The Top 7 Microtech Pocket Knives | Knife Banter S2 (Ep 10)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ARknifemods 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
today I knife banner Kurt is gonna shave with this knife let's talk knives let's go how's it going guys welcome to knife banner and today we are talking about the seven best Microtech knives of all time we have a crazy field test and at the end of this video we have an epic giveaway and II slept like now so trust me there's gonna be a wild ride hold on it's gonna be a good one alright so kicking it off for the best micro tech knives of all time we can't talk about best micro tech knives of all time and not talk about the Lu DT what does that mean a large underwater demolition team I every time I try to say that I always get messed up on the demolition I just want to say demo team demo I mean the same thing same difference so the reason that we have to talk about this knife when we're talking about is not only is this one of your guys's favorites not only is this one of the top-selling micro tech knives of all time this is also the knife that kicked it all off so this is the first production knife that micro tech ever put out was the Elio DT and you know this one this particular one right here it goes for 259 on the website you get an aluminum chassis this one's got a 204 P carpenter 204 P blade steel nice pocket clip and then you know just everything made in the United States which is what you get with micro tech every single thing is made locally yeah in the United States yep yeah I some people I feel like don't like the aluminum scales know the handle but I actually don't mind the aluminum yeah yeah for me aluminum titanium they tend to be a little slick but wait with this knife for example you get some nice jimping across the back of the blade of the knife and use the knife just jimping on the back of the knife the frame of the knife Oh struggling and then also you get some some grip points here so when you put it in hand it doesn't feel slick like a lot of other aluminum right here's what we should do yeah let's go get some explosives go underwater let's demo something right with this knife right that's maybe next field that's the only way let's see so anyway guys this is the Lu DT a really great knife we got a bunch of different variations on the website and like I said with micro tech everything you get 100% made in the USA yep absolutely alright guys up next we have the Troodon so actually Troodon so we've been saying Troodon I've said Troodon forever and then we did some important research before right before we started filming yeah we got on YouTube we found a Jurassic Park video in Jurassic Park it's pronounced Troodon so we know that that is the most scientifically accurate source yeah we're gonna call the Troodon it is the Troodon and this is one of their OTF entries it's kind of one of the classic designs they've had forever you got same with the aluminum scales here you got your deep carry pocket clip glass breaker this one is a dagger style and this one is let's see now one should be - a four-piece steel as well yep yeah so a lot of so with Microtech this is something to know about them they're always upgrading and changing their steels for what works best for the knives that they make right it's interest so they're always testing steels they're always getting feedback from customers so currently most Microtech knifes are - carpenter - o4p okay but you can get them in Lmax and 390 all those things so just check out which one it is before you buy it which one you're looking for and just know they're always changing right now I do like these right here because it the ergonomics I'll put it on the left hand it just it feels good to have that upper sweep where my thumb sits not on a dagger though that's a little scary yeah I haven't thought of that yeah I don't own a dagger so yeah and that's actually something with like any OTF dagger I've ever had is like a real thing you have to think about when you're firing that button is like oh yeah oh my goodness I one of my really close friends we were camping is like a month ago and we were eating some steak yeah and he was using a dagger blade yeah and not even thinking about it lifted his knife right through his fingers oh it was bad yeah be careful with you blades guys those daggers so with the Troodon it also comes in the combat so there's the combat Troodon as well and when we're talking best Microtech knives the combat verse from the Troodon is super super popular so you get all the very similar things that you get with the smaller version just bigger more to grab and this particular one is also hellhound so this is the hellhound blade which is just a really neat blade pattern that Microtech has so this is something else to know about Microtech is you can get almost any of these knives with like a bunch of different blade variations coated not coated partially coated serrated dagger not dagger like it's interesting and a lot of them come in the hellhound version as well so if you like the hellhound version I mean it probably comes in one the micro Tech's you're interested in so the Troodon the little the normal Troodon is 375 frui done true Adan let us know in the comments it's 375 on the website and yeah you guys should definitely check this out if you haven't fired one you need to get one in your hands yeah and the this combat trade on with the hellhound blade goes for 685 on the website I am curious though how many people out there love dagger blades and why I know I would like to know lettuce is obviously in a self-defense situation right that's probably like the most common use for a dagger blade right but let us know if you use it and just regular EDC yeah I'd be interested to know but talking about needing to get a micro tech and needing to fire and feel that action obviously we're gonna be talking about the ultra tech so this is the micro tech ultratech this particular one just kind of a normal one does have the dagger blade glass breaker deep carry pocket clip aluminum chassis all made in the USA you're gonna notice a lot of common themes with the knives on the table but this knife right here is the defining feature of any OTF knife on the market it's a standard it is if you this is the ruler by which every other OTF on the market is measured so I agree if you want to own the definitive OTF knife get yourself a micro tech ultra check great action classic design and really like I said just defining what it means to be PFF people copy this for a reason yeah it is top yeah the line which is actually a problem with micro Texas right like if you're buying it second hand make sure it's not a copy because right that's actually a thing that people do because micro tech is so well-known and does such a good job yeah so anyway so this micro tech Ultratech and speaking of micro tech ultratex Kurt had a little adventure with one of these recently let's take a look [Music] I can't do this [Music] guys Curt really took one for the team on this one did you do so much shaving cream I'm not kidding it was a pile and it was gel I was expecting it to be foam yeah yeah no it was gel so it's like all right rose dude swing that leg up here we got to see this thing now you guys know how I roll behind the table here on knife banter I need to feel I told you the we livin decision is never gonna let you down I'm never gonna let you down just remember we're also doing a giveaway so hold on till the end for that giveaway [Music] hey so today I brought the Moorish made micro so use um little flipper here I don't know any of the words you just said but I like the way it looks yeah and I don't know if I brought either but this guy he's oh he's only like 25 out of Tennessee makes knives in his spare time I think he has a day job yeah he reached out a couple years ago via email and said that he was a big fan he's been buying from us for the last few years huge fan you know wanted his work on the site and so we bought a few knives and now we got a few more this one please somebody buy before I do there's this one and one other micro on that dude the mill the milling pattern here is incredible whoa yeah you guys should buy it before I do because I really like that I can't afford it no I'm gonna buy it but I love I love these like handmade like it's got a warmth to it you know you flip it open there's there's no lock stick but it's got that little bite to it you know and I like that little bite yeah I feel like my frame walks so you know like secure yeah I think five six hundred bucks put the different variations yeah big fan so I wanted to give him a shout out that's really cool nice cold someone to buy this before I that's really cool no you go home I'm sure Jamie's got a nice close-up on this guy's this this meal pattern here is really really neat I'd like to see more of that stuff that's really cool good stuff Moorish maiden on Instagram or sweet will flashes info up on the screen somewhere so anyways come in well thanks he's awesome yes oh wait wait what's what's in your pocket we asked was your pocket today what's on my bill Oh on your belt got fixed play today oh there we go 211 commander the drone like a baller a gorgeous creamy guys we just had some of these they dropped and they sold out in like a minute or whatever but anyways cuz I suppose nice cool my bomb won't have to drop in $2,000 on car repairs so Tyson's the real deal alright guys let's just jump right back into the table so let's just jump into it we have a micro tech utx 85 why is it the 85 Tina can't stop thinking about you shaving your leg I've got soft skin guys give Curt a thumbs up he's just he really took one for the team on this one give Curt a thumbs up let's get this video a trillion likes I did a lot of blood guess anyways what was the question why is it 80 5 because it's 85 percent the size of not stick okay yeah cool so sweet sweet love do though so they're very similar they come in two different blade shapes the different colors the different patinas this one right here is the apocalyptic green it basically just has a little wear and tear there on the corners some kind of patina that I think you could create on your own over years of use Jeremy but they got it started for you the 85 is actually pretty good in my hand it's smaller but it's workable I like it for me the 85 is the perfect size yeah it's everyone yeah and this one you can get on the site for two hundred and thirty seven dollars no looking at that you TX 85 and that finish that's something else that Microtech does really really well with all of these knives that you'll see on the table not just the 7 best but all the knives and Microtech does they put a lot of neat finishes and a lot of like different touches two different knives yeah and the other thing is they're almost sprint run so like they don't call them sprint runs but sometimes they'll do a finish and they only do one run of it you never see it again so right if there's a finish that you just have to have probably jump on it because who knows if they're gonna do it yeah they usually don't last too long so the next up we have speaking of UT exits we have the UT x70 you guessed it is 70% the size of a UT X era of a Ultratech and this is a nice little guy I think this would make a really great in pocket OTF just because it's so small and the cool thing with this is you know you get american-made design you get all the quality of Microtech just in a really compact package I don't know if it's particularly legal anywhere else or not that it wouldn't be normally I'm not a lawyer but I would say that it is a really neat kind of smaller knife I'm a little scared of the dagger yeah as you mentioned little nerve as you mentioned little nervous makes me nervous but I actually like that size yeah Diana Carey and OTF yeah regularly yeah and it would be kind of nice to have a little downsize a little little baby one no I don't like small knives yeah but I would be willing to try that one out I think it's pretty cool guys this might be the first time Kurt has ever wanted to actually carry a small knife so interesting we might do something with that put that on the calendar and you can get that UT X 74 to 22 on the website all right guys up next we've got the manual notice that this was a manual not an automatic SOCOM Elite and this thing is sweet it's good to note that it is a manual and where all these other knives are automatic they make a handful of knives that are manual yeah Microtech makes any knife that Microtech makes you can be assured it's going to be an awesome knife and so if you live in an area that doesn't allow you to have automatic knives that's fine because Microtech still makes an incredible line of folders right yeah this one it's aluminum chassis it's got this rubberized grip here glass breaker it's actually fairly light yeah that aluminum how big it is it's actually like not exactly and like where you're saying with the blades here's a variation of this this one goes for 300 on the website 300 even so and the automatic version of that knife actually won best American knife of the year at blade show this year in 29 cool yeah so just another hallmark showing that Microtech really is and has been pumping out incredible knives it's actually their 25th anniversary and since day one Microtech has been creating just incredible incredible knives pushing the standards they really have and speaking of pushing the standards the last knife on the table that we have is this Marquis own custom halo now this one in particular is important for a couple reasons so first off it's a custom so Microtech is one of the production companies out there that is offering some really incredible customs not only that but the halo was the first OTF that they ever produced Oh so as a result it's a little bit of a throwback so let's see what this bad boy looks like oh yeah I knew you'd like that [Laughter] goosebumps so this one has got a hand ground blade this obviously a polished finish on that that hellhound blade style that we had shown you guys before you get the carbon fiber front here with the anodized blue hardware now with the halo they are single action so any of the halos that you buy whether it is this custom or another one you get single action so you have to recharge it and then you can fire again compared to a double action double action which is out in exact one now something that's really neat with these customs is that you get the you get Anthony Murphy own Sean mark Fiona and a date and then the USA thing all put there on the charging handle which is kind of a neat little touch from a company like I said a production company that is still putting out some really incredible customs a lot of times with production companies and they put out at customs like a showpiece right and you like mean it's a collector's piece you can't really buy it but Microtech does make consistently make some really incredible customs this particular one goes for $2,500 so custom price for sure custom level quality custom level props worth it a lot of great knives on the table and now let's jump into the collection connection [Music] alright guys welcome to the collection connection this is your corner on knife banner if you use hashtag THQ collection on Instagram post your collections your knife pics your adventure as we go through there every week and we pick a couple of our favorites we give you guys a shout out here on the show but today we're doing things just a little bit different we got a really neat letter from Zack D I don't know where he lives but he wrote it on Saturday at 227 p.m. glad to have that information he is 14 years old and he really wants a bench made 51 Morpho the blade HQ exclusive for his birthday he said he's asked his mom so mom if you're watching you got to get Zack the knife look at this amazing how to make it happen yeah look at this amazing picture so anyways guys we love hearing from you guys we love whether it's digitally or physically we love getting pieces like this so Zack thank you so much for for sending this rad drawing in we'll probably hang it up on the wall behind us cuz it's a good one yeah why not it's a keeper alright as promised guys at the end of this video we said we'd be doing a giveaway and we've got something pretty epic so we were talking about the best micro tech knives of all time I hyped up that elf Ultratech quite a bit and for one of you lucky people out there you gonna find out the hype is real we are giving away this ultra tech with the tanto blade we can't give away the one that Kurt's shaved with because he nicked himself a couple times so you don't want that knife so we're giving away a nice pristine fresh one if you hit the link down in the description it's gonna be running for the next seven days and just do whatever the things in the link says and you're entered to win and will email you when you win and we'll announce the winner on all of our social channels if you want Kurt to sign a box or something let us know because you're getting this because Kurt shape is like that's why you're getting this knife so it's pretty it's pretty epic so anyways guys hit the link down in the description to win this Microtech ultra tech now the reason that we got the leg shaved the reason that we got the awesome giveaway was because of the wheel of indecision so we have got Tammy from the warehouse and she is going to spin the wheel of indecision for us hey how's it going hello alright let's I'm nervous all right all right you guys know you guys know the you guys know the drill if we land on something that we've already done Curt doesn't have many more body pieces to shave that aren't his face yeah we actually erase it and put something else so we're going to erase this let us know down in the description what you guys want us to replace it with so whatever you guys pick we will also do a knife giveaway with that so let us know something epic that you guys want to see us do with a pocketknife it will also be included in a giveaway so let's spin it again hey there we go to Bob got a bottle so alright we are going to cut a bottle who knows what that looks like guys but we haven't let you down yet right we haven't let him down yet alright so Tammy since we have you on what what do you do a blade each cue I work in the warehouse so guys that's she's being humbled she's the warehouse god if there's a knife missing or there's a knife that you need or there's a knife that you've taken and you didn't check out properly with our system Tammy comes for you she'll hunt you down Kurt knows Kurt has been hunted down multiple times many times he was on vacation in Montana Tammy went to Montana found him and got the knife from him that she anyways Tammy is absolutely awesome so what are you carrying we always ask people what they're carrying come on my box cutter well that's not like a custom or anything fancy white carrying that the tape doesn't stick to it oh okay ceramic the ceramic plate okay okay okay so there you go guys from the pro opening boxes all day she's got a ceramic box cutter you know no tasty residue nope well thanks for coming on thank you appreciate it yeah you're welcome and thank you guys for watching we always appreciate the support please consider hitting subscribe please consider hitting that notification bell you guys what keep this show going and we'll see you on the next one you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 242,652
Rating: 4.9041071 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, Knife Banter, Folding Knife, Pocket Knife, Automatic Knife, Knives, Knife, Steel, Season 2, Pocket Knives, Pocket Tool, Pocket Tools, Knife Critique, Grail Knife, Sale Knife, #bhqcollection, Collection, Microtech, Ultratech, Socom Elite, Troodon, UTX-85, UTX-70, Halo, Halo VI
Id: GiUbamUISws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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