100% Dual Slalom Innsbruck - 2019 Crankworx Innsbruck

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super fast and super fun head-to-head racing here in the Alps with the 100% dual slalom things broke at round one of the Crankworx World Tour via Verbeek rush to the Canadian take the win in Rotorua and is coming to Austria carrying the lead in the race for Queen of Crankworx in the men's field Kiwi Tegan right a Canadian fast man Steenburgen are both in the house and are looking to fend off a field pack with absolute pinners stop number two of the Frank works dual slalom weight championship and 100% dual slalom innsbruck is coming at you live from Innsbruck Austria we are here in beautiful Innsbruck Austria for round two of the Crankworx World Tour now the skies are super blue the weather's amazing the track is short for the times are super tight boys what do you say we get this show on the road I'd say that's a good idea Mikaela I mean what better day than today to kick off that second stop of the 2018 Crankworx World Tour I mean we're here after all in the middle of Innsbruck Austria you see a village there there's a city alongside that that's where we're all hanging out at the hotel at night but today it's time for action it's time to kick off the broadcast for this event we're gonna start out with an event we all love the 100% dual slalom Rotorua no Innsbruck to handle all the Middle's in Rotorua and a lot of those guys are here again the likes of Keegan Wright who won best friend Steenburgen but Mitch show up a lot of who we didn't see in Rotorua he's come out and he's qualified second and that's always exciting to see him here we know that he's been following the World Cup tour but it's exciting to have him back it's also exciting to have the man who won stop number one right there you're looking at him on screen Keegan right Andrew yeah absolutely came out swinging in his hometown home country of New Zealand Keegan ride he would take down best friend Steve Megan he would take the win in slalom we love slalom it's almost the heritage of the sport and if you're hanging out at home on your couch and you love suam well hopefully you went on to Crankworx calm to fill out your fantasy sheet I know you did Andrew I indeed and it's getting a little bit easier to pick some of these teams but I'm not complaining because look at some of the people I've got in the team they can explain to me your strategy here because I noticed you filled it with big names I did I mean I filled it with vai of avec who was there winning and he kept beating his one before 18 long he's qualified forces Metro pelota he's my danger man bass fans Steenburgen just to name a few I've got a heavy heavy hit over TV we had to give a tip for building out your fantasy team I'd say don't pick people who go against each other in the brackets now Andrew let's take this opportunity to catch up with somebody that you had on your fantasy team bass fan Steenburgen nope coming to bass great result in rotary you took sick and in the slalom but it wasn't without a huge crest take me through that yeah I was just pushing really hard on that second lap and I knew that it was gonna be really close so I was just giving it everything and flipped a pedal on one of the flags and went down pretty hard I don't know that happens but hopefully better like this round well we're here in Innsbruck you're sitting in second in the king of Crankworx you've always got an overall title to think about in slalom is that playing on your mind or what is your strategy here in Innsbruck I mean a little bit it'd be cool yeah I'll just kind of take it race by race so I know that I'm always pretty comfy and Whistler so that's kind of nice to know but yeah just take it race by race in see how it goes so this course is pretty short by all standards does that play into your strengths do you think I never really know what slalom what plays into my strengths like I think it's alright yeah I think I mean it's all pretty technical it's not like there's that much sprinting or anything so I think that plays into my favorite bit well thanks you a time bass all the bass for tonight yeah thanks so much hanging out in second place in the overall first 1st slalom world championships he's also sitting in fourth place overall for the king of Crankworx so a lot on the line today for him to earn some more points he's 52 points back for King so you get 50 points for if he finishes where he qualified so a lot of opportunity to build up but there's also a lot of people in the field today that are also ahead of him in that leaderboard so it could be anybody's race at the end of the day so via Verbeek we strapped a camera to her head and we sent her down the course if you're curious what this dual slalom course looks like take a look at your screen here random stars [Music] so that's what the 100% dual slalom Innsbruck slalom course looks like let's hear what via thinks about this course let's send it down to the third member of our team Michaela Cano so I'm here with Viper beak your current queen leader in the Crankworx World Tour right now did you think last year at this time you would be sitting in this position today no I would never kind of expect to be number one that's for sure so what do you think made the difference training or what have you changed from last year to this year yeah definitely training spent a lot more time on bikes this winter first time not like spending time at a desk office so definitely dedicate a lot more time on bikes and yeah lots of progress happening well it sure is showing and I heard kind of in the back of my ear somebody wanted a little bit of a shout out maybe a little bit of credit barista bus here hello coach boss boyfriend boss mechanic boss I don't know yeah he's definitely came to give me tips and he's super happy with my progression and and he definitely deserved the shadow' for that well we'll just call you the dream team because you're both absolutely crushing it so good luck today thank you so much alright well that'd be cool to see via via is sitting pretty in the queen standings right now she's got 282 points she's sitting in the lead but bitin at her heels is Annika beard and she's also in this race here today so I'm sure you know in a short duration of time we'll have a big shake-up in the overall standings because this is the 100% dual slalom Innsbruck and it starts right now [Music] Thomas were morning two back-to-back [Music] poor Straker [Applause] [Music] there it is we're off and running 100% dual slalom Innsbruck under host kamek all alongside Andrew needling and we're ready to get racing going here's a look at our racers today Andrew walk me through this bracket well your number one qualified sitting at the top at 8:00 in the run will go down those brackets he's up against Eddie masters that'll beat your ass fence team buggered down there in the middle of the bracket he qualified a little bit further down the pack then died near the bottom you're gonna like that race filly make him who came out firing New Zealand in the speed and style Higgins goes against one of your favorites Garrett and then mid trough a loader down at the bottom let's not count him out he's back in the mix here qualifying in second I mean a lot of my favorites in here mid show up a lot of Meacham Billy me Club and all the top riders from stop number one we got a lot of them back here and what a great day for it take a look low wins not gonna hurt these guys they're not getting too high off the ground on this dual slalom course it's all about speed here when we back tomorrow for speed and style that's where we start calculating trick scores and stuff but right now it's head-to-head race and this is like the bicycle version of a gun duel here and this man always with his game face on Adrian laronne going up in against the guy who I would say you you could say a lot of the opposite things about Eddie masters this guy has a blast no matter what he's doing doesn't he yeah there might be the polar opposites of characters how they kind of prepare for a race but the things they have in similar speed it bosses is really breaking out this here top tens at World Cups top tens even better at EWS as well they're off Eddie masters in the bright green and blue Adrian laronne in that red with a lead right now Andrew but as you saw there is on the track this short there's just no room for any air in Eddie Moss is pushing hard here to the flat turns this is where helix olive is someone like Eddie now we have heard the white course is faster than the black so pay attention to that we would expect someone like Eddie Mouse's even though he qualified slower than Adrian to potenti take the leaf to the next round of this heat so 0.69 separating these two riders advantage going to Eddie masters but like you said the Whiteside is rumored to be fast we'll see if that's a trend we see to continue right now but this is a big one for us looks like he can write on the left side of your screen don't get confused by that and then on the right side your screen Stefano dolphine from Italy what key can right the guy who won stop number 1 he's got the lead in this world championship series it's a big opportunity here for Stefano to knock out the rainy the current leader yes a number one bullet from that winning roadtrip but he qualified down in ninth position Stefan hood in eighth so these guys are very evenly matched Stefan on that white lane lagging a little bit behind but this is where that Lane starts to catch up bike choices here Andrew yeah there you go you have it so we saw that white course win in our first heat we see a win here again our our second heat Vantage going to Stefano toll Fein can you get right on that hard tail we'll have to get back up to the top of the course the way tool slalom works here is if you get beat in your first run you switch sides you got to beat your competitor by more than you were beat by that's how you get through your bracket we're in round of 16 right now we'll boil it down to 8 to 4 and then finally we'll start giving away some medals here Cade Edwards on the right side of your screen from England Matthews sterling the youngster from the USA racing world cups in the Junior category this year doing well for himself he qualified fifth here today see what sort of start he can put it consistent start let's look for him I mean he could be one to watch he might be the darkest here that I've said some very big names Kate Edwards a man gifted on a bicycle with no front breaker there's gonna be interesting how it gets through these flat turns you can see him playing a pretty patient and you will take the lead 0.27 of a Matthew like we said that white cause definitely false especially down the bottom here well Kate Edwards those interesting to point out there you notice that he doesn't have a front brake he's riding that hard tail definitely not going to be an advantage at the bottom but up top it's got to help out it's more like a BMX track up there but just classic routes he slowed them at the bottom a couple of flags in the ground drift through that grass well here it's talking about king standings queen standings what is that all about take a look at this so at all of these stops here in the Crankworx World Tour we've got plenty different disciplines all of which offer valuable valuable points we've got air down hills we've got dual slalom speed and styles slope styles down hills you're gonna see the top ten positions giving you those points for the overall the person who had the most points in the men's category last year a sam blank and saw he took that crown jewel kinder took the queen crown for the women last year a lot of money on the line for that title but the current leader in the 2019 season is none other than this man right here Thomas Lemoine the guy who seems like he can do anything he's a slopestyle riders but he could also win in numerous disciplines like pumptrack unfortunately we don't have him out here in Salaam today but somebody we do is our current leader for Queen via Verbeek from Canada she's got 282 points next to her name right now we interviewed her earlier and she's looking good here in the slalom so current king leaderboard looks like this we talked about him a minute ago Thomas Lemoine sitting up there in first with 230 points walk me through the rest Andrew well we've got Keegan right in the field here he's looking pretty the only six points back Billy meek limbs here as well best friend Steve Mouton who he spoke to and then Adrian Laurent a qualified in fossa so look for him to maybe make a jump up that leaderboard there he is right side your screen not right now fans Steenburgen this is interesting because he offers one stop number one had a crash it's gonna go up against Germany's Benedict last so fast on that Foster Lane little bit slower at the top that white one but it really catches up down the bottom here Bears fan Steve moon coming off a second place in Rotorua even a look to do one better here today but he's gotta get through been a geek glass first and there's still a whole lot of riders in his way there we go again the riders left side the one with the white flags taken the cake in this heat bath van Steenburgen over Benedict last that's the best part about raisin right there as you say oh man looks like you're missing some knobs you know get into the head a little bit alright so take a look at our brackets the names that are illuminated in yellow that means they have the advantage like we explained before two runs in each heat you get back up to the table you got to beat the rider who beat you by more now we got Austin worn on the left-hand side right now Austin with a great showing at the first stop he's got to go up against Austria's khana Slavic honest will obviously have the crowd behind him here good start by Hannes but Austin has been really proving his worthy on the Crankworx World Tour coming into his own getting podiums in pumptrack and other events he's on flat pedals so this is probably gonna paint his favor down the bottom here on these flat turds yeah keeping hun is pretty honest on that slower lane honest honest so Hana Slovak does cross the finish line first but this is the tightest gap we've seen so far Bubba Warren was able to stay within a tenth of a second there that's gonna help we talked about Austin getting some good results already the beginning of this season he was second into a slalom just a couple months ago and Rotorua second two cow straight and we don't have in the field today unfortunate to see that I think you had some issues of qualifying it's hard to make the cut out here but you're looking at somebody who always makes the cut here for our broadcast finals this is a former king of Crankworx Tomas Slovak from a Czech Republic no relation to Hannes Slovak but Luca committee out of the states on the right side of your screen Thomas love a huge crash at a street race before Rotorua he came but he was really better than bruised has he healed up here a little bit sluggish qualifying form but with such a short track anything could have happened in qualifying a little foot slip a little bubble and you would have been way back in the field so Thomas loving looking straight here using a bit of time as we expected Guto almost losing control there at the finish line was Luca committee 0.97 back is the gap between Luca and Thomas Slovak that's it's gonna be interesting to see if we see the black side win a single here today I think by the looks of things it's gonna take some sort of bobble from the rider on the white side for black to take one but that's the way she goes sometimes into a song that's why we give each rider each heat two runs all right this guy was virtually unknown before stop number one in the 2019 season but he could quickly fix that problem he's from New Zealand his name's Billy Mika ylim he was the winner of speed and style in Rotorua and take a look this is what he had to say he just couldn't believe that he got so many podiums two of them at that first stop of the season back to back he's had a couple months to wrap his head around that and you know he kind of knows what to practice for now he gained a lot of experience at the first stop of the season it wasn't his first Crankworx appearance but it was definitely the moment he chose to catapult himself onto the world stage absolutely you can see him he's old decked out in Troy Lee designs it's no different people supporting him this is a favorite though you know the other rider that he's up against with Billy meeting will be riding high on confidence but also high on expectations that he's gonna put on himself nothing that he once be in style hopped on a podium later that night so let's see all those expectations weigh on his shoulders Oh take a look at that Garrett Meechum from Aptos California putting a point two on Billy me Clem it'll be great to see them get back up to the start of the course I mean Billy really launched his name in New Zealand Meechum looking to do the same here in Innsbruck another young rider multi-talented you'll see him in speed and style as well but back up to the top for our next heat fabian Cassini from France on the left side of your screen and then the bright colors Mitch Rowe pilato always exciting to have him on our Crankworx stops here random card Fabian Cassini coming off a podium in co2 classic early in the air it was one of his dreams to accomplish team manager and owner of polygon you are but we know how he loves racing and like I say he's coming of one of his base results in slower but he's up again metropolis if not one of the kings of slalom down in America always a front-runner when it comes to the most well-known slalom race in the world the Sea Otter Classic I believe Mitch's one that before he has indeed so Mitchell pilato putting a big gap on Fabian Cassini believe it was a one five used to be the max differential and slalom not sure if that's what they're doing again today but take a look at those names in yellow Andrew so as you said the names in yellow they have the advantage but we're gonna send them back to the top they have to switch lanes to some of the money go to the slower course they got their work cut out for them but like cicada with Edwards he's above a headband fence team Ohana Slavic Luka committee and like we just saw Metro Pilate he's gonna take a big advantage into the second round of these heats weld you notice all those yellow names were on the bottom of each heat that means at the white course one every single heat right there now take a look heat number one there we go one by the riders left side your lookers right the white course and we heard that before our broadcast started was that the white side was faster this is proven to be true so name of the game is if you're lining up on that black side in your first run you go all right well I got it just stay as close as possible don't expect to win you're gonna have that advantage when you get back to the other side so a lot of things can turn around the yellow on those names doesn't mean as much today as it usually does it's all about that gap between the two riders well things are heating up here one run under our belts in the 100 percent duel slum we're getting those riders back up to the top of the course to switch sides and do it all over again don't go away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Saran the power of bicycles Maxis the official tire of the Crankworx world tour back in action here in Innsbruck the 100% dual slalom Innsbruck is underway we've had one group of riders ripped down the hill we're gonna get a back up to the top switch sides but first we're gonna transition over to the women more on that let's send it down to Mikaela Gatto so the crank works dual slalom world championship standings here for the women today we've got vai over Beek sitting in first Annika be written in second and tani Seagrave in third Thani unfortunately is out due to shoulder soap shoulder surgery so that gives that third place spot for someone else to gain some valuable points let's see if we can mix up the standings here today like a plan Mikaela excited to get those girls to the top of the course and have them drop in this is what the dual slalom world championship standings looks like for the men very nobles and fourth there if you look like we have them in the field today but how about those women who should we be watching for out here today when it comes to the women well if you're looking at the overall queen title you know that via verbeek is currently leading that she's a big name to beat you also won in Innsbruck but that woman right there Kea Lani Heinz you can never count her out fourth place in Rotorua just a couple months ago [Music] there we go hanging out getting fresh in the lovely meadow there's Annika Burton she qualified second here today she's obviously looking to improve she's only a little bit 70 70 some-odd points behind in the queen overall she got second at Rotorua but Kea Lani Hines there she is we talked about her a minute ago Kea Lani Hines always a name to be looking at she's 5th in the queen standings right now fourth place in Rotorua she won the pump truck challenge so I'm sure we're gonna have plenty of good heats on our hand here's what the brackets look like Andrew there's survived a big she's on a collision course with Annika Pearson via we hearing will have a by Van Til awhole is injured Caroline wash them against Casey brown we know very well Casey brown marine cab or coming off some great World Cup results nice to see her out here vanilla bear Croft the former winner of slalom it is gonna be tough to call here with such a short course cam anything really can happen so it's not only privy to how well you qualified to how well you're actually gonna end up in the results well it's cool to see so many heavy hitters in this women's field it wasn't rare in the past for us to have to catch up with the women's bracket at the round of 8 because we weren't filling full fuels but we got so many fast girls on hand here today two of them are in the gate right now Casey brownies on the right side of your screen random car going up against repair line wash them there we go yeah Caroline out of North Carolina she is a certified coach as well as professional athletes so it's nice to see she giving back to the sport coaching athletes as well as here Racing qualified in eighth position versus Casey Brown nine so these girls are naked naked qualify and on paper yeah so that's what a neck-and-neck race looks like when you've got slightly lopsided courses here 0.68 gap between Casey Brown who will win that heat ahead of Caroline watch them take a look back here at our replay Andrew so a little sluggish start from Casey Caroline was out the gate in a flash and that's meats with advantage but you can't get too deterred though when you're on the white you know you're gonna make up so much ground on the loss straight that's kind of your hard mental aspect here knowing that these courses they fluctuate on one kind of advantage but by the time you get to the finish line that white one seems to always be faster it's kind of a situation where you just got to focus on riding your own race but that's key cab because you've got to be so patient on the white coast because if someone's ahead of you and you push too hard and you go down when you could have just been patient and made up the ground with the track helping you alright take a look at our next two competitors in the gate right now Helen Valerie from France and Daniel B Croft now Andrew do you remember her from Whistler she won on her downhill bike that's unheard of in dual slalom racing we caught up with her about that she had this to say she said she was telling herself she knows what to do just do what you've done all day have fun she wasn't even nervous and that was really the story in Whistler she was riding a non-traditional bike for girl aslam on the downhill bike but it was working you know so just set aside what everybody thinks is right if it's the fastest bike on that day it's the right bike she took home top honors last August in Whistler looking to repeat here today but she's going to have to get through is he ready watch the gate Helen Valerie here so all net riders lip laying that fast one vanilla Beecroft sir not the down-low bike like she didn't Whistler this track obviously she feels way quick on a hotel because it's more like a pump track at the top there were those made me feel and then this is where you might want to go good suspension a little bit of traction but she's making doing the hotel 0.86 is the gap between Danielle Beecroft and Helen Valerie so once again Whiteside taking top honors get our next heat in the gate key Lonnie Hines going up against Romana love ANCOVA from the czech republic of Kilani hines fourth place she made is that bronze medal round in Rotorua wasn't able to win that better random we're gonna take home some hardware today but Kalani Hines knows trained it to the podium in slalom and she knots up a first one in pump track down the road to us so confidence is high for everyone's looking for her to take over their queen earth Crankworx title from Jill but fires just showing her that it's what are we gonna be I'm gonna finally see the black side when we do Kilani Hines proving it's not impossible to win on the black course she put a point one four so here's what our bracket looks like now after we've dropped four heats we had some buys in there that's why there's some heats you don't remember seeing via verbeek was able to walk right through into the next round because Valentina Hall unfortunately had an injury Kilani Hines taken the advantage over a robot Romana 'la banka banka hubba that's easy to say Andrew how about you say it now no they come on say it there we go and a Newkirk on the right side of your screen is it's rightly Donovan this is right nowwe former world champion of downhill backin I'm not sure the exact yeah I wanted to say someone was telling was maybe 95 but I saw an Lea gagging they came over they watched the downhill World Cup and now she's decided to just throw him in the head get in the racing ring well it's just like riding a bike so you never know what could happen here li Donna than an absolute legend in the sport of mountain bike racing here let's see if she's got what it takes to advance out of this heat stake there might be a case of a 1.5 max differential it is against the legend you don't really think if you're a rider in 2019 the last year of this decade speaking of that is a team she's only a junior coming for second in Lea gang I mean I mean I'm not gonna tell you exactly how old he Donovan is but you just he could easily be her mom I would just referenced a big result that Lea Donovan had in 95 yeah she may not have been even bullying no she definitely wasn't born Steffi Marth on the left side of your screen the German racer is going up against Paula Z basa Steffi Mart definitely one of those riders going on all those crazy trips you see a lot of photographs especially in a freeride Germany there's a great to see Steffi raising she we did a lot of media trips as well as some of the media correspondents here at Crankworx but Nadia on tunze basa taken the advantage there which is a little bit over three-quarters of a second Steffi Martha's a little bit of work to do when she gets the opportunity to go on that fast white side that white course let's take a look back at the way they started this heat here break it down and you're needling well there you have it stiff you with a great start there but like we've said it and we're gonna say it all day long you just need to stay patient when you're on that white lane Steffi Mont hard on the pedals these two ladies opting for dual suspension so there'll be a little bit more sluggish in the jumps and these pervs a really good grip down the bottom what do you think Andrew does the music go with the racing slow-mo racing to that I feel like we need some sort of like symphonic overture I don't think they've quite got the beats per minute they sing with me riding the way these riders put those wheels at the right spot in those berms it's beautiful experience first thing you seen in the show winning track and it appeared to also a legend and veteran of our sport former winner of slalom as well as Queen of Crankworx it's exciting to see Mattel back I mean it's great that she's made it here to Innsbruck and that she's doing so we saw her in pumptrack buggy that's taking her foot off drifted those grass corners we haven't seen much from her yet and so it's always nice to see her branching out some issues up there this is not a pump track we've got a rod those flat corners 1.5 get that max differential a little bit so Bernard guarantee you will see Matilda in pump track later on tonight that'll be it for the women's round of 16 run one this bracket let's take a look at how that shut down I'll remind you those names illuminated in yellow I mean they have the advantage which mostly means they were on the white side except for that one case here's how it looks Andrew well let's break it up by Vivek has the by so we will see her in round of eight Casey brown she's gonna advance let's go down there Danny Lapierre Crofton Alejandro is the only person like you see illuminated on the top so she had a really still a run and then down the bottom and it could be a switch on over to the side of the race that has a y-chromosome I think that's how it works right the men have the Y chromosomes so the Y chromosome category here looks a little something like this Adrian Loren and Eddie Masters my favorite heat because these humans are polar opposites you always wonder if you put two polar opposites together who wins the race folk is serious competitor of Adrian laronne or Eddie Masters if you know anything about this guy the Joker but this guy is fast on a bike but he is no joke on track this year man he's really notching up result after result and guys this is where we're gonna knock out some riders this is where some guys are going to have early back to the showers back to the drawing board there's only one will advance from here on out what's your good agent trying to psych-out a dream but a tan is having none of that so Eddie Moss is needed to put some pressure on date him because Adrian is out front and he's are the fastest on the city after church and a game this is where it gets interesting during a dual salon race when you have lopsided courses it really comes down to the clock what meets the eye may not be who's going to be transferring into that to let that next bracket so this is what happened if you're not familiar to this type of racing Eddie Masters had the advantage from rut number one yeah Adrian laronne crossed the finish line first but Eddie beat him by more in the first run therefore he advances Eddie really pushing hard here to be able to make it out of this round take a look at his tires on the last couple corners I mean testament to Eddie being patient 9 he's on the slower ladies just got to keep that wheel just right behind age I don't think he's being patient look at this he was pushing watch this back tire but I mean he knew just how diverse it was his right hand her this is what I'm talking about dude just on the pedals I lose this one this one yeah yeah he pinned the pedal to the Bentley that was great take me to be able to just like your motorbike when you when you lose traction just keep on the gas because if you shut off you're just gonna drift exactly why you take neatly from idiot that usually doesn't work on a bicycle cuz you don't have the gas but I swear he was drifting and so that's an upset he takes up agent long usual number one he so in essence a team AUSA's is your number one seed moving forward and he masters the only time he's serious is once that gate drops and man did that work Keegan right with some work to do here but he's on the fast side he's 0.35 behind Stefano dolphine let's take a look at the current standings for king of competition is the leader of the pack by keegan right only six points behind him basically he just has to finish within you know top ten well yeah if he goes through you let me be your virtual leader of king of Crankworx before this event is even over so that's why we're looking at that board don't look like not in it but keegan right is he's got some work cut out for it right getting good snap so in our strong he is DW racer doing a bit of daniel we know goodies in palm tree but this is slowly this is we it's got a focuses energy right now is it gonna be a non we're gonna keep it right crosses the finish line first by 0.54 let's do the math keegan right advances i kind of like it when the course is a lopsided it keeps it exciting so keegan right looking to catapult himself into the top of that king of Crankworx Lederberg but it's not as cut and dry as we sometimes make it seem billy me clubs in the race here today bass fans Steenburgen is adrian rome was he's out now but Billy and bass are two who can also get into that top spot if they get enough points a hundred points for the win out here so water riders within striking distance [Music] so Stefano dolphine will hit the showers and we'll get whoever it is whose job it is to fix that fix the second-to-last flag they are staying busy today they are earning their day rate all right time to move our attention back to the top of the course a couple youngsters here Kade Edwards he won run number one going up against the American Mathews sterling a couple young downhill racers here at both following the World Cup tour but they wouldn't miss Crankworx Innsbruck you guys opportunity to ride for these fans and take home some prizes only one rider will make it into the next round who's it going to be to the free race getup of Kate Edwards it's none of the Memphis tuning from USA Kate Edwards this is good day he wants to be a hit being on that snail a sweet needs to keep pushing uh-oh little mistake but did he lose too much time missing that last gate we're gonna get our officials to decide what to do that Matthew sterling says oh cool you missed a gate let's take a look back that's we have point the ability to go slow-mo and tight so k2 age is pushing very hard you're getting a little bit late on the left-hander but you made him late on the right one here we go so obviously leads to being late on the next one pushing hard oh is that I'd say that was legal but it didn't really matter because Kate Edwards was too far back anyway but it is a chain reaction isn't it Andrew you talked about him being late on that corner my means are gonna be late on the next and late on the next tough to recover when you figure it's about 16 seconds from top to bottom there's not a lot of room for air here bass van Steenburgen one run number one by 0.8 benedict last with some work to do you know but he's got the fast side remember that number point eight a second for pass stop number one of the 2019 season he wants that world championship he also wants that crowler ready watch the game [Applause] so I'd like a rocket Berenstein moon we spoke to him earlier says it is quite technical a strike even though it's short will it play into strength he feels it well he's got to be within point eight cap just looking tight though don't go off recovery three point six nine as a five-point 11 that means bass van Steenburgen will move on into the round of 8 we're gonna have some ridiculously close racing Chris camp it's only gonna get tighter and tighter so for the viewers at home to not go away so he's 55 points is that what I said earlier about no 2052 I think you mean yeah 52 points away from first place in the king overall standings and you get 50 50 points for fourth so every time he moves into the next round he's one step closer to getting to the top of that king leaderboard Austin Warren has point one to make up he's on a fast side right now a good chance I'm gonna be able to do that so Austin were up against hannes it's loving as you see awesome worn on the white leg - on the black leg and Austin knows exactly what she needs to do it just needs to be a hit well Austin Bubba Warren will move into the round of 8 Hannes Slovak is done for the day unless he's coming back for pumptrack I'd recommend that to you at home too if you're hanging out enjoying the racing here at crank course Innsbruck we got another event for you later on tonight tonight for us I don't know where you're watching from in the world you could be anywhere that has an internet connection but make sure you don't miss the pumptrack later on tonight but right now it's all about Luca Committee going up against Thomas Slovak Slovak with just under a second to make up he's on the fast course it is possible riders ready watch the game Thomas Slovak for the world for cross champion previously from BMX Thomas Levesque is one of the best riders out it but we know he had a huge crash before Rotorua easy pelting you it's gonna make a point nine seven no that is a mammoth task yet no point seven three not gonna do it Luca commedy knocks out Thomas Slovak that's a big accomplishment too many great to see you hear him say that I got to go up against bucks he'll meet up against Austin Warren in the round of 8 to guys you need to get the boat for the Southern California definitely a mental game when you're riding on a track this lopsided you're always seeing the other rider in your peripheral vision trying to not let it affect you so it'll be Austin Warren and Luka commedy just as you heard him mention there in that round of eight so we still yet to see Billy me climbing at Garrett Mitchum Garrett with advantage then Fabian Cassini it's a mixture of a lot of Metro blood exactly as you said even if you feel you the foster rider you know if you're on the one lane you're probably gonna be behind that must be such a mind game well Jeremy jump was on the fast course he put point two on Billy me Club this should be a fun one to call me converses mucho I'm sure will confuse you plenty but the up-and-comer that launched his name in Rotorua that's Billy Miko but the up-and-comer who's looking to launch his name today in Innsbruck that's Garrett Meacham he's on the left side of your screen from Aptos California looking to carry the torch a lot of riders from that area we saw greggwatts earlier we'll see him in speed and style he's from the same area but Billy Miko man in front of his home crowd down there in New Zealand he really got the crowd going it was amazing to see we know he's gonna be at every Crankworx table hopefully for the next few years by the looks of things there they go speed and style Pike he could seem he's only got one break like we saw with Kate Edwards so it's not gonna affect too much of the top and here into these flat turns the bottom might be interesting you really don't want to have too much back break inside the back wheel up [Music] cross the finish line think that's enough seven five I think bill is gonna do it they have it does it by a little bit over a half second once you've added up the times from both runs so Garrett Meacham will be done for today but you know you'll see him back for speed and style for another chance to launch his name event let's take a look back four stars on so Billy good start there knew you had to do it he's going into that first boom which is a bit why does he know you're gonna come out of that a little bit behind great visuals we have here in Innsbruck or some slow motion of these boys technique on the bike here into those berm turns but then it's polar opposite technique when you come down to these flat turns camps it's really about getting the weight over the edge of the tires so you've got to get those hips it's far over the edge of the tires you can't the hips I mean good ride in there for filling me club he's the guy everybody was talking about in Rotorua but Micaela is ready to talk to him now let's send it down to her okay so we know that you had two podiums in Rotorua coming into today is there a pressure that you're feeling now no I'm just having fun on the bike it's just another race and it's it's a out there it's a fast course would you say that's your main mental strategy going into a competition is just have fun oh for sure it's like the only way to do it and I'm gonna ask you a hard question now do you think you have what it takes to win today I hope so definitely I'll try to get some points for the overall well I know you're a humble guy and you did it once so I think you can do it again good luck thank you Makayla Billie me climb currently sitting third in the king of Crankworx overall standings he's got 195 points a lot more up for grabs here today Metro pilato back in the starcade against fabian Kushi vignette graphics said a 1.5 max differential there some room to work with here for metro pronto ready watch the game submit he knows he's just got to keep it consistent and tidy as with 1.5 to play with you on the slow lane this is where need to be careful on these flat hoods he's the guy who I swear he needs to come every single one of these and make a run for King he's got the full package and he's moving in to the next round speaking about that next round let's take a look at our brackets and see who we're gonna have pitted against each other moving into this round eight saw a surprise Eddie Moss is with the upset of a number one qualifier Aidan Laurent he's up against Keegan right Matthew sterling qualifying fifth so he's got a good chance for you up against best friend Steven Austin Waring it's Luke committee and let's not forget Mitch drop a lotta on fire at the bottom against Billy May clip there you have it the stage is set for the men's category round of eight but we got a whole lot more action women's round of eight coming up after the break don't go away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 100% has always been racing Americana we are a part of iconic moments that have built the roots and history of what is modern motocross today we are anchored in mountain biking Road Cycling courses and BMX tracks 100% is inspiring a whole new generation of racers and asking them our original tagline how much effort do you give Innsbruck the Alpine urban lifestyle experience Crankworx Innsbruck brought to you by Tyrell home of professional sports [Music] back in action here beautiful day in Innsbruck Austria 100% duels long we're gonna move things over to the women's category we got the second run for the round of 16 you see those names illuminated in yellow most of them getting that advantage on the white side but the first time we saw Kalani Hines get the advantage on the black side but right now it's all about Casey Brown she has the advantage going into this second run against Caroline wash um 0.68 is the amount of that differential Caroline watch them on the fast side can't she beat point six eight these two ladies very evenly matched in qualification ranked eighth and ninth but that doesn't matter anymore Casey brown with advantage here on the slow lane hopping to avoid missing a gap there yeah a little bit late something we saw the Kate Edwards oh she's lost way too much time day well Caroline washer will knock out a big name here Casey Brown we're gonna try to bring up a replay for you all about that let's just run the whole replay and see what happened to Casey Brown in the middle of the course I think it was the first gate wants to get into the grass turns she was looking good to start out she had a pretty healthy advantage I believe the issue happened right issues exiting this built out BMX style of course into these grass turns [Music] so everything's still going as planned here for Casey Browns and I got a good advantage I can chill and then yeah it is way too late kind of didn't concentrate pulling out of that oh yeah yeah that's probably almost a disqualification but it doesn't matter because she was too far down anyway yeah you got a figure missing that gate is an instant disqualification but just getting that far off your line even if she did miss the gate that was a mistake that would have taken too much time away so washer moves into the round of 8 who's gonna be here for this next matchup Danielle Beecroft she wanted Whistler last year going up against the views are just tuning in the lembeh cough has their Vantage here so she doesn't have to cross a line first to actually advance which is pay attention to that if she's hit at the finish while then we guarantee that she's going through it she's looking good to do that looking to win both heats yeah of the round of 16 there we go Daniel Beecroft adds to that advantage she'll move into the round of 8 been back up to the top Ramona love ANCOVA she's behind by point one four behind Kilani Hinds from the USA Kea Lani definitely a front-runner any time we're talking 100% duel small floor podium finishes it last season look I keep telling them up here in 2019 ready the games one of those coming from pumptrack to get on the podium here dual slalom and the only rider to win from that slower black lane in all of these heats men and women great race from her just need to play it safe here she will advanced keeps it on two wheels there we go Ramanna likova head home Kea Lani Hines moving into the round of 8 now this next heat it's gonna be fun to see what happens if you remember we had Lee Donovan going up against on a new Kirk Lee Donovan with an issue but basically it's just amazing to see Lee Donovan here race and she's gonna have point one five to make up but she is in the fast course to lady with quite the pedigree she's in the beer makes all of Fame as well as the man biking offense with Freddie behind the game you see how podiums against someone that's just starting out the UCI career and a new cook do you a lot of people probably don't remember Norma Andrew but she's a nine time national champion the unbelievable pedigree great Segal awesome to see her coming she's here she's on a family holiday I've seen stick I've seen a daughter I'm having a good time over here in you and she's always having a good time you could hear if we don't have is in a race in the country yeah good point Donovan's made it to Europe I see well great having her out unfortunately she's not gonna make it into the next round but that's hopefully that's gonna give some motivation to enter new cook she's taken out a true legend of the sport and she's only just starting her career in mountain biking policy basa she won run number one 0.76 ahead of Steffi Marth Latvia vs. Germany in this one Steffi Marth with her work cut out for three-quarters of a second she's on the fast course though watch the gate [Music] so paid both ladies on similar bike situps opting for their more enduro trail dual suspension it's gonna be a little sluggish up top but man is it gonna be good in those bottom corners watch the suspension track that cab but a mistake they from Bullards nut got a Vietnam think about a point seven six is the difference there we go max differential there means that Steffi Marth will get her point seven six that she needed and she will advance into the round of 8 now we were just talking about how nice these full suspension bikes are gonna be when you get into those flat corners and I believe i jinxed her because right after I said that she lost traction here you play I should have just kept my mouth shut but look at these bikes work come on nothing better than full suspension balancing too early on the pedals then she actually wrote of unweighted and lost the traction they cab so just too early on the pedals for her well we've been doing this crank works thing for quite some time right now there was a lot of history sometimes we like to kind of just tap into the nostalgia take a look at this in 2008 we had to aslam it kind of went on hiatus for a long time but a name we have in our field here today Annika Bearden she was a champion she went into al-salam in 2008 at Crankworx Whistler it's great to have dual slalom back and it's great to have Annika Bearden still here no slowing down for this racer she moved to California to just be in the nice sunny weather to trade practice it's paying off but she's gotta go up against Matilda Bernard now Matilda come from that BMX background these flat turns got to her and run number one she's got to beat that match differential of 1.5 another heat with use youth versus experience their camp Annika built and she's been through it all downhill for cross EWS and she's back to crank works focusing all her energy on our series tilde Bernard she's gaining her experience busting up to the seat of the winning contract in Lachey last year Gracie out in slalom it's not gonna be enough from what we can see let's note Annika Pearson will advance she's not gonna get that 1.5 but she's gonna get a lot of great experience being alongside Annika be written here in a slalom race so we reference how long Annika Burton has been doing this and all that experience pays off breakdown just the finesse and the precision of her riding and I mean as she came on screen you can see great manual and even managed to hop into the downslope there look what her eyes are camp she is heavily focused on the next obstacle so looking far enough ahead it's really gonna help her set up for every obstacle before she gets there okay you can see when you are was nice and high wide look at those eyes are they're looking at the next tour they look not looking down at the wheel at all well great control over that bicycle paying off she's going to the next round but let's send it down to Makayla Gatto for an update yeah so as the boys were saying up in the booth you've had so much experience here at Crankworx what I want to know is what is your favorite piece about being here in Innsbruck uh just the diversity of events you know doing multiple events pumptrack slalom and gonna give downhill ago so it's just just awesome doing all kinds of different events in this you know beautiful area when's last time you race downhill well I signed up last minute and wrote a rough so that was the last time I did downhill but that was just on my little trail bike and I came a little bit more prepared at this time so hopefully I will get a better a better run then over there perfect and any piece of advice for riders looking to kind of break into the scene just keep going you know you're gonna feel a lot of times and you just got to keep at it until you get the hang of it well you're advancing so congratulations yeah thanks Mikaela good to see that's a great piece of advice right there you're gonna fail a lot of times just don't let it get you down because sometimes it's gonna work out a lot of times it works out for Annika Bearden you see her right there on this bracket she moved into the round of eight who's she gonna be joined by well we haven't seen via Vivek she always had a by going in so we gonna see her she's a number one seat against Caroline Washington that had a good race then Lilly beer Croft down there Kalani Hines Steffi Maud will go against Annika Beaton who's our second place qualifier well your hurt our second place qualifier talking about how she's enjoying being in this beautiful city where exactly are we let's zoom out all the way in a space so we can zoom all the way back in to Innsbruck Austria a really unique spot I'm looking over my shoulder right now at a city and I'm also looking at these massive alpine peaks these are two things you see a lot of in Europe but you don't often see them in such close proximity to each other it's a city in the Alpine mountains a lot of mountain bike going on here and for the third year in a row we bring Crankworx we love it this is what the men's bracket looks like Eddie masters he knocked a journal on out meaning he'll be going up against keek and right moving things right along into the round of 8 here there you have it Eddie must as always having fun on and off the bike that man don't let that fool you because when this gate drops he's all business well it's great to see Eddie masters making it into the round of 8 here but he's gonna have to get past keek and right if he wants to get into the round of four can you get right on fire these days second in the King overall standings first in the slalom world championship standings for 2019 and they're off so Eddie Moses on paper should not even be in this heat taking the number one qualifier eight and you can see how hard he's pushing he knows is going to give it all even on this snow length oh that's a mistake that's gonna cost him some time yet Kemp yes the phrase loses fast doesn't really apply to a 16 second long to a slalom course can you get right taking the advantage Eddie masters pushing very very hard we'll get them back up to the start it's not over for Eddie masters let's look back to what happened here he definitely lost some time Andrew yes a little bit late on that right end and there you see it it's just diving into that term it hadn't set up enough at all you know that's kind of my favorite part about fall is when people lose control and then they get it you know it doesn't usually mean they're gonna move to the next round but those slow-mo replays my favorite part that's why you ride you ride to get out of control and save it that's the whole point of mountain biking maybe for you some people just ride to hopefully being a pro oh okay okay uh no I'm not into that here we go dual slot world championship this is what the standings look like at this given moment things are gonna change because we're gonna have a whole new leaderboard once we get the results from today but Paz van Steenburgen he's in second in that world championship hunt because he crashed in the final round of two that stopped number one going up against Keegan right he wants to avenge that mistake here on opportunity to do so but he's got to get through this round it's not gonna be easy going up against the youth of Massey sterling he's a junior racing for pivot and my word he is fast keeping bass honours here both these guys are Nick and Nick your fourth and fifth place qualifying respective yes and again there's another mistake on that black leg and what these riders aren't thinking is that's the slow lane you need to be patient you need to say you know what I'm gonna take a loss here but I need to be consistent these guys are pushing too hard on the black line already 0.93 because of that mistake will be that disadvantage for Matthew string let's take a look here's my favorite part come on again it's awesome to look at but not awesome for Matthew he's just lost so much time so again that's one of the hardest turns on the track that's where you've got to maybe played a little bit space safe especially being on that slow lane 0.93 that's gonna be a lot to make up will let them get to the start of the course again but right now it's all about Austin Warren left side of your screen going up against Luca committee for their round of eight bracket these guys are buddies and tell they're in the gate together exactly that had everyone's friends until the gate drops alright Luca committee on the right side of your screen he'll be on that fast horse so look for him to get an advantage here so bubble Warren he's on flat pedals can he use those to his advantage here the black neighbors we're coming up to the left turn that's tricky clean through there good ride from Austin Warren there we go 0.58 luka committee will have 0.58 to play with when they switch sides and you hear them say right there this is gonna be a close one I would agree lucca 0.5 day you want a little bit more than that when you're gonna throw Austin Warren into the fast lane that'll be an interesting one but that's true you're talking about strategy Andrew you say just be consistent when you're on the black lane so then when you're on the white lane you kind of have a gauge of how much you need to make up and that's when you really just go for broke Billy me climb left side of your screen from New Zealand Mitchell pilato from the states a big name we've known for a long time in Metro Pilato the fresh face on the scene in Billy me clone good the posture both these guys their physical therapist would be proud the game [Music] metropole ara he's done it all here at Crankworx wins podiums you name it going up against someone new bursting onto the scene in Rotorua meet Rob a lotta is fast believe me come though my would keeping a little bit honest here this just in Mitch replied oh is fast sorry for stating the obvious so 0.88 kind of playing into that strategy we were just discussing Andrew about make sure you don't miss any gate so you don't have any mistakes when you're on the black course and just go for broke when you switch sides Billy me Clem will have to make up point eight eight in the round of 8 can he do it we'll find out look at all those names in yellow those are the ones that have the advantage here in the round of eight of the 100% dual slalom Innsbruck well that was the men will get them back up to the start of the course we'll focus our attention over to the women when we come back from this break things are heating up in the 100% dual slalom Innsbruck excited to keep things rolling do not go away you're not gonna want to miss this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Crankworx Innsbruck presented by rafasa Club there is something going on Whistler mountain bike park ride now sleep later [Music] moving things right along here in the 100% schoolís wall of Innsbruck it's time to revisit the women's brackets here for the round of 8 like we said we haven't seen by Vivek so it's great to see her number one qualifier she is in the gate as we speak continuing to heat things up here we keep split in the field in half right now it's a round of eight we got fired for being on the left side of your screen Caroline wash I'm on the right side of your screen this will be their first run to find out about the game so one of the shortest courses you will see on the circuit but that makes for exciting racial and you can't afford to make mistake and as I say this compensators jeez I blame that on you Caroline is okay because sometimes those crashes can be very nasty so vile we'll take that 1.5 max differential but of course she's hoping that Caroline is all good she appears to be up let's rewind the tape to take a look at that crash not because we're sick and twisted but because we want to break down what happened to make sure it doesn't happen anybody else take a look at the car you can just see she's run the front a little way behind that booth so hasn't braked enough hasn't set up wide enough coming into this turn and with that speed of momentum it just pushes the wheel up to the top and that is all she wrote Oh big slam glad she's lapping okay well that's what happens when you put your front tire over a burn won't really fast but she's alright she'll have that 1.5 maximum differential that exists for this very reason if somebody has a big crash it's not impossible for them to make it up just difficult so back up to the top area Burbidge smith on the left side of your screen believe it was Daniel Beecroft on the right side of your screen there these ladies very evenly matched from coalification Perry v vanilla in four three so quite a dead heat here on paper look to see this to be close racing so Danny plead to that inside verb that we saw Caroline have some issues on the hotels not gonna be give it as much traction as someone like that on a dual suspension there we go Danielle be proud crossing the finish line first with the advantage of 0.8 and that is straight up a duel right there not only because they qualified fourth and fifth place respectively but both riding very similar bike setups the heart ale but look at that Danielle doesn't even have a front brake she's pulled it off first whoa she's always got a strange bike set up for strong either downhill bike or a hardtail no front brake whatever works and a new cart on the right side er screen Kea Lani Hinds another Titan here she wants to make it to the router for ready watch the gate so good starts from both ladies here killarney heights going into that slower late she's the only one that was managed to win out of that Lane can she do it again here into the flat turns so they're gonna keep it consistent such a fine line but to be pushing too hard you're not pushing harder than us Kalani Hines will have to make up about a half second there when she gets over to the fast side and the Newkirk definitely putting down a good one there see if she can continue this West here Steffi Mars left side er Street had a kabir and on the right and I compared the fast side this is gonna be it's gonna be a fast time here long wait for those ladies in the gate plead for both of Anika beaten with a wealth of experience I feel like she's been racing almost as long as she can walk let alone ride a bicycle Stevie Mark losing a better ground yet on that slow lane let's see what's the advantage going to be a full one five for Anna compared Steffi Mars will have to make up the maximum differential move it forward well who's been strong so far in this round of eight let's take a look at our bracket remember those names in yellow are the ones who had the advantage via with the advantage over hua Shan Beecroft ahead of Burbidge Smith Newkirk ahead of Kea Lani Hines and a compete and putting the one-five there on Steffi Mars so as we continue to move through these brackets in the 100% dual slalom innsbruck we can't forget that this is just the first of two broadcasts we have today day number one of broadcast competition for stop number two of the Crankworx World Tour 2019 we got the ROC shots in Zurich pumptrack challenge coming up tonight eight o'clock is when we're gonna be doing it here if you're in the States on the west coast well just calibrate get your iPhone out go into your world clock don't miss it just because you didn't calibrate the time zone difference you got to figure that out come on so back to the men round of eight leaderboard looks like that who do we have in the gate all right so we got Eddie masters it looks like going up against key and right but let's remind ourselves what what what run number one looked like it was eventful Eddie masters losing traction hold on to again making a big mistake and here we see let's have a look yeah I think the judges are gonna like that so there's two different ways to get a maximum differential penalty either you finish back or you miss a gate doesn't mean you're disqualified you just have to make up that maximum differential of one and a half seconds of the six so a lot of work for any masters but he is on the fast course is up against Keaton right they need to basically force a mistake from Keegan right even though he gets on the slower lane he knows it's not slow by 1.5 seconds so look for Eddie masters to push very hard here we might get some shots for our highlight reel exactly any bosses that scalar pushing we know that exciting anunnaki blanco any Moss's is often flying no that's pretty close if you consider you had to make up 1.5 you did 1.2 that's what we all should it because he only had a 0.8 disadvantage coming in here if he hadn't mistake gate wow he would have done it he would have done it if you didn't miss that game but yeah I'm looking forward to watching this whole rod in slow motion just to see what it looks like when Eddie masters is pushing that hard trying to upset a 1.5 Haiti Moses on his enduro bike keygen right here on his hot tub this is where Eddie when he gets it right is really quick in these flat turns a little bit more traction you can see him hard on the gas there I mean Keegan almost that would have been a tough pill to swallow right there if he got knocked out because Eddie made up that 1.5 that we're talking about donations of time here separated these riders such a short course we make one tiny mistake that could end your day that's what happened to bass van Steenburgen a stop number one that's why he got second place and not first place but he's looking good right now he put in a point nine three onto Matthew sterling mr. John the fast [Music] [Applause] Matthew sterling the youngster from America sorry to make his name from some penis rates and discipline and downing looking good though it's on yet this point on it I think you just need a point nine three let's let's do the math here [Music] that's Ben Steenburgen you had bass V and Steenburgen on your fantasy team would you like a tissue should have picked Matthew sterling Andrew I should have men look at the darkest but we said that when we came into the broadcast Matthew sterling qualified in fifth place is he gonna be the man to watch is so already okay Austin bubble warrant mystic eight maximum differential is applied to his time Luka committee with a lot of room breathe here but also Moore's on the fast course and they think I'm start Austin Warren got his work cut out for him can he do something similar to what 80 try to do yet this is way he's gotta get close enough Lucca committee keeping it consistent keeping it safe it's the man's gonna be 0.94 not gonna be enough but I do love those situations when you get such a good bike rider like Austin Warren or Eddie bastards and you back them into a corner with a 1.5 it's fun to watch that situation has changed let's send it down to Makayla for update on how that trans hold up Makayla I nail so as we could see the bottom flat corners here are pretty loose and riders are getting a little zesty I asked Mishra pilato what he's doing to kind of stay in control and stay on the rails and really the only thing he said to me is risk management you really just got to hang it all out and hope for the best which means massive entertainment value for us so thank you very much Makayla for putting in those raw rugged classics long terms at the bottom and look who we have Mitch roll pilato he's got a point eight eight on top of billy me club vehicle backed into a corner on the fast side this should be for some entertainment value [Music] believe me what can he do can he push a mistake out of MIT trope a lot of me trouble out a hit but this is where the white lady starts catching up well Mitch is so far she's almost Nick and Nick kind of slowly Wow Mitch impressive performance from Metro pilato right they're able to hold tight to Billy me clump from the slow side Mika goes on the trope alotta moves in to the router for well you can see why I had him enough my fatty silly now code - good job you don't need a tissue put my money on Mitch right now I know we still got a few more heat some Sammy's coming but that's where my safe money is sitting looking good let's take a look back at this replay this is why you put Metro pilato on your team I mean he's out like a rocket from the stock manual Power Man you link through they on the pedals it's a case of two very efficient bike handlers right here but Metro pilato so much competitive experience under his belt look at those eyes just a calm level of focus yeah sitting up nice and early for that first turn on the black line that sets him up pretty much for all the race coming into the finish see that adjustment he picks up his front tire just a little bit there it is semifinals are set Keegan right we'll go up against Matthew sterling Luca commedy will go up against Mitchell pilato and before we know it we're gonna be giving away points and medals so that brings us to the women's category of course Lea Donovan is up there cracking jokes so loading up our next heat in the gate but when asked what it takes to race well via Verbeek had this to say when I read well it's like I hit the marks all of them it's like you land at the perfect spot you pump for the perfect amount of time you pedal strong you shift at the right spot you don't do an extra breaking point most of the time I do an extra breaking point and I'm like I really hope I'm not gonna regret this one well that's cool to get inside that helmet we're gonna find out right now if she's in that flow state she's talking about if everything's hitting its marks here and if you want a peek and hit your marks it's times like this right now via verbeek definitely can't afford this Gator because you don't want to have a 1.5 over your competitor in the gate fast side and lose so these are those moments that are sometimes just as high-pressure as when you're from behind absolutely riding safe is not always the way to do it cuz your subconscious doesn't take over because you just start overthinking things so she's got a big advantage to play with you should be enough do you have it good to go for a fire Furby care seems like she's having one of those days she was referencing in that interview Caroline wash them we'll head home Viper beak 282 points next to her name in the quaint standings looking to add to that today back up to the top next heat loading up in the gate [Applause] Danielle Beecroft on that hard tail with just a rare break going up against Harriet Burbage Smith Burbage Smith the point eight to make up she's on the fast side there's that stun married Berdych Smith from the BMX background and showing there with the gate star and Ella Baker of the former winner of our solid Ruben Smith almost doing it point seven one I believe she had point eight something yes she did so harriet Burbage smith almost making up that disadvantage but she's nine hundredths of a second short meeting that danielle Beecroft she'll cruise right through to the round of four let's take a look back breaks up down for me here what did be crop do right these last two runs well this start was all with Harriet that was a great start buy her a beer craft she's been running very consistent pushing but rock to horse be shown that hard till you don't want to lose traction in the bottom turns it's gotta be tough being in the gate against somebody who comes from a BMX background that's what they live and breathe those gate starts very clean through these turds Vidal has done very well just riding on that edge there's secretion vs. safety I'd be a cool ringtone for a for a BMX racer you got a phone call just a doorbell all right women's bracket right now we've got our first heat of the semifinals determined by her peak will go up against Danielle Beecroft but we're curious whose names are going to occupy that second heat there in the semifinals Kilani Hyde's see they're going up against Anna Newkirk we will get the answer to that question here shortly point four eight is what Kilani Hinds has to make up she's on the fast side in a Newkirk knocked out lead Donovan and see if she can keep this trend [Music] so Killarney Heights spoke about it before people have her picked take over Jill Kipnis reign of Queen of Crankworx but via veer Vickers come on smellin off season early early time in the season here we are Odie one race in is our second stop Killarney Heights ones here have done it she rolls into the round of four and now we try to figure out who Kilani Hinds will be going up against in that round of four matchup so take a look back at the replay so Kalani Hines doing exactly what she needs to do opting for the jump into that first little double great visuals here about awesome slalom track in Innsbruck yes it may be short but it's got a bit of everything heading into the flat turn tur this is the make-or-break of most of the races here today okay so I just saw you go down the first run without the advantage yeah what do you tell yourself going up for the second round well I think here we all know that the white side is a lot faster so I knew if at least I was like under like 0.5 I can maybe do it so I was just trying to be like confident and Gladys through the lap well I heard a big sigh of relief when you advance on to the next round it's been a pretty big day for you today how are you feeling energy wise I'm feeling good right now but I know it's going to hit me eventually I've been up like I got up super early so I'm like I had the jitters of racing and then now we're doing it so I just gotta like keep it calm so I can last maybe just a quick power nap and then you'll be good to go for pumptrack tonight yep thanks Mikaela well Kilani hines despite you know the difficulties in travelling across time zone barriers she's doing well for herself third place qualifying she's solidified her spot in the top four see if she can get a medal today but right now who will join her in that top four and a computer gets Steffi Marth right now Stevie Mudd six-time champion Annika bitten absolute legend of the woman's sport she's done it all she's coming she's seen she's conquered wanna be joined Sarah I hate to play with the other cat was that point zero eight did you say no one point zero points right alright so she's got some breathing room yeah joke cruise through the finish line right there finishing attend to the second ahead of Stephanie Martin she'll add that begun talking about such a long day dual Slav is exactly that it's an all-day affair I mean we picked up these competitors at round of sixteen but they had to qualify to get that top 32 and then do a round for 30 to thin 16 then eight now we find ourselves with the final four via verbeek is going to be going up against Danielle Beecroft Kilani Hines will face Annika Bearden star-studded field out here for the women's top four this time we move things over to the men's field see how things are shaken over there we should have our heat loading up in the gate there they are know if you didn't believe me about this being semifinals there's that nice pretty graphic about it you're pretty close to getting the medal if you made it to this point fourth place gets 50 points for the overall king and queen title as well we're gonna have Keegan right facing off against Matthew sterling keep it right one the first stop of the two slalom world championship the first stop Crankworx 2019 in Rotorua he obviously wants to remain undefeated in this discipline this season but Matthews sterling is loose Andrew Metis is spot there Keegan right at number nine so it's texture but to say these two in the semi funny would expect to see later in their own investments they married but racing is racing and here we go Keegan right coming off a win in road to ruined one he wants a guarantee at middle here but first he's got to get through Thank You sterling Thank You sterling across the line first by one point zero two over a second ahead of keek and right Keegan will absolutely have his work cut out for him when he gets the opportunity to drop it on that fast side okay that is a good margin to Hef's these guys are pretty evenly matched he's got one second to play with so you gotta ask yourself where you gain speed where you lose speed what do you see in here well obviously looking in slow-mo but there you can see Matthew holding it lower of that double from what I saw at Ray speed was the commitment from Matthew he's committed in those turns he's hard on the pedals as soon as it gets Wow quick over that on/off as well those are the subtleties you don't pick up on and tell you watch the slow-mo replay the game he was nice and committed at early through these turns they are easy on the white core so we'll give him that but he wrote them flawlessly so we know the white sides faster here say he's 17 right there youngster with a bright future he's racing World Cups he put one point zero two on Keegan right looking good there for Matthew sterling well right now it's all about Mitchell Pilato the man in the bright colors going up against Luca commedy Lucca committee it's no stranger to the podium is welcome here took a third row to ruin 2008 we know he could do it when the time is right metropolis on the fast lane attacking both these guys she's looking good beat you up a little with the advantage that's gonna be a big one mich rata through the line first by 0.91 it really just goes to show how fast Matthew sterling was in our previous heat putting out one point zero two on Keegan right cuz I mean both these guys were blitzed right now and it was 0.9 yeah cam I was about to say Matthew sterling with over a second advantage it's a testament to the speed that he's been able to carry through these heats it's funny it's it's kind of a situation where neck-and-neck ends up being somewhere between 0.8 and one second of a differential when you consider the white side is so much faster if you can stay underneath point eight you're gonna be looking pretty good when you move over to that white side cohosh I think Metro pilato's riding style is optimized for slow motion now one of the most stylish riders okay but also the most skilled and gifted guys out there and the results show it here we go women semi-finals in the gate right now we've got via verbeek against Daniele Beecroft a lot on the line here at our second of two three stops in the Crankworx World Tour via Verbeek your current leader in the queen of Crankworx overall standings she would love that crown at the end of the year their number one qualifier also first place in Rotorua leading the slalom championships and the queen of Crankworx wants a Gary so guarantee herself a medal young she's got to get through there near beer called foot drop afflicted and in a beauty Club alright Beecroft across the line first by an advantage of point four so that is not a lot like we said you know you expecting to see point eight as a disadvantage so that's already point four so take a look at the flat corners here a couple different strategies via winter feet on the pedals ready to accelerate as she reaches the apex look at the drift there but Danielle Beecroft taking her foot off around those flat corners which is nice for the actual bike handling aspect of things we got to get that foot back on and start paddling so back up to the top Kea Lani Hines on the left side here screen Anika bearden on the right side of your screen one of them will move into the finals other will be headed to the bronze medal match up this is where we establish our differential here and a computer on the fast side Killarney Heights qualified in third position Annika Bearden's second very evenly matched these two ladies Kalani Hines gaining experience as she goes to more and more events what can she do against Annika bitten Wow Annika really jumped on the gas and that final straightaway 0.39 will be the difference Kea Lani Hinds will have to make up a lot closer between these ladies and some of our men's heats this is going to be very close come around to in these beats [Music] so Killarney hides battling a little bit in those black lanes they're a little bit tighter than the white if you're not careful you just if you late on one you're just gonna make a mess of all of them oh whoa Andrew I'm getting a little bit of information in my ear we're gonna look back at a replay rumor has it she's under investigation Annika Burton is right now for that's hardly missing again not good news for Annika because she is meant to be taken the heat here we go whoa there was a hot tough to see from that angle is it was from a satellite or something very tough to see from that angle all right let's let's take another look okay she's managed to help I don't know hopefully I'm not convinced I want to see another angle let's see this here we go okay there's the gate there's the tire aha that is amazing ladies and gentlemen wow the plot thickens gonna say well kind of touched and then went to the left of the camera so I'm gonna vote the other way okay cool well let's see what our officials have to say yeah 1.5 I was hoping it wouldn't be the fact but it's not DQ it's run number one yeah there we go so Chanukah Bearden Wow the plot has a second right here now Anika Bearden's name will be turned to white Kia Lonnie Hines name will be turned to yellow and Anika will have to make up a 1.5 and I believe that'll be on the slopes I - that's that tough one right there so you're taking a look at Innsbruck right now if you want to experience this place the right way you take a local so let's have local Peter Kaiser take us on a tour of how he enjoys Innsbruck welcome we're in Innsbruck at our new Bertram squad [Music] [Music] so basically an instructor you have a big BMX scene and the crew is around for quite some time now and they kind of got things going with that place here and yeah the city gave us the property and we've been here for like two years now and yeah things starting to shape up and running great now sounds good fun I mean it definitely makes for a good training facility here and the third Park here is kinda just a good place to come together like all the students were like writing and all the BMX guys we're just coming up here and having a great time [Music] basically Innsbruck is located right in the middle of the mountains the Austrian Alps and what makes sense books so special is basically the variety of things you can do here you can like grab your enduro in the morning go for some morning laps or at the park park under the edge in the afternoon basically and still have like even interim session out here combined every type of riding in one day and still make it like a Chile because it's all so close together and it still is quite a big city where you could like have other activities as well tranq or experience but was like a good start to got like the community going and like the whole bike scene going at someone there has been like a big scene before but it still was a kind of a kickstart to get try to still get out of projects going get people involved in general there's definitely lots of potential here so come here and have fun I guess well look at that Andrew I I know where I want to go ridin while I'm here that's incredible um hey bum doesn't ring my heart tell me that is it's so cool to see the city giving land letting the community come together well great stuff to ride if you come here and bring your bike but also some great spectating to be had here right in the middle of one hundred-percent dual slalom innsbruck where this man is gonna be trying to make it two wins in a row in this dual slalom World Championship Series Keegan right now we caught up with him earlier and he had this to say I think just coming from a be mixed background I started racing beaming so he knows about probably seven years out and then I stopped there when I was about 14 or 15 you know probably about 14 before I owned the man and watts and yeah I think it just transitions over really well to mountain biking and obviously pumptrack and Jill Sloan that he did racing is this is similar feeling you know what's working he's tapping into that history he has on two wheels and things are really clicking together for him his guys sitting in second place in the king overall standings sitting in first place in the tools law world championship standings but right now he's on the fast course we'll have to make up 1.02 Matthew sterling really did his job and run number one but it's time for Keegan right to shine yeah knocking down big name off the bignum can he keep this streak alive Matthew sterling with one second to play with my award is an idiot he just needs to keep it consistent and he knows that it's gonna be king right crosses the finish line first but not by enough 0.65 is not enough he needed a little bit over a second to let Keegan right will be out which is a big shake-up because we're looking at a young gun right here in the form of Matthew sterling only a junior man he's got no demons to fight off no experience in this race he's never done it before it's a great stop by Matthew Sterling's and I sit it in the round before he's so committed she's giving it his all here every heat that it's paying off I mean Andrew would you say this is a huge story he can write he's very established on this scene especially in this discipline but Mathew sterling 17 years old he's going to the final yeah he's guaranteed himself a medal and he's just taken out round one a winner Keegan Wright who did it back in Rotorua okay so Keegan right still has the chance to win a bronze medal out here he'll go into the bronze medal round where we're gonna be giving away obviously more than just that meta will be giving away those valuable points but if you will join Matthew sterling in the final to Duke it out for that gold medal will it be Mitchell pilato who has 0.91 up on Lucca committee committees on the fast side but we've seen Metro flauta looking so strong today him to bother Luca committee Mitra balada but it actually didn't hurt him I'd have heard Luca more than himself so metropolitan wheel ahead here this is where it's all gonna count this is where it's got to keep it consistent very good Bobby truffle our 0.45 well it didn't hurt him first the nose did not hurt him so let's take a look back at the replay he's referencing he jumps so early though that it didn't hurt him so he's trying to preempt that gate but it didn't wood luckily he didn't have to unpause it often what happens if you bump that gate sometimes you get on fellowship to unclip so lucky for Mitch it didn't hurt him that would be a move to work on if you wanted to just really mess with your competitor right there but it will I mean it is a tactic it a hundred percent if you just preempt that gate but you're actually just faking it sometimes the other guy goes for it he makes the mistake it's like false starts in football right there you draw the other team offsides I'm sure Mitch wasn't trying to do that but it sure didn't work out for Mitchell Votto will advance out of this round and find himself in the finals going up against Matthews sterling Luca committee will be moving into that bronze medal match up all right so you just moved into the big final but we were looking at the replay there and you seem to have like a little twitch going over the circuit you want to tell me about that yeah like they were announcing and it was how I overlapping with the cadence and I was kind of like and then it went quiet no I just like I was like I'm going I'm going here now it seemed to work out for you and we were also talking about risk management earlier but I mean really how much about risk management all that kind of stuff is going through your head when you're riding the course none my everybody's riding so fast right now you just you're thinking you're losing yeah you're just you're just blacked out muscle memory yeah I wasn't started now just interview it was weird I don't know how I got from here today how did you get here well you're going into the finals regardless so congratulations thank my favorite take away from that was if you're thinking you're losing I love that he has a point there's no time to think in 16 seconds but I will your prep man that's right I will I will day those guys to have a think about that black turd is that one left-hander you need to get through that one clean I don't know man I still think you don't you don't want them to get through clean I know what you want you're on trips read what save it but you want some drills you're not gonna save a direct if you're thinking that all come on intuition and muscle memory that's bike riding so look at this our women's bracket the stage is set in both of these categories here our women's field and our men's field we're getting down to the nitty-gritty Daniel Beecroft ahead via Verbeek 5.4 Viper beak on the fast side so via Vivek only needs to make a point for of a second that is doable here she's on the fast lane number one qualified I mean this is a good match up here these are the winners from the last two Frank Rich home races B crop one whistle last year at Kilani one Rotorua this year via across the finish line first 0.64 will it be enough what was that differential will she only had to make a point full via Verbeek she secures herself a spot in the gold medal match up daniel Beecroft will still have the opportunity to duke it out for that bronze but who will they be facing let's find out in a computing with a 1.5 to make up because if you weren't here for this we will refresh your memory take a look now this is what gets interesting Kemp look at that front tire right there into a song if you go on the wrong side of that gate that means 1.5 seconds the maximum differential will be applied to your time you got your work cut out for you yeah not the best thing to happen to Anika beaten because she could have work cut out for she's also on to the slow lane cap but she has so much experience if anybody can tap in and some of the strengths could be in a Kabir this is where you need to lay it all on the line it is checkers or wreckers here for Annika bit and she needs to put some pressure on Killarney Heights and force a mistake because if Kalani can stay on two wheels it's not going to be enough for it so Colonia can see playing it safe she know she's got a lot of time to play with that miss gate really did hurt and a compared it will result in the end of her day but Kilani hines is very much alive in this quest for a gold medal here well it's not all loss for any conveyance and she will be in a small final set she can go back to the drawing board she just relaxes she can still get a bronze medal so there you have it our final two heats are set via verbeek and Kilani Hinds will be duking it out for the gold Danielle Beecroft and Annika Bearden one of those fast racers will take home a bronze and sixty points in the overall this is definitely the moment we've all been waiting for the bronze medal matchups for the men and the women the gold medal match up for the men and the women coming up next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 100% has always been racing Americana we are a part of iconic moments that have built the roots and history of what is modern motocross today we are anchored in mountain biking Road Cycling courses and BMX tracks 100% is inspiring a whole new generation of racers and asking them our original tagline how much effort do you give [Music] there we go 100% dual slalom Innsbruck the stage is set for our final matchups we've got our bronze medal round and our gold medal gold medal rounds for the men and women determined the riders are at the top of the course and before too long we will have big shake ups and not only our king and queen overall standings but in our world championship standings somebody is going to earn a lot of points here today we're looking at our bronze medal match up right now this will be between Keegan right on the left side of your screen and Luca committee 60 points so you got to give it your all here there's nothing playing it safe anymore Keegan right the winner drowned run can he at least secure himself a bronze medal this is heat one year of the small final so Luke ahead of Keegan by 0.87 now there's not really too much science to this theory but we've been saying that you point eight to a second those are kind of those disadvantages that are manageable so point eight seconds would manageable is yeah it's not ideal but it's somewhat manageable so that was the bronze medal heat number one for the men let's move things over to the women and see what our advantages will like no this is the gold medal match up loan number one for the men Matthews sterling on the left side of your screen the young guns going up against the established top Pro Mitch Robillard oh yeah he's already come further than he ever expected a bit chewy hasn't dreamed about getting to a final as a junior here at Crankworx he's up against Mitch Ruffalo - terrified sick but he sounds like a rocket a lot of really clean to that inside pitch as well you sterling looking like he's about to upset another huge name yet Maddie's done all the hard work this is classic crank works right here you get the young gun up against the table dog that crazy stuff happens we saw it let's stop number one Billy me club knocking out some Goliath and now Matthew sterling thanks knocking out Mitch reply yet but no because mid-city said if you're thinking you're losing but this is where I were to sit he know what you've got to get through these turds safe he's pushing way too hard on that first left and he's got four or five turns still to come should he have part a little bit well maybe before the start definitely a little bit before he's just gone way too hot in to that first left this uncharacteristic from Mitch normally a clean rider but as he said he's just going for broke here notice how fast Matthew sterling is he's said he's gonna give it his all that's respect right now if you're Matthew Sterling you say wow Mitch was pushing that hard that he fell he must really think I'm fast so that's you sterling looking good but let's talk about the women right now Danielle P Croft and a competing and it could be it to looking for a bit of redemption after bumping that gate getting the full max differential and not being able to advance this is the small file that Olivia Croft and a kabir to run number one the magic here for the women what will the story be so Annika bietak meaning to play P this is the turn the gutter unstuck she's safely through there she's on the fast lane looking to put some time between her and annealing Annika Bearden putting that point eight three on Danielle Beecroft talked about that is but we haven't seen such big gaps like that in the lady's field so that is great but Annika fits and she takes it advantage to the next heat of the span of time okay so this would be the gold medal round for the women who's on the fast side here let's zoom in Kilani Hinds on the right side of your screen the fast course via verb eat now this is a final ready watch the game naked Nick out of the start for both these ladies number one seed number three seed matching up here blarney Hines look for her to take a bit of a lead here going into the fled turns so clean by both ladies here Kalani hides aging ahead point five seven will be the advantage for Kalani Hines Avaya ver beacon she wants to hold on to that leading position in the queen standings a gold here surely would help 0.57 is what she's gonna have to make up when these switch sides so both ladies not many mistakes if anybody's ladies very consistent a little bit reserved to the flattered but you need to do that you need to give yourself a fighting chance in the next heat of this final unlike Mitch who went down he's got his work cut out for us yep cam loving the drift there and that is the hardest turn on the course that left-hander on the black lane all right well we've had our first runs for both of our metal rounds here in both the men's and the women's categories take a look at our men's graphic rat what do you call this thing graphics are a bit graphic showing you the bracket of a tongue to a sink in the graphics for you and I decided that but if it's time to see at the hundred percent dual slalom here in Innsbruck but that is basically our road to the final and this is where we end this is a bronze medal match up huge story here but first we're gonna go into the bronze medal round Keegan right has point eight seven to make up behind Luca Committee Keegan is on the fast side now time deficit 0.87 chill Keegan right go to keep it tidy and then this is where he's going to get on the gas can push a little bit hard in these right turns then I look back to it while Nuka competing keeping him honest I don't think it's gonna be it now it's gonna be a no not point two six is all he could pull off the key right will not take that bronze medal Luca committee getting some hardware very very impressive performance from the American like we said he's got a podium before it slalom it's kind of the slide sneaky assassin yet just creeping through the rounds and Bumi's got a bronze medal so Mikael is hanging out with Luca let's hear from him all right so you just came bronze here today this is your second podium for dual slalom correct yeah my second third place well I also hear it through the grapevine the third place but you also have three citizenships yeah I got a Swiss mom telling dad and I was born in America well international stage here at Crankworx and an international podium for an international guy congratulations and we got the American sweep on the podium which is pretty rad so Marrakech oh he's got to put that in high yeah well there we go bronze medal for Lucca Committee I wonder if he speaks any of those languages we should put them to the text next time next time we send it down to Michaela but here we go this is what he's referring to he says it's an American sweep for the podium because the gold medal matchup is between these two Americans right here Mitchel pilato on the left side of screen with a 1.5 to make up because of that crash Matthew sterling looking pretty strong for the win but Andrew how did we get here take me to school on what some of these strategies are to allow these riders to find themselves in the finals well cam what I want to look at here depending on which lane you are let's look at Metro pelota you'll see he opts for the manual so he's got a little less speed so he's opting to push his back wheel and trying to gain momentum that way because he actually can't jump that double because he left to pull up too high and lose momentum that way but if you look at the outside lane you're carrying a little bit more speed so Sterling's got the speed he's just pushing through and making sure he catches backside so two different ways to ride those doubles but it's because you for coming from different speeds so unfortunately in run number one of this final bracket Mitchell pelota had a massive error causing him to slide out in the left-hand corner let's take a look back at that so Mitch just way too aggressive in this first lift old man he had no chance making that turn of that speed there's way too much speed too much commitment and that was all she wrote he eyes up with optimism no traction on the back tire but the eyes are still looking where he wants to be it's like I need to be there oh no I'm not gonna get there so 1.5 would be tough if neutral pelota was on the fast side but he's not he's on the slow side things looking good for Matthew sterling but can he handle the pressure he's just excited to be out to Matthew sterling the first thing is if he's down but Mitra Plata knows he's going as hard as humanly possible Matthew sterling pat yourself on the back that is a gold medal 100% jewel slalom here leaders good count downhill racers 17 years old he's been over here racing World Cup the last couple weeks and now he's go winner of the 100 percent salsa innsbruck I'm talking about Matthew sterling Wow the camel is standing by with our young gun champion let's here at Macallan I'll give you a hug because the other guys are trying to give you a hug and I had to intercept 17 years old still racing juniors on the World Cup downhill circuit but you get to race pro here for the first time how what is going through your head right now oh man no words racing all these at least pro man it's just unbelievable and to make it to the final is amazing well you didn't just make it to the final you just won I did yeah he did yeah yeah well duh yeah well spoken like a true teenager congratulations on your big win today thank you I love it that's classic Crankworx right there you get the young guns coming out and walking the Goliath's down you know what okay this is what I want to talk about Mitchell pilato he did that stutter move against Luka committee and said oh sorry man I got nervous alright maybe the first time but the second time looks like a strategy he tried to see that's what I said if you actual strategy but it didn't even work but those may not done we've handed out the medals it's time to handle the medals in the woman's via veer back against Kalani Hines we're gonna see that in the gold medal match but first vanilla beer craft begins Anika be attentive for the bronze medal alright this is very manageable here if she was on the fast side it's gonna be tough from the slowest she's on the fast side yeah Tim you'll be caught that point eight three to make up but she's got to do it again Santa Kabir one of the most experienced riders on the circuit and it get beaten needs to play it safe through one of these tubes but otherwise she's gonna get it greasy okay so she's through that tricky turn is it gonna be enough yes is enough for any Kabir to she will take the bags man okay hold on to that advantage from the first round somebody what could have been an event without a metaphor Annika period which is something you don't see very often but definitely salvaging this run right now getting a bronze medal but it's time to give away a gold and give away a silver and a whole lot of very important points for the dual slalom world championship and for the Queen Sandy's Kilani Hines against by of her beak fire back by 0.57 but she's on the fast side non-scientific daughter that we've been collecting in the booth the only kind of data we do collect to fight Vivek she's in the false leg she qualified number one she wanted the first round intruder would can she go back-to-back Claudie Hinds keeping an ownership bearing to the flat turns kids both riders keeping it clean it's point seven one dimensional damage there we go via verbeek takes the gold key Imani Hines in second Sofia Vivek wasn't spoken about before this season as much as someone like Kalani Hines to take over maybe this Queen role will fire goes back to back in slalom yet Rotorua she won here in Innsbruck we're gonna take a look at her gold medal winning run so she's coming from that outside lane she opts for the manual not carrying as much speed as maybe some of the men great course they've put together here in Innsbruck it was short it was fast that man the racing was exciting via Verbeek adds a hundred points to her Queen standings right now taking her to 382 she's got to be feeling pretty good about that I think it's time we sent it down to Mikayla Gatto to hear it from our winner Mikayla good thanks cam don't you dare run away from me so you just got a hundred more points towards your Queen leaderboard but also you now have 200 points in the dual slalom world championship leaderboard how do you feel I didn't know our I know I didn't remember there was a championship for slalom that's it there's just so many things to win here at crater it's pretty fun it's pretty damn fun yeah and I saw it earlier in practice you went down pretty hard but then you just absolutely took it all back how do you get over something like that I'm not sure I'm I feel super lucky because it it was a big crash and I got a couple more holes in me right now but somehow I just stung and didn't really make me too sore so sick yeah I just took it easy round by round and good well it works out congratulations again on your big win today and we'll see you tonight at pump track the day is far from over for Viper beak but it's already been a fruitful one as you can see here she's at the top of that leaderboard for the duel the Crankworx dual slalom World Championship Series but Annika beard definitely preserving that second place right there only 60 points back yeah nanika beaten a little bit unlucky hitting that gate so she was forced down to the bronze medal match up but she made up heard she got as many points as she could Kalani Hines sitting there in third that's what the crank works dual slalom so the crank works doulas long world championship men's standings looks a little something like this Andrew so Keegan right off - coming out of round one winning yeah not going as well look at Matthew sterling jumping up in the series there after winning today he's in second best friend Steenburgen he's in third Mitch for pelota sits in fourth tied with Luca committee who has had a great race today Wow look at that if you miss one event it really changes things up Kyle Strait was looking at pretty good not after us stop number one he's got even on that list anymore so we'll be looking for him to get back in action for Whistler but a lot of these riders do you saw racing today will be be getting back in action even sooner than that because we got another file for you coming up later tonight that's the RockShox hop track challenge we did that one underneath the lights we get a big crowd going we pumped the tunes loud so if your day allows for it I would say you just maybe grab some nachos and hang out hang out until that broadcast well Andrew good Ray's second race of the season for the crank Burke's dual slalom world championship what are your final thoughts well my would Matthew sterling took a page out of Metropolis book by not thinking he didn't have time or he's too young to even know what to think so he went on and went and smashed out big name off the big name what a great win via Vivek stomping her authority on the woman's racing at the moment well thank you for watching and if you've learned nothing else today in our 100% dual slalom Innsbruck broadcast I hope you learned that if you're thinking you're losing so quick thinking if you're gonna think about anything I would say you think about joining us again later tonight for the RockShox pumptrack challenge where a lot of these same names will be duking it out on another head-to-head format thanks for watching we'll see you tonight
Channel: Crankworx
Views: 38,645
Rating: 4.8993711 out of 5
Id: BqxXdVtyrW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 12sec (8652 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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