Blade Banker's Microtech Knives

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what's up YouTube display banker hope everybody is doing well hey if you hear some loud noises in the background I got about nine kids out in my driveway just shooting basketball which is cool with me but you might hear at the background so I apologize for that hey glad to be back from Cincinnati thank you everybody for the well-wishes and all the good stuff trip was pretty good no bad news is good news these days so we will take it it was a fun trip why not a fun trip it was a trip we got through it took all the kiddos everybody survived everybody's back home and well so we're back I'm still waiting on one person to hear from on the winnings for the Valentine's Day Giveaway in that 700 subscriber giveaway so those will be coming to you very very soon Lauren green if you check this out hit me up and let me know on the 700 subscriber giveaway and I will get everything mailed out I need to follow up the two ladies on the second and third to see what they want and we'll be rockin wrong but hey today let's talk about some nice who likes micro techs I do I think a lot of people do so let's talk about here we go all right beautiful people let's talk about some fun knives today as a size comparison we're gonna use the old pair of military to back in the saddle always does a good job one I keep them going so we'll put that off to the side and what are we going to talk about well you already know you've seen this seen the title we're gonna talk about some Microtech knifes let me throw a couple out here so you don't have to look at my beautiful hands I used to be a hand model for those of y'all that didn't know and that career didn't last long so here I am now but a little bit about Microtech a lot of y'all know this I'm gonna give you a brief brief history so brief that you can probably barely Paris fast forward we'll be done with it so Microtech was founded in 1994 by anthony murphy own and his wife out of a small apartment in Vero Beach Florida they after that quickly moved to a storage shed moving on up in Vero Beach Florida however let's jump forward 25 years today or almost 26 years today they are headquartered in Western North Carolina they've also got a location in Bradford Pennsylvania they have over 100 employees now they are a real deal knife company a couple of cool things about them that I just wanted to note they use all Ammar actually they use all american-made manufacturers material and labor now more than 95% of their components that they use in knife making or manufactured in-house by them that's pretty impressive a lot of stuff is outsourced nowadays but they are still doing everything or most everything in-house are some things they can't do so every knife is backed by a lifetime limited guarantee and their warranty and the reason they can do that is because of the tight tolerances and the quality controls that they have in shop they are very well known for not overlooking any details every part of their knife plays a very smart role in the entire knife process so a couple other cool things each of their knives are sharpened by hand that is interesting each year the bulk of their production knives use a different steel so I think last year or the year before it was m390 this year it is CTS 204 P that's what they've chosen for 2020 now they make knives that aren't necessarily CTS 204 P in 2020 but the bulk of their production knives used the same steel over and over and they they really go into a big process of what steel they choose for that particularly year so that's a little brief history about a very cool company very very dedicated to quality always pushing the envelope on what they can do with the knife you look at some of these knives and you look at every little detail and nothing was overlooked nothing at all so let's talk about some specific micro texts that I have in my collection which I will be the first to admit admit my micro tech collection is not very extensive at all I have always been a fan of micro tech but I'm not a big fan of OT FS just for the practicality purposes in my opinion although micro Tech has such tight tolerances that there OTS can really be used for everyday carry in my opinion some of them some of them depending on the blade shape so I'm just gonna go through I have six micro tech knives in my collection and I'm gonna go through each one of them talk about them real briefly and then we'll be done I'll do a quick size comparison the first one that I ever got was this select-fire this was back in 2011 I picked this up the select-fire was a really cool knife that they did for awhile it's an aluminum handle with carbon fiber inserts it has a titanium liner lock it's it's it's more like a liner lock insert it's got a little cavity in here where all of this films so it can't be pushed down up left right or anything it's very very tight the lock will always remain pretty pretty tight because of how it's locked in to the handle this one has this wild wild pocket clip but it is a really cool knife if you can tell it's got some well you can't really see it on here and that makes me proud but it's got some scratching up here that I did not notice when I bought it until I got home and home was about five hours away from where I bought it so that wasn't very cool but it is a very even though it looks kind of like him at the time especially in 2011 kind of looked like a space-age knife it is very ergonomical and feels very good it's got the four finger tool that you can utilize and precision cutting it's got a thumb wrap with some tight jimping on it it's got some jimping all around it that is very useful there are no hot spots the blade is a high hollow grind it's a very beautiful blade it's got gigantic thumb studs that work very very well the action is really great on it it's more like a hydraulic feel than a drop shot but it is a really great knife I've really enjoyed it this particular one has s35vn blade steel serial number on it was 465 I have really enjoyed this knife it's been a fun knife I have used it although it's not practical in in my line of work for day-to-day carry you can see what shows in the pot or outside of the pocket in the carry position so but it is a cool knife I have enjoyed it I think this knife at the time that I bought it too might have cost 350 bucks somewhere around there I can't remember for sure so that was my first venture into micro tech so sometime later I was out on vacation one time and I said you know what I need a micro tech OTF so in 2014 I picked this up this is a micro tech Troodon this one is in Lmax steel it is a double edged oh da F as you can see it's got a little bit of a different design than they do today not a whole lot you can see subtle improvements on the thumb ramp that the these are all all micro tech knifes that I have are double action anyway meaning you push them out and it's automatic and you pull them in and it's automatic a single action you would push out and then you'd have to manually click manually close but these are all double action got nice little glass breakers on the back end this one is not a big knife actually before I go forward I did not even give you a size comparison only select-fire so let me do that there it is versus the parrot - so it's a fairly big knife but as far as cutting edge is concerned it's not very big it's got a sharpening tool than a forefinger tool but the the handle is fairly long very good knife though I've always enjoyed that knife so let me move this one aside and put the next one back out there and as I mentioned this one is not too terribly big of a knife as you can see it's a little bit smaller than the paramilitary - it is a double-edged kind of dagger style OTF which in my opinion this type of OTF is used as really as the last line of self-defence I mean there's there's after you stick this and somebody you want to get out of the way you don't want to bring it back with you you just want to get out of the light although as much as this knife cost me at the time I probably want to bring it back with me so that was my second Microtech and these are all made very very well I've never had a micro tech OTF fell on me in the firing position or closing position they've all done really really well so that was my first jump into the OTF of the micro tech world so then I took a long break off from anything and in the end of December 2018 I picked up this micro tech SOCOM this is elite Signature Series this is a very beautiful knife believe it or not I had this planned and good minds think alike BJ if you're watching this because yesterday I saw BJ do a first impressions of this exact knife and I thought man I've already got everything out to do this video so sorry I guess I'm copying off of you or somewhat piggybacking off of you I do apologize so this is the SOCOM signature or elite Signature Series as you can see it's a very plain blade it does have the logo on the blade and m390 down on the corner a lot of this that I'll tell you you probably have seen from BJ's video it does have the signature the Murphy on signature there it does tell the the date the serial number that good stuff on the clip as BJ mentioned this is also a titanium titanium liner lock insert and you can see where it is hooked in right here to to give it very tight tolerances on where it locks up and where it will stay this is an aluminum handle it does have some g10 inserts for grip control it does have a lot of jimping that is very thick jimping but it doesn't feel bad it feels really good on the hand feels very very practical this does not have a forefinger troll but you know what you can get a good full four finger grip on it and that thumb ramp that has the jimping it has the jumping on the downside too so you can choke up if you need to very nice knife great great action closes ratchet fall shut very easy once you break that detent that knife is flying out is very hard to make this knife misfire I will tell you that and the knife closes very very well very easy you can open this in any position that just hit my finger when I was doing the Spidey flick but it's a very very good action knife this blade has a bronze coating to it that really makes it shine in the light the camera doesn't do it justice it does have a false edge up here to make it it comes to a spear point but it almost makes it look like it is sharpened on the top side as well very good knife have really enjoyed this knife this knife is really made is the one that really made me think you know what Microtech never overlooks any detail in any knife that they produce because if you look throughout this entire knife everything was done very very well the quality control is top-notch I'll show you the centering on it it is absolutely perfect you cannot beat this knife in my opinion it is a great knife now people like a cumulus edge who BJ mentioned in his video have a lot of custom SOCOM's and other micro tech knifes that are unbelievable they are very very cool looking if you're not following him put his Instagram down here I do not know a community edge but I do follow him and I'm very fond of his micro tech collection so I will put his Instagram right here so next after that we were jumping into 2020 so in 2020 I've actually come across three of them got a great deal on himself picked them up the first one is an ultra tech in blue this is another OTF it's as a one sided or one edged one side edged whatever you want to call it not a double-edged blade a single edge this one is in CTS 204 P like I said the steel that they are mainly going to in 2020 great knife as I mentioned there those subtle differences in the push-button are showing here in 2020 and they are really really good this knife opens and fires very well with a lot of ease now I want to say a lot of probably a lot of ease for a man this a knife like this is a little tight and firing probably have a little more trouble for a female than a male would but still really really good control and good action on this knife this is a this is one that I would say you could use as an ADC all day long it's a single lad just got a great blade design it works really well it's fires it closes really simply what I mean a very good blade for EDC purposes you won't hear me say that very often with a note EF now you know what let me put both of these out here since I continue to forget to do the sass comparison here they both are up against the paramilitary two so you can see it looks like both of them are probably bigger than the paramilitary to the ultra tech is probably very close in size but the SOCOM Elite is quite a bit bigger as you can see so we will move those aside and I'm going to bring out the last two as a pair because they are somewhat of a pair anyway so here are the last two these are utx these are both out the fronts this is the UTX 85 it is also a double-edged spear point knife kind of dagger style this one's got CTS to o4p as well and then this is a utx 70 this is a much smaller version of that knife everything is pretty much the exact same this one also has CTS to o4p it is also double edged also a dagger style or spear point beautiful knives just one is smaller than the other but everything else is very similar except for the color of them so there they are up against the paramilitary - as you can see the UTX 70 which is the smaller one is very very small it is what I would consider a micro knife in the micro tech world the UTX 85 is smaller comparatively speaking to a lot of micro tech knifes but it definitely swamps the UTX 70 UTX 70 is really a cool knife in my opinion just because of how small it is and how well it shoots I mean this thing fires super easy and super well it does not miss I mean I could sit here all day long and it will not miss I was kind of laughing to myself because if it was gonna miss it would do it right then on camera but same thing with the 85 very good the firing is very good the double action is unbelievable I mean it's just great it's a little bit you know it's got a little more attention than the UTX 70 so it requires a little more thumb strength but other than that great great knife so that is my micro tech collection why not in the micro tech video with a paramilitary 2 sitting out there instead of my hands thank you so much for tuning in I am glad to be back I've got some stuff coming but I had to get something on video because I have it in so many days and I think I just rounded 900 subs y'all I've got a very cool 1000 sub giveaway so keep doing what you're doing I appreciate everybody that's watching the videos and subbing because when we hit 1000 subs I got 10 knives for 10 packages to give away and they're coming to y'all so the sooner we get there the sooner they're coming thank you so much and I will see you guys on the next video take care of
Channel: Blade Banker
Views: 2,610
Rating: 4.9083967 out of 5
Id: wmRH4rFfnr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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