Top 5 Dangerous Knives

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what is up youtube it's blake banker hope everybody's doing well on this sunday evening got a quick video for y'all tonight thank you for all the participation in the video from last night i realized after i made it that maybe i should have called it most overpriced knives because i was using my over rating based on price and that there was a better alternative for a lower price so if you watched it from last night maybe that was a goof on my part and i apologize because all the knives pretty much that i mentioned as overrated or knives that i like i just thought there was a better option for a lower price so we make mistakes as do i but tonight i got this idea from justin at ocd for edc so if you are not following him on youtube or instagram pause the video jump on over to his account follow him if you're following me you're most likely following him follow him on instagram super nice guy super cool guy super knowledgeable guy about knives and just everything in general when it comes to knives so you're going to learn a lot from him so i would really highly recommend that you guys check him out because it's uh it has been really really good for me to watch his videos and learn a lot from him so i think it would do good for everybody else too so again i'll put his uh stuff down here so you can check him out and and go over there but he made a video that was i forget what it was titled but it was to the effect of the top five uh most painful nights or most harmful knives or or knives that have hurt him in some way mine is going to be the top five knives that have bitten me the worst everybody knows about the bites that we get when closing or fumbling around in our hand i've got a lot of knives you've seen me get bitten many times on camera one of these knives you did see me get bitten on camera and it's been me several times after that so much so that i tightened it up a little bit so it quit biting me uh hopefully i won't get bitten on film while i'm doing this on film why don't i keep calling film on camera while i'm doing it's not like i'm making a big production movie but um hopefully i will not get bitten but i do want to get right to it i'm not going to spend a lot of time on any of these knives so i'm going to try to fly through them just give you something quick and easy for this nice little sunday fun day hey let's get after it okay guys so i'm going to go down from five to one five being the ones that have bitten me the least and one being the one that has bitten me the most i do have one honorable mention i could have a top ten of this very very easily because my clumsy self has been bitten a night so one of these is a very very bad example of being a knife owner that unfortunately one of my kids witnessed um but you know what i'm gonna put it on on on video so y'all can see it no shame in calling out your faults so number five let's start with the worst so number five is this is a benchmade this is an auto this is the impel this is a matthew lurch collaboration once i open it it's got a little safety on the front boom quickly open you can see why this might bite you because it is so small and as soon as you slide your hand off just a little bit this thing will fly out of your hand and go flying everywhere and it has done that to me and i've caught it before it hits the ground and i have caught it on the blade i've caught it on the handle i've caught it upside down and every almost every single one of those has resulted in a big cut for me so this one is the matthew lurch benchmade impale great little knife i mean it's a really cool knife and and you know offers a really nice automatic and a really really small compact form but can be a little uh unpredictable if you're not used to it as you can see i'm very used to it at this point so not much of a problem as soon as i say that it'll probably fly out of my hand so i'm going to put it down while i'm ahead all right number four not number two number four if you have seen my video on the gavco maker this is a custom knife that i won in a raffle on michael gavock's page the as soon as i was showing it i went look how smooth it is and that knife came down and bit into me and i spent the rest of the video trying to stop the bleeding on my thumb right there now it has done that to me about five more times and i'm talking about when this thing cuts it cuts good it gives you a nice little gash uh that takes a minute to stop bleeding and so i did i actually tightened this knife up a little bit and haven't been holding it so you can see it drops down just perfectly now yes i love it when it drops all the way close but i got tired of uh not having band-aids on hand so this is number four and this is the gaffco slimline maker great knife this is a really really good knife and i'm glad that i want it it's got that black snow tobascus it's just a really really good knife so that is number four number three may not surprise any of you if you own this knife this is a cold steel spartan now this knife is a big knife and if you don't get it fully open it comes slamming back down it's got a good handle position where you can fit your fingers in there good it's got a very big blade this is probably nine to ten inches in overall length it is a big knife it's got the triad lock so it's a big sturdy knife but if you don't get it all the way open in that one fell swoop it will come slamming down on these fingers it hit me on this finger all the way down to the bone one time and i thought i was going to have to go get stitches i let it bleed for a couple days and it ended up being just fine i've gotten to where i can operate it pretty well now even though i really don't carry this knife but i still make sure that i can operate every knife that i have without it uh trying to chop a finger off sometimes it takes nearly losing a finger for me to learn that but that's uh the price you pay for owning different types of knives so that is number three now number two is the example of me being a very very very bad knife owner and unfortunately my kids one of them my middle son being witness to it so ontario knife company makes a great little set of knives that are called the xcm and the xl i mean the xm1 and the xm2 they're very thick knives you can see they say ontario knife company on the spine of the handle and on the spine of the blade they say combat deployed these are made in italy they're really really good knives here's one of them the xm2 is a slimmer version of the xm1 and mine has serrations okay so i i used to a lot when i couldn't sleep i would go sit in my office and watch tv and just i had a little leather recliner that i still have i actually have two of them in there and i would sit and just open and close these knives just not not these two but just any knife just open and close and open and close and open and closing as many of y'all do okay and i was opening and closing these two knives one night and unfortunately i ended up falling asleep with both of them wide open now my middle son was a little boy is about three years old at the time and he came to lay in my lap at about 6 a.m and both of these were open and my hand was wrapped around this one like this and this one kind of half on the handle and half on and my fingers were destroyed while i was sleeping i had rustled these around in my hands and it never woke me up and these serrations had cut this finger really bad and this finger pretty bad as well this knife had only just minor cut me on a couple of fingers on this hand but it was laying in my lap when my son came and laid on me and could have been very very very bad now i only say that i don't say that to say that i'm an irresponsible knife owner i say it to say that i did something that was very irresponsible and flip these things open and had them in my hands when i was sleepy but couldn't sleep and having small children i just don't have the luxury of doing that so i could have really really hurt myself or my kids in that instance i am so glad that he didn't lay on it go into a stomach or anything like that so these knives i ended up having to get stitches on one of my hands to close up the wounds and it was a pretty bad deal so that is why these are the number two spot and please i look i use my embarrassing story to hope that nobody else does it okay i could easily just leave this out and say oh i'm the best responsible knife owner there is that was completely irresponsible what i did and especially knowing that i had a son that would come and and probably lay with me in that morning so that is number two let's talk about an honorable mention real quick i have one honorable mention and it is the benchmade crooked river the full size now as you all know here's here's a custom shop crooked river but this is a mini crooked river when you close these you put the butt of it in your palm close down the axis lock and sling it close sling it open sling it closed open close so i'm trying to do this under the camera so i don't have a lot of room okay the problem is unless you just got humongous hands with the full-size crooked river it it really almost doesn't fit in there so i have to hold it really sideways and then sling it closed i'm trying not to hit the tripod sorry um let me kind of back out a little bit and see if i can so you can see it now what has happened to me before is while i was doing it my pinky has slid over and gotten in the line of fire to where that blade is going and filleted my little pinky a little bit so that is why i have an honorable mention of the benchmade crooked river this thing has filleted my poor little pinky a time or two because it's a little bit longer than my hand to where it sits in the palm as the access lock is really meant to be used uh for one-handed opening and closing so that's my honorable mention fortunately i love the crooked river family so much that i am willing to overlook that now what is the number one knife what is the knife that has taken me down on multiple occasions well it was on ocd for edc's list so if you've seen his you've already seen this knife but it was not it was the cold steel version it is the demco mgad15 here's one here's the other one i have now this one these have the scorpion lock which can be a little unpredictable sometimes you can flick it and it close all the way all right again i'm trying to do all of this underneath sometimes you can flick it and not do anything sometimes you can flick it open and it not go all the way and come back and hit your hands and that is what happened to me one time it it came back i flipped it open moved my hand down and it came back and closed on that finger and went all the way to the bone bounced off the bone bled like a stuck pig it hurt uh it didn't hurt initially because if you all know a good sharp knife feels like getting cut with glass you really don't feel anything initially until you start feeling every heartbeat that's when it starts feeling real nice the other time with something similar um of where i opened it and went to put my thumb under there and it started to close and i tried to go up and it filleted the top of my thumb off and when i say the top you can still see the indention on my thumb because it took the top of my thumb off um neither one of those i i probably should have gone to the hospital or to the doctor at least to get stitched up on both of those i didn't on either one because they were both during coven and i didn't want to sit there all day and possibly get sick so i just let it heal let me tell you what i did and what i recommend all you all do one time in your life to get you a little just blood pumping through your body there is something called liquid bandage it's a simple essentially super glue for your uh cuts pour a little in that on this one i poured it on there and tried to put the skin back down the skin ended up dying and coming off on this one i did put the skin together it burns burns burns like you have never believed something could burn that's why i recommend everybody do it sometime oh just you know i'm not a drinker but take you a shot of whiskey and just go for it uh if you want to feel some pain that'll give you a little bit of pain that'll make you feel really good about that knife cut all right guys that is the top five knives that have bitten me and bitten me good and that is a little bit of the story behind them thank you so much for tuning in i do appreciate you watching and i will see you on the next video have a great week out there kill it like we're all gonna kill it and then i'll we'll uh get back together next weekend take care guys you
Channel: Blade Banker
Views: 881
Rating: 4.8373985 out of 5
Id: KdTZ3NGet7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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