BLACK MEN DON'T CHEAT - New Birth Church - Dr. Jamal Bryant

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meet me at first John chapter one first John chapter one as is our custom which you stand for the reading of God's Word first John chapter one I want us to illuminate and critically examine just one verse and that's a verse in 9 first John chapter 1 verse 9 you'd have thought me and the psalmist had a conversation but his selection lead to write us into our scripture today 1st John 1 verse 9 once you found what you say I got it if you can't find it say lord help me 1st John 1 verse 9 we're gonna read it together with uplifted voices everybody come on let's declare together if we confess our sins amen I want you to personalize it and put if I come on everybody if I confess my sins he is faithful and just and will forgive me of my sins and purify me from all unrighteousness I want you to point to somebody around you tell them if you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive you and purify you from all unrighteousness you may be seated arm yourself with a writing instrument there are some points and principles that I want to share with you on today that I believe we're gonna serve you long after this ministry moment would have concluded if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of all of our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness look at that first John chapter 1 verse number 9 Clause a if you confess your sins he is faithful I want you to underline that if that's your Bible I confess my sins he is faithful I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject black men don't cheat I feel tomatoes coming at me right through here giving me time for my argument now black men don't she Lord we need prayer at the halt all over again comrades I am clearly outright biased about my preference for hi phones however I have to concede that androids while an inferior device has a much stronger battery life most most owners of iPhones a court dragging around a white cord just recently I was flying what I landed I noted that my iPhone was about to die as soon as I got in the car that was a sign to pick me up I immediately requested of the driver did they have a charger past the charger cord back to where I was seated I immediately plugged it into my phone and across the screen of my phone who was plastered do you trust this device trust the device has access to your photos to your videos to your contacts your content and not to mention your text messages and your call history immediately appear on the dashboard I quickly pushed the option do not trust I didn't notice driver had never been in his car and I saw my last five phone calls right on his dashboard far too many of us have plugged into people before finding out whether they could be trusted or not because you allowed them to plug in they were able to clean some of your vision read some of your thoughts download pieces of your heart and after they proved not to be trustworthy they corrupted your emotional files before life's experiences you had a laundry list of what you wanted from somebody but at this point you really just want to know can I trust you not since Minister Farrakhan called for a million brothers to come to the nation's capital in 1992 has there been such a euphoric adulation when the summer anthem for brothers was released by comedian little Duval Charlamagne tha God entitled black men don't she under syncopated tones the lyrics Rumble no matter what they say or what you heard in the streets everybody knows black men don't she followed up by the line a lot of TLC but we don't ever creep black men don't you basketball courts two barbershops BMW's the song was left on repeat while the brothers were trying to harmonize and get into the vibe many of the women in our lives were rolling their eyes Chiara kelly writer for madame noir calm put ink behind the sentiment when she pinned hearing black men sing that song black men don't she leaves me incensed she wrote because it reeks of irresponsibility and absence of accountability for Trail of Tears that lend empirical evidence that the statement is inaccurate a one-on-one interview with Kiera Charlamagne tha God on The Breakfast Club gave redress immediately on the air responding to her concerns that the song is a way to speak positivity into existence wow that sounds good it cannot manifest until men are prepared to do the work of dismantling the main reasons why people cheat many of the reasons people cheat is loss of interests insecurity over compensation lust and a lack of discipline former president William Jefferson Clinton was probed in an interview and asked why he participated in a flame with intern Monica Lewinsky and his response was because he could the real strength of your manhood is when you can but don't I want to put on the record I want to put on record I want to put on record I want to put an exclamation point and change the font size I want to say it out loud so the people in the back can hear me it's not just men that cheek but it's a women also there are a lot of side chicks and side slicks who are keeping their position and don't even know it dr. Keith battle wrote a book called sidechick ology why it is that men and women elect for infidelity all this week social media was a play he's about Nicole Murphy and Antoine Fuqua caught in a series of photographs the question was asked of Nicole denigrating her womanhood why how could she do this when she knew the wife all of the conversations was about the lapse of moral judgment of Nicole but none of the conversations was about the absence of responsibility of the husband who took the Covenant in the first place in the book the cheating culture why more Americans are doing wrong to get ahead the author argues that the current state of society is marred with inequality in every area of life from matrimony to business to law to even athleticism everybody is cheating looking for quick come on when Sears instituted a production quota for its auto repair staff in the 80s mechanics begin performing unnecessary and costly maintenance just so that they could meet their quota and because they were meeting their quota they didn't see it as cheating over billing is now a common practice for many law firms just for them to take the call you are charged for an hour's worth of service for five minutes of direction in hospitals you should be embarrassed and ashamed of how many people have gone through unnecessary surgeries because they have found a way to get kickbacks that has in fact been funneled from pharmaceutical companies that don't really want to see you cured but want to see you addicted I want us to be clear on one thing and that one thing I want us to be clear 1 and I want you to write it down cheating is a decision cheating is a decision in the book leading with a limb to decide here this to decide requires a death when I decide I am killing every other option when I decided I'm pushing aside every possibility for one thing decide means to cut off so from that word decided that root word you still get the word homicide from decided you get the word suicide from decide you get the word patricide every time I make a decision something else dies once you decide you were saying everything else that comes will be killed first Corinthians chapter 13 verse number 11 he says when I was a child I spake as a child understood as a child I acted as a child but when I became grown I put away childish things many of you should be cast as extras for the show groaning because you really are not adults you are just grown children because as adults you understand that there are consequences and repercussions to my decisions and I have to be held accountable for what it is I decide you cannot hide under the monologue of Flip Wilson that the devil made you do it at some point you've got to decide there are some things in me that are broken that I have got to redress that I've got to change that I've got to confront that I've got to deal with or else I will spend the rest of my life looking for a filling of a void that another person cannot fill but I've got to deal with my own deep-seated inadequacy in order for me to matura into who God wants me to be when the greatest barriers to becoming passion of this church was the swirling question do we want to risk hiring a divorce pastor not because of irreconcilable differences but according to open court records due to infidelity I told the committee please hear me you gonna hear a lot of stuff about me and half of it I did [Applause] but the difference is I own my stuff I don't listen the worst mistake you can ever make is not learning from your mistakes but when you're able to live and learn from your mistakes nobody can hold your mistakes over your head you can now place it under your feet please whatever you do don't let these church people fool you and act like they never fell short of his glory like they never made a mistake like they have never doubted all their eyes and cross all their T's that even if they want to be phony let me talk for everybody look at me I'm I'm a testimony I didn't make it on my own but somebody prayed for me they had me on their mind they took the time and I'm so glad that they pray be seated please you you gotta get to a place that the first step to recovery is admitting you got a problem many of you will never be healed because you don't claim your deficiency but if I can't be honest in church where can I be honest I need 500 of y'all who understand that there are some things in my life where I tried to take a shortcut but I realized it was the long route to where it is that God was trying to get me I need some of you who are not in witness protection but realize that that I went through some stuff and if I had to do it all over again I realize it made me better stronger and wiser and otherwise I never would have made it I can't hear nobody I need 500 of y'all that can be honest just say I didn't always make good decisions I always didn't make right choices I always didn't operate with my yourself but I thank God he looks beyond all of my faults and meet me at my needs I know y'all are perfect sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in tar fire baptized but for the rest of us that are saved and still sometimes stupid it's not the rest of us that sometimes I didn't do what God would have wanted from my life I didn't come to church cuz I'm perfect I came cuz I'm forgiven and I'm drivable that why we were yet he died for us in it amazing how many people only apologized about cheating when they get caught and if it takes you get in court to apologize is it sincere and that's what God is saying today is that you know that every day you sin by thought word and deed but I can't ever get you to the altar to cry out to me until you get caught y'all ain't saying nothing it's oh you didn't feel bad while you were in the hotel you didn't feel bad when you were creating emotional ties with your work husband were quite didn't feel bad when you were watching pornography y'all ain't saying nothing you didn't feel bad when you were meeting up but when your spot beginning to blow up now you want to cry and hold yourself and say God if you ever get me out of this I promise I never gone Oh God is saying don't wait and pray and cry only after your period is late don't wait and cry only when you waiting on the blood tests to come back don't wait and cry only when you got a court case but when your conscience kids see you ought to be crying out to God God you should have killed me because the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life you wanna know why I shout in the sanctuary I shout in the sanctuary cuz I could have been in the mortuary he could have let me die last night but he woke me up another day so I could be better then what I was yes he says and first John chapter one watch what he says he says if you confess I'm telling you I don't expect too many y'all to shout right through here if you confess my ex wife told me when she filed for divorce it wasn't a cheating that made me file it was the lying y'all ain't saying nothin to me I I could handle the cheating it's the line I can't handle my grandmother used to say if you lie your steel and if your steel or y'all got the same grandmother [Applause] and God is saying in no uncertain terms just don't lie to me confession is good for the soul something is wrong because now we are living in an hour with a 21st century Church no longer believes in deliverance we only believe in discretion so we really don't want to be changed we really don't want to be delivered we just don't want to be exposed and God is saying I'm looking for a church that will cry out to me say Lord I want to be like you create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me I don't know who I'm talking to when I'm confessing I'm looking at my neighbor cuz it ain't none of your business but I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help some stuff you gotta get off your chest he didn't say confess it to your neighbor he said confess it to him and I'm talking to those of us who have fallen short of his glory and you come in church with your arms folded Ingle a scroll as if you doing God a favor knowing that you were in some trifling stuff this week that if God put your business on the screen at his church you would be running out of here with your head between your legs but I need those of y'all who are in this room that can say Lord give me one more chance I I wanna be better this week then I was last week I wanna be more disciplined this week then I was last week says if you confess your sins ain't always about extramarital affair sometimes will you confess you lied on that application confess you know you are not qualified for the position confess you know you ain't ready for no real relationship yes their stuff ain't yours you showing on social media [Applause] he said if you confess your sins I need to look at closby first John chapter 1 verse number 9 Clause B watch how they describe God it messed me up we always hear about God being merciful and gracious and being in the blessing business but John does something peculiar he says if you confess your sins you get another dimension of his personality and his characteristics he is faithful a northern jumped you from the back in it amazing that many of us claim to be Christian and if we claim to be Christian if we break it down in an etymological understanding Christian means to be christ-like so now if I am a Christian man I am a Christian woman then it ought to be reflective in my relationships that I am I'm faithful watch this I'm faithful why because God's been faithful to me hallelujah and you ought to want to be like God in everything that you do that you are loyal and consistent I'll never forget it y'all please don't judge me don't judge me please don't judge me III try to be a scholar I try to read I chop to do appropriate research please don't judge me ha but but but but I feel bad I feel bad and I last week I watched Jerry Springer don't judge me don't judge me honey I know I shouldn't do that I know it's bad and I know it's a mockery of who we are I had no business watching Jerry Springer yeah I'm in my hotel room huh I'm watching Jerry Springer y'all ain't don't believe it no woman is in there and crying on the stage 24 million viewers around the world she dating Luke she said like I got a suspicion he cheating on me Luke's at night cheating on you I promise you you know me cheating on you Jerry says Luke you gonna take the lightest let's see yeah imma take it they took Luke in the back after the commercial break Lucas back J got his flashcards so Luke I may ask you again before I read the results have you been faithful Luke look with a straight face yeah I've been faithful that's that's my rider die that's my soulmate she always got my back what I look like cheating on her Jerry said I'm glad you so adamant that you ain't she the results from the lie-detector tests are back and according to the lie-detector test you have been unfaithful Supper times cheated with her cousin next-door neighbor and her sister girlfriends looked like a fool sitting on that couch she crying uncontrollably shakin losing everything humiliated embarrassed all of the crowd is chimp boo hey boo and Lou Jerry Springer messing me up he asked his sister what you gonna do she said I'm how much stay with him [Applause] whole crowd and Jerry Springer start doing with the crowd at new birth dogs oh okay well them I'm looking at it for entertainment purposes only I'm laughing to myself my sermon I'm thinking is almost finished while I'm sitting on the edge of the bed God tapped me on my shoulder and said tomorrow do you see me on this show so now I'll see you on the show he said I'm the one just cheated on I'm the one that's been lied on I'm the one that's been taken for granted and the Angels keep asking me what are you gonna do with a map and God said I'm still gonna keep them and you wanna know why are you gonna still keep Oh cuz I still love and I need somebody who's in this place knows God sitteth me away I'm coming he says if you you gotta be like me and be faithful because if you are faithful over a few things I'm gonna make you ruler over many y'all I gotta get out of here but I gotta give you the last Clause of this verse it says not only will he forgive me of my sins but the Bible says in the New International Version he'll purify me from all unrighteousness the original word of purify is not purified the original word you'll see it is cleanse me from all unrighteousness I'm telling y'all some of y'all better shout right through here he said in no uncertain terms when I forgive you I stop cleaning off for you the residue of whoever touched you because I don't want any trace of them on your life out of your memory out of your system that's why a lot of people can hang with you it's just you are faithful but you're still in church look at your praise but just still give him your all right touch your faith you ain't got a lot of money but you're tired of your resources that's your paper look at the person massager and tell them if you a shout you cheat on God your shout for the fountains yourself or the hearts yourself or Beyonce yourself will amigos but when you're getting yards out you won't say a word but I came to tell somebody like Jesus can't nobody do me like the Lord let me grab somebody taken by the head and tell em I made some mistakes I dropped the ball failed I feel sort of this give them praise lift up that hair [Applause] [Music] I cheated on God this week lift up that hand softly Mitchell I cheated on God this week I checked the Instagram before I pray I've read more Facebook than I did description I cheated on God this week ate a couple of meals before saying grace I cheated on God this week he made some ways for me and I forgot to tell him thank you but I'm thankful that he's faithful but even when other folk didn't forgive me God forgave me he's faithful he's just to cleanse me from all unrighteousness lifted hand for me so that all I need you to do is confess if you confess it I'll fix it I want that hand lifted please sir please ma'am I'm asking you to turn to your neighbor because I'm talking to them I'm talking to you we sinned by thought by word and by deed and you've only asked for forgiveness for deeds but not for your thoughts as a man as a woman think if so was he so was she first step to sin is in your thought process and your thought pattern talking to black men and black women talking to men in women that today I want you to begin your week of faithfulness you don't stick with nothing you don't stick with the gym you don't stick with the eating program you don't stick with the book you should have have finished two summers ago with the grant proposal y'all ain't saying nothin to me with the business you're supposed to say no wonder your kids don't stick with nothing they haven't seen you model faithfulness come on lift up that hand I'm praying that God will give you the discipline to cut off some stuff it's gonna hurt some people's hearts but it's gonna help you heal I need you to begin praying not for cars not for money not for clothes not for house God show me who I need to cut off it ain't healthy for me and then where I'm supposed to be show me here it is what part of me needs to be cut off you 47 still blaming your childhood well part of you needs to grow up blaming other people lord I pray over every lifted hand that you'll brace them for hard decisions stuff that they don't know how to do give them the wisdom to do I pray dear Lord that even if they got to hurt other people's feelings in order to help their destiny I pray dear Lord the children knowing them afresh in the new thank you God because today we've lifted hands we're giving you a sign we want to be like you we want to be faithful to whatever we have breathed to say we're gonna be a member of the church win come in once a month every time the doors open soon as Bible studies available I'm walking down the door god I want to talk to you every day not just when I'm in trouble god I trust you for it I believe you for it thank you for being faithful in the face of my unfaithfulness and those of you who lend your heart your mind and your spirit unto God you do me a favor would you just give God the sound of glory right now come on give them the side come on you owe him more than that I said you owe him more than that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna open the doors of the church softly Mitchells I'll open the doors of the church hear me as I'm telling you if you confess your sins he's faithful he's just cleanse you all unrighteousness five-foot-three James Baldwin from a one-bedroom apartment Lenox Avenue say you can't fix it till you face it some stuff you gonna have to deal with head-on you're in this room listen to me very carefully I want you to stop cheating on God he deserves all of you you don't move to Atlanta still ain't found the church but you found a supermarket found a gas station I need you to get right with God I want you to do it right now I know you got a church back home but you don't go back home to go to the market you don't go back home to get gas this your new reality you're here in this room and you know God has been unwaveringly faithful to you now you need to get right with God in this room I need you to come meet me at this altar please I'm talking to you I'm talking to your name I need you to come I want to be faithful come on come on come on new birth come on make some noise they're coming God is saying I'm tired of you treating me like you only want me in your spare time I'm saying I don't want you to be in a place where you treat me like I'm your sugar daddy you only call me when you need rent only look for me when the car breakdown only reach for me when your children need something I want to be an integral part of your life I don't want to date you I want to lock you down I want you and I to be in covenant you're in this room come on quickly please I've done my part and I need you to help me I need you to be a faithful believer faithful believer wherever it is that you are faithful believer I want you please come on clap for this young man that's coming you making my day problem you gonna change the world that's what I need you to do every person in the room I want you to go find somebody who you don't know find somebody who you don't recognize somebody whose name you don't know what right up on them and ask them are they faithful to a ministry that a faithful to a church if they're not I want you to please bring them to me I'm not looking for membership I'm looking for discipleship wherever it is that you are please come y'all day coming all the way from the back would you give God glory for a dear friends who are watching online I want you to become a part of what it is that God is doing here at new birth go to new birth dot org right now I want you to join I want you to be a part of what it is that God is doing give God some praise I don't care if you live in Kentucky you live in Connecticut live in Canada live in Kenya you can still be a part of the new birth family new birth make some noise for those that are coming let me go get my five and then I'm done father y'all I'm waiting on I need you to come I'm grateful that you're here in the middle of July middle of a heat wave you still came to church but I want you to know if you think it's hot out there lord knows if you won't get saved if you don't find Jesus Christ for the partner you're seeing this global woman will be a breeze for you I want you to help me there's five other people who need to be collective rescued from the clutches of a destiny that would be inflamed I want you to please would you just do a spin 360 as two people beside you in front of you behind you ask them how they saved ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their lives over to God I need you to do that for me please sir please ma'am yes hallelujah stretch a redhead into faith would you collect for this whole family coming yelling clapping good come on give God praise for right-hander faith those are you've been members of new birth but you don't gone AWOL today God is calling you back home he wants you to be faithful to your assignment you don't ride other places ain't no way in the world like new birth you just planned yourself today you renewing your covenant to your church into this ministry how much you to come I want you to come give us your hand but I want you to give God your heart come on back home come back where you belong there's a place for you give God some praise [Applause] here they come come on come on y'all oughta cheer like they coming back home y'all listening we're grateful for you all right stretch it right hand de Faith Church it right hand of faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right Church serving only God and I know that's right show you're right come on if your norm right Big Ups to the Savior come on would you give it to him new birthday came as friends but they leaving as family would you give God a shout for all of our new family members I want to ask those of you who are here if your follow us out this way is some information I need to get from you is only gonna take you a few moments new birth come on make some noise form real quick come on give him a big cheer come on give him a big cheer [Music] thankful faith [Music] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated one is flowy [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] come on if you were blessed would you give God a shout a Thanksgiving I'm finish I'm just not through I want to say just a couple of things how many you were blessed by the Word of God on today I'm gonna be dealing with it more intensely on next week but God dropped something in my spirit just now that Malachi asked a critical question can a man can a woman Rob God answer came back yes every Sunday at 9:30 at new birth it ties in all friends I want to do this very quickly is not a part of our program but those of you who know you have cheated God in your giving not being responsible and reflective as to how it is that he's been a blessing to you that you have been raised better but you ain't doing better I'm gonna stretch the elasticity of your faith very quickly even at the risk of people who cling you with judgemental liars but those of you who know you didn't give in accordance to what it is that God has given to you I'm giving you an amount cuz you know what it is that you owe him all I know is that the tithe opens up the blessing of God and those that steal from God are under a shroud of a curse and I don't want any curse to fall over your life I want those of you who know that I owe God more than what I just gave him today real quick is unscripted even for those of you watching online I want you to balance things out right in God's face I can't cheat God as good as God's been to me and I want to say to you all of your blessings are not tangible you are to thank God he kept you healthy today you forgot your medication I want those of you who know you Oh God you Oh God very quickly is only gonna take me 90 seconds those of you who need to give a supplemental seed to add on to what it is that you did earlier this morning I want you to bring it to the altar as quickly as you can as quickly as you can don't worry about the people around today don't need from God what it is that you need those of you are saying God I owe you for all that you've done for me I owe you for what it is that you've done for my child I owe you here it is for what you didn't give me I owe you for the doors that you shut that I tried to open I owe you the doctor was wrong the school was wrong the lawyer was wrong the real estate agent was wrong the banker was wrong I owe you the guidance counselor was wrong I owed you the test was wrong for that God I'm giving you Thanksgiving because I didn't have to receive as much as I did oh god you have been exhibited for me unfailing love for that I'm grateful for that I'm appreciative I want you right where it is that you are right where it is that you are would you just give God Thanksgiving from if it good every perfect gift I'm thankful I need to really Express to you with all of the shoes that we have collected up this far would you clap your hands for every person that donate it come on clap your hands for every person that gains the largest demographic of those who have registered for Saturday our elementary school children a lot of the sizes that we've brought in a high school but we are really running derelict over smaller sizes for elementary age children and half sizes if we could collect another 300 this week either by mail or for those who come in person you can drop it off at the church at any time Monday through Friday during business hours our staff will warmly receive them but ask that you were please please please we need another 300 so of small sizes and half sizes because I don't want one child turned away on Saturday hallelujah how many of you are excited about what we're getting ready to do all of our volunteers ask that you'll make way to the chapel we need to share some critical information with you again we need some 400 volunteers on Saturday you're to thank God that you can serve and you don't have to receive amen did y'all hear what I just said I said you ought to be grateful you can serve and you don't have to receive when I tithe it is not always my treasure it is my time in my talent you got to give all three of those to the inner working of the body of Christ called the church as it you'll please stand to your feet stand to your feet please I'm a faithful take that neighborhood by the hand Tiffany old song reach out in church somebody's hanging come on everybody come on make this work yes you can come on everybody [Music] [Music] yes you can yes come on one more time real job some [Music] yes yeah Saturday is gonna be a historic and a monumental day you know the child or a family who is in need of shoes sto die ricktum new birth org so that they can register I'm gonna underscore that the recipients don't have to be members of our church did y'all hear what I just said they do not have to be members of our church they just need to have a need do not bring your children here if you can afford to buy shoes that's greed amen as that you will make space for those who really are in need as we leave this place but never from God's president we learn from the Olympics you only lift your hands when you want I want you to lift that neighbor's hand why because your whole team is gonna win this week everybody connected to you is gonna have supernatural success as we leave this place but never from God's presence repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me love God because He first loved me lift that neighbor's hand as high as you can now went to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless how do you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you and you have to give stuff away and forth now and forevermore the blessed people of God said amen if nobody told you today at least your pastor loves you have a great day in the Lord [Music] you
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 26,428
Rating: 4.8190327 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, New Birth, New Birth Churh, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, Church online, Atlanta, Stonecrest, Georgia, #nbshoedrive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 57sec (3477 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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