Real Vs. Counterfeit Microtechs: How to Identify

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hey everyone and welcome back to micro tech knives today we're going to talk about what Jason talked about counterfeit micro tax now Jason unfortunately all of these people thought they had purchased an authentic micro tech knife how did we come across these okay basically what these are rays these are knives that have obviously counterfeit but they've been returned to a warranty and service program and you know sad part about it is when people see this logo or some of our branding yeah and these are actually good copies I mean these they've they've stolen our logo so mobile more yeah and then some of them this is gonna be one of those caveat emptor we've never made a knife like this matter of fact the only one that we've ever had to have this mechanism like this would be like the die rack yes or some of the older from way back when but we've never had anything that look like this correct it does it's kind of this kind of looks like an infidel doesn't it Kevin but this has the micro tech branded logo guys these guys these companies go so far as to even put in warranty cards with our address on there and people fill them out thinking they're getting 1t information yeah so what we're gonna do on this episode is we're gonna talk about some things you can look for will show some close-ups of some of the counterfeits and how it really hurts the industry you know it's not just us it's from your premium brands like your Rolexes even benchmade your other knife manufacturers Lee ray-ban yeah Louis Vuitton Gucci and this is a huge problem guys you will never find one of our knives on like Ali Baba or DHgate or anything like that if you're supporting that you're helping support that counterfeit industry and we do not suggest you do that because you're not getting what you're thinking you're getting or you're just getting something that's gonna look like or somewhat represent something of ours and we'll show you some of the differences in quality you know right I actually prefer the real McCoy hey but I am the real McCoy alright so stay tuned and we'll do some close-ups of it here's a sampling of some of the knives that have been sent in for repair whose owners really thought they had purchased a true micro tech everything from korra's to Lu DTS to halos and then of course these right here which Jason what are these I mean we don't even make a knife like this guys one of the most common knives that we see in the counterfeit industry is the combat road on as you can see here this is about the closest one I picked up out of a pile that kind of resembles the same shape as a combat Road on that we actually make as you can see the finish though is absolutely ridiculous on the counterfeit you also see one of the tell-tale signs these shiny pieces of hardware ok nothing we do actually looks like that and if you actually take a close look of that button there that's actually made out of pop metal we actually machine all of our hardware and everything in-house and sometimes you know it's hard to tell as far as an outward appearance that you're actually buying a counterfeit until you get to the internals like you know you've seen in previous videos that we've done on burst in all stakes we do everything in-house we machine all of our internal parts all of these normally made out of pop metal and you actually get what you pay for blade profile let's take a look at that combat Road on de versus counterfeit okay see there's a big blade to handle ratio difference there in the original and the counterfeit also the flats everything is just just looks off another telltale sign I'm a counterfeit see that serial number right there five five six stay away guys we do not make any knife with a serial number five five six hardware take a look at that right there that is what our trial wing screws look like you can see on this a UDT here there's a big difference and that trial wing okay so one thing that the counterfeiters have been able to do is do really good representations of our knives and we don't fault you guys you don't know what you don't know so unless you have an authentic one to compare it with it can be difficult upon first inspection so what we're gonna do is point out some things you have to tell me which one is the real one of course those of you that know this is going to be the real one now you might say well how did you know that one of the things you need to look at is external appearance especially on laser markings this laser marking here on this counterfeit you can actually feel a deep burned engraving this one is smooth you will not be able to feel it on the real one at the bottom looking at the pivot screws you'll also notice that this one has a very shiny pivot screw there let's look closer at the finish you guys see that rough texture look at the corners now let's look at the real one on this one here you're gonna see now this one's been carried for quite a while but do you see how the anodizing is much smoother on it you might say well that Hardware actually has a ring on it well this had rings Hardware for this specific one most lut tees are not like that but look at the transition on the cut going from the flat over to the sides now is when it's going to become pretty apparent as we look at the new the real one the authentic one here now remember this one does have special ring hardware but when we look at the fake one you can see the difference in the quality of those screws and the finish another thing I want to point out is pay attention to the detail in this area right here where the pivot goes in do you see how it looks like they just came in straight and cut that out whereas on on an authentic one I'm gonna hold them side-by-side an authentic one you see we're actually going to chamfer all of those edges you see that on the edge right there where it transitions from the to the pivot you see that bevel no bevel look at the finish of the buttons the screws you try to focus this in a little better so on that trial wing screw that's a pretty good representation of what we're doing so it's hard to tell but look at the chassis finish now let's look at the blade you look at these two which one's the real one if you look at the top one you'll see it's marked L max I can pretty much guarantee you that is not an L max blade on the top or blade steel but the biggest thing is once again that laser marking that laser marking you can feel it is really really rough and texture but they've done a good job of copying now this one actually might look like it's fake because some of the markings are a little lighter but that's not really what you're looking forward you're looking for is feeling it you should not feel like a deep cut like a cannon this one if I take a pen and run it across here see how it's stopping my pen when it's hitting those high spots on the authentic one nothing I can feel a little texture but that's about it you'll also notice there is no blood groove on the fake one but they've gotten good at copying that as well let's look at the jimping on the back you can see how the one at the top is kind of off-center wasn't just quite right they didn't pay attention to the detail whereas the one on the bottom is the authentic one huge differences if you know what you're looking for okay guys let's take a look at the combat road on this one of my absolute favorite personal carries of mine as you can see this is about the closest counterfeit that we came to you know that even looks similar to our chassis if you'll take a look though you'll see some huge differences as Ray was talking about the Lu dt this one the finish on it it's horrible compared to the smooth finish the anodized finish that is only original also if you take a look at our hardware we make and tumble and process all of our Hardware in-house like you've seen in the birth of an ultra tech videos normally what you get internally and externally on a lot of hardware on the counterfeits is a pop metal piece and that is not going to be good for you over time you see the finish work on this one is actually terrible to take a look at the hardware we did actually do torques in the past as well as a try hole screw but these definitely are not original another thing we want to take a look at as far as external appearance look at the stations our celebrations are always super crisp super deep actually look fantastic this garbage alright one telltale sign want to give away to y'all here is serial numbers okay this five five six that you see here that is a telltale sign of a counterfeit you also have serial number eight eight five and zero six 0 for 2 on halos that are telltale signs that your your purchasing counterfeit so you want to be careful with those as well you can't always tell by the serial number and looking at these hello folks what I want you to pay attention to is the actual font on the serial number ranges themselves so this is pretty similar to what we use this we don't use any numbers that look like that as far as the font let me zoom in a little more so you guys can see how those numbers are I'm not going to give away everything that we look for because if we share that then the counterfeiters can use that against us because then they could make a better representation but there are certain things that we look for in the charging handle area that are pretty telltale as Jason mentioned on looking at the hardware what I want you guys to pay particular attention to are the buttons on these halos now remember these are all fake so if you guys look at this one right here you see how really shiny it is we're typically not gonna see that even though the machining is really good we have more of a tumbled finish that's gonna look similar to this or this one this is actually a very good representation of what our button looks like but if you look at how shiny these screws right here are on the top of the try wing they're horrible and let's look at this one a little closer so looking at this I mean the screw has not even finished out it was like it was broken and shipped that way you'll see another one right here these are not what our try wings look like our try wings are gonna have more of a concavity right here instead of being more like a triangle like this one is now guys here's an x 85 once again look at the hardware if you look at these screws here they're not the way they should be these are depressed or not as tall as they should be you'll also notice that the screw is almost flush with the top of the chassis where's our a little more recessed but they do a good job with the laser engraving but the backside on a glass break here we don't make one that shiny they're always going to be tumbled and you're never gonna see a shiny pocket clip like this that looks almost Chrome they've actually done a decent job with the laser marking but the laser marking is still too deep if we look at the button you'll notice that it's a good copy of our X button but right here this area right here is not depressed it's flat looking at the blade no markings now occasionally we will do sterile blades but this is a pretty good counterfeit here but they do have the blood groove in there so if you don't know or if you think you're getting a good deal more than likely if it's too good to be true it is alright let's take a look at two used knives one is a UT x85 clone one is a real one can you guys tell which one is real and which is fake it is very tough upon first inspection once again look for that shiny hardware so I'm telling you guys this is the fake if you look at the screws the screws aren't bad here but they're not like are really screws once again look for that chamfered edge see how ours are recessed these are kind of flush now let's take a closer look at these buttons we do realize one is black and one is tumbled hardware but what you want to see on this button you look at the X button here if you look right here that is the fake this is the real one always pay attention to the detail on these lines right in here because they will not usually be as clean on the clones the other thing you need to look at is look at the concavity right in here where it slopes down from the peak to the valley if you look at that and if we look at this one it's almost a straight edge all the way down so once again this is the clone the other thing is unless you have a real one to compare it to you really can't tell the size of it so if this relying on a table that's going to appear to be smaller than an ultra Tec but a real u TX 85 is going to be holy crap did you change clothes of course I did I didn't know we were gonna have to make this into two parts yep so guys this is a lot of information and we want to share as much information as we can with you about the counterfeits and what to look for so we're gonna break this up into two series so that's right right stay tuned for part two coming up next week we'll see you then like share and subscribe
Channel: Microtech Knives
Views: 23,735
Rating: 4.8954248 out of 5
Keywords: XRING, microtech, microtech knives, fake microtech, counterfeit microtechs, real vs fake microtech, authentic microtech, identifying fakes, fake knives, fraud, counterfeit knives, microtech fake, microtech counterfeit, jason mccoy, anthony marfione, microtech knife, vs
Id: Sv5J4_amTpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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