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[Music] laughter than the woman's ladies last moments alright welcome all of her BMX fans here that's a cool arena for a simple session 20 my name is Darryl now lifetime BMX rider for Brooklyn New York this is my ninth time here in Estonia for one of the best events in a BMX skateboarding and all-around lifestyle I'm joined on the bike by the European BMX legend the man who invented rebel Jam vans TM and all around the effexor Andes ice Andy welcome back to the party hey yo what's up challenged enemy back especially for this special occasion the sister session as always one of my favorites here in the building it's going to be a bloody good time Daryl yes it is we are going straight to final format we have 13 women riders who are here today as we said first time back since 2012 we've seen the progression of a women's BMX freestyle really get pushed forward in the last few years so we are going to be doing this where it's final format we're going to go 1 into 13 and then start it back over again so each one of the women riders will have two runs on the course up to 60 seconds and it's going to be the best run format that counts exactly right and with no further ado ladies and gentlemen oh you know what I think the Kitab here in talent they're a bit quite I know it's a long night Hollywood last night you know my lover won't have the dancing shoes on including you and myself but I want to check this to the temperature in the energy in the building ladies and gentlemen every single soul boys and girls can I please get a noise check here for all the 13 in ladies [Applause] Estonia I love you along with all the other riders but we know that everybody is not only waited since 2019 to be here but the women of BMX have waited since 2012 so let's bring the volume up a little bit more for sister session all right we got ourselves a party Daryl and now with no further ado let's welcome the first rider to the course the first 60 seconds she is 25 years of age coming out of straight out of Russia please give it up for Katja [Applause] hands up Katya where you had cut yup all right white sheets your new judges black helmet Katja this course is yours and yours only for the next 60 seconds the clock ticks as soon as you first initiate the first trick and here we go contest by the drop-in she needs a little bit crowd some horse or cream on talent one more time let's hear it so as we said this is a to run a contest yeah bunny hop rap in that seat drop it in our women riders have 60 seconds on the course clock is ticking ladies and gentlemen all right hitting the hip right there the LHB happy hump in over 180 yeah sticking it clean right there and you got another 25 seconds on the clock Katja and that's enough time to collect some more points here in front of the decorated judging panel no big traumas 15 seconds left come on Katya The Sisterhood is strong in BMX freestyle and the BMX community everyone is supporting each other last moments three two all right everyone let's hear it one more time for Katya krumlov aha we keep that noise going ladies and gentlemen because the next rider is only 21 years of age and she comes out of the wonderful city of Eindhoven in the Netherlands Doudna for this hand we're pleased she is the 2019 judge champion make some noise for Dover raise your hand Jana all right good to have you all in black I like that whenever you're ready 60 seconds Jana the course is yours all eyes on the Kenyan lhv role in here she inhales with a no hander that doritos jump box good fly out straight back into the upper level while doing the disaster stylized movements here and straight into the channel yeah Andy this course is designed by Nate Wessel he has elements of Street and Park together and right now we are seeing both of them be used catching some air on that simple session twenty quarter pipe Yoho and there is some of the street we were talking about straight into a foot plan this is a great run right now Andy getting the 360 over the redbull wedge to wedge he is not holding back by any means that she has another it's 15 seconds jana 15 seconds that's a quarter minute a lost time here for kicks on but here we go nice little ex up seven seconds last little moments here for Jana on the course 180 hop or regardless please back them together for Jana the moral of a straight out of I'm movin all right ladies and gentlemen we are getting ready for the next rider next rider is getting locked and loaded una for Mongoose bikes Black & Decker spots a spot has an anti yoga ladies younger man originally from Switzerland residing in the United States 20 further three years of age please give it up for Nikita Nikita Wow no Hannah takes home over the bucks Darrell oh and then switching things up with the suicide at no hander Nikita riding for Mongoose right now as she is doing it big with the toboggan over the hip Nikita do kuroh has been pushing forward the sport of women's BMX freestyle competing on the International Circuit and you can see you're looking so confident and comfortable as she jumps down from the elevated portion Andy absolutely a ride so much flow she is so much and so experiments riding all the big contests on the planet no matter it's the UCI World Cups are also the Vans Pro Cup event she knows exactly where she needs to be at one time with 20 seconds on the clock yeah that bar speed was but also confident and in control those are the descriptions you want to have while you're riding that simple session 21 put an X up on a quarter in a 540 and she sticks it clean Andy that was such a big trick right there for Nikki to do grow exactly right Nikki got like two seconds left last little finishing touches and that is a time ladies and gentlemen let me hear Brittany clean up to curb all my money calls sitting in a crowd being super proud her daughter delivering look at that no hander - except over the Doritos John box here nice highlights coming out of the Swiss and North American yeah and I like seeing the variety out of Nikita not only did she do that tuck no-hander to the X up but she also did a suicide no hander that is where you pinch the seat with your knees to stabilize the front end you saw a version of that with the barzmann and then the 540 right there hats go off - Nikita do crow the 540 was so smooth coming around we're gonna wait for our judges score to come in and look at that in 85 we have ourselves a brand new leader exactly her mind but we I'm not done yet ladies and gentlemen an absolute pleasure introducing you the next female shredder she is a true true pioneer and not only that she's a true warrior two days ago she had one of the most brutal crashes here on the court and she shook it off like nothing please welcome do to prevent coke true you originally out of Buffalo New York now to San Diego Angie Moreno yeah Angie blasted over the Doritos Box jump with style twisting sideways on that turn down Angie the fans of female rider pcap for Angie going all the way to that enormous landing Andy big big transfer I told you that promised too much and he loves to go big here this course is made for her riding style twist the handlebars and gets the dose dive in Angie banking a staple trick look great out there 21 seconds and she puts them Street on the course mixing things up I like what I see here she is not scared to put a pegs down that reel look at that oh yeah Angie marina is on fire this afternoon 10 seconds 18 I like to see Angie utilizing Wulp aspects of the course especially with her pegs looking for that vise pick run she's got two one and that is the buzzer big run big round of applause for Angie Moreno not to forget she is still like slightly agency has like swollen and swollen shoulder and swollen finger no a big trauma look at those highlights coming out at AG's first run yeah look at the style right here Angie for lasting over that Doritos I know fans in a soccer arena can see how massive that is fans around the world watch unsession dot ee that is not your average box job that is enormous it's hard to clear and to have the confidence to do it with the turn down like that Angie's showing you why she's one of the top female riders in at BMX and has been pushing the sport forward for the last few years so the score is that the riders can get are from a zero up to 100 that is the maximum value and we saw Nikita do crow with that score in the 80s so she is currently sitting in that first place and look at that at seventy three point six is zero so Angie's going to move into that second spot impressiv riding exactly right while we keep the show going here tell that's rider is in fact the youngest competitor in the female field the youngest sister on the course right now straight out of Moscow and Russia Doudna for karma BMX and stress spikes up please make some noise for arena Bravo's think about that she is the youngest competitor she has actually one of the biggest amount of Instagram followers these days she has some other big moves on the BMX bike and when she's getting ready you could be in for a treat ladies attend event arena whatever you ready this course is yours 60-seconds arena wants to hear those cheer the chief crazy Andy taking the limbs off grabbing the seat right there Wow Arina push forward the limits of women's BMX freestyle pumping through our Suites kendama Burma let's see what she's gonna do press in the front wheel on that nose manual into a bar spin on the quarter pipe oh yeah she knows exactly how to make these things a little cool here on the course currently on the upper level now making herself down to the lower level nice little cat Ken bringing a leg over the top two mothers run an inch bike and he it's so great to see sister session here we have had a little bit of a gap since 2012 and we're seeing on ho the progression of a woman's BMX freestyle from it 2012 till now it's outrageous to see Larina having a little difficulty but let's show the love and appreciation she wants to hear you the Moscow Russian rider arena rabu snaking it happen out there let's look at this highlighted no so big that was a totally company with Wonder the boys those big cannonball move coming on arena think about that that pump over that Doritos box that is to know that a series of business right there first place nice little performance coming out of his set of first visit to the course but again we are about to meet our 6th contender after we get the scores and the for arena and a few seconds ladies and gentlemen on the big screens right now waiting for her scores to come in for this first visit the truth of course there we have it currently residing in the third position a third spot for you arena or well done but the good news is you haven't other chance in a few of minutes ladies and gentlemen and that brings me on fact business oh my god I have to excuse myself this is in fact of youngest competitor with only 13 years of age it gets younger and younger and more router and redder think about that 13 years of age the latest addition to the toll otter squad managed and led by the sebastian keep himself so please welcome our the Great Britain this is Sasha Pardo years ago at mass festival blue kingdom look she's getting chased by the devil here Darrell Wow look at the confidence as she to do and blasting right up over the Doritos box handlebars right in her lap to balance out the front end of the box to Mike look at this the tall order right are going to charge still on the clock the boss man himself such a strong team these days led by bass here including right now with another 15 seconds on the clock clean turn it back around utilize our Red Bull Ferno so let's take a look at some of the many highlights in her run that tabletop was awesome over that step up it's so hard to get the momentum but look at the height I just really want to focus on that confidently blasting over as she takes her right hand off grabbing the front tire checking the tire pressure with that tire grab there you see a no hander and look at the 180 showing hey you know what I got some Street skills right there get the Reber coming right back around there we have our Sasha waiting for her first score to clock in and before we move on to the next rider reminding everybody and we are taking the journey over to Latin America to South America all the way to Santiago Chile Judah for the ones the army ladies and gentlemen that's 22 year old please some noise in the rider wow you can just see the confidence in control as maca pumped over that roller on the elevated section Oh get a nice rodeo style toboggan putting her hand back behind her hip for the style points the Vans rider pumping over blast and all the way into her hey Mon quarter pipe let's see what bak is going to do I and II going for the whip right there monkeys you still got time again you want it you got any seconds 20 seconds mock up but again the mess remind everyone the core Matt says true runs of best iran at county area it looks like daryl Macarena has enough of wigs that island focuses fully on the second performance sandy now as we're gonna watch some Ibaka's highlights i just want to go back to with what you said it is a best run format that counts so that means that up until the last run if our leaderboard could technically change at any point in time because it only takes one run to hit that bullseye and try to go up so it looks like Macarena had a very impressive first half of a run wait for that really big talent I give you props Macarena that is a very difficult quarter pipe to do that on especially on the elevated section right there didn't get the pedals the feet to the pedals all the way clean but still able to roll out so props to maca maca is one of those rhinos super experienced she knows exactly what to do in this second run seventh position so far for her but all her eyes an armlet attention goes to the second performance in a few minutes but before that we're going to take the journey all over to Japan ladies and gentlemen to the 23 year old doing it for Japan a Middle East please welcome here to the simple session to the sister session this is Minato i ke the japanese riding story no matter on the female side on the male side super strong in the streets on the flat line back in minato is restraining Dorito box here with a big big no-hander pudding that the handlebars straight into our lamps and spreading them wings look at that make a bicycle riding soul is so smooth Minato on course she was actually here when we had our last sister session in 2013 but the Japanese rider has progressed a lot in the last few years and there we have it a click turn down Andy that was way past 180 right there you saw her actually tweaked her bike past that vertical position that was an awesome awesome it was indeed that maybe we're gonna see some more awesomeness in the next 20 seconds here Darryl where's me now so taking that speed all eyes off of the camel back here at simple session 20 logo and she's reversing the direction right now keeping the things up in the lower section aiming for the canyon quarter pipe with a tail whip up five seconds nice Hill becoming enemy not so Tallinn Estonia that's a tail tap three two and that is time thank you very much we already got to go sign mas for me not to okay wow the big tail whip two petals so clean and catching some of that Canyon backside let's take a look right here as we see her blastin Oh hand her over the box perfect execution her arms completely back into the side going right over the top of that landing here's the bar spin very confident I like the way that she kicked out when she landed so she could drop into our clown quarter pipe and here's a look that turned out like we said that past 180 degrees getting the bike punch sideways you can see that handlebar actually I believe in the wheel went all the way to hit her shin and here was the cherry on the sundae that tail whip around getting her feet cleanly to the pedals and confident so minosa had a very big run out there we're gonna see what the score if it reflects that we've got our five judges riders and industry icons who are gonna be putting a numerical value to that but things to note Andy as we look at our standings nakita zucrow and then 85 only rider in the 80s followed by Marino the judges want to see variety on the course they want to see the way that a rider is able to carry their speed and momentum 80 1.20 so japan with the only second score in the 80s that's gonna put monado in a 2nd place currently well we have another couple of riders left here and one of them is getting locked and loaded right now due to 400 bikes 24 years of age coming all the way from comics not in Germany please welcome Jennifer volha Jennifer whenever you ready this course and yours only ladies and gentlemen she is named and titled the Queen of turndowns here we know why here Terrell is she is an absolute styler when it comes to turning down bars and turning that bike catching some air on the lhv hip catching that big speed and keeping the momentum Oh blasting over the Doritos jump box it's up here from Jennifer making the rounds here with another 40 seconds remaining only utilize 20 seconds out of a run toboggan over the Swedes kendama hip right here so much style and control we're seeing from our women riders the progression as we keep talking about for women's BMX freestyle has been ramped up here we go Jennifer's dropping back down charging across the driveway putting a quick peddling to get speed afore that hip in the elevated section looks like she's gonna drop in our LHV roll into the Doritos box turned down tweaking it to the side and EU called that one five second set on the clock Jennifer that's enough time to put a little explanation market little spin nation pointed behind your first visit and there comes the buzzer thank you for it but thank you very much dr. Shuren Jennifer Boyle I'm coming all the way from Germany couple of highlights on the big screen yeah Andy as we're taking a look at it give a shout out to all of our riders watching around the world I know down in Austin Texas right now there's big crews watching out in Manor we got will Adams also the Empire crew watching the turn downs of jennifer wool Rob and she tweaks that all the way to the side is Santana's down at 9th Street trails so pumped at this style right here we're gonna say that's almost like a dirt traditional style because the dirt riders always have been getting steezy and we're seeing Jennifer up there tweaking it to the side look at this smile she's psyched on that run this is the big show simple session 20 can we get a round of applause right now Jennifer's loving this out here so height to have our women riders back sister session and in the house for our 20th edition of a simple session if you were watching this at home and you've been thinking about picking up a bike please do so you could go down to your local skate park start slow and build up so she's gonna get a 62 right there okay she's gonna be sitting seventh place she's gonna have room to do in her second run to potentially work her way up the ladder alright ladies and gentlemen boys and girls you are absolutely in for a treat right now because the Exeter rider coming all the way from northern Spain has an absolutely unmatched edge style so beautiful to watch doing it for Vance THC fly bison dive bro coming out of budded elite in Spain please give it up and make some noise for Theresa for not this Oscar whaaa Theresa dropping in here is that beautiful no-hander coming out of Theresa today as we like to call her yeah Andy the fly bikes rider has been pushing what is possible for women's BMX she has effortless blow and style blasting oh wow you're right today Wow that is the crowd love and support I'm not sure how much you could hear back at home but everybody in Saku arena showing the love for theresa getting off thankfully she's okay you got 20 seconds if you wanna but I believe auntie Teresa might hold off to her second run all right we're gonna see Teresa back out again can we get one more round of applause for Teresa Hoss - oh God I think Darrell what went wrong a on the kid a quarter pipe she don't got bucked a little bit and missed that landing spot like had a little bit in those heavy and that has sent her over to the bars thank God nothing seriously happened at the good news is she seems to be all right of focusing on her next run yeah that no-hander so rad Theresa getting sideways look at the way her back end of the bike just swings out to the right a little bit but still able to catch the landing there is the style toboggan I believe she might even a potentially conquer wheel coming up a little hard to see from our house right there so so loving it out here unfortunately that score is going to be a 43 but thankfully for all the fans around the world we are gonna see here take a second run exactly errata and the format once again to remind everyone the format says two runs and the best round count so that can be certainly the scratch run for Teresa next row Ryder is getting locked and loaded and is an absolute pleasure to introduce her with a very very of new edition welcome to two the Red Bull family just a few days ago right here in Sahlin Estonia Doudna for Red Bull coupes form total BMX 19 years of age let's hear it for Louisville s mom [Applause] what's spinning the bars and a can-can coming on olara if this is your first time a witnessing Lera last minute you are in for a treat she has been pushing forward BMX freestyle riding that was a crank flip right there grabbing her petals out of the Estonian flag here we go Andy charging it with a few pedals to blast up with the toboggan tabletop over the hip utilizing all that momentum catching some speed down that Canyon rolling again up up and away go the leg overthrown the limbs around to can't cat combo no head to no foot combos gives me and cat check out that speed here with 20 seconds still on the clock Lera working it through right now going in her opposite direction dropping in let's see what it's gonna be adjusting the speed over that drop foot plant on the hip there you go showing some street style again this course has it all designed by need Wessel tail tap and that is going to be time for Lara less mad give it up hands together well done Ally right well done so Andy as you mentioned Lera just got welcome to the Red Bull BMX family what does that mean for a rider well it's an absolute treat for a rider one of the biggest goals I've out of professional athletes out there is but is to be welcomed in such a prestigious PO privileged family such as the Red Bull family I mean take a look around and you'll know I'm Daniel deers and it was an absolute honor that Daniel himself Daniel came to Flynn sport Germany a couple of years ago and he actually met Laura when she was like a drum and growing up and getting that style and getting those you know the stomping grounds for her well up and there's knuckle in up in the in the Flynn school area and for her it was an absolute a treat and an absolute honor to get that helmet we you know hand it over by Daniel Dhers himself yeah it's so awesome because Red Bull provides the support for a riders all right a seventy six point eight zero so that is going to put Lera Lessman in in third place right there Nikita ducros still holding strong followed by Minato wakey and third currently talero Lessman but the party ain't over yeah we got two contender steel the goal the next one is an absolute pioneer especially on the British soil ladies and gentlemen doing it for extreme official twenty nine years of age an absolute treat to see her backyard sample session please give it up for none other than Kay Lee Ashworth Ashworth coming down a big toboggan over the box making the UK proud hitting the hip right here first rider we saw in this class utilized that hip all the way to the kromm landing here we go Kayleigh catching some speed over that tip keeping the momentum also she is focusing on another role in your ride out Kayleigh alright she's out of breath ladies and gentleman good but have a good little breather ladies and gentlemen she good news is she can for here you so how about you bang your hands together and show some love appreciation for Kayleigh Ashburn and we're gonna take a look at the toboggan also a thing to note so many of our riders put their all on the line every day not just in the competition so it's easy sometimes you might come to a contest and some of the riders have an injury that they're dealing with the kind of nursing out there so even if a rider potentially pulls off to the side they could be dealing with some a physical trauma themselves so that scores gonna be a thirty three point eight zero and that will be a throwaway all right our last and final rider and I'm not going to say at least at all because if you have not seen this Russian rider take to the course you are in for a treat let's put our hands together for a live event opposed on ski she wants to hear your bring it up announced the powerhouse of a shredder let's see what she's got your cheers are fuel for a rider it Eliza blasted a huge 360 over the Box jump massive 360 take a look at that speed they're all totally brakeless here fully in control over a bicycle where she's taken that speed that's the question yeah Liza Vanna is an artist on and off her bike let's see what she's gonna bring big air over the Box looks controlled and confident she comes up the step up eliza Vetta pumping on through most of our women have been brakeless but Eliza betta definitely has a zero brakes on her bike that is a choice for our riders barspin that was awesome Andy if you follow her already social media you know exactly what she's capable to do she shreds her a local spot like none other it's up here on that red bull quarter pipe so you're seeing a different twist to the handlebars that is it X up where a rider doesn't let go of them and spin them all the way around like she did on the bar spit the X up twist 180 and brings it back all right let's give it up for the Russian rider Eliza betta Passats geek for the first time on course yeah Lisa Bella well done here good performance here in run at number one sister session 20 and in a few moments we're gonna have a couple of highlights on the victory for you before we see another ranking after first runs let's take a look at the big booming at 360 just over that landing take a look right here she spots it over her left shoulder nose dives in the front wheel and clears it all the way as we mentioned that box jump is enormous you're coming down this huge roll in and you've got a lot of nerves especially in the beginning of your run like that but Eliza betta just so stylish and showing you why she's one of the number one ranked riders out of Russia so we're gonna wait for her score to come in as we said she is the thirteenth rider who is competing in our sister session final we are gonna wind up going back to the top and giving all of our female athletes a second opportunity on the course so her score is coming in all right a seventy two point nine zero she is going to be sitting in that fifth place spot right there but again the good news is every one of those 13 of badass ladies I'm gonna have one more chance to improve and improve those who scores ladies women so the business is not done yet and not finished which means this is your current standing nakita dokuro is sitting at that comfortable number one spot followed by me not to me not to okie in the second place and a third place currently hold it up I'll our last man that is your current a podium but the party is ain't over yet we are going straight back to the top ladies and gentlemen and the first rider who is getting a locked and loaded for the second visit to the course is the 25 year old a Russian writer Katya Krug low vacati are you ready for your second visit to the course judges ready all right cut yeah whatever you ready sixty Seconds make it count the crowd support Tallinn Estonia let's hear for Katja [Music] yeah start things off the same way again with that bunnyhop taking the left hand off quick double tie right back at us so as we said Andy since this is a best run format it doesn't necessarily penalize a runner yes if they do a similar run to their first because it's going to be one score but we are seeing a totally different approach out here looking for that twisted turn down from the wedge to wedge difficult thing to do and getting that bunnyhop with the toboggan right there that is on an embankment that's not a traditional transition quarter pipe 25 seconds still remaining for you Katja heaps of time here to hook a little bit more bonus points here off the floor here here we go so I think it was like a press and this stuff if I'm not mistaken the vision from out to judging tower here we go all eyes and eyeball into all of these smack that front a tooth in the front peg here on that down rail yeah shout out to the great street rider Jimmy levan he was one of the first to really do this whoa going for the Smith Brian right there having a little bit of difficulty thankfully back to her feet how bout and give it a round of applause right there for her second run to Katya Krug lova the big question is here darryl with a current a tenth a place position is how was he able to actually improve it and increase her score yeah so we see a lot of street elements in her run which I really enjoyed especially that nose press coming around that's why I referenced Jimmy levan he was one of the first riders to really do that toothpick bumped down the rails right there and it's a Hussam to see his presence being represented here at sister session as scores are waiting to be distributed by our 5a judges this is the moments that you really wait for as a rider you go out there you put your all on the line see our judges the judging panel left - - right here sticking their heads together submitting their scores here and we are about to see of em scores on a bit of big screens ladies and gentlemen lasses the rider excuse me last a jug just a sub bit of his score so we're about to good to go yeah and we've got an international judging panel from the UK Hank Dave Klee worth from at Germany Marcus bill key also from Germany a key and Kujawski from a latvia tom sillens and from finland on the atari alright there we go and improvement an improvement indeed was not able to climb off the ranking letter but regardless one more time let's hear for Katya ten whole points going up very impressive on the second run props to you Katia alright next rider is about it totally focused and determined to shrit at this course in two pieces 21 years of age she is a calling the local park is the area 51 here in the Netherlands coming out of Eindhoven Yana muradabad yeah whenever you ready this course is yours here we go judges ayianna on course [Music] oh it took a bit of a bang girl and a little bit nose heavy nose deeper that comes from quarter pipe but no drama she is able to continue riding with another 45 seconds remaining yeah and he's so much a BMX freestyle is taking at your vision and making it happen how about it right now she needs some crowd support let's pump her up feeble grind right there mixing things up here cone from the transition that you are the flat and flat side of things over the street side nice and 360 you want any nice rollback well executed with 20 seconds left so cool to see the support out here from Paul's Boutique BMX shop 180 yes that is awesome the Netherlands being properly represented as she's working through with seven seconds to go five seconds left a little enough time here for that last little move here for your second visit Yana 360 fly out and that is time one more time let's hear for Yana Ward over dere what I like to see here and what you could sell that you're judging by what she just showcased she mix things up she definitely had a different approach compared to run number one yeah I like the way that she started out especially showing their confidence over the Box jump right here just to even blast over this box I keep ciinic hitting this point home that is huge that's not like a traditional skate park here you go for some street elements with the feeble grind dig in this 270 over the hip right there especially how she was able to level her bike out and then press the front end down and land evenly with both tires this 180 a big drum her momentum changes forward to backwards you see that she has a traditional back wheel not a free coaster so she has to pedal her cranks backwards so her chain doesn't engage and gets the 180 right here 60 seconds in you're tired you're winded but you couldn't tell it all as she got that 360 waiting for the scores to get shown here on the big screen and then Jana knows if she was able to climb up that ranking letter she said with that 7 their plays increased a little bit slightly up here though drawn number 266 8 0 that means she is sticking with her scores coming out her run at number 1 all right well we are gonna move right along this is our third writer of our second heat but this is our current leader let's pump her up this is Nikita do Goro the Mongoose rider dropping in at no-hander 2x up perfect execution on both of those the bars you can see she just watched her grips and they came around 360 degrees Nikita do grow going right over the hip with the toboggan come on Nikita Nikita making it look so so smooth check that out here absolutely in charge in control of her bicycle as I said her mother Nicole sitting in the crowd there cheering her daughter off here take a look at that can't can't step through over that top tube here yeah that rider support is so important we Ramsdale as well as getting excited as she comes into the box look in a for a potential combo getting that no hander right they are great to see a regain her composure drop it in on the quarter pipe with a little more than 10 seconds Nikita 10 seconds that's lots of time Lim come on the crowd gets behind you am i right Li worth the crowd support that was Nikita do girls ladies and gentlemen thank you very very much [Music] wow so Nikita putting down another solid at second run but as we said it is a best run format that counts there's the no-hander put the X up together right afterwards I like the way she got the extension on the no-hander a lot of times riders might cheat the no-hander a little bit not putting them all the way out not the key to a full extension and then twisted that X up full 180 degrees there's the can'tcan't on that step there's a look at the other no hander we mentioned the suicide no hander look as she winds up using her legs to stabilize the bike where she pinches the seat and the frame with her knees and calves keeping the front end up they're so Nikita very well-rounded rider her first run was very impressive with that 85 and this one is not going to be enough to do so but thankfully she had that 540 from the first run so how about it give it up for Nikita Dubrow still your leader yeah Nikita well done girl well done but the party ain't over yet ladies and gentlemen because this wonderful lady on the big screen right now she has the most experience here in the female field she's currently ranked at 4th position but she knows what to do when it counts - one more time please create some energy here for none other than AG Moreno Moreno dropping in Tyre Crampton toboggan and e1 a great uhit combination and jab and jab to the seat and tire let's see Moreno right now pouring it on as she just hits the accelerator for the gap oh look at that species taken off while Sierra flying from bank to bank huge air coming out of the LHB hit over there and then all eyes on at the canyon roll and what is it going to be oh my god so much style coming out of Ag right now as I told you in jail she has so much experience she knows exactly how to utilize this course yeah Angie right now has 25 seconds to work with let's see if she brings it to the streets and that is what she's doing with the feeble grind front wheel on the ledge back peg on the metal big double peg right there yeah Angie she's got ten at seconds let's plump her up she needs you right now telling Amy for that I speak on that flat rail well done here five seconds left here Angie she's calling and we say thank you very much talent this was AG Moreno Wow Andi I got to tell you so much respect for Angie Moreno I know a lot of our fans follow her on Instagram she had one of the most brutal crashes before the event took place she wound up going down is so hard Angie the fact that you even wrote today is so impressive right now she's getting pounds from all the other riders out there can we put our hands together it shows so much respect for the Battle of Angie marina coming out here against all odds after her crash much love to you Angie Wow so impressive I give Angie a first place for just even coming on the course Andy hey coach go push it coach don't push it so impressive if you haven't had a chance you could check out Angie's Instagram and Angie Marino she had such a bad crash before the contest happen keep going no just practice keep crying at night when it's over there he is sight because Angie is gonna have an improvement with the seventy six point five zero sitting in that fourth place spot you also can see our defending men's Park champion Boyd Hildur over her other shoulder there is Devin as smiley down there as well so we've got all of our men riders cheering on our female exactly mine and there's no shortage of pushing that entity to another Leslie I'm raising this roof off the suckle Hall ladies gentlemen 17 years of age from karma p.m. mix out of Moscow Russia you know what to do get loud and get proud to Irena Bravo's this house is yours and yours only arena for the next one a minute let's see it dropping in as we speak to rolling catching that speed big a big accountable coming on arena Wow absolutely my beloved EDC that tell beautiful yeah the extension taking it all off grab at the seat right in there and bring it in back looking for the one footer off the kromm kicker get that nose press from wheel for the nose manual and a bar spin that was really cool Andy to see the way that she just threw him like that again the mission is he is to mix things up not only to focus on one or two obstacles but utilizing as much as possible this beauty of course designed here abide none other than innate whistle who's designing the simple session chorus it's 13 years think about that for the 20th time we're celebrating this journey and then we're done of 15 seconds on the clock here for the second run for arena Bravo's well done ten seconds arena that's enough time here for one last or two last moments here in your second but final visit on the course three two one and that is time how about a tallinn estonia let me hear it Farina Bravo's well done and nicely done here on the big screens we are able to recover some of the highlights here coming out of eNOS second performance here the second of visit she had won a fitted to utilize this course as such as was not cannibal over that jump off take a look at that bar spent on that red bull quarter pipe yeah the bar schmidt impressed me a lot cuz she just turned around the corner at quarter pipe and you can see how confident she is with her riding where she was just able to just casually throw him around there was the suicide no hander taking him off but that box shop was definitely one of the bigger moves we've seen of our women's competition pull cannibal full extension grab at the seat pushing it out their feet off as well exactly right we're seeing they're still on the big screens are waiting for the scores to drop in a few of moments here and again the great question is or was she able to rub on a bumper soaks up a spot or two or if she's taking a with her a current a ranking position now we have the sixth place oh that is an improvement with a 71 pointed a 1 is 0 and that is a cygnus place here of arena we are clear and of course and a quick little breather for the youngster for the 13-year old again think about that there are 13 years of age dutiful tall order out of the United Kingdom one more time let's make some noise for Sasha Pardo Sasha is above the drop in and she wants it here you get loud ladies and gentlemen you know it after all she's still from England she likes to have that energy look at that speed LSB ham peers nice flat e over that hips on here speed in the gain over that simple session Campbell back what is it going to be big big tire graph over the Dorito puffs yes into a no hander Andy you just focused and highlighted the word speed and that is definitely what is describing her second runner no footer flying out drop it in our wedge right here it looks like she is gonna peel back the throttle again a et air that is a petal as she takes off gonna stick to the Box jump 20 seconds still on the clock here nicely done here utilizing the box um with a hit move now one of the first ride is actually to rule the pass plant the foot plant here on that to transfer a Red Bull quarter pipe yeah the judges want to see a rider utilize obstacles and no other is doing because we have 13 in the final so you're essentially riding against the 12 other riders so that is the buzzer this looks like it's gonna just be for our fans right they're flying on out how about it let's put our hands together and give it up for our 13 year old rider Sasha Pardo ladies and gentlemen I thought all you but you guys but I did that was not me when I was 13 years old I could tell you about 13 years of age you already know this kid has a bright bright future in the sport of a BMX freestyle with the mentor such like with the likes like Sebastian keep himself or with Kieran Riley's Tom patna blow it up all Toland having them as teammates you know things are only looking very bright for Sasha for those future scorers about to come in for Sasha who we still seeing on the big dreams right now well done I can tell you already from my son here Sasha make it the UK scene very proud right now with the 8th position was not able to increase her score with she's sticky let's see that she's still sticking with her first score here coming out of run number 1 but now all eyes on the next contender here none other than the Chilean out of Santiago Chile alright taking her second run let's welcome in a Macarena Perez [Applause] Macarena Perez drop it in a look at the confidence that she charges pumping both sides of that extent in a driveway Macarena just coming down the LHB rolling for the box jump one hand and tabletop this time kicking the back hand out a little bit more X up on the step up you can see maka is very focused this run is gonna count for her as she toboggans got lost a little bit here but no big drama here we got 30 seconds a little bit more than 30 seconds on the clock here Karina Perez yes it balls it this time come on maka 24 seconds jumping down that was one of the harder moves of the competition because she did it also on a quarter pipe so difficult to find your pedals and maca did just that as she has 12 seconds ago no hander over the hip come on maka let's cheer up talent she needs you right now last little moments five two seconds here maka you already owned this house ladies and gentlemen one more time let me hear some noise from Macrina Perez flying out that endless supply of an endless kicker right there one more time Tallinn Estonia please show some love and appreciation and send it to Santiago Chile's finest Macrina Perez so maka over the Box jump gig in the style right there that's the cool thing about BMX you can make tricks your own maka putting her hip her hand back passenger hip this time got the bike sideways but that was definitely one of the highlights of her run that talent right there got her right foot on clean her left foot I don't believe it touched down but it didn't go perfectly to the pedals she was able to keep it rolling and utilized the final 25 seconds of a run you can see maka down there with Dustin Orban he's definitely always cheering the riders on if they need anything from a beverage to maybe some tools for their bike Dustin's always around there to give the support system come into all the contests maka right there is reviewing the runs they're going through what would write what potentially because she go work on for it the next time but this is the first one we're actually going to see a full run from maka so I have a feeling it's gonna obviously increase your score her first run but the question is will it be enough to be on a podium the key to new grow currently has that first spot with an 85 Bernardo wakey with an 81 to zero and Lera lesson with the seventy six point eight currently getting treated hit a little bit on the left foot it sounds like the cheese fisted can squeak a little bit fifth-ranked and she definitely improved to a 74 three is zero and currently isn't that a fifth spot alright ladies and gentlemen now all eyes are back up there to the Burge dance if I'm not mistaken to none other to the country of the Rising Sun Japan to be precise to the 23 year old and Zama Kanagawa to see Japan Rider none other than me not to okie rub rub rub rub I like your style Minato whenever you're ready this house is yours for the next minute you ready alright let's pump it up one more time creamy matte - okay about to jump in and unleash an absolute firework here here we go all eyes on the jump box big oh my goodness Tallinn Estonia that was the first backflip on the sister session nothing happened to me not so nothing happened you got 45 seconds left can I please get some trout support back here from me now - okay I have a feeling Daryl she wants that she wants Redemption now every one of the building when she rolls down do you know exactly what to do lets her see her gender upside down oh my goodness that was two flips in less than 30 seconds coming out of the Japanese rider me macho I'm not making that call for you it's all up to you I love this smile already oh my goodness - a massive a huge a backflip Daryl and you have to give respect to any rider coming out here trying to do a backflip over that box jump I keep highlighting how enormous that box is that would be intimidating for most riders who have been riding for a long time to even jump because you have that huge role in the nerves can be so high as you roll it it's almost as in from the rafters of the SACU arena the fact that Minato went for the flip not only once put twice she wound up over rotating a little bit on that flip for momentum kept going thankfully she was able to get her feet down first and then slide down that landing to the best of her ability right there you see the rider camaraderie she's given a big hug to AG Moreno and get the support from our other riders out there exactly right and but the business is not a done yet not so he's still sticking with her score from run number one and her second place a position before we taken the attention back to comics taught in a Germany to this shredder to none other than its 24 year old aerobics rider who Jennifer evolve Jennifer whenever you ready the course is yours and yours only ladies and gentlemen that's the right Jennifer that's the Jennifer we want right now all right ladies and gentlemen let's hear it be proud of your love for Jennifer boom Rob drop it in a focused second run of looking back on her right trying to tweak the bike out to the side getting the full rolling right here yes a moto style whippin that backhand down EXO drop it into our red bull quarter pipe Jennifer looking for her line so important for a ride or a spot where they're going turned down after the toboggan nice jab jab on the quarter pipe right there Jennifer coming back at us Jennifer not only able to throw those turn downs on the big box town but also on the quarter pipe which is a totally different loop as you pointed out earlier also with other traits here Darrell take a look at that boost over that hip yeah Andy that's a good thing to note because a rider's body position is gonna be very different over a quarter or over a box ah that was so cool tweaking that X up right there five seconds Jennifer 5c : here we go keeping that smile I love what she is bringing that positive energy and that is time one more time let's make some noise for Jennifer for ya Andy so you mentioned a few things about Jennifer's riding but I'm gonna highlight is that her almost trail style on a park you can see you're just whipping the back hand out for riders that know if you grew up riding trails you have that fluidity to get through the sections which can be very difficult to do it usually speaking you gotta have a lot of bike control and Jennifer is displaying them perfectly with tricks like that turn down but also that X up right there squeak in her body to the side that's so cool it's almost like almost reminiscent maybe Casey badger or somebody like that who made that one of their signature tricks maybe if she tweaked it out a little further maybe a Kristoff or so it's cool seeing that trail style influenced oh dude I do love appreciate that reference the kc badger that was cool in fact nicely looked them up this morning and he wrote an electric bike race this is just yesterday at a festival somewhere in the united states but back to Jennifer and she's occasionally waiting for the scores to come in for his second visit to this course will it be an improve him that is the big question yeah Andy that's the cool that you might hear his reference some tricks out here and past riders but that's the awesome part about BMX freestyle is that you get inspired by other riders who not only have come before you but also during your time and look at that a sixty eight point four zero so she is gonna have that eighth place spot she went up a few points right there but the important thing and II would BMX freestyle is you just pay homage to the riders before it's like you build and stack on the progression seriously did you see those wonderful smiles like Jennifer sticking with the eighth place and she killed still kept her smiles I love that positive energy one more time thinking very much to Jennifer and we are taking the attention back here at to the northern Spain territory to Valladolid in Spain to be precise she had a bit of bad luck in the first run first run but that means only one thing she wants Redemption here for the second visit to the course and everyone that knows her knows exactly that she's able to do that so how about a back year hands together for the fly bikes rider make some noise for Teresa with Fernandez me at Nazca that is how you blast the Doritos box here at sister session straight into that toboggan over the hip Teresa pumping on through getting her momentum as she sets up for the quarter pipe yeah getting an air to the left let's see where she's gonna go jumping up on the quarter a gun 38 seconds to work with come on three sub getting cheered off by the homies back in Spain including Sergio Lea's and also Ruben Alcantara watching us live right now on sesión de checkout booster over that hip on the Dorito box yeah no one else and sister session of road the hip with that style that Theresa has that's why she has definitely been a leader for women's BMX freestyle she has the ability to go up up and up on quarter pipes and when you do that watch yeah oh my goodness huge volcano air so difficult over that etnies volcano three seconds today three seconds ladies and gentlemen how about a bang together fraternities us kawaman Wow Wow Theresa literally taken the words out of my mouth because I was saying if you can air a quarter pipe high means you have to have the bike control in tight and unique transitions just as I say that she blasts over the volcano the only rider we saw you ttle izing that feature and a nose-diving you're writing yourself Darryl walk me through it how difficult our difference it is blasting over a regular spine compared to that volcano yeah I mean this is a very unique feature that Nate Wessel designed where it's actually 360 degrees around your transition winds up changing so this was let's say a traditional extended 2 or 3 foot spine you would know exactly where you're taking off and coming down but this is a steep transition you actually have to pull your bike vertical right there she hung up just a little bit but still had no problems getting over it because you have to really spot your landing and you have to play with your speed first how high you're gonna pull up and she didn't cheat the height she really boosted across hung up a little bit but still I'm giving her a lot of credit for hitting that volcano it's fair to say that was definitely improvement compared to to run number one and that is definitely fair to say that the big question is how far will it be impertinent by these gentlemen who are on the big screens now the heidegger rated judging panel here the very International stacked field here of a rider's and an industry leaders in the BMX freestyle of business and that is back to Theresa back to seventh place she bumped up five positions seventh place here with a 71 point four zero for Theresa Fernandez Miranda Oscar agha on on northern Spain but now ladies and gentlemen the party ain't over because we got three more of badass riders left and the next rider is the middle one she is rubbing her hands over to make that warm right now 19 years of age originally from Flensburg now lives in Berlin let's make some noise for Lana laughs my please [Applause] whenever you're really long this house is yours yeah hit the box jump right there looking for a combination Lara currently sitting in third place with a seventy six point eight zero whoa kicking the cranks around right there getting that flip grabbing her feet right back to the pedals can't can over the top tube kicking the right foot over the top tube toboggan on the hip matching that speed keeping the whole moment from carving it down utilizing the Dorito box in a different direction at this time unlike her variety and the diversity she's bringing to the port slip switching things up here to air oh yeah that turned out over the hips from the Box jump that was one of my favorite moves I've seen her do thus far in the competition just jumping to the left right here fifteen seconds to go backwards get you get the rollout she does ten seconds to go let's pop her up Estonia get me high Lera roll back fakie with a crank on flip caps half count rank I'm doing it for the streets ladies and gentlemen let's hear it one more time for mom really really take the style she brought here to the table during that second run here Jarrell with a good mix of transition moves utilize every single corner here on the course and even out of the couple of street moves here towards the end or that thing from master on take a look at the highlights some on the jump box yeah going over the Box jump you see her body right there almost as if she wanted to do a two combination or something on the Box not getting it but that she definitely got that toboggan tweaked out on the side there was that twisted turned down on the hip that was one of my favorite tricks that we've seen of the whole competition just what she was able to put her body and then twist the bike around here's the 180 coming back watch the pranks and I'm flipping them back right there that is so difficult to do you don't see a lot of street riders cranking the crank arms around it like that I'm gonna give a shout-out to John lucky ankle burg he was actually one of the first riders to really start messing around kicking at the cranks back around in Allentown Pennsylvania so her first run is going to be the seven 6.80 that is going to be the one she will stay with currently still sitting in third place back to Great Britain to 29 year old pioneer for the UK market ladies and gentlemen hailey Ashford Kaylee is jumping in all eyes on her winning an ice toboggan here where you just let go of the handle bars still have it in the hand with one hand and reaching for that seat Oh a little bit squirrely there you okay Haley alright we still want to see you right if you want to have it all right she looks like she's exhausted ladies and gentlemen regardless one more time let us please Bank our hands together and show some love to none other than K Lee Ashworth a huge huge pioneer for the whole female spear mixed movement alright we're gonna look at the highlight lhv roll it right here the Box jump squeakin them handlebars to decide the toboggan there's an angle a little fun at fact Jeff debauchee actually invented the toboggan in the 80s in the Pacific Northwest I actually got to ride the trails with shad at Johnson they're still around so the score is gonna be the 33.8 zero hopefully Kaylee is okay we're gonna get her checked out down there she is talking to Dustin Foreman but right now we've got one rider that remains and when I tell you she could potentially go into that top spot because she's got the riding and skills to back it up all she needs is our support here in tallinn estonia so let's get lab for the second run of the lines of oedipus on skis everyone that knows Elisabetta knows exactly now she wants to hear you she has something special planned for you Elisabetta this house is yours tally make some noise truck driver oh my goodness yes 360 for spin the truck driver that was a huge way to start things she knows it's gonna take a massive a massive second run to get above Nikita do corral 44 seconds to go she is going to come back into the box let's bump her up Estonia second visit to the Box here in night's Lucy's got a little sideways no problem bar spring off the step up Darrell yeah that was very smooth the cadence of the handlebars as she grabbed the grip you see her justing speed with that fishtail drop it back in right now one of the number one ranked riders from Russia the quick Manuel across 19 seconds to go bar spit on the quarter pipe what do you think is talent she needs you right now for another 10 seconds my friend another 10 seconds utilize them to the max ladies and gentlemen insane good run here so far three seconds to go can she get another thought index up on the step-down and that is going to be time hands together for Russia's Eliza vet opposite ski Wow and he that was eat Norma's we saw the 360 in her first run but she needed something big and that 360 bar spin right over the Box known as the truck driver watched the way that she spins the bars catches it spots the landing and it gets the front wheel down she has no brakes on her bike so if she was to loop out she cannot pull the front undeneath aneed to worry about that because she's got the confidence she had the bars spin on the step up the bar spin on the upper part of the quarter pipe that was huge this could potentially shake up our entire podium if you see what I see in the apparel sorry to interrupt here but the camaraderie in the band mix for me is so massive Daniel deers Ryan Nyquist came back here and gave it the funds so we need to see will it be enough to beat the key to do corrode 85 and Nikita is holding strong in that top spot then on the wiki in second and lara lessman with a seventy six point eight zero and third so she's going to need higher than a seventy six point eight zero four podium or higher than in 85 for that first place I know everybody around the world is biting their nails right now patiently waiting because that truck driver was one of the largest I'm going to say the largest trick that we saw pulled in the competition you can tell Liza metas very sight for pulling that off a rider has so much focus before their run the nerves especially if you're gonna throw down huge like that we are waiting for our judges to determine the score and determine the fate of a sister session 20 as you can see they are going over and reviewing and they have to make sense of the madness that we've seen of our 13 riders they took two runs apiece that's 26 runs on the course and they have to figure out which run sits where as far as the numeric Frankie goes number really only correlates to the other riders on the course this is a very tense moment as we wait for the score to come in Andy the suspense right here is extremely fitting for the 20th edition of simple session as we said the first time that we've seen sister session back in a quite a number of years the progression of women's BMX freestyle is on the upper tier right now pushing forward and Eliza betta delivered the goods for her last run it's not up to us to determine of what that score will be the judges are going back into position I believe we have a score Oh at seventy six point seven zero not enough to bring her up into podium that means that we got Nikita do kuroh holding strong how about it Tallinn Estonia hands together from all of our women riders of sister session absolutely insane contests here this sister session is his one other proof here ladies and gentlemen that how bad as the female riding scene is so we're taking a look Nikita ducros Switzerland 85 on top Japan's Minato oke within 80 1.20 and Germany's Lera Lessman with the seventy six point eight zero chill close point one zero separating third from fourth will go to Eliza benefice on skied Angie Moreno in fifth Macarena Perez in sixth Teresa osku Waga in seventh eighth is going to go to arena but Barnabas and then we're going to go down to a ninth will be Jennifer Warr Alba 10th will be to a Jana Murderball 11th will go to Sasha Pardo well Tecate accrue Globa and 13th - Kaylee Ashworth Wow Andy what a final hear of for our sister session events the first final is in the books my friend and we are just getting the party started because what you see ladies and gentlemen boys and girls on the course right now is the BMX apart finals guys at 12 guys in total are getting warmed up for their event later in the really evening and then we're also warming up the street riders just after Park practice right after so enough like a lot of stuff is he'll prepare - yes simple session 20 another amazing history historical BMX sister session the finals as in the books and absolutely masterpiece the homer win as a home run a ton about none other than Nikita tuberose but what the finalist is it was ladies and gentlemen [Music] eight the 9th of February 20 20 kicks off the crazy twenties [Music] [Music] we just get everywhere I guess for that you can just don't do [Applause] loading wings out your individuality really brings out the creativity skateboarding friends everybody together from different cultures and different nations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jews marry me scum holes cassava tuna the darkest parts ooh we were hos nari miss Kavita [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] checking the list I'm always aware if you come with position not just so what I'd say the perfect dish coming up [Music] and I'll fix you fix our face staying away we fix a fleshie urbanization there's a pest then she picks up this takes up this they can't stand away we face - are everything I don't think people really get that it all comes down to the buns [Music] the burger is here so it just ends up being our choice always my mother's upset and I'm from that bracelet that would let me to the skate park so I can skate [Music] yeah what we call a widow table we need flashy violets we cut out when I saw what I saw you know it's audience [Music] ah this is joke but if only we had this it's just not like that for me more it's like everything is perfect you know just gotta remind yourself of that like dude it's perfect [Music] sail on guys soon horikawa Darla hinges Estabrook almería Christina Jessica's accent of a rainy
Channel: simplesession
Views: 25,318
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: simple session, bmx, bmx freestyle, women bmx, tallinn, saku suurhall, saku arena, red bull, angie marino, arina brabus, kayley ashworth, minato oike, lara lessmann, katya kruglova, ELIZAVETA POSADSKIKH, sister session
Id: gfE5ZcP1CFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 42sec (4782 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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