cool where she's able to make that element then also bleed into her own personal style on the course yeah extra points matching shoes the whole thing it definitely does especially when you're doing high errors like that over the hip angie has such great bike control and she's been around vmx for a while now but here's Jesse Gregory dropping back in really curious to see what she does she's got great manual control she's one of the best manuals I've seen from the girls look at this this balance the technique to go across she's riding brakeless as well whole deck manual and that shows control and the judges are gonna love to see that now Scotty you said she's riding brakeless who are new to riding why would a rider have brakes and maybe they wouldn't under so a rider would have brakes from event what just happened right there that would loop out so if they were able to grab a handful of brakes and be able to stop themselves you know that is definitely gonna make things a little easier but brakeless is part of BMX now that's what everybody's doing but grace is see Jessica back in the course we're talking about that tweaked knee she had but look at her she's powering straight through and she pulled that don't pay grind to toothpick I was talking about earlier they're double peg coming back in it's interesting to see almost all of our riders I believe actually maybe every rider inner heat is brakeless it's very cool to see well everybody is breakers except for Anja Marino M Paris they both have brakes and the reason why they ride brakes they're there they compete on the the FISA fence they have the big Park horses like that and sometimes when you're riding big ramps like that it's awesome trick toboggan two bars for now is really cool but when you ride big horses like that you know sometimes you're gonna need breaks because you're coming in too hot into certain tricks beautiful ice to crime that's the first one we've seen today though is really cool as well since rebel Jam is all about the history of BMX and celebrated I'm gonna give a shout out to the guns and also Troy McMurray 200 G Street pioneers who were some of the purse to go brakeless you also have to mention Mike Griffin as well East Coast powerhouse those three riders kind of opened the doors for riders to push themselves without brakes at the time the wheels were so they weren't as strong as they work today so they'd always wind up getting bent and they basically ushered in a new style but right they're talking about style Natasha Wetzel going for that footplant 180 off the summit at 360 I've never seen her do that when I was cool to sitting and now the 360 look back usually most people will do 360 turn down but she rides goofy footed meaning that she spins the same direction as her front foot so she's able to do the turn down backwards so it's a look-back pass Penang is back on the course she's got a really good run going and she's been doing this a lot lately she just seems so confident when she's on her bike everywhere she rides ooh nice got the feeble pop up over that Bank work yeah the nice part about that grind not only its shifting gap into it but to get that pop and land on the transition on the opposite side your body weight and positioning has to be just right because it's easy to get quote-unquote stuck in the grind but if you're able to get that momentum and swing them over which Paris did perfectly that's how you get it done here comes engine Moreno back on I would like to see auntie Moreno drop one of those one hey the table she did earlier that was really cool that was awesome as well over and over in her runs that was a perfectly laid over tabletop twisting the bike to the side and the bars at a perfect 90 degree right there so Angie back up under the top deck starting things off with that disaster again let's see where she heads off to I'm curious where she's gonna end the rest of her run oh she went for an ice pick of her own that was her first time touching the pegs today that was cool yeah it's called the ice pick when you utilize the back peg and you're able to find that balance spot on there if you use the front peg it's called a tooth pick but Angie definitely showed the back peg control that ice on the ledge so we are working through our heats right now Jesse Gregory back on course there's people across there nice cane cane over the head keeping that foot clear over the top she's got a really good kink in she utilizes that a lot in her runs she did it earlier on that gyro drop as well which is definitely something really cool to see nice manual to front disaster fakie now it was cool to see and once again another manual it's so awesome to see her control with the manor because it's rare it's hard to learn that trick and they've had the confidence to drop in to to be able to go up court much with that is very difficult yeah Scotty that's a great point so it's also about the bike control and the consistency out there a manual or a trick that you're basically utilizing a long part for a lot of time on the clock it can wind up you can potentially mess up right the degree of difficulty goes up the risk/reward is played let's imagine that you have a 10 second trick that you're riding across and once you get to the end if you drop from wheel that was a waste of ten seconds in your in your run right here and when you're when you're going for $10,000 cold hard cash as my friend would say it over here you want to have every opportunity that you can on the course to do your best riding yeah I mean it's very important to basically be out there and strut your stuff who are in that time so let's see a couple times so it took a little while I was talking to her earlier I say can we expect to see a 540 and she said that she wanted to go for it so that was huge right there the 540 a circle and it happened now go over that talent around her land that one yesterday too but she did on the fly out so it's cool to see her try that one on the hip oh this is her first contest she said so big moves right there here comes my favorite trick of the day Natasha she was doing look at that one foot in here oh nice 180 she looks so in control down I've never seen her rise so confident before she looks like she's in her element here I've seen her ride the bull' competitions and she does create but her on this course it just looks perfect she was 540 of her own just under rotated just sad it's so crucial that you get that perfect rotation so you can keep your balance directly above those tires and ride out fakie so right there at that end she does not have the rotation and she had to step off the bike but man what a great ride in that's because each one of our women riders are just stepping the game up and we're seeing their own unique voice on the course it's not just hey everyone's doing the same thing or maybe they learned a trick in a foam pit or maybe somewhere they practice Natasha and Paris is riding out here this is awesome oh it's amazing and you know what these are the women that are pushing BMX to the next level they are the ones that are putting women's BMX on the map they know it and 2020 they're gonna be representing Team USA in the Olympics you know that's who we're watching right now the best of the best so seeing them on the course especially a street course and get them opportunity to show a women's BMX in this light is amazing and I think vans for that we were talking about the double peg going down the rail shoutout to manabu Drago who I know is watching back out at home unfortunately Nina does have an injury she was encouraged woman ever do a double peg down a handrail and it's so cool to see that somebody who is I can almost consider Angie a protege Nina she to her under the wing many years ago and now Angie's throwing the double peg on the handrail you're right and back to that double peg you know what she told me that she didn't want to try it until the competition but she just did that so easily that should be in her every single run routine because she's got that dialed she looked as comfortable as could be there's a police car on the course down do you know anything about this it didn't did you make the call I did it I definitely know better than to call the cops but we're good to see maybe Steve Crandall calling somebody down there maybe they called them on Steam who knows at this point yeah that's more likely that he definitely caught him on Steve I'm sure he's getting the crowd all riled up down there what is going on right here I'm so confused oh we got the kickball up the boot I think I think Angie's getting her fight compounded I have the head down to the station real quick well we definitely know that's not the style police arresting anyone and our woman's out here because the style has been definitely on point for 2019 as the progression for women's BMX we've just been seeing in real time and push forward so it looks like we still have a cop car down on the course we're gonna have to find out what's happening here but here goes Jesse there's half people that 180 I saw her land that one in her Instagram but now when she does not have the repop a rotation and she didn't get away from the ledge properly so her front wheel was hanging above the ledge and if you land with your front wheel on the ledge of your back wheel down there's a chance that you're gonna loop out and you might get a spinal situation where you're laying on your back so you know what she offered the 360 fakie at the end and she actually waived off the run but great show and today so far from Jesse the hometown girl yeah that hometown support you definitely heard when she's out there but another riders be getting a lot of the support is Jessica Kasich who's pushing through the pain so impressive and also unfortunate that she did hurt her knee before the event but the impressive part is that she is out here just showing that she wants to be a part of it as well yeah lucky stone clothes won't you give a sinister lesson on the lucky down-well movie my pleasure - I'm gonna give a shout-out to Jon Engelbert who is also known as lucky hailing from Bethlehem Pennsylvania one of the most creative riders of all time he used to ride back in the day with Joe rich who was actually watching our web feed right now and lucky came up with that very unique stall on the coping front peg down pedal and back peg on the lucky stall here we go go for the - man that was really cool to see ya the tower coming around nice and smooth it's awesome to see McKenzie has that standard 182 flat on that by foot drop right there now that was the biggest drop we've seen from the women today yeah that was huge like you said a 5 foot drop landing as you were telling us earlier fakie backwards so why is there a lot of pressure when you land backwards pressure it is so hard and she doesn't ride a free coaster so you have to pedal backwards but there's etosha touching the rail again going on the upright as well great to see her back on the course and I'm really excited because I know she's got some moves and just like that she didn't took the grind across that flat bar I haven't seen any girl touch the truth 3 growing on any of the rails here today so that was awesome she's fitting she's already done - peg tricks in this run and here's the third be able to pass play in 360 once again that was so smooth trick you know I like to I like the fact that these girls are showing their own style the difference of their riding every single one of them have their own forte and it's awesome that bands is giving them the platform to do this in front of us given the girls with the court applies a good corner and look at the flyout 360 look-back awesome to see ya phenomenal riding added Natasha Wetzel out they're so cool to see even that Smith grind out there so we're working our way through our Jam for our women finalists and it looks like Paris is going to be a female runner of the final beat transfer to double peg going across that rainbow friend here we go haven't seen anybody touch that one yet today so now here's where she's at home with this big table on that corner five she was competing in the high air at the Vans BMX Pro Cup that we were at in Germany they were going so high it was amazing such great riding from Paris so far almost had the whole thing back pegs slipped down and tapped into the double peg at the end there so this is nice Colin yeah and the Smith grind has been the front peg is on the ledge the back wheel is up on top the level of difficulty is increased because your body position has to be a little bit off-kilter so Paris right there putting in a solid run she had the grind across the channel went for the Smith but the big cherry on top of her last run was that air blasting the tabletop Scott is definitely definitely and you know the street judges are definitely gonna love to see that rainbow that she did that grind that she did on that one not one girl such that one in her run so her doing that one I think it's going to be awesome in the judges eyes so Scotty some of the six best riders and personalities out there yeah so to completely go over what we just saw in the mix of every every other riders you know coming out there and putting on their show is great and now with this champ format we got to see them step out of their comfort zone go for the tail whips go for the 540 attempts that we wouldn't usually see in a bowl competition yeah the 540 is unreal looks like Angie's on course right now she might have something that she's just blow wow she went for the Kirk the cold curveball you know what she rides for Colt I felt like maybe she fell table Alice from colt is definitely out here cheering on all of his riders but we have a lot more BMX action to coming our way as things that are just getting up heated up here at revel Jim is Angie Marino trying to put the Tucker's down signs for action from rebel Jim coming your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because he you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that you want me to [Music] [Music] well if you are just joining us this is the Vans rebel jam here in Huntington Beach California we just witnessed the woman's final go down where we at six of the world's best and the most creative ladies out on the course strutting their stuff working it for all it's got out here I'm Darryl now joined by the one the only the fabulous Scottie Kramer a fabulous something like that I've never been referred to that before but may I might run with it you definitely should well let's talk about what the ladies ran with out there we got a little recap some highlights coming your way if you didn't get a chance to see it the first time but before we do we're gonna check in with the man of the myth Steve Crandall down with Paris Venegas what's up Huntington Beach Steve Crandall here I'm on the deck with one of the top qualifiers for the ladies Paris Venegas first rebel jam in the States you've made a great show in Safari you had the peg grind over the rainbow wall in rainbow wall tell us how it feels to be out here representing the ladies out here it's such a big event honestly it's just such an amazing like day and just thanks to vans for having us out here it's the first women's contest in the rebel jam so and it's great that it's in the states with our friends let's put it together for parents benegas before we go on behalf of all the riders all the dudes the ladies everyone out here at the US Open we just want to say thanks any shoutouts real quick shout out to vans and everyone that's involving the women and making everything equal for us like we really appreciate it and thank you Vance for standing with us awesome thank you so much Paris we'll see you out there again Paris penang is is one of the leading ladies when it comes to women's BMX not only is she competing at the top but she's also doing her part to push it and further on get more girls starting out at the skate parks you know becoming riders and looking up to them as you know role models yeah that's a really important part of BMX as a whole is the fact that it is open to everybody right you and I grew up it was always an open invitation and we always encourage as many people to ride but the fact that there was not as many female BMX freestylers we had Nina boo Trago right Erin Donato a couple of the classic riders out there but now to see all of her woman's not only are they riders but they're also role models so cool to see that with parents but if you are just joining us thankfully we got some highlights that just went down top six riders in our finalists let's take a look at the women broad so hoots the girls going for it Mackenzie with the 184 spin out was a really cool standout trigger she do that early on but one of my favorite riders today and in fact one of my favorite tricks the feeble grind to faceplant 360 natasha absolutely showed why she belongs here at this event Jesse Gregory dropped in the big manual lines and she's the hometown girl doing it in front of all her friends and family she's got a love of what she did today awesome trick as well with that toboggan the bar speak but here's the permissive woman right off the interview Pat's Menendez showing how she belongs as well doing the big air is doing the feeble device is fully connecting runs like a professional like just like she is so cool to see the different angle perspective of Angie Moreno blasted out on that high air going for the 540 also the tallip natasha Wetzel at the 180 it's so smooth but wasn't that that one footed gyro over that hip was textbook and there's that double thing that Angie was hitting that in practice she did that one no problem at all man just watching these girls ride to seeing all the tricks that we just saw in that Jam it's amazing to see that they were able to fit this in in that small amount of time [Music] there you have it real-time progression are women BMX riders pushing things not only blasted out of the air but also with the freestyle combinations Natasha Wetzel feeble footplant 360 that was cool very unexpected and I was talking to her earlier in practice and I asked her about the fast might want even she did and she didn't even mention that fast plane 360 she kept that one away from me and I'm glad she did because that was coid the pleasant supply seeing that one live yeah well very special to watch the women do their thing things are definitely building here not taking away from the women but we do have the men who are getting ready to get on course we can look down as we see our riders getting locked and loaded that is Alex Donna key ty Amaro and the 12 men who are in the finals we witnessed earlier our prelim competition where we had 34 yesterday they wound up riding on this course the top 12 wound up making it in and we are getting ready to witness a treble Jam final this is going to be such an insane event today and all these guys all these 12 riders yes they qualified in competition format but every one of these guys are great friends with each other and they want to see all their friends succeed so they're going to be pushing each other feeding off each other and we're gonna see some groundbreaking tricks today yes so Scotty the thing about rebel Jam it's more about flying it than anything else but we do have a format out here can you please walk us through what the riders are going to be experiencing today yes so there's three jams total because there's twelve riders four riders per Jam it's once again like the women's arrive until you fall 30-second max run equal amount of runs for all the riders it's going to be judged on the overall impression of your runs in the gym and there will be additional one-off Awards at the end of it as well yeah I mean the big part about rebel Jam it's not just about your numeric value and get in the trophy because we have other awards best style hardest trick and most creative the thing I like to think about those three different awards it's all about a rider's individual spirit energy and personality rebel Jam always wanted to look at an unfiltered take on BMX and that's just putting the riders their voice on their bike in the forefront it's gonna be hard to give out those three awards I'm looking at the 12 riders right here and I'm starting to figure out who can get any of these and it's the truth every single one of them could take any of those ones home so this is gonna be pretty wild well let's take a look Jam number one Alex Donna key tomorrow Kevin kalkhoff and Devon smiley we've got a pretty international field out there UK USA France and USA as well those are going to be our four riders in it the first Jam again we have 12 riders competing we're gonna have three separate jams it doesn't matter if you were in the first Jam or the last Jam you are gonna be competing against the other riders now in our first Jam Scotty what do you think that we're gonna be looking for out of our riders so as I look at the list of these first four riders I'm gonna see a bunch of different styles on here you have tomorrow who is a tech master but he's also very very you know he goes hard he goes big and if you watch Timmer you'll understand exactly what I'm talking about but leaving things off we have our main man Alex Donna key and this guy is a tech magician he's an X Games gold medalist and you guys are about to be in for a real treat look at that predator double peg grinds to 180 out on the a frame rail and I switch people across a flat bar up top yeah Donna key has definitely been a leader of the new-school Street out there he has ability to put three or four trick combinations in the beginning of his tricks and I'm sitting beginning because he links it together when you think he's done and he just keeps it rolling it there is that he grind this time we're seeing across the ledge as opposed on to the quarter pipe and then up on to the front wheel and he's an innovator in BMX he's put his own mark on BMX his ability to combine insane grind combinations new people's minds when they first saw but he just goes to show it's not just video parts that he excels in he's also an amazing competition rider he got the X Games gold medal you can't just hand that out to anyone yeah it definitely takes some honor to do that our next rider from West Palm Beach Florida 29 years old doing it for vans Fiat fiend the trip deadline and all-day BMX shop Hyatt Mauro he's already starting things off getting set to go 180 backwards grinds on the first to attend that's one of my favorite grinds you don't see them too often you have to have a ton of confidence whoa just just goes to show if he went for the switch 180 to reverse crooked grind on that one but he did not have the right rotation so but this smart offer your run with three backwards grinds like that and almost have all of it especially that one he messed up on that was a difficult one right there that was extremely hard that's a huge round there so ty with the very powerful first approach let's go across the pond to France for the 32 year old monster federal rider this is Kevin kalkhoff Kevin Cal Golf is known more as a transition Rider but he's out here he made a name for himself he showed the judges he has what it takes to be in the top 12 and you could see this is a completely different style than the rest of the guys you've seen so far he's got a nice flow and fast movement he'll cover a lot more ground than the rest of the guys because the speed day he comes over his ability to find lines his ability to do amazing tricks as well but it's not like he completely misses out on the grunts Scotty you talked about finding lines that was such a unique way to work the Colt wall ride you saw he landed off the hip and then did a hard turn to set up to go around and look at this momentum build he's at the end of his thirty Seconds and he actually increased speed as he went so kalkhoff right now up in the euro corner you see him given a pound that's actually two our next rider who's going to be taking to the course 26 years old from Laguna Beach California doing it for weed maps fly bikes and evl nutrition this is Devon smiley one of my favorite riders and you guys are about to find out why right now this guy is a complete technician and he has such an amazing style and control unlike anybody else out here today look at that fakie truck on the bank riding away from it and you're gonna see a lot of fakie connections and manual connections even fakie manual connections to land that and to do an ice pick in his blanket rolling is a building to work on the fly that's what I love about Devon that's why look at that 360 backlash put eighty to fakie nollie 180 off of the edge that was just so consistent that back wheel practice when you're rolling backwards your balance point is so hard and it's easy for your front wheel to come down it's critical like you said consistent those tricks aren't supposed to be consistent those are one-offs right there but somehow he figured it out so we're doing our jam format the clock has been started 15 minutes as we work through we've got our riders on course right now again the time is a mere suggestion the riding is going to speak loudest and Donna keys voice is screaming to the stands here in Huntington Beach as he goes backwards on that double peg and hops on in four riders have already taken the course and we are seeing four unique styles out there yeah and that's what's beautiful about this competition when you build a course like this and you invite the best 36 riders out there you're gonna have a variety of tricks and a variety of riders and Alex Donaghy just had a really good run I really liked how he was you know getting really technical on there he did a people grind to start things off but he went way to switch people to Barsky and the variety of doing the opposite and the regular the judges are definitely looking for that and they will so right now ty amaura we're talking about an overall and overall approach on the clock and right now known to our three judges as he hits two big left-right haymakers and now knows two pegs to hard 180 and I love that we done said cuz he pops the front end over once again though switch 182 crook on that rail he wasn't able to pull and I can't stress enough that is a difficult trick that's such a hard trick to do not many guys can go switch 180 with that kind of confidence I land on a lot a rail that high so now we got Kevon off you see him bumping down hitting his front wheel he was asking for the course to be clear because he's building momentum oh we got a we got a camera guy on the course I don't even know if he's verified we got a checker dead well I'll tell you this that no one knows who a Kevin kalkhoff is going to go because he is one of the riders who finds lines that no one else can seem to figure out and we're seeing that transfer right there as calc off the flying Frenchman living up to his style that he's put with us for over a decade as a top competitor Gani really liked that gap that he did that's a unique touch to this course and the pop off of that middle part and landed something that's it was serious because he was about I'd say about nine feet in the air coming down on something that's only about 18 inches to 2 feet tall yeah it's a very steep lamb you got to work the angle and pump on in so right now Devon smiley of course not only is he a talented BMXer but he is no he's not too shabby on a skateboard as well I went at all he could ride next week probably if you wanted to with the skaters because he's that good but this is where he excels BMX look at that nice 540 over the hip it's such a fluent style I can't stress that enough I said it earlier he's one of my favorite riders because he you never know what he's capable of honestly I could sit here and try to come up with a game plan a but Oh Devon will try this here but he'll outdo it every single time because he's not talented on top of the wedge right there I can't kid foot jam and he was able to extend the back end out that far and he's a street rod you know that's where he excels that and that's more of a you know a ramp style trick so that incorporate that and have that much solid doing that as well that's a special rider now Scotty when a rider does maybe something something I can't can't put Jam up on top that might be a foundation trick but when a rider can do their own style what so what just happened there was these tickets break that dance that was insane he just did a crank arm grind down that rail where the stairs are to manual and then he did a feeble grind across and then popped over to a grime the combos out of combos that was the craziest trick of the competition hands down so far that was special not many people in the world can do that if you give them a week to do it and he just did it in a competition Wow so Donna key taking his run out on the course it looks like tomorrow is going to be back in hopping over hitting the peg energy from these riders it's going to keep on going this way as soon as one of your friends does good you have to back that up it's love seeing the power of tomorrow and I think he might have put that energy into the back wheel and blew out his wheel hopefully he's going to be able to get that thing fixed you see I'm actually touching the back wheel it's probably gonna have to change out the tube he didn't have the clear cleanest re-entry when he landed backwards and it might have folded off the rim a little bit you know he's got a lot of friends out there I'm sure they'll help him out but here's calc off back of Wright's wall ride to table at the top of it very unique touch to the course look at he just had a transfer as a hip into that thing we were just talking about that steep thing that is like vert look at it look at the camera angle that is miserable to land into and he just did that willingly which is insane yeah and he did it smooth it was like a scented trouser he just knows dove in and just very smooth and built speed where most riders probably would have flipped over at the bottom of that transition and that's why he's known as one of the you know the smoothest most stylish riders out there so fact that he's able to do it on both the bowl and it comes to the street course and do it as well is huge it's definitely awesome showing for Kevin kalkhoff so far so let's wind up switching up the styles France and then back to Laguna Beach California as you see Devon smiley on course look at that feeble to one of ours you were to fall right there that was so clean yep I'll say it again that's just what he does fakie the switch bar amazing not only is he consistent it's just clean and it's his own style suicide no hander like to be able to combine these trips with the suicide note I love that I love the fact that he did that's right I feel like Devin just threw gasoline out on the course lit the match and now it's just burning bright with his run just really bringing the energy out here so consistent at each approach on the course well now it looks like we're gonna go back to the top is Alex Donna keep dropping in again the 30 seconds is a mere suggestion if the riders want to drop in and do one killer combo like Donna Keith did in his last and then wind up rolling out they're not penalized for it its overall impression that's what this format is designed for it yeah to push BMX this is the type of competition that Vance is going for here and so far it is working flawlessly Alex Donna key 360 to Smith oh it looks like he's looking for something out of that one very technical trick though and Scotty let's not forget that we also have the style award the hard trek award creativity award and a best trick all still out of this competition it's got their hands full yeah I'm glad that we just have to call the event because they have quite the job ahead of them I mean in all fairness they're probably saying listen trying to call one of Alex Donna keys tongue-twisting combo so Donna key right there wrapping up his run it looks like right now if we remember it tomorrow had that back tire difficulty it looks like that might be Garrett Reynolds down there you can see Dennis Anderson in it they're probably trying to help them out pit crews style all right let's see what Devon's got the manual the 180 right there man that's a that's a tough one he's a freak Oh sir guy and breakfast so he can't use pedal pressure to help him get that 180 it's all off balance oh the police call the cops the camera angle chest cut with Devon bunny hop in and getting away from the cops right there right up and over the car at tomorrow they're working on his bike right now they're doing the best they can he's got his full team out there he's got Garrett Reynolds the owner of the bike company ROG for Pete so here's a replay of the cop car getting a taken care of here nice bunny hop clean over it no problem at all getting away from the police right there not spending the night in central bookings for Devon smiley we go back to Alex tonic he started things out with that pedal grind slash crank arm I said in between because he just blends it he saw that blend as he spun around off the crank arm at the 180 the best when it comes to that like me trying to break down that trick is so difficult because there is so much going on and it's so hard to describe because those things aren't supposed to work together but look at that he can't with the 362 Smith who knows the bar that's what he was looking for in the last runway messed up how difficult is it to hop into the front end dose after a Smith grind like that and get that balance point for the nose very difficult you know to get the nose manual is one thing to get to nose manual know you're about to throw part spin out of it it's a whole different story because now you have to get that proper pop out switch the handlebars completely around let's see if Devin can get this manual line far into it he's got the 1/8 always slid out the top tech but that was working so good man that we really cool or watch and do hopefully he goes back for that one again so now an interesting thing tomorrow and his bike is getting worked on and it's giving our riders more time out in the course but they also could technically get more winded right if you're going to have to drop right back in time after time that is true here's Devin going for it see not be worried the fakie all nice half cab aim clean once again I will say it this guy's special it's a very special rotterdam special indeed okay to call him crazy that was unbelievably consistent that half-cab in was ridiculously smooth it looks like that back wheels still sat in a little bit I don't know maybe he just runs at low tire pressure but we also heard that Kevin kalkhoff has a flat tire if we look down to the riders pit crew we could see Matthias Dan watt down there pumping up the tire as he is trying to get his bike sorted out so tomorrow is gonna get back into position I want to ask you this Scott if you're in contest and you have difficulty of your bike how does that mess with your head it can go both ways it could really throw throw you off but at the same time it could distract you enough that you know what you're not worried about your riding at that point you're worried about getting your bike fixed and then you just get on your bike and you do what do comes naturally so the guys are working on is by tides back on the course with the hanger 180 down to euro that was a huge trick to come back with having to step off the bike right there but that's a tough one like I said he's break loose coming in that thing fakie you're flying tons of control needed in a situation like that from what I can see he's got a completely different back wheel on his flight not saying that's gonna make a big difference but you know it comes into play right there you know you're used to your setup whether you're tired your diameters different look at that oh my gosh at least he didn't hit the rail with his body only his bike hit it well now Scott if it is a different back wheel and we see tie runs a free coaster would that maybe be a different part on that fakie where is trying to go only is because a free coaster you can adjust the amount of slack you habitus so the slack meaning how much of your crank moves before it engages so if it's different that can throw them off as well but Calvin kalkhoff just made a record setting time' fixing that flat it's back on the course before I even miss a run I think his fellow Frenchman Matthias tan to wash it put the pit crew on top of his resume he should because he just got Kevin to back on it sailing through the skies he hits bull hips so smooth and consistently and then again into that Ruta Lee steep landing that shouldn't work but some of how he's making a work which is really cool to see Kevin's such a consistent rider you know everybody knows him around BMX for such amazing style it'd be that one for the euro over that hip so much control awesome to see them out here especially that he made the final this is a very stacked group of riders they have here when they showed the highlight reel earlier I saw guys that didn't make it into the finals that were dropping some of the biggest tricks of the competition Devin with a truck driver drop in bringing a different approach right here popping up a truck was I don't really see him do to alter nice to put Jam to can'tcan't on the way in Mike's a cross might look like you did a crank without as well a kickflip on the way out of the ice pick across seas keeps on switching his pedals up I keep on looking to nose yeah I wonder what he's doing right there but it was always like he was spinning his pedal on purpose like maybe has a certain side that like he uses that has pins on it compared to the other yeah that would be an interesting fact so let's see if he winds up incorporating a different stall so what Scott is referring to when you wind up grinding on your pedal you actually grind down part of the metal and if you do it enough you lose grip on one side so riders will favor one side to the other as far as having your foot placement on the pedal but smiley out there looking great yeah that that backlash crank look was really cool that he did that was that was really cool so Scotty we talked about it being a 15 minutes on the clock but rebel jams all about the riders and putting it first and making sure people get out there the time is always very loose based so we're actually going to our judges for the call we're not even worrying about the clock right now as Donna key is out there just working it trying to get that spin the riders aren't worried and the other guys in the jams they're not worried if they're riding more either because this is all about fun this is all about progressing BMX right here this is the most fun BMX event that these guys will ever go to lay top five disaster Reaver on their way in nicely grind on the end there I guess you might as well sit today right yeah a little cherry on top a couple of sprinkles on this Sunday it's so cool as Donna he wraps up his final run on the course Scotty we are seeing four unique distinct styles out here and that's what's so special about rebel gym even though each one of the riders definitely excels in the street category we're seeing their own style flow so close and speaking of style that's aggressive hit right there that tooth big hangover 180 on that down part is a nightmare trick if somebody told me I had to do that to save my family I would be scared for that and my family's life so what makes this so difficult let's take a look look at this he's sweet on the back and over the rail big Scott I don't know we're not sure about home but almost got the 180 switch crooked grind as well man that was close really close right there great style on that whip but the thing that was so difficult is that you have to pivot your back end around you have blind faith as you drop backwards down the Euro gap and then you have to have your weight balanced above your wheels so you don't wash to the side which we saw ty do a few times and you got to dip it all repulse it finally it took him a couple tries but I'm glad he got that one you know what everybody on the deck is gonna be psyched to see tie a pot they pull that one what a great exclamation point for time Mauro also a perfect time to talk about ty he just had his own two colorways come out in the old-school pro vans shoes so if you're a fan of Ty's riding you could definitely go pick up one of his colorways out there kalkhoff looking for the ice pick to manual let's see the unique lines that Frenchman is he cruises across the course look at that he went through the same grind the Paris Venegas across that was amazing and one thing I'm noticing is the amount of camera angles that are switching up so rapidly when Kevin kalkhoff is on the course because she is absolutely flying around this thing and Scotty the other thing to notice with Cal cost ride is he finds those little transition and build speed so we actually came off that rainbow double peg and pumped down into it right now looking for his last and final time of course this is Devon smiley it's going for a manual line again it looks like to fakie that was so cool whatever this guy is unbelievable look at that back ledge I wish everybody can hear the crowd right now because they're absolutely loving this Gilligan's feet are still on the panels I'm sure someone at home is gonna pull anybody to get this beat on the pedals that was crazy out there so technical and just to deliver the goods when it counts like that that is an unbelievable Talent like you said that's something that you'd maybe work on for a month maybe even a year you said tomorrow is Endor he worked on for a video part and shimmered for a year but to just deliver and hammer it out run after run like that unbelievable from Devon smiley awesome riding so far and we have two jams left and I could promise you this the names on these next two jams are something that you want to stick around for because these guys are going to be turning it up as it goes some of the qualifying yesterday like Boyd Hildur we had Dennis Anderson just battling back and forth dropping some serious hammers things in qualifying that I couldn't believe we're here at the finals it's gonna be crazy yeah I mean that first Jam was something else but we still have two more jams to go we have our top qualifiers from our prelims so make sure you don't go anywhere as the band's rebel Jam is under way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that you want me to [Music] you that was the man himself tomorrow who we just witnessed in our first Jam here at the Vans rebel Jam representing his own signature fans shoe take a look here at Surf City Huntington Beach California as we have one of the most unique BMX contests going down at the US Open of surf my name is Darrell now I am joined by the one the only and what do we say the fabulous it's great to be here the energy is unreal I'm so glad that bands through this free competition a nice mix up compared to the bowl when you're used to this is an awesome day so far it really is and we have an opportunity to go down to the third member fbm Steve Crandall who always keeps all the riders and fans entertained but here and he's with Devon smiley that's a good guy to be with right now especially after that what's going on this Steve Crandall here on the deck group won the men's finals was wild one for the books we're with Devon smiley your parents are at home watching the live broadcast out here at the Vans US Open tell us about that first seat what was going on well man it's always hard being first group to ride but it's really fun out here this is definitely the most fun I've ever had in a contest I'd have to say but it's rough you have to guys get a flat so it's just me and Alex going back-to-back I'm so ended but I think we had three riders get a flat on your last trick your tire exploded what's up with that I mean luckily it was on the last rig so I did wasn't stress too much about it but I couldn't be out here without really awesome Huntington Beach let's make some noise for Devon smiley we're gonna go back up to down the Scottie Kramer thank you all for joining us out here let's have some more fun thank you Steve thank you so much Steve very cool to hear the voices of Devon smiley I couldn't even believe what we wound up witnessing from his riding we had the four riders in the first Jam so cool to see the unique styles out there so much different riding and Devon smiley you saw he had that flat tire at the end it came in the nick of time because he was absolutely killing it so here we are at the recap rate you were gonna watch some of the best riding from number one and there's a ton of it I don't know how they're gonna be able to fit it all this time Morrow bringing so much heat across with the backwards groans Kevin Cal called me with the endless speed dropping in these crazy transfer lines and so awesome to see yeah big shout-out to everybody watching at home but especially Devon Smiley's parents as they watch the consistency of that back wheel boogie look at that nollie press off on the 180 Cal cough was consistent flying through the course finding every little transition Landon's this is the world we were waiting for look at that crooked tooth 180 off of a manual and the crank arm are you kidding me that should not happen in a competition it's so cool to see this same course that the four different riders are on and we have four complete different styles as smiley right they're going backwards with that smooth spin at 360 and this was such a good jam and just knowing that the rest of the jams are completely packed with riders that can blow our minds over and over again this is gonna be an awesome day yeah when we look at the footage right here this is a highlight bar spin manual backwards and watch how smooth the landing is half-cab toughs amazing it almost looked like he had his huge landing as he was so smooth Amaro you can see the force as he just hits that rail coming back oh my goodness I'm glad he got oh by the way to that one and he got up to actually land that one which is so cool but look at the difference here with so much but there's the one that he pulled landing that was so dialed and this is the one that gave it a lot of trouble in the run right there the one switch 180 to reverse so Devon smiley here's one of our favorites with the fakie bar drop in landing that one dial this could be and here's the one that he almost rode away from you know look at the smile on his face so he's having a blast out here and every one of these guys are yeah it's so interesting to see all the recap footage I almost felt like that could have been in slow-mo right that breaks down each one of those rates that we needed to talk to you in that situation right there and it's only gonna get crazier down yeah the cool thing again was the style the consistency and also the way that each rider had their own voice that's what we want to do here at rebel jam and not only is the riding unique but the riders are unique as we work through our jams we just witnessed Jam number one let's take a look at riders of Jam number two Germany's Bruno Hoffman and then USA's Brock Rayford Reid start and Dakota Roche Hoffman Rayford start wrote each of the superstars of BMX dreams these are heavy hitters I'm gonna tell you what a read star gets and they blew my mind he had such an a unique approach to this course and I love the way he rides he might so focus but he's having the best time ever like he's so focused because he's so passionate about what he's doing so you guys are in for a real treat today yeah shout out Reid and all of his fans watching at home he is definitely one of my favorite riders and I know one of yours what if we're going to talk about a favorite rider in the global level we're talking about Bruno Hoffman he is a german street destroyer it's crazy to think it's only 26 years old he's been a staple in BMX for over a decade talk about a rider that's grown up in all the magazines in all the videos and has been on tours when he was just 13 years old he was already a household name so cool to watch it we're gonna see bruno style out here and bruno rise similar to Devon smiley they both have insane links that they're able to do they have different ways of doing it but they both are able to do unique lines that don't belong together but here we are starting things off Bruno Hoffman 204 vans right now drop it in you guys are about to see some very controlled ride some of the stuff that he does is so mind-blowing but he makes it look so easy because he's so dot look at a nice 540 over the hip great speed as well a lot of flow you know he keeps with some he keeps with momentum which is cool to see but he will go fake he'll do a lot of reverse things like this look at that pop it in Nice control out of the Kolker wall ride coming to the small ledge with a hanger over the top of it over to the HB rail nice pegs 180 off of that one yeah I like the way that he pumped through that transition right there that is a famous rail you talk about it was in front of the Huntington Beach High School and Hoffman right there wrote it like a coaster pumping through that transition so Hoffman's first approach on course is done again we have four riders that are going to be in the heat 15 minutes will be on the clock we are doing a jam format will they get to work on through our next rider is coming from Long Beach California which is just a little bit north of us 25 years old doing it for Odyssey and volume this is the big bunny hopper brach Rafer so I think you guys understand from his acylated yesterday you were gonna see some high-flying action look at that nice tabletop I have a five-foot quarter pipe that's very tough but Brock's got so many different tricks he's got so many different variables of his riding that he could bring out here so this is going to be really cool to see what his exact approach is because he can go a bunch of different direction so far he's showing his background now he's not just street riders he's also somebody who's rides dirt he's written part before he's done it all so he's got the ability to do so many different things look at us which Taylor so the thing I want to highlight on raiford's run he actually backed his bunk they bogged his back tire as he went up into that tight transition right there but we're seeing a lot of the future kind of Street ride and going in direction where it's all about the finesse of the bike where you can actually very carefully hit your pegs or your back wheels on something and I bring that up because our next rider but you can see the golden locks he's getting the focus on this bsd provider of none of them than read start starting things up exactly like we said find an every little nook and cranny to hit his wheels and pegs on oh I absolutely loved his riding yesterday I got so psyched watching it and as it went on it just kept on getting better and that's so hard to do especially when you're that unique look at that gap over to Smith grind on something that wasn't supposed to be grind a bull to disaster revert wave even that one off I don't blame him that's a good way to start your run and that was one of the most unique creative lines we've seen in today's competition yeah Scottie the cool thing again about the rebel Jam it's the clock is just a suggestion so it's not even the fact that 30 seconds if you want them use them if not you're not penalized for it our three judges definitely no Alex Valentino Calvin Kosovich and Ryan and Jordan that it's about the riding and riding first well there's definitely a local boy what we're going to hear our stands at the US Open is surf go absolutely nuts for this is the big Street Ripper Dakota Roche one of my favorite people in BMX on and off the bike this guy represents BMX to the fullest so glad he's out here in the finals representing Heineman Beach and we get to see Dakota roads do his thing and he can't read so Lacombe Adam from yesterday's prelims Dakota in my opinion is the true definition of a professional BMX rider he puts so much heart and soul into all of the riding that he does consistently pumps out video project photo shoot and design project he actually as we saw in at the preview of the course worked on that cult wall ride he came down here it's a local rider he wanted up helping with the transition and basically putting his own touch on the course I could see how he did that trick no problem back to the top right here everything looks so good I'm curious to see what happened maybe he was leaning a little bit and this kind of washed out but that was an insane trick to jump over the rail drag that peg completely backwards down the rail that's similar to what I did but it's different it's different that's two different tricks right there yeah and those are the details the judges definitely are gonna pick up on noise rail ride two tail whip that top part is only about 2 inches line that's higher is is about 3 inches wide yeah that's what they call walk in the line right there I threaded the needle you could even say going across that still get mad when you see that in the background right there we saw him go up and he actually went up the curb whare who did an air and land it back in the curve party so we went back in that was really cool yeah the judges called that and Scotty the thing that's crazy about that is that wall is only a little higher it's about 4 feet high so how do you get transition going up and coming down raaah trailer it's definitely the man yesterday pretty much all right well the Safari ride are back on course making bsd proud peg barking up into that foot jam very unique approach to the curved wall it's just so much fun watching Reid do his thing he's so unique look at that entire side 270 almost taken out Richard Crum over there Reid also doing it for Los Angeles cush and a sweet kendamas he's got his own signature kendama have been pushing that fun game around the world but more portly his own style with it some say it is a lifestyle but right now Dakota Roach back on course look at that crooked to pop over nose on the end nice - 70 euro over the hip 360 fakie deck is completely flying right now for the home crowd I love his style I love to have sturdy he is everything he does is so cool but it also looks like he's just he's just belongs on that bike you know he looks completely controlled look at that wall ride two three six he drop it in he'd like it so close to that coping - yeah flying out of the all the way into the quarter pipe right there nice riding again from deck he's doing great today [Applause] so deck is gonna wind up wrapping up his second run there we're going back to the top Bruno Hoffman on course I think he's gonna go for this toothpick yes he is and he's got it this time that's a sick trick right there imagine doing that that trick was impossible a couple years ago down so Scotty we talked about the riders having 30 seconds on the course but where do you think the riders were seeing they can start where do they start from you know a lot of these guys are gonna start from the highest point so that they don't have to work too hard to get to the top five or do stepping off of it because if you start low and then if you want to end up to the top you know it's kind of hard to keep your speed without pedaling it the guys want to pedal as least as possible you want to make it look like you're in control you know what you're doing so but is it a rider's choice they could start wherever they want start wherever they want Brooke Bridger with a CC are you kidding me I didn't expect that at all I was insane I wonder when the last time Brock did a double town with his I'm gonna have to find that I have this competition because that was very unexpected Oh three hits in one a jab jab cross for rape for it as he spins the back and around look at once again come on it's amazing that you put a Ledge out there and these guys are so talented they could just completely ripped that thing to shreds so Rayford pop it out another thing to note on that 360 spin Rayford wound up coming down and basically avoiding the very end of that quarter but came in very clean so right now Reed stark back on course let's see where he's going Jam number two underway as stark Pegg he did rear ice big he did a predator ice pick over that rainbow it's complicated to say these three riders man they make things so difficult to do look that just talking with this back wheel graze in the top of the deck landing fakie up there nobody else is doing that besides restart well I will actually I'm gonna give you a little credit right here vital just re-released a video of you riding way back when an incline club and you aired out of the mini ramp and there's a railing on the side and you back your back tire yeah just casually I did a big transfer with that you guys haven't checked it out tight Scottie Cramer into YouTube check out the new vinyl remix that they put up up your ride in so I'm giving you credit right there thanks for to my horn dial I appreciate that one that was a fun one actually and it's inspired by these Street rounders so that's how I got it you know I was somebody who like to ride park I'd like to ride Street I like throat dirt I ride a curb I don't care I was all about it oh yeah the jump-off have to switch 360 over that right there new that rotation wasn't right and if you jackknife or crash and you under rotate that you're in trouble right there so you did the right move even though it did look rough nice look at that yeah there's that tooth on either side known as the snaggletooth right there facing so difficult to duke is that rail is short thread in the needle again trying to get that spin dumping the bike off the side same thing just tossing it able to run on out you know these riders it's as much as they've landed tricks they fall in on tricks they know what it takes not to get injured again I read coming in I saw him try this line earlier this time braid the end man that's crazy and ISIL see we're gonna cross with and once again the unique ability to apply a line that nobody else is doing Reed start is the guy for the job Reed start one of the most fun riders you could ever cruise around with I had a chance to ride with Reed last summer in Brooklyn we went around to all different Street spots when jump in in the beach have Rockaways and had a great time because he's always known to have that signature smile on his face then right now we're getting some signature moves out of Dakota Roche finding a wall ride where no other rider has yet put their tires see if you can get this nose 118 ice off of the cold curved wall how did you keep that thing together right there he landed completely sideways on the 180 it says if he's super glued to it slightly and it really is and he's been doing this for years he's been pushing the limits of BMX you know he went out there in the office all say he changed Street BMX he put his own mark on it and he changed the way that people approached things you know like for instance that Warren that he started out with when he did that gap off of that concrete Bank over to the side of that wall where the Euro is like he's a type of rider that would come up with lines like that and that influenced BMX to ride that way yeah and Scott it's a great point a lot of times a rider will wind up having their own special style and many other riders will follow suit that was brutal hopping with the 540 a fakie but Dakota is in a league all of his own because of his power and strength most other riders can't take the abusive hits that Dakota's been putting on his body for over a decade you need to see some proof he could check out he just did a new cult promo where he's has it one-inch handlebar and stem where he's jumping on every single group in Southern California yeah it's crazy that somebody actually enjoys jumping off the stuff like that once again Brock great for going for the double sail up at that time it went way more wrong here first one he ended up sliding off and actually hitting the side of that ledge look at Reed Roman with the speed where's he got locked he went for that topside ice pick off the end of it that was pretty crazy yeah cuz you got to be so fast around the wall and make sure you don't watch out let's see Reed right now he is locking and loaded tires my goodness are you kidding me how are you gonna do a wall-e 180 across a rainbow Rowell not only did he go up and off the rail as you're Sanj is kind of bonking for that Wally but then he wound up looking to finesse and just slide the tire across the rail it's crazy so that's rubber on still right there naturally I'd want to stop and halt you but not for Reed stark house ice myself toothpicks hang over 188 actually through a table in there that was my stylish Dakota Roach avoiding traffic as he weaves around the tent on top of the gyro here's the 180 backwards the side man we saw him land that one in qualifying yesterday what he needed it most at the end so it's a possibility we can see history repeat itself down yeah Dakota Roche out there the powerful rider and looks like we're gonna go back to the top again the time is a mere suggestion as Hoffman trying to put it down go looking for that 180 backwards crooked grind in 180 out but if you're not on the thing right with your pray that you know you can't get a good pop off of it you've got to get off that bike that's when you get into trouble especially on something that high when you have to start thinking about tumbling down it seabees got at this time and that 180 on the way out is opposite as a switch 180 so makes a little more technical for sure so we are working through our clock Hoffman is on course right now I believe he's gonna have another chance on course after this run oh nice little lucky 180 right there on the on that flat ledge so crazy to think Bruno is only 26 years old as we said he's been around forever huh he's grew up in the magazines on tour just such a mature young rider and now to just see him really dominating for over a decade in the international contests so cool I met him when he was 15 and we were in the steam heat yeah at the simple session in 2008 that's cool it may have been 2007 so you tell me something a long time ago that is over that rail ice review good bunnyhop forty eight and a half inches I suppose you could I guess there would be a low hop for Brock Rayford Oh peg still hard three on the rail so when you have the ability to go 48 inches in height which is basically a sheet of plywood on its side you got the power to basically pull deep and get the far spit into the wall ride around for Rayford man he's really giving us a lot of variety things that I didn't necessarily expect with the flair crowd love that one salsa yes so cool it's event we're talking about a crowd we have so many BMX industry riders out here cheering on we got Nuno Oliveira from Odyssey one of his sponsors getting Brock Rayford pump you can see that Reid start wasted no time at all charging across the course bagging there it is he's got that downside ice pick on the top of it it's on the way up Manuel on the way down across it so watch this one he's going to go for the ice pick from 180 on this back peg and pulling it this time then restart this is the momentum that he had yesterday in his run he looks so solid but he looked so motivated and focused on it but you can just tell it was fueled by passion of how much he loves riding his bike yeah the passion definitely speaks loud for Reid stark in the focus right now from Dakota rush there you go backwards might have on this course he steps up big-time go setting with something big here for the home crowd let's see what he's got nice little table over the hip talk no hander over the next hit using that those hips are perfect it's awesome that vans is actually letting people ride this course this week because they're meaning yeah you can RSVP and you're able to ride it I heard it's full already so if you guys miss your chance a bummer but there's gonna be people to actually get to come out here and ride that course ride those awesome hips right there yeah that's always been a part of the Rebel Jam leaving a legacy behind as far as a different Park so it started back in 2005 mellow Park Germany and then we had different stops around the world but right now we just wrapped up our jam number two Scotty the riding unreal like I said earlier I knew it was going to get crazier and crazier as the day goes on and this final heat is jam-packed with some of the heaviest guys out there we have Boyd Hillier we have Dennis Anderson we have Garrett Reynolds this is crazy and Chad Kerley like this is like a highlight reel that we're about to witness fifteen minutes with these poor guys in the course sign me up I'm ready to sit here and watch I'll be glued to the TV yes Scotty we've got the best seats in the house and we are bringing you along with us jam at number one and two are in the history books jam at number three is come in at your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because he you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] things that you want me to [Music] you well welcome back this is the Vans rebel Jam here in Surf City California Huntington Beach to be exact my name is Darrell now and I am joined by a Scotty Cramer we have the best seats in the house and bringing you along with us as we witness 12 of the world's best BMX riders in a rebel jam final that was heated so far and it's only going to get crazier I can't stress this enough this final Heat is jam-packed we're about to see bangers up on bangers here yeah it is so cool to see well we had our second heat go down and one of the standout riders up there was the local boy Huntington Beach is home and thankfully we got fbm Steve Crandall is gonna catch some words with Dakota Roche what's up Huntington Beach Steve Crandall back out here on the deck we've got the local legend Dakota Roche we talked to your dad earlier we were watching the heat it was wild you and your pops were out here building this cult curved wall ride obstacle and you absolutely obliterated it tell us about this whole weekend so far thanks for the kind words first off but it's been insane like growing up in Heights and Beach and not having a lot of Street events happen down here having this having the rebel Jam make it to America and debut in Huntington is insane I'm so thankful the riders are stoked the audience is stoked Huntington Beach everyone is stoked out here the vans us open the vans rebel Jam thank you so much and any last shoutouts I just want to shout out to friends and family and everybody that made it down today like you are what make this event cool like that the crowd being all psyched it just makes us want to do everything we can to keep everybody in to entertain so we appreciate it thank you guys for coming out Thank You Dakota back to the booth let's party well thank you Steve and thank you indeed to Dakota Roche talk about a professional that is the winning attitude if you guys want to be a pro BMX rider definitely take a page from Dakota roches book but I do want to highlight and Scotty wants to highlight this as well dad was talking to the fans out there and we are talking to you at home thank you for following us because if you weren't this event wouldn't be happening Scottie let's bring it in the recap of heat number two as we've witnessed the top four riders in a jam - Bruno Hoffman Brock Rayford Reid stock stark and Dakota Roche we're about to see the best of the best from that last Jam and there is no short list of tricks that we're about to be seeing restart one of my favorite lines look at that gap - Smith landing straight into a transition going fakie the man Dakota Roche fast by 360 droppin that was beautiful as well one of my favorites as well was that 180 over toothpick backwards to fakie danza Blanda now we'll see that was shortly I'm sure look at least over a tail up over a police car jumping over 48 inches yesterday it should be no problem at all huh so Dakota Roche nice wall ride 360 using that cold / wall ride so well because he did design and build it so it makes sense doesn't it look a few extra bonus points right there look at Raiford getting super tech and it was all about Reid start flying fast getting the 180 and the double bag surprising himself right there DAC with an awesome wall ride spin out we actually are witnessing the curved wall of read stark you saw him bonk his back tire up on top great riding and he was able to get that down side I spent which was so cool to see look at that Bart's been into the curve our that that that Brock raper did he did so many different tricks like a flare in his run as well green stark is such creative rider you see using that rainbow rail one the only guys I've ever seen do something in that kind of fashion before and the hometown hero ending things off with that full cab dropping into the 5 foot quarter 5 riding off into the sunset that was awesome such a cool moment oh yeah Scottie so we just witnessed the second jam highlights I feel like the entire competition could have been a highlight reel Mew can put the whole thing in slow-mo these would be video part Enders well we witnessed the first eight riders those were the qualifiers and these are going to be our top four qualifiers from yesterday look at Jam at number three Garrett Reynolds Chad Kerley Boyd Hildur and your number one qualifier Janis anter said in my opinion right here we are seeing Street's finest we have Garrett Reynolds everybody knows Garin I'll sees the best of the best Dennis Anderson has just blown minds and is known as one of the most well-rounded best BMX riders in the world and in my opinion this guy currently on the frame right here Boyd holder he is right in that talk as well he can ride everything and he does it flawlessly and it looks like he's not even trying out there so this is gonna be so cool to watch yeah this is the cream of the crop just gonna recap four riders will be in this Jam 15 minutes will be on the clock the riders are gonna take runs in orders the clock is suggestive there's 30 seconds or until you Falls and that each rider will get an equal amount of runs within that time so 28 years old another legend of BMX he's been on top of the board for over a decade earning many gold medals at X Games and pretty much every award from norica and beyond this is New Jersey's Garrett Reynolds this is going to be crazy terrible hi I can't wait to see what happens oh look at that he went for the tail of the backlash across that landing in that backwards man now Scottie I bring up New Jersey because you're from New Jersey Garrett's from New Jersey did you guys grew up together Garrett ended up rotting at my skate park growing up you know we saw him turn into the best rider in the world you know so it's so cool to see and look at that snail what to switch Smith on the ledge downside so up over that like I can't believe that a broader of that caliber is started riding at my skate park in New Jersey I always say it's something in the water in Toms River right there huh for every sport in the world right from anything from Little League to MMA to now BMX be yourself and also with Garrett unbelievable out there it's the truth isn't it tell sugars known for a lot that's pretty crazy and zigzag yeah shoutout to george morning as well who i know is watching but right now the world is watching Chad Kerley as he 360 forcement in talk about a red carpet entrance for curly as he is getting his run going Wow things are looking really good for Chad right now 180 Taylor that was a crazy once alright there there was so many tricks back to back to back man and I was only run number one of 15 minutes yeah so Chad Kerley unfortunately going down but the cool thing about the rebel gym it's more about what you do as opposed to being penalized for your crashes again it's the rebel gems about fun the spirit of BMX the personalities at BMX is Andy's eyesight's it's a unfiltered BMX well two riders get to remain you can see them both up in the Eagle snaps and right now Boyd Hill they're from the Gulf Coast drop it in oh my god he absolutely killed it yes a look at the style this guy heads but it's not going to end there it doesn't end with just him jumping hips he can get technical on rails you can get technical and do tricks that nobody's doing out in the course this watch as this goes unfold as your minds are going to be blown I promise you coming to the big quarter pipe down what's he gonna be bringing quick Hebrides a bar spin across a flat bar Canadian Press he just got right in the nook right there he had his wheel wedged up against that sub and pounded balance spot right there so he's going back up on top of the URL and one rider remains this is the one the only San Diego's Dennis Anderson Dennis Anderson is known as one of the best BMX riders in the world and look at that lurid around downside ice picks some of the read stark and this could write everything you'll see in his riding right now it's gonna be a lot of different kind of stuff you're not gonna see him focus on just the rails you're gonna see him touch the rails and do crazy stuff on it but you'll also see him do some of the biggest craziest tricks like they can do this out right there manual on though on the upright of the curve all right and do a huge bar spin out of it yes Scotty no one is going to argue it that statement that dennis is one of the best all-around bike riders in the world period in the history of the sport his power his energy his consistency is the total package when it comes to riding but the thing that I love most about Dennis is he's such an awesome ambassador for the sport same thing with Garrett Reynolds when you've been winning for over a decade straight you think the ego would be through the roof these are the most humble riders out there who let the riding speak for itself really are look at that hanger 180 bar spin on that rail coming over to the center part of the course I don't even know what to expect because it's going to be insane people hard three on that one that trick he did in the first I still can't get over that that tail up to Swit Smith oh so close right there I think he was gonna go for more spin out of that No [Applause] so Reynolds gonna wind up rolling out of his second run and that means that Chad Kerley will take his second approach again the judges want to see overall when they're on the course look at the manual to nose talk special manual to nose wheelie that is what we just saw right there that should not have been in a competition once again the level of riding in 2019 is through the roof on that transition leaning so he couldn't pull that but that trick right there I hope we can get a highlight in the recap so we can really digest of what that trick really was because that was unbelievable that was BMX Street ten years from now it should be so weird saw what Chad Kerley did is he linked the combinations together to see what he did yeah into the curved ward from the hip looks been out of it that was crazy so we had a girlie linking the lines together with nose manuals and we had voided Hildur and linking things together and now he's flipping the cop dog look at the face of Canadian nose friends in that cranny ER in death he is on right now barks Vincent Fievel too hard 180 barn spit into it and say down [Applause] see a relative newcomer to the finals of BMX we know that he was out here for the van Doorn Invitational a few years ago but he is looking just at home with Garrett Reynolds Chad Kerley and Dennis Anderson it was a big gap right there from the hip over to the big corner with the campaign nice switch which transferred that talent transfer like you said was his opposite direction so it was a non-traditional talent but the style was just used and I think he was gonna go for a fence but 180 but things got a little control but of course in true dennis erickson style he found a way to ride away from it Edison's Plan B right there still looking smooth and able to keep the tires rollin it's the rebate transplant 180 to flat beautiful from Dennis Wow this is not about that trick he was going so fast right there that his foot he just had to touch it down quick there was no way to live in that foot plant and get your weight around so the confidence was there he just checked in quickly with his foot on the deck right now Reynolds on quartz let's see double tie ride to switch Taylor drove the opposite direction Reynolds gone for that double bars but heavy shadows in a little while that's the old Garrett you know trick that we've seen from years ago so what do you think it went wrong there for him from what I saw it just looked like he couldn't get a hold of the handle bar but Garrett was known for doing double short drop ins for a while so it was cool to see it again all right so Chad Kerley on course let's see if he keeps things consistent with that back wheel manual hand nose mouth Chad to man is man just fell off boots off the groceries in very uncharacteristic that's a cool shirt he's got by the way you see it yeah we're on the shout outs of the late great Dave Mirra you can see him represented right there I believe that's a peep game t-shirt definitely done in the fashion of what does he do next hour oh this guy's flying he's got speed transferring over that was interesting over the bad boy dirty batter is down there nice 360 transfer into the euro using the course properly a lot of good lines from Boyd so far it's very creative very fast and he's doing huge tricks drop them back in heading towards the be fun box area Flores been to Manuel oh it's didn't exactly go into the hangar hangar too big he's gonna do anything else he might just wave it off now I think that's gonna be it for this room but great showing so far from Boyd yeah and again we're just gonna highlight that you know the clocks a mere suggestion if the rider pops out they're not penalized for that not at all Dennis with the pegs over we start things off at a tie rod nice which Canadian knows because I queer but that is so technical that is a crazy trick that not many people in the world could do I know it doesn't look flashy and crazy but that is such a technical move right there Scott over to the core wall ho Jam fakie can you feel this when he slid out as well it looked like maybe his free coaster engagements pedal start going backwards on them from my angle that's what it looked like at least oh he's going for the rebate doesn't really need much speed apparently so James fakie hop and aim this time it looks like once again this free coaster get engaged but this time he was ready for it we pulled it man what an epic competition so far down on I'm just blown away by the level of riding machine and it just keeps on going up every single run right there so smooth tuck in the hands into with his bars in his lap his arms are out against the icepick there's that switch direction then the redemption right the double bar spin on that 270 and he's a he was the one that invented that style of throwing that double truck he uses only one hand when he does it he wasted the handlebars to come around he pops it again which is very very annoyed and he actually invented a whole style of doing that great run so far very technical doing that 180 in wordsmith 180 yeah that was cool Chad Kerley let's see if you can get some redemption of his own on this hip setup yes that crash was unconventional for Chad he's taking the same run right now gets that no-handed ollie loader beautiful work so far double bar is oh that was cool to see Wow maybe we kind of take it a secret jab at Catterick ran on set hey got that in my arsenal too I'll spin the other direction nice Chad's got such a great ability to link so many trick I love his nose what really lines that trick that we saw Chad do earlier I'm going to say that was the biggest trigger the competition for me at least because that was that was something that nobody could really do besides Chad Kerley so I'll go out there and say good run though so far bold statement but I definitely backed that he's bringing his own voice out here that's what we saw with reach stark earlier and now we're gonna see if Boyd Hildur can do the same get in sideways setting up similar to Kevin offer he found his own way into that wolf ride he landed that in qualifying yesterday that is a opposite tale but a regular 180 it's bite halfway backwards but you couldn't get his feet in the right position to secure the landing so he actually had to fall back on the bike that's a bummer to see but great running so far at least so yeah we're time on the clock so Anderson dropping in pedaling super fast kurwa ride tale about the top nine onto the flat deck very good use of course right there Anderson doing it for Rockstar Haro demolition Oakley pusher mail-order and market his own BMX company has him charging [Music] that was a cool line we saw Boyd do it the other way Dennis came to a reversal first person that we've seen go for that one that's a really big gap super far to do yeah the interesting thing about the other direction oh there's that switch Canadian nose pick on the table I was complimenting Montana seven-foot going for all the Sun box the level of difficulty is huge yeah Scotty the interesting thing about the line in that other direction is Anderson at the clear all the way in to the channel coming out of the curved wall she with a huge gap and distance which he did so I'm gonna say that's the biggest transfer that we've seen so far of the competition you're giving it to him you're giving it to Curley for that manual common-law trick but transfer yes and these is our opinions and you guys have it at home we want to hear yours as well but right now we got Reynolds out horse carriage having a tough one in this round he had to mess ups already for that that's how up the backlash across which is so technical break less free toaster nothing will balance nothing but play control that was insane so we said written we said we have a mere suggestive clock going we're getting word that this is going to be the second-to-last run from our riders look at this link manually off manually down manually up again to 180 cool let's take it out photographer no issues there though I'm sicker now Scotty the 180 is what was maintenance dialed he was in control at the end of it he said hey I'm making a statement I've gotten this line and I'm not cheating this one to drop in the front wheel back in these guys are at a whole different level tower we talked about this earlier it's crazy and these guys can just do this on command nice little way to end the run or wisdom 180 over the gap going for the fakie whip all right we got Boyd Hildur heading back and he's gonna be the next rider let's see what he brings to this course peddling this well to the curve our I'd bring you some speed nice tail looks transfer over there have you seen anybody do that one yeah Wow so not only was that a big cow up into a small landing but the unique part about that was this setup you saw it boy it had to find his line around that curved wall and land pumping into the transition to make sure he had enough momentum to carry him across the gap there's [Applause] not in a position to land a body pulled it Scottie you say somehow is the definition of that trick out somehow he did I mean if your boy builder and you're one of the top qualifiers in GM number three and rebel jazz amazing that his curse control you know I kid ability to override the system just works out Big Ups to Floyd how you do it by being a lifetime Rider Anderson on course he's getting this massive turndown air out of the rubble jam four to five super high crowds lovin if the riders are loving it it's going for the switch Canadian in the pocket having to put the foot down to the last second though is so technical I couldn't even dream of doing that trick like I can't even describe to you how crazy that trick really is a CP you get this way it's coming back so it looks like we're gonna go back to the top of the list and this is going to be each one of our four riders final approach to the course in a jam number three Garrett Reynolds one of the most celebrated street riders of all time has over 10 X Games gold medals to his name and the only way you're able to do that is if you are consistent consistent and even more consistent yeah he's he's something else on a bike you know ever since he was younger so it was so motivated and passionate about BMX and his ability to keep on riding and such a high level is so amazing look at that bar spin too feeble too hard three on the way out 360 to spin to nose to bar nice tailored 180 over the hip to fakie he gave us the opposite version earlier that was that time you did the long good run so far Garrett it's very interesting his choice he's doing a lot of things that are there that are being really smaller controlled like a lot easy you know you seen guys like Dennis Erickson are going fast going high you're seeing boyd who's you know doing bringing the speed as well but then you have technicians like Darren's you have technicians like Chad look at that truck too flat right there that's my subject move it's a lot of speed that's a great point Scott it's interesting to see Garrett's link in comparison to to somebody like Alex Donna key we saw in an earlier heat who maybe even did longer combinations but Garrett's are definitely big powerful hits where he puts the combinations together on one Janet Garrett's tricks none of the guys around the course I do his majority of the agarics trips because of that original looks like Chad was trying to fix his bike a little bit but maybe his front wheel of moved over like his bars are not aligned with his with his hand wash there's front wheel so they seems me back on the course see if it doesn't affect them nice head cap tail without of that Smith of 18 seems like so no issue for if it's not lined up though you might run it that way normally because it's looking so far so good oh he's continued with the nose manual around the back are you kidding me goodness if he pulled that my mind would be blowing it's crazy to think that guys are doing manuals now as if they were on the back wheel we both know we've been around BMX for a while that's impossible it's not supposed to work yeah the way the reason you say that is because traditionally for many years there were only a few riders he's been messing with the front wheel balance point talking about Jamie Rahn but you'd utilize a front peg sometimes Denis McCoy as well and we're seeing Curley do it brakeless Boyd elder on boards where's he going the back up over there Tom car once again that was for the crowd look at that bar spin to Canadian nose for us I love that one right there such a wild move you got to get your hands on the grips before the wheel goes in the Nook he said you have the head cap off his bike on the way off a great career awning for Boyd Hill they're glad you got to come out here and fronted this awesome ground and showcase what he's got so we are working through one rider remains and his name is Dennis Anderson Patel went to switch [Applause] it's crazy he just said like it's which downside Taylor would like downside into a flat area where she starts oh I only Dennis could pull that off also but say look you know a huge wall rides as well nobody's going back into the pocket with a can can foot jam stage you had to step off the back of the bike though that's gonna be it down that's gonna be for our number three all the riders completely showing why they are the best of the best on the course the crowd loved it everybody on the deck loved it that was a lot of fun I'm honored to be able to call this one Scottie I know that you and I definitely loved all of the riders out there twelve different riders twelve unique styles now that the van's rebel Jam we had our course out here we saw it riders are still waiting to see what places are gonna wind up being in what are a few of your thoughts after watching jam number three after watching jam number three you know I'm starting to see here and do almost my own judging to figure it out and I'm so torn on this one I'll say it again I'm glad we don't have that job is sitting behind that desk of trying to write down the numbers and who did the best because I'd rather sit back here and just enjoy it our I really do yeah it's unbelievable to witness the level of riding but also here at the rebel jam of fun is always in the forefront don't go anywhere because you can see that we have our BMX best trick coming up the entire contest could have been the best trick but we are gonna see the cream of the crop of BMX coming up soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that you wrong me too [Music] welcome back this is the van's US Open of Surfing the Rebel Jam is going down we witness craziness in heat number one two and three twelve riders we're out there making things happen we appreciate you joining us I'm Daryl now joined by Scottie Cramer Scotty's so psyched to have you here excited to be here with you down is the first time that we actually get to sit down and work together and we've been wanting to do this for a while it was a lot of fun let's do it again sometime yeah definitely but we're not over yet we still got a big action coming your way we got our BMX best trick coming up we got our Awards but right now we've got fbms Steve Crandall who's going to get a few words of wisdom maybe we'll figure out these manual lines with none other than Chad Kerley all right Steve Crandall here Huntington Beach if you could put it together we got the man Chad Kerley on the deck Chad it's I don't even know what to say that that he was out of control your runs were wild I couldn't even figure it out walk us through it I was just trying to really hang in there with all the homies cuz everybody was killing it so I don't know I was falling everywhere I seemed like but it was fun to just ride with everybody and be out here man it's a nice day so it was fun this is the first vans rebel gym out here the Vans US Open the crowd is pumped all the riders are stoked you guys did a great job we just want to say thanks and you did great out there and keep it up I appreciate it thank you everybody for coming out please alright thank you Steve and thank you Chad Kerley we're seeing Chad out there limping it looks like he might even have some ice on his ankle talk about a rider who brought his AGame you wouldn't even known that that was the fact in his riding and having an injury yeah I didn't know about that until just seeing it right now because like towards the end of his run he was doing those big truck drivers to flatten everything so you don't let a show it you know in a lot of these guys these guys are are just like fighters they're out there to get on that bike and do what they have to do any means necessary yeah that mental spot that you have to go not only to overcome pain but also to make the impossible possible is unreal for a rider let's take a look at some of the possibilities that went down in jam number three recap as we had Garrett Reynolds Chad Kerley Floyd Hildur and Dennis Anderson here are their highlights there's so many highlights here this is gonna be so hard to break down because tricks like this therapist look at the manual up going into the nose manual flipping the bar spent landing in another manual going up the transition on the back wheel to at the front wheel dropping back in that was the move of the contest for me because that is some serious serious control Boyd hills are put on a demo today Australian rider out here representing you know all riders out there that are riding nothing but street dirt Park everything mixing it all together putting on quite the devil look at that gap into its musical barzmann out nice back foot forward police car and then there's Dennis's everybody knows Dennis Harrison and what he's capable what he represents in BMX he put on such a clinic today so many unique lines fansplant drop in 180 yes Scotty was cool to see his two different approaches one was a caveman jump back in when his foot plant to 180 didn't go the right way it just shows the awareness of our riders right now Garrett with the big 360 to fakie look at the speed from Anderson as he good but the biggest transfer we seen of the event right there here's Boyd Hildur at that 180 going how's that worked watch the replay now I'm still I'm in still sit here just scratching my head I really am but then by the expression on his face he was surprised as well it's looking at curly right here in cake note he had that injury on his ankle when he did that [Music] Tenace look at its downside tail we've been into that and that was crazy he's able to pull that away which is not so only Dennis nteresting could do a trick like that yeah the only one capable down the wild thing I back that statement cuz the wild thing is the bike control you saw him whip the bike one way and he just touched down on the deck for a second and had two opposite direction and makes that happens insane that just shows true BMX town right there yeah well that definitely was crazy but things are heating up we're gonna go back to Steve Crandall and grot bags to basically check out our BMX best trick what's up Huntington Beach Steve Crandall out here again thank you for having me at the Vans rebel gym we're about to warm things up for the best trick all riders entering the course anyone is eligible we've got three different features we're going to be competing on it is winner-take-all but we've got the cult curved wall ride the ledge rail combo in the middle and the gyro rail gap up top the riders have been killing it all afternoon we're really going to see things heat up out here best trick is probably one of the most Piedmont moments of any contest and it is about to go down so we're gonna go back up to the booth but before we do thank you to all the contestants all the fans out here vans US Open all right we're not going to the booth never mind we're just gonna be partying on the course right now let's get ready to rock and roll for best trick let's get loud Huntington Beach all right [Applause] all right we're gonna get things started right now for best trick let's rock and roll riders and of course whenever you already riders that are competing please enter the course riders once again get back out there on the course for best rig it's thirty minutes all right we getting ready for pest free all right now we are gonna split best-trick into three parts and we are gonna start the first section is gonna be here on the up rail if we can invite our riders we're gonna partake in best trick so it's gonna be three sections one here on the upper rail that's gonna run for ten minutes one of the scent of grind section that'll be with ten minutes and then over to the curb alright there will be a winner on each one and then they will pick a winner overall best trick all right riders the time has come if you are not on this course when that clock starts ticking which is about right now you will not be eligible to win all this prize money for best trick so let's get everyone out here on the course let's get the crowd behind it get out there with a flat tire Devin we don't care this is anything goes the first obstacle is gonna be the Euro gap rail is that right oh I can't do we got all right the first obsequies the UH trail we going up the rail down the rail whatever anything goes double tire up that thing the clock is ticking according to Scottie all right HB we're gonna have some guest special guest stars in there as well Austin Oggy lining up Wow - Auggie's on course Oggy Simmons see the Superman Bunny wow that is hot anybody if there's anything metal while suggest you've done sit on it that's not cool just for the riders know it's gonna be one apps to go out of time but it's broken into three parts for 30 minutes first section right now is the euro kappa rail section out here at the van's rebel jam Wow got ribs line it down to your rock Mark Burnett drop it in all right we are one minute in grab bags Wow restock you want to sing their bunny hopping up clipping that rear peg Jamarcus pull now these riders you see I'm improving 360 over the rail now it's anybody gonna raise the game and lay something that obviously stands out we've got Austin I'll get getting ready to drop in you might have seen him getting run over during the contest Rock Rayford we've got all the riders that competed in qualifying and finals out here pshh how come you're not in best trick alright who is gonna throw it down check it out oh my neck so close to making well gunshot you might not be able to see it but he's leaving getting a punch you're right at the beginning the best trick contest no bueno riders we have eight minutes left in this heat we're gonna do 10 minutes per obstacle somebody grab a spatula and pick that rider up read start dropping it in here comes deck whoa check it out the color runs now he's guy's eyes on something continuing out of that now check it out gal Reynolds truth I ate a slide up some of these guys are gonna I things up it might take him a couple of attempts Devon smiley going up rel manual backwards manual I got a feeling he wants the manual all the way back to the rail man that is not right who's gonna light the fuse 362 sticker toss do this there's credit cards Amex Visa MasterCard ID dude that's the morning in the DVLA that you just saved yourself here we go DeMarcus Paul Broun ride on the way down just over six minutes left on the clock for this obstacle grunts walking you through it no sneaking kids here comes Ethan HP local who's baked the baby that's alright man somebody get that guy in Sandwich Corey Martinez check it out feeble too much color groans dad check it out goes to flaky man I got a feeling he's gonna try and half cap back into too much too fast I'm gonna get run over out here after I get done running my mouth here comes any ball from Germany I'm gonna fight somebody in that guy some Krazy Glue his leg just fell off all right pegs on the way up there's a lot of tough stuff we're looking for shake it out 360 oh oh you could grab the floor so now I'm literally nearly Kai's head off okay maybe that's a slight exaggeration all right get that good some bubble round we got a rich stock check it out where you can't seize funny the rear peg grab bags we got less than five minutes left on this obstacle best trick here comes Devon smiley on his way up right check it out wants to go up to manual lock on the balance point got your backwards manual ha he's gonna go I swear he's gonna go back to that rail athan Corriere once he got up the rail for added danger didn't get on the way wanted to get a Reynolds headed straight back check this out he's got some speed up dude he's trying to go toothpick up on the front peg and then truck driver it's remaining four minutes remaining here comes the Kota Rose check it out I won't stop Goodspeed too much he remember print account it has what's hot right it has got to happen within the time allowed here comes the g-man from Argentina Gmail Corey Martinez that is so not what I eat backwards a trial date just cuz he made it look easy that does not mean it is all right check it out trying to go 360 over two pegs maybe 362 ice check it out a reefs pop ice right so it's a tough on he's trying to hit the rear peg on the upright which instantly send you over the bars onto your face but he's trying to go from that to I split three minutes remaining on the clock grab bags trick off of it check it out the manual the backwards manual [Applause] [Music] it's gonna be so hard to get that done in the time allowed that one is normally a trick that will take all day to get done for your video clock all right Corey Martinez check it out he's got that backwards dude is he gonna con psyche to fake III he's trying to rile right up we are running out of time if you are gonna get it done get it done now to come up so fakie he's trying to go to fakie but he needs to keep it not speed to one ie half cab well it's a hard cut throwing caution to the wind we might need to wrap that guy up in bubble wrap just to keep him safe on the course rate stock I think squeezing on that Corey Martinez headed back check it out he's trying to go off the road be careful all right we've got less than two minutes left other than Beach on their selves to go here comes Garrett Reynolds mistake like it might ease mistakes look better than anything else Devon smiley check it out backwards Manuel back home we're running out of time Garrett Reynolds Devon smiley chasing their tricks hard we're looking for the rail rider to pass me Oh Tyra walking ten seconds left keys we're running out of time if you want to get it done and you want it to count get some all right check it out Corey Martinez got some speed on the way back what's up the rail right check it out reefs Park on the way down it looks like the color right she's gonna get straight back in these are gonna be the last ones all right the color right from right here in height speed check it out wants to go up 180 and and that is gonna be in on the clock for this obstacle backwards backwards backwards ladies and gentlemen Mike some noise for Devin smiling leaving it all out there and that it's gonna be time for this obstacle ladies and gentlemen make some noise for all the dudes in that section we are switching bonus bonus feature must be the DVD you guys got a hold on this section now looking out them weird sandwiching obstacles too much going on all right we're gonna move but keep your eyes on that eyebrow Corey Martinez got some unfinished business all right we are moving over to the next section all right riders we are switching which era Reynolds can't get it done it stopped Devon smiley still look at that manual to backwards manual ha all right we're on to the next obstacle now kids we are about to start the clock second obstacle for best trick is the grind block in the middle the clock is now ticking for the middle piece you we got ten minutes on this middle edge rail combo over your damn crook all the way from the Midwest drop bags all right o'clock it's tied ten minutes for this obstacle but the riders are going to do what the riders are gonna do because that's what happens out here at the rebel jam [Music] I've arrived on the second of school Kilian wrath on the course all right we're moving over to the lone next obstacle we were on the ground block in the middle judges have already got their scores for the first obstacle the damn rail we are now moving over to the central block all right Ethan Cory they're starting us off pegs all the way across to 180 often if you're in the audience if you haven't noticed we have switched obstacles to the middle ledge rail combo and Crocs spinning it around [Music] right alright what's in looks like 2009 teens most fashionable move is clipping your rear peg as you move on in all right judges have taken the score for the first obstacle now we're moving on to the second grind block who's gonna be the first person to light the fuse HP's own Ethan Corriere pedal grind all the way along the blocks of 180 off here comes big Eddie bomb from Germany he will slip over pulling it clean Killian raw spinning it around it is king of the course right now we're out to be manually read star can have one of the stars of the weekend Stampede wallrock Mark Burnett one of the stars of this weekend 13th place yesterday in qualifying just only just missed out making the finals through the big dogs Devon smiley back in check it out there's that little oh oh by the way kids if you want your bike to be fashionable in the light part 2019 it looks like a bar Paddy's coming back in a fashion and then one of their little bags that you can strip to your frame Brooke Rayford barspin whoa I got a feeling he wants to bar spin-ups with Manuel that's crazy Ethan Corriere pedal and another rider drops in it hits Austin Augie this weekend Austin Augie easily winning on the taking people out of contests award Kilian raw thrill whoa little cat Mouse right there here comes Mark Burnett he's gonna light out he's gonna light a fuse Garrett Reynolds opposite to our whip on the way up the Marcus Paul Devon smiley why this guy for tough combos to color right back on WWF wrestling dig what's a light your pocket I'm interested I'm a BMX nerd for those for those late-night street riding mission we think career smooth grind right there best trick on the light rail combo right now we've got just over five minutes left we will be switching to the Koch curve wall ride whoa great stock long I speak to over if you think this is chaotic now wait till the next best trick out here at the Vans rebel jam absolute pandemonium on the course riders coming from every direction pegs all over everything Mark Burnett nose wheelie on the rail oh no is that sin is there's money on the line all the ethic at has disappeared there will be sneaking going on all over the place all right Devon Devon smiley back in check it out too much going on rock Raiford check it out bars man just that mistake was harder than we can do DeMarcus Paul I think did beach let's get loud for these riders in best-trick right now these are the best street riders in the world out here at the van's US Open rebel jam it is a fiasco on the rails kill you it raw I got a feeling somebody's gonna throw something down in a minute elevate himself from the crowd too much to call right now here comes evening courier nice crooked grind send it up for that hip trying not to run over the next rider Dakota Roach getting snaked by Austin Augie March Burnett pattycake party time right there [Applause] mosh pit grounds check it out read start going ice ice baby he's trying to go ice pick all the way along the first part and then over to ice on the other side here comes Brock Rayford that's so crazy bring a minutes level riders grab bags give him a car four minutes all right Killian Roth check it out Manuel he's trying to 180 off that one's a toughy let's see what goes on here damn Krug going for that whatever it was Ethan Corriere oh the pegs all the way across all right check it out guy Reynolds back in as well oh he was Ethan Correa pretty sure he's looking for bars out of that great start check it out was was ice baby dairies make some noise for restock that was an ice pick on one side of the bike all the way up over to obviously ice pick on the way down it's just the own fault but making it look easier than it is Oh check it out oh he wants to go kickflip two pegs Rayford bars ride I'm pretty sure he wants two bars to rail right sit down whip off your ear off alright inside have asked three minutes three minutes three minutes 30 seconds the clock is ticking Mark Burnett time check it out Ethan Coria pedal course the two-minute mark is hit the riders are trying to take each other out for that prize money there's no needles trying to clean it up Wow is this casual do you got it he got it Manuel the skinny routes of one ideal all right instead I lost three minutes people taking care of it wow that sounded like you free a bike out one thirty Seconds riders last go best trick in the rail ledge combo Wow it is about to be time all right kill him rock check yeah swing route right to 180 manual two bars here it goes oh I think he wanted to ice it all right kids we're running out of time if you got plans you need seconds we're down to 45 seconds on the clock Devon smiley check it out kickflip whoa DeMarcus bald-headed back whoa here comes the co2 roads oh he's trying to go 180 out too crooked and then on the nose on the way out last attendance dudes if you wanted to count you got to get it done now we've got under a minute remaining whoa you just scared all the children he's scared drop bags - I am a children you did not scare Garrett Reynolds Oh cuz he ah nobody's going home until that's done everybody has to stay here in the sunshine until we get to see that day that was so nuts final thoughts Garrett Reynolds if you want to give it another go I'm sure everyone's gonna get in your way we've got under 30 seconds remaining oh that's close all right but Devon smiley - kind of right still out there maybe got Reynolds if we're really lucky Devon smiley kickflip - ice all right we are wrapping it up on this right right gets on it so the lungs we are out of time on this obstacle we are going to move to the cold curved wall ride vans BMX rebel gym out here at the US Open that's it riders let's wrap it up we got to keep it moving it is not my rules this is at the mercy of the broadcast time to party on the curved wall ride all right this is the point where I don't do one tonged and get fired we're meant to be moving over to the car we'll ride but Garrett Reynolds has got some business to take care of check it out rail ride oh so close are we gonna be moving over to the curb bull ride we're not gonna stay over watch one more attempt alright as we are gonna move over to the curb bull ride unless you've won 18 gold medals at the X Games before get it Killian Killian ruff trying to get that manual bars 1ae alright this is gonna be the last thing you're gonna see on this obstacle before we move to the curb bull ride Garrett Reynolds check it out trying to go up right all right half and half unbelievable our work here is done all right we're headed to the cow bull riding the third of three best trick obstacles - Noah Reynolds taking care of business there who is gonna be the overall winner of best trick we have two obstacles done and ones that take care of now we've seen some of the biggest tricks at the weekend right here on the curved wall some of the highest velocities we've seen on the course we are back to some of the biggest tricks in a weekend whoa Scotty what's going on here all right the clock is set 10 minutes on the curved wall ride this is going to be total chaos this is going to be as wild as it gets the coke curved wall ride conceived by Dakota Roach himself grot bags whoa I leave fakie curved wall ride by Devon smiley starting things out all right Corey Martinez going foot up fire press in the pocket Mark Burnett whoa hey skinny up there kid restock whoa that's somebody standing where they shouldn't be standing Rock Rayford all right out of a top again Corey Martinez back tire press over there in that curved wall Huntington Beach let's get loud this is best trick these are some of the best riders in all of action sports out here at the Vans rebel Jam competing for a winner-take-all cash rose Mark Burnett on the wall max Luke yeah max Boone from epic beer max local wish your it off you're gonna be hearing a lot about 13 years to come awesome Devon smiley sine of 180 backwoods wall ride the curveball to 180 back in that's not bad they're tricks from the future you're not allowed to use tricks from the future pegs riders chasing them and spectators camera people make sure you stay out of the way cuz anything goes right now on the curb where is Kevin kalkhoff headed to manual also known as the half taxi don't tell Steve Caballero right fit back in check it out restart your pegs now check this out that was the best trick I'm calling it that was the best trick I've ever seen on that curveball right everyone else go home pack your bags get it smiley that was amazing burning dude he went around the car wall ride fakie you kidding me Kevin kalkhoff don't worry about I stand it's only a couple of hundred bucks Devon that was awesome Huntington Beach make some noise for him all right check it out now we got Boyd Hilda back on course we've seen him lacing down some big stuff on the car wall all right Rock right foot back in as well check it out Aaron calculus final 180 over this is freaking crazy oh it's starting to not make sense anymore Austin are you trying to go to manual wool alright check it out Boyd Hilda he's been the star of the curve we'll ride this weekend so far bar spin to wall ride alright big dogs only here we go Augie Simon Seanie the Staten Island rider out here nice Simeon see me Mark Burnett shake it out whoa there is no front brake on that bike he's trying to do it all with balance you already pulled the best trick Devon what's up he's doing it for next year's contest whoa Brock rapers said I have had it with Devon I'm going for that money to restock what's the one night yeah the top of the wall ride cheryl/carol cough cow clapping going for it he's trying to wanna eat with enough force to come fakie onto the deck what I'll rebuild him ruin that trick by being in the way right now check it out Boyd Hilda you seen him he's throwing the bars on the way in he won't stop Oh tonight you trying to got Manuel to wall so broke raiford's bar spinning but all right check this out front Rayford bar spin the air that's amazing he's trying a nose pick on the top of the air we've got minutes left on the clock grab bags here comes Devon smiley not done with it putting it on spin cycle he's gonna do something in the 180 on the way out like that is so crazy Devon Smiley's already laid down restock headed in nuts check it out he's going out on the top one ID dude he's tryna shake his rear peg as he comes out bars in all right Boyd Hilda we've seen him bar spin it into the wall ride I've got filly wants both directions Wow you're gonna half cab onto the beach for all Austin are you trying to flip to manual all right here we go now Rock - you seen the bass pinare think you wants to lie something else in oh I think he was trying to knock that curved wall right over Roberts ain't that been meal you Cranford two months in hospital maybe you this is a wild best trick right now Huntington Beach for these riders demence Miley on the foot on the phone [Applause] and he just hung up on everybody right there remember things caller the watch out drop bags these riders have no regard for your safety or their own here comes boy other bazan get it his fired up watch out for Austin doggy he might be the squirrely as one on the course this weekend all right Boyd Hilda check it out you singing nothing on the way in there it is but you haven't get you some player dude I'm pretty sure he wants balls on the way out mock banette still trying to no spigot 3 minutes remaining riders three minutes remaining best trick before we go into the awards ceremony Huntington Beach let's get loud whoa body varial here comes Brock Rayford point Hilda check this out now this would be the third or fourth attempt he's boss spinning on his way in but he's looking for it on the way out no hander on the way to see no regard for anything that's what BMX is really about you should have knocked the whole thing over boy bobbinet trying to get perfect we're inside a lot of three minutes [Music] this one's gonna get left to the judges almost everybody's got their business taken care of 2 minutes remaining on the clock the total trick parties check it out boss being on the way in to table on the way out he boys still got someone on his mind and it's not just that Dennis Anderson haircut it's amazing out mark Lynette's career has gone from introducing to catch a predator and then he aged negatively 30 years and became a BMX up Rayford all right so you've seen him he's airing out the top of the curveball bar spin Boyd Hilda bars on the way in [Applause] we've got less than a minute on the clock let's hear it for Boyd Hitler Mark Burnett set it up for that nose press all right these are gonna be the last couple of minutes we've got a couple of riders chasing hard tricks up two pegs boy I wanted nothing maybe 270 back in rut right but you got business to finish dude it could be it could be rightfully so one of the stars of the weekend might finish this up on yourselves to go Auggie Simon CD yes that Superman getting them out once layered on the clock Boyd Hilda he's already been flying down boy yeah opposite will ride and that's your flip kids my punishment scheisse in this nice big all the way 16 seconds bring it right back around bring it in bring it in bring it in and that is gonna be time on this obstacle but that doesn't matter Mark Burnett whoa [Applause] [Music] oh you see me and senior trying to head out of there we are almost done kids Mark Burnett has been chasing this all the way Oh everybody good we are almost done ladies and gentlemen can I please have one big big round of applause for all of the riders you've seen today we literally up the best Street BMXers in the world if you hang out with us we have got $30,000 in prize money to hand out to today's winners and to crown the Rebel Jam winner for the weekend thank you very much ice B you've also got two weeks of this you lucky people BMX this weekend it's gonna be stapled in and surf next weekend hope you're enjoying your US Open if you hang out for another 10-15 minutes we are gonna be handing out the prizes and handing out the titles well thank you very much Steve Crandall and Paul Roberts aka grunt bags very awesome for you guys calling the action down there at our BMX best trick so cool to see the three different events down there if you just joined us you saw the best in BMX I'm Darryl now this is Scottie Cramer Scottie what were your thoughts on the BMX bed trip I loved it as a BMX fan I just got to sit back and watch the best in the world just have at it on those three setups right there they started out on that gyro setup over there and I saw some amazing things I saw some guys really putting their heart and soul into trying to get the trick and trying to push BMX forward and then they moved over to the center obstacle and the center obstacle is where things started getting out of hand so many riders are flying back and forth and when you have that many different styles you have that many different approaches especially guys that favor pegs are on the Left favorite favorite pegs are on the right you got people flying back and forth but we saw some crazy crazy combinations Kilian raw doing that manual to 180 across that rail was absolute amazing seeing Garrett Reynolds going for that tire ride to 180 downside taalib all of it then you see combinations like Brock Rayford or spinning in shoe with double tire right across the rail more spinning out I saw so many things that I absolutely love over on the curved wall ride that's when things got really cool because that's a totally different area first three riders so usually extreme riders tend to gravitate towards the ledges in rails that's really specialized of course but we had the guys that get to take their Street input and put it on the Kurt cult the cult curved wide and we saw a lot of really cool things Boyd Hill they're doing that barspin into the curve wall ride riding around it doing the tale about was amazing saw guys like Mark Burnett trying to do that nose press over and over in and that's such a difficult trick you know sawing on that front wheel without anything but balance you're not putting your foot in the wheel you're not getting a handful of brakes you know it's if you're not wedging it in like Boyd Hildur did you were just specifically trying to stall on that front wheels so that was pretty amazing yes Scotty the whole thing it was amazing and right now we're giving our judges a moment to make sense of the madness that they saw in our vans rebel Jam we're actually giving out over 55 thousand dollars in cold hard cash so that's what our judges are gonna be doing again just to recap Alex Valentino Calvin Kosovich and Ryan biz Jordan are our three judges who are gonna be figuring out what the riders are going to be sitting because not only do we have our competition for our men's and women's but we also have all the differences style the hard trick and best trick as well Awards that are going out so that's what makes rebel jam unique and you basically get a chance to win some prizes celebrate different styles of riding and even if you're maybe not a contest rider you still get up your voice heard out there and it still pushes and progresses BMX riding totally does and I can tell you what looking at those awesome trophies they were saying they were hanging up here in the background I was eyeing him up like anybody would be so psyched to get their hands on one of those especially these three riders that don't have so many competitions and opportunities to be able to showcase their riding usually it's through video parts usually it's through you know doing projects along that matter so it's coming out here and having a live event where they get to showcase their riding push each other push the limits push BMX this is a really cool thing yeah it definitely is and it's so awesome to see the height of the trophies I mean that is unreal I love the throwback to some like traditional BMX trophies out there I know that Scotty you and I both grew up racing on the East Coast you get your NBL trophy and it would be head-high it had to have that vibe and look to it and the man that's down there with the shaped head and glasses that's the man who brings the vibe every year to the rebel gym that is Andy Zeiss 15 years ago he had a vision to make rebel gym happen he said hey I want an unfiltered look at BMX wear it's about the style the artistic the expression of riding and the lifestyles behind it and that man Andy Seitz had the vision and in 2000 5 6 & 7 we are talking to you you kicked off rebel gym in Germany and then we traveled around the world to Portugal Netherlands Spain London and now we're here in Huntington Beach California as we're getting ready to hand out some of those awesome trophies keeping the legacy their tradition alive of rebel Jam it's been an amazing day and every one of these riders that competed in this event they are hoping and praying that it happens again sometime soon because that was such an awesome display of street BMX the guys are smiling from ear to ear this is a really really awesome day I'm glad we were a part of it yes God you bring up a really good point vans BMX is always working on so many cool projects all you gotta do grab your phone follow us at Vans BMX 66 stay up to date when we talk about future rebel jams wink wink wink also we've got our vans BMX Pro Cup which is coming up in just a week and a half we're gonna be going down to New Mexico for our next stop down excuse-me Mexico City rather the original one exactly there's another og Mexico City and then we're gonna wind up coming back here to Huntington Beach in September the 12th through 15th in September for our world championships at the brand new van skatepark so so much is going on just follow us at Vans BMX 66 so easy to do not only could know about upcoming events you can see what the entire vans BMX family is doing and I'm actually gonna take this moment cuz you had another big milestone with vans you had your own signature colorway come earlier this year I did it was my third one and I was so honored to do so at this time we went around with a lighter color I had a black the last time so we came around with a sky high that was white such a cool honor I just so went down there and I autographed two pairs of average it's amazing such so so honored to be a part of Vans first one in BMX and to be able to live my whole career as riding for BMX riding for Vans BMX since I was 16 years old Here I am 32 years old and I still feel like it was just yesterday and it's been an awesome journey well I think your enthusiasm and passion for BMX and we hear it right now but if you haven't had a chance to see it firsthand log on to youtube be one of the 1.5 million subscribers to your YouTube channel crazy actually did a launch of your shoe you do an unboxing and you talk about it you're very humble so I'm gonna brag a little bit now even before it was released which is huge which is a testament not only to you and the energy you put out to BMX but also to everybody who follows your adventure one of the most inspiring people and such an honor being up here with you Scott thanks Donna Ste this is a dream come true to be hanging out with you mean you've been long friends for so long since the way I met you in the skate park when my parents opened then you came and started riding there and it just to be up here sitting with you so many years later we're talking 2000 is the first year I've met you so here we are 19 years later and we were hanging out still and joined BMX doing exactly what we were meant to do in the first place just be part of BMX keep it going and keep it alive well I got to tell you Scotty that is such an amazing experience to even talk about because of trainer like back in 2000 right I'm gonna tell you guys I went into the skate park and the first time I just see this younger rider who is so focused laser focus sweating head-to-toe nothing else was phasing around one trick and one trick in particular and I'm gonna bring this up at the time it was a 540 tail whip two tail tap two icepick and he was trying to go to fakie it was unfathomable Scottie your energy and focus I believe is what's carried your entire career and now even to the present day with your announcing well thanks a lot I oh this is awesome so well Scotty it's been such a pleasure being here it's also been awesome being here with you guys we're not going anywhere we got our awards coming up in just a few moments why don't we rewind the day and recap though and look at some of the highlights from all the BMX action [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that you want me to [Music] we're proud to be here at the Vans US Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach California for the Vans rebel Jam I'd like to give a big THANK YOU to Vans swatch all of our partners the city of Huntington Beach and a very special thank you to all of our athletes and our fans here to present our awards vans VP of events and promotions and the ambassador of fun give it up for the one the only Steve Van Doren well now we're gonna move on to our women's category I'm going to announce the 6th through 4th place I'd love a big round of applause and then I'm going to invite up our top three finishers coming in at sixth place give it up for Jessica Asik [Applause] [Music] coming in in fifth place give it up for the local rider Jesse Gregory and in fourth place a very impressive showing for her first competition 17 years old Mackenzie Barrios well it is my big honor to say thank you to the generosity of vans and Steve Van Doren because we just added a woman's best trick competition I'm going to invite down winning $500 doing a feeble grind to fastplant 360 Natasha Wetzel one more time give it up for Natasha wet so alright the top three places remain and I'm going to continue showing the generosity to Vance for stepping it up with the prize purse for the women they are competing for over 17,500 u.s dollars coming in in third place keep it going she just won the best trick Natasha Wetzel [Applause] [Music] coming in a second place and winning $5,000 in cold hard cash Angie Moreno [Music] and last but certainly not least keep it going for your first place finisher that bans rebel jam and winning ten at thousand dollars he calls our cash Baris Batangas yeah let's have our women hold their trophies up loud and proud as Huntington Beach shows your appreciation all right I'm gonna grab a few words with our winner down here I have to say parents it's such an honor watching you ride out here seeing you standing next to a trophy taller than you do you have any words of wisdom you want to give to the fellow BMX riders out there well it was awesome to hear that fun is in the forefront of your expression right now because that's what the rebel jam has been all about I want to ask you as a worldwide competitor and so many other competitions what is your experience like at rebel Jam out today well you're riding definitely was positive and spoke for itself let's give it up one more time for Paris Batangas Wow Paris panenka is getting the trophy that is larger-than-life indeed well it wouldn't be the Vans Rebel Jam if we didn't celebrate all styles of riding I feel like the competition is merely a platform for the riders to express themselves in their own artistic merit that's why we have several different awards getting this style award which is no easy feat with over thirty four separate riders out there and getting $1,000 in cold hard cash the flying Frenchman Kevin Kok off [Applause] we are keeping these awards going the next one one of the most unique because the award is creativity he rode with his eyes dissecting the courts like no other rider out here finding every single nook and cranny to hit his pegs and tires on give it up in the smiling read stark yes a read of Starks that we are keeping it roll in we've got a thousand dollars in cold hard cash going for a hard trick award a very difficult thing to pull out of the competition but it is going to go to the Gold Coast rider of Boyd Hildur [Applause] so those were our awards within the competition but as we know we had 30 minutes on the clock where we had a best trick competition again thank you to the generosity of vans we actually have three separate awards that we are going to be giving out for $500 on the euro Colt corner wall is going to go to none other than the 180 bar spent the front crank of Brock Raiford the second best trick is in the ledges and rails section he did a rail ride to 180 opposite down tailwhip he's from a New Jersey one of the most dominant Street riders of all time Garrett Reynolds and of the third best trick winner this was on the Colt curved wall ride alley-oop to fakie wall ride 540 out you know him as Devon smiley [Applause] look at that line up right there gentlemen if you don't mind standing shoulder-to-shoulder right now very proud let's give it up for our unique winners here at the Vans rebel Jam all right thank you so much guys now I am good I am gonna wind up announcing our 12th through 4th place finishers let's put our hands together coming in at 12th place Alex Donna key 11th place tomorrow gents place Bruno Hoffman ninth place Kevin kalkhoff 8th place Devon smiley seventh place Brock Rayford sixth place Reid Stark fifth place your local huntington beach boy dakota roche and in fourth place Chad Kerley alright riders I'm going to ask our top three finishers to please come up in at no particular order Garrett Reynolds Dennis Anderson and Boyd Hildur please make your way to the rebel jam stage all right Huntington Beach California coming in in a very respectable third place earning $2,500 in cold hard cash Garrett Reynolds two riders remain two riders tackled the course like no one else today second place and $5,000 goes to the Gold Coast rider Boyd Hildur it is my absolute honor to give up first place and $10,000 to the one the only Dennis Anderson [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Wow look at that our top three winners Garrett Reynolds Boyd Hildur and Dennis Anderson that trophy is larger than life and I'm actually going to grab a few words with Dennis Anderson our top winner today Dennis I gotta say congratulations the California home crowd you want to say to anyone out there yeah thanks for everyone I know you could enjoy the beach day but I saw people just coming in and seeing BMX all day sitting there all day so thank you all Huntington Beach locals and everybody who came out to this love you guys thanks for supporting BMX well Dennis we definitely love you you'd have so many fans out here you've lit not only contest seen on fire today with the Vans rebel Jam but I know that you've been working on a few projects with vans anything that we should be keeping our eyes peeled for in the future yeah actually just one vans project we just started went on the first trip so so hyped on that every trip we're gonna bring a different bands Rider and travel a bunch and stack clips and try and make something really cool and coming out leg like nine months or something so I'm stoked Wow well if it's anything like you're riding today it is definitely gonna be very exciting to see now I just want to ask you a little bit about Rebel Jam this is such a unique event the focus is always on fun what's your approach like at a contest like this this was so fun there's only like one other contest of the year it's called Battle of Hastings that has that vibe and it literally felt like we were on a Battle of Hastings to me Boyd Garrett and Chad like that last group was so sick and then watching the other two groups in front of us was just like the hype was so real everyone you can fall on a trick get back up and pull it like that's the best it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what you don't do it matters what you do do that's such a good perspective I think that stuff was up rebel jammed perfectly right there any closing words your fans around the world first off thanks for everyone for doing the the rebel jams bands especially Andy Zeiss for throwing this whole thing and every everybody a part of this I thank you so much to everybody who watched this thing love you guys yeah let's give it up for Dennis Anderson well I want to thank all of our winners today not only our riders but also your fans because if you joined us you got first place much love to everybody for making vans rebel Jam possible I'm talking to the entire vans family Huntington Beach California and Andes ice until our next adventure we love you peace [Music] because he you [Music] things that you want me to [Music]
Channel: Vans
Views: 45,194
Rating: 4.9258342 out of 5
Keywords: BMX, Vans, US Open of Surfing
Id: qB10EtoGm7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 36sec (11016 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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