Benchmade Infidel VS Microtech Combat Troodon - Which is the Better OTF?

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what's going on YouTube metal complex here and today I've got a really fun battle video to do with you guys today we're gonna be taking a look at the famous bench made infidel OTF and we're gonna be comparing it with the also very famous Microtech combat Troodon these two knives are this this is my opinion on these two these are the two biggest like when I think a big bad American double action OTF I think of the benchmade infidel and the Microtech combat Troodon yes there are other big OTS out there Microtech has the the the new direct delta bench made has some other OTF right now and then there's the larger version of The Guardian OTF and there's some other stuff but these two are still like the most popular large USO tf's out there and we're thinking large right so we're not comport not thinking about their standard food on the Ultratech the UTX 85 or any any smaller budget OTF out there these are these are the two main guys and right now i have i in my possession a bench made infidel that was actually lent to me by mr. spirited whiskey so thank you so much make sure you give him the follow he allows me to take a look at a lot of really really cool knives and i would not have this knife in my possession if warrant for him so thank you very much the Micra tech combat troodon is mine it was a recent purchase i used to have a combat Troodon and I stupidly sold it back in 2014 so I told myself when the right combat Troodon came along I would purchase it again and this beautiful Signature Series hellhound combat true it on the black handle came along with the tumble blade and tool for peace steel and I was like yep have to have it but because I have both of these knives in my possession right now I thought let's do a battle video this is not going to be structured it's just going to be kind of a conversation that I'm having with myself I will talk about pros and cons for either one let me first point out that these are OTS they are automatic knives they're not going to be legal in all areas so for a lot of you this is just gonna be for entertainment they're also gigantic so you need to check and make sure if you're interested in either these now just make sure you can actually carry knives this blade length and in the case of the infidel and the turret on both of them the infidel only comes in a dagger blade meaning it's actually sharpened on both sides and they true it on actually does have an option for a dagger blade so that's that's illegal in a lot of areas so these knives can be illegal for a lot of different reasons so make sure if you want to pick one of these up there's a lot of red tape around ordering them some places won't ship them to certain areas make sure you are paying attention to that for those of us who are fortunate enough to live in an area where these are completely legal to carry and own like me I live in Kansas we can do this here this might be helpful so before we get started here if you've been enjoying my content for a while oh well if you're brand new either way if you'd like to support me and at the same time get your hands on one of one or both of these really cool channel stickers here you can follow the link down in my description to my patreon have a look around and you can join any tear you want if you'd like to gain access to my once a week patreon exclusive content the three and five dollar tiers have the stickers as well but you can definitely gain access to that exclusive content we have some pretty cool stuff going on and then also at the same time you can help me achieve my new goal of 90 patrons once we hit that goal as is tradition I will be doing another really awesome knife giveaway that will benefit everybody whether you are a patron or just a viewer of my channel so if you'd like to do that the support would mean the world to me anyways let's go ahead and get a measurement on these guys this is probably going to be a long video so buckle up overall length of the combat true none coming in at a little over nine inches nine and a quarter maybe nine point three if you want to count that glass breaker tip to scale on the blade you're looking about three point eight inches of blade about 3.75 little yeah three point seven five inches of cutting edge on the the infidel you're also looking at just off just a hair under 9 inches but the blade is definitely four inches and the cutting edge about three point yeah it's like three points yeah it's almost 3.75 they both have very similar cutting edge they're very similar in terms of the body let's go ahead and weigh them steel out here so both knives are aluminum on the handle and the CH and and the internals are steel and then the blades are you know they're two different types of steel but they're about the same thickness I would imagine that comment Troodon has a little bit more in terms of you know weight of the blade so let's do the infidel first the infidel coming in at about five ounces and the combat Troodon a little bit bigger coming in at five point six four so if you're a stickler for weight and that point six four ounces is gonna do you in well there you go the benchmade infidel is the lighter of the two in terms of carry profile these are both you know long there is I mean this is not a rectangle but this is you know what I mean here is it like the height and width and all this stuff the thickness they're extremely similar extremely similar carry profile carrying both of these I found was easy enough I wear jeans or you know thicker mineral pants every day so I'm prom with that you're gonna wear tight pants or you're gonna wear basketball shorts these are not knives that I recommend that's ridiculous you know some people always remember the video where they got talks about hearing a Praetorian tie in basketball shorts and that it's really not that bad that doesn't make any sense you know be honest with yourself if it doesn't work it doesn't work if you're wearing jeans it's gonna be just fine let's take a look at the materials on both of these guys so it's like I said we are looking at aluminum for the handle materials you're looking at steel for the hardware and the internals on the blade on the standard infidel I've talked about this before it lists as d2 on websites a lot of people get up in arms about that guys listen on some of these really high-end American production knives or mid techs or custom knives it'll simply lists it as d2 but it's actually CPM d2 that is the case in the in the case of Medford like Medford knives they always list as d2 but they're actually CPM D - you know I know like in the case of CPM 154 and 154cm they are labeled so you know but for whatever reason with d2 it's just not the case so I'm gonna guess Benchmade actually uses CPM d2 which is a completely understandable steal for a wide price range now fortunately they do have a blade h2 exclusive version of the infidel that comes in this exact same color setup OD green aluminum and a black blade in s30v that's a lot easier to swallow considering how much you have to pay for this right now this is not the blade HQ exclusive version this is actually the the old rare discontinued law enforcement and military lead Edition they no longer make this guy but if you want to pick this exact knife up the exact color setup and you just when you want the s3v you can pick that up otherwise you can get it black and gray or black and black and d2 steel the microjet combat true it on it now comes in like any imaginal any any color imaginable literally I think I got a pink and purple and blue and green and black and whatever they got so many different ones and then your blade comes in a variety of different shapes whereas the infidel only comes in a dagger blade now it used to come in a drop-point blade you can only get in a dagger blade now and the combat troodon the basic version you can get drop point you can get dagger blade and then I think I think there might be one other blade shape and then the Signature Series has war hound and the hellhound which is this aggressive tanto now you do have to pay more money for the Signature Series and I'm not sure exactly what else I'm getting besides the special logo on the handle and the access to some of these more you know special blades but the same types of finishes are available there's a ton of different finishes on the troodon you can get two-tone you can get full DLC you can get apocalyptic you can get stone wash and get satin they even do bran which is super cool if you like our big you know in terms of like making the knife like exactly what you want it in terms of appearance the Troodon has the combat Troodon has the benchmade infidel beat like by a mile you know you can get exactly what you want with the combat Troodon you also have more premium blade steels it's kind of a mix-up you know it's kind of random what you might get sometimes you need to call into the retailer and clarify because mikrotik does certain runs and certain steals they generally use em 390 204 P which is actually the same thing 204 PS made by carpenter and few nineties made by bowler and then they do L max so if you want a little bit of a tougher blade steel go with L max if you want a favored corrosion resistance and ever tension go with 204 peoria through 90 this was in 204 P I picked this up because I just don't see 204 P as much as m39 it's the same composition it's gonna yield the same type of results with the same grind in geometry it's just neat that it's 204 P these new ones do not say on the blade exactly what they are so you have to get the information from the the retailer let's talk about the deployment so both of these are double action OTS there is a single spring in there and there's tension you know created on one side or the other that pulls the blade back in or deploys it I will say that the micro tech combat Troodon fires much harder is much more crisp and to be honest it actually feels like a higher quality deployment it also has less play it's that's very minimal in fact there's almost none it has less play than the one I had in 2014 but there is a little bit of play on the benchmade infidel it does have a little bit of play now that's not a big deal guys OTF s-- have play they just do except for the deadlock that doesn't have any play that's a $1,500 at least a 15 or $1500 custom OTF that one doesn't I'm not sure the exact benefit I mean these knives both the Comets were down in the infidel there's plenty of examples online of people using them very hard and very dirty and far and for the most part they hold up they're a lot more durable than people think as I pointed out in in the reviews of each of these which by the way guys this isn't a review I do have individual reviews of each of these knives so if you want specifics you know you really want me to go into detail about each one check out the reviews it also does not have nearly as powerful of a deployment but I have to point this out in terms of the convenience of deployment both in resistance of the switch like pressure resistance and the position of the switch convenience I'm gonna go feeling of quality and power and just that there is nothing like the combat troodon this thing feels awesome it feels incredible I mean for me it was worth the money just to get that feeling again the very first time you deploy and OTF you're gonna be Wow and then you're gonna wonder is the micro tech true it on their combat shirt on really like that much better in terms of the crisp powerful OTF deployment yes it is oh my goodness it is sweet right you're not gonna get that with the infidel but position of it like this is a nice position this is probably a better position for the switch which I would imagine is why micro tech started producing the die rack which is it's basically a micro tech infidel but it's got contoured handles it's a little thinner it's probably it's a more evolved version of the infidel the reason I think it's better is because considering how this is gonna go into your pocket by the way the pocket clip on this guy's awesome I like the pocket clip on the combat through it on it's alright this pocket clips better fold deep carry it's got that nice divot it's got the perfect bill comes in and out of the pants easy but she where my thumb is when I pull this guy out my thumb is already there to deploy it in terms of convenience that's better with this guy it's fine I gotta pull it out then I have to reposition my hands and then deploy it not that big of a deal but in practice it's just like I really noticed the convenience level of the the infidel honestly another benefit that the infidel has over the combat troodon is the fact that it actually has Torx screws on the body which means I don't recommend it but you can get into this knife if for whatever reason there's something launched inside of the OTF and the only way to get it dislodged is to get inside of it you're gonna be able to do it on this guy you probably could find a way to force your way into the the combat Troodon but you're definitely gonna mess up those try wing screws in the process and you are also going to void your warranty Microtech does not want you in there knives they have a good warranty arguably as good as bench maids they will take care of you if something goes wrong it will take it'll take longer to get your knife back though and you know again to come back to my original point you just can't get into this guy without messing it up you can get into this one I don't know what bench means warranty is the exact it's just as applicable to their ot FS as it is their other knives they don't seem to care if you get into the knife and you know clean it out they just think you know if you mess something up while you're in there and then you try to send it back now that I mean that's gonna be out understandably that's fair if you take your knife apart and you don't know what you're doing and you mess something up that's your fault that's not bench maids fault you know but they give you they at least give you access to the inside of this so that's nice in terms of ergonomics both of them feel really good I don't have a problem with either this has less of a natural handle feeling than this guy but both of them are incredibly easy to hang on to the switch is out of the way there are texture lines you know that help you with grip without creating hot spots on either knife you run less of a risk of running your hand up on the blade on this guy just be considering the curvature on both sides and this guy's got a little bit of protection but not quite as much so it's kind of one of those things if you know if you favor a certain aesthetic go with the one you find more aesthetically pleasing I don't find an issue either way with ergonomics but organ amelie I'd get a slight edge to the infidel the other thing that I think is worth pointing out is the infidel is truly almost perfectly symmetrical especially this way right if you if the whole life non something being symetrical if that bothers you the comment Troodon is gonna bother you for a multitude of reasons number one it's not a symmetrical handle this way because it rises up in number two the blade is shifted more to this side that doesn't bother me but I know there are people out there who that bothers so that's something that's um you know you're gonna have to deal with if you're cutting and you're looking down this thing and you're like why is that blade off to one side that's just how they do the internals right so maybe that'll Bobby I don't know if the new ones are like this but you can see there there is a little bit of area and it probably could be remedied by just adding some lubricant right there there's a little bit of play in the switch moving down like that now there's play in both switches in terms of like I can you can hear it it moves around a little bit but in terms of like where that switch goes when I let it go no it goes right back into position same way was down here I push it up it goes right back down into position here so the combat troodon in all areas feels much more crisp much more tight everything feels tight and locked together feels good the benchmade group the benchmade infidels a little more loosey-goosey but it has some you know it's got a little bit better ergonomics it's got a symmetrical shape it's easier to get into it's got a more convenience which location things like that in terms of the build all the way around like the fit and finish on everything everything looks great on both knives there's nothing wonky on the benchmade reptilian I've noticed you know on this black blade you can see there's some rub marks that's not necessarily just a grip Tilian thing I know that the Troodon blade rubs a little bit too that's just to be expected given how this blade deploys you can't see it on the Troodon because it's a set it's a it's a tumble blade that's why I wanted that because I started to notice on my 2014 model the satin finished blade was getting a couple of rub marks it's just gonna that's gonna be the case guys it's not that they have a deal it's just gonna be the case truthfully the only aesthetic mark that really bothers me on either of these knives between the two the hellhound is perfect to me this is visually a perfect OTF I do not mind that it's not symmetrical I love that blade shaped and not not you know despite not being the biggest fan of tan and it's just the quintessential like most aggressive angry looking knife and that's why I bought it I like it you know not that I'm trying to scare anybody I just I'm a nice person and you know I like OTS and this was like my dream OTF so that's why I bought it the benchmade infidel is very aesthetically pleasing has a lot of great lines I love the body the handle I love the blade shape it's fantastic but the one thing that bothers me are those we've talked about this before I do not like how that looks that's not it just sucks why do they do that you know but you know whatever a lot of people aren't going to be bothered by that so no big deal let's talk about this area back here what's this little hole that's a drainage hole you know if you have this thing in your pocket and you fall out of a boat or you are wading through a swamp or whatever if this thing fills up with water it has a drainage hole or whatever liquid oil lubricant whatever and it'll it can come back out of it on this newer combat troodon and by newer I mean that's got the newer style glass breaker and I don't know what else maybe the pocket clips a little bit different used to have an area there were holes on the sides of the glass breaker that number one there was a word that's connected there was sort of a hole that led up to it and those acted as drainage holes number two you could stick a metal rod in there and unscrew it if you needed to take the pocket clip off it doesn't have that anymore in a long feel like all this terrible that sucked okay just turn the knife this way and the main area where the blade comes back out will act as drainage hole but because I know that some people will be bothered by that that's why I pointed it out this one does have a drainage hole and this one doesn't now to add another point in favor of the combat true it on the combat true none does have a glass breaker that an all honesty you know I don't I'm not I don't really care about glass breakers but if I did have to break glass that's one of the best that is going to break glass I have a very secure purchase on this guy if I needed to smash out a car window you know if there was a child trapped inside of a vehicle out in the Sun and I you know I had died this is the only thing I had on me oh you bet I could break that went 100% with this guy you could do that with this nopes just flat but you know I mean you could bang on it all day but you're better off just getting a rock or something it just doesn't have a glass breaker um considering the style of these knives you know their their tactical automatic knives I don't know I mean if any style of knife is gonna have a glass breaker it seems to make more sense on an OTF but take that for what it's worth I guess the pocket clip we were gonna get to that so the pocket clip on the benchmade infidel is just flat-out perfect it's symmetrical it carries deep it's easy to get in and out of your pants it's not gonna fight you doesn't have a bill is just great combat troodon pocket clips okay carries deep other than showing the glass breaker it's got kind of two areas where it's gonna pinch it against your pants there is some texturing down here so it's gonna fight your pants a little bit it's not that big of a deal it is still aluminum so it's gonna be fairly smooth it does have a bill and that bill can definitely get caught on things and it's also gonna create a little bit of a hot spot if you're gonna do some heavy cutting over and over and over again with this guy which is probably not the case with most OTS most people are not gonna it's not gonna be like they're dedicated like a long time like if you if you have a job that requires you to like cut cardboard for long periods of time this this is probably not what you're gonna use your probably gonna use a box cutter but for anybody who is gonna find themselves in that situation it's gonna find that that pocket clip is just gonna bother you a little bit let's talk about price right so these knives you know a lot of there's a lot of people out there like this is a long time sort of competitive thing between these two knives a lot of people are like nope only want the benchmade infidel I do not like to comment troodon that's just what I'm gonna go with in a lot of other people like no mikrotik all the way the comments here Don's a better knife to better build there's good reasons to go with both here's a reason here's something that you should not be considering at all when you're purchasing this OTF or any other oats yet I still hear people talking about this it does not matter the amount of power that is throwing the blade neither knife will go through the material that you hold it up to both knives will do this they will derail it is stupid to purchase an OTF based on spring power because you like the idea of being able to hold these knives up to a surface and fire them that only works in the movies it does not work in real life that is stupid there is a very old video out there one that actually created quite a bit of controversy I'm not gonna label it you guys know find it if you want where this guy talks about the spring power and he holds up a folded piece of paper knees like will kill week the spring is it won't go through this paper and he talks about that's so dumb and it's oh that's not why you don't buy an OTF for that reason a no TF is a tool of convenience right got it on your person deploy it make the cut pull it that means easy right that's the only reason doesn't matter how powerful the spring is combat Troodon fires harder and you have a little bit more of a feeling of quality you know I'll admit that but I do not care about how hard the spring fires don't mean somebody's somebody's gonna ask if you held this up to like your your arm or your hand and you deployed it would it would it would it hurt you yes yeah it's gonna derail it but you're gonna give yourself a nasty folk don't do that that's stupid that's not a reason to buy an OT f I will I will not get into that conversation with anybody again that is dumb there is no reason to you know look at that as a quality or a measure of quality now let's talk about price on these guys both of them are incredibly expensive to be honest I can't openly recommend knives to everybody for a multitude of reasons number one there are automatic knives they are big and scary and aggressive this is the stuff of nightmares for a lot of people who are afraid of knives in general knives like these will scare people there like I said they're very big in the case of the double edged thing that's gonna cause it to be illegal so that's gonna make it not and I thought I can neither these knives I can recommend to everybody for that reason alone also they're incredibly expensive the base price of a of an infidel is 400 and what is it now 425 435 the base price of the combat Troodon is four hundred sixty-five dollars if you are in an area where it is legal to carry all variants of this knife for you know the length a double blade thing the fact that it's automatic and you have the money to spend on the OTF you can financially justify it and you are specifically looking for a large well-built OTF yeah I think I commend both of these knives for everybody else know the truth is is I think both of them are a little bit overpriced in their base forms I wouldn't I honestly neither of these knives I really would like to see more than 350 dollars both have excellent warranties both are built very well they're gonna do their jobs they're gonna be durable they're gonna be more durable than I think most people realize in a number of different settings obviously this is going to be a weaker setup in a folding knife most folding knives most budget liner-lock knives are gonna be more durable than the locking system that you would find on the internals of the either these OTS or any OTF but I feel like they're both quite a bit especially the combat troodon is a little bit overpriced I think both of these knives would be just fine at $350 excellent warranties microtext warranty is gonna take a little bit longer you know in terms of turn around the bench Manor at least that's what I'm hearing but in the case especially the Signature Series like if you really want this blade and you want the combat screw it on you're gonna pay most retailers have these at six hundred and eighty-five dollars don't pay that much unless you're like me and you just love that with hellhound tanto and you just have to have it I want to be straightforward about this me I want to be clear I overpaid for this knife I was very aware that this knife was overpriced right and I went ahead and bought it anyway because that's what I wanted so if you're in the same boat as me and you're just trying to get what you want it's gonna make you happy you know if you want exactly this and you're wondering is it gonna make you happy yeah you know but if it's not the hellhound blade then just get that just get the standard version you don't need to pay the extra money for the Signature Series and the the the hellhound blade you know you'll be perfectly happy with a drop-point blade blade so both both of them are very expensive now I know people really hate it when I conclude these battles and I'm like people that's the right one for you you know it's circumstantial everybody like everybody wants to know which one would you pick well I think it's obvious you know it's the one that I bought the knife that I like more is the combat Troodon I put my value goes into you know I like that that feeling a little bit the the crisp hard deployment of the combat troodon I like that there's less play it feels like a higher quality item I'm willing to sacrifice the convenience of the switch location and the fact that it's using proprietary hardware and I can't get into it I'm not gonna try to get into this knife I am never gonna use this knife in a dirty you know dusty environment despite it really being made as a soldier's tool you know I'm never gonna get into it I do not care that there's no drainage hole the pocket clip doesn't bother me that much you know it's just and it's got the blade that I wanted it's got the look that I wanted and and honestly I really lightly especially I kind of liked micro tech and I was more than benchmade knives I just do I don't care about the controversies of either I do not care about bench maids controversies I do not care about Tony Marfan's controversies I don't care you can bring them up if you want to it's not gonna sweat I'm aware of them I just I don't care that sounds so aggressive but people always bring did you know that bench made this did you know that turned Tony Murphy on that I don't care I'm interested in the knives that's it you know it's like the Gillette commercial I don't care if I want a razor Gillette makes a good I don't care about the controversies of the companies so yeah keep all that in mind the mikrotik Comet Troodon is my favorite but it is more expensive especially if you get up into this Signature Series you know both are well-made you're not going to make a wrong choice either way but consider everything that I brought up if some of those things about if you if you are more of a listen I want to straightforward tool I want you know I value convenience over all else which one should I go with probably the infidel if you're like hey complex I want the one that feels the most you know aggressive and powerful and well put together and the one that feels the most crisp you know I imagine it a certain way in my mind and it's very satisfying and gives me that feeling of Oh powerful you know which one should I go with the comment true or not definitely I mean in my opinion the combat Troodon is the biggest baddest double-action OTF out there I know somebody's gonna go no uh halo six halo six that's a single-action OTF guys to single actually push a button it's one spring that fires it out you gotta [ __ ] it back into place manually so anyways very ranty discussion here I hope this was at the very least entertaining for you guys that's really what this is meant for it's not really meant to you know come to some definitive conclusion that says absolutely one is better than the other it's mainly meant as entertainment just you guys can hear my thoughts on this stuff if you enjoyed this video please leave a like if you'd like to check out my other content I do of course have lots of videos of knives are either expensive or inexpensive that I do don't like so check those out and if you enjoy all my content go ahead and click on this metal complex logo or right here and subscribe because there's definitely more coming thanks again for watching everybody and have a great day
Channel: Metal Complex
Views: 22,084
Rating: 4.7747989 out of 5
Keywords: benchmade infidel torture test, benchmade infidel mini, benchmade infidel clone, benchmade infidel vs microtech, benchmade infidel 3300, microtech combat troodon hellhound, microtech combat troodon re
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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