BMX Finals I Simple Session 2020 REPLAY

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[Applause] [Applause] hello and welcome to the SACU circle arena here entirely in Estonia it is a sold-out crowd for Europe's biggest stadium BMX competition we've got both the street and park finals coming up tonight and to help us with all of the action as it unfolds we have one of the most articulate and intelligent voices in BMX joining us mr. Sebastian keep aka bass thank you very excited to be here we've got 23 of my favorite riders about to go ride this amazing simple session course it's gonna be insane it's the 20th anniversary and it's a special year I can't wait for the actions get started okay do you think that 20th anniversary adds an extra layer of pressure for the riders yeah of course the riders under a lot of pressure but for a lot of these guys this event is a real opportunity to make a name for themselves and not only that this is not a small event this is a huge stadium packed full to the brim of people why just the slightest hardly ever get to ride in arenas like this and I think the riders absolutely love riding here in this stage well if history tells us anything is that they always rise to the occasion and put on a show because it's the 20th anniversary we thought what better time to sit down with the founder of simple session risk Oaktown right and now evolution [Applause] so just a couple of young kids who started riding BMX and there wasn't really anything to rise so we built a new skatepark and wanted to have opening event there the first it was called something else the first year and then we went good next year I've already named it's in position it was way different in the end of 90s or beginning of 2000 progression has been like beyond limits you know stall the crazy riders have thrown tricks to spin there until the cork 10 favourite moments throughout this 20 years is been so many just to pick something Josh Harrington Dhruva Sampson was won five times Simona Perico to fill so many big stars in BMX vert that stood out there [Music] so you can see the riders starting to warm up on the course the street farmers are going to start very very shortly but how does it work bags you've got one course here and two disciplines with street and party how does it cater for both yeah that's right we've got one big course so the street riders will generally try and sit to the rails and the ledges and the flat banks to score their points but the park riders will very much head towards the big box jumps the bigger quarters and be seeking out some of the bigger gaps okay we've actually got one riders in both categories tonight that's my bad said there are only 23 riders coming out tonight Boyd Hilda is qualified for both Street and Park finals and don't forget he won that Park last year but we'll talk about him later on first we're gonna take a closer look at this course Daniel whether mayor and read stock both Park and Street riders [Music] yo this is Reid Stark and here's Daniel Veda Meyer and we are doing the DJI course preview [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no doubt that once again at Nate Wessel and his crew have absolutely pulled out all the stops with this course and as always it's the star of the show but qualifiers no shortage of drama in BMX street who stood out to you buzz it was so much good riding but Joshua Joe Jarvis was absolutely amazing you know he was definitely the underdog he had that huge 360 right at the end of his run is that salute crowd favorite he had a little bit of everything - lots of variety you know use the ramps as well and he was definitely one to watch yesterday and I had a rumor that he quit his job to come out here yeah that's right that's how much symbolization means to some of these riders okay after Joe Jarvis who would be your next page courage Adams was he was so good yesterday he did the most difficult one I've ever seen in contest history he wobbled a little bit on his second run that's why he didn't finish in the top spot but he was incredible yesterday check it out that nose really to grind to 180 out on that first run for me that was as good as any run I've ever seen at simple session I think if he can pull that out again or anything close to it he's in the running for the win here today 100% and then got grey furred first place qualifier he was a powerhouse yesterday he showed so much maturity work and that fresh red bull helmet he's never podium here at simple session so a win here today would mean a lot to rock yeah he definitely stepped up his game it in qualifiers yesterday no two ways about that this is gonna be a toe to toe battle between 12 of the best street riders in the world and alongside those three the Bowser's just picked out we also sat down Felix prang Hamburg and Bruno Hoffmann for a bit of a chat [Music] I'm feeling good glad to be back here last year was pretty fun so I definitely had to come back and be synthesizing this that everyone just comes together from all over the world and just have a good time together like when the arena fills up the Bible that's pretty crazy definitely gets you high pick me it's crazy that the contest is still running off for 20 years I remember coming here like six years ago in placing somewhere in like the 40s then winning it at some point was crazy so it's crazy I think it was the best buy got a best year I've ever had on my bike last year kind of cool cuz it's always had a beginning off a year and you see everyone it's like a school reunion almost I can't even count how many times I figure that I've been on and off but Stephanie develop into a big big contests and level of ridings always pretty good it speaks for itself if people still come out after 20 years I would say and in street and parks or fantasy you don't really get to see many park contest anymore suppose [Music] well we're gonna see Felix prang hamburger in the mix unfortunately Bruno Hoffman didn't make the cut and that is illustrating very clearly just how hard the standard is in Street Finals alongside Baz and I in the studio here there's a third member of our team it's a Amy fuller and she's damn cool side first of all Brock congratulations first place qualifier what a run that was how did you put it all together for me I definitely came here with a mission you know first day of practice I just started to try to lay something down and get something in my head kind of set in concrete that way I knew a route to take and then from there I just tacked on my ability to ride a bike and you know that ended up putting me in first place for qualifying so I'm hoping to go out there today and do something similar and yeah I'm looking forward to it with finals coming up what can we expect to see from you you can expect for me something similar but it's definitely gonna be amped up a little bit with like little things here and there just so you know more so solidify a podium position if I can and yeah as long as I go out there and do my best for myself personally then I'm stoked you know so at the end of the day I'm just stoked to be out there with my friends riding BMX nice fun well congratulations and good luck in the finals awesome thank you so much we certainly looks relaxed Paz last thing to talk about before we get into the finals it is the format how's it going to work so today it's 12 riders two runs each only taking the best ones that's best one counts yes there was a little bit different they combined the two ones together okay so it's all on one runs going more imperative though that you get a solid run down first 100% you if you mess up the first or on the pressure on your second one is immense so they're going to want to go out and put the first one get it get it solid okay time to earn your money you're the expert who's gonna win if courage goes out there and pulls that run he's got plans it's so difficult it's almost impossible the run he has planned there's so much balance involved no one will beat him absolutely no one okay I like that I'm gonna go for a Boyd Hilda double e's in Street and Park and I'd love to see him be the first man to win both we're gonna take a very short break when we come back we'll have simple session 20 BMX Street finals [Applause] [Music] welcome to simple session 20 BMX Street finals 12 the world's best riders lining up toe to toe this course is an absolute behemoth so let's take a look who's up I'm riding we got a kick off with Joe Jarvis straight after that first Scottsman ever to win an X Games medal hallux Don okey then the Russian max trip arena reads dark almost out with a knee injury he's back in and then Ali's Kennedy fantastic first run for him squeaked him with his second run flat land wizard Anthony Peron is in there Boyd Hilda the man who qualified for both Street and Park Mark Burnett the guy who start has been rising consistently through every single simple session he's entered just in sprit Felix prang a bug last year's winner and then those top two spots that we mentioned in the pre-show courage adams and brock Rayford this I think this could get down and dirty pass I mean the level of the ride and yesterday in qualifying was so high we saw riders like Nathan Williams not making the finals even though he did a really really so just it just goes to show how good these fibers are when you look adams if you break down courage adams and brock raiford's runs courage adams had one sort of combo trick that was linked for the first 30 seconds of his run whereas brock Rayford was just packing the tricks in how did the judges split that it's such a tough job well the only real reason that courage didn't qualify in the first page position was because yesterday it was two runs and it's got a combined score of both two runs my courage his first run was so good it blitzed every other one in the whole contest but he had a few wobbles in the second one that is why he's satting okay we'll get into that conversation as this competition develops if you want to join in the conversation you can using the hashtag simple session or simple session at twenty the man that now sow on his own in the middle of this course his northwich his finest Joe Jarvis now lives in Liverpool he's working in a bar restaurant I've got an ankle brace on there on his right foot you can see that yeah it was working in a bar restaurant but he jacked it in to make sure he could come out to simple session as bad said and now he's ready to throw down absolutely sent it on well I think one of the most important things to say buzz was that he was in one of the very early qualifying heats and the judges saw 14th Street qualifying heats yesterday so it's the law of diminishing returns they they kind of how impressive the early runs were so it did really well to survive the cup absolutely check it out starting his run with a trick that relies on a lot of balance and control was a huge gamble pulls it nice and clean looks so steady up around a 360 out there's no past been turning round there's that whiplash on the foot down check it out switch pegs up the round to tell about he's gone back to the whiplash clean this time staunch the whiplash showing a lot of experience for a guy that hardly ever rides in contests clever isn't he all the way through it interesting that he didn't revisit the 360 off the top of the platform do you think he was looking to put down a solid run first and take the pressure off a little bit and then work that into a second run I actually think he wanted to finish with a 360 but he ran out of time if went back for the whiplash and got that trick off the end like check it out there's that switch pegs to tail whip out landing both feet on the pedals perfectly there's our three cc towered up into the lower section and check it out the huge bar spin out of the wedge down into the bowl into the street section sorry and a really good solid first run for Joe Jarvis okay look at that he's got a smile on his face it's always hard it's a cool trick in a final but seventy nine point two first run out for Joe Jarvis that is a good score I always think the judges are looking for a classic kind of mid 70 score if you land your first run out there looking for a mid 70 score and then they'll use that as the benchmark by which they judge all of the others but Alex don't keep the Glaswegian it is out sound a little bit of an ankle injury bears yeah we saw him in practice yesterday with the anchor injury butter but he didn't seem to stop him in qualifying he went out there and put down a really solid couple of runs and that's why we he's in the final today [Music] okay just sitting up there in the woods or the birdbath having a bit speed that was a huge uh trail to gap into that little downslope there's a two thing on 180 when alex is on his game he poses a real threat you calling him one of the sleeping giants so this final then I mean he's got so much ability check it out crooked grind up the rail to 360 a leap a spin route to Smith's toe on the side of that wedge 180 this is Landon 180 so out of the Red Bull wedge we've already seen four or five tricks that we didn't even get a glimpse of in qualifying if this is if this is a sign of what's to come from all of the riders then this is going to be a very very fresh a very tight final yeah he's showing a lot of composure here that was a really good stacked run he had everything but you can see how hard he's even in the air now that just how hard he worked Joe Jarvis first over to congratulate that was incredible and check it out tooth hanger so 180 and there's that crooked grind the 360 I'll there's a manual 180 or 270 on that Red Bull pyramid so technical he's riding he's got a lot of tricks that none of the other riders can do alex is way impatiently there see what comes in 5.2 it's Donna key that allows himself just right little smile there to celebrate that one looking very very confident and well he's sure that was a run well executed next in that max chip Renea of Russia born in Krasnoyarsk very very smooth great creative use of the course really well-rounded rider the only Russian here today enough Street final we've got to to wrap it in Park won in straight we have one Russian in the state funds earlier Igor golly Babar thanks Sabrina and some big big runs here started with that 360 no hand over the wedge and a 180 barspin nice put in the rollback the toboggan out a couple of big tricks already early on in his run saw that flare in the bowl section as we bar spins down into the street section X 180 artful cutout [Music] started really strong here makes you clean up felt like you just reset for a second there got his breath back off the intensity of the first day if you can back it up on the second thing it was like he's gonna need a couple more tricks in the final ten seconds it's at fever 180 barspin nice little bit of the momentum out of the first 30 seconds their technique yeah he had a jam-packed verse 35 seconds and it sort of slowed down a little bit check it out though that 360 tot no hand over the wedge to wedge gap and then that 180 pass speed with the rollback as beautiful so steady amazing that toboggan wasn't it on the robot just a little tap on that so nice ship Rena it's rolling up the back get himself a little refreshment it's gonna be eyes glued to the jumbotron on the middle of the course though wait to see what pulls in seventy five point four this is a heavy hanging final three riders down and maître premiere goes straight into third with that run okay let's meet quickly from read start before he drops in all it's a winter one thing other than that I don't just a massive arena you know other than like X Games is by the biggest platform to really rip and the man affectionately known as the giraffe in Street beer make circles is out on Safari let's see what he's got for us as he gallops across the course yeah read always manages to stand out and I think that's what the judges are looking for provider can go out there and really do original lines and creative tricks that no one else is doing put a smile on the judges faces that's how are you usually score high super creative isn't he with everything he does got everyone psyched up behind him lobster go fast restock [Music] smashing it up fast through the first 15 seconds there that whole Jam 180 look at that a huge double peg lined up into that wedge that was a massive bunny hard to get up there he's got the frame for it of going check it out peg into that big steep wedge he's got lots more speed 20 seconds read look at that 272 Smith up on that huge sub box gap 2 pegs we can't believe that works I'm celebrate choir you got 10 seconds they're free and he finished with one last trick look at that nice - fanger Wow very very solid run another one the consistency we've seen so far in this tree final is breathtaking four riders in and four very very strong runs you can feel the judges both Stein - over he already Carney yeah he started so strong up in that bowl sections lots of speed lots of variety check this out that huge bunny hop up into the pegs pulling over into the wedge and then there's that switch double peg landing this that steep fast wedge and check it out big 270 landing up at the top of that sub box he locked that front wheel and the front pegging perfectly didn't he yeah I've not seen anyone do that original creative tricks Reed stark is always a contender here at simple session he's shouting to the bleachers as well next in Alex Kennedy of Great Britain man from Croydon he's living yoga a lot of meditation and eating some reached out seventy eight point one a sign of just how high the standard is already read Starks it's in third position just behind Joe Jarvis and Alex Donaghy at the moment two Brits at the top of the standings and another one ready to drop Ali's Kennedy purple is the bike color of choice this season isn't it there's a lot of Alex has been one of top street riders for a few years now and simple session around six times he and he always a finalist in our street competition starts out that little half cap on the wombs people grind into that steep wedge look at that big gap down if a retro pyramid the speed the tricks are coming now he's packing it in here look at that double peg to 270 out nice 40 spending a good amount of time in the street part up into the bow section as he is now ventured back into the street arena go for the manual Alvin just looped out the knee 180 backwards crimes by the pecs [Music] ten seconds Alex tell you our ears covered some ground with this run he's done that I think almost everything on the course except for the jumpers [Music] so unfortunate just come off in that last trip but I don't think that judges will penalize him too much for that he had a little bit of everything called over the course and he'll be happy with that one it was like a Christmas chocolate bar wasn't he 25% extra free it's there was so much packed in it had almost double the tree craving felt like over anyone else yeah I like the way you use the bowl section check that 5:40 out on that quarter pipe and check it out 180 backwards crooked grind down our rail put in a rollback and a very solid first one finest Kennedy yeah they would just it didn't feel to me like there are only dead spots in there certainly working look like a well thought out run didn't really liked an ambitious one as well though because if he gets the line slightly wrong have any of those features then it messes up the next trick certainly does but he's got so much experience if he made a mistake at some point is run he's able just to move on and concentrate on the next trick okay doesn't look like he's taking too much no it's at the score up there he's just processing what's gone down seventy seven point three fourth place for Alex Kennedy just ahead of Max ship Rena just behind greets dog in third next in the French flatland wizard and today Perrin credible bike control as mainstream Anthony's very capable of delivering some of the best video path BMX has ever seen he recently won an aura cut the video part of the year in the federal video so it just shows how much ability the young veterans got starts off of a truck driver into the street section as a tooth hanger down the round like three big tree into alright that was unreal judges are gonna have the microscope out on this run there's so much liberal detail being thrown in by para past big gap to wall ride down into the wench there's a 2-pound at 180 Passman Wow super super take Hayley Perrin he makes it look so easy I absolutely love watching para ride check it out he's got Tyler to very casual love the way throws that bar spin so quickly on that tooth hang at 180 it looks like he's operating in a different space-time continuum to the rest of the riders suddenly everything's going that much slower the bike seems to hang in the air for in the millisecond longer so you can get everything finished so at times up for Anthony parent and the judges work now begins they've got to try and compare this to potentially Joe Jarvis or it actually wasn't too dissimilar to Alex Donna keys run yeah he had a lot of technical tricks that's for sure I like their slow showing that you can do the part tricks to that tail repair really good first run for Anthony parody as a cushion to lean on now and going into his second run it definitely he didn't let anything anything to waste there did he son takes a bit for breath so six rider down six still to drop here in simple session 20 it is Street BMX finals we're midway through the first runs we've already got some cracking scores on the board Alex Donna key is in first with 85.2 Joe Jarvis just behind him 79 point to green start rounds out the top three on 78 point one the level is so high I mean we've seen hardly any mistakes from these riders and they're just absolutely amazing how they can go out there but all run together for 60 seconds such a cardiovascular workout and credit to the guys well the hardest thing the and she lost a theme they lost today on full training on the course so people are still kind of finding their lines and I think that's what's really made the finals quite exciting because between qualifiers and finals people have actually started unlocking new lines new tricks that they can throw into different areas of the course that's absolutely right you know these guys have never written in this part before they've only had a few days to get used to it but not only get used to it get good enough on it to compete with the best riders in the world so 80 points for Anthony parent second place for the Frenchman suck I'm gonna put it into the runs and stuff like that so I just thought why not do both it's putting a lot on my plate but okay I enjoy it one of beer makes his true renaissance men deployed Hilda the word all-terrain vehicle is throwing a lot retro thrown around a lot in action sports / Boyd Hilda truly embodies that spirit doesn't he combined anything I can't believe that you competed in both events I mean you rarely see that these days and uh you know he went out there qualifying us and just showed that he's so capable in every part the course and I think that's really gonna help him not only in today and today Street contests but also in the park competition later on yeah 100% Boyd Hilda do it all I think the biggest issue of him is not in any way skill it's gonna be stamina just keeping this intensity up lovely foot blog to start yeah he's got to do he's got to do a street run and a par fun I mean how do you differentiate sir make that different on this one horrify me I tell you what here to miss that I would have been a long Hilda there's so much risk involved in that he made it look so casual just go for that bass pin to roll that goes to ice pick down those poor cope in there it's so unfortunate to come off you know like he got stuck on the last foot or sofa of the Copa do you think you could have pinched the wheel I'm not sure what happened there maybe that wedges moved slightly but check it out start with that big truck driver over the weights to edge check this out that huge gap for the double peg and just about getting on there unreal crooked grind 2 bar spin Wow Allie's Kennedy giving him the high-five sir Boyd Hilda is they've to all the pressure up or the second run it's so relaxed though I think he's allergic to pressure so waxing up the pegs maybe felt like he stuck a little bit there 69.2 rank 7 for Boyd held up with seven riders down so a lot of work for him he is the defending simple session park champion no one has ever won in Park and stream Burnett feeling the groove out here get from upstate New York fingers baby sling a man sorry it says that it's far from anyone in the states as you get in terms of p.m. eggs they still only been coming up through the ranks 2017 he turned up here and got tens 18 over 6 19 it was 5th so can he go one better make top four this year a little stumble you first without war lights over packs down into the street section bb-but two bars bitten I steroids into the bank quick pass bionaire [Music] 1.80 with a tooth time on that volcano there's just so much going on isn't there in a Burnett running beautiful pedal grinds down alright [Music] uses the same rollercoaster the voyagers had a little tumble on he went double pick so did me just to play a little bit safe through there [Music] [Applause] right [Music] so Burnett coins here apart from the early mistake that was a very solid one to mop it up yeah it's a one little foot down on that second tray check it out that wall writer head grind down the rail and there's that feeble up the rail to bass canal nice peddle grind down the bigger Red Bull rail using our Red Bull perspex quarter little gap into the roller coaster [Music] lots of variety produce of course just glancing back at the clock there I'm realizing that he wants to let it go so Mark Burnett looking relaxed enjoying himself certainly feeling the groove today in front of a sold-out crowd here at simple sessions when is it going to come in at the moment Alex Donna key is still leading 85.2 Antony pair on his second on the 80 Joe Jarvis rounds out the top three 79 at point 2 so their score coming in 79 and point six good enough for Philip position for Mark Burnett let's hear from him now absolute Cooper on the first run he must be buzzing about that yeah I mean I practice the beginning so many times and then first thing I do I mess it up so you gotta collect yourself get back out there and I also I thought the run that I had planned was gonna be like 45 seconds and even with the bobble I looked up and I had 30 seconds and I was like oh well better reconfigure and go into the next run knowing what to do better and I got it got to add more tricks this time to put a run together on a course like this no that's pretty easy because there's so many different things you can do so many different places you can go so many different areas you can end up in on accident you just have to have a check ready for everything and hope that you can put it together the way that you wanted awesome well fingers crossed for the next run and good luck that's really interesting to hear and talk about that actually way more time than he thought yeah it just shows how prepared you've got to be got to be ready for any scenario when you're out there okay next in the kiddo Murrieta California it looks like a park ranger he rides like an absolute boss just inspirate arguably the best moustache in BMX they run a bike since he was four years old he his mentor and his inspiration is his dad still rides with him let's see where he's going the staff is one watered entrance made no mistake Justin Street means business love watching Justin ride he does so many little original tricks that no one else's do it check it out switch hanger up in our bowl section Oh was a switch hanger jump over to from the other side of that bigger red ball around it's insane just how technical these are these tricks are but also how consistent the riders are on them to be able to put that in a conference as well it takes so much out of these guys you have to be so fair prowling the course like an apex predator isn't he anything it looked almost defiant there there were sounds incredible absolutely zero mistakes and just in the spree he looks comfortably looked confident and he had a little bit of everything out there check it out that pedal going up the rail to tuck no-hander are you kidding me there's that 180 crooked grind half cab out and so so clean there it is oh did he line that up he must have prepared for this event for a long time check it out that's so technical that last trick but it just made it look so so easy I think I'm gonna call it now yes the moustache not even out of breath look at him he's chillin yeah everyone else has been huffing and puffing at the end of their runs someone get these guys some paracetamol the judges are gonna have a serious headache by the end of the second round so it's free wait impatiently I called him defyin earlier that is definitely his pose isn't it I just can't believe how relaxed he looks after that you know he's not how rare fee just went out there was business as usual he's saying I dare you I dare you not to put me in first place why he's eyeballing someone we got in the judges booth I know that Hank's over there isn't he I think Hakeem COO Kowalsky is yeah there is in the red beanie and Marcus Bilkey he once finished second in the X Games okay seventy eight point six interesting fifth place just behind Joe Jarvis just ahead of Reed stark now we got back down to the bottom it is last year's winner so technical but solely fluid on this course brandenburg germany what are you expecting to see about he's just he's always starts strong Felix you know he's definitely got all of the tricks that little would take to finish in the top three just wherever he can handle the whole pressure of being lashes went oh yeah there's a big target on your back isn't it wow what a start he's given the into the street section now and he's gonna get to work [Music] as ridiculous where did that come from Friedrichs is on fire right now [Music] the disaster when I tau [Music] love that 360 wench landing fakie and always going to plan Felix pranking blow right now I think that target on his back just got a hold on a book absolutely tearing this course to pieces with his first run last year's winner setting the bar very very high the judges are going to be thinking about this court for a while no doubt I think he's safe to say that it's going to put him in the top three places he did not make a single mistake out there video absolutely wild check it out the truck drivers start look at this big no-handed air on our wedge up in the bowl section fastplant over the red bull pyramids check how fast he spins on that seven holding the rollback you'd be sorry later than Ivan I'm not a caller the time it's a cab seven unbelievable what I eat to get all my goodness as that over pegs with our easy way 180 out right at the end of his run Felix Brandenburg has taken a flamethrower to the street finals here in simple session 20 and lit this arena [Music] now everyone knows what they have got to do [Music] [Applause] expecting a big one here Felix praying a bird watching the score [Applause] from Felix praying Berg now only photos with him Felix fantastic first run coming into this as reigning champion is their added pressure to perform thank you so much I mean you put yourself under pressure kind of I'm just trying to like take it easy and don't even think about it just have fun Charl best yeah Mecca well fingers crossed you stay at the top good luck okay so prank Amberg leads for this two of the best street riders in the world still to drop the first of which is courage Adams like something part of already my life I think is already mine at 6 I'm heading time for me something that knows courage Adams arguably banking one of the best reruns Thailand has ever seen in qualifiers can you replicate that canny victory here in the finals things are starting to heat up very very quickly bazi yeah I mean that Ronnie put down yesterday was so difficult it was almost impossible you know imagine having to do that first go right now you know courage is absolutely shocked the BMX well not many BMXers are capable of shocking everyone some of the only ride is the history they've done that van Hoven Garrett Reynolds and he is courage' Stephanie's on that list check it out the past Minton manual over the whoops see manual they're so difficult when you go into balance trips start the run but you still gotta look for a 360 out the past with manual bars with ice here we go courage nose manual it's looking solid it's looking very solid opening on that tiny waffle at the beginning of is rising to fake you up in the bold section there's a half cap over the little spine to check it out on the box jump that is so special [Music] oh just going down on that switch tower out of the hot whale not quite able to replicate yesterday's form really difficult fast because right now the judge is you you want to see the judges marking him against everyone else in this final you don't want to see the judges mark him against his run yesterday in qualifiers but the temptation is to do that yeah you're absolutely right but he did have a couple of well yet the wobbler beginning at that big crash at the end so we saw that the judges awarding riders for consistency we saw as Felix Spangenberg didn't make a single mistake and he sit in the top spot so he's gonna have to come out in his second run courage and see if he can put that one together that's pretty interesting winner from scape finals earlier on Danny Leon it is actually out and it looks like he's working the carriage Adams corner there he's got the towel he's got the water his making sure is ready for the next round so courage Adams will wave three score but and he's working he's neither hopefully there's nothing serious yeah I don't think the score is going to be I think he'll probably not get the best score to be honest with you but it can't be considering the standard of riding that we've seen in the last ten runs before him it can't be a big big score some insane tricks in their book they're gonna have to pare it back by how much is the question yeah he's gonna have so much pressure on himself for the second one now so at the moment we've got Felix praying a bug on an eighty eight point six eighty two point three for the courage Adams just behind Alex Donaghy in second and Felix pang Hamburg in first which means that with relatively average run by Courage's standards he's still on the podium one man left to drop first runs of simple session twenty Street BMX finals its mark Lyford first place qualifier he put as much bounce to the ounce in his finals runner as he did into his Qualys runs it was super consistent Baz yeah he had tricks all over the course and he sort of I think he beat courage with the amount of tricks he did rather than the quality of his tricks but check it out that big tower down to the steep wedge bar spin to ice down the Red Bull rail the Bartman disaster there's that pegs up to over 360 [Music] how could so many tricks into his run the entire part of the retinal pyramid [Music] Oh so very very strong run so far from Brock Rayford slowing it right down now as he takes to the rails not rush in this last 20 seconds big tower whip over the channel and I which to which got five seconds left it's got time for one more on the rail here nap so he ran the clock down there I think like Mark Burnett earlier on he actually ran out of steam they ran out of tricks he couldn't believe it still got time left at the end there he looks a little bit lost at the end of his run he could have done with finishing with a stronger trick maybe but he's got another run makes his way up onto the deck with spri and Burnett it's a lovely whip down into that Bank look at that that peg grind up and over the 360 little bar spin into the bank check this out tooth hang up over pegs hard way 180 out getting the roll back as well how do you see this run I mean are we talking quality versus quantity or do you think he's up there with both we didn't really have any real mistakes today we saw the flare at the end of his run there but I didn't finish with sort of the strength he had in his the early part of this run leave the judges with the exclamation mark on the nd around dunya so bright looking pretty damn low at the moment it's got one very strong run under his belt no matter what happens it means he's got the luxury of really sending it second round now it's got maybe is 90 95 percent run in the bag we can really step that up for a second run yeah it's always good to go out there and get the first run out of the way brush brush aside the nerves and get a solid run in and then you can go out in the second one and have a little bit more fun with it so the human super computers that we call judges are up there processing everything mixing and turning it into a number at the moment we've got Felix praying about eighty eight point six but Brock Rayford comes in at eighty 3.5 - it's good enough for third place as it stands at the moment brilliantly Alex Donner key who dropped it in second qualified in 11th place has held on to second place with a tame 5.0 Felix Brandenburg in first with eighty eight point six brought Rayford in third on 88 83.5 toe but very very tight all the way down to eighth position there between courage Adams and Justin Street look at the back end rate start all the way down to point Hill that this is going to be a very very tight fodder we're gonna take a short break we'll be back with second runs field very shortly [Applause] welcome back it simple session at 20 it is Street finals first rundown second round about to get started and we have had some serious heat buildup already in the first runs let's take a look at some of the highlights yeah Joe Jarvis with that massive Bassman out of the course Alex Donny with that up royal to massive gap across the big flat section at the top check that 180 bar spin over the channel gap and back ship Rena Reed start with the pole Jam 180 and Alex Kennedy man always so nimble on his bike beautiful little tabletop Antony parent I love that tooth hanger up the rail to wall ride by Anthony Perrin and then his Boyd healed with a truck driver to start [Music] is that roller coaster from ARPANET check it out that pedal grind up to suck my hand out from the justin spree such a good run from Justin [Music] nice little look back on the wedge to wedge one-eighty with the move the pedal grind as well it looks so casual but this is the man who's leading after run one philic sprang a burg last year's champion and he smashed everything didn't he he made it his business to get on to everything out there yeah not a single mistake from Felix Pallenberg okay we can go down course side now with our reporter Amy fuller it was almost flawless what went wrong out there I would say be called for me like super hard so to start doing my stuff when I'm cold well I don't know hopefully the second round cannot be better with regards to the second round what do you think it's gonna take to get on the podium I would try to don't fall for girls and also to try to push a bit more so on some tricks so that they can I like more more points and try to get top again okay well thank you very much for time and good luck in round number two okay so carriage Adams we've said it before buzz he seems to struggle in competition yeah he's never really had his moment here in simple session and I was I thought was gonna happen for him after qualifying but the tricks that he tries in this one rely on so much balance he uses the whole course you see him a needle around the whole bowl if you drop the front wheel just slightly on that they kind of throws you out a sink to the best Iran and you know the payoff is if he does all that incredible run that he's got planned I really don't think anyone will be thirty seconds of one trick so here's the starless three Brits a Russian two Americans a Frenchman and an Australian in those first day keep an eye out for Boyd Hill down for sure and stream and could really step up the rankings I think then you got Felix praying about courage Adams and Brock Rayford battling it out at the top at the moment courage Adams in fourth row great food in third fillies praying a burg in first Alex Donner key the man who qualified in 11th place is the outlier at the moment same second yeah he had a great run to just looks so calm and collected out there lots of tricks that were so technical that the judges have to score highly so completely sold-out arena here in the SACU circle in tallinn estonia tonight the floors fall the bleachers are full and the atmosphere is building don't forget we're in street now we've also got finals to follow but second runner up street is picking off with this man Joe Jarvis of Liverpool in the United Kingdom check it out started with a really difficult trick to the hand five beautiful drop into the bowl maybe look so easy [Music] if anything he looks more relaxed was a huge 360 Alva double peg grind check it out the whiplash yes that was the tricky draft on the first run now he's got that in the bag we could see that big finish the 360 off that top platform look at that the tail out of the double peg up the rail using his beanie as target practice there is that Hector opposite hardway 180 out misuk tricks locked into this is he going to go up top now he's got seven seconds left come on Joe okay there's a huge bass spin out of the bow section down to the street section land in super-hard he's having so much fun out there isn't it I tell you that as a rider that's all you can ask for that was obviously the Ronnie wanted and he's come out here and he is absolutely nailed if that was an inch perfect start to finish it was check out proud of it check out this whiplash the way he catches the pedals so perfectly oh there's that switch pegs up the rail Taylor Powell catches the pedals again perfectly he's got magnets in his shoes I reckon big bass Bend and gets the back wheel down beautifully there manages to kill that impact a little bit so Joe Jarvis looking expectantly up to the jumbotron for his score he's puffing and blowing the only man we saw who wasn't was just in spree he won that point 12 so it's good enough for fifth he moves up two spots Joe Jarvis very very pleased with that he opted out that big 360 we saw him do yesterday in qualifying the option to stick to the safer more consistent run and paid off for him to move from 12th to fifth still a lot of big riders to go but he's giving it he's absolute best there so next in Alex Donner key Scotland currently in second place the big question for him is where can you improve that first run check it out that big whale - gap that gap so so long manual - hangar 180 so much bike control the young Scotsman crooked grind up the rail just getting so unfortunate to step off there I take you out the way skipped off the by then you could see that ankle that is injured there you can't actually put that much pressure on it that that is it insane to think of that first run that he did to think that he's nursing an injured ankle guy makes it look so easy doesn't he I'm rails [Music] seven lovely that was Smith grinder 180 out okay let's this second round that go it's the crowd a wave and knows that it will be a long a nervous wait now ten riders left to drop to see if he can hold on to that second position we've got so steep on that hanger there beautiful wasn't it well it's a little Smith store on the side of that wedge [Music] definitely be happy with his first run taking his props from the crowd and he'll have to wait and see if that 85 at point-o is enough to keep him on the podium certainly I think he'll be pleased that first run was so so strong gave a fantastic account of himself there yeah I mean it was hard to improve on that run it was so good wasn't it 100% next in maxime max trip arena of russia which lead from Krasnodar now lives in Moscow it's one of the cornerstones of the Russian pmake scene developed his writing in some of Russia's most far-flung cities wisest trade internationally now lovely again that 180 bargain twice now first and second one check it out gap into the wall on the way out of a bow section down into the street section 180 bars been up the rail nice no half cab into the bank they don't opposite hanger on the flat well tell you what just glancing a Maxis goes on a 75 point for from the first run and he's in 11th place that's how hard the standard is absolutely we've seen hardly any mistakes from right Alex Donna can finish braggin burg be tough to beat those guys just in the last five seconds of that run he'll be so disappointed with that he could have shown that run a clean set heels it could have been worth decent rise in his points not as clean on the top three that was he not as good as the first the one he did his first run but this was beautiful that our trail to 180 bar spin rolling back half covered into the little Bank so wait for the scores on my extra premium seventy five point four from his first round will beat the score he takes seventy-one for that second run score so unfortunately max ship Renea sat in 11th and he still got Boyd Hilda behind them so wouldn't bear and I'm not taking the wooden spoon here unfortunately weed hill down look very very strong in qualification industry so next in that read stark talked about him so much as so creative he's got those really unique lines that same apart for the judges really make them sit up and take notice yeah and he's such a positive guy so easy to talk to and he's always got a smile on his face check it out that gap to Smith on the wedge started fast and strong up in the bowl section pinned down into the street section look at that whole Jam 180 stalled the bike there didn't need for a second hold it round really like star so much style double peg up into the bowl section hopping over into the wedge where is he going there's a switch pegs down into the steep wedge 272 Smith up on top of that mini quarter look at that big cap to peg row [Music] right at the end of his run look at that straight outlet to the riders area everyone losing your name he's so pumped on that run intensity of it yeah it was a brilliant run the fact that he had the patience in the middle of is wrong to wait right to the end to produce that really technical trick unbelievable run from Reed stark I like the way he started up here in the bone section with lots of speed got 360 over the wedge there's that super stylish pole Jam 180 who loved that one that big original 272 Smith he's go down lock hasn't he it literally was on Rails with it first and second run and here it is that 182 backwards ice grind down the rail pulling the rollback right in the dying seconds of his run check it out Oh with these tricks you're spoiling us mr. stark you can see how much it means to him 82 0.88 fourth place for Reed start he's put courage adams and joe jarvis down into fifth and sixth respectively so Reed stark currently in at the top five with his second run still got seven riders left to drop though and it could all change Alex Kennedy currently in 10th place one of London's finest if you call Croydon London starts with that 188 within the whoops up in the bowl section feeble on the sub box 2x up out down to the flat bang straight into that big gap nor lead to tooth hanger we started with a lot of tricks in a small amount of time check it out nose box double peg 270 now I brought you out getting the five for yeah it's nice 360 X over that little spine my foot can count on the Red Bull pyramid to hanger to over 180 double pot double pegs down the rail so many tricks in this run yeah he's dropped it just going for that 180 bar spin to backwards cooker grind down the rail and just getting so unfortunate to step off the bike there so Alex Kennedy disappointment firm he's gonna have to put this one down to experience so Alex Kennedy making his way back up to the top there interesting to see seventy seven point three is current score top five is going to take an 81 and change if he wants to be courage Adams into those spots I don't think we're going to see that though so just taking a breather there puts in perspective just how composed Justin's freak was on his run next in that we've got Anthony pairing of France one of the most technical riders out there so second run score 77 at point - so he's point one behind his first run score to Alex Kennedy will not move up its best tenth place for the man from Croydon now 80 points is good enough for seven such is the consistency of the riding in the simple session that Street final here we're into the business end the second runs their last six riders at dropping this is Anthony param what you expecting bars it's like he's asking some people to move out the way so he could be something big check it out starts with the truck driver into the force there's that tooth hanger up to war I just having to step off slightly just let that go a little bit he looks he's backed off beautiful-looking truck driver / wedge - wedge yes that's a nice barspin gas bull ride check it out - hang up I wanted the 180 bar spin out of that - you've hang on doesn't look anywhere near as fluid on this second run just had a couple of little snags hasn't there little couple little wobbles and he's found it hard to recover it's such a big course and it's so demanding if you lose your mojo in here what was he going for their massive 180 bass per attempt on that same gap we saw Joe Jarvis jump earlier on that was huge Wow that was for the crowd and for the BMX fans because I think he knew that run was not as good as this first one yeah that one go so unfortunate started really strongly again there's that truck driver check it out boss being gap to wall ride straight into the tooth hangar nice little stylish tailwhip over that red poor wedge so Felix praying a burg over with him 73 for his second run at 80 points from his first run will stand at the moment that is only good enough for seven so now we turn to avoid it Hilde made a small mistake in his first run he's currently sat in 12th position let's not forget is the only man riding Street and Park Finals he is so talented at both he's made sure that his talent translates and he's got some of the most radical lines in the street final if he can pull them off all the pressure was on the Australian Boyd Hildur now to see if he can deliver if he can't though it's not the end of the world he still got Park to go yeah and you know what it really wasn't even his fault that mistake he just got stuck on that pegs Denis on that rollercoaster icepick and uh I think we're gonna see him come out on his second run and and pull that and deliver a full 60 second run just got the small matter of that enormous gap to the rail that thing is huge it gnarliest thing we've seen so far so gnarly you do not want to miss that that's for sure you know you have to aim and direct your pegs onto that and anything it's about a 25-foot gap okay is it it's got that foot blown into the tree check it out that lovely Canadian on the wedge here we go every single time the huge gap - double peg I don't know how he gets the aim bang on every time but he's certainly you know he doesn't want to miss does he I think he's got a tractor beam on his bike that just sucks the rails in right as he heads towards that roller coaster kinda took him out in the first run opted for the double peg this time played it a little bit safer going the same route as Mark Burnett there he's got that insanely gnarly transfer now he's got just just crashing on the rail to switch tail whip he knows that's costly I thought he'd caught his shin on the pair of pedals that would have been the icing on the cake just lay on thick from the very beginning isn't he look at this he's just looking for the pegs and finds them so much time to think about it and just ah just pulls it perfectly imagine how much time he's got to think about it if he's not lined up and then here's that gaps of roller-coaster grind that we saw him pull in his second one he just got so unfortunate to crash that up well - opposite Tower with point Hilda wheeling his bike behind that big red bull perspex wall it's got beard time to take a breath before Park finals set up Connie cloud he's not on the podium because it would have been a bit of a rush getting him up with us in the studio for his winners interview for Street and then back down again for Park warmer just shows how ambitious he is to compete in both events you know Adams just knows manual in around the back there it's the warmup yeah you know he said earlier Denis doesn't like ride him when he's cold and he was straight into it the first one's really difficult because you you know your body's cold and you need not got any momentum 69.2 at the moment top spot Felix Brandenburg on an eighty eight point six Alex Donner key on an 85 point to Brooke Rayford on 83.5 two are the top spot don't think well Boyd hilda's last run was there was the fall at the end there the judges just aren't gonna give it to him we've seen too much consistency in this final so far yeah and you know he could have opted for a bar spin up a spin out of her up rail and he probably would have been sitting in the top spot the fact they opted for the switch wit which is really on consistent 8.77 point 5l / Boyd Hill there in 10th Alex Kennedy in 11 nice trip Rina in 12th now it's the turn of Mark Burnett slinger lands in upstate New York on that vanguard of super tech Street riders lovely bike control really flows I love that wall ride two pegs on the rail feeble up the rail to 180 our tower into the little Bank guiding the bike ramp beautifully through here make it look so so smooth and linking everything together with real speed oh I just skipped off those pedal grinds are so hard to be consistent with you seeing these happen to take his foot off [Music] look at that that tyroid up the rail is so difficult to ride up a round rail in fact they 360 down about was so crazy going for they're really difficult in there and just waving off the crowd Mark Burnett second run it's a beautiful top section love that so much bike control look at that Ryan's up right up the round rail 360 and out of that it's so difficult to you do millimeters there aren't ya and it's so difficult to 360 out of a round rail because you can't turn you fat well you really have to stop it all the way around using all of your body strength okay Mar Burnett shout out to swamp fest Marc Raya Mark Burnett conquering the the big rail over that huge swamp a couple years ago I was so impressed with that if you've never seen it before well worth checking out doing an enormous rail in his boxer shorts over a swamp definitely the definition of entertainment so but it's gonna ride on his first run score of seventy nine point six good enough for eighth place just in spring clean set heels in his first run best moustache in BMX is about to take to this course [Music] where do you think you can step out buzzer I mean he didn't have a single mistake in his first phone I mean it would be so hard to improve surely look at that that started it starts again with that art Braille pedal going to tuck no-hander out straight into the bangers from Justin's three little suicide no hand are up into the bowl section reckon he could look at sponsorship from Silicon Valley's that take difficult that trick going to hangar two over to fajn that bigger Red Bull rail so much core strength involved in that trick there's an over Smith up the rail Oh tire ID two cans yes beautiful trick that so original final ten seconds for Justin spree can he finish with another big trick oh go for ride up no dropped it there it's on a seventy eight point six its I tell you are the pressure of the first runs I think has taken its toll a lot of people unable to back up those insanely consistent first runs that we saw this final is still wide open three people left to drop Phillip sprang a bug courage Adams a Brock Rayford at the moment courage Adams in fifth Brock Rayford in third Felix Brandenburg in first Alex Donner key still set in second place after his first run score of 85 point to the man who dropped second from he can't believe that he still sat up there so high especially with the intensity of the first runs here it simple session 20 BMX Street finals but Rayford first place qualifier currently sat in the shade of last year's winner Felix prang a burg just in spree cannot match his first run scored 75 point 6 you say he will stay in 9th position now current leader Felix praying åberg Danny really stamped his mark on this final and push his score further out of reach of courage Adams and Brock Rayford I think he can must be a good situation to be in for a finish player Berg you know he's gonna go out and do a little bit over trying to improve slightly if he can but his first run was so dialed is attacking this course and taking no prisoners whatsoever can he add a little bit of spice to mix it up a bit it's just ridiculous I can't believe how consistently is without trick look at that that bars been 540 [Applause] we've seen a few riders now crash in the final parts of their run I think I'll say it again I think the weight of these first run scores is sitting heavily on a lot of these riders the consistency that they found in that moment driven on by each other is but it's harder and harder to replicate I mean you were marveling at it as just to be able to do levels of this treats this technicality this consistently is utterly ridiculous the one man who hasn't done it yet and hopefully can find it is courage Adams yeah if the tricks he's trying are so difficult it's almost impossible to get first go you know when your name is called well he knows there's an opportunity there now the door is up with every second run that gets dropped by these guys the door is opening a little bit further qualified in second place courage Adams is going to drop next and he has an opportunity to catch Felix Frankenberg right now if he can land the run we know he's capable of so praying about climbing the fences into the riders area Reid Stark just it's free all congratulating him so Frankenberg it's gonna sit and wait out two riders courage Adam - Brock Rayford to wait and see if he can hold on to the top spot start matching Garrett Reynolds record it here at simple session for complete and utter a dominant praying about one last year you can to make it two in a row then he'll be halfway there I think is it four or five that Garrett Reynolds one on the trough you know our garrets won so many events I lose track of them I've got it written down here somewhere I'm sure I can find it but yeah as I was saying earlier courage Adams has absolutely shocked the binnacle community the clips that he puts out regularly on Instagram are so incredibly difficult and the fact that he is trying to apply some of those tricks here today on this you know in his street run is insane but yeah if he gets one of these runs that he's trying I have no doubt in my mind he would take first place position okay eighty two point three four with a couple of mistakes in a fall Danny Lee on just behind them giving him the tips there Danny Leone's one one today can he pass a bit of that magic on to his friend and fellow countryman courage Adams this really is it is it though rare this is his time to shine he's never really had his moment at simple session or in fact any other big contest we saw him smaller contest earlier on in the year the backyard Jam looking really composed learning how to deal with putting a run together and yeah like I said the tricks he wants to try in this run are so hard to get first go ok Scott to be as he sets off Felix Brandenburg on an eighty eight point six oh my goodness he's got the bathroom to manual to pass pin check it out the dream start from courage Adams [Applause] courage that wasn't too bad of a fool he's already locked in some of the hardest trick to anyone has ever seen an industry final check it out he's where did that one caucus that's a little addition he's picked himself back up it he has it the intensity step back up can he make amends with the tricks that he's pulling the judges are going to be watching this common characters finish up this is a rollercoaster we're going up and down and up and Adams there's that switch without the Opera to finish oh good that was insane I'm on the edge of Lucy here it's the consistency of a finals run that keeps eluding him but like you said that the technicality look at this many of these almost 60 meters in a manual and he's vast been spun one way to it straight into that bar spin to manual to bar spin to ice there's that schrock to fakie just insane and there's the background to switch tailwhip he needed that trick he landed that trick and I'm gonna be star my god that was insane from the layman's perspective for me I think he's pushing up the eighty two point three four big question is how far he's currently sat in fifth brought raiford's in third on and 83.5 to Donna key on eighty five point two Felix praying and Berg on eighty eight point six this is where it's gonna be controversial he had a cracked oh the judges can't give it to him too many mistakes for courage Adams and so disappointing I don't think there was a person in this arena that didn't want to see him land that run and take the top spot he's worked so hard for it so coach Adam stays in fifth brought Rayford the last man who can take that top spot off Felix prang of Berg the America that drops in he's got a long work to do brock Rayford dropping into the bowl section big bar spin up into the wedge truck drive through to the big wedge bar spin to ice down that red bull rail 180 bar spin to bar spit out pegs are put over 360 out least i'd very strong nice little flair on the quarter pipe he's swinging for the fences with this on isn't a so many tricks in that first 25 seconds still got another 35 to go we saw him run out on his first run he's gotta have a plan for the end of this run he only just got that tooth 2 over 2 from the rail look at him he's actually Kalon Singh around he's like where am I going what if I got just so important this last 20 seconds 60 out the box section down into the street section come on use this last 10 seconds Brock deal got 10 seconds that pass been 2 pegs to 180 out stomped right in the last seconds of his run it felt like his run was a minute longer than the other ones did it cuz about many tricks he did well he was all my favors it you can see him glancing up at the clock like he was willing it to wind them like watching a heavyweight boxer desperately trying to make him through the last round Chuck managed to get a couple of swings out though that first 25 seconds was insane though the amount of tricks he managed to pack in [Music] Wow Water Street finals here at simple session 20 he looked like he improvised to me with that huge 360 over that right double rail we talked about these finals living up to the billing of a twentieth anniversary and it has done exactly that undoubtedly tinge to his sadness that courage Adams couldn't lay down that run that we saw in qualifying that breathtaking run then we know he was capable of and I think undoubtedly would have given him the top spot per can see courage there Rayford both of them on the floor they have left everything out there on their bikes tonight their courage courage his first trick two tricks were absolutely unbelievable the fact that he pulled those let's go you know when when they called his name is just a testament to how good he is to add that bar spinning as he came through the whoops and to hold on to it to make it look as easy and composed as he did so nerve-racking isn't it all you've got to do is drop your front wheel slightly and it's all over so we'll wait for that school to come in for Brock Rayford as the park riders start taking it to the course gut feeling bass as Felix praying a boat made it two in a row or as Brock Raiford done enough you know what I think Phoenix could take her I really enjoyed Brock's run but the family would looked like he improvised them in the last or 10 seconds I think the judges might penalize in for that just ever so slightly you know I think he'll still get second but Felix rum was just perfect I love the detail bars you've called it exactly there we'll wait and see where he comes in at the moment we've got praying and Berger in first on eighty eight point six zero we've got Alex Donner key in second on 85.2 and we've got Brock Rayford in third on 83.5 toe you can feel the tension though can't you Ed as we await the scores see if they bring this one in is they gonna be like Rayford calls it perfectly feelings bangin bug will make it two in a row a fantastic simple session Street BMX Final Four the band from Roth back just outside Cologne he works so hard he played it so humble the pressure deflected by Brock raiford's qualifying runs encouraged Adams incredible qualifying run and as a result Felix Brandenburg was able to fly under the radar into the finals and then jump up just when he counted with an absolutely breathtaking run nothing less than he deserved pass yeah I mean he was so good tonight wasn't he no no mistakes at all in his first run and it was just flawless so the man it was taken out simple session 18 with a knee injury has come back and made it two in a row gotta say Garrett Reynolds might be looking over his shoulder and thinking I'm gonna need to come back and stop my authority on this come take a look back then Joe Jarvis Alex Donna Kate - brilliant Brits in there make soup Rena of Russia made his presence felt Reid start the giraffe Allie's Kennedy usually so nimble on his bike didn't have the best of nights for him yeah we saw so much good riding in that Street final look see if gap double peg from Boyd Hildur are we gonna see that again in park finals I think we will check it out Mr Burnett loved that tire slide beautiful word from the man from New York State double tire ride up the rail for Mark Burnett just it's freaking super tech then Felix praying and Berg what a treat that was courage Adams even though he didn't managed to make it into the top spot we still saw some truly breathtaking riding from the Spaniard brought Rayford did everything he could but he couldn't catch Pryor Berg a fantastic Street BMX finals here in Holland prayin burg in the top spot followed by Raiford and Donna Kate courage Adams not able to make it count in the finals he'll have to settle for fifth caliber riding we've just seen is shown by the names we see in the pot half the draw there Boyd Hilda alleys Kennedy and Justin spree we're going to take a quick break and then we'll be back with the winner and some analysis [Applause] so Street finals have wrapped here at simple session 20 and you can see the part riders starting to get their teeth into the course we're gonna be getting that underway very shortly but first pass we've got to talk about those Street finals the level was off the chart I can't believe while just witness said it's so much good riding but it was the consistency tonight that was most shocked by the fact that in the first runs Donna key Rayford and pang number barely made a single mistake it was incredible to watch but that was through the whole field there were very few mistakes in the first run altogether it was incredible I mean the tricks these guys are doing they're so difficult and to make hardly any mistakes it's just look at the levels so high these days okay let's take a look back through some of the runs now we can go through the top three and pull apart exactly what went bright for these guys we're gonna kick off with Alex Donner key the Scott in third place he dropped second in the hole calm yeah but we saw it start with that huge gap from the pit grind and he just showed so much maturity is right and it looked like he's done these tricks in his sleep well considering how he'd looked quite pedestrian in qualifiers we knew he was carrying an ankle injury but he came out guns blazing on this first run you really did and he didn't seem like he was up for it yesterday qualifying today he was just so consistent check it out that nollie bar spin so many hard tricks done so easily that's what's so unique about alex is riding highest level of technicality but so so smooth and casual with it it makes it look so easy not dabbing a single foot throughout his whole run check this out tooth hang up to peddle grind to 360 out that trick is so difficult and to hold that back and do it in the last couple of seconds your run is incredible okay so that was Alex Donner key in second place this was Brock great l-taurine third this was brought Rayford in second place so nearly were you creating his form from the qualifiers yeah we saw improve improve on his first one with that truck into the wedge and then he did the fast big disaster to bar spin out lots of improvement here didn't just go out and do the same as he did in his first run there's a flair it felt like you threw the kitchen sink at the first 30 seconds of this run he went all guns blaze and he gave it everything he had didn't they and then probably I think the difference in the scores between Felix and Brock came in this last 20 seconds he you could see him looking around yeah he was looking around he couldn't believe there was still ten seconds left so he had to improvise and he saw them so him do that big 360 to finish his run but he didn't quite have to finish that Felix did yeah I think that was the big difference between second and first today so Brock Rayford almost wishing the time away but Felix prang abode we can take a look through his run now this was breathtaking start to finish I love the way he slide up in the top section of that truck driver big no hander on the wedge look at that that 180 getting the roll back as well she's so difficult as he heads down into that Street section nice fastplant 180 on the Red Bull pyramid this one had a little bit of everything didn't know this is what stood out to make how he does that so consistently I'll never know two runs in a row we absolutely stop that that's that one 360 over to the rail opposite disaster with opposite barspin 180 out this to finish the hard way 360 over the wedge to wedge gap 360 opposite people hard way 180 ow and then this / pecks 1:8 right at the end of his run I think for me if you look at the details of that that hard way 270 over the transfer the fact that he didn't rush the roll out of that and let it run for a little bit and the speed he was doing total control for me yeah I mean it's so difficult to pull a rollback mid run and especially after all of the big tricks that he's already done it was it was incredible and that was his first run to so made a few mistakes in the second run but it didn't matter did it okay we're gonna get feelings in the studio and have a chat with him in just a moment but first there's the small matter of beer make parts finals so beer makes par finals coming up very very shortly but right now congratulations Phoenix and the incredible wind but were you surprised by just how wide the standard was thank you so much yeah of course everyone could have easily hunters like the level is so insanely high and the last run proc hat was just perfect and I thought he's gonna take the wind yeah like the level gets higher and higher every year it's crazy yeah the fact that you managed to go out there and be so consistent with all these incredible riders ride in and it didn't even look like you plan to win it just like you look like you went out there to have fun on your bike and it all worked out yeah totally I did probably just trying to have the best time possible out there I wasn't even nervous today I just had the best time when before and to win two years ago right what does that mean how does that feel I mean I can't even describe myself pretty surreal it's kind of crazy and leave last year yeah I don't know what to say you had you'd the level of consistency feelings that you had it in that run it was phenomenal you got that run planned out from start to finish because it looked like a lot of people were actually left out on the course and they'd run out of tricks yeah I always tried to plan a little bit and I know soon the contest starts like figure some more things out and yeah I was trying to do some more stuff yesterday in the qualifications but I crashed like in the last few seconds so I was just trying to do those strikes that you didn't do yesterday and they luckily worked out like the switch for the stuff so yeah I'm pretty happy about that okay we've actually got your run here we can show it to you and we taught bass and I talked to you but I'd love to hear your perspective on who took astray yeah I just decided that do the know and after the truck and I felt pretty good the fact that you pulled the 180 roll back as well every time was yeah you're so fast on that one and you just go like figure out like how we get off up the quarter talk us through this next ring it's a fakie 7 I think and I've been doing them for a while but never that consistent I feel like and I feel like this week and I'll just figured out how to do them like almost there we go that bit the 360 over the sandal it's pretty fun yeah it was so good now as you lost a little bit speedy then picked it back up again and pedaled towards up to the gap Thank You Trix much about that one because I messed that one up yesterday so yeah that worked out okay Felix as the dust settles on the street final we're now going to look at the park final and I know that both of you kept your eyes on the qualifiers pass you picked out a couple of people but you thought were gonna do really well here Kieran Riley was your first pick wasn't he yeah you got Kieran Reilly's 18 years old he's you know he's with so many big tricks and you know he's so hungry we went out there and qualified for the finals check it out that 360 shuttle tower with such a good young rider Newcastle's 18 year old nugget of energy definitely want to watch in the finals alongside Kieran we go from one of the youngest riders in the finals the other rider you picked out this man yeah Ryan Knight Chris is 40 years old now how does he keep coming back to simple session and all the other events and place him you know he's always in the finals and it's just it was so much experience doing it for all the dads out there I think yeah he's got three kids at home you know living a domestic life and eight weekends he comes to simple session and competes with the youngest riders in the world and then this man Boyd here with her first place qualifying erode in Street Phoenix definitely my favorite I think he's going to win again I'm pretty sure it's such a good all-rounder buzz yeah I mean his run was so entertaining he had everything so much speed look at that that big 360 cap and the fact that he's just ridden industry as well and he's got those straight into park now okay well you've kind of answered my next question for me feeling so it's gonna say who you pick him for the win in part by Judah for sure has build up who's gonna stop him I think there's eleven other men who might have a say in that but if he pulls that run it's gonna be really hard to stop you know I want to see Karen Reilly out there I'm gonna go dark horse I think Hyrum Riley don't well to be fair Karen and Nyquist could cause an upset okay well we can take a look now at Boyd Hilda and when he sat down with Daniel Dhers one of the legends of simple session many feels great to be back a simple session not only because of the event in Salford is their 20th year anniversary you know I think simple sessions always being a very important event just because you know it's gathered the best riders around the world they kept it pretty true to the roots of BMS you know and the course is always challenging they're always different not just the same like they tried to get pretty much everybody involved laughter is battle with boy was great I think because we kind of had a good idea on how to put all wrong together but it was fun definitely I they enjoyed it laughter for my first year like just riding the course is unreal and then come out on top just like it just copped it off and I was great I honestly didn't really know everyone just grabbed me and threw me off of that shoulders and that's kind of what I knew is our 2019 champion all the best riders in the world all the homies are here it's hard enough to have a good time he's laughing having a jam practice is wild but it's fun man well I never ride with headphones and I just love when the crowd goes live gets me a bit more start to put an extra pedal in two of the best riders are going to see out in the finals tonight and interesting to hear Daniel Dhers talking about that rival rehab with Boyd last year in that context yeah it was a absolute showdown between those guys last year and that's what the final producers doesn't it once two riders get out there and they both put a solid first run down this it's all to do in the second one isn't it especially if they're sitting you know we're being a few points of each other okay we can take you quick look now earlier in the day we held the BMX sister session the women's Park finals these are the highlights from it it's so encouraging his nip as to see the number of women competing each year stepping up yeah the female beinac seen is growing every year and they're stepping up the level and it's you know it's so good to see Laura Esserman as well she's the first female redbull BMX athlete she got a new helmet a couple of days ago it meant the absolute welter and just you know we've got riders from Japan minute oh okay when I watched this go down she went for a backflip on her second run over the big jump box just over-rotated it she was sending that absolutely beautiful work from her if she to land in it I've got no doubt it would have been first place instead though it was the key to do Carol's of Switzerland who took the win and the consistency and the power she showed in our riding future's bright for women's BMX Pass yeah really is and now that there's big sponsors for these young females and there's more events more coverage for them more opportunity it's only going to inspire the next generation of females to come through okay can't wait to see that we're gonna take a very short break now though when we come back we've got BMX part finals 12 of the world's best going head-to-head [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to simple session twenty BMX park finals these are the big ballers and they are ready to send it if you've got a hot drink anywhere near you you might want to set it to one side we don't want anyone scold it during this we have such a high caliber of rider Kieran Riley Iraq where is a every as Finley Kashia and driver and Boyd Hilda first place qualifier we're not going to mess around with taking you straight into the action with a Brian Fox in qualifies that no one else was getting near busted out the crowd-pleasing double back he didn't yeah he's definitely a crowd-pleaser flying fox he managed to spin his way into being nitro World Games gold medalist and he acquired an X Games bronze medals okay secure and Riley is shouting out on the way in there getting inside damage [Music] got some big tricks up his sleeve Firefox check it out 270 down that hits the sign of things to come this is gonna get wild tonight ladies and gentlemen turn 80 first round [Applause] a message to the upper riders in this part final Brian Fox ascended to start his run with that 1080 I'm giggling to myself this just basically says to everyone else bring your A game or me now Brian at Fox literally strutting around this course telling everyone they have to bring absolutely everything they've got tonight there is nowhere to hide on this course throw down or go home says Brian Fox Wow what's the stamen check it out that 270 down into the hip as he heads towards the box jump look at that down whip this out big double backflip rotating twice just tacking slightly but just gonna say very nearly clip didn't aim I love that flare on that awkward quarter pipe down there you did the bike stepped away from you that is unbelievable Brian Fox he has said this final alight torn up the script we were planning on just building up through the sevens eights nines maybe taking it to 10 or 11 at the very end Brian Fox is just send it to 11 straight off the back he came out on fire Denis just straight into those huge tricks couple of small mistakes now Daniel Dhers very uncharacteristic mistake from him in qualifies which is why we're seeing him riding in second 11 still made it through driving was high enough standard to pull and throw but I doubt it'll make the same mistake twice you so rarely see damage Daniel Dhers make a mistake you know in a run it's actually qualies 34 years old now always managed to make finals 74 years of BMX students to each other up there with Nyquist Adair's there's so much experience between these two guys and you know what the one thing that I think Daniel Dhers does so well is he de land so smooth and I think you know he's mastered about four or five maybe six big tricks he lands them so smooth and he can take those tricks to any course wherever he's right then whatever contest is that that consistency is as you know it's made him do so well in the past I remember I mean we're talking 2006 when he exploded with the cash roll and for four years he made that trick pay for him and he'd learned so much in that time he's definitely the wily phox of BMX competition check it out that 360 triple whip just landing so smooth he's he's got so much control nice tuck no-hander he's getting busy straightaway you know what it's gonna scare a lot of riders having Daniel Dhers going up first well the second oh did he get tap on that box then or is it just a brilliant camera angle he does those 270 so perfectly that cork Severn landed inch perfect just back to back to back there is no letter tiny little mistake zones coming into the top section there wanted that no-handed flair not quite extended his hands still got ten seconds Daniel Dhers this is one man who is not gonna run out of tricks though treats for chickens he'd have one of the biggest bands in the world just skip through there takes a look at the clock and he knows he's done so Daniel Dhers just getting the monkey off his back from that fall in qualifying and he's put down one of his classic consistent runs but the level path still insanely high it just makes it look so easy a 360 triple whip catching the pedals perfectly that in down flair look at this - certainly Tara bland and perfect the tricky fell on wasn't it he just slipped out a little bit banged his head on the back pass yes no handed flair two bites of the flare cherry in that exact same quarter the judge is gonna punish him for that I don't think so it was two different variations but he didn't quite extend his hands fully off on that flair no hander okay so Nyquist is down there waiting while the judges make their call of Daniel Dhers round got really nice spectrum of different riders in here haven't we got the experience and consistency and strategy I think it's fair to say from Daniel Dhers and then you've got those beautiful old school tricks that no one else can do from Ryan Nyquist and then you've got just atom bombs like Kieran Riley quickly to explode on this course 82.6 for Daniel Dhers so just on the four points behind Brian Fox next in run Nyquist looks like the park riders have taken a leaf and out of the street riders books and they're all going for consistency first run yeah you talk about strategy Ryan Knight this will definitely have one you will have a well-thought-out plan going into his first run I mean you start running through Nyquist bio he's had sixty du Tour Finals appearances and he's got 16 X Games medals in 39 starts and then he went and crossed the floor to freestyle mountain biking and got a third at the biggest contest in freeride mountain biking Crankworx in Whistler just absolutely mind-blowing what he's done on a bike and now he's come to be amazed head coach of the u.s. national team 40 years old the oldest rider in our part final but still a contender focus on his face dropping in double bar has been tricks that no one else is going to do other riders leaving those tricks very much alone double bars been up onto that sub box massive uncharacteristic whip for my life is 450 bar 720 but this run is absolutely phenomenal so far attic Nyquist on an absolute tear tell you all this gonna be a long ride and further down the start list it was sweating street tricks the top of the bank I nearly fell out a commentary box just getting so unlucky to make a mistake on that trick it was just a trick he was turning around let's not forget des made a small mistake or maybe not quite as big ah second left the first 35 seconds of that run were incredible and just to make a small mistake on the pig insignificant turnaround trick so unlucky so Nyquist sending the dial on this run truly truly out of the box he says he can't teach an old dog new tricks look at that till we talking through that back here as well because most people have got the bars in their lap for a suicide backflip when you're both hands off like that Nyquist he's spinning the bars gripping the saddle with his knees yeah he does tricks that a lot of other riders just literally leave alone he does the suicide backflip no-hander as well no override is doing that trick seventy eight point two for Ryan Nyquist it's good enough for third at the moment but there's the promise of much much more ami Fuller's with Brian now Ryan it's an absolute pleasure to what she rides an incredible run you must be happy with that pretty happy I had a couple of bobble moments um jumping at the end there I mean that's crazy I messed up a single bar spin which is like I don't know what the heck happened but that's how hard it is man this course is so big you're peddling all over the place you get tired you make a mistake so looking forward to getting that one back and run two wicked well good luck in the second run a bottomless formed of energy four years old and he still looks like a 12 year old when you put him in a competition environment now Tom Vander Bogart you're watching Munich mash earlier this year in the scene Tom Vander Bogart taking a huge slam I think for me there's no one else in BMX who compartment as hard or get as much airtime as Tom Vander Bogart yeah there was the redbull uncontained contest a few months back and he absolutely owned that huge step up he was going so much higher than everyone else and he really is capable of the biggest box jump tricks you know that goes so high over the hips he's so enjoyable to watch it's like it's got industrial springs in his shoes isn't it you can get the bike so much higher than everyone else no one else has got that line that Sun box yanking the bike through that bump into the him kidding me the amazing 360 inverse bike was completely upside down it's gonna need an in-flight safety video if it keeps happening [Music] get through here absolutely charge him right now lovely just slowing things down for a second it's using that line to really really good effect no one else has got that one now he's jumping these hips so much higher than everyone else instant it back towards that box up his feet are off the pedals five seconds to go Geoff's let that one slide away a little shake of the head there you know how close he was to that one yeah just missed him out on his last trick over the Box jump couldn't quite get feedback on the pedals but check this out that one foot table too late look back so much higher than everyone else over that hip there's that monsterous 61 footed flatty upside down and a lot higher than anyone has gone over that box Jeff you could have driven a bus through there really pretty beautiful tabletop on that wedge and he did really mix it up in that run didn't he had a really nice variety just one small mistake at the end of his run at the moment three riders in run Nyquist on 78 point to Daniel Dhers on 82.6 prime Fox in first place at the moment on 86.4 small mistake from Tom vana Bogart let's see whether it costs him I absolutely love watching Tom ride we did miss out missing out with him missing out on that last trick over the box it would have been something beautiful that's for sure 77 point to fourth place for Tom van and Bogart speaks adjust how high the standard is so far next in Levi's Weidman from Delft in the Netherlands right the same Park as tom Van Dam Bogart the old 40 Park win Eindhoven these guys pushing each other on a daily basis intimacy prepares to drop in on the highest part of our course roll in for the big box jump Levi's vitamin massive 1082 stars run that's how you make the judges sit up and take notice he started massively by 40 Bassman and in variety the top of that quarter pipe you nearly hung up great start great first 20 seconds for the Dutchman a little bit squirrely on that look back first time he's made finals third time he's written simple session and he's making it count this year cranking through there but like he wanted to tuck no-hander up into that bowl section the decade oh wow Paul's a decade there I thought they were nearly extinct you so really see him in beer makes today so is let me go eight seconds on the car Levi vibe man just letting it run yes so solid run there what do you think on the scores bad I thought that 1080 was incredible to start with but it looked like the enormity of the occasion kind of got to Levi towards the end of his run still at 10 seconds left and didn't really have any more answers but check that out década just slipped a pedal there didn't he he did but he didn't touch the ground so how heavily of the judge is going to mark him down for that I don't think they will you know technically Boulder just stick to pedal slightly he didn't actually touch the ground contest Mike okay the judges work in half with those pencils you can need a sharpener after this run they'll be combing through Levi's run now looking for all the bangers and the little mistakes do you think it's a case I mean we've seen it in the UK with hotbed site Hastings in South Sea with BMX the ones who get good one good rider like Tom Vander Bogart coming through the drag and a trail of riders behind him leave a void man out the Netherlands in fifth place with five riders down so Anna Bogart and man sat at the bottom rim Nakamura just 17 eight years old the Japanese rookie about 18 years old sorry now come alright he's actually been around a while hasn't he he hasn't it's his birthday today so this is a great birthday present for rim riding in our simple session final I don't feel so bad for getting his age wrong now my bio definitely said 17 for qualies yesterday so 18th birthday the man comes of age at simple session to be fair is riding came of age a long long time ago we've got 14 here last series already bared that making it into the top 12 and certainly the caliber of the run that we saw in qualifiers pass is top six material really is and this is birthday and it's time to party remember are dropping in 360 double-truck 720 aren't that step up definitely a high-flyer rim I've been up into the Sun wanted the manual just drop the front wheel I smoothed n270 up into the hip section look at that huge see fancy grab [Applause] nice down wet flair barspin really difficult that trick nice hitting the street section with that up throw out to 360 out barspin to eyes just a bit of fur how many times have we seen that what started out as a such a consistent viral why say that Daniel Dhers Brian Nyquist Tom Vander Berg of Levi Venkman they've all made small mistakes there we've seen these photos cause of wide open still absolutely we saw rim finish of that Park route opposite Tower massive trick lat look at this 360 late double Boston [Music] there's that 720 up the step up need a lot of rotation there to pull that one out because that landings creeping up on you the whole time isn't there nice and stretch that super fancy grab over the big box there's about 4,000 people in that stand got an incredible shoulder so one small mistake in there for RIM Nakamura currently third place is seventy eight point two I've got five riders down and scored we're still rate waiting for rim Nakamura score and then we'll be into the top six qualifiers first runs here at the simple session BMX finals in 2020 if you're just joining us Tom Vander Bogart point heeled it down there seventy-three point four six position from rim Nakamura got beaver Fleming there as well but kept it locked now that it's the turn of the Australia and that Brandon lupus you know I love riding my bike all over the world so it's cool to come to a simple session and just perform for the Estonian fans and also come to a cool contest as well and just know early show can showcase BMX to this side of the earth but also just be a part of such a cool event too he's got textile and courage to burn Sydneysider 26 years old 2019 world champion you know what I really love Brandon Lucas his attitude is so inspiring he every event he goes to he gives it 110 percent and he always says you know what I'm gonna try my very best when I come out swinging if I don't put it I'll learn from my mistakes and if I do there's a lot of glory to be had it feel like Incan end of 2018 and then into 2019 he unlocked the matrix for contest riding when he's on Form he's untouchable isn't he absolutely and he's got some huge tricks to get the feeling that he was one of the riders who has the most to add to his run after qualifying because it looked like he comes to debating quality yeah I was interested in that actually he didn't throw any of his big tricks in qualifying he cruised into the finals it shows he's got a lot more to give okay the Australians in tripletail branded lupus is your sleeper ladies and gentlemen just coming out of nowhere he's laid down two of the biggest treats we've seen all weekend huge magnet towering over the head as he heads back towards the box John expect something big everybody the artifacts is 720 Wow he did that so perfectly he has done some massive tricks already in this one he still got 19 seconds that's phenomenal isn't it I feel like he's out a year after than a minute he's heading back towards a box jump and he wants another buyer this scary he's won out of steam a little bit broke the hip why not send it in a different direction Brandon Lupo's pulling out a run that almost no one saw coming there pass wow he did the Katra we did the bad bit tripletail where I think he wanted to finish with a 900 Flair there up in the bow section but just run out of time and speed check it out though that flip triple tail with one two three spots the pedals and lands dead smooth there there's a fun flip over the wedge gap where did that come from he's almost got a bunny hop into that and stall the front wheel to get its body way over it and that's tricky that makes no sense to me that cash rail throw-in your head around the front of the bike as you take off I need to give you a visual picture here buzzies kind of rubbing his forehead in pain and frustration watching that phenomenal run from Brandon little person rewarded by the judges with a 91 at points Lupe's sending his first rocket to the moon he's got five points out of daylight between him and second-place Brian Fox as a result a lot of work to do now for the remaining riders the next of which is ash Finley out of the UK a great running qualies person yeah he's super super stoked to make finals ash friendly right Scourby skate park a lot he's been putting in a lot of work at home building up this event he qualified through the backyard Jam series so he's done a little know he that's put them working to get here and to make finals was a dream come true fashion first time a simple session and he's made finals that's a pretty special one can I borrow some Edmunds say kid he's 26 but people showed a bit of an am [Music] nice different approach star bees one with that double tail with flair over the channel smooth 360 can come down into the course as he heads towards our box jump downside tail whip be accept the twenty just slightly I thought he's gonna hit the fences then for a second so I'm lucky just to over rotate a few degrees send it in him into the fence I was going back here's gonna get it this time comes in the Iglesia backflip over the Box jump it's time from where we left off again as I flipped replacing the seven having to improvise here's it's not white planned I don't think there's a big flare on the quarter gonna let that one look and tailored to finish a special that is exactly how you want to finish a run have a big technical really difficult trick I like that the flare over the channel tell you what he's got sick BMXers arms as they they're massive there's better how much pressure you put down through this boy's shoulders and forearms he's gonna deal with that I think like prize-winning americo hams from Madrid [Music] right sash friendly waiting patiently for his score looks like you might have to wait a little while you can see Hank in the middle there with the black cap on we're still punching the scores in I was impressed about his run though he showed real maturity to choose a different line from some of the other riders we saw him cut across the course and jump up into the bowl section with a double Tower so there's the standings as they are at the moment loop pass five points player of fault dares still very much in touch with the top two Nyquist and Vander Bogart definitely ways those who can improve their runs for the second run just joining us it is simple session finals we just get into the business end of the first runs they're running in reverse order of qualifying ash Finley came through in a fifth position he's got a seventy seven point four four which puts him in fifth just if I'm Ryan Nyquist now what are your big pigs at one of my bars Kiran Riley 18 years old at a Newcastle prodigy that man who made such an impression on BMX back in the early 2000s been henan ya Karen's been on fire ladies really shown the whole BMX community that he's got the big tricks it's been firing them out every day on Instagram and the question is can he do it here when the pressure is on in this final certainly looks like it he looks pretty relaxed there is an absolute weapon on a bike [Applause] last been to tuck no-hander to start his run as he heads towards the box jump blue 60 double tail to basket there's that truck - talent big trick or trick on the step up he reads the bow section way tango at 5:00 on the quarter I slipped some medals are so unlucky to sip a slipper pedal but not really a mistake that as he kind of slipped as he was riding away from that trick back towards the box top for care of Riley she got sixty triple tail whip over the box as unbelievable double truck up into the step-up what could he finish with thank to the jump box through the hip just losing a little bit of a moment momentum towards the end of his run yeah it felt like he didn't have he was a little bit aimless through that last 15 seconds it looked like when he's slipped off the pedal he looked like he thought his chain had come off you look like he was afraid to put its feet back on but check this out that 360 double tie up too late barspin those multi combo tricks are so difficult you're spinning the tower it round but you've also got in the back your head that you're going to do a bar spin as well let's not forget if you're gonna pack all of that in you've got to go absolutely massive like that's a it's not like Street where you can kind of slow stuff down and go a little bit smaller and take your time with it if you want to pack that many moves in that many combos then you've got a go huge absolutely and you know to do a CC double tail it and have in the back of your mind I've got to do heroin and we've still got a bar spin to do you're doing it right at the very point you're about to land so scary okay difficult ones the judges here Lupo still way out in front on ninety one point four I don't think Aaron's gonna pull into that realm where do you see this potentially Baz like top end of the 73 of the Year at the moment we got Ryan Nyquist him forth felt like it was more technical like Ryan's might have been more unique but he felt like maybe Kieran was a little bit bigger a little more tech point eight six fourth place for Kirov Riley does unseat Brian Nyquist I think you'll be very happy with that cuz I know he's got a lot more to give over that box John okay so interesting watching his talent developed over the last four or five years here at simple session so I mean qualifiers warming up freeze runner on a static bike at the batter all right his is so serious he takes this song it so seriously now he's fully committed to BMX and as those classic Russian genes of total commitment the I think he's had his fear and his pain glands removed yeah I was really impressed with his ride and he looked so solid yesterday and he's got some big tricks and maybe he's all over the course yeah interesting right you should talk about him being really serious about fitness you've got 60 seconds out there and it burns if you're not fit it really does burn second here in 2018 dropped off the podium down to four last year can he get back there now with this run Wow that beautiful triple tail high smooth and very much in control he's got some big tricks and some stylish tricks I really like Hilux riding look at that triple tap over here [Music] nice no handicap down that wedge little man yell across the top of that sweet there switch down whip on that awkward quarter big turn down couldn't quite bring that wit flare in ah he will be so frustrated to go down on that trick it's run was looking polished just didn't quite pull out enough on that flare tower having to take the slam look at him you couldn't even pick himself up after that one either it was too much of a big crash check it out though just smashing around that triple tail whip over the box was it three one two three four sorry it was it was four I am so sorry to watch us at home that's for tower works even better than I thought and then the trip there Quinn hasn't he I've seen him pull out the Quinn tail whip before here and he's got 1080 as well if he really wants to send it but I think he's been bitten off by those tricks so often and he doesn't actually need them I mean it could be wrong he might need him tonight but I'll reserve left to reflect on what might have been after his first run two riders left to drop in these first runs of BMX park finals the 20th anniversary of a simple session and we have seen riding worthy of such an anniversary such a high standard that's where we are at the moment Brandon Lupo's came out and lit up these finals a night 100.4 was his reward from the judges Brian Fox first man on course set the bar very very high with an 86 point for Daniel Dhers even with a mistake able to squeeze in eighty two point six of his run I wrecked you can see all the body language is frustration and for good reason the first part that one was so good you know you had the four towns over the Box jump the triple tail Cove of that hit to go down that toilet flower trick that sure does so often at home definitely be stinging that one Oh judges that deep in this be a disagreement hangs fight in one corner who was it was shaking their head there and his ice and Daryl now the Global Voices of BMX people on the big screen what those boys don't know about BMX you could write on the top of a pin I reckon those boys are dedicated to the cause if you cut them open they bleed BMX seventy seven point three for firing reserve seventh position just behind Ashe Finley just ahead of Tom fandom Bogart of the forefathers of Russian BMX otherwise known as the Russian barspin King it is because here and revolve Russia [Music] i used to call same qualities plenty Russians in this sold-out arena really is and you know what when costumes on his a-game he poses a real threat to all of these vipers in this part final he really does have a deep bag full of tricks what can we see him start with over the Box jump starting first one in this part final 360 town to top my hand truck driver to hand can of the hip just come back anytime tomorrow big tower gap nice pocket barspin this is where he starts to make his presence felt and thanks the judges pay attention that was a nice no hand I held it off for eternity didn't he look at that 270 table over the hip it's got a little bit of everything so far double tower down into the hip as he heads back towards the box jumping double bar spin up and he keep his speed good this sweet fancy grab tail whip up that step up this run is amazing one second left Acosta [Applause] ah he brings it in for a second and I thought we were gonna see the Bassman out he owns the bastard trip Jam to bar spin out so tech well alongside Brian Fox and Brandon lupus he's one of the few riders who's shown this course at clean ser heals very very impressive riding from kasnia Andrea and he's ratcheted up the pressure on the rest of the field with that run it really has I've really enjoyed watching that run I loved the way he held his hands off on those no handers a little bit of everything check it out that 360 double tail too late no hander just hold his hands up perfectly there's that big top no hander into the steep wedge and I love the way held them off on that 270 no hander there's that truck driver phthalate downside Tower with Superman seat grab pushing the tayo it round that's unreal up very original that trick look at what it means to them as well look out relaxes and he's taking the leaf out of our eight reserves book he's getting up on the statue by keeping those legs moving you said it you've got to be fit now if you're gonna make this work it's so demanding it to go out there for 60 seconds you know 60 seconds out there just riding around in a circle with guitar enough the fact they're doing back-to-back tricks all over the course point five for Kashia Andrea good enough for second place Brian folks in third but now it's the turn of the first place qualifier the only man to make into Street and finals is truly a breath of fresh air absolutely anything out of the Gold Coast in Australia he's back in Tallinn Estonia to defend his BMX art finals little bit of talc on the bars make sure he doesn't suffer from sweaty hands and he's ready to go let's just hope his confidence isn't slightly noxee after those little wobble was he had missed really I think it's not his main focus my worry my only worry within their voice exactly what we've just talked about he's been riding me he wrote some line in qualities and then he's out to ride Street already today look at that that nothing seat grab to start opposite truck driver after step up very original tricks already his Street there's a donor so many times I will never know as he heads back towards a box jump just don't wanna do you know what the only ride is doing the hip straight into that near verb okay now are you kidding me that downside Tower oh that wedge to wedge Channel was beautiful 24 seconds to go boy just blasted - he's found that incredible transfer into the back of the ball head oh my good is he's so much fun to watch look at that 360 transfer big ice-cream student of style on that seat grab table as well oh let the bucket fishtail take about that was has just made a face of like what planet is this kid no one knows has no one knows he looked on that massive gap to double peg he almost look like this was the moment he was going to miss check it out though that nothing see grab over the box you get the feeling that the space-time continuum might just open and suck Boyd Hilda look hundred years into the future because he's just not from this time so stylish that toboggan over here that was almost no flat bottom because he wrote straight into the volcano often didn't he had some original lines there some gaps that no one else has done in the fishtail to then sound that Canadian foot jam a really good variety of tricks not too much of one thing not too much of another big gaps big tricks love what your boy drives just spending everyone else thought they might have a chance you see cost here up there still giving it the static bike sweat going on there someone get the judges some tissues they can need to pop this up it is not as clean Amy fuller now boy congratulations a fantastic run you're the only riders to compete in both events how physically demanding is it to do that nice last night I was in bed like as soon as I could be I knew I needed all the sleep I can right now I'm Thanks make a couple deep breaths and get back up there and is there added pressure coming into this as last year's winner oh yeah there is but I'm just here to have fun man I'd it'll be nice to win but I don't know biggie good luck for your second run okay boy Hilda moves into second place and we're starting to get a nice bit building up in these finals so after the first round loop passing first hill the second Casa Andrea holds on to his podium position brown fox in fourth earring reserved down there in ninth plenty of talent waiting to move back up this field in the second runs are going to take a quick break when we come back we've got the business end of the simple session twenty BMX park finals Oh take your breath everyone that was an incredible first round worthy of simple session 20 pairs yeah it was unbelievable some of the ride in the went down straight out the game you know we saw Brian Fox come straight into that double flip he also did the 1080 in his run incredible tricks going down look at that it's nearly inch perfect he was only one small mistake Ron Nyquist again just like exactly as you said so many different tricks out of him there's a lot of pedigree that could step up isn't there Tom Vander Bogart Levi vibe man we saw 10 80s we saw double flips we saw huge gaps front flips over that driveway it was unbelievable where did Lucas come from with that run I had not seen any of those in practice and that cash roll was something else where can Blue Bus take that run as well well that's the freedom he has now he gets to go out in his second run and just improve you know he's sitting in the top spot so he's got that is one man that I want to say I'm looking forward to see what I represent condone custody Andrea did himself proud it'll be really really happy another rider Boyd healed up I like the fact that we've had a question asked of him by Brandon lupus right now Boyd Hill down has got a respond to loop our second run absolutely we've got a real battle on our hands here because Boyd Hill does definitely got the tricks to respond and he's got the luxury of going last there's the starless tears mine Chris Vander Bogart all with a lot of work to do Brian Fox not looking too bad in fourth but Kieran Riley I rec reserve costia and Raven boys Hilda will round out the last event here simple session 20 BMX 5 finals 1 2 about to get underway this is gonna be a big it never fails it to deliver Brian Fox coming in first he'd blew the roof off this place on his first run let's see if he can do the same second run yeah expect fireworks as he heads towards the box jump got so many big tricks but it's always the same on a bike if you're coming in from a back flip you've actually got a lot of warning and you can adjust the length of your body to speed up or slow the rotation down but you've got such a narrow window to land when you're spinning like that or the horizontal axis absolutely it's got no brakes on spikes who couldn't correct it check it out just going all in trying to flip over that volcano that thing is really hard to ride so steep yeah there's no margin for error you don't pull hard enough then you're gonna fly out over 20 foot above a solid concrete floor oh thanks my sent shivers down my spine so Brian Fox will have to ride his first run score 86.4 it's good enough for 4th at the moment birds we just said the start list is packed and there is a lot of talent queued up behind him looking for a spot on the podium we want sick inch-perfect bats flying fox just absolutely doing it for the crowd here at simple session I think he's saying he can die now we've got packed out stadium watching these guys they are loving this final look at that backflip kicking the tail look around set it down perfectly so long waiting for brown fox as he watches some of bee makes his finest talents we throw down [Music] [Applause] next in Daniel Dhers arguably the most experienced competitor in the world were it not for man stood to along from pariah Nyquist what those boys don't know about competition BMX is simply not worth knowing dares rubbing his hands together getting rid of the voice-chat dares would have worked so hard on this run it got here on Wednesday he'd have been planning it out for the whole week as he starts with a big 360 triple Taylor will just slip in a pedal once wasn't it he hit it well done so much experience loads recovered already right at the top of the transition as well doesn't he every time it's really enjoyable to watch someone land as smooth as Daniel nice 270 no handle landed smooth on the hip 720 invert over the box yes so many other riders might elect that littlefoot's that get in their heads but Dan who just knows how to get past it doesn't yeahit's experience he knows not to be affected by it too much and not you know turn around and go back and try it again just carry on have a planner stick to it I mean we need to see that angle to see how much extension he got on that now hand up so I'm very very tired a very very smart riding from Daniel Dhers did he lack that wow factor a little bit maybe that we saw from Brandon Luke buses run here yeah we saw him slip a pedal slightly on that 360 triple whip so smooth on that flare and I like that 720 invert over the Box jump very original trick there not many people doing that one you'd have the awareness and composure to be able to contort yourself like that through the middle of a 7 absolutely look at him big smiles from Daniel Dhers not that color combo on them so 87 point for dares moves up into fourth place Brian Fox already slipping down the standings now Ryan Nyquist currently in seventh any adenoids pretty sizable mistake in that first run so there's the chance for Nyquist to really muscled his way up the standings here absolutely and you know we saw a Nyquist revolutionized the vast been early on in his career he's got multiple combos of that trick check it out wrap it double Bassman to size run rocket double bar spin up the step up I still double bar spin onto the sub box barspin into the state wedge it's looking good look at that big down with don't often see Nyquist detail it was 450 bars from over here yes he's got it [Applause] come on Ryan look at that one-handed ex up this is where he made the mistake at his first one looking very strong he was yelling at the camera man on the run-up to that as well Vicky was that huge 270 truck in the dying moments of his run just going down I was so desperately wanted to see what was possible with that run that was incredible and truly truly incredible ignore the fact that he's four years old and he's got three kids it's it's just insane that he can ride at this level and that is a solid solid run I don't care how old you are look at that 720 with the bass but in their lap alley 270 double-truck up into the bowl section he's just laying the bars roll there isn't he the confidence he's gone take a bow tryin night quest that was beautiful he'll be so disappointed that fell on that last trick right towards ended run so he's on a 78 point tone you've got to be clean to make it into the top three there's just no way around that at the moment we've got very very clean runs in the top three even top four well dares have that slight slip and he's in fourth place at the moment either look at that rhinos as well he knows that he needed a clean run and that's why he looks so disappointed there do you know that Nyquist can melt ice with that's there it's been proven met him staring at glaciers two holes in him there it is commitment to the cause eighty one point nine it is the reward it's good enough at for sixth position so he's moved up a little bit he's moved up but I think he realized as soon as he crashed that there will be no podium Brian tonight unfortunately okay next in at Tom Vander Bogart look at that smile he's so soaked Boyd Hilda wants to see him stomp this one all of the other riders love watching Tom ride not surprised it looks like he's got jato unit strapped to his bike you know that is jet-assisted takeoff unit used for heavy cargo planes on short runways look at that that tabletop to look back over the hip to start a lot higher than everyone else okay let's give that jato unit fired up the boost is coming here we go look he wanted the back fit tailored too late look back and his foot just slipped off the pedal he couldn't quite put it back on and recover so unlucky there from Tom Bandhan Bogart that bike snap was beautiful though it's a little stamp to pull that one up ah disappointment from Tom Vander Bogart knows how close that was I love this though look that one footed table top well no one else is even getting half that high out there cranks to look back straight after that trick so stylish okay at the moment lowriders struggling to make these second runs count only Daniel Dhers has moved in so far but the podium positions still safe Kostya and rev Boyd Hilda and Brandon Lupo stop three seventy five point six is the score at the moment for Levi's vibe man from the Netherlands it's an eighty eight point five to make the podium positions so vibrant sitting off from the highest point on the course info job box so it's a big tricks check it out see buddy with the first box drug stars run just winding his way out the side of the course on the run out from the today you got to improvise here as he sup into the bowl section tear up over the channel love that it was that one perfectly only guy was seen doing decades in the finals are you kidding me said that the wrong way over the box you need such precision for that that was really cool that trick Nyquist the only other guy we've seen go through there they pay dividends for him in the first run definitely oh just drop the front wheel there [Music] [Applause] five man what do you reckon bass too much real estate guy yeah I think he made a mistake with this that big 1080i rotated and it threw him off sync he didn't really have an answer yet design isn't it yeah where he ended up on the course he didn't have an answer for but look he pulled the decade and there's that 540 truck land perfectly why at the end of his run good recovery but quite have enough for me to finish on the podium spot judges came busy on this one next in we got rim Nakamura she said birthday boy it's his third time in Estonia up to be 14 here last year it's got a little bit the Tom Vander Bogart about him I think rim Nakamura he has boast there he goes very high over the hips big box jump tricks [Music] so Levi Wayne for his school to come in 77 9.0 a slight improvement but it won't change the ranked 11th place for Levi's vipin Road in 18 and 19 here first time he's made final finals it will be over the moon so current standings ahead of rim Nakamura's run lupus 91 point for Boyd Hilda on the 89 at point 6 Custer and rave on 88.5 The Australian's locking out the top spot Daniel Dhers already had his second run as has brown fox so a lot of movement is still possible and see where the birthday boy can bring to this course [Applause] Wow he starts with the I think that was a double shot to lay down for him rym Nakamura look at that bars baton to the sub box to hair work down into the big wedge [Music] look at that triple truck over here spin to turn down it's got so much more height over those hips than anyone else double tower whip on the wedge he looks a little bit out of control in some areas but he's managed to keep it going but he's got so much emergency just wants to blast through it 20 seconds left though can he keep up this intensity it's so exciting to watch this young rider shred around the course look at that a loop down with this is a jam-packed run finishes with the downward wow that was a really good run he was a little bit loose in the early part of his run but he did a lot of big tricks but currently in 12th position this is gonna move him up quite a way how far do you think you could go bad yeah I'm not sure but I love the way did that switch the tail whip from the sub box into the steep wedge got lots of different unique tricks look at that bar spin backflip too late turn down [Music] very solid run to the birthday boy look at that boys plenty of encouragement Brandon lupus and really enjoying that one rim two selling himself waiting to see what he pulls in score wise what would you go for bass at the moment we've got cost year Andreyev on an eighty eight point five is the is the cutoff for the podium i think it's mid 80s definitely yeah i would've thought so but you know what i've got a lot of judge heads because it's such a difficult job having to comb through these riders runs break it down into small details look for this mistakes look for all the tricks have done differently to other riders and there it is ninety three point two rim nakamura moves into first place [Applause] this final has been turned upside down by the young Japanese writer celebrating his 18th birthday here today wow the crowd had absolutely erupted here in the stadium remember almost look surprised in there but it deserves it I think so Brandon lupus spits out his mouthpiece the man who's just lost the lead has an instant opportunity to return fire what's he gonna do here can he answer of course he can were you watching his first run we have got a real battle on our hands here now ladies and gentlemen in this final Brandon Lucas has got a lot to do to overtake the young Japanese rider and I think if there's one thing we know about Brandon lupus is that he responds well to pressure he responds better than anyone else in the game that's for sure can he do it now under the lights it's gonna say they've dimmed the lights for him there's a bit of drama being built for Brandon Luke boss ash Finlay big puncture of a sigh there it's brown and lupus drops in to start some trouble nearly two flat and the speedy carried out the front flip into that look back Wow the 270 tower went up in the bow section trip will tell about the hip just a bit of fur hopefully that's not too [Music] ah Brandon's there he go he knew from that first if he can't get away with two that was unbelievable my goodness hi drama here in this final simple session he knew the second he's foot touched the ground on that roller section it was all over for his chance to finish on the top spot ah lupus lupus just insane they said that's so deep because at the bottom of the landing cash roll would the top know how it's almost on the simple session twenty logo unbelievable tricks from Brandon such a fierce competitor I love this guy's positivity though he won't be too bummed on this he will learn from it you know and use it as experience for the next contest okay we've got a me down call cider at the moment she's with you Maria Nakamura and congratulations you're currently sat in first place did you expect that well like in my first round was so bad I missed so many asking ah I'd forecast and do you think it's enough to hold on to first place poppy a bouquet there I cheer for whatever that is congratulations and good luck okay rym Nakamura philosophical about his chances of holding on to the lead Brandon Luke lost sixty eight point two to that 91 four is enough to hold him in second place at the moment boys supporting him you've got ash Findlay up there and then the two Russians yet to drop behind him all right reserved and costia Andreyev what do you think ash gonna pull here buzz well he has the double backflip in his bag of tricks but interesting to see he's carving across the course to start his run look at that big double tail way up into the bowl section nice flare of the channel will he use one of those big tricks he has up his sleeve that is the question - surely gonna make its way back now via the hips to the big jump it's now or never ready [Music] to get a roll the dice 360 triple tail whip boom first big trick down Oh squeaking over the gap there [Applause] nice flare the quartz pipe Finley you have 15 seconds left heading towards the box jump you've got some big tricks nice big Superman oh the Box opted to keep it consistent I was gonna say he's not going for the big tricks now as he thinks he's I don't blame him either I think watching the runs and how many people have dropped runs a consistent run could sneak a really really good result in absolutely right Adam you saw him there finish of the opposite flare Ashe Finley boxing very very clever on his second run here there showed real maturity there didn't he look at that that double tailored on that gap that hardly anyone else is doing really exploiting the fact that it's not seen that any of these other fellow competitors do that gap there's that 360 triple tail nice controlled smooth high flare on the Red Bull quarter there's a classic soup man over the box and interesting to see how much difference that Superman would make he thrown something a lived any kind of rotation in there the double flips a big trick you know and he stomped that at the end of Iran in the dying seconds and you pull it smooth after a long consistent run judges were definitely you know favored that yeah this is and if that's the other thing the judges if the judges know that you've got that then they're probably gonna be and I achieved this I wanted the double backflip yeah absolutely right sometimes they score these riders of what they can do rather than the run in front of them yeah seventy eight point one for maybe a victim of his own talent they're ash Finley so a ninth position for the man from Paris and Edmonds another Brit to drop now though Kieran Riley at a New Castle is on tall order bikes but as what did you see in him that you thought was so promising as a kid I just love how he's so motivated he's you know every week he's out there he works a full-time job hardly ever gets time to ride but still gets out there and pushes hard anyway now it's been exciting watching him come up over the last couple of years I didn't have the run he wanted at first go out but he's got some dynamite in his pocket for the second run 360 double tail - double barspin truck to turn it up the step-up it's made very strong there's a good energy about this run isnt there it feels nice certainly is there's that 540 tail whip no one else doing that in this final crank him back across the bowl two drops down gonna see him go across the hips he's got a lot of pumping to do to gather up some speed for the box 360 triple got that done so early didn't he double bass been up a step up still got ten seconds where is he gonna finish it [Applause] [Music] there's the buzzer ciarán ride a thrashing that rounder to the very last there is milked every point out of this course that you could I think use is riding better than anyone did he dial this back to always this city's limit you know what he had actually had he still had more to give but that was what was called to see about this run look at the 360 triple tower he's capable of more but it was good to see that he had the run similar to ash Finley's showed maturity finish him with some consistent tricks rather than absolutely sended some some of the less consistent tricks possibly result in a crash but a football for Kieran Riley okay he was on an eighty point eight six for the podium in third position Boyd hilda's on an eighty nine point six for first place its rim Nakamura in ninety three point two I feel like this has gotta be high-end 80s it's gotta be I just on the level of technicality over the box absolutely and you know it means the world for Kira to be in this final absolute dream come true and he's so young he knows for so many more years left progresses ride-in and mature as a rider 2.8 look at that school well into the 80s and he's still in 8th position harsh lesson in the standards of a simple session final there next indirect reserve but Russia such a strong rider has some of the biggest tricks in the game Quinn whips 1080s but it wasn't able to put down his first run there is a lot of pressure for up on the Russian now you know what he potentially has what it takes a lot not corinne off the top spot we saw him get so unfortunate his first ones it's crash seed over the first box the quad win big bars being too tight no hand a super high over that hit shrieking time went over the hip I'm really quickly can shut that certainly as look at that tuck no-hander across the wedge nice opposite tail whip tiny little mistake but not really grimacing as he cranked this wanted every bit of power it must same drink same place oh my goodness rim Iorek will be absolutely gutted not only to crash that trick in his first one but to go back and not learn from that mistake and crash on his second one so unfortunate till you are with Nakamura starting to believe now he's got a podium spot for sure young Japanese rider is guaranteed at least one birthday present whether its 3rd 2nd or 1st remains to be seen look at that four tail whips one big jump triple tail over the head from Erik the symmetry he's got between his feet as he's just generating the rotation for those whips it just shows how difficult it is so I really come out here and stomp a run to stop a run that's good enough to make podium is it's a real feat okay r8r is a disappointment second in 2018 fourth in 2019 it's not gonna better tense the language said it all you could bottle disappointment so now costea Andreyev second russian qualified in second place for park finals can hear you real in room Nakamura only two riders left or in Hilda and cost you Andrea van kasi is it now there's that 360 double tail to tuck no-hander double bass spin over the hip you know I smoking switch downside to it look at that basket on the bossman off however the wedge stylish-looking toboggan over the hip that was lovely wasn't it love that 270 tuck no-hander really holding his hands off look at that 270 down wit too late barspin definitely an improvement is faster on the tower two bars been over the hip as well it's definitely an improvement ed okay lining up for the box once he got as a big showpiece near 15 seconds left 360 downwards and late barspin fight for yup the step up we still for five seconds we can't believe it this is huge some beautiful tricks there to finish the gap was it after time decade didn't realize he still had five seconds to roll back in he's still finished with a big trick the question is it doesn't count it just popped down to flat there at the end for the laughs look at that to set meet our it then to stretch in the hands off Wow he covered so much ground yet so many tricks there was such a strong variety of tricks I love this book to certainly switch downward so late fast fit advice rewound it back in didn't he yeah there's that 360 downward to late basket again I love the way improved on its first one by throwing barspin in a few of those combos got a bit of rough there he's had a great final wasn't it he has had a fantastic week things that have really gone cotton and rayon sway the Russian out of some Petersburg so I think on a very strong score from the judges this is up for me that's in the 90s at the moment Brandon loop us in second on a 91 for rim Nakamura in first on a 93 toe point Hilda in third on 89 six a real chance of a layup set here at huge and what I'd love to see is Boyd Hilda potentially oh there we go 89 at point two seven because the Andrea stays in fourth position so I point Hill that guaranteed a podium spot but he wants to retain that winner from 2019 the defending champion the only man left to drop here at simple session 20 finals the last run of the weekend can he do it this is it the atmosphere is absolutely electric out there look at that opposite truck up the step up he's got so much to give me a ride everything look at high-speed lines on the double peg and he knows it look at he's letting it go I think Boyd Hildur is officially spent we talked about it the fact that fit even if you can do it talent wise if you can ride street and park physically it is such hard work for the week yes beyond demanding no need to go out there and do two runs with the fact he's done before in the past couple of hours is incredible look at that big whip over the box this means that rim Nakamura has the ultimate eighteenth birthday present the younger Japanese rider will celebrate his 18th birthday with a win here at simple session 20 despite his best efforts cannot defend his 2019 victory here in the SACU Sohal arena so he celebrates with the beautiful stylish win incredible scenes here in this house Stadium these riders like I said earlier barely ever get to ride in front of crowds like this but not only crowds like this this arena is just create such a good atmosphere we've said it before but is there you go Daniel Dhers leading the singing there ridden a camera couldn't have dreamed of this this morning and yet here he is the fairytale win so Boyd held up that first run scores enough to keep him in third place nyquist and dares stood next to the young gun rim nakamura their 40 year old in the 34 year old congratulating the young japanese rider your winner of BMX at simple session 2020 isn't rim Nakamura a fantastic run packed with tricks pass it was unbelievable what an incredible birthday present for the young rider and he see Brandon lupus and the other riders they're just so happy for him even though Brandon was knocked off with a top spot it showing such a positive attitude thereby congratulating his young friend absolutely amazing scenes here at simple session pretty rad see all the street riders coming in we've got Justin's free courage Adams all the boys to win the 20th anniversary must mean the absolute world to her name always been coming here for a while now since he was 15 so - do it - he knows better than anyone what it takes to win here so that is gonna be an absolute dream come true for him check out these highlights from run - though I mean that was the biggest disappointment Nyquist absolutely sending it and then getting ripped off on his last training he rode so good he got so unfortunate to crash his last trick but a few of the riders had the same problem tonight they did such good runs and then just couldn't hold their concentration right the way to to finish their run but look at that that's not no-handed cash roll pull perfectly by Brandon lupus he wanted that dick knee really wanted that I thought he was gonna come out and absolutely take the win well you know with the way he started that run but just got unfortunate didn't he was that crash that quad wind the consistency of that from irate r is a of just phenomenal cost cost you really impressed me to his both ones were absolutely perfect [Music] so let's take a look at those final standings room Nakamura the birthday boy in first Brandon Luke boss despite his best efforts can only get second point Hilda no repeat for him kasi andreyev fantastic second run put him into fourth Daniel Dhers from 11th to 5th that was spectacular disappointment fire it reserved though 2nd and 4th in 2018 and 19 respectively could only make 10th here this time it he will go home and disappointed what a phenomenal final though we can go down cool side with Amy Fuller who is with our winner rim Nakamura now congratulations simple session winner 2020 how does it feel to win this iconic event this is my first important for the Super Session I'm so Stark best birthday ever and how are you going to celebrate your birthday and this magnificant win tonight I already go to paly that's never of course I go to face so so two nights of party in Estonia yes can't wait epic will have an absolutely fantastic night and congratulations once again so rim Nakamura is gonna bask in the glory of this win for a while Bassam what a way to start the year for him yeah deservedly so slow so you know he he said he messed up his first run but he had so much focus going into his second one and to get the win out there was incredible tonight with all the amazing ride in the backbone we've seen it time and again 20 years of simple session and the pedigree of the riders never ever dipped and exactly as you said at the start of the show in front of this many people everyone rises to the occasion they're exactly right ahead and we always see the level pushed up a notch year on year out 20 years of this now and yeah to win the 20th anniversary the young Japanese rider will be so happy with that okay we're gonna take a quick break now and then we'll be back with some analysis [Applause] so that is it for BMX park finals here at simple session at xx and Baz know sort shortage of things to talk about what an insane final it had everything didn't hurt the riding level was so high and the fact that rim knocked Brandon off the top spot was high drama wasn't it yeah and we can take a look back at some of the runs now podium spot the first person to talk about Boyd Hilda in third position I think we talked about him running out of steam towards the end there but his third place running who's very very close with this yeah I love Boyd's run tonight he had speed style so many variety of tricks check that out that huge gap to double pegs that he seemed to look like he had no control over but somehow it worked out every time I think that was the gnarliest thing tonight guys like if he had a crash that it would have been a really ugly looking crash let me tell you why it was full commitment and he did it four times did it twice in Street and twice in Park just look how fast he pedals around that course and no one else had that transfer no he had he had so many original lines he definitely deserves to be on the podium tonight but that's for sure yeah judges got that one right 100% ah I love this came straight out of that finished up over in the corner there that little fishtail into the foot jam so boy - Hilda in third place the big surprise and I saw the look on your face when he came out with his run was Brandon Lu pasa yeah I mean we knew the Brandon has so many tricks up his sleeve and to come out swinging with that bat flip triple Tower I was like here we go this is the Brandon Lu pot show we saw that front flip over the driveway and it looked Chris didn't it he's really finishing everything yeah I didn't think anyone would be able to top this run it was so good look at that triple tower over that hit blending hype when no one else could and then check this out massive cash roll over the box no one else opted in to try that trick and he was looking unstoppable at this point setting the bar very very high Brandon Lu pots are almost looked unbeatable by the end of this run Denis that I was starting to think that maybe done enough even in the first run yeah absolutely he did that cash roll the perfect triple tail with some of the biggest tricks in our sport you run out of steam a little bit towards the end of his run but I don't think it hurt he scored he still had a full 60 second pole but it was to be this man who sparked low passes by rim Nakamura on his 18th birthday I can't wait to see this back true because the intensity and the urgency of the run start to finish was off the chart yeah we saw that switch pass spin up onto the box jump the box and then there's the opposite Taylor into that steep wedge he was out of control here look at that triple truck over the hip backflip bar spin with the turn down late no one else had that height over the hip he was a full meter meter and a half higher than anyone else yeah look at that tail whip on that wedge Flair past me and that trick is really difficult we saw eirick crashing twice on that exact quarter pipe [Music] look at that 270 tailwhip landing smooth he just he just carried on throughout the whole run for a trick after trick after trick and they were all different really good variety of his tricks I think he's fair to say after that final the well of adrenaline has run dry it definitely has for me I've done about you've as I really really enjoyed watching like I said when Brandon did that first one I had no I didn't think anyone could knock him off and the fact we had the high drama of rim going out there on his birthday and just stomping that ran it was unbelievable it's a fairy tale finish for the 18 year old if you haven't had it enough bike action then be sure to check out the Red Bull bike channel you can download the app for free and that means you can join all of the best bike events films and shows you can sign up and download your favorite content and you can watch it offline anytime anywhere [Applause] that means that we've done here at simple session 20 and it has lived up to the billing of fitting event for a fitting anniversary as thank you so much it's been a pleasure thanks for having me I've thoroughly enjoyed myself it's been an incredible the 20th anniversary okay I hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have we've seen for 21 [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
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Id: GK1xy7_jVVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 37sec (11617 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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