Bishop Wooden Preaches // "Watchman, What of the Night?"

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[Music] bless us Lord as we preach the Word of God God give the believers receptive ears I pray law that in this time of quick messaging and where the attention span of so many is now so short that you touch the people of God and give them an ear to hear and a love for the word of the Lord but even as the word of the Lord is being taught and explained the music is not playing and sound is not booming and yet the word is being preached God give us an appetite for the Word of God may we all know who are watching on this medium that the preached word the explained word the taught word is much better for your soul then the the entertaining praise break that seemed to captivate the minds of so many there come a time where you discipline yourself to have ears to hear to hear the word of God in Jesus name Amen watchman what of the night the questioner had hope for the morning but he had the fear of the night watchman what of the night today's message deals with what is most what most of us are thinking about right now what is on the forefront of our minds you know as as humans we have a natural desire to know the what will be there's a strange dichotomy going on in America today as the stay at home orders continue as America is shutdown we're beginning to see some interesting developments people are beginning to protests people are beginning to say hey let me open my business let me go outside let me begin to return back to normalcy let me try give me I don't know give me the benefit give me credit for being an adult I believe that if given a chance I can carefully open my business social distance where are masks if need be and keep my business clean and hope that patrons patrons will come if they decide not to come then let them stay home that's my risk if they say to come we're open for business I watched one angry talking head on the news say to some people who were protesting saying let us open our business let us get back to our lives the news anchor with an arrogance that is quite undeserved said to the people who do you think you are well he used language that sanctified people don't use all that that was a time when sanctified people didn't I'm amazed at what I hear divide people saying now against sanctification have taken on a whole new definition it applies until you get mad until you're talking to someone about someone who you think the masses do not like and so you actually take away rob yourself of your own credibility of your own holiness you you damage what people think of you as you allow your anger or disdain for someone else to cause you to fall beneath the standard the lofty standards that God has given you there's not a politician in office Democrat nor Republican that I would allow to cause me to use profanity in UPS obscene language in my opposition to that person whether my opposition was just or unjust whomever that politician is the chances are they will if we all live they will be out of office eventually anyway but but I'll still be a bishop hopefully if I'm still living in them here and still be a man of God and I was still a won't credibility but people are saying let us go to the beach let us let us let us return to normalcy I I kind of chuckle when I see it because just a week or so before this phenomenon began to unveil that were talking heads saying that even if they do open up the country people aren't going to come out people are going to be afraid well the people are saying we can't wait for you to open up this it's it's comical in some ways and no one is saying whether you're saying hooker down and stay at home or give me credit for being an adult and let me venture out no one is saying that then that they're not earn with lives and it seems to me that people are trying to divide it today they're trying to divide it if you if you're saying let's go back to work then they're saying you're putting Wall Street jobs and money ahead of lives and if you're saying let's stay hunkered down you're ignoring the economy and and these other things well I think that's a that's a happy medium in there somewhere because I actually believe that it's not jobs versus lives it's lives versus lives the longer we stay locked down the longer this thing go on and and it's we see it now domestic violence is up different things are beginning to manifest as a result of people being locked down and some when you're too heavy-handed when you're draconian you actually you actually promote the very thing you're trying to prevent you can actually spark civil unrest but what's on people's mind you know Eric the Bible is the Bible speaks everything what's on people's minds is how long how long what what where are we headed preacher what how long is this going to be what's going on what's going to happen and our natural curiosity as humans a greatly multiplied in the time of crisis and when a crisis hit everybody wants to know what's going on we ask the prophets to tell us what to expect for example during the Gulf War Desert Storm books of prophecies during that time books on prophecies became bestsellers overnight everybody wanted an inside scoop everybody wanted know what we'll be where are we headed what's going on even now especially now we pontificate we speculate we enquire we search for answers how long will this last how long will this last on a personal note if I could ask the President of the United States a question one of the things that's on my mind is and I probably may never know the answer and then we have such a wise viewing audience that you may know the answer and if you do please let me know because I don't know I would love to know who were the people who entered into the Oval Office and and had the the pool the sway the authority the power to tell the president of United States that you've got to shut the country down what was said what were you told that would cause you to put a screeching halt to the greatest economy that has ever existed at least in my lifetime by far and if anyone tries to deny that you have to do just deny the facts Louis black unemployment in the history of keeping unemployment last time more blacks was a was employed than the last three three years were during slavery and during that time we worked for nothing record low black unemployment record low Hispanic unemployment praise Lord women record numbers of women's starting their own businesses the wall street approaching the 30,000 mark so forth and so on we were win battles on trade deficits and different things and somebody said somebody provided proof somebody brought information that said shut this down I will say this to you and I speak this as a man of God as a preacher who hears from the Lord I am a consecrated bishop in the Church of God in Christ my calling is I've been called to the pastoral ministry I am a defender of the faith I am a preacher of the gospel I do not call myself a prophet I do not carry that title I have not visited any prophetic conferences ever and I'm not belittle I'm not I'm not being facetious I'm not speaking against those things I'm I'm speaking for me I don't tell you who I am and-and-and-and and I'm headed somewhere and this is not to belittle any prophet nor prophetess nor any ministry that God has called people to in the fire for ministry I am more the pastor teacher and yet God deals with me God shows me things I'll admit my area of seeing things from God is I can't tell you your checking account number God doesn't deal with me that way things of that nature and for those who has those gifts I by no means belittle them but I do see I do see global things I God shows me where nations are headed in what he's going to do and we have spoken multiple times and I have a word from the Lord concerning what's going on now and I've spoken it before I remind you again but I believe with all of my heart is that we are in the battle that Paul said was already at work already in play during his lifetime he said during his earthly sojourn Paul wrote in 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 and he said in verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity doth already work that is the work of the Antichrist behind the scenes the global world leader Paul said even in his day it was already at work in the earth I believe what we are seeing is the Battle of the globalist I believe and I am and I am convinced that covert 19 is not a hoax that the corona virus is real but I also believe that what you are viewing with the coverage and the phase that are said I believe that it is a pretext I believe that it is all but a red herring I'm not saying that it is not real because it is real but there is something much more sinister than a virus being unleashed on the world as sinister as that is I have my doubts I know from what the Lord have shown me and evidence that things are not all it's not only they're not always what they appear to be and there's more to this than what you and I are being told I mentioned to you some time ago a few weeks ago I read to you a portion of a paper that was published by the Rockefeller Foundation paper published in 2010 10 years ago predicted how a pandemic can be used as an excuse to establish global authoritarian power 10 years ago the Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Wright sir it was called scenarios of the future of technology and international development the first scenario titled lockstep describes a world of total global government control and authoritarian leadership it envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to Fleck their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic fades we're already here people saying we'll never be back to normal it can never be like it once was the first half of the scenario already has unfolded and it predicted as you would read it it predicted 10 years ago things that we see today going on 10 years later I have concerns that this is a pretext because the numbers are padded the numbers are padded and I believe that this is a pretext to strip us of our rights I stand here before you today and there are churches across America where the churches are empty the churches are empty because governors governors have told us to shut it down police have ticketed people for practicing their First Amendment rights the news and Talking Heads silly heads at that or criticizing people for practicing their First Amendment rights Oh mom I have a left Isaiah watchman what of the night I want to read something to you that gives you some idea of why I have such doubts and why I have concerns first a foul Qi god bless him you know he's not the king and he's not elected a man god bless him for what he's doing but the same Tony foul Qi in 2015 in 2015 under the Obama administration voucher was authorized to give a 3.5 million dollar donation to the Wuhan virology lab the same lab the same lab Washington poles have run articles questioning whether covert 19 and other news agencies originated at the Wuhan facility first thought you told the president Trump that the virus was nothing to worry about then he reversed course and warned President Trump of covert 90 covert 19 would utterly ravish the country unless martial law like steps were at once taken to curb the spread pouchy misrepresented facts and figures and he artificially inflated the case the the case fatality rate by instructing the CDC to label all respiratory distress related deaths as covert 19 fatalities even if the person had never received a covert 19 test if it was a respiratory fatality if they died from having problems breathing weather they were tested enough say that it was covered 19 when you began to pad the numbers and gild the lily people like me began to have doubts some examples transcends Authority this article says for example in Queens New York or 23 year old black male had been walking home from a convenience store when a car pulled up alongside him and his driver emptied a pistol magazine in his chest two rounds struck his chest collapsing both lungs because he had breathing difficulty and was put on a ventilator prior to his death he died two hours later in the hospital on a ventilator they said that his death was the corona virus they did not perform a covert 19 tests on him in Brooklyn New York another example an 86 year old diabetic woman she was 86 that I mentioned that she was 86 an 86 year old diabetic woman with high blood pressure dropped dead with when her heart stopped beating the New York City Medical Examiner's Office listed the cause of death corona virus the next day New York added over 3,000 presumptive positives to the state's growing psalm of covert 19 fatalities presumptive means was a proven then have the evidence that's a lot - I didn't say any three three thousand Trump's investigative team on earth a trove of evidence that proves dr. Fowler compelled the state to blame all is in exact deaths since January own the corona virus in doing this it pads the cow if it's real you don't have to play with the numbers y'all don't hear me at least when I give my prophecies and my reasons I give you something more than the Lord see I come with facts and figures a man I think that this is the responsibility of the preacher I said twenty years ago that when this country can be comfortable killing a million babies a year through abortion that our senior citizens better look out well New York mandates nursing homes take over 19 patients discharged from the hospital now listen to this and this is a Wall Street Journal New York told nursing homes operators that they will be required to accept patients infected with the corona virus who are discharged from hospitals but may Steve we'll be convalescing amid more cases in the states in the state that are straining the healthcare system the decision will draw pushback the decision will draw pushback from some nursing home officials who have warned that such moves in danger residents who aren't infected by the virus because discharged patients may still be contagious a group representing doctors who work in nursing homes known as a MDA and the Society for pulse acute and long-term care medicine said in a recent resolution that at meeting patients with suspected and documented covert 19 infections represent a clear and present danger to all the residents of a nurse home the directive the story goes on to say the directive sent whizzed a to nursing homes which were viewed by The Wall Street Journal the New York State Department of Health said this is the director of The Wall Street Journal saw it no resident shall be denied remission or admission to the nursing home solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of covert 19 in addition the document said nursing homes are prohibited from acquiring a hospital requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for covered 19 prior to admission or remission what they said to them is whether they have the virus or not taken they said people with the virus to the rest homes now all right preacher they may have made that mistake it was probably the first of January nobody really knew probably the middle of January nobody really knew no this happened the 26th of March this late in the game they were sending sick people to rest homes now do I think that that was a mistake I most certainly do not I want to sound the alarm on this platform that there's something going on this is why I say when you got to pad the numbers and do things that will cause deaths cause death we're quarantine healthy people and sending sick people to nursing homes and something wrong with that even the CDC which in my opinion need to change their name Centers for Disease Control seemed like to me of late has been the Centers for Disease out-of-control their early tests were flawed giving people false positives then that is shut down the CDC to get the testing straight and then by the time they finish doing all of that the virus had just began to spread and spread and spread this night that we're facing it's a real night but it is more than what they are telling you on the news seek the Lord listen to those who will preach the whole truth Bible says in Psalms 30 and verse 5 for his anger in dual but a moment in his favor is life weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning but the question still is whatever the night this night has been a prolonged night I'm told that in Italy they were were instructed to let those who had the virus and who were sick if they're 80 let them die in our state now resuscitation orders were given thank God for the first responders they hit the ceiling what do you mean don't where resuscitate he's these brave first responders they try to save everybody they know that it is not their God their job to play God to decide who lives and who dies they should give everyone care and yet yet powers-that-be in state governments New York State in other states said let him there is something evil going on Watchmen what of the night how long the night watchman hello prophet hello prophetess how long Bishop how long pastor how long mr. president how long governor how long the night how long will take a turn here the funny thing is though as legitimate a question as how long the night is the text will reveal that the reply of the watchman is so vague so it mattock so baffling that it is tantamount to no reply at all the answer that the prophet Isaiah who in the text was the watchman the text says in verse 11 the burden of Douma he calleth unto me out of Sierre me Isaiah he's the watchman gives as a as the watchman gives it implies the answer excuse me that he gives implies that we are asking hear me we are asking the wrong question as legitimate as the question is the answer implies that it's the wrong question it is not an improper question it is not an ungodly question it's just not the right question the question I'm preaching misses the point you know in communication you have to try and understand the point that is being made in order for to get the right response it's a good question was a good question I think everybody would agree thank you who are watching would agree that it's a good question if you think it was a good question a decent question a legitimate question give me a few likes if you handclaps some kidding I'm getting better at this let me know that child there Amen praise the Lord it was a good question but it was not the best question you know as something to be said for hitting the nail on the head when you're driving a nail the nail still goes in when you don't hit it square but it might Bend a little it may take longer but the true carpenter knows that you they know that you know what you're doing when you can drive a nail with one or two hits bump pam pop pam they know that you know what you're doing 20 taps later they know you probably never had a hammer in your hand in your life and they're praying for your fingers because you're about to lose them you got to in this day and time we gotta hit the nail on the head what of the night it's the wrong question rather than wanting to know the details of the future out of a sense of fear because we're afraid people are unsettled people are uncertain certain people people are in and this is this is designed to bring fear because if they can keep you afraid of sweaty padded these numbers fear keeps you from thinking the first thing that leaves in our in a crisis is reason lose the ability to think the devil wanna just have you so afraid that you don't know what's going on rather than trying to know the details of the future out of a sense of fear the prophet doesn't really deal with the future the Prophet says what we really need to do he says is that we need to return in verse 12 return there you lose your joy when I tell you this return there means repent repent and trust the father see how long thought is it that is not the question I remember when I was in the eighth grade my eighth grade teacher miss Campbell I don't know forget mrs. Campbell mrs. Campbell I raised my hand one day in class and she recognized me I actually coursing that I'll never ask again I said miss Campbell could you tell me what time it is miss Campbell looked at me and said Patrick time will pass the question is will you I never asked that question again did he teach you she didn't say I actually a legitimate question it was the wrong question it's the wrong she was telling me Patrick you're looking in the wrong place you need to be looking at the textbook and learning the lesson because you might not pass now for the record I passed I I graduated on time as a matter of fact I got saved and ended up graduating and outstanding seeing you but that was because I got born again Clara got saved it's all I could tell you and and I had to make up for lost time and Holy Spirit would do that when I got saved I fell in love with learning so um but now let's look at this let's let's let's let's look at this often overlooked passage of Scripture let me give you the foundation chapter 21 of Isaiah contains three Oracle's of judgment the judgment is against three nations battle on Edom and Arabia these were nations that were surrounding Judah the connection of Douma in verse 11 you see the burden of Duma and deed a nerdy denim in verse 13 and tema in verse 14 is their common location in Arabia now Edom was the border of Arabia Didem and tema were in Arabia a vast desert land 300 miles southwest of Judah this message I will preach to you today deals with what God said to two of the three nations I want to address what he said to eat him and to Arabia perhaps we will deal with Babylon the next time the Lord knows verse 11 says the burden of dooma dooma means stillness silence the prophet Isaiah for you bible whiz is out there and you serious students who just love this kind of stuff the prophet Isaiah in the Hebrew removed one letter in the Hebrew word for Edom and created in the Hebrew now the word Duma so Duma here is Edom are you follow me now according to verse 17 I'm explaining the text of our text it says and the residue of the number of archers and of the mighty man of the children of Kedah uh-huh and Kedah is also mentioned in verse 16 the people of the region of Kedah were of the clan of Ishmael Ishmael Ishmael was the father of the Arabians of D Day of tema so when he mentions Arabia did annum tima Kedah and Kedah these are the same places cities within the same geographical area the were descendants you know the story you serious Bible students of Esau Esau was the brother of Jacob the people of Esau the hated the Jews as a matter of fact Esau beings read the the land of Edom was rugged and full of red sandstone and the people were bitterly hostile to the Jews you remember in Psalms 137 and verse 7 when Jerusalem was falling when and when the Saints were under attack the Jews won't attack the cheered on their attackers said raise it raise it that is strip them stripped them they were bitterly hostile to the Jews while the Arabians didn't and tema did not follow me now did not become a partner in military oppression of Judah they prided themselves in their reputation as wealthy merchants with caravans flying that is keeping the trade routes routes supplied with supplies and the trade routes of of the East and West went through Duma or Edom and the northern and southern trade routes went through Dima Dima all Edom serve the babylonians Pima serve the Egyptians and the people of D denim and tema although they never win again juda militarily they kept shooters Judah's enemies supply are you with me and as commercial cohorts they had they had they were arrogant they had a self glory they these antagonists of Judah and Jerusalem these as as didim and and tema supplied them D demand tema got rich those Arabians made money supplying the Babylonians and the enemies of Israel with supplies Isaiah gave these people also a warning I'm almost through preaching are you following me are you following me praise the Lord if you follow me wave you say man give me sometimes give me I want you to explain I love - I love preaching the Bible I think God's story is much more interesting than mine praise the Lord anything I can tell you about what me and Pam did last night or whatever an anecdotal situation I think the Word of God is much more interesting praise the Lord because our lives are probably quite boring so he says here it is when income in comparison to the scripture no two ways about it it says here in our text verse 11 in this Oracle of Douma the watchman had said something as the inquiry was made elder Wilson ah the reason elder you find this interesting that the prophet Isaiah change the Hebrew word for Edom took one letter and created the word Duma and he called Edom Duma was because Edom behaved more like the Arabians then they did like their cousin did use some of our churches look more like rock n roll concert halls than they do churches some of us when it's time to go worship the Lord we look more we behave more like we're on our way to the ball game than the house of God we we seek to Blinn and look and mimic the world so much so that when we are called the world we don't have spiritual sense enough to know that that's it in so I've seen believers find pictures of world list celebrities whom people have told them that they favor and they post a picture of themselves beside a worldly celebrity as though that is a good thing my position is that world a celebrity would never say they favor you and you're the child of God let us not try to act so much like Arabia that we will be called Arabians he created this word and call the - ma o ma and the traveler who came from Duma said that he came the text tells us that he came from the highest point in Edom he came from according to verse 11 see air my sea air was the highest point in the land of Edom tallest the tallest mountain so what is ever here is that the Inquisitor the questioner was not looking for a human perspective for where he came from gave him a better human view he had a higher point then where Isiah was at the time so the reference was to get Isaiah's perspective from beyond our human viewpoint what I have given you today is a perspective that Fox News can't give you CNN will not tell you and carnal preachers won't either I am telling you that this is the Battle of the globalists this is a battle for global supremacy you got to bring America down her economy is too strong she's too powerful we need to we need to weaken her well what's why why weaken America the home of the gospel country founded from judeo-christian the judeo-christian ethic oh yes it's not a perfect nation but all it's the most blessed nation in the world and the Antichrist in this nation they want to shut down the voice of God the voice of the preacher in public schools meaning our children now are being indoctrinated with doctrines that teach them to hate their country they'll hate its findings and to despise Christianity what do you think this homosexual movement is all about what do you think this lbgtq movement is all about I told you 20 years or more ago I told you that biblical Christianity and homosexuality cannot coexist and I told you then that the goal through this wicked lifestyle and the promotion of it you know I told you a few weeks ago that they were they were putting pressure on all the advertisement agencies to at least include them in their commercials have you noticed because of what they're trying to sell you see a you see a lesbian you see a homosexuality a homosexual this is by design is to is to cause you on a subconscious level to accept it and many of you have that's how you able to sit down listen Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon and Rachel Maddox and the light knowing that these people are living a perverted lifestyle and yet everything they tell you in the news you take it as law and gospel getting to you they didn't got in your head they've gotten in your head you messed up you better let God the Holy Ghost convict you let God tell you what's going on I told you I told you that they cannot coexist you cannot take the Bible and turn it right side up upside down anyway you anyway you read it forward or backwards it still says that it's an abomination that's a Christ the Bible said will not have the desire for women it's an abomination and it cannot exist coexist with biblical Christianity also there is this movement I'm giving you a point of view that's beyond the human eye I'm telling you it is the mystery of iniquity it is the battle of the globalist to take over to rusher in a one-world system that's why all the technology is going there trying to get rid of people you got Bill Gates running all over the world up counting the glory of vaccines and he's no more medical doctor than I all down in Africa vaccinating little black kids experimenting on our people and then you got dummies over here who go along with it I don't trust any depopulation 'us in a depopulation as' if you are a depopulation Asst I don't trust you and anybody who is for a woman's right to choose if you are pro-abortion you are by definition a depopulation as' and if you are black when you're done depopulation is because the main one they're trying to depopulate the world off its ass now y'all I don't know what kind of emojis I don't know what they send up when you preach like this that's called a bomb I'm giving you a view a point of view that's beyond the human viewport God has shown me huh Watchmen what of the night thank you Jesus Watchmen he acts what of the night the Watchmen is one who stands in God's council knows what is coming and looks out for the event hallelujah so now he who learns from the completed scriptures what God has foretold discerning his purposes and not by a speculative interpretation but by compare escapes with Scripture and accepting what is very may plain he's able to warn and exhort others he stands upon the watchtower in fellowship with God the watchman says to the world look at I want to warn you of what's going on praise the Lord I wanna warn you that the mystery of iniquity is already at work the questioner is seeking a comforting answer and is anxious in his acquire inquiries or we all want to be comforted we all want to be told that is going to be alright Edom is wanted to know if the Assyrian Minister is almost over so he went and acts Isaiah what of the night well this lasts much longer look at the answer that the Prophet gave the Prophet said the watchman said morning cometh and also the night that is one thing certainly the one thing certainly is that the night will in in morning glory the night will in in mourning weeping man do for night the night will in hallelujah but but but also when that night ends I heard Isaiah say that it will be followed by another night the night will leave but another night is coming night then morning night again Hollande that is a brief day of salvation would dawn and they better use it they better take advantage of it look at what God did for us he gave us a record low unemployment he gave us jobs everywhere didn't he do it everybody's working who wanted a job people buying houses buying cars good God Almighty the supermarkets filled with shoppers good God look at how good God good God has been to a son and while God sent us this morning how did we do as a nation how did we do as a church how did we do as preachers did we preach against sin they we cry out against injustice that we cry out against ungodliness know why we were having work at low unemployment the abortion clinics were steel field while God was giving us beautiful blessings men were marrying men and women marrying women Oh Lord while God was blessing in our churches hallelujah preachers get rich they wouldn't crowd and look what happened a night came and now that the night has come all we want to know is how long the night what's going on perhaps the Prophet was saying after the Assyrian war Lord after the Assyrian overlords will be they will be replaced with the Babylonians you see right now eat them in a night with there are Syrians but they're Syrian night will eat but if you don't get right with me that's gonna come another night that is if you want to ask me first 12 say if you want to enquire you can ask me all you want to you can ask me as many questions as you order but you're asking me the wrong question God says I don't have but one thing to say to you God says repent repent of sin some of us want to get back to the good old days when the money was flowing hallelujah we're having a good time but we've seen steel everywhere Oh Lord we don't have a coronavirus problem we have a seeing problem it's not that the virus is taking too many lives it's not that the government is taking too long to find a cure it's that we've turned away from God I hear the Lord saying to me man of God tell the world to get a ride with God hallelujah it's time to get right it's time to get saved it's time to clean up our churches cleaner personalized cleaner [Music] hallelujah forget some of us about ivory palaces and get down that lets Lineker and save that baby time to purge our choirs of sissies y'all don't like my pretend it's time for the white creature to crowd against systematic racism some of you you don't say anything because that will it'll hurt your money it'll hurt your attendance but you gotta cry for me to find out huh but I'm in the hand of God and if the Lord be with you he will hold the Lord is saying everybody's preoccupied with how long this will be for will to get preoccupied with this saying I'm sorry sorry for the sorry sorry for what you said to the Lord getting your secret cause I'm sorry Wow forgive me yeah come on come on come on back Holiness Church John this is not time for the holiest Church to try to become the frats and the paternity God is saying uuugh those of us who just laid-back the preacher has become a comedian and sermons of fly daylight and kana those ain't no overall summons there people wanna hear a word from the law today any plan nothing nothing like nothing like you nothing like your savings going dry to make you want to hear from God nothing like being between your last paycheck at work undercut me check hadn't arrived here to make your cloud good God Almighty he said don't worry about the night you need ya act like the Arabians you need to repent you have so much like the Arabians that the prophet called you Dumba you're so much like them that he called you duma and many of us today ah do my that's the problem so much like the world til the world is comfortable with all these Christians I get along with the world better I do the Saints doula I'm more at home at the club with my with my friends I'm more at home with the France I'm right at home with the large but I am with the saints of God to MA [Music] now you got do my talking about how long Lord God said to do my want to talk to you about how long we were talking about how long we will talk about repent now unless I be accused of an improper preaching let me just unpack this these verses and we done he says and the burden of Arabia I've already told you that is the descendants of Ishmael the people of Kedah the bread that the burden of Arabia in the forests of Arabia see Arabia desert in their desert in the desert of Arabia share you large other words he's telling the Arabians you better start running because you're gonna run from your towns to the desert who's that running from those mighty Assyrians the ones who are bringing the night the night the Syrians are the night how long the night their Syrians say yeah in Arabia since since Edom was right on the border and the act like the Arabians so he included the call them Arabians but they're not dealing with those real Arabians and he told them no hope for them he says you're gonna run and you go large in the wilderness oh he traveling companies that is you camera bands of d them the inhabitants of the land of tema you know you brought water to the arabs on the run ciass remember I told you the caravans were famous for plying their goods they would go to the desert and bring their the things oh and that's not he got rich he said so yeah you did good as the Arabians were running from this serious you came and kept him supply because you know the Ravens tried to fight but it was a waste of time because God had already pronounced judgment and says Oh while they were running in in the land the inhabitants of of t-mod these are Ravens also they brought water to him that was thirsty or they were fighting they got thirsty they're running and they prevented they helped with their bread them that fled see they're running from the Arabians and all this actually took place in 7:00 7:15 BC when the Assyrians came against the Arabians the Arabian army tried to put up a fight but it was like taking candy from a baby and so they ran and they fled and they fled from the sword and from the drone sword and from the bent bow and from the grievousness of the wall I mean the Arabians beat them they folded like a cheap tent they folded like a napkin the Arabian beat them like they were redhead stepchildren and they ran and they ran from the Arabians and these other people these Arabians from tema and Edom you know they that they're trying to be they're trying to make something off the wall but they're in trouble too and look at this he says for thus saith the Lord see I said the prophet speech globally there's ain't no I can tell you what you got you got a check coming in the mail no no this is global this happened this is gold but this is being this is big this ain't no for me your spirit this is big he says he says right here for thus saith the Lord unto me look at this watch this within a year and it happened we say within a year according to the years of a hogging all the glory of Kedar shall fail that is the glory of a remember Takada the clan of ishmael the Arabians the glory of tema the glory of didim the glory of arabia isaiah says in 12 months because you guys are remember I told you to open of the text that they were prosperous they were wealthy caravans in the desert they were making good money now God says all this is going down all in 12 months time and he says this verse 17 and the residue of the number of the archers of archers and of mighty men in the land of Kedah your ragtag army if you can call it that he said it shall be diminished your army won't be able to help you then he says this for the Lord God of Israel have spoken it that means it cannot be changed now at least people of God listen church folk at least he gave Edom a change he said repent now he told the Arab Arabia you done didn't that say you done but since Edom was kin to Israel since Esau and Jacob was brothers God decided they would give them mercy if they would take God's offer now you already know that they did not take God up on his offer the battle between Esau and Jacob carried on was carried on by the Herodians in the New Testament who were it amines and after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD Edom vanished from the scene you can't find eat them today you can get on a plane and go to Israel you can Google right now pull up Israel up Judi pull up Jerusalem but you can't find eat him because they would not take God's reprieve he offered them and out America Saints what will we do will you take they reprieve are you gonna waste your time and just be preoccupied with where did we go get back to normal when are we gonna get back to normal whenever going big well how much longer no no no no no god I'm sorry God for the contribution that I have made I'm sorry see when you look at this on the natural level Falchi China Wuhan American money all this stuff okay but God super rules and God uses the actions of nations whether they know it or not to carry out his video because he's never not in control so whether God call calls this God allowed this one thing of a sudden nobody can consider the wickedness of America of late and wonder why God would allow this see we're talking about you know I want to apologize to the government I old governors were Cooper and apology because I have been on him for putting putting the church and on the non-essential list I apologize mr. governor the church put himself on the non-essential list a long time ago we did that we did that won't preach won't cry lout won't do anything but half a a praise break when we do preach when you do we preach it about nothing we made ourselves non-essential have haven't we been the ones who've been preaching telling people that we spend too much time in church anyway the government said you know what I agree with you I agree with aren't we the ones you are we the ones now who treat church like it's not special aren't we the ones who go to church in flip-flops and and and and cut out jeans praise the Lord and pullover shirts and then faint faded out clothing and it's no big deal and and and and we've gotten rid of the sanctity of the house of God the governor did everything to do with us bringing disco lights in and smoke machines and having these secular services it wasn't the governor that told us that put a Soul Train line in our church it wasn't the governor we did it we did it baba had all had them down their own money Monday's marching for same-sex marriage marching for adultery marching preaches on online on television and everywhere else cussing in swag we made ourselves known he sing joy so I apologize mr. government I want to apologize to you I might want to send him a letter get the letter get the address I'm gonna send it to him amen amen amen our church attorney told me one day I'll never forget she's such a sagacious woman I love her she's full of wisdom she said you know pastor pastor people treat your things the way you treat them she said if they're not special to you they won't be special to anyone else the church ain't special to us the church ain't special to the church hey man look at all the stuff they're doing to the church now look at all this stuff go play golf all day then preach against holding the church service longer than our take me an hour to clear my throat I don't get wound up you know why I have a sense of importance that's why I explain why a lot of preachers on the non-essentials don't have problem with it they man they listen to you wonder what the big deal is I mean man I mean look we online we still getting the offering way way but we're not essential Jesus died for the church but before Jesus charges the governors for putting the church on the nonessential is the Lord judged the church and that's why we were placed on the non-essential is judgment had been passed we're non-essential you don't believe me ask us ask us will tell you will tell you will tell you we preach against churches for having church all these churches let me rephrase this you churches who advertise 90-minute services six too many services 15-minute services you you silly man made yourself non-essential the ABCs stole fights flowers you know why the abortion clinics are open I give them credit they'll tell you we resent you we resent you we have clapped we are essential it is essential for us to get rid of black folk it is essential for us to shed innocent blood it is essential our Lord Satan wants the blood of innocent babies it is essential for us to be able to sell body parts and you know what with this shutdown they're still doing it we we felt to become non-essential and we won and now that they treat us like Wynonna sent you not we made the governor confused cover come say I thought you would have been happy I don't understand wooden what's wrong with him I thought I've got they got a break thank you all my lord you can just go home isn't that what you want to do cuz that's all you guys to talk about is golfing and you're playing oh my mean that's all we hear about so look I thought maybe I was doing you a favor Duma most church house most church bands they like rock and roll stars although I'm sitting over there dressed like they on their way to the outhouse playing in the Lord's house now you're gonna try to be essential now you know you do you not essential we have worked for years to be on a non-essential list we fought for it we fought for you know you don't begin to call ourselves family worship centers remember that for a long time now I didn't go along with it I didn't go along with it I'm a prophet I didn't go along with it I preached against it when they did it as a Christ didn't die to establish the center Christ died to establish the church the ecclesia the called out ones there's a so-and-so Family Worship Center who's gonna find a Worship Center we got easy worship centers worship centers and then you accuse you being Oh old school when you call where you go to worship back oh I go I go to church oh you still calling it that that's what it is boom ah we secularize and now now notice the timing you judge it is the timing right 22 million people out of the job unemployment head to our 14 percent lives being lost and listen a lot of these big big stores ain't coming back they seem to shut down too much money's gone then coming back they can't come back cuz someone was struggling anyway some of these box stores they were struggling anyway it was stoked cuz it goes online was killing so now we I'm gonna leave this alone we did this we argued for irrelevance Carter Pearson said and his universalism that everybody's gonna be saved anyway including the devil well don't that make Church ninety cents you don't that make Church knowledge now what I'll go and set you judge with all these things that are going on is this the best time for Saints to start arguing online anywhere for having sororities and fraternities and stuff like that in holiness I mean you judge it is this I mean you kidding me if everything is going on this this is where you decide that that all we we were too strict everybody responded to the the movie about the clock says I'm Jordan movie and you know well the Church of God in Christ was too hard we could use a little bit of that now because we've gone from that to it you could come in and sing any kind of way anything we could use a little censorship that's what we close we're non-essential we did it and we ought to be embarrassed it's judgment and a judgment against the governor it's judgment against the church that's why I say a governor Cooper I apologize I don't like what you did but I apologize you followed I leave baba had church people marching in favor of same-sex marriage March about it will call on non-essential you're no different than a comedian a clown ain't nobody paying no attention to the Pope he's non-essential he did a good job making himself non-essential because he's not promoting Christ we're gonna get along as brothers and sisters I saw some stupid this morning a commercial this lady's uh she's supposed to be a psychiatrist by the way there's no such thing as psychiatry or any kind of real therapy that is practice with TV cameras on so these shows you're watching where by sitting around trying to figure out the marital problems and as a psychiatrist sitting there and you know with all them stupid loose stupid statements they be making I mean nothing your your your problem is just you probably just it's just looking for a solution let me say stupid stuff all the time there is listen listen there is no no serious therapist would ever agree to doing something like that on camera but the lady on the commercial says you know I just want to give a big salute and just be thankful for the human spirit thank God I had the Holy Ghost something else woulda came out of my mouth with that that kind of stupidity I just thank God for the human spirit and you're gonna find your joy in your spirit we're gonna heal yourself and and share some of your spirit with someone else Duma you you we better thank God for the God of the Bible and we better thank God for the Holy Spirit amen now I want to pray I I didn't I didn't intend to say all this you know all this wasn't in my in my prepared text but God you don't talk about but God God revealed to me why we're on the non-essential lists we made ourselves non-essential and we can't wait to go back to the good old days where we can be non-essential even more like we were before because you can't get them John you know you you've traveled part of what you do with love life is you go from church to church trying to recruit leaders and workers to save babies you don't heard every excuse known to man you walk out perhaps that word didn't come to your mind at the time but it will not Duma no not a sense you notice it won't won't won't for the life of you get involved in anything that matter we just love to do fluffy stuff you know feed nobody don't have no budget nothing that's judgment God says repent I'm done I'm done I don't know what to ask for out there but y'all know I'm telling the truth I was talking to one of one person who loved this ministry and she was telling me said you know I deal with people every day she put us up a life who don't know at first how to receive you because people not used to certain things said certain ways see people love preachers who don't talk about anything no conviction they're going to hell if they don't get right with God we all we we all I said we and say ye we all need to get right with God we need to be where the Prophet doesn't call us do we need to get it right will you pray with me I'm gonna ask the church people who are watching the born again the spirit feel members of our church and else friends who are watching everyone who's watching I want us to pray a collective prayer to the God of the Bible today a prayer of repentance I'm not gonna ask the Lord when will this in how much longer cuz God God told me already back in the days of miss Campbell it will pass but will you when covet is over who will be around who will still be saved not just a lot but say how will we come out of this what will we learn from this where we soon as as soon as it's over go back to what we were doing before can if we wanna but I heard him say night will in morning will come but another night there's another night and that second night will be worse than the first night what they're serious didn't do that Babylonians D another night pray with me Father in Jesus name we come before you lord as humble as we know how and we ask you Lord to forgive us first of all Lord we ask as individuals for forgiveness we failed you you haven't failed us you haven't failed this nation even as I said the other day Lord that you gave me when it's all said and done the numbers will not be how many people died from the corona virus it will be how many people who were affected by it who contacted it who contracted it and that you didn't allow to die from it mercy you've already shown us mercy people don't have the flu and not know it get the flu you know it you can have Corona and not know was that tell you God we ask you to forgive us we actual God we repent before you as individuals I'm not praying for my neighbor and praying for me as my neighbor to pray for themselves God forgive us forgive us of our sin we've sinned and come short of the glory of God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Lord have been sins of commission and God there's been sins of omission sins that have been acted out and then there's there's iniquity sin of the heart God forgive us God washes clean in the name of Jesus thank you for salvation but forgive us Lord to our contribution to the moral decline of this nation for our contribution for the roles that we played was silent and we should have spoken now when we look the other way when you want us to look at it and we said and did nothing God forgive us right now and then Lord I pray for us as a local church and as a national church forgive us Lord forgive us Lord forgive us Lord we're like the church at Ephesus we don't love you like we used to we don't love you like we used to Lord too many we've given in we've given in we've been infiltrated the echoes from without the echoes that sounds so reasonable that told us to limit our services cut this cut that I forgot to get in but got to get out people got to go home all that stuff Lord now God you fixed it where we can't come at all we made ourselves non-essential the enemy slipped in and in many cases our chief in our chief goal our chief concern is not the deliverance of the people it's not that souls get saved but is that we have a nice sweet happy quick non-offending beautiful worship service and we leave the way we came we made ourselves non-essential forgive us lord forgive us Lord forgive us Lord forgive us Lord we have not taken our national strength and used it the right way forgive us Lord forgive us O God in the name of Jesus and then Lord this nation that you've made great this nation that you've made great the envy of the world Lord they're building walls by November that should be close to 500 miles of new wall constructed and yet there are people figuring out how to get over under around the wall because you made this country so attractive that it is the envy of the world and look at what has happened to it judgment because why you were blessing us and making us great and filling our storerooms and our refrigerators and freezers and bank accounts and Oh God closets so filled with clothes that we have no place to put them and all the things that you've done God while you were blessing even our poor or the fattest poor in the world while you were blessing as a nation we were messing forgive us Lord forgive us Lord forgive us Lord Lord we will we will leave the length of the night to you since you controlled the seasons anyhow the day will come when you allow it to but in the meantime Lord we repent we actual forgiveness now Lord to every soul will pray that this prayer with me O God we receive forgiveness we thank you for and God we don't want to be like to eat them we don't want to disappear from the face of the earth thank you Lord in Jesus name a man and a man give praises to the God of the Bible give praises to the God of the Bible [Music] thank you Jesus what a mighty God what a mighty God what a mighty God what am I what a mighty God somebody's watching who don't know Jesus pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus I accept you in my life as my Lord and my Savior I believe that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead and right now Jesus is in my heart and I receive him I receive you Jesus as my Lord and my Savior thank you for taking away my sin thank you for washing me clean in Jesus name thank God amen if you prayed that prayer with me the Lord is and you meant it the Lord has come into your heart and it saves you from your sins call someone tell someone that you've been born again get in touch with us we'll respond to you we'll help you find a good church so you can grow in grace grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ god bless you [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 16,593
Rating: 4.845304 out of 5
Id: Engig1E9SDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 35sec (6095 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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