Bad*^s Custom Knife

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good morning actually good afternoon good evening hey everybody with me hey what's going on guys this is blade baker what's happening my youtube friends and family um got a little special something for you on this sunday evening if that's when you're watching it uh first off hope everybody had a great weekend and enjoyed everything and is looking to kill this week uh i personally am looking to have a fantastic and outstanding week um and i'm going in it ready to rock and roll so hope everybody else is too let's talk about some custom knives this one was made just for me specifically for me but my man casey gray all hand made no cnc machines water jets none of that stuff he makes everything by hand he does source some of his materials uh and then fully assembles them right here in the united states in his workshop and um i'm really proud of this one so i gotta get it on camera now all right my friends now that we are facing down to the table we can put a knife out and take a look at it this my friends is the mini licf fully actually it's called super dressed mini licf those of you all that are not aware licf stands for lum inspired chinese folder uh from the great bob lum uh the late great bob lum beautiful knife i have to focus in on it so y'all can get a look at all that so what you're looking at right here is the blade still is dragon skin damascus the bolsters are dragon skin the handle material is mother of pearl the pivot collar the pivot collar come on focus focus the pivot collar is meteor right uh you can see how pretty it it well you can't really see how pretty it is because my camera won't focus there's that blade look at that there is the bolsters the pocket clip is damascus beautifully done by the man casey gray himself the back spacer i'm not sure what material it is but it's really beautifully milled it looks like a titanium maybe but i am not 100 sure on that and i can't get a good look at it to be quite honest with you the liners are titanium fit very well the lock up is perfect it's just overall an absolute beauty i have this is not my first time seeing it i have actually came to my house the week we were out of town so i picked it up um this past week from the post office and i'm just really impressed guys i'm not going to lie to you i am giddy over this knife you all know how much i love casey gray let me drop back for a minute and pull out a couple others just to show you his work is phenomenal and i just can't get over you know he does all these handmade so he doesn't use any machines whatsoever and it's really really impressive uh to say the least and i did not come prepared with some of his stuff so let me back this out a little bit let me pull in a couple others to show you just a couple that i have i have about 10 or 12 of his but this is a squeegee which is really well known from him this one is just look at that dressing i mean mammoth tooth damascus bolsters damascus pocket clip sweet sweet sweet damascus gold thumb stud titanium liners just there's one here's another that is just unbelievably beautiful too here is one of his razors which is one of his popular models this one has zirconium handle scales damascus bolsters and then look at that sanmai blade just absolutely beautiful just cannot get over it and then last uh that i'm going to show you on the other knives is the hellbender that he did for me which is a dagger basically with a false edge up here so it's a spear point but it's just absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful it's also got a sand my damascus blade on it this is a rather big knife you can see it up next to the others but actually i'm going to pull these away and show you the mini lum inspired chinese photo up against the hellbender so let me put this right here and here is the mini it's hard to see when it's far away because of the material on the blade and the bolster and i've got one other uh mini licf and it's right here it's just a plain jane model it's got 154 cpm 154 blade steel and titanium jeweled titanium bolt or handle scales not too too incredibly dressed up but uh it is another one for you to look at against the super dressed so let me pull these away real quick and i'm going to give you some specs because i know everybody out there wants to hear some specs on this beautiful bad boy maybe you don't you probably don't but i'm going to give them to you anyway so here is what we got we got an overall length of six point six two five inches so six and five eighths we got a blade length of 2.75 inches we got a closed length or handle length of 3.875 inches or 3 and 7 8. the blade steel as i mentioned is that dragon skin damascus there's just so much i can't get anything to focus because of all of the detail it's just amazing but let me put it back down so you can see it better all right let's talk about some other stuff the handle material mother of pearl who does i mean sometimes they put inlays but this is the whole handle scale as mother of pearl with the dragon skin bolsters crazy crazy the weight on this bad boy is 4.70 ounces it's about what i thought it was going to be around 5 ounces filling it in hand and with the material being made by the way i asked casey to do this build for me a few months ago and didn't give me any direction i said i just want you to dress it up we agreed on a price i hit him up with that uh some of the money and he knocked it out of the park with this so the clip as i mentioned uh is damascus unfortunately for you lefties it is only tip up right hand carry only there is no position or option to carry it on the other side so not a lot of lefty love there but you guys know i love you come on uh and let's see that's about it uh it's the other things you should know you should already know about casey gray and i'll put his uh instagram information in here uh but it's all handmade there's no cnc waterjet laser wire edm any of that stuff he does all of this by handmade i mean he hand makes all of his knives now again he does source material that he works on like the meteorite uh collars and probably much of this dragon skin blah blah blah blah but fully assembled in a shop so let me back out again and i'm going to give you a couple of size comparisons just so you know i know you see it up against the other casey grays but i'm going to give you some more common or more popular um knife so for the paramilitary i'm actually going for a pair of three here not a pair of military two so it's very similar in size as you can see and that is why i went with it i'm gonna stay with the benchmade 940 this happens to be the 2001 tie version you can see that the benchmade 940 is quite a bit longer both in the handle and in the blade but that is to be expected if the pair of three is kind of right on a couple others that uh my friends over at kershaw on zero tolerance popping out of 470 for you here i know i know but i think this is the blade to compare it to y'all haven't seen me use that one in a size comparison but uh i think it works pretty good it gives you a real nice picture of what the true size is and for those that know the 470. and then finally we're going use the small sebenza because i think it is uh very close in size with the chris reeve family and i like to give you that option as well so you can see that the small sebenza is actually a little bigger than uh the mini licf however the small sebenza probably does not weigh as much as the mini licf all right friends family everybody that is watching i do appreciate you so so much tried to make this quick and dirty for you this my friends is what i'm here to show you tonight and sleep well have pretty dreams after looking at this beautifully beautifully made knife is incredible and uh casey if you happen to see this thank you so much i am very very very pleased with this as you can tell as i am with all of your other builds so thanks so much folks and i will see you on the next one
Channel: Blade Banker
Views: 439
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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