Sunday Evening Men's Prayer 09-12-21

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i hope that you will have a posture of prayer that you're setting your heart and you're setting your mind to pray we've come tonight to get in the presence of the lord amen we've come to experience god's glory in our midst and we hope that you will be mindful of that as we get ready to go uh before the throne of grace we thank god for this privilege and opportunity to be in the house of the lord on tonight the bible lets us know specifically that his house would be the house of prayer and uh we're the upper room amen so certainly we believe in prayer and we thank god for this privilege tonight to be here and uh it has just blessed my heart and has blessed the heart of the women to see how our pastor and the men of god have been so eager to join and to come and to pray over the women of god we realize that it's praying time and we're just so um honored that god has blessed up a room with some men of god with a prayer anointing men of god who know how to intercede on behalf of the women of god and we're so grateful that they are here tonight they are ready uh to go before the throne of grace on our behalf uh our pastor our leader praise god he is a man of prayer every day he lives a life of prayer he lives a life of consecration and i tell you he is anointed ah not only to preach but he is an anointed uh intercessor an anointed prayer the bible lets us know uh in um james chapter five i believe it's 17 it says in the be clause that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much and then up in the verses it says if if any sick among you let them call for the elders of the church and then it says if anybody is um afflicted let them pray so it gives us several reasons for us to pray and then it tells us specifically to call for the elders of the church and that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much and tonight we are just so humbled so honored uh so blessed and so favored that our pastor our leader our man of god is here on tonight oh and i tell you that prayer anointing has been on them ever since last sunday so we praise all the time it's just a special prayer anointing that has been on the man of god's life that i believe that god has something for him to release to the women of god and i don't know if you remember it but god told us to ask him to pray that he send revival through prayer and tonight is our grand finale this is the grand finale of our summer empowerment prayer retreat of the first the first month the second month were awesome and we have come tonight to meet the lord again we have come looking to the lord and we know that he will has never failed and shall shall never fail us i'm going to ask you all over the building to stand to your feet as our man of god our leader the shepherd over our souls our pastor come to lead us in prayer receive ye him at this time bishop patrick wooden senior [Music] hallelujah oh bless his name lift your hands and begin to worship the lord for the lord is good and worthy to be praised [Music] those who are streaming thank you for joining us as we make ready to pray the bible says genesis chapter 2 and verse 18 and the lord said it is not good that the man should be alone it is not good that the man should be alone god bless you pastor young first lady enjoyed you all this morning it is not good that the man should be alone and in this women's department summer empowerment we're praying that god would bless and that god would smile on that which he has given us to bring good if it is not good that man should be alone and he said i will make an appropriate helper for him then that means that the woman is good she's good for the man amen the bible says in first corinthians chapter 11 just a couple of passages that the lord placed upon my heart says for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man neither was the man created for the woman but listen to this but the woman for the man brethren god made women for men hallelujah and she's a blessing for him to him and tonight in this summer empowerment prayer the women have been praying all summer long and i believe that god has so arranged us that we would come together at this time to call on the god of heaven that the lord would heal that the lord would keep that the lord would deliver one of the things that have just kept resonating in my mind and god said just pray pray against uh conditions that are even unique to women there may be some women in here right now who are who are nurses and in the position to know if you know of some ailments jot them down and put them past them up here and put them in my hand not of some element that someone may have but some elements that i need to call out because tonight we come to do business for the lord and i believe that god is going to hear our prayer in terms of prayer posture you can assume whatever prayer posture uh is on your heart some like to kneel and pray and that's wonderful jesus says when you stand praying forgive one of the positions i assume is many times i kneel many times i stand and pray but however you choose we're going to pray and as we pray we're going to call on the name of the lord and tonight god will hear god will here god will answer and the lord will do the things that we are going to ask him to do tonight yes lord yes yes yes yes yes yes those who are streaming with us gather around those on social media we're getting ready to pray yes [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes lord yes lord yes [Music] lord yes lord yes lord have your way [Music] have your way have your way have your way to jesus have your way [Music] have your way in the room [Music] in the room [Music] in the room in the room all in the room [Music] all in the room [Music] me [Music] [Music] these are praying times praying times springtime [Music] have your way sweet jesus have your way my my my my have your way as we stand in the gap lord have your way please jesus have your way have your way [Music] have your way [Music] have your way [Music] have your way we'll have your way [Music] have your way father in the name of jesus dear lord we come before you to tell you thank you to thank you lord for another day to thank you lord for life for health and for strength to thank you for your goodness for your kindness and your tender mercy to declare unto you tonight hallow be thy name your name is great your name is holy your name is righteous oh god your name is our shelter in the time of stone it's in your name oh god it's in you that we live move and have our being what a mighty god you are and we come to tell you thank you we come to exalt you for for us lord we uh we've been enlightened and we know lord that there is no other name under the heavens given among men whereby we might be saved thank you for your name tonight thank you o god for saving us and sanctifying us and filling us oh god with the holy ghost thank you jesus lord before we ask you for anything else we just wanted to park right here just for a moment and extol your name and declare you that you're wonderful you're mighty you're the mighty god you're the everlasting father and the prince of peace oh great counselor we love you tonight we love you because you first loved us yes you did lord god you made the first move the second and the third and the fourth and the fifth and sooner or later lord we said yes to you and you saved us lord and you put us in heavenly places and have given us an inheritance among them that are sanctified thank you jesus you didn't have to do it but you did you didn't have to save us but you have and you our king tonight you're our hero you're our great potentate hallelujah jesus you're our joy tonight huh we thank you tonight we thank you tonight for being saved we thank you tonight for being in the kingdom we thank you tonight for being where we are we'd rather be right here than in our living room sitting in an easy chair watching in a ball game would rather be here today than to be on out out on the bike trail riding the bicycle rather be here than to be at the finest gym or the finest restaurant good god almighty we'd rather be here than to be at any amusement park oh lord any place where people gather other than coming to the house of god at the hour of prayer we're not hearing a strain we're not here oh god with a complaint but we're here thankful and grateful that you allowed us to be in the house of god one more time and uh lord as a man i'm grateful tonight for this assignment hallelujah we just thank you so much for our women's department we thank you oh god for the summer empowerment prayer retreat that they've been conducting thank you for the leader of the department uh god the first lady of this ministry thank you for my wife thank you for how you've anointed that thank you for how you've watched over in the name of jesus thank you lord for how you've led her to lead this department oh god and how the women and how her team have gathered around her and they've been coming out and praying and calling on your name over and over again and god you've heard that cry thank you for the two thursday noon noonday prayer oh god untold diseases have been rebuked untold conditions have been dried up untold problems oh jesus have been all destroyed because they prayed hallelujah gathering in your name and praying oh god they've covered me in prayer i don't believe i'd be able to stand here tonight had they not been praying and call in my name bombard in heaven saying god watch over our pastor god keep him saved god give him strength god heal his body god lead him and got him and lord i want to thank you for how you've heard their prayers and answered their prayers well god here we are tonight with a special assignment good god almighty the men are here the women are here the saints are coming in the saints are on their way we're gathering in the house tonight for a special purpose to call on your name to ask you god to cover our women in prayer actual god to keep the women of the upper room keep the women in the body of christ keep our women who are online who are streaming who are here oh god our friends who are part of the ministry some are not even members of the church but god they pray for us god they love us they're from here near and far oh god touch women everywhere in the name of jesus in this age of fake women in this age oh jesus what enemy is trying to replace sanctified women what the devil is calling sanctification bondage where the enemy is trying oh god to discourage those who are saved like the bible said we pray tonight that you would lay your hands on our women on every mother and every daughter every female in this church in the name of jesus every woman right now lord right now touch the women and anoint them again in the name of jesus god give them hope god give them joy god give them strength god give them peace god send protection in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father we pray oh god we pray first and foremost hallelujah that they may be in health and prosper even as their souls prosper god bless the souls bless the spirits of our women bless that spirit man that's in that sanctified woman bless o god that she would stand for you as never before hallelujah and cry out to you live the life before you walk up right before you we come against everything that has come against her we come against every attack we come against every demon spirit we come against every afflicting spirit loose here devil get your hand off of god's property these are the lord's women their gifts to the body of christ their gifts to the church yes they are yes they are they are as much a gift to the church as the women were to jesus's ministry mary mary magdalene and other women everywhere he went they were right there serving in the ministry and it was to them that they'd given the message that he's alive that he's been raised from the dead and we thank you tonight for these sanctified spirit-filled holy ghost field women tonight strengthen them lord strengthen them lord somebody is plagued with loneliness oh god we rebuke it the enemy tries to bring a negative spirit we rebuke it we come against the spirit of pessimism we come against the spirit of worry we come against the enemy as he tries to attack the mind in the name of jesus you a liar you're a liar devil you're a liar you a liar devil get your hands off of their all fertility get we come against ovarian cancer we come against breast cancer we come against polycystic ovary syndrome you allow your devil or hypothyroidism hyper and high pro we rebuke both of them we rebuke vertigo we rebuke low estrogen we rebuke barrenness diabetes type 1 type 2 we rebuke you tonight we rebuke you tonight we rebuke you tonight in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh god you know how you know how to touch you know how to deliver you know how to heal from the crown of the head to the souls of their feet in the name of jesus god make you whole god make you whole lady god make you whole he make you whole starting from your crown all the way down two down down to your feet down to the souls going from the souls all the way up to the crown of your head in the name of jesus yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord bring ease to that troubled mind in the name of jesus bring peace to that troubled mind and i feel the holy ghost saying pray for joints pray for shoulders pray against arthritis pray against pain pray we come against you devil we come against you right now we rebuke you from our women hallelujah hallelujah oh god oh god keep the minds keep the minds sometimes the senior citizen can feel that they've been passed by can feel that they're left out but oh god bring peace to their minds let them know hallelujah that even though their role is changed they're no less important they're still needed they're still needed for the work of the lord yes lord yes lord i hear you jesus pray against dementia and alzheimer's god protect the minds protect the mind protect the mind protect the minds protect the minds you're a heart fixer and a mind regulator you know how to keep the mind right [Applause] hey lord we pray against these maladies that come against our women we push back in the name of jesus every man just lift your hands got your hands and your ass as a sign of protection forming a chain in the name of jesus asking god to keep our women to keep our women to keep our women everywhere our voices heard everywhere our voices heard god bless the women god bless mothers you know the unique challenge that they have raising children at that single mother hallelujah she's having to do it all she's having to do it all but oh god let her know that you're right there that you're right there with her in the name of jesus giving her what she needs send food sin food sin help whatever is needed god do it in the name of jesus somebody some single mother you're being anointed right now anointed again for the task in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that single sister god the hand of god is on you the hand of god is on you the hand of god is on you we hear the devil as he tries to spin your ear to tell you what will happen what won't happen what will never happen well the devil is a liar for ain't nobody god but god and the god of the bible have given you an assignment all you know is that he's got your walk and on the road that you're walking on now and here's what the lord is saying on the journey that you have that i have you on right now just walk right just walk right and praise me for where you are praise me for where i placed you your life and times is in my hands you hadn't messed up you're not being punished you're not being skipped over you're not being overlooked or anything like that but god has an assignment god has a reason god has a plan and the plan of god is the best plan for your life he's a mighty good leader he's a mighty good manager and wherever he leads he expects us to follow if you follow you'll live your best life if you follow you'll have your best joy if you follow good god almighty you'll be glad you did just follow him in the name of jesus we come against doubt we come against fear we come against the enemy we come against his voice we come against him in the name of jesus and we pronounce blessings on that single sister on that single mother blessings the blessings of the lord the blessings of the lord i see doors flinging open i see chains being broken in the name of jesus i see the lord doing something tonight good god almighty loose hair devil happy i see the lord big doors steel doors iron doors impregnable doors falling yeah good god almighty things that the devil said will never happen for you the devil is a liar he can't control your life he can't control your life your life and times are in the hand of the lord yes lord i hear you the devil been telling somebody that you messed up you messed up too much you messed up you don't qualify it's not going to happen he's a liar he's a liar he's a liar as a matter of fact if he's been talking to you that way get happy because he's a liar and when the devil tells you that it ain't gonna work you gotta get happy because he's a liar when the devil tell you it'll never come to pass get happy because he's a liar when the devil tell you this will never happen that will never happen you'll never feel better you'll never get healed you'll never get married you'll never move to this you'll never do this you'll never do that he's a liar and the hand of god is against it god is able yeah he's able and he'll do it in his own time somebody tell him thank you somebody tell him thank you somebody tell him thank you let that single sister tell god thank you let that sing a mother tell god thank you ah thank you jesus thank you for being good thank you for being there thank you for being present thank you oh god for your provisions thank you for your provisions that you're providing in advance god is providing even today he's providing for tomorrow he's providing this year for next year even in the prayer god is providing god is providing he's making a way out of no way that storm that that came up in your life that made it seem like it was the worst thing that could happen i see you ladies i see you i see that single mother saying lord what's next i see that single sister saying god what's next and things have gone wrong and you felt a little discouraged and caught up in a storm i see you like i see that maniac of gadara that night when the storm came up he had no way of knowing while he was crying and cutting himself that that the storm was just bringing jesus closer to the shore some of the things some of the storms they're only bringing your blessing closer to you they're only delivering god's anointing in your life i thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus he's going to save your son he's going to save your daughter he's going to save your son he's going to save your daughter there's some things that are just too big for you some things that are beyond your control you can't make a way with trial do right but what you can do is you can turn them over into god's hand and the lord will the lord will god will work god knows how to bring them in hallelujah and if they don't come in you god don't want you to die trying to get them right but pray for them turn it over in the hands of jesus and go on and watch god work it out save our children save our sons save our daughters save them lord save them lord lose their devil save them lord get your hands off my son get your hands off my daughter save lord save save lord save save lord save save lord save you saved us you found a way to get to us you got to me lord yes you did you pricked my heart you touched my soul you set me on fire you feel me with your love oh god do it for that daughter do it for that son break that drug habit get him out of that life of crime hallelujah that gangster life the devil is a liar oh we rebuke that bullet that have our children's name on it we rebuke that condition that have our daughter's name on it we rebuke it in the name of jesus we rebuke it in the name of jesus save our children save our sons save our daughters save our grands save o lord save great grands hallelujah heal deliver touch aunts or touch nieces touch nephews touch uncles save jesus save jesus heal jesus deliver jesus wonderful wonderful jesus wonderful wonderful jesus you ought to tell the lord thank you it's a good place right here in the prayer to just thank the lord to just thank the lord to just thank the lord thank you for the sons thank you for the daughters thank you for saving our children oh oh oh bishop why are you praying for the sons and the daughters because while i'm praying for the women i felt the spirit of a mother come upon me and mothers pray for their sons and daughters mothers pray that god will save their children mothers pray that god would bring that way with child back home that god would pull them out of the gutter that god will pull them out of the club that god would get them out of the streets that god would shake them up some of them are not on drugs they're not in the streets but they're lost uptown they're lost with good jobs they're lost they're intellectual they're articulate they went to the best schools but they're lost nonetheless they're just as lost and god save them oh god get them to see that even though they are not down and out get them to see that they're up and out but they're still out you're out until you get saved you're out until you let jesus come into your life in the name of jesus in the name of jesus save our sons save our daughters keep our single single sisters keep them saved lord i pray that god anoint you with the spirit of pride that you take pride not the negative kind but the right kind that you take pride that you be proud of living holy that you're proud of your status if you're a virgin be proud of your virginity if you're living a clean life you're celibate now be proud of your celibacy don't be ashamed because you're not smoking vaping screwing around but be proud that you're living holy that you're walking upright that you're saving yourself for god and for the right one to hallelujah encourage each other to do right encourage each other to walk upright encourage each other to be strong in the name of jesus yes lord yes lord yes lord whether they're young young single and saved if they're middle aged single and saved if they're middle-aged or even older single and saved doesn't matter what your age is if you're single and saved you ought to take pride in being holy single and saved holy single and saved don't settle for what you shouldn't settle for hallelujah tell the lord god i'm not going to settle i'm going to wait on you i'm just going to wait on you i'll wait right here until you come i'll wait right here until you move in the name of jesus hallelujah that sing that single mother hallelujah we're back on you we're back on you the same god the same god that touched one of the famous single mothers in the scripture her name was hagar thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah sarah said she had to go abraham told her you got to go she left with isaac with her son oh god with ishmael she left with him and god they were out in the wilderness they had nobody to protect them they had nobody to look out for them but they had nobody but you and god look at what you did you gave them streams in the desert you began to make ways out of no way even in the desert and when abraham died ishmael were amongst the ones who came back to his funeral a fine young man you kept him and you watched over him well guard these children of these single parents whether their their parents were married or not whether dad died or left however they're in that state god watch over these children god watch over these mothers and god watch over hallelujah these single mothers give them that anointing that anointing lord to think fast to make good decisions to be wise to be thrifted to be holy to be able to take a little and make a lot to be wise in their decisions to be discerning not going from pillar to pulse and man to man but discerning we rebuke the spirit of flesh hallelujah and the spirit of carnality and god give them to be wise wise lord the anointing of wisdom the anointing of wisdom be released in you even now in the name of jesus yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord receive your anointing receive your anointing and oh oh god the married wife the married wife the married wife hallelujah jesus the married wife we lift our wives we've lifted our sisters we lifted that single mother well god we lift our wives up before you lord oh jesus we lift them we act your god to put your hands of protection around them let them live let them live hallelujah with the wives the single sisters and the single mothers we rebuke covey 19. we rebuke you you menace you menace you menace you menace whether you're man-made or not we rebuke you in jesus name you can't have our wives you can't have hallelujah our single ladies you can't have our senior citizens you can't have our single mothers we rebuke you in the name of jesus in the name of jesus god protect these wives anoint them as never before they have a mammoth task good god almighty hallelujah they have a mammoth task they have a tough job because they have to work beside and work with their husbands and one of the toughest positions in all of life is that of hallelujah being number two in the name of jesus hallelujah god anoint anoint our wives anoint them god to stand before you to stand with their husbands to if they have children to do what is necessary to keep the home together in the name of jesus oh god i just rebuke the spirit of affliction from these wives we rebuke the spirit of death from our wives we rebuke oh god the enemies attack own our wives we rebuke it in jesus name we rebuke it in jesus name god i believe i believe oh god that you're sending grace you're giving us grace grace for the highways grace for the bad ways grace when they travel grace when they go to the grocery store grace when they go to the bank grace when they take the children to school grace oh god wherever they are grace lord grace to keep the enemy from afflicting and attacking our wives that that thief that burglar that rapist oh god that man that would do harm to them we rebuke them all in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we rebuke them all lord we rebuke every spirit we rebuke everything we rebuke everyone we rebuke it we rebuke it we rebuke we rebuke in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name the angel of the lord encampeth round about our wives tonight the angel of the lord the angel of the lord and camp round about the women tonight the angel of the lord the angel of the lord the angel of the lord [Applause] hey [Applause] yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we push back against the spirit of antichrist that's trying to come against our women in the name of jesus and they're bringing fake women down men claiming to be women we come against it hallelujah hallelujah and they're trying to turn our girls out we come against it in the name of jesus we come against every foul spirit every foul demon that has been released in the land oh god touch the mind of our women touch their minds lord some are struggling with various spirits oh god we come against that butch spirit in the name of jesus god made you a woman god didn't make you a man let everything about you oh let it speak to who and what god made you your hairstyle your style of clothing you know the way you walk the way you talk the way you carry yourself be who god made you to be in the name of jesus and rejoice in it and rejoice in it in the name of jesus for god is anointing you ladies god told me to tell you this is your your finest hour this is your finest hour because there are so many confused women out there today they don't know whether they're going or coming they don't know whether they want to be women or men they don't know whether they want responsibility or not and yet in the midst of all of them god have placed you here god have anointed you and raised you up for such a time as this and the god is saying go forth as you go to work as you go home as you're in the various places where you are whether it's the grocery store the library wherever wherever the salons wherever you go oh god says i'm anointing you i'm anointing you to make a difference i'm anointing you to have a special presence a special walk a special talk a special behavior hallelujah it's called holiness it's called holiness you're already a part of a great women's group you're already a part of a great move of god he made you holy he's raised you up for such a time as this and the lord says praise me the lord says thank me the lord says give me glory in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hey hey hey hey lord good god almighty i hear the lord saying why are you praising me i'm healing why are you lifting me i'm touching now why are you going forth i'm moving i'm moving for you i'm healing for you i'm i'm doing it i have the right man i have the right job i have the right dwelling place i have the right house i have the right apartment i have the right job i have the right income i'm healing your body i'm healing your body i'm healing your body i'm healing those melodies i'm healing your sight i'm healing your heart i'm healing your digestive problems in the name of jesus i'm healing you i'm healing you i'm healing your monthly problems in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i made your ovaries i'll heal your ovaries i made your uterus i could heal your uterus i made your body i'll heal your body i'm doing it i am the lord i am the lord i am the lord i'll heal your thyroid i am the lord i'll touch your mind i am the lord i am the lord i am the lord hyper and hypo i am the lord i'm the lord that healeth i'm the lord who delivers i'm the lord i'm the lord and i heal i heal i heal right now i rebuke fear i rebuke fear i rebuke fear i rebuke fear fear the lord rebuke you fear the lord rebuked you lose the devil the lord rebuking lose here loose here lose the mind loose the body loose [Music] [Applause] whoa thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i hear you lord i hear you i hear i hear your lord i hear you god i hear you god have not called the women to spend one more night in [Music] a violent house if he's hitting you get out of there be shoving you oh don't cover for him [Applause] god says leave get out get out say well i'm holding him up in prayer he's got the devil in him oh his spirit is messed up hallelujah it's not the will of god it's not the will of god for you to stay with a tyrant and stay with a bully and stay with the punk oh the most the the most punkish thing that he can do to shove you around push you around hit on you and have you actually living in a house where you are living with fear scared that if you speak your mind he will strike you scared that if you speak up he will harm you god have not called you to an environment like that no no no hallelujah hallelujah the lord has opened the door for you to get out of that hallelujah it's not the will of god for you to stay in that kind of thing the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar oh and anybody tells you different they're not giving you godly advice they don't take but one push one blow one shove your head can fall and hit something sharp oh your life has changed forever or your life may be snuffed out children don't need to see dead hitting mom it destroys them from the inside out god bring peace to your home peace to your home and if the only way for peace to come it's for you to leave then you leave in peace in the name of jesus on the way out say peace be with you and keep going in the name of jesus for god have not called you to that god have not called you to that oh god i hear you father i hear you oh god protect the minds protect the minds protect the minds you ca you can't have a prayer like this and pray for the women without asking god to touch men for oh oh god for the root cause of much of the toxicity that's in many of women's lives the root cause is that husband is that man hallelujah don't you be that kind of man don't you be that kind of man don't be that kind of man don't be the kind of man who makes his wife sick don't you be that kind of man serial cheater don't be that kind of man ha unfaithful man don't be that kind of man lazy man don't be that kind of man a man who can walk around for for months for days and not even speak to his wife trying to torment her mentally don't beat that kind of man oh oh jesus hallelujah oh god oh god we rebuke we rebuke some of these strange spirits that have come over some men in the name of jesus hallelujah we rebuke the spirit of perversion we rebuke it right now we rebuked it at that spirit i've got that man saying he's curious the devil is a liar the devil is a liar a vicarious by nothing got to tell the devil goodbye and be what god made you to be be who god made you to be in the name of jesus oh god touch the men tonight touch every husband touch every suitor every young man who is looking for a wife a young lady to marry god anoint him to be a gentleman touch every husband anoint him to be a gentleman anoint him to be a good man a man who looks out for his wife hallelujah a man who puts her first a man who gives honor to her as unto the weaker vessel in the name of jesus the man who prefers her good god almighty ahead of himself don't let him be the kind of man that come to church dressed up brand new from his head to his toes and his wife is having to wear hand-me-downs looking like she found hers at the goodwill and he got here from the most expensive store in town the devil is a liar change our men in the name of jesus make us good men make us godly men righteous men men who care for their families who take pride in raising their children who take pride in taking care of their families a man the man who don't just get out the car and walk into the store don't even look back to see if his wife made it the devil is a liar oh god send that anointing send the anointing of chivalry in the name of jesus make him a gentleman in the name of jesus oh god make us good men brothers i don't hear y'all helping me pray make us good men good men godly men sanctifying men holy ghost field men in the name of jesus for we don't want to pray against the devil out there but let the devil in us give her a hard time the devil is a liar the devil is a liar in the name of jesus anoint us to be godly men men who lead our families and then you be a good wife don't let the husband be late for church waiting on you all the time but get on up if you got a man who'll attend church you're to beat him ready you know how blessed you are because most of them won't won't attend church so if the lord has blessed you you ought to be the first one in line in the name of jesus i feel something here good god almighty you got to know when you've been blessed you got to know when you've been blessed in the name of jesus oh we come against these mind games ah y'all don't hear me these mind games these mind games these mind games that men play see brothers we can't cover or the wives and the women in prayer without praying that we do right mind games god didn't call you to be her tormentor god didn't call you to make a life miserable god didn't call you to stand between her and god the lord called you to be a blessing to her a blessing to her hallelujah you're the one who's supposed to show up with a diary you're the one who's both there we're the ones who are supposed to have something to offer so god bless every man bless every man lord bless every man lord bless every man bless every man sin sin sin i hear you i hear you sin sin sin send that spirit of forgiveness yes lord forgiveness forgiveness forgive him forgive her i hear your holy spirit forgive your daddy whether he's living or dead he may have been the worst forgive him forgive your mother she may have been the worst whether living or dead god said let it go that bad marriage forgive that person if you don't forgive him it'll control you for the rest of your days forgive forgive forgive oh my this forgiveness message is gender neutral there's a lot of unforgiveness in the heart of men and women hallelujah you got to forgive your spouse your spouse proved to be less than perfect your your spouse fell beneath your expectations said forgive forgive forgive forgive a decision to stay together is a decision to forgive you cannot stay together if you do not forgive you have to forgive the lord says one of the greatest tools that i've ever given you is the one that's seldom used and that is the tool of forgiveness forgiveness for when you forgive you let it go you let it go you let it go you let it go you assign it to god hallelujah god if you said that i am to forgive this if you allow this to happen and i know you love me and i know you love me you're dying for me and you rose again the third day but if you say let it go hey then i trust you and i let it go i no longer seek revenge i no longer seek to get even i no longer seek to make it right i don't know i no longer seek more information i no longer am curious about all of the finer points of whatever happened i let it go put it in your hands hallelujah and i see in the spirit i see in the spirit i got up to pray by ten minutes i see in the spirit as you forgive your insides relaxing i see uh ulcers drying up in the name of jesus nails will begin to grow skin will get renewed your hair becomes healthier hallelujah the taste of food comes back you can smell the beauty of the day again because you've learned to forgive me forgive your mama forgive your daddy forgive that youvuncular friend that relative that was supposed to be nice but they did things to you and you couldn't tell it you couldn't tell it you went through the trauma of it and it wasn't right it wasn't right but you won the devil wanted to drive you crazy with it and just destroy you and make you kill yourself and make a out of you and just make you go bonkers but the lord saved you the lord rescued you the lord rescued you and this part of the prayer i'll tell you it's gender neutral i hear the lord i hear the lord i hear the lord and god is saying let it go your personality is going to change when you let it go you'll become a better version of yourself when you let it go whoever owes you money let it go whoever lied on you and you know that they did you know you got them dead to rise god said let it go it's not worth the fight trust the lord on this want to get better he says he says and when you stand praying you forgive forgive forgive forgive that white man forgive that black man forgive that co-worker forgive forgive forgive that preacher forgive that boyfriend forgive that girlfriend forgive forgive forgive forgive for give hallelujah forgive me and god says as you forgive i'm reconditioning your mind because for a long time you've conditioned your mind to concentrate on that which you've been holding god says now i'm reconditioning you not to think about it at all [Applause] hey god [Applause] it stayed on your mind all the time but god says i'm reconditioning you not to think about it at all to be free free free free free free lift your hands in worship free free lord just free free lord our women are free our daughters are free our wives are free free free to be all that the lord would have you to be free to not hate men free to not hate women free to not hate yourself free hallelujah to not hold a grudge against your parents free free oh my god i hear you free from shame free free free lord free from shame shame is bondage god says i'm freeing you from it even though some shameful things have happened to you god says i'm setting you free and i see the lord i see the lord bringing you to a place where you'll be able to recount or talk about things that were once so painful that you couldn't mention you put them in a corner of unmentionables you just live with it kept it in god says you'll be able to talk about it minus the pain you'll be able to tell the story like it happened to someone else he'll cleanse you to that degree that you'll be able to say he brought me out he brought me out in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] disease gone sickness be gone oh god oh god oh god i hear you lord [Music] finances god bless you money [Music] god bless your money as the lord blesses you as god increases you we're blessed to be a blessing in the name of jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah jesus [Applause] god to our friends who are watching tonight being in the prayer both near and far [Music] god bless dc area charlotte oh god georgia miami new york pennsylvania texas oh god indiana iowa places i know to call places i don't know alabama thank you oh god saints everywhere everywhere everywhere now lord as we shift i pray i pray that you would you would touch these ladies um i'm right back there again you know prayer sometimes the lord leads me in prayer the circle is like a circle and it gets it goes out it goes wider every round but you come back to points that you just prayed over he brings you back to those points again start anointing our young mothers they have quite an adjustment they're up against a lot it is true lord we all know that the devil has always been the devil and that the devil is wicked and all that but god a lot of the wickedness that has been in the world all the time we didn't see it on television we didn't see it in commercials our children couldn't see them these things and now lord this wicked world you have to protect the children not from commercials even during the family hour oh god there is no such thing now as obscene they will show two persons of the same sex kissing on television as they sell medicine and encourage them to keep living the lifestyle that got them sick in the first place something's wrong with that and they don't even care that little junior is sitting there looking they could care less these are the things and many others whether in books in comics in cartoons the message of satan is heared lord in so many things i ask you o god right now to anoint every young mother and and father but his mother's women's night anoint them to be on point to be able to spot the devil how to catch him you told us to be wise to be wise lord god you you'll speak to her and tell her when to check that phone check that book bag check that laptop look underneath that bed look in those drawers check the cabinets do inventory hallelujah don't allow them to lock the door walk in unannounced hallelujah and then slip in there sometimes at three and four a.m in the morning and just anoint and why they're sleeping anoint them or not the room and not the bed anoint i know while they're in school go in there and pray anoint pray over the atmosphere stand there and call on your name child won't even know that their that their their bedroom has become a prayer [Music] my my my and all of a sudden those appetites those appetites to be slick to be underhanded you know how the devil deals with children those things will they don't even know why those things are leaving them you know it's that prayer work kneeling down by their bedside and praying in the name of jesus god says if you do it i'll meet you i'll meet you i'll meet you i'll show you what to do and what about those of us who have older children and they're beyond that now no one is beyond prayer no one is beyond god's reach hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah now father we thank you for this night god i thank you for the the number of prayer warriors who are lined up ready to pray thank you but i thank you lord as a set man for this space to speak a word [Applause] there is an anointing there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place right now glory glory glory glory glory just slip your hands up in worship right now [Music] just worship just worship worship lord i want every woman to worship the lord for making you a woman every mother worship the lord for motherhood every wife worship the lord for being a wife hallelujah just worship him worship him for the life experiences that he's taken you through worship him because you survived it worship him because he's given you joy hallelujah hallelujah i've seen your mothers of worshipping god for long life god have blessed you to live down some of the mistakes of your past thank you for the mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god i have to do this men quickly quickly i just assemble around the walls all the men line up we find the swarming chain there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place oh lord in this place and i know that it's the spirit of the lord [Music] cameras to show our friends men there's a swede all around the walls of this massive sanctuary that's a sweet expression on each face a lot on each face [Music] and i know that is the spirit brethren i want you from where you are now just to point your hand toward these sanctified women and i want you to begin to pray pray your prayer pray pray your prayer whether you get a chance to pray it on the mic or not that's not the thing pray i'm praying for praying for these saved these women pray for your wives pray for your daughters but pray for the women we love all of the women of god most certainly you're gonna pray for your wife well suddenly you're gonna pray for yours but prayer warriors pray for everybody [Music] and with all these blessings brothers are you praying i lift my voice in praise [Music] without a doubt i know that we have been revived as soon as we shall leave this place [Music] listen to the men pray pray brethren you who are streaming tonight brother there in your room in your home join us you lead the prayer right there in your house pray over your women pray over your wife pray over your daughter pray over your son pray over your family what a mighty god we're prayer warriors we're praying warriors nothing is as important as prayer [Music] pray praying ask god to make you a better man a better husband a better example pray oh god [Music] we lift our hearts in praise without a doubt we'll know that we have been [Music] revived as soon as we shall leave this place hold on oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord heal deliver set free law set free lord set free law thank you for these men thank you for these prayer warriors get a prayer through in the name of jesus oh wonderful son wonderful savior wonderful savior [Music] let's teach our sons to be gentlemen teach our daughters to be ladies and to be church men and church women where we serve in the name of the lord and we do what god has called us to do i would now that the women of god who have gathered here tonight and thank god for you tonight here in the sanctuary i want that you would praise the god of heaven and thank the lord for the prayers that have been prayed over you tonight for the god of heaven [Music] hallelujah has heard our prayers glory to god glory to god glory to god to god [Music] how many women tonight are determined to be a woman of god how many tonight are determined that you're going to be better than what you've been even though you may have been great how many can see room for growth i want to be a better woman of god oh if you want to be better let me see you lift your hands and just shout better glory to god glory to god [Music] brethren praise the lord as you come to your seat [Music] [Applause] glory glory our time glory to god oh my thank you jesus for 175 men out tonight for prayer glory to god on sunday night bless his holy name holy name bless his holy name bless his holy name bless his holy name [Music] bless this holy name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory glory ah i want to raise tonight a special offering and i want everybody to give but this offering tonight won't come from your pocket [Music] but i want to raise a praise offer i want to raise an offering where we're giving god the fruit of our lips giving god praise do i have any givers wow [Applause] well [Applause] feet um [Applause] foreign [Applause] uh thank you i wanna thank you for being so good to me wow what's up [Applause] i wanna thank you for being so good to to me to join in on this offering go to get out of your seat and wow [Applause] our time is just about up if you haven't given your offering yet you better come on and give it [Applause] [Applause] i wanna thank you for being so good to me [Applause] well [Applause] go ahead boy [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory to god nowhere to go i want to thank you for being so good to me so good so good so good i wanna thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to me [Applause] thank you [Applause] so good can i get a witness over here so good can i get a witness a name and call sound good [Applause] to me me me me me [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're getting ready to leave but take about five seconds and give god another praise in this place he's been so good he's been so good so good to me yes [Music] starting to be on my way [Music] he's all right look over there somebody what's the matter with jesus tell him he is all right all right all right hey glory to god [Music] we're getting ready to go home good god almighty this would happen when you come out to prayer first lady wooden thank you for being late of the lord and calling us to come out and to pray we thank you for god's anointing and judge god's direction god's tug and push anybody got another yes lord [Music] we're going home live your right hand and shout god shout god shout god first we'll see you next week goodbye goodbye goodbye see you all next week 34 years [Applause] week 70. make sure you bring your shower shoes on next sunday week 70. even [Music] [Applause] seniors go first all the singers you all dismissed let the season saints go you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 1,954
Rating: 4.8532109 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 10sec (6190 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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