Bishop Wooden Preaches // "This is a Suffering Way"

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[Music] I want to preach from those words of exaltation to continue in the faith and the acknowledgement or the revelation that we must through much tribulation not just tribulation but much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God I want to preach from this subject this is a suffering way a man this is a suffering way glory to God I told you we wouldn't get many bans on it father bless us now as we preach the word in Jesus name Amen this is a suffering way if I heard this statement one time mother Turner I heard it a thousand times back in the day your husband my pastor the founder of the Upper Room Church of God in Christ in my somewhat never to be humble opinion the greatest preacher who ever lived if I heard him say one time he said there's a thousand times this is a suffering way well the William chroma deacon Marvin Cameron on the Tuesday night services in it Friday night passed over services but remind us that this is a suffering way mother Hattie Williams the late great Bishop lb Leo Bennett Davenport the late superintendent EC Cannon and so many others current the current prelate of Greater North Carolina the Bishop Leroy Jackson Woollett often declared that this is a suffering way hey man this is what these grapes and so many others had to say about biblical Christianity this is what they said this is what they said about holiness this is what was said about our Christian sojourn here on this earth that as believers we are to quote Peter pilgrims and strangers that this world is not our home and that this is for the believer a suffering way here's the key here's the kicker with this statement the statement in those days I've never heard it spoken or heard it said or felt that it was meant to be a lament was never ordered as a pejorative never never one time was it meant to engender sympathy upon those who made the statement in fact every time I heard a believer say that this is a suffering way it was a boast amen it was an admonishing word of encouragement and a word of warning at the same time let the new Christian know that you're gonna have to go through something are you praying with me it was the acknowledgement or the acknowledging of the fact that this thing biblical Christian today if you're gonna walk with Jesus that it's going to cost you something amen praise the Lord indeed they drove home and is still in my spirit Isaiah 35 and verse 8 that says and the highway shall be there and a way and it shall be called the way of holiness said the unclean shall not pass over it but it shall be for those the wayfaring men the travelers those fools shall not ever therein oh my the contextual interpretation of this passage deals with the hundreds of miles of desert from the that the exiles would walk back to Jerusalem amen they as they traveled back home going back to Jerusalem from Babylonian exile they were walking the highway going back home and it was the way of holiness it was the return of the believers to the father's house when Christ comes it's a way to get to God it is a highway amen and the highway is called it's not 5:40 it's not 40 East nor West it's not I 95 its holiness a man and said on this highway you got to pay a toll you got to get to pay it's not further unclean a man but it's easy to walk see because even the simple won't get lost on that way home if they can just get on H holiness I holiness whatever you were going to call that highway if you get on the road and stay on the road you'll make it god bless past in first lady words so good to see this morning say a man yes we were made to feel at the time that we were part of something special holiness I think that's why I stayed see I think that's what kept me the Christian thought today and the thought that that prevail just 30 years ago is very different we invade the world too much for me my personal taste one won't be too much like them we're looking over at the world and getting all about statements from the world I'll dress cold from the world bringing in the world the music world the world the world [Music] we studied today that one of the reasons God destroyed the temple was that it was idolatry they let they let all of the nations as our dounia's the people from tyrese outdone in different places let them bring in their false religions and set their false gods and their false images up in the temple and when you bring in false gods and false images and false things and put them in the temple of God the next thing you know God writes ichabod in the temple so by the time Nebuchadnezzar came and destroyed the temple the temple had already been destroyed by the wickedness that they had allowed to take place in the temple and the churches now you're hard-pressed to go to a church and find the cross I don't know what that's all about I was on my preaching the other day and I thought that there was a cross and then said while I was preaching preacher they've taken the crosses out the church and looked around and lo and behold that wasn't a cross in that one what's that all about the club don't try to fool you the NFL don't try to fool you you don't go to a football game and think you're looking at a basketball court y'all go to a basketball game you fool and think what are they playing lacrosse no that's basketball everything says basketball everything says a football everything says baseball oh you attend church now and church says everything that's the problem there's no identity our churches wouldn't it's big as this church we didn't raise the money then as we do now black folk have better jobs we do better financially but come down to being proud of being saved proud of being a Christian I'm Ben and this is not nostalgia this is not gleefully looking back at the past I live this there's no comparison we didn't have a youth department president we had sunshine ban why pww Sunday school that's so and shocker that one's for me in those days and I'm not criticizing any of these things that we have now we didn't have praise teams we had devotional leaders and none of them were trained you just randomly pick up two people yolly devotion tonight and without trained singers and without a rehearsal simple have you tried jesus he's all right cap did the imagination of a 16 year old athlete kept me in church about all of the help that we have now and and we were proud to be a part of holiness in those days wholeness didn't allow for praise the Lord the fraternities and the sororities and the Masons and Eastern sounds when the part of holiness you had to come out of all those things to be in the whole in his church I'm making you uncomfortable now I know a man this passage was driven deep and I'll tell you another passage that was driven deep into our minds in our hearts second Timothy 3 and 12 says yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution that if you're going to live this with living this comes a measure of suffering matter of fact everything is flipped now today if you're living this and you suffer that's a sign to many that you have a lack of faith there must be something wrong with your faith if you're sick there must be something wrong with your faith if your money is funny and your change is strange that must be something wrong with your faith if you're going through something that's this is today's thinking but back then if you were saved and nothing went wrong you wonder god am i living right where are you lord am i walking this thing it's flipped its flip and this flip is not good first Peter chapter 5 verse 9 says who resist steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions that are accomplished in you in your brethren that are in the world the same afflictions that are accomplished in you are accomplished in your brethren that is that's in the world other words you know that you're not the only one going through you know that this is par for the course are you praying for me today let me show you something in Mark's Gospel chapter 10 the Bible says this in Mark's Gospel chapter 10 verse 28 and down then Peter began to say unto him Peter said to Jesus lo we have left all and have followed thee and jesus answered and said verily I say unto you there is no man that has that has left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my sake and the gospel's but that he shall receive a hundredfold now in this time houses brethren sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions [Music] and in the world to come eternal life with with some of you soft is out there with persecutions it's a part of it praise the Lord I'm preaching to you right now jesus said in John's Gospel chapter 16 and verse 33 he says these words have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace he says this and it says it quite clear in the world you shall have tribulation but then he says but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world all or most of these doctrine or truths ceased to be taught I remember see when you've been saved in a while and you know some folks have been saved a long time but had a funny salvation there were no salvations that if they've been say 10 and 20 years but they spent 14 of them in the world but they counted all but some of us got saved and was in the church the whole time so we we saw the trends we we saw the the rise of the PTL clubs we saw the rise of the 700 club we saw the rise of the charismatic movement and we saw the rise of the Word of Faith Movement we we saw the rise in popularity of those preachers who began to preach and say things like Christ died and suffered for us he don't want us to suffer for him why why am I gonna suffer Jesus did all to suffer he suffered so I don't have to suffer all of a sudden we heard we saw the rise of believers claiming that they were walking in Supernatural health and they have supernatural faith and they're entitled to every jet every convenience every mansion every palace and that if you walk in faith and you serve the Lord you can have these things also they did to biblical Christianity what the what they did to the doctrine of reincarnation see Buddhism and old doctrines that promote that kind of stuff never would have caught on in America had they not changed because they when the Buddhists first came over there and they began to teach reincarnation Americans then lucky because the original reincarnation doctrine was you come back as a car or a world or or some inferior animal and American said oh no oh no I'm not looking forward to coming back here as a doll that that has grandma right there weren't across the yard she came back oh that didn't catch on so you know what they did they do they did and then they and this is these are the same religions that have brought in cremation yoga and all these other things except I've been in the church since 1977 and I've been saved I've seen things what they did to make it palatable well and attractive is they changed it and said oh no you come back and in your next life you come back and be a king and then they come back again I don't know and be a queen and so after they changed it people fail for churches people began to leave holiness churches and sound churches when they heard and saw the fashion - of some of these new movements movements that ever did not require that you live anything either believe ISM the charismatic movement a charisma free gift free that means it's free its it implies what it says you don't you have to live it you don't have to walk it you have to talk it it's free then they begin to advertise come over to our church well we don't have a bunch of do's and don'ts a bunch of thou shalt sling a bunch of dial shalt nots well where did we get that shout so now thou shalt not we got them out of the Bible and the last time I checked they're still there they're still in the Bible but then as they begin to promote this new style of Christianity a new style that feels your life with material possessions I remember I remember I was pastoring in Raleigh as I heard preachers on Christian radio stations say listen I'm not wasting my time preaching about my slice of the pie in the sky I won't mine now and folk began to do to demand there now I'm not worried about going to heaven heaven will take care of itself I won't mind not and then so then the proof of our salvation became the very thing that the Bible says shouldn't be the proof the Bible teaches that we are not to suppose gain as godliness the size of your car or the cost of that car is no indication to your spiritual net it does not speak to where you are in God and yet that is exactly what was done nothing wrong with driving a nice car I thank God for my car but the car doesn't speak to where I stand in Jesus I don't assume that because my car may be larger than your car that then then that means I'm closer to God than you are I don't think that because I may be able or that because you may be able to give more money than I can give that that means you're closer to the Lord didn't mean it just it just means that you can do it and I can it means that I can drive the car and then you either can't or don't even want to don't care about those things it has no bearing but it became that you don't preach you the truth it became that it became a measure of houses you measured your place in God by the square footage of your home you measured your place in God by how much you paid for your shoes and paid for your clothing with the doctrine I mean people died left and right in the Word of Faith Movement that should be alive today because they taught those people that if you have faith you won't get sick so people are setting up in their sick with all kind of conditions afraid to tell it because they knew if they said it they wouldn't get sympathy but that the Saints would look down on they were really you must don't have faith in you what do you mean sitting there and you got high blood pressure my god of you if you got saved your faith and drive your pressure down the man standing there telling you that with glasses on [Applause] keep the hair dyed how about faith to keep you happy that we became materialistic they driven and we we began to define ourselves by these things and then that creates a spirit of entitlement then we began to label ourselves I remember when these things came in we went from being believers we went from being members of the Holiness Church we met we went from being holy rollers we went from being sanctified to being Kings Kings I'm a child of the king I'm a child of the king and once you're convinced that you're a child of the king oh now you know the spirit of entitlement that accompanies that moniker oh you're royalty now not spiritual but now you variety nothing I am NOT that we are with all the spiritual Royals in Christ but listen the way they applied it now I'm above this I'm above having to suffer to the point that now when suffering and persecutions and things of that sort come our way we're supreme we ask God what have I done wrong we say to the Lord why is this happening to me when just 40 years ago that was not the case bad doctrine improper preaching has made us a church full of softie we won we cry we mope we grope Oh everything now is a press and I'm talking about blessed people blessed people I won't be black folk are playing now more than ever and yet we're better off than we've ever been but often we've ever been ever been ever being I never ain't never seen times as hard time like they are not you really have you really have going back in acts of freedom fighters acts the people on the Edmund Pettus Bridge you're right that's the fault that that that that that that Buchanan's sick these dogs on bear tell you they will tell you know you've never seen times like they we we we only imagine that it would get like it is not and most of us never thought that it would get that in our lifetime and now you have it and all you do with it is complaining I'm gonna preach in a minute ah oh it's different the doctrine of material prosperity and a sunny path through life so let's believe that everyday it's supposed to be sunny oh nothing is supposed to go wrong you can look around see wrong going on what everybody else nothing supposed to go wrong and my car's never supposed to break down tires never supposed to go flat never mind everybody else's car breaks down never mind that the busiest part of any dealership is the maintenance they fix more than they sell called the car keeps breaking it's almost endless every three months right back in there yes preacher wooden it has got us to the point where we actually do something that first Peter 4 and 12 says we're not to do first Peter 4 and 12 says beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you there's nothing wrong with God there's something wrong with us it's our thinking we've gone the wrong way in our thinking the truth is I hate to tell you well I don't the truth is that this is indeed a suffering the way we suffer and will a man be faced with persecutions ostracism 'z cults social and religious persecutions we may well understand this let me go to my text that's chapter 14 preach teach Sunday I'm almost done it came to pass first one and it came to pass in a cunningham that they went both together unto into the synagogue of the Jews and so spake that a great multitude of both Jews both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed Paul and his travelling companions went hallelujah to him in Barnabas they went to a Canio and they went to the synagogue and they preached so that both Hebraic and Hellenized Jews God say praise Allah and the Bible teaches that a great number of them believe whoa you talking about revival what a move of God they had but the unbelieving Jews there's no hatred like religious hatred these unbelieving Jews believed in Judaism they didn't believe that Jesus was lord these unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and look at this look at the what they did behind the scenes and made their minds evil affected against the Brethren they put the Brethren in a bad mood they stirred up the people and put Paul and Barnabas in a bad light oh yes this clandestine move to undermine the move of God and look at verse 3 long time therefore abhorred they speaking boldly in the Lord Paul and Barnabas stayed there and they kept preaching and they spoken listen preachers they preached boldly in the Lord which gave testimony unto the word of His grace and granted look at this God gave them signs and wonders to be done by their hands as they preached the the miracles and the move of God the the conspiracy at bay so two things were going on simultaneously in the synagogue there were Jews who were going to Jew after Jew saying we need to stop this and there were other Jews who were saying my God thank God for Jesus this is the best thing that ever happened and the miracles kept the conspiracy at bay for a while but then it came to its head everybody say shoulder the Bible says verse four but the multitude of the city was divided part hail with the Jews and part held with the Apostles so now we got a problem the city is dividing the synagogue is dividing people who were saved was saved and those who resisted resisted and so now it's time for the showdown and the Bible says in verse 5 and when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles and also of the Jews with their rulers other words they got together and they came up with a plan and this is the explosion it all blows up now and the the plan was to kill Paul to kill Barnabas a member the Jew the Gentiles Jews and their rulers they use them look at this to use them despitefully and to stone them they talked them into insulting Paul insulting Barnabas to work against him and not only to insult them and to persecute them and cause them to suffer but to kill them we need to stone these people we need to get rid of it what crime had they done they preach the gospel with power and authority the man standing over their heel who was sick before Paul and Barnabas came there's a person over that delivered who was bound before Paul and Barnabas came but as a result of the preaching of the gospel all of these people were saved and healed but how many no let me tell you not everybody's excited about the gospel you may love this kind of the preacher but not everybody loves it you may love the truth being told but there are people who who hate us because we tell the truth they lose what we say and they're waiting oh I'm just gonna wait because I know sooner or later something will happen they heed the gospel but when Paul they may they hated it but Paul preached it in half and thank God verse six says and they were aware of it somebody by the help of God the Holy Spirit got the word to Paul about this conspiracy that was going on and look at this you got to know when Saints got a no win discretion is the better part of valor instead of staying in fight and and fight the Bible says and they fled and aware of it they fled until astre and Derby cities of Laconia and in the region that lieth roundabout but after they ran and got to those places oh my look at this they didn't they didn't they didn't get to the old places and retooled they didn't have a meeting to say what went wrong they didn't call a meeting and say okay we got a we got a tape for our message the Bible says when they got to these new cities the Bible says and they preached the gospel hallelujah oh I hear so much of change your message I hear so much of taper it down I hear so much of do this and do that listen the preacher must preach the gospel God called us to preach the gospel yes and if the gospel get you in trouble and you have to ruin wherever you stop preach that and there get if you have believed that wherever you stopped reach that but preach the gospel my man Paul was never afraid to preach the gospel he preached the gospel in Athens Athens was the intellectual capital of the world and they mocked him for but he preached the gospel he preached the gospel in Jerusalem Jerusalem was the religious capital of the world uh-huh but even there they mobbed him but even there he preached the gospel he preached the gospel at Rome and Rome was a political capital of the world and he was martyred but no matter what he did no matter where he went no matter what was done to him as long as he lived every time he got a chance he preached the gospel he didn't preach the gospel of your help the haters he didn't preach the gospel of materialism he didn't preach the gospel of compromise he preached the gospel of Jesus Christ he preached that Christ is the only Savior that Christ is God's hallelujah Messiah that Jesus is coming again and he warned them of the Antichrist and he said be holy everywhere he went he preached the gospel oh look at how he suffered they tried to kill him they tried to kill him he was on the run and there and look at this down and verse aid are you with me and that said a certain man in Lystra see they left Iconium when 18 miles down the road to Lystra and when they got there they found a man there look how the Holy Spirit describes this man the Holy Spirit gives us three adjectives three descriptions the Holy Spirit tells us number one he was impotent in his feet where that impotent means could not do his feet would not work work number two being crippled from his mother's womb he was that way all of his life number three look at this who had never walked that's bad impotent in his feet been that way all of his life never what oh and look at this van Gogh iconi Iconium huh the same hair paul who steadfastly beholding him now that that probably what I'm about to get read about now probably wouldn't happen with most of you with many of you today because I preached him I want to thank the Lord elder Wilson you know people watch the broadcast and I'll tell you all the time people ain't just looking at me I get so many compliments on the way he gets singled out he pays attention while I'm preaching all right come and say well all I'm getting with you when you get high but it's something about laying the foundation I appreciate I'm telling you people look and and I'll tell you some of you know that people look and that's why you try to send that stone face God's gonna get you you're going he's gonna freeze you in that position people are looking people are looking people are looking oh I'm preaching good and look at this now the Bible says am I going too long Bible says right here and it's the same Herod Paul preached who speaking of Paul steadfastly beholding him and perceive that he had faith to be here there was something about the way the man paid attention it was something about what Paul saw in his eyes when Paul looked at him some of you would never get healed because when the word is being preached your expression does not say that you have faith to be healed you've got to give God something to work with you've got to give the preacher something to work with faith to be healed shows on your face and when faith to be healed is missing that shows also nobody can be faithful and faith filled faith [Applause] let me tell you something you don't get healed through pity you said I just hope have to notice that I'm not myself in service and pray for me now I'm gonna try my best not to look at you I need I need somebody to preach to I need a good a man called hey man you listen you got to know how to play a role in your own deliverance well I'm gonna sit here and see if he's gonna preach I'm gonna see if you said something to move me I don't care get moving now but if you want to get delivered if you want to get delivered you got to give God something to work with you want to walk in with your condition and walk out with it be my guest but if you want to get delivered that's a sad way that you ought to pay attention can I get a witness here can I get a witness Bible says that I wrote this down says there was something about the way he looked and the way he Cinda that calls Paul to understand that this man had faith not faith to get a touch not faith to get better not faith a man for I praise the Lord to get lifted up but here's a man whose feet had never worked here's a man who had never walked here's a man who was this way all of his life and yet he did he listen to the gospel and he didn't have faith taken be made to feel better that man had faith to be Wow [Applause] look at your neighbor natural neighbor do you have faith to be healed my MA some of us hadn't been healed cuz we don't believe for Bible said when they see perceive that that man had faith to be healed those were said verse 10 and Paul said with a loud voice stand up on my feet and knows what the man did the man didn't think about it the man didn't test his legs to see if they would work the man the man the boxer he leapt up without even thinkin he got up for the very first time well somebody oughta praise the Lord in here mad at God we serve there is power my god he he leaped up leaped up leaped up and start walking lift up lift up instead begin to walk praise Allah and the Bible says and when the people saw cause you know they saw when the people saw when the people saw what Paul had done they lifted up their voices and saying in the speech over the Laconia in the speech they say the gods are come down to us in the likeness of me and they call Barnabas Jupiter Jupiter was the father of the gods according to Greek mythology and Paul Mercury's yes Harmony's a man he was the messenger of the gods because he was the chief speaker Paul was the chief speaker then the priests of Jupiter which was before the city Pradaxa in garland unto the gate and would have done sacrifice oh you think that what happened in Iconium was bad you think the plot to kill them was bad Satan then came with a higher level of suffering yes there is no no plane no scheme that Satan has ever come up with that has been most successful at this Turin preachers missionaries teachers past Bishop's youth pastors first ladies missionaries you name it like the deification of people we are too vulnerable to pray to venerable to being lifted let me tell you something you and this is for you and I got three fingers pointing back at me are not that wonderful we're not that good you got to know how to fight deification you tone it down or I will rotate it grab your neighbors and squeeze it tone it down that's a trick of Satan that's a trick of Satan oh it may not even be the devil when someone else come up being somebody come to you and say you're not that good be not a good preacher that maybe there may be a demon but a little one one of the ranking Devils come up to you and say you're the best preacher I ever heard oh you're better than what you're doing right now you're more than who and what you are right now that kills that that's the thing see the devil knows how Satan comes at you in one town they try to stone him in the next time they try to make him God we've got to beware of both extremes [Music] don't you let nobody kill you and don't you let nobody make you God ain't nobody God but the God of the Bible [Applause] he's the wonderful one he's the one who who is indispensable let me tell you something to sober us all up when we die only a handful of people will take notice and we will have to pay the police to stop the traffic to get our bodies to the Graveyard because folk are just like you when you see the funeral procession come along let me speed up maybe speed up or something we'll pull over if they pull over at all until the Harris pass the devil God many of us thinking that will mr. and mrs. if we're not deification deification deification they've tried to deify these men now now look at this goodness now preach teach Sunday I'm I'm gonna go back up with jasmine but check this out they have performed some miracle now some of us get deified when we catch the cold out of somebody pastor day was sneezes yeah yeah and I pray for me they stop sneezing look how God is using me okay well you get an antihistamine do the same thing same thing but this was a real certified miracle impotent in his feet from his mother's womb having never one seemed like a divine visit to me it's easier to either a divine visit or somebody's being used by the divine and and I heard John when they talked to John John said now wait a minute wait a minute I'm not that like no no no no I come to bear witness of the life and let me say this to preachers Paul told the folk that look I planted Apollo watereth but god giveth the increase and he said and we're all God's husbandmen but then he did send a message though - Apollo's because some of the people were saying I'm of Apollo's Apollo's didn't start the church at Corinth Apollo's was not the leader Paul sent him a message and said let every man he says no foundations can be laid then that which is laid Christ Jesus he said now let every man be careful how he builds upon now there ought to be gracefulness and gratefulness and a degree of poise and respect when you are building on another man's foundation or speaking to another man so when I go I'm gonna preach the gospel but those luminaries don't disrespect because you have to be you have to watch it y'all for know when you don't say certain things no lines the holy ghost will give you lines that you don't cross when those people begin to deify Paul and Barnabas they said wait a minute look at this they will get ready to sacrifice to verse 14 which when the Apostles Barnabas and Saul heard of a look at that look at this they rented their clothes and they didn't want rain among the people and then in whisper crying they will not even flatter we're so easily flattered Brown that producer that time Brown from New York were you understand Stanley Brown big confidence Danny Brown produced everybody we will working with Stanley and Stanley complimented a few of the people and and after he complimented him they thought that they were ready for a Grammy so I do go back to Stanley and Stanley said this I'll never forget it stayed with me all these years we were at 2901 he said pastor tell them to stop being so easily flattered don't be easily [Music] I'm gonna let that sink in for me don't be so easily the devil comes with I preached at one of my pastors he's in heaven on churches and after I finished preaching I'll never forget somebody came up to me wasn't here with a lie from the pit of hell and I recognized it and I did not let that person greet me anymore after I preached again he walked her to me and set up that French priest up standing there sweating and oh the Lord had used me we had a wonderful time in the service Oh elder wooden you preached just a good as the past look you know I saw when I looked at I saw Satan and I saw the destruction because number one night it was a lie I can't pretty good to pass the night it was a lie the servant is never greater than their master you never get better then who taught you you might do good hey man don't don't hey don't get it twisted don't get it twisted those who marched while freedoms will always be greater than those of us who are enjoying the freedoms them civil rights icons they did it and look at what we've done with it walk around our pants hanging off our rear ends tattoos everywhere speaking of onyx won't have go to school and until Obama came wouldn't vote I got to hurry up I'm spending too much time on this I'm spared too much time but I'm trying to tell you so they ran down they ran down and they stopped them they cry mrs. sybers why do you v's things we also are men of like passions with you and preached unto you that you should turn from these vanities unto the Living God which made heaven and earth and the sea and all things that are therein who in turns past suffered nations to walk in their own ways my god God's patience is beyond comprehension but nevertheless verse 17 he left not himself without witness in that he did good and he gave us rain from heaven and fruit fruitful seasons filling our hearts with good with food and gladness and with these things with these things they want they want with these things scarcely restrained they the people they stopped this idolatry they stopped this human deification they stop these people from sacrificing unto them now watch watch and that came certain Jews for maniac I'm almost through now this is a good lesson and yeah a hundred miles away hit Iike some people don't have anything to do but to follow your fight you all the way from Antioch and Iconium 18 miles away so who look at this persuaded the people and having stone now these are the people who just want to make him a god who said we're gonna worship you did you from any other I mean look it's one thing to to stop her from worshipping you for them to go from warring to worship you to wanting to kill you oh this is why it's why you can't live by the amens and you can't die you you because you live by your die by if you live by the appointments you're dialing there aren't any nobody stays hot all the time all right the Lord the Lord overthrow you got a fuel appointment take them and be faithful be grateful but now you know you doesn't live on the road you coming back if you stayed hot all the time you'd burn up hey man ask these NFL players they'll tell you we thought when we got to the Superbowl that we would get it would be like this all the time someone realized they'd never get back someone spent their whole careers and never got to a championship game some things are hard and they're rare and you got to know how to handle your ups and handle your downs and these people are you with me these people went from warning to worship them to trying to kill them and you know you know you would think in human thinking that if they would not receive deification that God would honor they're not receiving deification by at least protecting them and letting no harm come their way instead the same who refused deification was stoned now they try to storm and icon him they got him in Lystra and stoned him and him for dead and drugged his body outside of the city and some fellows would argue that they killed and the reason they argued that they killed him is the word that Luke uses when he says but he rose up are you a word used 111 times in the New Testament dealing with being resurrected some 30 some are times it means being resurrected from the dead and Wow now here's the man who wouldn't let him do fine see what am i teaching you now sometimes even when you do right you still it's still a suffering way so don't have your lipstick up well I've been serving the Lord I've been doing this and I've been serving in the church and I've been living holy I don't know why God let this happen to me he let it happen to Paul if it could happen to Paul it get happen to you it could happen to me and you know what the truth is it happens you know people say no good deed go unpunished sometimes when you've done right your feelings get hurt sometimes praise the Lord sometimes parents know this and kids know it sometimes the child who does the least get the most praised sometime to child who dog does the most get the most criticism life is that way sometimes when you've done all you know to do you get no thanks at all it's that way this is a suffering way but I'm glad that the devil can't kill you until God get ready to take you home well while I'm there left for dead let's go home rocky mmm the Bible says that the disciple stood round about they were standing there looking at his bloodied body as he'd been stoned and stuff mm I could imagine he was swollen and cut praise the Lord and bloodied because they thought it was dead but hominin know that our God is a miracle worker Oh Lord and many times as a believer you may be down for the count but that don't mean that you're down and out and POW the Bible says he rose while they were sitting there trying to plan his funeral he got up and said not yet thank you Jesus and when he got up he got up with his courage he got up with his strength because notice when he arose he came into the city he turned around and went right back good God Almighty into the city of Lystra saying y'all thought you killed me but I'm not dead I still got life in my body and he went in there and he let him keep him for just one day not surely you would think but he had been stoned and left for dead that Paul would say I've had enough I've had enough I've been hit hard enough I've been down I've been hurt I'm through but instead of going home instead of giving in instead of saying I'm coming in off the road the Bible said and the next day he departed and went to Derby he won another 18 miles or so and when he and when they had preached the gospel in that city when he got to Derby he didn't shut his mouth but he preached again he began to crowd and tell the Saints in Derby he preached to them and he taught them and he told them that they got to be saved and then after preaching that guess what he did he didn't go home he went right back confirming the souls and telling the people that you got to continue in the faith and that we must food tribulation enter into the kingdom of God what I wonder today that you're gonna give me to suffering [Music] let's do it again let's do it again let's preach some more let's win some soul Let's Plays alone grab anybody who wants to do it again you wanna take another stab at it get back to the clinic do it again do it again do it again this is a suffering way he gonna go silly you gonna go through some things if you're gonna make it in this but if you go through you'll come out as pure gold all this happened on Paul's first missionary journey that is recorded in the book of Acts 3 it is argued that it had much more than but the Acts of the Apostles gives us three missionary journeys on the first one they tried to kill him they tried to make him God they stoned him and left over there he got a hallelujah and went right back to preaching he got up and he told the people so what happened to me I want to tell you continue in the faith and it says just like they got me you through much tribulation it's going in into the kingdom so when the devil comes against you this is helping somebody who's under attack now when the enemy comes against you don't think it's strange don't think it's hard whatever you do don't stir don't fear to continue in the faith because that's the way it is bad theology has made us to think that we shouldn't suffer anything so then then you find you find that there is something wrong with your child you find that that business deal that just couldn't miss missed you find but there's something in your body you find that friends and people who you thought you could turn on turn on you you find that things happen what do you do you keep going you keep striving you keep pressing through and you shrug your shoulders and you say to yourself this is a suffering way amen there's no way around it this road is filled with disappointments this road is filled with setbacks challenging times but the Lord knows how the Lord knows how the Lord knows how to see you through Paul never lost his joy Paul never lost his fervor and when he went to the next town ain't that something going reviewing the Saints going to find those who who had already won I always want to confirm you and I want to tell you I have not changed my doctrine in case y'all heard about what they did to me Paul says I just want y'all to know I'm still preaching the same stuff I'm still saying stay in the faith I'm not discouraged about that I hadn't resigned from anything I'm not quitting I'm saying the same thing that I was saying before they tried to deal find me before they tried to kill me and women before they stoned me and left me for dead I'm saying the same thing but let me just add this and you too through much tribulation too much persecutions you will have to press into the king you're gonna enter in but it ain't no cakewalk my pastor saved me I went to hell eternal one time I said elder Turner I've been reading about the book of been reading from the book of Joel and I've been reading the things that Joe went through and I noticed that I haven't suffered those things so I'm praying that God let me go through at least I wanted to go through and my person said to me what a brilliant man I said it's often oh this dialogue that's needed today I'm not accustomed to that when you serve really they tell you what they've got to tell you they go on for days later we still talking about the same thing ain't good a day because as with my authority when I tell you what to tell you I've told you they gonna keep telling you at that point you gonna do what I say you're not growing do it well - he looked at me and said son young man I don't know he probably didn't look at me that day I was riding in the backseat of his car young man do you want your wife to die I said no your daughter crystal Patrick wasn't born yet you want your child just both of them with you you want your children to die no sir you want your mama to die no see cause you know he saw knowing I'm wonder why ask me these questions because because here's the felt irritated get ready you know good good call the funeral home no you want this you want do you want to get sick in your body and during that time and I was just heavy and lifting weights during that time I could pick up the side of a small car we tried not for nothing but but I had power like that at one time I did it on a Sunday morning the car one day that the front tire came up I told the pastor body you know he told me young man yes sir you ought to be fasting you know there was there's a lesson in priorities say because you're not gonna be you know got in the future you ain't gonna be lifting cars so he saw the future your future is preaching the gospel so no point trying to lift no car that's a waste of time trying to build that power you know how much you got to eat to keep that kind of power 3,000 calories a day and if I were stayed on that that that truck had probably dead now because my heart would have exploded but anyway he said do you want your family you want this and that you want to lose your hair no sir do you want to you won't lose everything you got no sir he's a buddy you don't want what happened to Joe he said you'll suffer you'll go through you have to pray for it you have to ask for it's gone he preached my god he preached he helped me he saved me he preached because it has come it came and it will come again it's par for the course it's the way it is and it will be that way what prayer can I pray to take the suffering away there's no such power what confession I will tell the word of faith there's no formula this is my Bible and I can do what it says I can do and what confess all you want that is no formula there is no formula that keeps the believer from suffering persecution there is no formula that keeps sickness away indefinitely well I'm walking in divine faith healing all I'm walking divine healing until they didn't get sick everybody everybody's divinely healed until you're not then what you just like everybody else sitting right over there in that doctor's office waiting for them to call your name going on in there what your Divine self I hang on diets and I get ready folk at your funeral I wonder with me ready I wonder what she ready look at it that wonder what they ready it's nowhere around certain things know I'm preaching to you and if you are going through some things you and in do it you're enduring some persecution I want to give you a word of advice I want to pray for you I'm done whatever advice stay with the Lord continue in the failure they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength keep serving keep serving so you can't quit till the storm has passed then here you come ready to testify don't nobody want to hear you you've got to go through you got to go through it you got to go through it you got to you got to go through it and you got to go through it like acting like you don't have anything like act like you're not going through anything that's what you have to do you have to go through it so that's faking that's what secularism has taught you what we now call faking we used to call faith Bible says when you fast so don't let your mouth be white since make sure you're here lack no all so the Bible says that you don't appear to be faster Elijah acts the woman says how is everything she said everything is well you all is what child was there all is well you got to know how to go through don't nobody want to hear that all the time the only person who can hear that stuff all the time and don't get them is God humans have their limits so go through and if and if you're going through and is heavy on you meet me at the altar I want to pray for you that God gives you enduring power come quickly Lord help me to hold help me to sing in love help me [Music] it's common [Music] [Music] I'm singing me gonna call him with a little fire I tried [Music] but when it gets hot can see my way they told me to put my trust in me I'm saying me I'm about to break second help me to much larger Asante [Music] me too [Music] go to sing with us everybody everybody everybody now major Kim my chair [Music] lift your hands on the altar I'm looking to see if I see people who have faith to be healed I can't do it for you sometimes we wear ourselves out waiting for people and we have more faith in their being healed then they happen don't pull it on you you don't believe come on believing believing believe it and you you're you're looking like I don't know it won't happen but if you believe God where's the oil the Lord will the Lord will do it do it in the name of Jesus hallelujah [Music] I'm going well my mom I want to pray but I want a minister just for a minute in the name of Jesus don't you system [Music] [Music] [Music] the devil is a liar let me tell y'all something this is not pertaining to this young lady but I want to tell you something they got a movie out now a series about this suicide this girl she kills herself this way to move is a Netflix master Nick what's the name we've done you know 13 reasons why let me tell you let me tell you something this is as the most evil deceptive movie ever made because it preys on the stupid call here's what they don't tell you in the movie and I know y'all feel bad when I used words like stupid on you know why I do that see I want you to I don't want you to think doing stupid things are intelligent I don't want you to think I don't want you to think that there's an upside to this okay you don't want me to preach your funeral if you do that there's gonna be a short unity I'm gonna take a text tonight stupid she took on life let me tell y'all this here's how to move and deceive you they don't tell the people and there have been an uptick in suicides with teens for watching movie here's what they don't tell them you won't be around after you kill yourself to see the effects of what you've done on people you won't be the invisible narrator telling the story and you see this person you got you you you you acted out you enacted your vengeance on this one and this one is crying and that one feels bad and this other person and you're an invisible spirit looking at what this the after-effects of what you did no you won't that ain't the way it works you will be in halo crime with screaming out with no consciousness of what's going on here so things like that things like that don't even let movies like that don't even watch them don't even get into that stuff man just let that go because there it's it's designed to deceive you it's designed to fool you and make you think oh you can you guys show them you don't kill yourself look at mama my mother if she does caught it you'll never be there to see because you're going to hell not to a better place not out of your misery not there peaceful now that's much of every science that's what you look at Martha every side they know hi we got all kinds of colors makeup lipstick weeks outfits glue strings everything to make you look like you are at peace you and that would be true for everybody so don't you fall for that so I rebuke that spirit I rebuke that spirit I rebuke that spirit of deception I rebuke it right now this attempt to fool young people and to make them think that they're somehow an up side somehow vengeance is is given by taking your own life the devil is a liar now father I pray for the Saints on this altar here we are we're going through hard but Father give us strength to hold out give us strength O God to stand the test give us repo God to stand on your word in the name of Jesus you are God and you're out keep your the lifter and Baba right now we had some God that you break every yoke we had so God that you move by your spirit we had so God that you save heal and deliver in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we're gonna serve you Lord the go-to Savior we're gonna serve you hallelujah we're gonna serve you through our persecutions we're gonna serve you throughout tribulations we're gonna serve you Jesus hard time we're gonna serve you in the name of Jesus because you're our God you're our Lord and we give your ways right now we'll just like Paul we're just like Paul we will glorify you and we won't be deified we're just like Paul we're gonna serve you when they're trying to stone us we're gonna serve you no matter what in the name of Jesus we humble ourselves hand of God and Jesus Jesus right now Ayana the church in our souls yes yes lon Wow to Remus on the altar yes Lord he's a mighty god he's a mighty god he's a mighty god I'm gonna have faith today I believe in the name Tommy didn't know he's worthy hominin no he's God coming and no he's able yeah yes long [Music] crazy movie Allah praise him on the altar raise among the altar praise a builder [Music] man of God now Lord we just thank you for everything in Jesus name Amen I'm gonna stay in this suffering way how do you how many determined to stay in this suffering way glory to God and then it been a suffering way to me you suffer all the time because you know there's more joy than there is sorrow there's more ups than there are downs but you got to know how to handle your down you got to know how to handle them you run into a season where times are tough you cane all of a sudden now quit and get all discouraged amen and acting like you don't you didn't think that anything like this whatever happened to you this would happen to me preacher actually why who are you it happens all over the world serve Him young man you're doing a great job I said to the guys at the afternoon's Crusader what a night it was Friday night when I saw young Isaac here I saw many beautiful things doing this crusade when I saw this young man walk up to us after service back straight carrying herself like a Christian young me when I spoke to him all that hey hey oh that kind of stuff call not trying to be gangster not trying to be street backstreet look me in the eye articulate brother let me tell you I drove up I told the guys I said that's the power of the gospel stay with God because for your growth for your growth you will grow in the enemy will come and try to hit you to discourage you can't let him do it can't let him do it gotta stay on the road remember Paul confirmed him and told the number one abide in the faith and then he says and know that with much tribulation much persecution you enter into the kingdom and no one is excluded stay with the Lord war for your mind baby war for your mind saying I tell you what happens you say there's a assigned spirit II and it's designed to depress you oh the problem is you cooperate with it too much so you gotta quit that you got to I tell em I tell you when that spirits gonna leave you and not come back when you get mad with it and tell it off in Jesus name and say I'm gonna live and not gonna die and when you settle that must end up here to go find someone else who don't have a pastor to tell them if you listen you put it into this one quick see because you've been winning all the time so what pastor got all the times I've gone through and now everything is how how can you say I'm winning cuz you're here because you're here spirits of depression are never out to depress you they wouldn't have to do spiritual depression out to kill you they they you they employ depression that's right but their goal is to kill you and your purpose in yard I'm just no no not me no see ya know just king there were the attack is just King no this is just the way it is I'm going through this victorious god bless everyone [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 3,102
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Id: THFRejZyI54
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Length: 94min 16sec (5656 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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