12 Microtech Out The front Automatics! My Microtech Collection NEW Update!

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hello youtube this Keith Kevin can how you doing how you doing man I hope you're doing well today I am giving you a look inside my micro tech automatic collection it is 11 out the front and one out the side automatic now this is the second time I've done a collection my most popular video is when I showed my collection of 11 micro tech out the Front's now that was what two three years ago and seriously I only have three of those knives still in my collection yeah I trimmed the collection sold them all to you and one day I woke up I looked at my micro tech collection and realized I only had three knives in them and I went shopping so this is my new micro tech collection 12 knives this is part two this is after the trimming and the rebirth of the collection now this knife stayed from the beginning it was one of my first knives it's the micro tech halo 5 micro tech now has a new version it's halo 6 out of the 11 out the front from micro tech this is the only single action out the front that I have single action meaning you press a button and it's it does fly out there and then you press it and it doesn't come back you have to pull it back to me again to me this is like a shotgun you hear how it just flies out there I've had it for several years now three maybe four as I get older time doesn't time flies but just a real nice knife four point four inch blade it's a tanto blade it's a combo blade as you can see half so rated half-plane edge so 10.5 inches total it has in 690 steel has that fuller up at the top weighs five point nine ounces of course with the aluminum body and it flies out there one of the newer ones now I had a combat now listen I'm gonna call this a true dome I know that's not how you pronounce it I know it was named after some dinosaur but on the Keith Kevin King channel Keith Kevin Ken's gonna call it the true dome I just feel more comfortable that way that's the problem with doing a youtube channel you read these names when you buy them and then you hear them and so some people love to complain I'm telling you up right now I'm mispronouncing it but it's a micro tech combat you know my last one had a camel a camel look on the scales this one is different one of my newer ones it's a dagger double edged dagger to o4p steel that's the still the micro Tech's coming out with a lot of their automatics these days they'll change it some of my collection has l max you just saw in 690 steel they play with a lot of steals this daggers mean it's a mean knife I really love it again 204 P still 3.8 inch blade the entire thing is 9.5 inches and five point seven ounces I really like it though and this is with the distressed blue again its new it hasn't been used but they sell them with this feel for distressed as if it's pocket worn as if it's been in your pocket for a while I love it of course this is a great example and every now and then I'm gonna use more than one finger to do these most of these are pretty easy but I'm gonna go through twelve of these and flick them open and shut a lot so I'll do the wimpy way my most viewed Microtech video also has the most dislikes that's okay this is a great knife just really flies out there so along with the combat you don't is just the true dome I really like this this is the smaller version and again it's one of my favorite I have three favourite knives it's the regular Troodon it's the UTX 85 and it's the brand new die rack they're all around that 3 inch blade size now that's a personal thing for me I kind of like that size it's the regular Troodon is 25% smaller than the combat true dome as you can see it's smaller it's nice and thin package this one has bronze Hardware also has bronze coating you see that on the two-tone blade but this hardware with this black that black almost seems like a super dark blue it's just beautiful along with the glass breaker on the edge I love that and the clip it's just a nice little touch as well as on the trigger three-inch blade seven point six inches total again this is a 204 P knife I bought this the same time I bought the combat Troodon just a couple of months ago total seven point six inches two point eight ounces just a really beautiful knife and the firing of it is great these newer knives I don't have that much problem with firing them at all a lot easier to fire yeah this des is gonna get messy pretty soon here's the second of the three knives that I had in my other collection this is it's hard to find these and they are expensive but I love I do love the QD scarabs I love the scarabs now QD scarabs means the QD part are the scarabs that have this texture in between this aluminium so you get its grip here see that this is a blacked out version tanto blade with L max steel 3.5 inch blade 8.4 inches total only three point six ounces this is a nice package a little wider on this side of it but it feels the hand just great again double action out and in out the front from micro tech I only have one Ultratech remaining and this is the third knife that I kept from the beginning it's a more it's a rarer kind of ultra tech it has that see-through top so you can see how the insides of the knife this automatic double action works you can see the spring and everything working just a really nice knife of course the UTX 85 I got in trouble once saying it's one of the most popular I'll still say it's one of the most popular I don't have any data I just know they made a whole mess of them and they sell them pretty well too the Ultratech Lmax deal with the see-through dagger I love the daggers with the sharp edges on both sides this has a fuller going down the center three point four inches three point one inch is the edge total eight point four inches and three point five ounces just three point five ounces the first time I held aut x85 I fell in love with it first the action is great it has that size that I love this is a newer one and I bought two of them I'll show you the second one I had a UT x85 drop point in the last video and one of you have it so congratulations but I missed it so much so I had to go get another one I remember when I first started watching YouTube videos and first started collecting knives and people would say this is the third time I've had this knife or I sold it and then I gave I'm like don't sell him then I started selling nice and I every bought a number of my knives I love this knife UT x85 it's called the 85 because it's 25% smaller than the Ultratech so just like the Troodon this is a smaller version of its Big Brother 3.1 inches so it's a little bit bigger than a tree dome on blade size 3.1 inches 7.5 inches total this has bowlers m390 steel this time around and it weighs 3.1 ounces just a nice knife the pocket out the Front's are nice EDC knives and of I love I I go towards the dagger and the tanto blades a lot because I just love how Microtech does their daggers with the fuller in the middle and the two edges but the UT x85 is just a wonderful knife and that's why even though I had one I couldn't reset not there one and like I said I love that tanto blade the stone wash on the blade is beautiful another two o4p steel knife that's what micro Tech's into with their newer knives tanto blade I told you I love tanto and I love the daggers edges and this has that distressed look again it's red pocket worn look that I love I think what works with that too is the hardware I mean a stone wash clip and hardware gives it that special oof I'm glad they went with that distressed look it just makes it that much special you know you don't see a lot of new at least for me new micro tech out the Front's at least for a while remember I've been collecting for now for years so I'm not an old school collector but oh I needed this one in this new collection I was so happy when it came out now when they released it they released like a couple of I don't know what did they call it like test versions where a couple of distributors had just one I couldn't find it he drove me crazy and I finally found one with the die rack the difference of course is the firing pin you see that he's on the show side of the scale instead of on the side see that most of these on the side except of course for the halo 5 but again it's that sweet point and it's super thick it's thinner than aut x85 just a little bit it's thinner than the ultra tech or the true dome and the action is great but the real special thing is the trigger on the show side I really like it and again it fell right in it's a little bit smaller than aut x85 a little bit smaller than a true dome two point nine inches it's the size of a small Chris reef Sebenza 2.9 inches but just a little bit smaller than the other of my favorite knives I like die rack I used to own two utx 70s and one was a custom one oh I want it back one of you have that when I trim my collection and I'm gonna trim my collection some more I'm just loving my knives right now I'm finding it hard to sell them to you guys but I have to because I'm filling up all of my cases my Pelican cases so I had to UTX 70s and one of them had Damascus blade and was custom I missed it so I had to go and get a blue one with a tanto blade which I really love again to o4p steel yeah I went and bought a lot of new micro Tech's over the past three months or so on my channel on this channel the Keith Kevin cane Channel you can check the knife of the day playlist and each of these knives have its day in the Sun when I go in more detail for it but UTX 70 2.4 inch blade this is the tanto blade 204 P steel 5.7 inches total this is a small thing we talked about the direct that's the smallest knife right now on the table so you can see the UTX 70 all nice one point two ounces only which is really nice yeah I got that one before I got this one I just wanted another UTX 70 the thing with Microtech nines is at least for me it seems like every time I want to buy a new knife they're not available anywhere then when I'm satisfied with my collection or I don't have enough money they pop up everywhere and that's what happened all of a sudden a lot of Microtech automatics came on into the marketplace and a lot more UTX 70's with colors and new blades this one is xhp steel xhp steel again one point two ounces only 2.4 inches besides the die rack this was a new one to the Dai RAK was a new out the front and the Exocet that's what I call it might be called something else the Exocet EXO CET from micro tech this has two old four-piece steel so you can kind of date it from when I was buying it just a couple of months ago a small California legal out the front there saying that for size I don't know if California can have automatics but two inch blade of course it's wide it's dagger double-edged stonewash dagger 2:04 piece still as I said the total size is five point six inches it only weighs two point seven ounces and I'll tell you something this is great I put my credit cards wrapped in some dollar bills and my license and slide it into this it's a really nice money clip sometimes I'll run down to get a drink throw that in throw it in my pocket without all my other stuff except on my keys I always have a key knife put this as a money clip grab a cigar and be ready to roll super light that's a new knife and then the last one and the only one that's not in out the front this has been around for a while I had seen it for a while but just never bought one this is the micro tech Lu DT and that stands for L underwater demolition team L max steel 3.4 inch blade 8 inches total 3.6 ounces that L max steel stone wash blade nice trigger comes out on the side and it flies out you got it you really do have to grab a hold of it there you have it that's my micro tech automatic collection 12 knives 11 out the front three of them were in my old collection and I had shrunk my collection through a series of what I call trimming sessions where I sell my knives just to the people who watch this channel some of those will be coming I'll give you a heads up I'll have more chances for you to win some of the collection so let's see 12 knives all automatic eleven of them out the front only one of the out the Front's is a single-action the others are double-action and this is part two check out the older video to see more knives hope you enjoyed this you guys have a perfect day don't forget to subscribe and once you subscribe which takes a couple of seconds it would really you do a favor for me don't forget to turn on notifications keep your pockets full good bye
Channel: keithkevinken
Views: 2,272
Rating: 4.7674417 out of 5
Keywords: microtech, microtech automatics, microtech ultratech, ultratech knives, out the front knives, otf knives, halo v, microtech OD Scarab, microtech utx 70, microtech utx 85, knife, knives, knife collection, microtech combat troodon, microtech troodon, microtech dirac, microtech exocet
Id: ZNVVIL2fp80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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