2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup World Championships

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to Huntington Beach California here in the vans off-the-wall skatepark for the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup world championship my name is Darrell now lifetime at BMX rider from Brooklyn New York joined by the one the only nine times X Games medalist du Cup champion 1.5 million YouTube subscribers Scottie Cramer thank you for joining us you're making me sound pretty cool Tower I'll appreciate that one man I'm so psyched to be here at the Huntington Beach championship man this is where it's all gonna go down today so many of the world's top riders females men this is going to be crazy yeah this is one of the best events but Scottie I know you know everything about BMX we have some new fans to be AMEX out there what is the Vans BMX Pro Cup if this is your first time hearing about it so the Vans BMX Pro Cup it's a four stop tour it started out in Sydney Australia then we moved on to Stuttgart Germany then we went to Mexico City Mexico and in Huntington Beach California now the way that this works is a skatepark competition they want to see the guys and girls use this course as best as they possibly can fast line smooth style big tricks if it needs to but they just want to see all around great BMX yeah great BMX is definitely what we had this year is coming into our fourth and final stop Nutella Natalia diem is actually on top of the list but let's rewind a little bit and take a look at our three stops prior for all of our women's freestyle BMX action [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's apparent our women freestyle riders have been ripping around the world but let's take a look at the points that were ushered out first place is Australia's Natalia diem with 266 points Spain and our defending champion from last year Theresa Oscar waka with 258 Angie Moreno at 226 and Paris Venegas in 4th with 190 now Scotty when we look at the points we have three riders that are very close in that high two hundredths yes Angie Moreno is the only one that didn't make it into the final on this one so we're gonna have the other three riders which is Paris bananas which is Theresa as khawaja and also in Natalya they're going to be battling it out right here behind us in the next couple minutes to see who is going to be walking away as not only the champion of this stop but potentially the champion of the whole series yeah those points are going to be crucial but as we work our way to the finals let's rewind it to yesterday and take a look at the top runs from our women's semifinal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well there you had some of the top actions from yesterday's semifinal Scottie we're seeing the progression in real time what are your thoughts as far as women's freestyle oh I love it I love where they're going in the direction that their women are taking it right now and it seems just to be going up literally you have Paris Menendez that was flying out there pushing the limits all day yesterday yeah well we're getting ready to push the limits here but let's check in with our third member of our crew we're talking about fbms Steve Crandall Steve what's the vibe like down on the bowl hey what's going on Steve Crandall here the most handsome man in BMX here for the Vans BMX Pro Cup Series we've been around the globe we're here in Huntington Beach now we're gonna drop in seven of the women finalists where they're not only competing for the wind today but for the overall world championship a lot of excitement the crowd they're going wild up in the stands they're almost fallen out of them it's absolutely outrageous totally absurd I'm stoked everyone stoked back to Scottie and Darrell let's get a party started thanks Steve always psyched to have you here you bring such a good vibe to all the riders and get them cheered on well Scotty as we get a little bit closer you see this one-of-a-kind Park it was actually constructed just for this event I know the things I like about it but I want to know what are your highlights on the course yeah we're gonna go over a couple of the key features here we're gonna start things off with the shark fin setup as you can see it's almost like a spine it goes onto the top of the deck on one side it's a quarter pipe that you can use and jumping into it like like a hip and away and you can also launch from it to the far quarter pipe very creative lines we've seen guys transferring from the steep quarter pipe to the landing of the shark fin and jumping completely across it as well now we're gonna move on to another feature this one is called the tombstone you can see it's in the corner where the bolt bowl is but it has the pool coping on it it's about eight feet it has a little over a foot of vert and the guys are using it to keep speed going because that's a good sized quarter pipe to keep things moving but they're also transferring to the next feature I want to talk about which is the Vans quarter as you can see the bands logo is set up on top of it now guys are actually using that to their advantage they're stalling on top of it they're jumping over it we've seen it all yesterday and semi final and it's only gonna get crazier but the next thing I want to talk about is the curved wall now this curved wall ride is out of wood it sits on top of the concrete bowl corner it was designed by Jason watts and it was built by the guys out here in California now the key feature of this one is going to be the speed that it's going to be brained because as you can see is stepped up about four and a half to five feet above the original quarter so that's gonna give you about five feet more you know transition to land on and keep things moving yeah that is one of a kind course those features are definitely going to be key as far as a ride or being out there that is almost what I like to say their canvas right because the riders are artists and they're gonna have to determine what they're gonna work out there but let's talk about format as we get ready for our women's finals and they're getting ready to take the course Scotty yes so the format for today is going to be the top seven riders from the semi-finals in one key now there's gonna be three runs per Rider its ride until you fall so if you fall that means your run is going to be over you got to get back up to the top of the deck and wait your next turn now the judges are looking for a style they're looking for difficulty they're looking for flow and originality and the scores are based on overall impression meaning that you're three runs right there is going to be your opportunity to show the judges exactly what you were bringing to today's competition yeah you got to bring a lot to the table as well because we have five industry icons and riders who are going to be giving that numeric value for their overall impression we have Mike Castillo aka Big Island as we take a look at our announcing tower and judging tower we also have none other than legendary rider DMC Dennis McCoy we have local vans legend street Ripper Jordan air Dakota Roche and then we've got the legend from Spain Ruben Alcantara and last but not least is our head judge coming all the way from Austin Texas and he's the owner of his own bike company terrible one we're talking about Joe rich so when you got those five riders they know a thing or two about BMX it especially transition and we are in for one heck of a treat so Scotty we are getting geared up we're moments away from our vans BMX Pro Cup World Championships this is our women's final let's take a look at the seven athletes that made it through the semi our first rider 28 years old from Las Vegas Nevada and the Whetzel our second riders are currents point leader as we come into a fourth and final stop from Australia Natalia diem our third is from Spain she is our defending champion Teresa as khawaja our fourth rider super legend in the sport of BMX just got herself an aura cub we're talking about the 38 year old Nina blue Trago then from South America Santiago to be exact Macarena Perez and we have two more riders one of them coming from California we're talking about mongooses Nikita dukkha Rome and our champion who rode yesterday in the semi-final finished in top place that's why it should be the last to ride out here is none other than Harris Venegas so there's a looksie idea there are seven riders as we are getting geared up out here and like you were saying Paris she qualified in first place and rightfully so she brought some of the highest lines of the day and that is including everybody not just a female the men as well she rode that course like like none other all right Scotty well we are getting ready this is the big moment fourth stop around the world as we are getting ready here at our World Championships as we mentioned this is the Vans off-the-wall skatepark in Huntington Beach California as Natasha Wetzel drops in on her first run so Natasha has had an amazing weekend and she has her own signature approach to riding this course she was at the Vans rebel gym a month ago and she wrote amazing she was on the podium and she got the hardest trick of the weekend voted so she's going to use that kind of style her approach to it is going to be a street based but it also has a lot of flow as well she was doing things on that big van sign so there's a really good chance we might see that sobre here she's pumping around she's is getting near her flow though because the judges we talked about that that's what they're judging on they wanted see the best approach this course and when we talk about flown we talk for our originality you're picking a line to diagnose all the way through this bowl and it's freestyle you can come up with ever you want but you want to bring your best that's for sure yes got it looks like the Freestyle part Natasha definitely brought that on the course definitely unique riding as we work to our second rider taking the course currently sitting in top place as far as points concerned after our three stops in Australia she got a second in Germany a fourth and down in Mexico got a number one you can see colony on her shirt because that is her bike sponsor coming all the way from Australia dropping in this is Natalia diem Natalya has been riding amazing this year you know she's had a rough year a couple years coming off of ACL injuries she's had a four ACL injuries total and that's that's that's terrible it's a really tough injury and there's times where she actually thought she wasn't even gonna be riding BMX anymore and look at her right now in the lead in the world championship points so this is amazing comeback story and we're gonna see if she could take full advantage of this and and do her best riding and see if she gives herself the best chance to get out there but so far so good that she's got such great flow around the bowl and you can see she's not scared of going high she likes using the hips she likes using the transitions she's not scared to do the tricks is either she could do tail woods she can do all the hand variations and no it's been really great watching her ride yeah well Scotty right now she's definitely put an emphasis on the word flow out in the bowl that she is really just airing each one of these quarters she's working through a run you see her doing opposite and regular carves around and flying out with a very smooth style and first run we have two riders down we are going to work through the pack as our third rider is going to get ready to roll in she is our defending champion from 2018 this is a Spanish rider Theresa Haas khawaja Theresa is known around the world for having the best style in women's BMX because her ability to ride and be able to move the bike in the way like Sergio Leia Stubbs you could tell that he's got that influence over but look at that King full extension added the deep end down that's where the pool coping is and that is scary to ride the metal coping you can see that's red that is the regular metal you know but the stuff that's not painted that is the bull coping and that sticks out it's just like a regular pool with this and it's hard to ride it sticks out and it's bumpy so she's not scared at all in Luke she's going four feet out of that you know just just cruising yeah those are big airs and it's also awesome that you mentioned Sergio Leo's he's currently sitting in second for our points we're men as we come here into our finals I know Sergio's on the deck right there cheering on Theresa as she put down a solid first run of three so three riders down of seven that was Theresa Oscar go put a run we are gonna work through and our fourth rider who is getting ready to take the course she is a big influence in BMX she just won herself an ORAC up from our BMX as the first ever award given to a woman rider saying that she's the woman freestyler of the year this is Nina boo Trago what an amazing moment that was Darrell I was hosting that one you were presenting a net moment when they showed the video of Nina getting that naraka it just felt right you know that was exactly how the first nor Cup was supposed to be given out to a woman it was Nina's time so whoo look at her back on her bike after an injury she had a broken elbow in Stuttgart Germany and she is back on for the first time and she is happy she is right where she belongs down yes god it's so great seeing the empire t1 rider Nina boo Trago on course as you mentioned she did have that injury that was actually at our stop in Stuttgart Germany and she was able to recover in less than 12 weeks on course everybody's so excited to watch her ride she's an icon of BMX freestyle and on the course so Nina putting down a solid run right there three riders remain we were gonna go to South America the Santiago Chile for the 22 year old vans I see bikes rider this is Macarena Perez Macarena is such an amazing rider she's got so many big tricks just like Natalya does and one of my favorite things that me tell you that that that Macarena does she does one of the best tables in women's BMX I loved the way she leans the bike over she puts such an exclamation point on all the tricks she does here she goes into the deep end she's not scared to go high either Darrell that's for sure yes Scotty one thing we're seeing with all of her women athletes out there that was a big talent for Macarena Perez perfect as well pedal to pedal clean this could be well - the tail whip we've witnessed each other rider out on the course focusing you're seeing no pedals out there just relying on pump bike control and skill and I like to think in a way that's what separates the bands BMX Pro Cup from a lot of other events it's the courses that really put the riders riding first and makes that speak the loudest sometimes even more so than the tricks although I do have to say that tail wet was definitely screaming to the stands and reciprocated you see right there her getting a high-five from Dennis Anderson who we will see later today so Macarena Perez putting down a very big run out there that's got to feel good to get that tail whip clean to the pedals two more riders remain that we have yet to see take the course our next rider is doing it for Mongoose Black & Decker Tioga 23 years all cheese from Southern California getting cheered on right now by her mom in the crowd this is Nikita do Goro Nikita has been riding so well she's been working on all of her tricks she's trying to perfect everything she's working on her height you could tell her riding is just getting better and better as time goes on and I love seeing the evolution of women's BMX in that in that way because they are taking complete hold of it and they're pushing themselves because they know that that's what it needs they know women's BMX relies on them right now they're the ones that are carrying it on their shoulders to set it up for the further generations yeah and that's what we're seeing in real time at the Vans events where all of our women riders maybe they had a trick down or could throw a couple of the moves but we're seeing this style evolve and we're talking about that bike control so there's that pool coping on both of those quarters including the tombstone and we're seeing nakita look so confident as she even threw down that alley-oop that's where a rider winds up airing backwards to catch into the transition very smooth big table and we're seeing the key to pop on out for a big run for nakita great first run for the key know one thing I want to talk about anybody that's watching this and wondering why you know as it goes on this competition doesn't focus on just big tricks this is a chess match pretty much everything that they do they want to land absolutely perfect on the top of the transition so they don't have to pedal so everything is so planned out and everything has to be perfect but here we go down the leading lady in yesterday's semi final and you guys are going to see why right now Paris Venegas is having such an amazing year I know I've been saying that a lot but it's the truth though the women have been pushing it and I'll tell you what Paris is at the top of it right now and look at her confidence on her bike she comes up to everything and she knows exactly what she wants to do and how she's gonna do it yeah Scottie the chess match analogy is great because it's the overall impression a rider has to make with their judge and if we're gonna talk about a rider who's definitely the queen out on the chess board it is Paris Venegas her style is second to none doing it for Colt advances she is just cruising over each one of these hips pumping through the waterfall and take a look out she's just working through a run and her speed is accelerating as she was able to air out of the curve wall that's a hard error right there it's a pocket air as well so that quarter pipe is super steep and one thing I want to point out about Paris you could just tell why the cameras that are tracking on her speed is serious in this bowl and as the competition goes on the riders are going to save their best runs for the end of the competition they're going to be upping the ante so we're back up to the top of the list down yeah we are going back at it because as you mentioned Scott it's a three run format overall impression out here we've got Natasha Wetzel back on course as we like to always highlight one of our judges Dennis DMC McCoy says this if you're going to talk about let's say compare riding to music it's more about the full album the full vibe as opposed to the hit single the judges want to really just watch your three runs and look at the way that you have a control over the course and Natasha right they are basically doing a figure eight through that curved wall showing you that she's very controlled and can carve in both directions and I'm really liking her speed as well I was just commenting on Paris to speed the Natasha's speed is there you could tell she's been working on her lines that's for sure but she's also been working on her tricks especially her Street top style tricks so let's see if she goes for it all she went for the pegs on the band sign but she didn't have enough speed coming around that bold corner when she came around pumping to her right I was wondering if she was gonna go for it and it felt like it was a little bit too slow but you know what it's at the end of the run as well your legs and your arms feel like jelly at that point so let's see if she can get next run I mean Scotty that sub box is enormous I believe that's a nine-foot quarter with the four and a half foot Vans sub so impressive to see her go up there but right now it's all about our defending points leader we're talking about Natalya diem on course big no wooden jealous yes I haven't seen that one out of her really up in the ante right there and that's Highland to do narrow this is and a tail up of her own look as she gave us the low on the first run and this time she's gonna mix it up with the bigger tricks this is amazing to see she is the points leader right now if she wants to stay on the top she needs to deliver because as all the points start coming in things are going to get close there's not a big difference in points you know from first place to third place in today's competition is going to be ten points given out a difference so every little bit counts in this one it is going to be tight and the girls know this now Scotty is a champion yourself what do you think as far as a rider strategy goes coming into a world championship it's always strategy and it's not like there's a right strategy or a wrong strategy until I mean the competition is over and either works or doesn't you really don't know what it's what's gonna happen or what your best bet is going to be but I feel like Natalia is doing the right strategy right now she is bringing clean riding and she's landing perfect she's bringing the tricks and that's what she needs she needs to bring her best right now it is our defending 2018 champion Theresa oz khawaja on course also doing it for fly bikes as she is pumping it around the bowl Theresa was one of the first female riders to really focus on airing high out of the quarter pipes let's see if that's what she's gonna dick what the formula here can't can over the top too but I love that can't can't big can as well she really kicks her leg out there awesome trick and we were talking about style and the judges are looking about style and Theresa has such great style her air awareness the way she's able to manipulate the bike in the air and make it look so good it looks like it she's not even trying either and that's such a big deal in BMX but look at her flowing through this bowl she's going from hip to hip from quarter to quarter she's using every ounce of this bull right here yes a Theresa putting down a solid second run she's about to pass the torch as Nina boo Trago dropping in I know all the female riders around the world are cheering Nina on she's been riding well over 20 years proud to say Scotty back in the day in New York Nina actually used to come to our trails at Port Washington and shoot photos and she said you know what I'm really interested in getting into BMX riding and we wound up putting together an S&M dirt bike for her and it was love at first sight a match made in heaven and Nina really has not stopped riding and pushing the sport of freestyle for the last 20 years so it's one of those things got I could say I knew her before she was an international superstar of course she was the Beyonce of BMX because she really is she's at the top and everybody respects her and just think about that the butterfly effect right there if that bike wasn't built for her would she be here right now you know there's a good chance that women's BMX wouldn't be where it is and look at that Smith grind in the deep end on the pool coping that's Nina for me well Scottie I'll tell you one thing Nina boot Rocco is such a superstar I'm sure whatever she winds up doing whether it's BMX or something else she always just brings it her own personal touch and personal style that Smith grind was huge that was on the pool coping and right now Macarena Perez back on course look at the speed Scotty I loved her strong look at that tuck no-hander over the hip she's got the biggest tricks and she's bringing the speed look at that table top and that's the one I was talking about earlier in the show she's got such a great table she lays it flashy she's got a great style while doing it so Macarena Perez is actually from Santiago Chile and she grew up with the concrete skatepark right outside of her house so she was able to see from her childhood home a concrete bowl from her window and that helped inspire her getting into riding and we actually wound up there last year for a qualifier in Santiago and it was so cool to see all the support from the fellow riders just this is their superstar from South America and right now at the World Championships we're seeing Macarena just flow through on her second run one-handed table ice that was clean everything about her run so far has been so awesome she's having a great day on her bike there yeah that is definitely the consistency we talked about it being an overall impression take a look at a lot of the fans right there as JMC Sedano jose sadhana he qualified we're gonna see him in our men's competition but that's what we talked about the support from Santiago Chile Nikita on the course right now fast lines a lot of tricks that is her style to this one she's having a great weekend so far let's see if she ups to a knee and run number two if she has anything up her sleeve she knows how crucial it is to get up to the top of the points right here there is it's amazing when you the women and you know the men both have such an amazing opportunity that bands gives them to showcase the best riders in the world such a big prize purse honestly this is so cool to see yeah Scottie van stepping up big-time where they basically have this competition for all riders men or women you are welcome to come out we got a regional qualifier if you want to know more about this log on to Vans BMX Pro Cup com where you can not only see standings and results from today but also all behind the scenes photos villach video galleries and more but most importantly to find out where our stops will be in 2020 because we are definitely going to keep the party rolling right now though Paris Venegas dropping in catching some air into the quarter pipe look at that gap all the way across the Vans quarter pipe and then straight into the pocket air now this is what I saw yesterday watching the semi-finals and my jaw was on the floor down she is flying she is bringing so much speed but it's what she does with that speed that's so important she's not scared to go up she just goes right at the quarter pipe that's in front of her and she just goes as high as she possibly can look at that pocket air in the deep end amazing riding right now this run is yeah Scottie serious indeed and last year at her World Championships Paris Venegas got that top place and top honors all of our female riders have been doing homework this year trying to catch up to the style and flow of Paris but it's apparent that she has been cramming because she right now is ripping the ball apart going left going right and grabbing the front tire on that tire grab over the hip that was pretty lady right there it's almost like she's second-guess herself and at the last second she's like yeah I got this that was a very very late tire grip what she did it great grab grab the tire and get her hand back on the grip that run right there was a serious run that is what you needed you when you're so close in the points race you need to bring out your best now Scott is we go back to the top for Natasha wenzels thirst run I just want to break down a little bit if a rider is in the bowl how much if it comes down to their line choice so much comes down to the line choice and it's not just repeating the same line and changing the tricks the judges are looking at where you're starting from they want to see you come up with original lines if you could do three original lines you are you know you're doing perfect in the judges eyes but you know what sometimes it's hard to do because you know it's the bowl there's only so many options you as a rider because you can go left you can go right sometimes you know it would be hard for you to go to the opposite side you know you prefer to go to the other way and the hips and the ways that some of the jumps work they only line up a certain direction so the judges are looking for multiple lines but you know what if you can mix it up a little bit and keep it fresh and excel your run by doing bigger tricks as well you can still get a really good score oh there she goes for the double peg on the ban Steinberg again she just came up short but it's good to see her up you know having fun you know she doesn't hurt her and that's great to see you down Scotty maximum respect going for the huge stall on that vans logo I mean I believe that quarter pipe is the 9 10 foot mark that's basically a vert ramp out there trying to stall on that 4 and a half foot tall van sign that solid steel so if your pegs hit it's easy to slide off but so much respect for Natasha Wetzel pushing things forward and going for that big stall so right now our current points leader knowing that it's going to be crucial to get up on top of the podium taking her third and final run Natalia diem pumping through going up the quarter pipe with a big no hander spreading her wingspan and she is carving around that addition sub wall here we go back to a tabletop and look at the height Scotty yes the height is that the tabletop was great so right now there's that tombstone feature we talked about looking at the coping some is metal some is pool and right now Natalia diem carving left and right airing out of that pool coping as you were talking about Scotty it's gonna have a different feel on the rider as they wind up going up they got to gauge how much they're gonna pull up so that they don't do what you like to say is hang up on their re-entry where they case their back wheel or maybe it throws them down too flat Natalya just carving it up looking to get a build speed drop in the shoulder down that is her non-traditional way for carves she's looking for a big finish here Scotty you don't eat a towel because this is our last chance of 2019 right there so what's that going to be enough to keep her in the first spot we're gonna find out as his competition unfold as his competition unfolds so now she's got to sit back and watch her peers drop in and here's the second place rider right here in points Theresa Oscar Olga so if Theresa ups the ante right now who knows what the judges are gonna say yes got in it's about that strategy I like to think of it as balancing out risk versus reward because the further you dig down into your bag of tricks like that huge can't can't step over that was about two feet off other ones but you sometimes wind up playing with that risk/reward and the harder the trick sometimes you don't pull it as smooth or as clean and you got a balanced set out and that's the difference that Dennis McCoy was talking about where it's not about that single of throwing down the big trick but it's how well is that full album the three runs on course and your overall approach out there with such great riding from Theresa exactly what we know her for great style great control you know what and I think that is going to be it for Teresa for her final run of the day we're gonna have to sit back and wait and see what the judges think of it but we have a couple more riders that are left to go next one dropping in is going to be BMX legend Nina boo Trago so great to see her back on her bike after that elbow injury and she is looking like she didn't even take any time off down she looks comfortable she looks confident she looks like the queen yeah Nina definitely ripping around I love to see the way that she's pumping the corners right there dropping her shoulder down and as I mentioned Nina's riding for terrible 1a bikes our Head Judge Joe rich has been supporting Nina throughout the years I know what you might be saying hey he's joking in favor his rider some points out there but I know that Joe definitely keeps things level playing field but he's gonna have to work it because Nina out there the one-handed double peg grind just laying her arm back as she does that smooth ride this time opting on that pool coping yeah she's been always doing the grinds that we love her for that one I've seen her do the one-handed grinds of Smith grinds and you know she's the only rider that's actually grinding stuff onto in today's competition so the originality comes into play and the judges or will reward that yeah now Scotty what is it like for a rider to come back from an injury like this it's hard it's definitely tough for especially an injury on the elbow you know there's so much weight that's go ahead yeah it gets held up on those handlebars so an elbow injury is a tough one and as of the MX rider you were always falling and using your elbow to protect yourself so that's gonna play a factor whoa granite drop it in and bring in a huge air in that pool coping yeah we bought ten or eleven foot deep deep ramp right there and we wanna mention Scotty the high air because they directly after a women's finals they're actually gonna be competing in a high air contest and Macarena Perez definitely could be a contender for the top spot as she is blasting tabletops and one-handed tabletops all over this course her confidence in those deep bowls is something else right there the way she does go is that that with speed and she's just ready for it she is gonna be a force to be reckoned with after this competition in the high air County in the high higher contest so as she pumps around towards the end of her run what I'm seeing from her is such great style I love how no matter what every competition I've seen her she seems to get better and better and that is so that's such a big deal in today's BMX ya maka definitely leading the charge out here we saw that tail whip in our earlier runs it looks like maka is gonna wind up hopping on out so cool to see that tail whip to pedal smooth for Macarena Perez it looks like her third room is gonna focus a little more on the line choice out there and right now we're hoping to see a rider blend together big tricks with those lines is Nikita do Goro charging around carve in the corner take a look Nikita has no pegs on her bike so that means she's putting a focus on the aerial maneuvers and just can't can over the top tube on that hip cut in the corner setting up for this hit with the toboggan air I love seeing her her ability to go up on the hip so I think that's such a key thing in this one because the height plays a key factor in what you can do over it trick wise and how well you can do the trick nice one footed X up original move on that vans quarter right there pumping into the deep end and she's scared to go high either so I'm curious to see how she does in today's high air contest as well down yeah Nikita definitely has been known to put a big exclamation point at the end of her runs with some massive tricks let's see if she winds up sticking with that formula she's looking to set up right here where she going oh the 540 tagging front wheel at the 360 degree mark that's a tough trick right there 540 to always been so heavily rewarded in BMX because everybody knows how serious that move is yeah and the reason that's such a difficult move is when you spin the circle and a half you basically have a huge blind spot let's see right now coming back for a swing number two oh wow sang evil a thumbs up she did give us a thumbs up that's it's always a tough situation when you loop out like that you land you land on your bike it's been there many times you've been there before yeah times it knocks the wind out of you but she's back up on her feet the crowd is going us right now for because that was a huge 540 down yeah that quarter pipe it's basically a vert ramp out there Scotty so going for the 540 is we're saying there's a big blind spot as you wind up trying to look and spot your landing it's difficult to do you saw the first time she clipped her front tire took that spill got back up and said hey let me change my approach and get the front wheel up a little more and then wound up looping out well right now on course all eyes are posted because this is Paris panenka is dropping in for her third and final run this is our number one qualifier and she just brought a new gap to the course going from the curved wall ride to the steep quarter that was insane first woman to do that gap and look at her in the deep end once again let's talk about the higher contest she is going to be a force to be reckoned with back wheel the holding on now Scotty Paris is on course last year at her world championship she actually got first place the reason I'm focusing on that is when we had the world's best riders at the world championship Paris Venegas was on top and she's looking to have a repeat performance and she airs into that curved wall ride so cool the way she was able to catch the tires and drop her shoulder down everything that she's done today has been so awesome to watch I love how she's airing the tombstones the deep quarters doing the transfers such a huge day for our number one qualifier pears bananas unbelievable to see all of our women riders out there Paris putting down big there was a look at Corey Walsh also fish from Colt you got Dennis Anderson down on the deck the energy is so cool here at the Vans off-the-wall skate park in Huntington Beach California not only is it the best course out here but we have the best riders our women just threw down huge but we are not done at all so much more action to come we've got our women's high air so you don't want to go anywhere as things are heating up here at the Vans BMX Pro Cup World Championships [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the Vans BMX Pro Cup World Championships here in Huntington Beach California at the Vans off-the-wall skatepark taking a look at our beautiful crowd who is starting to fill up our stands out here they have been cheering on all of our women athletes because Scottie we just witnessed the Women's World Championship final I can't believe we finally made it here after an action-packed year and it lived up to the hype the women's BMX are pushing the limits they are guiding the next generation to do big things and women's BMX Darrell yes Scotty I love seeing this style out there not only as far as the airs go and putting the tricks together but the overall approach as far as a bowl is concerned I know you as a championship rider know the terrain can definitely speak volumes for what you choose to do on the course but to see the line selection the way that the women were carving left and right and putting together big runs the pocket airs at the gaps it's pushing the limits and it's so awesome to see and I'm glad vans is giving them an opportunity to do so in front of everyone yeah well we're about to keep this party rolling as we got our women's high air competition we're gonna throw it down to Steve Crandall as he is gonna walk our ladies through at this contest what's up everybody Steve Crandall here my head is spinning like a scene out of the Exorcist after watching women's finals we're gonna have a 10-minute winner-take-all deep in high air contests for all the female competitors today we're gonna go back up to the top get this thing started thank you very much and let's party [Music] [Music] ten minutes winner-take-all [Music] I can't already started [Music] all right ladies hi air Scott what she started now for it to count in towards the final classification has to be done within the time allowed can I'm seeing our finalists I'd imagine throwing out there as well as some of the other ladies from the weekend for any gas seen some of the highest airs the weekend just getting herself cleaned up all right from Spain Teresa as quite a nice [Applause] all right Jesse Gregory headed back in checking out that deep end believe it may look easy from up here in the grand stands but headed all the way up that verbal coming out of there not easy at all Macarena Perez Nene blue frog ah she's up there as well [Applause] that may have been close to the highest so far what are the reckon cokes buy so far all right now an Akita headed in nice looking flatness you'll notice as well people with they'll change the shape of their bike flattening out to get those couple of extra inches Jesse Gregory headed in nice Steve what do you think drop bags this is crazy I don't know what I think I think this is nuts [Applause] yeah whoa that was close that was around the five not six foot mark very hard see from up here that was Theresa as Kawada [Applause] how much time we got left on the clock nina eight and a half minutes [Applause] women's finalists and all the competitors right now going for that high air big-money cash with the NorCal boots [Applause] all right we get an idea of what its gonna take looking like you're gonna have to be at the head height or overhead Highmark yeah Nikita maybe not as high as that last one it's all about getting that right pump getting a smooth drop in speed I think it could be Theresa at the moment 420 feet in the air a boat see sea level and why are you off your bike young lady why are you not on your bike why are you not on your bike aah aah that's not cool maka drop it in changing it up there I'm just shellfish I want to see it that's right listen to the champion from the last two years he knows what I'm talking about nakita dropping in bringing some speed all right it's in the corner yeah yogoro with that higher speed they're trying to take a different line in seeing the veggies and more speed on a run up Nina bull Chavo heading in cooks have got to be loving this one yeah [Applause] yeah back-to-back airs with the second one being a nice table good job Nina all right you seem a bit of Spanish scarlet Spanish hi that was awesome yeah Theresa all right Jesse Gregory racing background definitely getting herself a nice fast line in deep end is no joke all right Theresa seems to be the one who's lighting a fuse Macarena Perez any vacuum that was close as well all of these airs are up around that head right mark try and see if we can get word from our judges in a second maybe and find out exactly where we are [Applause] all right Nina go Drago headed back in there three of the ladies yeah Oh three of the ladies up around that height now Huntington Beach let's get loud for these ladies out here in the high air competition [Applause] but louder you get the higher they're gonna go no count the hot Sun far it's hard to tell from this angle up here and remember this is winner-take-all Steve who's gone high so far I think you're the higher so far you haven't that tiny cuz I'm up here young Perez nakita dropping it back in five minutes left ladies here in the last five minutes nakita now can she get that smooth running yeah yeah nice one idea on the way out Nina bringing it back in Huntington Beach let's get loud the peoples champ Nina Boudreau go alright three of these ladies still throwing it down that Nina boom Trago she wants to get that good running that one's nice see you know towards that five foot mark nice guy names that title self I'm pushing the bike up the extra man good job Nina Theresa about the drop in Huntington Beach let's get loud for the Spanish rider as you said to raise a carne number two in the world ranking gia you son it look like the hindsight ball to me from up here yeah Theresa up there 6 foot mark no problem Teresa may be in the lead with that one Paul maybe I shouldn't speak so soon 6 feet 9 inches right there feeding against each other now 3 minutes and 30 left on the clock Nikita - karai anything goes right now - keep it in the bowl deep and party time with the cooks in the corner there comes Teresa so sweet with the spine as well man back in getting all kicked out all right we have 2 minutes and 50 seconds remaining and look who's [Applause] bottom right there in the high air contest mean are you stoked 2 minutes 30 remaining now girls just gonna get that breath back maybe one more attempt see if I can put it up and check it out totally this might be your leader whoa trees up round the course but Theresa as ago one of the stars of the weekend currently second in the rankings in Emma Romney no for the overall win that's what we call spanking the baby Theresa as Quahog probably in the lead right now with high air but there's still a couple minutes left on the clock so we're gonna see what happens maka drop it in Huntington Beach let's get loud for macarena all the way from Santiago Chile big smiles all weekend long yeah one minute 45 left on the clock for these ladies got to be done within the time allowed for it to count it's very close so far we're gonna have to find out from the judges all right check it out Mike Rann is heading straight back it all no didn't want to call it early all right we have one minute and 15 left on the clock now is the time ladies instead of trying to rush those attempts maybe get yourself together for one last big push all right kids get ready this is Macarena Perez [Applause] I don't know but that might have been he talked about wait until the last minute 15 seconds remaining 50 seconds remaining it looks like we're gonna squeeze in one more attempt for Teresa HP you want to see some Spanish style [Applause] yeah 30 seconds remaining the clock is ticking down we may have already seen it [Applause] those ladies are up near the seven-foot mark Macarena about the drop in how much time we got on the clock we have 20 none tenth here we go ten nine Huntington Beach left seven to six [Applause] that was three seconds remaining on the clock by the looks of it Spanish style headed in whoa Huntington Beach please show the utmost respect for your ladies in higher air and we will very shortly find out today we will crown the Vans BMX Pro Cup 2019 male and female world championships all right riding wise now horse is gonna be closed for a small amount of time then we are going to be getting the qualifiers you're 21 men finalists that's nice final we're gonna get them started off get them warmed up get them on the course for a little bit of practice Scotty we just saw the women blasting so high out of that quarter pipe I'm just gonna say it's a concrete vert ramp out there taking a look at Macarena Perez getting some support from Angie Moreno unfortunately Angie had a bad crash in Mexico City so she's not going to be competing with us today but there's that rider camaraderie our women cheering on the other riders Angie getting loud and getting proud cheering him on out there and that's BMX right there that's what's all about it was so great to see all the girls having so much fun together pushing themselves but watching the battle between Theresa between Macarena like that was getting a heavy it was getting serious when it was getting to the end of the time when they knew it was gonna be the last couple runs they were firing off Theresa she even looped out she landed on her butt that looked really painful she got back up on the bike and went and blasted another high air so that was really cool to see those airs were huge I mean we were talking about it's probably a 10 foot quarter pipe down there big chunky pool coping our women just pushing on through well we do have a woman who is pushing through in the competition Smith grinds one-handed double pegs utilizing the pool coping the legend of BMX I'm hearing that Steve Crandall is down there with Nina bootrom go Steve mi the legend of BMXers at Nina which one is it Darrell Huntington Beach let's get loud for Nina but Rocco the People's Champ powering through injury perseverance setting the stage for all the women to get here to the Vans BMX Pro Cup Finals you somehow managed to get through all the 21 competitors get on the stage how's it feel to come off an injury make it into the finals to be out here for the world championships incredible it's pretty awesome I think all the good energy here really got me through it too much excitement gotta like put everything aside you know I think I can speak for everybody in the crowd everybody watching it's been just awesome watching you make it up here on the on the deck for the finals you know inspire and motivate all these women and he shoutout you want to give to the other riders the ladies out there all the women who rode in this event this weekend and everyone watching that couldn't be here y'all are awesome keep the Stoke going and thank you to Vance vans for having us they've been supporting women since the beginning and it's freaking awesome to see where we're at now so Thank You Vince once again this is Nina boo Trago the winner of the Nora Cup 2019 we're gonna go back up to Darryl and Scotty but on behalf of everyone I want to say thanks to Nina and all the women for ripping it up let's do it thanks tea party time Big Ups Nina boo Trago such an inspiration for women's BMX Scotty I know we mentioned earlier last weekend we were in England at the our BMX nor a couple wards which stands for the number one rider award and we had the opportunity to give out for the first time in the history of women's BMX that award in the first ever Nora cup went to Nina boo Trago well deserved as well you know if there was anybody that needed that award the first one it was Nina there was no other way to give it so I'm so happy to see her back on her bike having fun pushing women's BMX yeah Nina definitely one who not only pushes with the riding but also with the support of the fellow riders well let's rewind it to our women's final let's take a look at some of the highlights that just went down here at the band's off-the-wall skatepark and there was a lot of them so much progressive riding if you see Nikita one-footed x-up going for that 540 she went ahead to Falls but she pushed the limits and there she is Nina Buitrago that one-handed grind we got to resize khawaja flowing around the bowl using all the big transitions doing that amazing can-can huge airs all day Natasha Wetzel had a great day she had a tough fall on the ban sign you know and that was hard to watch you know I wish she was able to land that whatever runs but sometimes it's a way to be a mexico´s here's Macarena Perez flowing around the bowl doing such a beautiful style tricks tail whips everything such a complete package and here's our current points leader Natalya bringing the nobody can came down side over the hip and I'm so curious to see how this plays out today but Paris manang gets the fastest on the course the highest airs the most progressive lines huge pocket airs in the deep end it was such a treat to watch her do her thing and seriously oh look at that there's a tiger but she almost missed right there she barely had the time to grab the tire and get her hand back on but she's a professional she knows what she's doing down yeah Paris so exciting to watch out there just ripping up all the lines we just saw those highlights but the thing that you couldn't see was the way that all of our women dissected the ball finding their lines and linked it all together Big Ups to all of our women riders we are gonna find out which one of them is going to get the biggest chunk of the 82 thousand dollars in prizes coming out from vans but we got a lot more action coming your way our men's final here at the Vans BMX Pro Cup World Championship stay tuned [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to Huntington Beach California at the Vans off-the-wall skate park for the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup World Championship my name is Darrell now lifetime a BMX rider joined by the one of the only nine X Games medals do Cup champions 1.5 million YouTube subscribers Scottie Cramer Scottie big honor having you here with and I wish you could just introduce me to everybody I meet man I could be a piece of cake on that one so the honor to be here so excited to be a part of the bands BMX Pro Cup championship we are about to see some crazy action go down we just got done with the women's who did amazing but now it's time to see what the guys are bringing to the course yeah this is one of the best contests I know our BMX riders know that but we do have some new people who might be new to the sport of BMX what separates the Vans BMX Pro Cup from all the other contests so the band's BMX Pro Cup is based on the best skatepark riders it's a four stop it started in Sydney Australia then we went to Stuttgart Germany then next we went to Mexico City Mexico and we are finishing off here in hind Beach California so we had a bunch of guys that were showing up and putting on quite the demo every single stop but the main guys stepping out with Sergio Leo's we had Jason Watts winning two and then here we are at the finals and who's it gonna be we do not know but yeah stacked run the fact I see a rider's name on there one time but to have Jason Watts name twice on top of the list with the world's best riders this was crazy let's take a look back at the beginning of the year at our first three stops [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well if you thought that action was crazy that was the first three stops and as we take a look at our points after those looks like Jason watts is gonna have 276 points sitting on top of that potential podium followed by the Spanish rider Sergio layouts with 250 form our two-time defending champion Larry Edgar with 233 Jimmy 232 and then in fourth is Dennis Anderson with 212 now all of these riders are so close in points it's going to be crucial that every time they get on this course today they put an exclamation point at the end of their run and all for those guys are in this final and they are ready to ride yet Dennis Anderson doing stalls on the wall you know doing all sorts of fakie stuff we have Sergio Leo's doing amazing lines around the course we also had our main man Jason watts the guy who is actually building the courses you know for Mexico and the ones before and like I'm so excited to see how he approaches it today yeah well let's take a little look at Jason watts and here's what goes into himself before he gets here at Huntington Beach series this year has been incredible hold a bowl to be super diverse and different between Australia Mexico and Germany had a couple lucky wins in Mexico and Germany's definitely pumped on that either way that still think it's anyone's game out here tennis Larry Sergey doesn't really matter what happens I'm still gonna be stoked if I'm excited to watch all the mayhem [Music] well Jason watts telling you a little bit about what his three stops were coming up to Huntington Beach how he was able to be on top as far as points are concerned but now it's all about the World Championships here in Huntington Beach and we're getting word that Steve Crandall is gonna catch a few words with the man himself Jason Watts yeah baby what's going on Steve Crandall here on the deck with Jason Watts a fixture in the Vans BMX Pro Cup series not only building features but qualifying and even two first-place finishes Germany in Mexico what's going on how do you feel fast and loose give us the way give us a breakdown feel pretty good I don't know just enjoying out here in the cloud instead of the Sun all the time getting bait but uh I don't know everybody's loving it everybody's having fun it's the final stop and I think we're all excited to just be out here and be around a venue and yeah everyone is stoked I know I'm stoked the whole the whole crowd is stoked any high light riders we should look out for this weekend definitely haka he's gonna get the loosest out of anybody and he's a local boy so you know he's gonna do something crazy Chris James is always a showman he'll do something crazy - uh everybody's feeling it out here and uh how about our first-place qualifier Chris box part of the fast and loose crew man if he wins we all win say if he wins we're partying tonight no matter who wins I partying tonight so back to the top with Scotty and Darrell let's party everybody well Jason Watts there you go some words from the man down under currently leading that points as you said he had two first-place finishes I know we're cheering for all of our riders out there but if Jason wins I want to be a part of that party well we do know that you see on his helmet the fast and loose crew that's a group of friends that travel around the world riding some concrete and one of his brothers who's a part of that crew happens to be located here in Southern California we're talking about the fast fly-in crisp fox and right now Scotty let's break down a little bit of a Court's preview with the man who's fueled by Motorhead Chris Fox going on I'm Chris Fox and we're in Huntington Beach California and this is the location for the fourth and final stop the world championships of the bands BMX broke up in the past it did for US Opens and built the course on the beach but this year fans built the beautiful skate park brand new bowl that they built here at the outdoor Vantage skate park think a lot of the hips and keeping your speed in the deep end and erring things real high are gonna play a factor a lot of transfers that can be done that haven't been done yet it's gonna make for a lot of unique line vans quarter it's got a good pull dock on it some good Kobe [Music] there's been a thriving BMX community in Huntington Beach going all the way back to the Sheep Hills days with Butler drop bags Ricky brat wild man and nowadays the pucker and Dakota and a lot of young rippers so I think it's sick that BMX two of the presidents here in Huntington Beach and scope everyone at the bowl always psyched to hear from a Chris Fox showing you a little bit of a preview of what's to come for the men's event well I got to tell you Scotty he definitely must have had something working in his favor as far as those lines go cuz yesterday and her semifinals Chris Fox our number1 finisher he did amazing he was high-flying around the course Chris Fox has a racing background where he was able to transition into bull riding you can clearly see that he has racing in his blood yeah well let's take a look at yesterday's semifinals and look at some of the runs from our top finishers from yesterday [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Scottie I don't know how that was just simply final I think it's comical the level of BMX right now think about that we have the finals coming up they are going to turn it up a level for sure and you guys get to watch it coming up unreal speaking of finals let's take a look at the format that the riders are gonna have so the format today top 21 from the semi finals are divided into three heats that's going to be 3 / 3 runs per Rider now it's ride until you fall if you follow that means your run is over you have to go back up on the deck now the judges are looking for style they're looking for difficulty they're looking for flow and originality on the course and their scores will be based on overall impressions so every time you get on that course all that is going to be added together as a full package deal presented for everybody and we're gonna see what the judges think their runs are going to be speaking of overall impression these are the men that you want to impress our first judge Big Island Mike Castillo second judge the legend DMC Dennis McCoy third judge is going to be the local Street Ripper Dakota Roche fourth judge none other than the Spanish legend Ruben Alcantara and last but not least the captain of terrible one by company and head judge for the Vans BMX Pro Cup Joe rich so you're taking a look at the legends the icons of BMX up there those men have all put their time in and transition and definitely know a thing or two of what the riders are going to be doing out there star-studded group of guys up there just being able to ride it in front of those guys is an honor it really is so these guys are gonna love it yeah well we're definitely gonna saw who qualified for today let's take a look at Jam number one riders you can see the battlefield in the background as we take a look at Mike huff here Clark he is a local boy 31 years of age we're gonna keep things in California Pat Casey 25 years old and then from Santiago Chile so psych Deb Jose Sedano here in our final keeping it from it Brazil we have Kwan madona out here followed up by San Diego's Parker Heath and then we have the Colombian rider of Michael Mowgli on out here and last but not least who will witness in our first jam is Jose Torres he'll definitely an international field out there our riders are stacked as we're getting close to our men's final right now Scotty I got to tell you the energy and anticipation has been building we've been at three stops around the world Sydney Australia Stuttgart Germany Mexico City Mexico and right now it is all about Huntington Beach California as we got the local rider doing it for S&M getting ready to drop this is Mike Hawker Clark the hooker it's an honor to see him on the course because this guy is serious that pocket air was absolutely huge hooker is eight her background BMX rider but you can clearly see he holds his own when it comes to riding concrete parks like this this guy is the life of the party called for that fufanu on top of the band sign and I wouldn't I want to point this out I saw him lamping as he was falling down that day in a situation like that it starts laughing as her coming back I guess Mike Hawker Clark does that was a huge fufanu unfortunately went wrong but it does look like he was able to get up with a smile so that means that we will see him for two other runs out on the course because Scotty's we mentioned that this is a three run format each run is definitely going to count for the riders that is an overall approach as we mentioned Jason watts is our current points leader followed by Sergio layoffs then our two-time defending champion Larry Edgar and last but certainly not least is Dennis Anderson all right we're keeping things California as the placencia a 25 year old rider Pat Casey dropping in past him advanced teammate for so many years now we've been on so many trips and he impresses me every single time he gets on his fight he's got all the biggest tricks he's got the flow and he's got the confidence to do it when it counts so look at that board the header and barely barely got his hand back on that's a scary moment Scotty sometimes this is nerves though in the first run once you get that one out of the way everything's else on cruise control yeah now Scotty you mentioned being teammates with what's the vibe or the energy for a rider's they come into their first run it's always you know it's a bit nerve-wracking because especially he was the second rider to drop in in the heat so you know you watch the women go you feel the nerves you feel the energy coming off that and how serious it was but Pat Casey was able to put it all together did not take a trip to the bottom of the skate park so that's a win right there well let's see you got the pound from Mike Hawker Clark that was Pat Casey our third rider to take the course I am so excited to mention his name because he is from Santiago Chile we actually first met him last year at a regional qualifier he finished in the regional qualifier out here two days ago made it through the semi final this is Jose sadhana with the big tail whip over the hip he impressed me so much in his riding the way he's approaching this skate park with so much confidence and his lines and his his height everything's been on par and now his tricks as well he puts such a you know an exclamation Park on an exclamation mark on everything that he does all his tables they're big they're they're click you know his turn downs he folds a bike up now check this out he was gonna do a manual two foot jam but the camera crew was there so that was a that was a tough one I wish he would just drop it and keep on going right there instead of up you wish is his command right now dropping back in it looks like Sodano is going to stay on course you could see he's rockin the concrete t-shirt that is Coco Zurita 's company going up for the manual Jerry did not have enough speed to get onto the top deck now Scotty I mentioned Coco Zurita because he's a local at Coco Zurita skate park down in Santiago it's known as signal skate park should have the opportunity to see JMC sadhana work through the ranks over the years and now his day is finally coming as he is entering and competing in our Vans BMX Pro Cup not only a final but the world championships we're going to keep things in South America right now as a South Paulo Brazilian rider Quan Madonna is on course Kona has so much style I looked at slow bars but he just did on that vans quarter everything that he does is so original it's got his own to it everything from his tail whips to his tuck no-hander x' and that's what's so great about BMX and that's what's so great about this contest series because all right oh like Quan he's from so far away from California you know now he has his opportunity to come and show everybody exactly what he's got yes god I like to think of the Vans BMX Pro Cup Series really giving ride or something to strive for as they travel around the world and he's part of the Brazilian contingent yes big flare in the deep end Wow that was a heavy move right there great first run for clunk wow that's what you want to do a big exclamation point you see the smile right there sans a few teeth in the front but that energy is just beaming on through so as we said we have seven riders in our first heat we are taking a look at the next ride or put the stylish hat button-down shirt san diego's parker Heath I'm a big fan of Parker he's riding and it's just getting better and better and he's got his own unique touch to BMX now some of the tricks that we're gonna be seeing from Parker that are completely original he doesn't do certain tricks that people do so one thing that he's been doing I'd be noticing is a lot of X up grinds and I was talking with him yesterday and he had plans of doing an X up stall on the bands logo so we'll see man calling it out right there let's see if he's able to link things together Parker Heath on course yes got an exciting thing about a rider big pocket air that was huge from the tombstone but a big thing about a rider as he goes up for the 540 is a lot of riders wind up developing their bag of tricks Ajo man all right we're getting the double thumbs up but like I was saying riders will develop their bag of tricks as they've worked up working through their career of riding and then all of a sudden it's like something magic happens they put in the amount of time and then their own voice starts to shine through we saw that with Sedano making it to the final and we've seen that throughout the course of the year with Parker Heath as well he's definitely in his stride right now he's finding his own and he's making a name for himself so well a next rider who definitely made a name for himself in the last few years coming all the way from Bogota Colombia is my co Mojo Jolin and I'm so psyched on this rider because four years ago barely spoke English said my dream is to be a BMX rider and be a pro he moved to Southern California he taught himself English and he's been progressing with his tricks and riding and it's so exciting to have him here in the World Championships look at that bars for the turn down in that deep end I was talking with him yesterday now he was telling me about living in San Diego and he was also saying how he's been surfing every single day he's been riding his bike with guys like Dennis Anderson and Garrett Reynolds guys are at the top of BMX and you could say that the perfection is rubbing off on him what a great first run yeah that's definitely what we like to refer to as the proximity principle you get around other top riders you hope some of that magic rubs off on you and it looks like it definitely did for Michael Moga John as he put down his first run six riders have taken to the course one rider remains his name is Jose Torres Gil better known as malignant a kalloch the superhero from Argentina 24 years old vans crow Oakley and right now all riders who like to blast high to the sky are cheer anomaly no as he does a one-footed table it's amazing because the term superhero might be an understatement with this guy he came as an Iraqi to X Games and got a bronze medal and it was wild about it is he was hurted he hurt his shoulder a couple days beforehand and he did zero tricks in practice leading up to X Games and still once that run came out he put it all together and he got a bronze but look at the height this guy brings that was one thing that stood out to me I saw videos of him on the Internet but once I saw him in real life and I realized it wasn't just a one shot you know high air to fly this guy is the real deal he lands smooth he's got ability to build lines and put big tricks into it as well yeah bars spin off the bands sub box right there that's the big thing with BMX you basically have to build a name for yourself get into the contest and let your riding speak for itself and that's what Jose Torres is doing right there we basically had a big run with that flare at the end Scotty that was rad right there I'm just definitely psyched to see the first run and the camaraderie down there that was Chris James given a pound who have yet to see ride so seven riders we checked off the list that means we're going back to the top right now for Southern California S&M rider mike Hawker Clark at the size of the pocket air this is a Dirt Rider not supposed to be doing that in pool coping but he is the real deal he's been around for so many years Michael Kirkland is the life of the party everywhere he shows up this guy has seen and done it all and the fufu knew that I took him out and run number one has been pulled and he straight to a hang five going around the course look at this go for the balance point right there the Hang five his right foot is trying to find the balance he's not able to do it but definitely winning over the hometown crowd here it looks like Hucker is gonna wind up waving off the rest of his runner maybe he's gonna drop in you never know when it comes to hugger what's funny about that hang five he actually holds the record for the fastest hang five on a BMX bike over 40 miles an hour he had that man going 60 miles per hour did you say 40 40 over 40 miles an hour hooker is he's he's one of a kind he really is and I'm so glad he made it into the finals today my little brother is not so glad that he made it in because my little brother did get 20 seconds kidding Maddie is so happy that hooker beat him but look at on the course we got Pat Casey the SoCal local the Vans rider and he's bringing the heat huge flare tabletop yeah well Maddy's definitely a rider who has been making a name for himself throughout the tour in season I'm sure Maddie will be in every final next year but right now it's all about the second run but Pat Casey as he does that flat spin Flair somewhere between the 540 and a flare and had that tail whip for a few extra points in there so big run for the Mongoose rider Pat Casey popping on out and we are gonna keep it rolling as we said we're gonna move on down south dastan Yago chili so psyched I know that Coco Zurita is screaming right now saying go JMC Jose sadhana with the big bar spin coming in and very creative entry right there going off the top of the tombstone bar spin transfer oh the pocket air and hung up on the pool coping and when we stress the pool coping it sticks out far so when you hang up like that that is very very hard to pull in and survive Oh big no hander now Scotty I keep saying and I like to have your opinion on this because you're no stranger to contests what's it like for a rider being in one of their first Pro Finals it's definitely pretty heavy especially a rider that you know is from overseas originally so when he comes here he's seeing all of the stars all of his heroes for the very first time and he has to ride with them and he has to prove himself in front of them and that is so hard to do I will never forget my first pro contest it was terrifying but he's doing he's doing great so far looks amazing on this course well right now Madonna with the big transfer excuse me with the two-hit combo the bar spent the tuck no-hander look at the bar spent to turn down I love the cadence of the handlebars so we saw the slow-motion when he did in his first run but this time he knew he had to put two tricks together so he sped up the bar spin and then perfectly had that turn down click 270 degrees with a full extension he's got such a great style so rad to see him on the course putting his own out there his tail whoops are one of a kind everything that between who saw kink and tire grabs like he's a special kind of rider I'm so glad that he has the opportunity out here to showcase his runs so Madonna that big signature smile plastered on his face he's telling me he's living his dream as far as BMX goes and having that opportunity to be at these contests as one of his favorites I knew that was coming such a great trick so original crust in the handles leather top completely backwards using the peg on the other side of the bike to stall on top of the bands logo and he pulls at that time the Parkers bring in so much speed in so many different tricks to his riding check him out nice one-handed one footed tabletop air at high on the Vans quarter pipe love that pocket air that's like an extra pocket air usually a pocket air is only like a 270 degree rotation he's almost doing full 360 and that signature 540 look back barely coming off the bike right there at the end if he would have landed that one that would have definitely threw him up towards the top of this heat shout out to Cali protective Parkers sponsor definitely utilized his helmet right there you saw him rock his dome on the flat bottom thankfully he looks like he's okay but right now drop it in is Michael Moga Joan on course the Odyssey ride are pumping through look at the way he's able to accelerate with such power when a rider comes into a transition it doesn't matter if they're exiting the bowl re-entering or going around a turn if they're able to utilize their body weight and push through you can build up serious momentum and that's what Michaels doing as he bar spins to tuck no-hander that was beautiful so high as well out of that deep scary Bowl corner over there these guys look like it's a it's a resi ramp but these guys are that's no joke it is a steep ramp it's concrete it's got pool coping and they're bringing some serious heat out of it so great second run for Michael so great to see him in the finals well-deserved yeah we were keeping all things South American Argentinean Jose Torres Gil dropping in ooh a good extension right there on that Superman seat grab but twist in the bike for some extra points as he's able to pull it right under Jose Torres with the no hander flying the friendly skies a Huntington Beach with an enormous double tail whip Scotty and one thing I want to point out about Jose which makes him special is not only just his tricks and his high air but his ability to go both ways he can carve left carve right doing big tricks like that downside tail whip that started out his run that was an opposite downside whip it was a regular tail with the opposite air which makes it really hard to land into such a steep quarter pipe some great run going so far nice textbook moves and that's actually why you can see as pegs on one side of his bike which is utilizing on the van sub to tire tap the party man that's brakeless he had no brakes to hold his back wheel using only pedal pressure onto the top and pulling that one no problem so so much of BMX is your own personal setup and style out there so we mentioned he had pegs on one side of his bike per rider wants to put four on they can it will open up more possibilities for tricks but he was brakeless and the rider who's coming in right now he's actually on his own signature S&M frame that was unbelievable he's going higher every single run which is crazy to me yeah we're seeing looking for the double peg ride to transfer you mentioned that he has his roots in the dirt he actually grew up riding at Sheep Hills trails which is just up the road from here one of the most legendary trail spots that you guys all know from the 90s but still going strong in 2019 as Hucker is pumping on through as we mentioned bike setups he has pegs on the left so that is going to be his traditional that was on the skinny part of the beam it wasn't even on the I'm pretty sure he landed on the outside of that which is not go off a key landing in a ramp like that I'll tell you what if he pulled that one there's a guy standing over there in the judging booth DMC who was going to be on his feet after that one for sure yeah you're talking about Dennis DMC McCoy one of the first riders did start messing with the lip tricks out there Dennis in his fifties legend of BMX and he has been riding harder than ever so psyched to have Dennis part of the vans family and being a judge out here the only thing I want to see different is maybe Dennis getting in the ball for next year's competition because dennis is one of the best but right now Pat Casey so crazy to think 25 years old because he basically grew up riding in all the BMX contests for over a decade Scotty yeah he's one of the young riders that came in he was in here about 16 years old and he showed up and he started you know as like a veteran like looking out there like every trick that he had was so ahead of its time he was the one that was doing the flats the flat 360 you know variations like the tail whips and he was also able to bring that into the flare variations as well like we talked about earlier so awesome to see Pat on his bike still pushing the limits nice big flare on that vans quarter pipe yeah and it's also cool to see that Pat is an awesome family where he's actually getting his son Reed into BMX and you can see the start of the tradition keeping it going with the KC name there was that flat spin Flair tail whip now Scotty I want to ask you would you call that a flat spin 540 a flat spin Flair what would you so for me you know I think about Pat is he does that all to his own he was like the first person I seen doing that style of Flair whip because it's not legitimately upside down but it's not like a 540 somewhere in between so it's awesome that Pat brought his signature twist to it awesome well right now the signature tail whip this is JMC Sedano with the no hander I know that everybody down in Santiago is cheering on as Sedano barspin to tabletop you give a shout out to one is erita Coco Zurita going for the ice pick in the hole Cerreta family we nacho cheer and on as he goes for the manual let's see if he can link it together foot jam this time he's got it Darrell he pulls that one no problem at all one thing I'm pointing out is his mic set up his bike set up nowadays is like borderline old-school he's got the back brake he's got the gyro and it's kind of refreshing to see something different and it's funny because it used to be so expected it was is how BMX used to be but great to see him using that bike to his advantage such big tricks such high speed yeah now we're gonna take a look and a different setup this is the Brazilian no brakes so we're talking about no gyro needed two pegs on the left side Madonna with the neuchâtel and huge big that is a scary quarter pipe to do a double whip on but he did that absolutely perfect Wow that was enormous we got the NorCal corner down there in the deep engineering on our riders as he's looking for the manual Wow I'm saying the NorCal corner cuz we got legend Cameron Birdwell down there cheering on a rider so cool how many legends of BMX come out to the van's BMX Pro Cup World Championships we've got Pete agustin in the house we've got Saviour Mendes and right now on course we've got Parker Heath Parker had an amazing run number two let's see if you can keep that momentum going I'm curious to see what he's going to end with because he knows that he's got to put an exclamation point on the end of his run to get the best score especially when you're in seat number one you do not want to be forgotten about in the judges eyes so far so good look at that bar spin the bars him back even delaying it keeping that hand off before he throws it oh and once again the 540 look back takes him out he got balled up and he landed a little bit low in his momentum especially being a goofy foot rider one thing I want to point out spinning you know to his left he's spinning to his back foot when he lands so having that foot back there that keeps your body rotating and it's it's it's it's you know it's a gift and a curse because it gives you the ability to do a awesome trick like a 540 look back that you no one ever does but it's very hard to do it is difficult yeah I'm gonna give a shout-out to some of the well known riders our time who definitely rode that way I'm talking about standard bikes Rick Walter know who I know is watching online we also have the great Mike Aiken he was the way to rotate and spin that way and in recent times ben wallace is another rider who goes big but right now that quad was enormous Scotty unbelievable awesome camera height as well like the way that made that look it was perfect for yeah let's point out there is no wide-angle lens either so that means that Michael Moga John was just popping out and it Talon thingy is gonna work it look perfect but what a great showing from Michael showing up here showing everybody why he deserves to be in this scene yeah that was a little bit of a fumble as you'd say right across the finish line with the tail whip fakie but Moga John does not have a traditional freewheel on the back of his bike he has a free coaster again we talked a little bit about bike setups if a rider has one of those they have the opportunity to post backwards without having their cranks engaged it's all a preference but we do have riders like Pat Casey who don't have one as well so right now we got Jose Torres looking for his third run because it's got he is an overall impression oh my goodness down he is like turning it up every single Runner he's dropping in right now this is not the height on that tuck no-hander across that channel was huge yeah huge is the name of the game for the Argentinian but the bars been - no hander let's see as he winds up jumping in barspin feeble grind watch like it do technical tricks as well bring in the height bringing the technical moves a bar spent in and out of a feeble grind while you're directly next to that band sign like his handlebar is within inches check him out up top back to tail tap going to over that was playing like it was you're letting that quarter was there right there say you know what exit stage right that's how I'm gonna wind up leaving the course you can see him getting a pound from Dennis Anderson also from Parker Heath who was in that same heat I believe that was bands TM Colin Mackay down there it also dan Foley the reason we're mention and so many people because you can just look out on the deck it is a whoo-hoo of a BMX world down there so rad at all the pros in attendance but we have so much more action coming your way we're here at the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup World Championships and Jam number two coming soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and welcome back we are here the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup in Huntington Beach California my name is Darrell now and I am joined by that man from the classic tales the legend Scottie Cramer if you guys want to watch the full story you guys could go on to vans youtube and check it out I know a lot of that didn't make sense right there well I did watch it I don't know if any of it made sense because it's all about you riding in competition going for double backflips log on check it out classic tales vans it's on the YouTube channel it's very cool to see well we just had our first jam go down for our men's BMX finals to se the action was heated and it was the best the cream of the crop is an understatement we're gonna check in with Steve Crandall who's got a little bit words of wisdom from one of the wilder riders of the heat Mike Hawk or Clark Muscle Beach is now pork chop hill it was Circuit Clark what's going on this is your first time make it into the finals of the bowl contest here in your hometown of Huntington Beach tell the crowd what the deal is man I'm just having the most fun of my life I got my family my beautiful wife my set daughter all my friends the best bull riders in the world all in the backyard so you're stoked oh my gosh I'm so wrapped up and running out of talent so we saw the NorCal kook's over there in the corner almost freaked you out on that Hank lot what happened on the abou book on the van sign I just ran out of talent real quick what's up Derek oh you're doing an interview here what's going on don't worry about the audience let's let's get this party started right here alright we are gonna go back to Scott and Daryl up top but before we do on behalf of everyone in Huntington Beach we just want to say thanks and congrats to Mike Huckle let's party let's keep it going yeah yeah there you have it my hugger Clark definitely a treat here at Huntington Beach he's got so many locals and fans going what in the wild for his riding out there and with good reason Scott he's such an exciting Rider he's always been that guy you know everything that he's accomplished I'm so impressed with you know guy from Huntington Beach California that put his name on the map and BMX for sure yeah well if you haven't had a chance to see the first Jam and even if you did let's take a look at the highlights as we break down a recap of jam number one there's the man right there Mike hunker going absolutely huge on everything Pat Casey who did so great so much variety so many big flare variations flare tail whip right there the flats been you know five for detail what we were just talking about a little earlier yeah tomato tomahto we're calling it awesome either way claw Madonna look at this huge air tail whip out of that scary deep quarter you did the flare as well very cool perspective you could actually see the height of that tail whip air on the quarter from that angle Parker Heath had that 540 o going down hard right there trying to pour that over double peg potentially hopping back thankfully he was alright throwing up the double deuces so psyched to see JMC Sedano here in course going for that manual foot jam quick little hop in sand hey everyone back at home in Santiago Chile look at me and Mike Hill completely destroy this course he looks so pro out there so close to landing that tail up to fakie three at the last second having the bobble off of it but we also had Malik no showing up and putting on a demo doing more spins in and out of grinds but also doing the highest errors of the day one amazing showing from heat number one and as this competition goes further it's only gonna get crazier so but look at this free there tilt up and that was when he was gonna go left but he fell right which was insane he pulled that one off well let's take a look at our standings argentinean a jose torres gil with an 81 at second colombians michael multi-tone with the seventy five point eight zero parker heath holden strong in third fourth Pat Casey fifth Juan madona sixth Jose Sedano and seventh Mike Tucker Clark so we're looking at the points range in 81 to a sixty four point two zero the highest numeric value that a rider can get is a hundred they are going to be trying to get that top score from our judges but this is a points race we had our three stops earlier in the year so our stop here at the World Championships not only are the riders competing for the biggest chunk to cash out here but top honors for their overall let's take a look at jamot number two start list as we see the battlefield and here are going to be the riders out there coming from Australia we have terrible ones Cody Collard then from Tucson Arizona the 25 year old Mongoose rider Kevin Peraza our third rider the demolition of 29 years old Matt Cordova and then we have our fourth rider to take course the Spaniard currently sitting second in points is Sergio Laius your current point leader from Australia the 26 year old Jason watts then we have the San Diego native currently sitting in fourth Dennis Anderson and last but not least and you will see that when he takes to the course the Gold Coast rider from Australia Chris James will be our seventh rider to take in jam number two this is a completely stacked Jam right here we have three of the four riders in contention in points going in this heat alone so at the end of this heat when we see the results we are going to have a good idea of how this is gonna play out but we do have another rider in Larry Edgar that's going to be in the final heat who can also get in there and switch up everything yeah this could be quite exciting down now Scotty the order of our riders it's not based on the overall world standing after our three stops one being in Australia the other in Germany and the last in Mexico but it's based off of our semifinals so we had our riders the top 21 going in reverse order out there we're taking a look at Cody Pollard as he is getting ready to drop I know that the backbone BMX boys are so psyched cheering on Cody he has been an underground rider and Ripper and Australia so committed to riding and so much so that our Head Judge Joe rich was so psyched that he put him on terrible one right now taking his first run of jam number two this is Cody Pollard Cody such a smooth rider as I say that I know he opened up with a case by square it will get better and look at the huge air in the bowl corner the only rider I have ever seen that come Blee rides up the bowl corner that curved area of the rim and he goes so high out of it like that would be a complete nightmare for majority of the riders out there but for some reason he found that place as a home he enjoys it so well it's a huge air out of the deep end Scotty the thing we're gonna note even though he had a little difficulty on the first two airs he's back in it with his momentum and it all relies on pumping around the ball no pedals were taking at all a lot of our BMX Bolt purists they say hey I'd rather crash from getting my run before taking a petal out there I'm gonna give some credit to Ruben Alcantara one of the first riders to actually focus on building speed and momentum I remember riding Woodward with him about 18 years ago where he would wind up pumping through the cage and people were mesmerized by that so we're seeing one of our judges influence taking precedent out here with our first rider of jam - all right we are moving things along our second rider no stranger at all to the Vans BMX Pro Cup competition we're talking about the Tucson Arizona rider Kevin Peraza JP my longtime vans teammate completely just has his own approach and the smoothest style and he looks like he is just you know belongs on the bike and that's just so great about Kevin but it's not only focus on his style he does so many big tricks he actually won the best trick competition on the last one which was nice doing that Flair tail whip over the spine which is unbelievable yeah the crowd was going absolutely nuts in Mexico City it's safe to say that he is their favorite rider and when your name is Kevin Peraza with all around tricks that is why look at the nose press fun oh so close almost having a near-perfect run with so many big moves now Scotty the thing about Kevin's riding that obviously you know but if yeah not too familiar with it and the first time you're seeing it he's so diverse he actually is one in X Games gold medal in dirt and also in Park not many riders can claim both of that not just cuz he's so comfortable on his bike well our third rider he is known as Matt Cordova half-man and half-beast and all style as the demolition rider drops in also part the fast and loose crew Scottie I like to think of card ovas riding style as stripped down to all the parts of perfection out there he doesn't throw a lot of bells and whistles into his riding and most people can't accomplish that but cardova you could just see the way he lays over that table top and then equally does a moto whip in the deep end is just so good with one of the best tabletops for sure in BMX the way he folds his knees in it tucks his arms and his head in there makes absolute perfection but it doesn't end there with his riding what he focuses on is going high and doing the very stylish tricks but he who will throw tail what gaps next for the band's Pro up for the Vans Pro Cup when he won at the US Open he ended up doing a crazy crazy tale of gap into the deep end and that was amazing to see so he's not scared to go big and he's not scared to do big tricks when needed but he prefers to focus on the stylish side of BMS yeah and you mentioned he did the big tail whip gap at the Van Doren Invitational years back but that actually proves what we're talking about he shows to do one Cale whip over a big gap as opposed to maybe do two three or in this day and age four or five which is crazy to think so cardova putting down a run but right now we are looking at our second points leader as we come into our World Championships one of the most stylish riders this is Sergio Leo's Sergio Leo's has been around for so long even before I went pro he was a professional he made a name for himself and here we are in 2019 and he is still at the top of his game and he's still pushing the limits Sergio is from Spain he's got such great style around the world everybody knows that this is one of the best skatepark riders out there yeah I say skatepark rides he could show up at every single skatepark and he can ride it exactly how it's meant to be ridden he could ride the hips proper he could spin both ways he can card he can do gaps and he can do the stylish tricks and we're seeing in this run right now that's transfer from one side of the Vans quarter pipe to the other and incorporating a stylish click turn down that Sergio Leone in a nutshell yes God I mean what you're talking about is if you ever go to a skate park that Sergio's been someone said Sergio's jump from here over to there and it leaves everybody scratching their head because usually to find a gap or a transfer you gotta dissect the bowl and be smooth enough to get the speed and carry your momentum well right now we are passing the torch the Australian rider currently sitting first in points he has two first places back-to-back which has never been done before at the Vans BMX Pro Cup this is Jason watts Jason is such a unique rider one of the most unique riders I have ever seen and when I say that it's because he's got such a diversity of skill and style and he's goofy footed and he could spin both ways and he could do crazy knows manual lines like it just doesn't happen he's one of a kind the first of his kind that is for sure but look at what he just did in that bowl right there doing the pocket and no later straight into the pocket air is so close to getting that decade to manual so he can do it all down he's got the style the big tricks he's got the lines and he's also got these tech moves like these decades of manual stopping amazing right there and that's what you need to do when you are at the top of the points and you want to stay there Wow the octaves of the crowd just boost in hearing that energy I feel like we could hear the backbone BMX boys down in Australia I'm talking about penny and RISD cheering them on right now as he is on the other side of the world and putting down a big line of that decade to manual well right now it looks like Dennis Anderson who's currently sitting in fourth in point is going to drop on in tennis has been on a chair all week during practice he's been putting on a clinic on that van sign I'm so excited to see what he's going to give us on run number one right now well let's talk about Dennis's skill set he's a street rider he's a park rider he's a dirt rider he's in everything Rider he can do it all and he excels at it and here we go on to it lucky to 270 on their first person to do that one downside footplant 2x up on the skinny part of the vans logo like I said yeah I knew he was gonna show up and really excel on that setup but Wow manual around is gonna go for the fist but at 180 drop in and he pulls it so you saw why he is regarded as the greatest all-around rider of all time because he can ride everything and he can excel it at all doing that at the end of the run a fast plant 1 180 I have a manual into a a pretty deep bolt that's probably about 7 8 foot deep ball that has pull coping that is one of a kind riding yeah dropping it like that coming in fakie right now though our two-time defending champion Southern California local and legend this is the high-flying Larry Edgar Larry Edgar dropping in bringing the speed look at that huge look back all the way across and the speed on his run right now you could tell it's different it's like trying to keep up with them the cameraman they have a work cut out for because this guy is all over the place he covers some serious real estate and what he does with that speed just like we were talking about with the women earlier when you're able to bring the speed and also bring that direction upward that's the difference maker right there and Larry's been doing that and that's why he's the defending champion yeah well Scotty when you bring the speed you got to bring the height 360 fakie smashing it smooth for Edgar look at this smile go on his face that was a big exclamation point a solid bookend at the end of Larry's first run that's got to feel great to put one in the books but he's still gonna have two more opportunities because we talked about this being a three run format all of them count it is an overall impression that our riders are trying to make on the judge well right now terrible ones Cody Pollard dropping back in as he is cut in the corner left then going right let's see where Cody is gonna be in the bow that is terrifying that you don't have a flat surface to take off on so when you were up in the air you don't know exactly what you're coming down on how he does that predictably like it's terrifying that would be my worst nightmare pedaling at a quarter pipe in the bulk corner that this well one riders nightmare is another's dream as Cody Pollard blasts on out that was such a cool line and then we saw him be super comfortable there as he came back for Emanuel and then dove into the pool coping well right now Kevin Peraza on course Scotty we know a rider can choose any spot that they want to drop in on the bull they ride until they crash or they're tired and Kevin Peraza right now showing you that he's got the endurance and stamina on run too as he doesn't know handed pocket air to tabletop so at the end of kevin's run he do that nose wheelie and that was the only bobble that he had now if he can keep everything going and he can bring these big tricks and bring the kevin Peraza style that we know him for he could be at the top of the podium today easily nice toboggan pocket air in the deep end beautiful tuck heading over to the van sign with a switch down side tail kicking into opposite direction and here we go the know all he had to settle for a half cab in he slowed down which I was really surprised about he really came to like almost a hole at that point so yeah I wonder why he did that I'm really curious I think adjusting the speed especially be a difficulty in his first run there maybe wanting to play it a little safe as far as your speed adjustment goes obviously we can't speak on behalf of Kevin but what we can say he's one of the first riders to kind of unlock that pivot on the front wheel so Kevin going for it having difficulty two times on that 540 nose manual pivot in but right now we got cardova stepping through it they can't can't picture-perfect as we got our fans team shooting photos and videos you can log on to vans BMX Pro Cup comm to see all behind the scenes photo galleries we have Jeff szalinski and also Rob Galecki shootin pics there's a tabletop we were talking about one of the best in BMX able to fold it over there get his knees perfectly pinned in there and making it absolutely picture-perfect and he does that for every trick that he does because he's got so much confidence in going fast at something and getting the right height and build you take the time look at that that was a sick move you just did a farce in the back wheel press using the van sign so he's not only is he going high in doing the the high picture-perfect tricks he's also doing some tech stuff as well yeah we are seeing as we progressed through our third year of the Vans BMX Pro Cup that the riding expectations have changed where someone like Sergio layouts has always had the style of pedal lists Atlas riding pumping through the transitions all the riders have known that they've had to play catch-up so now what we're seeing is not only the smooth riding styles but also some of the tech tricks getting thrown in that maybe you would see at a street competition someone like Kevin Peraza also Jason watts or that we saw in earlier jose torres gil but right now it's sergio layouts as he transfers in sergio having a tremendous year not only did he win first earlier in the year in australia but he's coming off a win at the source BMX calms Battle of Hastings last weekend so he's feeling fresh and feeling really good as he comes into our final stop here in Huntington Beach yeah he was looking really comfortable on his bike and that is exactly what the judges want to see and dropping in right now we have our points leader Jason watts using that tombstone doing a nose manual gapping in on the bowl and look at that pocket air going to the right that time doing that tabletop so that's an opposite pocket air that he usually does and that's that's what the judges also want to see the ability to ride this course like no other be able to step up and do you know look at that oh you pocket air in there and that was his regular way so his technique is so key to reason why he has been winning these pro cups yeah Scotty you mentioned the ollie of pocket air there we are seeing him go his traditional direction linking things together back wheel boogie jumping ball to bowl no hander going into the neck neck nose manners right there Wow Chuck no hander to a Naknek nose manual trying to get redemption right there having some difficulty looks like watch is gonna wave it off oh no he's back in it let's see come on Jason getting such a tough trick to do like it that should take a hundred tries so the fact he didn't get it in three and he came so close on trial number one is is it just goes to show just how talented he is if he max we got so many comments coming in from Australia cheering on Jason Watts I know that we've got the backbone a BMX boys and go Jason go but they are also cheering on Dennis Anderson as he is sitting fourth in points the San Diego Ryder window wow man opposite air and he threw the bars to his right Dennis does not have an opposite bar span he claims that he feels completely comfortable doing bar spins both directions so that time it would have been technically opposite for any other normal Ryder bus system all right yeah I usually row because he's special he's regarded as the greatest of all time so that was very uncharacteristic of Dennis fallen on that double bar spin but right now we are seeing the characteristics of Larry anchor with the bead to combo table top to tuck no-hander look at Larry it's as if he goes into another dimension mentally to go for World War II with the 360 trailer man I've been seeing him hit that gap over and over all week I almost became a victim of that gap standing on that that railing that he hit just right there in that 360 so 360 over that that had me confused watching him spin off that lip well let me just say this the reason that you were potentially in place of danger is because no one thought that transfer was possible that's what we're talking about out here Scotty Kramer one of the best riders of all time didn't even think that gap was possible but Larry Eggert riding it had done with the 180 telev hanging up his front wheel throwing up the double deuces he is gonna have to catch his breath because he is gonna have one more opportunity to get in that ring and swing a haymaker out there this is getting fun down we're on to the final runs right now this is their last chance for 2019 to get their opinion of the judges verified on this course can they do it we're gonna find out right now Cody Pollard so comfortable this time just cranking it up a few more feet as he blasts big out of that pocket corner let's see the high speed manual almost getting hit by Jason watts so much of the BMX family down in Australia is just cheering on our ozzie riders as Cody Pollard doing that tabletop pocket let's see the back wheel manual - tire slide in there are no brakes at all on his bike that was all finesse and caress when you're seeing one Australian to the other that is hollered and Watts alright well we got the pressure cooker build in he had a little difficulty him run one and two but he is back on it right now it is the Vans mongoose rider kevin Peraza pumping on through with the double talent Scottie Wow KP on a tear right now looking so good on his bike tuck no-hander pocket air straight into a can-can tire grab and it's awesome because that would switch over the hip coming over the next one and doing it on the other one that was so cool to see KP he's got such big tricks we've know that you know he had two bobbles on both runs at the end very end of the run so that's you know that's gonna work for in his favor for the judges because it's so laid out there now Scotty if a rider is difficulty in their run at the end how much of an impact do you think that could be you know its overall impression the judges you know clearly they're gonna want you to land hit but when it's at the end of the run and you've done so many amazing tricks to be remembered by leading up to it that's what really counts KP right they're just having a couple issues I saw him going for a couple of different half cab variations that didn't seem to work out for him so he still had a very very good good approach to the course today all right on course also repping for team soil we got bar spinner Ryan in the Southern California riders cheering on Matt Cordova there is the tail whip transfer very reminiscent of when he got first place at the Van Doran Invitational Scottie not only did he catch that tail whip high but it enabled him to get the speed to boost one of the higher airs we've seen out of that vans quarter pipe he brings it out when he needs it he's very strategic about his riding that's why it looks so effortless and it looks so perfect because he wants he wants perfection from himself so that's why he decided to bring the tail up cuz he knew we had to do it at height catch it and be able to catch and keep the speed going and so far he's cutting some serious laps around this course landing so high on everything keeping the momentum going all of his tricks have been dialed great riding from a Cordova today yeah dialed is definitely the way to explain things that was a very unconventional use of the tombstone sliding off the side I believe he backed his bong peg getting a huge round of applause and respect from the riders out here much deserved for Matt Cordova there was a look at the north california corner right there we mentioned camera bird well being in the house right now though sergio layoffs making his presence known as the fly bikes Spaniard but the big can-can there are no brakes at all on Sergio's bike Scottie as we saw him adjust his body English pressing in to bring his speed down to set up for that gap the second place person in the points right now he needs this right here to put the exclamation point on the end of it so he's brought some unique tricks in there that's hell with gap over into the curved wall ride yeah a very rare flare appearance from Sergio lejos that's why you heard us get loud up here that flare is not the characteristic trick that you will see from Sergio his riding is perfection if you didn't get a chance to see all the stops prior to this year we've got them up on our band's YouTube page and you could see all the finesse that Sergio brought especially to Australia where he got it first and then in Germany he got a second place and in Mexico he got a seventh but right now only one rider is on top as far as our points are concerned coming into his third and final run this is the dark horse Jason watts getting ready to bring it I absolutely love Jason's runs today I love the originality and the flow of it now if Jason's whoa look at that 360 transfer into the shark fin setup that was amazing and that was really since Ally I was curious to see if he was gonna unleash anything like that because he's been doing it at every stop he's been to 60 channel across now this is a guy that is in table on the points and he is going to do his best everything he could possibly do to stay there so far down yeah Scotty we're almost seeing a picture-perfect rematch of Mexico City when it came down to his final run amazing I'll tell you one thing Jason's parents have come to their first stop of the Pro Cup and they are in the crowd right now watching so I know not only is it such a big deal for him just to be out here with his friends while having his parents here that is HUGE that was huge indeed you're seeing Rob Morales from cult down there his bike sponsor given a big hug super psyched on his riding that was also Vance TM Colin McKay but right now of course a nursin bonk in the top of that ban sign Wow right on the small part of the sign as well using that tombstone to avenge with the can-can and Dennis had such awesome tricks in his run let's see what he brings their double yes now fall on the side of it so we're gonna get it hopefully the rest of this run from Dennis and he's gonna end with an exclamation point and I think I know what he wants to do and it might be on that van sign and it's going to blow your minds if he heads that way right now there's the can-can plant on it that was a nice one but I think he's coming back for more more I took bar spin on it is he is he done yet puts him to fakie on it and he makes it perfect I knew he was going to go for that one I was hoping he was gonna get a chance to deliver and yes he did one session you know the fact is you didn't use the course like a full skatepark that time but she put on a show for everybody a full clinic on that vans logo exactly you know epic how Dennis Anderson should be Anderson coming back for his third and final run three for three up on that sign you see Gobbo the BMX announcer extraordinaire from Mexico cheer naman Larry Edgar on course going higher then he managed to in his first two runs I didn't think that was possible it's amazing to see how far Larry has taken his career in BMX doubles now a gap into the side again mush tell you even though he washed out I don't think that will be heavily deducted in points because he has no brakes and you're flying all the way across the park it's almost impossible not to wash out a little bit but the judges are going to determine is oh so close to landing that one with the exclamation mark exclamation point paper that was serious Nami Edgar he's always been you know a staple of the Pro Cup Series showing up and showing everybody he's here for a reason he belongs and he is the current champion for a reason so we're gonna see exactly what the judges think of the scope of the riding on this one we're going to see how it all unfolds because we were gonna we're gonna get an idea we're gonna figure out pretty much who is going to be the champion after this heat right here yeah Scotty if you thought that the first two jams were crazy we have our top qualifiers from our semi-finals who have yet to take the course here this is the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup World Championships heat number three coming your way soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup World Championships here in Huntington Beach California the Vans off the wall skatepark I'm Darrell now at the legendary Scottie Cramer Scottie what was that James wanted to crazy that was completely stacked that last chip what we just saw in there was seriously the highest level BMX you could possibly get at a skatepark like you had the biggest names in that group right there all the top guys that are currently in the chase for the points finale it's gonna be unbelievable to see how it all unfolds in the judges eyes I can't even believe what we've witnessed one more heat to go but let's talk a little bit about Heat number two our last one of our last riders out there the San Diego rider one of our favorites as well Dennis Anderson I'm getting word that Steve Crandall is down at the pool party to catch some words from Dennis Steve Crandall back on the deck I about blew a head gasket watching you ride that last run Dennis Anderson tell the crowd what was going on and how things worked out and Heat number two he was sick going behind sir Joe and Jason two of my favorite riders and then I blew my second run and I was like man I got to make it up for the boys so I was like I'm either gonna fall or just try a bunch of on the Vans logo and somehow it worked it worked out awesome I don't know if you're allowed to swear on broadcasts though anything goes that the vans BMX Pro Cup right now I think I can speak on behalf of everybody here right now most people are speechless after watching you ride but we're gonna go back to Scotty and Daryl up top any last words before we go into group number three Huntington Beach thanks for being here yeah Thank You Steven Thank You Dennis definitely make it happen in your third and final run again Scotty three huge tricks up on that vans sign that was crazy that was so cool to see and I saw him doing stuff like that in practice and for him to be able to nail that especially that foot jam to fakie landing on that edge of that van sign perfect strategic and getting it when it counts yeah it's all about delivering the goods when it counts let's take a look at some of the highlights from jam at number two so there's our man Cody Pollard from Australia there's that one crazy bull corner err that's got it I like how you highlighted the fact that he's not transferring and he's also going from the pocket back into the pocket making it so much more difficult I'm believable and where's Kevin KRAS is doing the double tail of so many big tricks so much classic style kicking that Superman secret Indian air then we have our man Matt Cordova the local guy not far at all showing you guys exactly why he belongs with his classic style and big tricks here's a tail whip drop in next to that walnuts that's a pretty scary tail that you pulled out and then there's Sergio Lai of second place in points this year he has been on a tear as well coming fresh off of a win Jason wass our current points leader currently winning in the last two stops we're wondering if you can keep that momentum into this one as well such great riding Dennis Anderson and newest guy on two vans BMX Pro the team look at the lucky stall to 270 dropping in on the Vans logo bringing that manual to fans play a 180 drop in on that ball so much classic style from Dennis enters so many big tricks and then there's Larry Edgar the currents of champion so the bending champion showing you exactly why by doing all these crazy high airs these 360 fakie in the deep end on a pool coping like it's just unbelievable the level of riding these guys are at look at that 360 his sliding out rate the last second and Jason wants a decade on that bands corner and then here's the show right here with Dennis Anderson the foot Jam fakie on that vans logo was insane down yeah Dennis putting down three big tricks back to back to back that's wild to see that was our top two heats but one heat with our top riders from our semifinal have yet to take the course we are gonna wind up seeing where our riders sit because this is a points race so not only do we have over 80 $2,000 courtesy of vans which is a very nice thing but we do have that overall points champion ship we had our stops around the world as we said Australia Germany Mexico City as we get ready to watch our riders take to the course and Scotty since we had our semi-finals they're the ones that technically rode it better than our other riders yesterday so they had the advantage to say hey I'm gonna go you're gonna be in the last heat to go and you're gonna be able to sit back and kind of watch the other riders now as a competitor yourself how does that feel as far as your heat placement is concerned well it's nerve-racking when you have to wait for that long because you know it's building up and you're seeing all this great riding you're like man am I gonna do enough that picked the right tricks that I designed the right run but you know in the judges eyes you want to be one of the last people to go because you want to show them why you are the are the last one you want to put you know that exclamation point on there so they can be remembered so well let's take a look at the current standings after jam 1 & 2 have been complete so 14 riders took the course and watts sitting in that top spot within 80 6.50 you're defending champion Larry Edgar so close an eighty five point eight zero Dennis Anderson with an 84 point nine zero sergio lay us in fourth fifth being held on to you by jose torres gil fixed matt cordova and seventh kevin Peraza so as we take a look in 86 to an 80 is the top seven places followed by : Cody Pollard Michael mogul John Parker Heath Pat Casey Quanah madona Jose Sedano and Mike pucker Clark goes at your top 14 riders but as we mentioned this is a 21 rider final the top seven riders have yet to take the course so we also in addition to those points out there we do have two other contests that are going on within this event we actually have a best line contest that's going on within the event where the judges are going to award 750 dollars to our riders for that and afterwards we're gonna be doing a raddest trick competition but let's take a look at the start list as we get ready to launch our third and final heat as we break down the seven riders that we're gonna wind up seeing and Scotty I gotta tell you if you thought the last two heats were verse with their riders take a look right here the Gold Coast Australia is Chris James the 16 year old sensation that jumped on our tour from Brisbane Australia Josh dove local San Diego California legend dirt brother Gary Young we've got the German rider who's just welcome to the Vans international pro team Paul Dolan the superstar from Japan 17 years old rim Nakamura we have our transition rider of the year for our BMX is Nora Cup the Canadian Corey Walsh and it is with such honor to say our number one qualifier from our semi-final the man who marches to his own drum and adds at a faster tempo than anyone else is Chris Fox so right now Scotty we're getting ready as we see our first rider Chris James another one who has made his name on our Vans BMX Pro Cup the first year we took place two years ago and right now Chris James drop it in Chris James is one of my favorite riders out there I will go out there and say it because this dude is no joke he cooks so high he's got the craziest tricks and I have so much fun every time this guy drops in did you hear what Scotty just said it's one of Scotty Kramer's favorite riders with good reason Scotty look at Chris James go he's been riding so well in practice and like it's so cool to see because he's got such a different approach and I love that he's getting his chance to showcase his riding to the world because he's got so much such unique tricks he's another goofy footed rider it's not to it oh great run Chris James I've run the blue one wyldstyle for Chris James says we said there's going to be a best line contest that the judges will pull from the play field of competition and then afterwards we're gonna have an open jam for Radice trick Chris James right there get it done for his first run our next rider 16 years old when we were at her first stop in Sydney Australia at Five Dock we said who is this young Ripper out there blasting just as high if not higher than the pros and looking like a veteran the way that he composed himself well his name is Josh Dov we got dubby right now doing it for colony vans Australia and protec taken the course Davi has blown everybody's mind out here not just the pros but L the BMX riders around the world his approach took the course and his approach to riding is so rare to see nowadays and his style is no it's it's unlike anything we've seen 80 years he's another group Makoto rider and his choice of tricks and his choice to do these certain tricks the way that he does is what separates him as a BMX rider but the fact that he's only 16 and has the confidence to go that fast had a deep end in a bowl is what separates him for sure yeah that style right there with that alley-oop moto whip Scotty it's almost as if Josh dove has taken the best parts of all the Australian riders and said let me take a little influence of Jason watch with those opposite one foot table 360s let me take some of the high-flying air of Chris James let me take a little style of Cody Pollard and put the mix together so Josh de putting his first run down well our third rider he is your riders rider doing it for Vans Sunday and Odyssey he is an X Games gold medalist and he always has known to find unique lines this is Gary young look at the alley-oop 360 to start things off and landing absolutely perfect on the shark fin gary has been on vans for so long and he is still at the top of his game it's amazing to see riding that vans quarter pipe the bumpers bent over on that one and it's crazy I would not think that 540 transfer would ever be an option for anybody out there the fact that Gary just did it and rode away from it I know the hand of course took lowered but something had to give with that kind of momentum yeah Gary I'm flying across the park looking to just adjust the bars right there hoping to just pop back into the pool he's gonna wind up waving it off the good thing though about the Vans BMX Pro Cup the judges want the riding to speak loudest and it's not necessarily you get penalized for with what you don't do and I want to put a huge out to our main man Dustin for being there to help out all the riders when they have their bike troubles he is one of the greatest students in BMX and we are so proud that he is a part of this fan series yes god you're talking about Dustin T Oram spends his time out at Woodward and also praising the good Lord for all of our riders out here both all him with the huge tabletop transfer that was a big gap and he was able to crank that tabletop and hold it across it that was huge yeah now Scotty Paul's another one of those riders who's the future of BMX that we have seen him arrive in his own style he rides at the o4o skate park in the Netherlands where he's perfected this high speed big blasting out here just welcome to the Vans team as he does a huge no-handed transfer cipolla is such a unique rider as well because he goes both ways on all of his tricks like everything he does it's so hard to figure out which his regular direction is compared to you know his not so normal arm because it looks perfect as well there's times where I see him and I completely forget that he originally was good foot and he would do a 180 over to spine and then looked opposite so very very interesting you know to see so many different riders with so many different you know people you know techniques out there but next rider dropping in is Brynn Nakamura coming off of a silver medal at X Games and it was his rookie riding attempt at X Games also [Applause] Scottie I believe that was a quadruple barspin that when was going for out for a moment one of the tougher riders out there we've got an amazing medical staff we are gonna give rim a few moments to get checked out it looks like the crowd is having some mixed reactions out there as rim is just going to take a minute to breathe as we mentioned we have some of the best medical staff we have Trish bear from bear sports essentials who makes sure's all of our riders are getting going it's got a you know sometimes you just fall you knock the wind out of yourself you wind up getting back up and back to it yeah it's a shame because it's a part of BMX I mean like let's be honest there's a reason why I'm not out there with the guys right now you know I had a tough crash myself and I've fallen many times and there's times where you get back up and there's times where you know you never know what happens out there so we all got of respect every time we get on our bike we need to you know realize that what we're doing is dangerous so but the crowds going here the ground and you can see them just over our shoulder as rim Nakamura he's given the thumbs up out here he is with Trish Baer as we said he's getting out of the bowl you could see Jerry the bad boy batters the man who helped make this event possible as rim Nakamura is getting cheered on by thousands of fellow riders and fans we're gonna give him a moment to get checked out hopefully Scotty you never know he might be in the next two runs out on the course as we said our riders are super tough sometimes you got to get your bearings but we know we will not let anybody ride if they're not cleared first by medical so rim walking off he is the Japanese sensation he's a superstar when it comes to Japan but right now the superstar of transition of BMX he just got himself an ORAC up out in England we're talking about the Colt rider one of the fastest guys out there for sure Corey Walsh has a racing background was competing at a pro level and decided to transition into BMX freestyle and Wow since then he has put on you know quite the emphasis on what it means to be the transition rider out there because he is just coming off of best transition rider of the years the noir cup award and you are not voted that by it by chance those are the riders that you ride with all over the BMX you know the guys that are at the top tier that are voting you there so you know that this guy is the real deal he is so much pumped so much speed so much style as well yeah Corey grew up at the Hastings skate park in Vancouver some of the bigger transitions out there so that's where he cut his chops as a younger rider Corey currently tied with Gary Young for fifth place as we move into our men's ranking for the world championships now I like to think that Corey kind of redefined what it is to ride transition by finding the unique lines pumping in and pumping out it looks like he's wind up saying hey we are gonna clear the deck right now because the fuse has been lit and the gasoline is about to get thrown on the fire for Chris Fox the fastest guy out there for sure Chris Fox also has a racing background now his approach to riding bulls is so unique he immediately gets there and he's like alright how can I open this one up where can I go as fast as possible and connect my lines you'll see a lot of manuals you will see a lot of gaps and you will see a lot of huge look backs that we love every bit of it Chris Fox transferring from that shark fin into the bowl right there landing it actually like in the bowl corner pumping around these camera this camera times a week a big job ahead of him keeping up with this guy Fox going the distance coast-to-coast on that transfer it's crazy to think that we have witnessed all other riders on course and the 20 of them have not taken any of the lines that Chris Fox has out here Scotty I like to think that's the case because Fox is actually fastest on course opening up different parts of the bowl that you can't get to unless you have all that speed we're seeing Mike hug her Clark being psyched right there for fellow rider Chris Fox cheering them on so that was our seventh rider of jam three that means we're gonna react the deck and go back to the top four colonies Chris James one of my favorites right here dropping in this guy is nothing but a good time on a bike getting huge flare over that vans quarter pipe he was clear over the top of it nobody is doing that nobody I mean not even like anybody in this competition like nobody in the world will do that 540 the technique that Chris James just did so here goes Chris transfer to the curved wall rides using that part of the course of the judges are going to love that because that's unique that's different yeah when you have 21 of the world's best riders you want your voice to be individual out here and stand on its own and Chris James is doing that with the close James sliding out did not keep the bike underneath the boom so that was a no rider wants to fall at all but if you wind up if you're gonna crash coming down from an air where do you want to try to put your body in worst-case scenario all technique but when it comes to a flare he did the right thing about sliding down on his side on that you know the edge of his butt right there but next rider dropping in is 16 year old Josh dove everybody calls him dovey it's amazing to see the confidence at such a young age from this kid not only in his riding but showing up here with the world's best BMX riders and being able to stay composed stay confident and put on such a show every single time such great style that one footed tabletop I was talking with Robbie Morales yesterday and he brought it up he said he hasn't seen somebody you know bring that kind of style since Mike Aitken they know it and if you shout - Mike akin for being the one of the first guys I'm gonna say the first guy in BMX to really put the emphasis on style and really show you know what it means to be sauce we got Josh with them the manual holding onto the handlebar with both hands like that and he gets to into the deep end wow the crowd is going nuts right now and a flair for dovey as he flies out in the Huntington Beach fans are going absolutely ballistic for the 16 year old Ryder dove is currently sitting in 10th place as far as points are concerned coming into the world championships Australia he got 10th 10th in Germany and a 12th in Mexico he is in the final so that means he'll be getting a big chunk of points but right now Gary young invert classic Gary young move going from that small quarter body into the deep one now what I love about Gary come around as I was just about to explain to you guys he has such a great approach to riding skate parks he sees the lines and he makes it happen just like Sergio Leo's but he does it with Gary young style and he has a lot different tricks in Sergio Reyes he's got a very very unique approach to the course just like how he carved around that bull corner and turned it into a wall ride on that sub box that was so cool yeah Gary can find the little pockets where he sometimes puts his pegs or tires oh just that we're saving it trying to get the wall ride on the vans logo and go as we like to say off the wall landing backwards with the 180 trying to get the fakie right there young washing out a little bit but still a solid run prior to that point so Gary Young currently sitting in fifth as we said he's tied with Corey Walsh right now on course Paul Dolan with an alley-oop tabletop Paul pumping in and bringing some the first jump he did he gapped into the deep end that was a scary one he went from the edge of the bands quarter pipe and went into the deepest on top of the wall pulling that one in the manual he's brake less as well so he can't control you know his bike from looping out that was that was such a cool line right there Scotty the great thing about the manuals would he did after that as well he had enough speed to pump in the quarter meaning that sweet enough to transfer over to that roller from it the big quarterpipe Dolan as psyches get to pound from Andi the Zeeman zeiss who's one of our vans BMX Pro Cup coordinators and vans TM so cool to see the camaraderie getting all of the high-fives out there the Mexican wrestling mask so word is coming in that rim Nakamura is going to be getting checked out he's gonna pass on his second run but that means that right now the course is open for Corey walls Corey Walsh is flying right now so many amazing lines from this guy I've seen him in practice open up a couple I hope we're going to see right now heading towards the bands logo nice Ally you bring that style with that late tabletop get that gap into the deep end right there from the curt wall right corner that is serious stuff right there Corey Walsh part of the fast and loose crew they have been working on a video oh wow big transfer talk about a unique line thankfully washes up to his feet he is standing loud and proud as Huntington Beach is rewarding his efforts that was such a big transfer Scott he had to utilize his entire body almost a bunny hop off the wall to pull out into that transition but as we said Corey Walsh fast and loose crew same with Chris Fox they are working on a video that will be released potentially after Thanksgiving but right now it is all about one day here for the run of Fox just flash flying through the ball Scotty the energy on the crowd on the deck right now this is what BMX is about all these guys are feeding off of it and you could tell in their riding look at the speed look at the height look at them pushing the limits and trying to ride their best right now and Chris box is doing what he does best bringing the speed bringing the carbs and the heirs to this run right now now a lot of times on courses Chris Fox is too fast to get through it and landed a little bit nose-heavy right there he is doing a starfish in the bottom meaning that he is okay getting back to his feet Huntington Beach is absolutely loving Chris Fox and I was about to say Scotty I had a chance to talk to Chris and a lot of courses can't even contain his speed says if he has a different tire on his bike he's running demolition tires if you're wondering but his can't even be concerned as far as speed goes he goes you know what I ride at one pace I like to thank a Lemmy and Motorhead and that is who fuels me up does if I'm hit and play on a tape deck right before I drop in so Chris Fox definitely making Lemmy proud out there he'll have a third and final but right now this is Jam number three there are seven riders who are about to take the course this is going to be their final time so they are gonna want to make things count we got the colony Rider Chris James getting the thumbs up as he drops in oh this is gonna be exciting right here Chris James is going to bring the heat look at that Oh Chris James hanging up heavy on that quarter pipe across I believe Chris is just catching his breath right there Wow everybody given a big round of applause here in Huntington please do the same at home that was a very hard slam from Chris James you saw how excited and juiced up he got he tried to transfer from that far quarter all the way back there's actually drifting not only a 15-foot gap but also back about six feet it's very hard to precisely get and I think that Chris was actually trying to go a little extra speed to set up for that big deep end quarter but he wound up hanging up a little bit and going down can you imagine what we I don't want to imagine Chris changes an Australian who's part of the contingent who has just cut from steel but right now the young rider Josh dove on course Dovie bringing the speed bringing the style as well look at that watch my tabletop you can hear the whole crowd everybody on the BMX deck this kind of goes into like a hush you know it's like it's like watching like your favorite basketball player just shoot like a perfect three-point or you're like amazing dunk there we go dummy right now his mom is in the house as well it's cool to have the family support as he has been traveling around the four stops on the globe Dovie hitting that pocket dropping in nice and fresh with a one-handed table and Scotty I know you're taking note both directions Dovie is just blasting all the way out of the bowl you should be doing that 16 years old you should have you know has even earned it but somehow he's put the work in and he's earned it already at 16 years of age which is nuts Oh one for the man who will step it off right there yeah Davi big runs three are done right there not only is he a veteran with his riding it's just his composure out there he is so chill and relaxed hey I'm just high five in Gary young Corey walls I know I'd be down there freaking out because right now Gary young the og dirt brother being cheered on by finger dropping in with that power really that's what we want to see there's all you 360 lanes that one perfect again let's see if we continues out on tombstone tabletop well Scotty I know who else was psyched on that power wheelie we've got our artist for the artwork here tajmahal ik he is in the house he blessed us with his artwork this year on our world cup tour as we got Gary Young go in his opposite direction setting up double peg hopping over to Gary's got such great control and he's got such a great use of course downside double peg grind look just think about that he uses pegs in three different areas that not many people would even think about using and you did it all within a run wall ride 180 it was so close the roll out you just start sliding and drifting his momentum got turnrate at the last second but man that was awesome to see yeah Scotty when you go backwards things can be amplified with the speed and Gary young just washing out right there there's that gap again into the deep end it looks absolutely terrifying and he did it twice today Paul toll and it is a force to be reckoned with look at the way bring it in that manual you know when he's carving to his left way but you can also carve to his right just like that and that's what makes him so unique and that's why he is at the level he isn't BMX you know on the Vans BMX protein : right now making Germany proud toboggan transfer that so you grab the seat twist the handlebars and float through the sky [Applause] man that was a break list tail tap the temp for Thole and throwing up the horns he is psyched even though he went down he did exactly what you said Scottie / riders falling they want to try to land into that transition utilizing it as a slide the worst case scenario is to go all the way down to flat where you could wind up getting hurt right now we are going to quarry wall shock oh that was a huge air time believable I'm gonna say unofficially the highest air we've seen but yet we got our five judges out there who are not only looking for high air but also the best line as we've got our third and final Jam I love that trailer that's so nice from that you know that lower quarter put into the deep end is terrifying it's a pocket air as well poor Walsh you know like we mentioned this earlier the transition rider of the year for great reasons what he's done to BMX his contributions has changed transition and there's that pocket air that he hung up on and fell in the last run pulling that one and that's so important to these riders they want to overcome and things that take them down yeah that's got to be a great feeling to get Redemption well one rider remains he was our top qualifier he is the local who rides Huntington Beach Pier on the regular he is the SE Ripper doing it for the wild man this is Chris Fox Chris is flying right now look at a transfer into that bull corner off of that shark fin setup Chris Fox just he really has made it some danger right there front wheel almost tags accubow little earlier like how can you pump around a pole that fast I don't know but Chris Fox somehow cuts the corner and just drops his shoulder I think any other rider in the world would have washed their front wheel out but Chris box is able to somehow do it and get that transfer across Fox Landing a little low let's see if he's going to keep it rolling it looks like he's gonna pop out so Chris Fox our top qualifier out here as the huntington beach is really going crazy for all of our top riders we just work through our third and final jam but we are not done yet we still have what some might call one of the best parts of the entire weekend we're talking about the raddest trick competition we see our course we've met our riders so don't go anywhere raddest Rick coming up next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the vans BMX Pro Cup World Championships here at the Vans off-the-wall skatepark we just witnessed three jams 21 of the world's best riders we traveled all around the globe Australia Germany Mexico City and here in Huntington Beach to get that motley crew out there witnessed some of the craziest riding my name is Darrell now I'm joined by Scottie Cramer Scottie such an honor having you here today and this is a fun one it was such a pleasure to be able to call this competition with you especially they had us on the edge of our seat through the whole entire contest hour yeah and if you didn't get a chance to look at Heat number three good for you we've got a recap so we're gonna check out some of the highlights from the top seven finishers in the semi-final and look at some of the action that went down in Jam number three so much great riding Chris James really up in the ante and then we had that rough crash but the standouts like that 540 was serious there is Chris box the local Huntington Beach rider he brought in some fast lines cruising around got Gary Young opening up some crazy spin gaps as you can see you've landed so hard that is flood the handlebars rip cord which is crazy Paul toll and all the way from Germany brought in in his own unique lines to today's event bringing that manual on that top deck then you have the Canadian Corey Walsh transition rider of the year showing you exactly why he deserved it Josh dove the 16 year old rider from Australia really putting on a style demo out there for everyone all use both ways you know May table tops both directions and even did that crazy handlebar manual holding on to it with both hands on the right side all the way to the deep end of the bowl the crowd went nuts when he pulled that one so amazing amazing heat that was so much fun to watch yes god it's so exciting to witness 2019 the world championships these are the best riders in the world out there we're gonna give our five judges a moment or two to make sense of the madness we've got Big Island Mike Castillo we've got Dennis DMC McCoy we've got local River Dakota Roche we've got Ruben Alcantara and Head Judge Joe rich we're gonna have to figure out where the riders sit but good thing for all of us and including you and I Scotty as we take a look at our judges up there we're not done we still got the raddest trick contest coming up van said you know what we don't want to make this a traditional best trick contest so that the hardest thing maybe has to determine what is gonna be awarded out there they said hey let's switch things up let's make this the raddest trick I'm curious to see what qualifies as a B raddest trick I got a feeling these guys aren't going to be holding back at all and is going to feel exactly like a best trick competition it's going to be serious and especially with this many different kind of riders we have guys like Jason Watts who is capable of doing those crazy nose manual lines to link together but you also have guys like Corey Walsh who could open up a gap that nobody even imagined possible so it's gonna go a bunch of different directions why don't we forget about Dennis Anderson all the things that he did on the band signed today like what else does he have in the bag you know he's got more yeah I mean knowing Dennis anything is possible if you haven't had a chance to check out as we take a look at him down there Dennis Anderson he lit up the world on fire last year with his caps lock part basically everyone in the internet saw how well-rounded of a rider is and the reason I'm bringing that up is because he's actually been working with rich foreign in the Vans BMX family filming a whole new video series if you haven't had a chance to give us a follow grab your smartphone at Vans BMX 66 you could keep up to the date on all the adventures of the fans BMX team as he travel around the world and also keep in touch with Scottie Cramer on your adventures yes please do he'll be awesome yes Scottie it's so cool to see all of our riders have you taking a look at some of the trophies down there but the vibe here at the Vans BMX Pro Cup if you didn't join us at one of our stops next year we are going to be going global again we want to see you out here whether you wind up coming as a rider and you can join in one of our regional qualifiers which is open to anybody or if you want to join the party and cheer on our riders like we actually see legendary rider and Colt crew owner Robbie Morales there on deck who's talking with Gary young you're welcome to join the party we want you to come out here this is the BMX family community it's open to all riders and they are getting ready right now as they are just looking at this course and essentially are going to be artists out here now Scotty you're a top competitor as we said 9 X Games medals do Cup champions you've entered so many events what do you think's going through a rider right now they just put down their runs maybe they did what they want maybe they didn't and now how is their feeling gonna be so the thing is no matter what and you're whether they did exactly what they wanted to do or they you know didn't get exactly what they wanted to do the nerves are off you know what is done is done so the guys are you know they're kind of feeling relieved at this point because they know that they don't need to stress about you know that big moment because the big moment happen so a lot of guys especially like Jason Watts Sergio Leo's Larry Edgar the ones that have been waiting to see where they've showed up in the points for the championship now they're gonna be a little bit nervous wondering how it all went down but you know what we have the raddest trick coming up and these guys are gonna be loving this one because it's not gonna be stressful it's not gonna feel like a competition it's gonna feel like a big session with all your friends and you get to go out there and push the limits push yourself and everybody's just gonna have an awesome time doing it yeah I think awesome time is definitely the key phrase I mean this is like a pool party essentially where a rider will feed off each other out there now we do know that this is a competition as we said we have over 80 $2,000 courtesy of vans big ups and big respect to the huge prize purse but we have 700 50 up for grabs for the raddest trick I want to ask you Scotty how much of this is like a competition where it's like a cutthroat thing or you cheering on your friend that's out there how does this work for our riders yeah there's nothing about you know people like you know I want to be the one that wins like you want to go out there and you want to do your best trick for yourself and if your friend goes out there and he does his best trick listen it's however the judges want to see it this is all about energy this is all about having a great time and this is what BMX is about yeah that energy is so important and for all of you watching at home we want to hear from you drop some comments of who you think are going to basically be doing the craziest moves out here in the bowl or what styles or what you think you might see we got comments coming in from around the world let me give a shout out to the 9th street BMX trails we got Miguel Santana my man who is cheering on we also have Reed stark we have some of the best riders out there Reed is loving this cheering on our guys out there he is telling me that he's psyched to see Corey Walsh I'm gonna turn twist the table though Scotty what do you think we're gonna see out there I'm hoping to see some you know you gotta use this course to its fullest you got to look completely around this place and be like okay if that gap right there maybe you know it might work but it needs a moment to really push up and rise up to the occasion and this is what it's about so I'm hoping to see something that's groundbreaking I'm hoping to see something new to be a next you know that people are gonna be talking about non-stop because the level of you know riding it because of the riders that are here today should be through the roof it really should yeah I mean what we witnessed earlier was so crazy not only for our world championship but this has been a global points race let's take a look at what the board was as far as coming here for three stops so what we're seeing this does not include what we witnessed here in Huntington Beach but as we enter three stops Australia Stuttgart Germany and Mexico City Mexico we have Jason Watson top with 276 sérgio Laius sit and strong in second with 254 points two-time defending champion Southern California boy Larry Edgar with 232 points and we saw the man who worked that vans sub box three big hits in a row Dennis Anderson with 212 so Scotty we take a look that's not a big point spread 276 to 212 yeah it's really not at all it was super tight and it just goes to show the level of riding right now there's not one guy that's standing out especially when you're traveling to a bunch of different skate parks because every skatepark is different the design is going to be different the ramps the direction that everything goes so some skate parks may cater to other riders you know and that's just the way it is but the fact that these guys are staying that close just goes to show how talented this group of riders really are yeah we're talking about the top field of BMX riders but we know so many of you are brand new to the sport of BMX we want to get you involved so again make sure you log on to Vans BMX Pro Cup com you can check out where their next stops will be next year but right now we are about to get started as we look at the canvas of creation for our riders for the raddest trick competition look at this bowl one of a kind designed specifically for their World Championships here in Huntington Beach and we are getting ready for the raddest trick competition we're gonna throw it down to the man at the pool party Steve Crandall what's up everybody first of all thank you for letting me join you here the finals were absolutely out of control we're gonna get things started for the best trick winner-take-all 15 minute jam on the course back to the guys up top and let's get this party started [Music] Jason Watts dropping it in right now we've got the best in the business out here going for the big money drop bags walking us through it Dennis Anderson on the course all right we have that stunt we have started all right we are in our raddest trick all right ladies and gentlemen get ready this is what's known as a full-on freak show in the bowl these guys throwing it down for 15 minutes winner-take-all all right now check it out Gary young we saw this 360 transfer earlier but we didn't oh not sure and I don't want to call it but it looks like that could be a variation on that transfer all right one of the stars in the finals Jason watts 360 in the long one now Jason Watts has some of the wild is 360 variations in his bag here comes Dennis Anderson yeah Dennis a nice whoa off the wall back onto the wall dead sailor over the van's logo it's like an advertiser's wet dream right now yo nomes buck 540 to fakie and just in case you're wondering that's the winner of the last best trick at the last two rounds mr. Kevin Barraza fact I see check it out whoa landing so high on the transition spin cycle right there I don't even know what's going on who's in [Applause] ah I'm pretty sure that whole line is gonna be a manual to pop up to manual and there may be a trick on the way in here comes Jason Watts back on the course yeah check it out look back 360 starting to leaf through the 360 variations Dennis the NS back on course ah pretty sure he's gonna bunk and do a little something-something Kevin Peraza bringing it in this is winner take all Wow backflip 180 to fakie [Applause] Michael Mogollon check it out manual pop to manual ah winners gonna get a brand new 1984 Ford Escort six cartons of menthol cigarettes some overcooked ramen noodles in a weekend with Dennis Anderson at the beach nose bunk shahboz there it is Oh tennis tennis he's warmed up keeping it going opposite direction a Canadian for Jam Wow skinny will ride to whip Wow skinny will ride in your face Gary young I think I'll just put my fool my fall round these tricks out there Gary just got the wind taken out of his sails he was trying to get that Ford Escort that was ridiculous Jason watch stepping things up it is getting wild in the bowl nice lime from Jason watts one foot in table 360 transfer all right now Pat Casey check it out saw that tell it flat spin last time double time oh look I got shot out of a cannon right there that is a double what our whip flat spin Flair super super tough so much going on now check it out Peraza now over you go all right gotta get himself lined up perfectly all right Dennis the Ennis for another four tricks dude I don't even know chill out on the vans logo Dennis letting the bird fly Jason watts on the course who's keeping the clock yo decade to look back at that one's serious right there man I don't know how your yawn and burn tell you deca this is wild right now check it out he's got some speed up we've seen this 360 transfer oh just under 10 minutes left on the clock Gary Young on the course it is absolute pandemonium I haven't seen anything this crazy since rocky 3 went thunderlips through rocky into the crowd nobody catches that reference Michael check it out up one star don't sliding into home base wildness Kevin Peraza Oh downside tell wit 180 all right now Pat Casey back in check it out you saw that first attempt last time it's a double towel with flat spin and it is no junk Bow Wow Wow like it's on Rails that was absurd make it out to pick one ie all oh this one's good now Dennis spin in there but putting the front peg down Joyce and watts there's that no hander to Naknek knows Santa oh here we go back on it check it out [Music] [Applause] I'm sure Gary young with that ever controversial half down you're like you're gonna make some noise my kid now he's shell-shocked Wow one more time I pray make some noise for Gary young huge 360 tower whip Wow Street drinks I'm stunned right now I don't even know what's going on Wow people getting their stuff done early now check this out Jason what's been raising up each time now what's he got his eyes on headed out you've got some speed up oh you're gonna have to do a little bit better than a 1 foot or watts I didn't seem Gary young do a 360 whip transfer yo that guy trying to clean up the flat bottom with his brand-new shirt my cool dude I'm pretty sure Oh whip right there I think pretty sure Dennis he's going up and he's 118 stoop it to 180 over flip definitely not went in with that one one it's a stick might whoa Pat Casey back in some of the business was taken care of but apparently not Oh check this out whoa looks like we've got some fakie magic for you Peraza back in a spin fives we must be getting towards that last five minutes now what's keeping it going yeah that was cool unexpected right there grab bags cannot get that combo in McDonald's six minutes left on the clock hyper mogollons lazy too he's back at it trying to clean up the course course inside I lost five minutes [Applause] right now check it out Dennis Anderson Wow Anderson Dennis has got a new signature Callaway coming out soon we need some photographs they've got the logo in it whoa Oh Kevin Peraza tightrope walking up there it is an absolute free-for-alls we get down to the five-minute mark look at this downside Jason what's trying to go down side tower with up into the nose manual just under five minutes on the clock four minutes 20 seconds left check it out Casey gonna fakie he needs to get that just right I've got a feeling we've got some splendiferous on this from the future for you Dennis Henderson apparently he's got more business with the logo oh he's going fakie ah alright so in case you can't see from the grandstands he's got a can-can it's a foot jam and then stalling to fakie Jason what's going for a down side tower it's a nose wheelie now Kevin Peraza eyes on the logo going next here comes Philippe back on the course check it out he's trying to flair into the car whoa that was ridiculous so rad wild-looking yes Felipe heads up Felipe check it out what's going down slide whip to nose Willy alright still got KC innocent and what's check it out wants to go down whip to nose or that is a tough one right there those tricks not designed to go together three minutes and change on the clock the spectators anxiously waiting to see what happens next eNOS eNOS n' alright check it out now eyes back on the logo that could be so many things under side ice maybe under side feeble honest who knows alright kevin Peraza he's got some business with the sign check it out [Applause] [Applause] [Music] how that looked like it wasn't gonna get poked Robin to the moment he got pulled - hi ladies and gentlemen let's make some noise for him Wow foot jam coward nose pick on the sign what's down side whip it right up as soon as he's on wall Peraza not finished check it out eyes on this little spine transfer dude chill out Peraza you're killing the charges Big Island just popped a blood vessel in his forehead watching that one go down he's gonna have another tattoo there in a minute check it out downside whip to nose ah alright once looks like he may be trying to go down side whips a hand five timers got to be running down now two-minute warning two-minute warning Jason Watts oh this one is a video game trick right here trying to whip the backend and then land front foot on the peg into the nose wheelie bars are coming back in check it out three oh wow fast been one ie tell with half cab on the way in alright time is ticking down kids if you've got something on your mind now my world would eat all our Gary Young back on course gonna get himself some speed where is he headed and looking for a little something-something I see what you're looking at there and I like it what's chasing it wants to go down wit to hang five all right Gary young gonna get y'all some speed up now where is he running up for [Applause] [Music] oh come on once you got it here we gotta check it out 45 seconds left on the clock let's get loud for these riders time is ticking down Jason whoops downside with time final attempt [Applause] o'clock Surf's Up sir fees operates be surf is most definitely up kook of the day right there Mike Hawker Clark [Applause] underneath the canopy ladies and gentlemen round and loose with my clock Jason what's down so I quit to hang all right Gary Young's back on it where's he headed all right Huntington Beach that it's gonna be time for best trick riders do whatever you want I don't even care Jason Watts but we are gonna move into the award ceremony shortly [Applause] well Scottie we just had the raddest trick that is total craziness we're looking at the bowl right there you can see the smoke rising from all the action this was definitely a barn burner as far as our women's goes our highest air our men's competition and also right there the raddest trick don't go anywhere because we are about to have awards to figure out not only which rider is on top and getting the biggest chunk of that $82,000 in cold hard cash but also who will be crowned world champion here at the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup but before we get to the awards we're gonna treat you to a few highlights from our men's final [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we are very proud to be here for the final stop of the 2019 a vans BMX broke up series a very big special thank you to Huntington Beach for hosting our event and a huge special thank you goes out to all of our athletes and our fans here to present their awards Zack sheets vans North American skateboard marketing manager Jerry batters bands North American sports events manager Dakota Roche vans BMX pro athlete justin valano vans north american senior manager marketing action sports and last but not least Andy the Zeman's ice vans BMX pro cup manager all right well these are the moments that we've been waiting for first awards are going to our women at the 2000 at 19 Vans BMX Pro Cup let's put our hands together for getting 750 dollars in cold hard cash the best line winner goes to Paris Penang gas [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's hear it one more time for Paris Venegas in our women's category we also have a high air contest that went down getting 750 dollars the highest air goes to Macarena Perez all right well now in our world championships I'm going to announce 7th through 4th and then we're going to call up the top three finalists so put your hands together coming in seventh place Natacha wet sold sixth place keep that round of applause going for Natalya diem fifth place goes to the Spanish rider Teresa Oscar Wagah and fourth place goes to the legendary rider Nina boo Trago now in no particular order I am gonna well cup Nikita do CRO Macarena Perez and Paris Venegas please come on down coming in in third place and getting $5,000 in cold hard cash Macarena Perez [Applause] and the suspenseful moment getting $7,500 in cold hard cash and a second place trophy put your hands together for Nikita duker oh and that means that you're 2019 vans BMX broke up world champion final stop and $12,000 goes to Paris Venegas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's hear it one more time for our top three finishers Macarena Perez the key to do crow and Paris Menendez all right Paris congratulations on your win out here how does it feel being the final stop winner it's amazing I mean well you're riding definitely spoke loud out there and you'd words were not needed do you have anything you want to say to any of the up-and-coming female riders out there we actually had a young one out here that competed with us for the first time and it was just amazing to see her out here Epping with us and she had so much fun and that's what it's all about it's having fun well words of a true champion let's put it together one more time for Paris Fernandez congratulations Paris thank you now let's take a look at today's full results you can see the breakdown as you can see on the big screen we got the breakdown of our full results Paris Venegas coming out on top but today was all about the women and the men as we had different competitions going on and one of those was the best line winner getting himself 750 dollars in cold hard cash the local boy the fast-flying Chris box [Applause] Chris hold that trophy up loud and proud this is your local winner of the best line Chris Fox all right we had 15 minutes that were locked and loaded on the clock open to all of our riders for the raddest trick competition coming out on top and getting $750 he is the local dirt brothers from San Diego with a nollie 360 tail at transfer Gary Young [Applause] Gary get back there and hold the trophy up loud and proud give it up for Gary Young all right well I'm going to announce 10 through 4th where we are going to show a big round of applause for our riders efforts and then the same we will welcome up the top three finishers put your hands together for tenth place coming all the way from Santiago excuse me coming all the way from Argentina Jose Torres Gil 9th place goes to the smooth stylish Spanish rider Sergio Leo's eighth place belongs to Germany give it up for Paul Bo in seventh place goes to the Australian rider and one of the youngest in the competition 16 year old Josh dove sixth place is going to go to the san diego rider who put a demo up on that van sub box Dennis Anderson keep it going for your two-time defending champion Larry Edgar and fourth place goes to the Australian with some of the biggest flares in 540's Chris James alright we are gonna report to the main stage in no particular order Corey Walsh Chris Fox and Jason watts we are looking at our top three riders of our fourth stop Australia Germany Mexico City and now Huntington Beach for our world championships hitting himself $5,000 in a third place trophy the Australian Ripper Jason watts the suspense is here second place and $7,500 is going to go to the Colt rider Corey wasps that means first place in $12,500 is going to your left Chris box [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all three of you hold those trophies up loud and proud Chris we're going to put you in the middle hold those trophies up loud and proud and let that round of applause match where our top three finishers Jason Watts Corey Walsh and your local Chris Fox all right Chris Chris you are just the man I want to talk to congratulations the fourth stop on our world championships your hometown how does this feel right now man I don't even know what to say that's crazy oh dude I'm not to say well your riding was definitely crazy indeed watching you out there full speed all riders need to know what goes through your head is you drop in for a high-speed run I mean I don't feel like I go any faster than like Corey or any of those boys go so I don't know I've I have one thing I do and I just stick to that and that's that Stoke everyone liked it this stop hives man thanks for coming out well we're very hyped to watch your riding out there and definitely you're very modest as if we had a speedometer you would be breaking the knob on that going high-speed anything you want to say to riders out there that maybe take their own approach around the world yeah man just keep doing whatever you want to do you don't need to fit in you just if you like one thing stick to that and just stay true to yourself it's all good awesome Chris well I got to say you made Lemmy Motorhead and Huntington Beach very very proud congratulations Chris one more time hold that trophy up loud and proud and give it up for Chris box [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow magic moment down here let's take a look at our full results we got it on the big screen Chris Fox coming in on top with an eighty eight point six zero Cory Walsh in second Jason Watson third Chris James and fourth fifth belongs to Larry Edgar six to Dennis Anderson and seventh being held onto by Josh dove coming in eighth place Germany's Paul Dolan at nine Sergio Leo's tenth Jose Torres Gil 11th Matt Cordova 12th Kevin Peraza 13th Gary Young and 14th to Kody Pollard the 15th place belongs to Michael Moga Jonah 16th goes to Parker Heep 17 Pat Casey 18 Quan madona 19 Jose JMC Sodano 20th another local rider Mike Hawker Clarke and 21st to rim Nakamura so there are your top finishers for Huntington Beach all right we are not done yet because this was a world championship meaning that we started things off in Sydney Australia then we moved over to Stuttgart Germany then down to Mexico City Mexico we just witnessed the top riders as they got the top points and top purse here in Huntington Beach for our world championship now we're about to crown our men and women's world champion here to present the word give it up for Jerry batters keep that round of applause going because after the fourth stops coming out on top the Australian collinear Eider Natalia diem [Applause] [Music] all right I am here with Natalia congratulations how does it feel to be the champion at the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup it feels amazing I don't even know what to say thank you everyone this is sick it definitely is and I got to say you have been such a big inspiration for women riders around the world in Germany we saw you give your bike away anything you want to say to the up-and-coming female riders out there just keep shredding and try as hot as you can that's it really well congratulations hold that trophy up in a big round applause one more time for Natalia do [Applause] well coming back with another huge trophy right here is Jerry batters as we had our fourth stop all the riders around the world competed in a regional qualifiers thin our finals we just witnessed madness go down here in Huntington Beach and when all the points were tallied one rider came out on top let's put our heads together for the Australian rider the Vans Ripper Jason watts this is your 2019 Vans BMX cup world champion a sin watts [Applause] Wow congratulations Jason this is such a big moment how does it feel to be the world champion speechless I know first Chris wins which makes all of us win so I don't know this is one of the best contest is ever everyone kept a rubber side down and I don't think everybody I don't know thanks for everyone oh yeah speechless it's great to hear you that way I know how much this means to you you are so committed to your riding what was your approach as we came into the World Championships you had two wins prior to this did you feel the pressure everybody feels a certain side of pressure but I don't know if it's just and then you see that all the boys you know we got like a really amazing heat with Sergio Denis cool a Cody like Matt like there's just the boys and we just had a session and that's how it helped that helped out a lot so didn't yeah time ago that here the pressure was often there's just had normal session so I don't know huge congratulations to you Jason and on a closing anything you want to say to the riders around the world that you've been inspiring coming down in the park up and let it rip we'll be here next year words of wisdom one more time for your 2019 vans BMX broke up world champion Jason Watts want to give a huge thank you for everyone coming out for your support at the Vans BMX Pro Cup all series long we will see you next year for updates highlights you can check out Vans BMX Pro Cup calm on behalf of our entire team Paul Roberts Steve Crandall Scottie Cramer I am Darryl now big thank you for all joining and until next time signing out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vans
Views: 85,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vo8RwdS7FYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 8sec (12428 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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