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so dr bryant why don't you come to the stage and bless us tonight let's welcome him as we come [Music] bless the lord come on let's give god a hand clapper praise 26 years isn't that amazing only god could do this if you were clapping for me that be sufficient but would you give god glory and praise and honor do you think he's worth it has he been better to you than you've been to yourself what a mighty god we serve you may be seated i cannot tell you how overwhelmed i am in this moment and uh you're probably um thinking because of the high honor of uh of being asked to come and speak today i'm overwhelmed in this moment to have this many people in the room i'm telling i'm having anxiety right now i got to tell you the truth when uh when pastor invited i thought this was a virtual banquet i did not uh expect y'all to be here um i i have been uh virtual for the last 16 months and uh we're not going back in until new year's eve and uh so i thought it's gonna be pastor mama and the kids and the cameraman this is uh this looked like easter to me i haven't seen this many people uh but do me a favor just so i feel better would you clap your hands yeah thank you all right that that'll make me feel better thank you uh so very much uh 26 years is uh incredible and uh i need you to know that uh even before the pandemic three 3142 churches close a year did you hear what i just said 3142 churches close a year uh it is believed according to the new york times and george bona on the other side of the pandemic a third of churches will not be able to sustain because they don't have infrastructure or technology for god to put his fingerprint on come as you are as evidence that in him there is no failure the only people who should be clapping are those who've never had a job for 26 years if you don't change your job in the last 26 years would you thank god for our pastors for their stick-to-itiveness uh in staying committed to this ministry and to the call come on they deserve more i want to pay homage if i can to their children as a to the third power my dad was presiding bishop at amy church my grandfather was a bishop in the ame church i went down kicking and screaming and cornell west said it's a terrible thing to be a public success and a private failure uh but whenever your grown children can still celebrate your work uh and your commitment to god it says he may be your pastor here at the church but he is their priest at the house would you help me thank god for this amazing family y'all some haters in here come on clap your hands amen and then uh god's got a way to keep you humble for uh pastor uh just to announce to all of y'all i was his second choice to be the speaker uh i was like shucks i didn't flew all the way from atlanta because the first guy wouldn't come but i'm i'm glad to be here nonetheless uh you have uh you have an incredible uh incredible pastor i just thank god for him somewhere our dna has got to cross pollinate he is as black as i am and as beautiful as i am and i'm just grateful to count him as friend and as brother i uh every time i come i ask him the same question are you from here uh i promise you every time i get off the plane i ask him the exact same question are you from here and he says no but i've been here 30 years and i don't know how i forgot he was from mississippi i don't know how i forgot it but when i saw them shoes tonight i remembered it all that it is absolutely from mississippi if you got your bible i want you to go with me to mark chapter 14. mark chapter 14. amen mark chapter 14 verse 64. on tonight thank you so very much this is uh a landmark for me i've been here uh going on i think 12 years that i've been coming time coming as a baptist so i am uh i'm grateful thank you i'm glad to be in the service one more time mark chapter 14 and i want to look at one verse verse 64. you have heard the blasphemy what do you think and they all condemned him to be deserving of death you've heard the blasphemy what do you think and they all condemned him to be deserving of death i'll pass to anthony and lady sandra tonight and allow you just to eavesdrop but i want to preach to them tonight using as a subject you do not you you do not have to defend yourself um trayvon martin has uh all the markings of the ground zero for the black lives matter movement that was hewned out of sanford florida but there is a gentleman you've never heard of named charles earl gideon charles earl gideon was charged in a florida state court with breaking and entering when he appeared before the court without the lawyer gideon requested that the court appoint one but according to then florida state law an attorney may only be appointed to an indigent defendant in account as a consequence the court did not appoint him one charles earl gideon was found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison gideon filed in the florida supreme court arguing that the trials court decision violated his constitutional right to be represented by council and today it is now the standard bearer for the right of representatives and practitioners of law know it as the gideon versus wainwright 1963 had brother gideon had representation he might not have lost five years of his i want to argue tonight out loud um that maybe um we need to examine what is the judicial ethical irregularity that comes to place in the case of apologetics to bear the name of christian when most of you have never defended christ amazingly it has in fact been statistically proven that eight out of ten of you in this room 8 out of 10 wonder soul to christ 8 out of 10 of you have never prayed with anybody a prayer of salvation in it amazing that in the beginning of the year when you made new year's resolutions to lose weight just to stay out the club to cut off your ex that nowhere in your new year's resolution was this year i want to win a soul to christ isn't it amazing that in all them 6 a.m prayers you was on half sleep journal hitting it amazing while you were fasting during lent while you went consecration for pentecost nowhere did you argue forthrightly lord i am uh in a pre-uh mid-life crisis i uh just turned 50. and turned in 50 i uh just a month ago got admitted into the bar being admitted into the bar i want to uh argue because i haven't been to trial yet i want to argue five points towards the court as to how it is i believe that jesus was due for a mistrial number one ladies and gentlemen i want to suggest to you that jesus was illegally arrested is he illegally arrested watch this because those who were involved in christ's arrest included you're not gonna like it pastor sandra included preachers and elders among them the preachers and the elders were those who bribed judas it wasn't the fbi it wasn't a tea party it was not trump supporters and deacons who bribed judas moreover he was arrested secretly at night and when he was arrested no formal charges were levied against him there was no charge presented and no officer of the court revealed themselves there was no warrant no statement of what he had done they just simply took him criminal jurisprudence uh the ancient hebrews declare that the testimony testimony of an accomplice is not admissible in rabbinic law as a consequence judas should not have even been able to participate because in fact filled with perjury while it is that he had a conflict of interest i want to suggest to you before somebody tells you about what somebody else said about your pastor i want to know when you heard it what did you say a man your woman or god you are just as guilty as they are and you don't have the right to hold membership because it is a conflict of interest jesus number two i need to hear this fort wayne it was an error in time it was an error in time in the book entitled jesus by twin brothers augustine and joseph lehmann no trial was to take place before the morning sacrifice no night meetings were permitted nothing before the morning sacrifice and especially not before violated their law because here it is even if they had charges i don't want you to miss this fort wayne they did it at the wrong time and some of you all ought to be telling the enemy not today satan you done picked the wrong time to mess with me you should have got me five years ago before i got focused and before i got disciplined you should have got me last summer when i actually cared what negro said you should have got caught in my feelings when you didn't speak to me you should have found me when i needed my name called and it would bother me if you didn't follow me back on facebook in a place i got so much on me that i ain't even got the time to be invested in what you think because i'm so busy trying to do what god has spoken over my life this ain't the time this ain't the time for you to be depressed this ain't the time for lonely this ain't the time for you to be desperate this ain't the time for you to be chasing nobody down but this is the time for you to say when i think of and all he's done for me my soul cries out can i tell you what time it is six hundred thousand people have died or coveted but you still alive and you sitting at that table of his grace and don't deserve his mercy what time is it he looked beyond all of my faults and he met me and my time is it when my mother and father forsake me that's when the lord will lift me up they pick all right uh y'all be seated this is a banquet come on now jesus law states jewish law states a criminal holding in the acquittal of the accused may terminate the same day on which the trial began but if the sentence if death be concluded before the following day in other words it is in jewish law here it is that you cannot condemn me prosecute me and sentence me the same day i know 99 of y'all ain't jewish but i wish negroes would learn don't rush to conclusions just because you heard something about me that don't mean that it's true i can't help it as i'm flyer than you it ain't my fault that i learned how to ball on a budget it ain't my problem that you got no idea how bad i'm struggling you are jealous of me and you ain't got no idea i ain't got nothing this skirt don't even go with this blouse but i had to mix it up just so i could get here tonight because you don't know me like that folk will rush we'll crawl to apologize is this on i can't hear nobody i said they will rush to conclusions but if you talked about me behind my back don't text me and say you were wrong call me and own up what you did yes it was an error in time uh thirdly please uh members of the court if you'll be seated uh is that it is um it's an outrageous indictment it's uh an outrageous indictment the court pronounced sentence on jesus with no supporting evidence the only evidence was from a false witness the two false witnesses testified according to mark chapter 14 that jesus said i will destroy this temple made with hands and within three days i'll build another not made with hands in actuality jesus didn't say the temple made with hands because he wasn't talking about a building he was talking about his body isn't it amazing how people will take one thing you said and then twist it and remix it i'm just talking to grown folk who have come to the place in your own life are you tired of having to defend yourself tired of having to explain yourself y'all they never been there tired of having to talk a ledge because they mad cause you didn't speak to them and they don't know boo i didn't even see you i was trying to go somewhere else but you keep being taken out of context jesus was indicted on the false charge that he would destroy the physical temple but the court condemned him on a completely different matter tell us here's what the court stenographer wrote down tell us the son of god jesus then retorted back if you say that i am how the priest tore his clothes and then claimed that the circumference of our texts blasphemy jesus was indicted on one charge that he was going to tear the temple down and it will come back up in three days but the trial was on another charge y'all ain't saying nothing to me see when negroes don't like you they want to be against you y'all ain't saying nothing if you're dressed well they think you're flat dressed well they think you're flashy if you're dressed conservative they think you ain't got no taste if you got a good car you stealing the money y'all ain't saying nothing if the car is broken down then they think you've fallen off but there is no greater freedom than living to the place that i don't need other people's approved instagram but in real life y'all ain't saying nothing i knew who i was when i walked out the house and you recognizing who i am is extra but it ain't necessary for those who know who they are so um in case you lost uh in case you lost um jesus was illegally arrested um they arrested him at the wrong time it's an outrageous indictment and uh number four they had judgment but no jury i'm almost there pastor bc did you make me nervous they had judgment but no joy when you get home look at mark chapter 14 mark chapter 14 verse number 64. it says you have heard the blasphemy what do you think and they all condemned him to be deserving of death here's the catch it was unanimous for everybody who was present it was unanimous for everybody who was present in the crazy um that they did it at night in the middle of the night when they knew who wouldn't be there they said if we do it in the middle of the night the woman with the issue of blood can't show up god i wish i had church people here if if we do it in the middle of the night that little boy that got two fish and five loaves of bread he ain't gonna be able to show up i wish i had somebody if we do it in the middle of the night the two blind men who started crying out son of david have mercy on me none of them would be able to show up the law required that one of the council has got to serve in the defense but no one did i'd like to apologize on behalf of your sunday school teacher who ought to be held liable for not giving you the full consul of the holy red to tell you why that is significant one member of the council has got to serve in defense i bet you didn't know even though you were in the easter program you didn't know that uh joseph of air matteo was in the council this is the same job that after jesus was crucified came to claim the body i bet y'all didn't know nicodemus was in the council the same one who professed that jesus was lord but he is the catch y'all is that it was unanimous but what we can find out through isagenix is that both nicodemus and joseph of amitaya neither of them were invited i think i lost you out and gone too deep let me come up here every now and look when you finally realize here's your shout why they didn't invite you they they didn't invite you because they knew they couldn't manipulate you they knew they couldn't control you they can't stand you because you got your own opinion you got your own style you got your own taste you ain't gonna roll over to get along to get with everybody else you gonna call it like your t.i is that's why your supervisor can't stand you but she can't fire you why cause you got your own authority and and and maybe maybe all this time 2021 years later it never dawned on you that the trial was illegal because it happened at caiaphas's house and not in a courtroom there are people who are sentencing you here it is and tonight they're at home oh god i can't hear nobody see it's easy to talk about me when you at home but you ain't gonna say all of that when you in front of me see some of y'all are super safe you gotta forgive me i'm talking to those of y'all that oh god help me in here you feel with the holy ghost but you feel with the hood too you you can speak in tongues but you will still check a fool real quick they don't want to get me out the house you better keep all of that at the house we see that y'all um y'all got a spirit of disobedience in fort wayne be seated here's um here's the fifth one um here's the fifth one um don't switch up on me yeah don't switch up on me they tried to make it look legal so as soon as it was day they led jesus in for a mock trial are you the son of god jesus said you rightly say that i am then the multitude rose up against him for the biblics in the building i'm in luke 22 verse 17 and 71 are you the son of god and jesus said you are right and that um if they thought it was blasphemy according to the pentateuch and the torah they should have stoned him then as soon as they charged him with blasphemy he should have been stoned but they switched the charges they switched the charges hear this after court is dismissed this is only for true baptists who know there's always a meeting after the meeting they they led him to pilate's house the pilot said y'all judged him according to your law but they knew it wasn't lawful based off of the charge to sentence him to death so now i'm in luke chapter 23 verse number two they change your charges saying he's preventing the nation perverting the nation and forget it forbidding people to pay taxes but for those of you who graduated from vacation bible school you remember when jesus said render unto caesar of the things that are caesar's and render unto god the things that are god so pilate could find no fault so long before dr fauci and cdc there we find pilate washing his hands he's washing his hands saying i don't want to be contaminated with the spirit of corruption because he knew that these were trumped-up charges said why says we have a law that he ought to die because he made himself the son of god do you not know fort wayne how many people can't stand you here it is simply because of who you are do you know how many people are jealous of you and they don't even know what you were jealous of i never prayed for do you know how many people are upset with you because they don't understand that god catapulted you into the front that you don't need the limelight when you carry the spotlight i'm i'm talking to those of you who don't even like attention but god keeps dragging you to the front and you don't even want to be in charge i'm talking to somebody in your head you don't quit twice but god keep making you get dressed and go back to the church where half the choir don't like you in it when there's somebody who gotta suck it up and be around family members who are upset because you succeed because quietly they wanted to fail none of this would have happened to jesus had he had a lawyer but he didn't have a lawyer i got to tell you all this because of my life i was a me so i couldn't preach this sermon but for two and a half years i've been baptist so finally i can close it right because i'm not just baptist i'm missionary baptist let me close it like a baptist preacher can i get a witness is there anybody here that can thank god he died one friday they hung him high and he died but that ain't how the story ends three days later he got up with all power in his house fort wayne can i get a witness can i get a witness like jesus can nobody do me like the lord can i get a witness he picked me up and he turned me around this he healed my body and he told me to run on walk together children drink him meaty in the promised land look at your neighbor and ask them will you be a witness will you be a witness you
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 5,749
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Id: jXyVdB-TISk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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