Top 15 Large Knives

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what is up youtube hope everybody's doing well out there in the youtube world hey this is blade banker coming at you with another video tonight we're gonna talk about the top 15 large knives in my collection keep in mind it's in my collection not ones uh just in theory i do have quite a bit that i had to choose from i you know i did the best i could i have some parameters some people may say well a large knife to use not a large knife to me so my parameters were it had to be longer than eight and a half inches and it had to weigh more than six ounce or six ounces or more or eight and a half inches or longer so you may be asking yourself why do you have a benchmade 940 because that's certainly not a large knife and you would be correct if you are talking to yourself and asking yourself questions yourself is correct this is going to be the benchmark the benchmade is going to be the benchmark for you to look at it on size comparisons i will put all of them in this video up to this one to see give you kind of a comparison of a knife that is well known so without further ado let's get rockin in a rollin wham all right folks as i mentioned we're talking about some large knives tonight and up first is the benchmade 940. i am just kidding so this again will be the size comparison when we get to that point i'm going to try to roll through these fairly quickly because it is 15 knives and i'm not going to give you all i'm going to give you is the length and the weight on all of them and show you a little size comparison so let's get started number 15. by the way i tried to do these in order of length and then uh weight but some of it got kind of got out of a little bit of order and i was also rounding to the nearest quarter inch when i was doing the length i was using a ruler and not specs online so if my specs are a little bit off that's probably because i rounded up or down so the first one is zt560 this is a hinderer model this is a cool little knife i like it a lot i have had it for quite some time i've actually got two of these which you will probably find in a lot of these i have multiples of them so this knife comes in at eight and a half inches and six ounces on the mark so this is exactly the parameters now looking up at it next to the benchmade 940 there it is pivot to pivot you can see that the oh five six zero is much much bigger if i said 562 i apologize it's the 560. much much bigger than the benchmade 940. so that is number 15. rocking and rolling let's get them going next up is a benchmade the benchmade adamus this is the folder not the fixed blade clearly all of these are about folders not fixed blades this little beauty has a overall weight of 7.7 ounces and a length of eight and a half inches so it is right at the mark on length and quite a bit over on weight it is a bulky knife it is a shane cyber collaboration and that is what he is known for but there it is up next to the benchmade 940 and you can tell it swamps the benchmade 940. so moving right along that is number 14 now number 13. dropping back to zt this is the zt0200 an old knife this one's got 154cm this is an old ken onion design it's really a kind of a cool knife though but it is a heavy knife this one comes in at eight and a half inches as well but 7.9 ounces 7.9 ounces this knife has been beat up pretty badly i'll just be honest with you it has not had a luxury luxurious knife as a knife in blade banker's collection so there it is next to the 940 you can tell the 940 is nothing compared to the old benchmade models that were just big and rugged so let's move along that was number 13 number 12. number 12 is the heretic wraith or heretic wraith uh i always get confused on how to say the name uh they could have picked an easier name to say but this wraith is a pretty good little knife it i actually really like the knife it is eight and a half inches and six ounces on the dot so it barely meets the parameters and here it is compared to the 940. so just a little bit bigger a little bit longer much bigger profile and a little bit or a lot a lot a bit heavier so we will move that one wrong that one is number 12. now down to 11. 11 is a one of the favorites of mine this is the demco mg8015 so this is the machine ground version of the ad15 it's a great knife those of you all that have won and have had one y'all know what i'm talking about when i say it is a great knife but this little beauty is eight and a half inches and 6.1 ounces i was actually surprised about that i thought it would be heavier than that but it is not not according to my scale anyway and there it is up against the 940 still quite a bit bigger than the 940. all right let's keep on going these are actually knives that i'm i have a lot of large knives but these are ones that i specifically picked because i like for some reason or other next up is a large f3 from curtis custom knives beautiful knife this got a sheep's foot or warren cliff design i'd call it more of a sheep's foot design this particular knife is eight and a half inches on the dot and seven ounces this knife is much bigger than the 940 even though on camera it doesn't look a whole lot bigger it is trust me especially in profile so that my friends is number 10 and we're getting down to the top ten now number nine medford proxima what a great knife this is so this is a slimmed down uh version of the gigantis got an interesting name and the name has an interesting story but i won't get into that this particular knife weighs 8.1 ounces and it too is at eight and a half inches now that might be a rounded figure keep that in mind here it is up against the benchmade 940 not even close i can tell you it doesn't the the camera doesn't do it justice the proxima is significantly larger than the benchmade 940. all right i'm about to show you all one that you probably wouldn't think you'd see from it but it's i love this knife only because i like the collaborator this is number eight and it is a crkt and this is the natural there is a natural two that is smaller than this but this is a humongous blade and you will know when i give you the weight so the dimensions on this bad boy are 9 inches overall and 11 ounces this might be nope it's not the heaviest but it is the second heaviest so here it is against the benchmade 940 i can almost slide the benchmark i can i can slide it underneath it without even touching the blade that's how big a stock this thing is humongous so that is number eight and that is the crkt natural it's a cool knife too guys i gotta admit it it is a cool knife so number eight oh i'm sorry that was number eight number seven boom riot jack 1.0 full integral knife with the damasteel blade beautiful beautiful beautiful this is a heavy heavy knife the react is eight and a half ounces at nine inches so it is a big knife eight and a half ounces is heavy in your pocket especially when you're wearing slacks there it is up against the 940 and it's not even close the riat just swamps it all right moving along we're making some headway and doing it pretty quick number six is a sean o'connell knives this is the lbxl huge huge would be the word here let me give you the dimensions of this bad boy so the lbxl is nine inches overall and comes in at a 11.4 ounces this took the the um largest knife in terms of weight in this top 15. the the the benchmade 940 actually looks like a micro knife compared to it not even close i think i think you could probably baton or do whatever you want to this knife and it's just not gonna hurt it it's just that big that heavy and that strong and that is why i like it all right guys we are down to the top five so the first one number five is the medford viper i'm a big fan of this knife i think this is a great knife um have had it for quite some time and love it and let's talk about the dimensions of this this one is nine and a half inches long at a weight of 9.8 ounces 9.8 ounces no small puppy there it is up next to the benchmade 940 again we're just getting blades that are bigger and bigger at this point and just dwarfing the poor benchmade 940. all right number four number four kind of snuck in here to be honest with you this is a benchmade and this is the auto bedlam a fantastic knife a good knife to that just looks scary but just a wonderful knife and the dimensions on this bad boy are 9.7 inches so a quarter of an inch bigger than the viper and this one is 7.3 ounces so it's counterpart and lovely friend the benchmade 940 there you go just a speck up next to the auto bedlam all right top three top three folks we have made it to the top three that is a big moment number three what do y'all think should i show it yep i should show it this is the cold steel spartan and this my friends is the epitome of a large knife this cold steel spartan is 10 inches in overall length and 9.2 ounces 10 inches and 9.2 ounces isn't that amazing that is a huge knife there it is up against my little bitty benchmade 940 it keeps getting smaller and smaller with each knife that we look at all right good number three that is the cold steel spartan all right number two might surprise you a little bit spyderco lacy scott lacy sabo that's what this one is it's the sabo from lacey cybo this is a big knife it's a very long knife not so much a heavy knife just a very very long knife this one comes in at 10 inches in overall length and 6.9 ounces so let's take a look at it up against the benchmade 940. yeah that's um look it's almost as as long as just the blade of the size bow very interesting all right numero uno here we come numero uno is not an expensive knife it is actually probably by far the the least expensive knives on this top 15 list but it is the longest knife on the list and it it's barely over the six ounces so here we go the cold steel pocket bushman it's a very interesting knife it's got a very interesting locking mechanism and release and it really is that it really is a pocket bushman it's a big knife this one comes in at 10.25 inches and six and a half ounces it's not so big in profile as it is in length and it's just heavy i mean not heavy i'm sorry it's just long there it is up against the benchmade 940. so that is the top 15. thank you so much for tuning in i had a lot of work to do to dwindle it down to 15 knives i'm pretty pleased with the knives that i dwindled it down to let me know your thoughts let me know what you think i think it's a good little list and i enjoyed making it so thank you so much if you tuned in through the whole thing or tuned in for a minute i appreciate it either way think about hitting that like button and that subscribe button if you're not already a subscriber would love to have you check out some of the videos and uh maybe i'm a good fit for you if not no big deal we can still be friends all right take care and i'll see you on the next one you
Channel: Blade Banker
Views: 776
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Id: M8Us09CAimU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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