CPM Spy27 & Pro Tech Custom Godson

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what is happening youtube this is blade banker coming at you from the beach down here in florida a little family vacation we're having an excellent time and thought i'd make a little video real quick to show you my beach carry as you can see one of them is a spyderco pair of three this one is in the cpm spy 27 stainless steel which we're going to talk about uh in just a second then i'm going to show you the beautiful protect that i picked up on the way so without further ado let's get at it all right guys hope everybody is doing well again i just wanted to mention this spyderco uh pair of three that i have real quickly just talk about the steel mainly because i've had a lot of questions about cpm spy 27 and wanted to just touch on a couple of things that i have learned about the steel um and let me back out here a little bit there we go a couple things that i have learned and that might sway you in one direction or the other i think the steel is actually really good let's talk about it specifically for a second so obviously by cpm this is made by crucible uh the the 27 to my understanding is for cobalt's atomic weight uh and then the spy is because right now this still is being made exclusively for spyderco so there explains the name of it it's really kind of interesting because the knife was announced sometime near the announcement of cpm s45vn uh which is very unusual we usually have many many years before we have a new type of steel out there and these came back to back so it's pretty good i think it's a good thing right now for spyderco it's only being used in the pair three the manix2 and the bird harrier not familiar with the bird knife uh big fan of the other ones and obviously i got the pair of three sitting here that has been with me as i've been on vacation a couple of things about it so it's it's supposed to be made a bit tougher more fine grind and really more uh corrosion resistant than cpms35vn now because it's decreased wear resistance than cpm s35vn it should be easier to sharpen for us novice people that don't know how to sharpen uh the last thing i want to say about it i believe it's supposed to uh be heat treated at a maximum of 64 on the rockwell hardness i think uh most manufacturers are doing it at 60 to 62 just for um the ease of use and the light use that most you know when we do these steel tests we beat them up really really bad and that's not how you use a knife in everyday world it's more light touches so that's what they're trying to accomplish with this deal so that's all i'm going to talk about on the spyderco uh pair of three with cpm spot 27 and now let's talk about a little pro-tech okay so on the way down here if if y'all are not familiar in birmingham alabama there is a store called marks outdoors that sells a ton of knives and they've got anything and everything and they sell them for a really good price too so i picked up a protech this is actually a custom pro-tec this is a custom god sun which is a little bit smaller than the godfather you can see how this is the second custom that i've gotten from pro tech it comes with this nice wood box inside it tells all the information or a lot of the information about the knife on top of the box none of the specs or anything but i'm going to go over those with you it's just if you've been watching me for any amount of time you know that i am all about presentation and the presentation is outstanding on this knife so here is the knife itself this is a automatic push button automatic it's got a spear point blade and the blade is well i'll just show you it is nichols damascus i'm going to say that that's probably raindrop damascus it does not say uh specifically but that's what it looks like to me um it's a really cool knife as you can see it's a push button so it's got a plunge lock as well the plunger like i don't know if i'm going to be able to show you on there it's it's a mosaic so it's really really pretty uh the handle scales are full titanium and then it's got this desert ironwood inlays on it that make it kind of pop it's got a mill titanium pocket clip but that thing comes out like a beast and comes out quickly it's pretty easy to use one-handed so it's not it's not too much smaller than the godfather but it is smaller hence the name god son and what a great way to venture into talking about the specs on it so i'm going to give you the specs that i have overall length i've got 7.56 inches the blade length is 3.15 inches yellow let's say the handle length is 4.41 inches as i mentioned the blade is nichols damascus and again i want to say that this is probably raindrop damascus i could be wrong but that's what it looks like uh the blade style as i mentioned is the spear point uh it's just got a false edge on the top and it's really really sharp on the sharp on the bottom but uh good looking knife to me i mean i think it's really good and it's got perfect action um i don't know how popular these are i came by and couldn't uh take my hands off of it so let me keep on going let's see the blade thickness is very very slim 110 thousands or 0.11 inches the handle thickness is just under half an inch at 0.45 inches or you know a little bit under half an inch as i mentioned the handle material what i did not say is it's actually orange peel titanium so it's it's not going to show as much wear and tear as normal titanium and then it's got this desert ironwood inlays on both the front and the back the tip is milled titanium but it is only tip up right hand only so no love for the lefties i do apologize about that this for the size of it is kind of a heavy knife it's 5.4 ounces obviously as you have seen the deployment is the push button and the locking mechanism is the plunge lock so the deployment and the lock are all of the same and this here is made in the country of the united states of america which gives it just a little bit more uh meaning to me uh certainly in these times so that is it in a nutshell and i'm going to show it to you with the pair of three so you can see it's a little bit bigger than the pair of three but not too much they actually look good side to side and um i appreciate you guys spending some time with me while on vacation and as soon as i get back i've got a backlog of videos to get out there so i will get them rocking and rolling thanks so much for tuning in and i will see you on the next one you
Channel: Blade Banker
Views: 263
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: XlSL11zBGCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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