Thursday Night Bible Study 9-9-21

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myself up this yeah hello okay is that the first thing here my soul loves jesus oh my soul loves jesus my soul loves jesus bless his name [Music] loves jesus my soul [Music] loves jesus my soul [Music] loves jesus blessed [Music] his name yes yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we bless your name lord we bless your name for the name above all names for every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus is lord to the glory of god on this night father we give you praise on this night father we give you the glory on this night father we give you the honor as we come to you in the glorious name of jesus have your way lord on this night lord have your way of god in the lives of the saints lord have your way of god on this earth lord we praise your holy name we lift up your name and we call you lord for you are the god of our fathers you're the god of our grandparents you're the god that created the heavens and the earth you are god and there is none but thee on tonight father as we're in your house tonight lord oh god we say thank you thank you for your grace thank you for your mercy thank you for life oh god on this day for it could have been another way god we lift our hands we lift our voice oh god we dare not sit idly by and not give you the praise to not say thank you oh god how good you have been to us on today lord for this is the day that the lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it this is the moment that god has given us to celebrate him to lift him up and to magnify his name will we lift up the name of the lord will we cry high oh that jesus is lord will we praise his name on tonight oh god we thank you on tonight for you've been kind to us lord you've been kind to our family you've been kind to what we have going on what we have petitioned before you on today lord and we say thank you oh god there are many troubles in the world oh god we see him our nation is unsettled but god your word is settled in our heart that we trust you with all our heart that we lean not to our own understanding but in all our ways we acknowledge you god you are king and you are lord have your way lord move on tonight lord touch the lives of the saints tonight lord many have propositions up before you god grant those petitions hear their cry oh god i thank you on tonight for you almighty god you are a wonderful god you are a healer you are a deliverer god if you was not we wouldn't be here right now you delivered us oh god the enemy has been after us but god we're staying steadfast stand fast in your word we're unmovable in the things of god have our way lord have our way on tonight lord oh god we thank you for the saints that have come out we thank you for those that are on their way god give them protection oh god and once they come into the house of the lord give him the mind said oh god to hear what god has to say from our man of god have your way on tonight lord lead him on tonight lord as we lift up our man of god 34 years in the ministry at the upper room church of god in christ preaching the word of the lord bishop patrick hair wouldn't send you bless him as he come in tonight lord touch him from the crown of his head and to the soul of his feet lord give him strength lord revive him on tonight god in the name of jesus bless the first family first lady wooden in the family god we ask you to test him right now in the name of jesus hear our cry lord hear our cry lord as we cry out to your god have your way tonight our hearts are settled our minds are made up that we trusted you oh god we have a mind of discernment lord to see what's going on around us lord oh god that the enemy is trying to destroy us as a people but god we stand on your word the word is true o lord the word never changes lord let us do what the word said lord that we confess with our mouth and we believe in our heart that jesus is lord we are saved oh god we're saved we do what saved people we come out to the house of the lord we love one another we lift one another up oh god in the name of jesus god i thank you on tonight thank you oh god for the saints that are here oh god your spirit is moving in this place your spirit is moving in this place have your way oh god have your way on tonight lord touch every saint lord those that are watching on facebook and youtube god touch those that can't be here oh god for whatever reason lord oh god all circumstances are different oh god but god we know that you can be everywhere at all times for your god and god alone oh god we lift our hands we stand on our feet god we praise your name lord oh god we want to magnify you oh lord we want to just lift you up and say thank you lord thank you oh god that they may have been rough but we want to say thank you lord oh god you've been kind to us oh god we can't say it enough lord oh god we can run we can dance we can shout but do we say thank you enough in the name of jesus bless your name god oh god as we go through the service tonight let us have a mindset to remember oh god that you are forever that we want to live and be with you forever what are we doing oh god to be with you forever oh god we're the saints of god and we want to live in eternity with you as we give you the praise as we give you the honor as we give you glory as we lift our hands as we shout to the heavens for god we love you and we thank you for listening in jesus name amen amen our scripture will be coming from luke 18 verse 1 and the bible read and he spake a parable unto them to this end that men are always to pray and not to faint that the lord add a blessing to the reading of his word let us receive our praise team as they come we give god the glory in jesus name hallelujah truly i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord are you glad to be in the house tonight come on and raise your hands and give god some glory he's worthy of the glory and the honor hallelujah hallelujah kept us all day long hallelujah i stand before you saved and sanctified and filled with the precious gift of the holy ghost i want the same stuff get into the service and have a good time amen hallelujah i feel good good good i feel good in my soul every time i think about jesus i feel good [Music] i feel good every time i think about jesus [Music] i feel good [Music] i feel good [Music] [Applause] every time i think about jesus [Music] oh [Applause] time i think about jesus every time i think about jesus i feel good every time i think about jesus i [Music] hallelujah [Music] every time i think about jesus i feel good [Music] every time i think about jesus every time i think about jesus every time i think about jesus i feel good hallelujah [Music] i [Music] know i've been changed well [Music] i know the angels in heaven [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know the angels in heaven [Music] did i see you know oh i've been changed [Music] [Music] [Music] you know angels [Music] you know angels in heaven [Music] i've been changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] hey my name is [Music] oh [Music] heaven [Music] [Music] they were coming after me know i can change [Music] angels in heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] well if you know that your name has been signed on high come on and give the lord a handicap of praise tonight if you know your name's been signed in the lamb's book of life what a joy it is to be in the house of the lord one more time we know what tonight is all about it's tnt time it's bible study time and bible study is for the serious believer and for that believer who needs to get serious the bible says that the lips of the priest should keep wisdom we've seen that over these past 34 years our bishop his lips have always kept wisdom he has taught us the truth of god's word and he has held back nothing i wouldn't you will rest upon your feet at this time and put your hands together as we hear from our man of god this patrick lane wooden senior praise the lord let us give the god of the bible praises tonight hallelujah jesus thank you thank you thank you lord father in jesus name we're thankful tonight to be in the house of the lord thank you for your goodness thank you for your kindness and thank you for your tender mercy lord we're grateful to be saved and grateful to know who you are we're grateful to be christians in a day like today and in times like these father we believe that this is the church's finest hour and as the world grows increasingly dark oh god those of us who know you we're going to stand in the light of god's word now lord bless us as we study the word of the lord tonight have your way in our hearts and minds let the words sink deep in our spirits in jesus name we pray thank god amen would you give the god of the bible praises tonight what almighty god what a mighty god we serve you might be seated thank you uh elder amanchuku and first assistant for that powerful introduction and we certainly do honor you tonight um uh we thank god for you and um we certainly honor you we honor wilson and amen we praise god for him and as he's resting and we thank god for the first lady to the saints of god for you our heavenly father's children thank god for our praise team doing a super job tonight and we praise the lord for our friends who have joined in who are streaming uh from all over and joined us tonight for tonight's bible study and we have a whole lot of ground to cover god is good and worthy to be praised and i thank god for salvation if you saw today our promo i talked about this book i want you to get it if you don't have it you need it my friends are watching get this red white and black rescuing american history from revisionists and race hustlers this book is written by bob woodson robert l woodson senior and brother woodson is an african african-american brother who loves jesus christ and he he has truly set the record straight and this book will bless you it will bless you to no end the facts that are written the history that is recorded this is one of them that you want and every a serious um christian um uh white or black but especially every uh black believer every african-american saint you uh let me say let me i want to say it right uh christian of color because you know we it changes almost seemingly every six months but you know who i'm talking to you want to get this uh book it will bless you real good red white and black rescuing americas rescuing american history from revisionists and race hustlers robert l woodson uh senior editor and i i want to tell you something i want you to uh saints whether you are vaccinated or not uh y'all get me straight i got some kind of echo and stuff uh whether you're vaccinated or not as i have said over and over and over that is your call that's between you and your doctor i'm your preacher and um and i won't change my position on that but one thing i do hope you do is keep your hand in god's hand and trust the lord um i i received the communication and this came from um was sent to me and it came from our church and it says uh talking about a family um and it the desire a lot of it i don't want to read to you uh is to keep people up to date and it says in my family eight people have covered seven were fully vaccinated two of the fully vaccinated are in icu one is about to have the plug pulled been on vent for 15 days the lone unvaccinated person is now in the hospital but the rest of them got sick uh but are doing better covet makes no sense it's hard and can still kill you even vaccinated i wanted to read this to you and we certainly do pray for this family first and foremost but it shows that our faith has to be in the lord i'm amazed at the number of christians who will who will say without hesitation i've had all my vaccinations so i'm safe well we used to believe that it took it takes god to keep us safe amen that was our belief in times past and i'm going to tell you something i haven't moved from that i still believe that unless the lord build the house they labor in vain that build it unless the lord watch over the city the watchman wakeeth but in vain and whatever you do and i i go to uh great lengths to try to keep myself as as healthy as possible i love to work out i love to train i love to uh to eat right at times i don't uh but i still know that despite my best efforts unless the lord watch over me i'm done and you have to keep your faith in the lord faith in god and trusting god is a attitude that the believer has toward god so if you're sitting there and you're smug and you're saying to yourself well i'm safe because i know i'm safe because i've i've had all the vaccinations oh you're sitting there saying well i know i'm safe because i haven't that's not an attitude toward god i'm safe because the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want he maketh me to lie down you follow what i'm saying and so uh one of the things that we do is to try and always present to you even signs of this conversation that you won't hear uh thursday this past tuesday night and we're going to the word i don't know when i have been more encouraged we had our mit class and the lord spoke to me and said i want you to do something different we went to first timothy chapter two the bible says that uh be strong in the in the grace that is in the lord jesus and he says the things that thou has heard of me commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also so we opened the floor to the teachers to all of the students and we had a wonderful turnout much like tonight and to hear the saints of god the ministers in the class one by one stand up and make their stand for the lord articulate the positions of the church to me many of them did a better job articulating them than i have but what it showed me was that you uh were not alone that the people get it they get it and you you want to know you want those who especially who are in ministry you want the preacher to get it and the preacher has got to believe that jesus is lord and that and that the bible is right and and be able to defend his or her position with a thus saith the lord and when i finish hearing from i don't know how many we heard from the other night about how many brother king uh started it out and it was just uh several it was almost like a machine gun so the rules you all just blessed with rapid fire laying out god's truth and i could just some many of you are in here tonight it was it was just an amazing thing i talked to a young man today he says bishop your word is blessing so there are people who say upper room bishop wooden he makes me mad he gets on my nerve he does this say but what follows the statement but they're in the bible but he's siding with scripture but the bible is still right so you can get on you get upset but when you get upset with someone who says what god says you're really upset with god not with that person because the bible is right and the bible is the word of god how many still love the word of god and you believe that the word of god is right amen so we're excited about that let's go to the word of god thank you for coming out tonight for bible study and i want to thank all the men especially who are here tonight because the season starts tonight and you know it's amazing how a man can get a cold but he hadn't been sick all all year but he'd get a cold tonight where he just just can't make it he needs to stay in and recuperate and while he's getting well he's watching the buccaneers and the cowboys god bless you superintendent parker i didn't see you back there man good to see you tonight god bless you know uh all that you know that stuff comes to mind and i'm gonna say to the men listen brethren we've got a job we have a guard assignment sunday night that every man worth his salt will be in place for okay what's on television who's playing what we get a chance to join the women in prayer and to pray over our wives our daughters our sisters in the lord the women in the church and i'm looking for every man i'm looking for every woman to come back sunday night but i'm looking for every man to be in place as we pray the question was asking me uh since the anniversary is coming up and different things should we maybe postpone it and and that kind of a thing i said i think i think prayer is too important for that i think an opportunity to pray over our women is if i had to choose between cancer and that and cancelling the anniversary i'd rather cancel the anniversary see the opportunity to pray and to call on the lord because see you never know what you're preventing see that see god god knew god knew all the lord sets the dates just like week seven it would be the anniversary god knew that but we had to move with god and we as men of god we want the lord's favor on our women and on our wives amen on all listen as pastor i love all the women in the church and i'm praying for you that god keep you that god heal you and and brethren we want to be gentlemen i thought i get a big amen gentlemen who who cover uh our uh the women in prayer and treat our wives right and treat our daughters right say amen treat them right if they treat you wrong treat them right it's called being a man chivalry is dying but at the upper room chivalry is alive and well say amen so brethren we're going to come together sunday night and and we're going to go on to pray we're going to pray and ask god to keep our women keep our rebuke breast cancer rebuke oh my conditions that are unique to women rebuke the the devour praise god rebuke that that that that uh pedophile rebuke come against the spirit of incest we come against the spirit of fear all these things mother i'm gearing up we're getting ready getting ready get you get your prayer points ready praise the lord ask god to let our women live rebuke covet and and the rest of the diseases all will come against all of the diseases of egypt every one of them every one of them you know what the lord said he said i all of the diseases of egypt if you obey me i won't add them to you now now have you known this now that's what the uh word of faith in all them got all god bless you a pastor oh wasn't good to see you man see it that fast uh all the churches used to talk about that none of the diseases of egypt is gonna come against mine god praise god ain't none of that gonna happen why are those preachers sunday night sunday night we're gathering to pray and to our friends online we're streaming it so you can pray too pray also put it out there and we're going to call on the lord and we're going to pray in jesus name and i believe that it's going to bless us you you never know what is what prayer has prevented those noonday thursday prayers that my wife conduct i told her the other day that can be the difference that prayer could be the difference between our existence and non-existence see you don't know what you're preventing when you pray you don't know what you're altering when you pray but one of the most powerful things we can do is pray speaking of power and prayer as jasmine rayford tremendous job uh uh a tuesday downtown making her stand and represented the body of christ in the upper room church of god of christ very well i was so proud and may god continue to bless you and give you the effectiveness that may your words sink deep and touch them school board people and give them some sense because the world has gone crazy amen so we're going to come out and pray i got so many things you know in the kingdom there's always so much going on you know i don't run out of i don't run out of stuff because god is always talking and uh i'm not saying the devil is always doing god's always talking the devil don't give me my marching orders god does now the president uh oh he tried to tighten the screw tonight did you hear him oh with all of his new mandates now never mind never mind just 30 days or so ago he promised he wouldn't do any of that or he's on tape he promised and you know if you're going to break your promise you ought to at least acknowledge i know what i said but here's what i'm saying none of that but on the same day they try to rob people of their right to choose whether or not to take the jab his administration sues the state of texas because the state of texas passed the law to save unborn babies so now they they they want to protect a woman's right to choose to kill that baby but take your right to choose not to take the shot now that all of that just happened today what kind of leader is that and uh you heard his tone you've heard that tone before the last time you heard him use that tone he was talking to a bunch of black men black leaders on zoom and uh when he was running and president then candidate biden told them black preachers off and you know what they did they sat there and took it and at the end of his speech tonight there was one group he singled out for not taking the shot black folk he used that tone because by and large he was talking to us go back and listen to it go back and listen to it go back and listen to it and then we sit there like sheep and go bad thank god for jesus the thing is messed up i think it's messed up they want to take a grown person's right to make a decision about a shot that they if you won't take it that's up to you but y'all a grown person have their own mind but we're going to we're going to def we're going to sue the state of texas for trying to save unborn babies help us lord ephesians chapter number 14. now you know i had to bring it up wouldn't have been me had i not and i'm going to read in your hearing uh chapter number six what did i say chapter six you know there's no 14 chapters chapter 6 amen and verse 14. i'm going to only read verse 14 tonight to save time we're still in fighting the right fight the right way amen verse 4 verse 14 of chapter 6. i got it right says stand therefore continue therefore having your loans current about with truth we talked about that one last time dressed in readiness and having on the breastplate of righteousness the bee claws having on the breastplate of righteousness i want to talk about the breastplate of righteousness tonight and uh for my my my subject of this part four would simply be this and listen to this practical protection practical protection father bless us now as we study the word of god together may we do no damage to your word but preach that which become if sound doctrine and gospel in jesus name amen everybody say practical protection now i want to i want to do something tonight uh in the onset and i hope i don't lose our friends online i i may but i'm i'm going to uh just go on and say it uh ella almond truck i'm just going to say it now this particular piece of armor tonight that i'm going to talk to you about and i'm going to ask uh brother albert to come and if you all have my slides ready from last week uh with to show the soldier in the armor while they're getting it brother abbott is coming and he has on the look at his his chest protection praise the lord look at this man of god and i thank him for come on up let me see for being willing to demonstrate now this is something you know this is so that that's not soft you take your hand and you hit that you're going to break your wrist and everything that's knuckles and everything this is not soft at all how much is does this weigh medium size weighs about 30 pounds or larger is about 35 pounds with the plates this medium or large this is a medium he says it weighs about 35 30 pounds 30 pounds with the plates now you know you got to be trained to run around and fight and jump and shoot and kill with 30 pounds on you like that so it takes training to be able to do it but it's plated to protect his vital organs this is designed to protect the heart the lungs the kidneys the bowels his vital organs that if pierced can kill him dead amen and is there anything you want to add before i get jump into this tonight with this that i being a civilian know nothing about so this is called the the improved outer tactical vest and um the vest itself without the plates designed to protect you from fragments from explosives of knives small arms fire the strength of the vest is the plate that's on the inside of the vessel and that's designed to to stop larger ammunition from coming through to protect your vital organs let's say what you want to the strength of the vest that'll preach warnings you talking about a subject for a sanctified preacher i want to preach tonight about the strength of the vest oh lord yes sir yes sir so one last one yes so oftentimes they talk about how the soldier um never retreats so the protection is in the front of the vest but there's protection to the rear of the vest because the enemy can also fire from the rear that's right protection for the vital organs from the front and from the rear and then there are also inserts that go to the side to protect these to protect here as well as you raise your weapon up to fire so you have protection 360 degrees sorry there's hands in that's a trained man thank you sir give him a big hand isn't that good isn't that wonderful amen now brethren did y'all have the other ones ready uh just one you gary you don't have it did y'all lose it from last week amen the people of the street the people who are streaming gary there i'm talking to gary hey man they i caught them off guard but listen uh uh one thing about it now i had it patricia must have moved it say amen but i want to say in in on the onset of this that tonight's teaching more than likely nobody's going to shout and i'm not gonna even um mess with you tonight about uh saying amen or on that you know i won't bother you tonight because this is not necessarily a welcoming subject for today's church world it was more of a welcoming topic in the church 20 years ago but in today's church world um this this won't hardly fly but here's the problem you'll never stand up in the evil day and win against the devil if you don't get it and it may explain why some of us uh fail when we're under uh severe attack because this the breastplate of righteousness may be missing um john macarthur and by the way you know they scored a great victory last week uh with the state of california they lost and he's able to have church and they got to pay him 800 his church 800 thousand dollars i thank god for that i thank god for that he said this concerning the breastplate of righteousness he says no roman soldier would go into battle without his breastplate a tough sleeveless piece of armor that covered his full torso it was often made of leather or heavy linen onto which were sold overlapping slices of animal hooves or horns or pieces of metal some were made of large pieces of metal molded or hammered to form to conform to the body the purpose of that piece of armor is obvious to protect the heart lungs intestines and other vital organs in the ancient in ancient jewish thinking the heart represented the mind and the wheel and the bowels were considered the seat of emotions and feelings so we're talking about protecting our mind protecting our will even protecting our emotions and feelings the mind and emotions are two areas where satan most fiercely attacks believers he creates a world system a sinful environment by which he tempts us to think wrong thoughts and to feel wrong emotions he wants to cloud our minds with false doctrines false principles and false information speaking of false doctrines i was sent a clip the other day of uh i sent it to some of the saints i called it a mess of some preachers online doing discussions um it's just a mess and these people will lead you to believe as a matter of fact they said it that the bible is wrong the king james version of the bible is wrong it's unreliable and biblical morals the biblical positions on on sex and amen and uh morality and all that that the bible is confused and the church is confused and you know you're going to hear that kind of stuff if the woman who who is trying to make those arguments is a lesbian herself and uh they're trying to uh uh confuse unstable souls not stable see because the stable christian it is moved by stuff like that and and when when things like that uh kind of trip you up that's a sign that you're just unstable it's not it's not a sign that what they're saying is brilliant you're just you're not stable and anytime anytime a human being a human being attacks the scripture um when i look at man as a matter of fact i said today what do you have what five years 10 years 15 years left at the most maybe 20. you are a puny man a little human being praise the lord no more no less who fell from lofty heights you're just a human being how can a human being attack god's word the bible will outlast all of us praise the lord heaven and earth will pass away before one jot or one tittle of god's word will fail and you got puny human beings coming against god's word and you've got other punier human beings on the stage who won't speak up and then they try to dazzle people with language and rhymes saying things that makes no sense maybe god wants to move you from being a first lady to a leading lady and you can always get an audience that would applaud anything just just just look just dumb just oh i said lord where did they get these audiences and uh uh this is this is a part of why it is so important to have on the whole honor because satan he comes against us even with a wrong thoughts wrong emotions false doctrines false principles false information in order to mislead and to confuse one of the reasons one of our favorite songs is i'm not doubting about the way you can't let the devil confuse you how you gonna be in holiness all these years and then the church that whatever the gospel is preached and you come to me talking about i'm confused i got to go you're what i'm just confused how long you've been here for how long and you're confused i really don't want to have a meeting because you've enough preaching have been get uh given to you for you not i'm i'm not talking about a baby in christ but for you not to be confused what do you mean you got credentials and you're confused give me them license back confused confused that's why tuesday night bless me so oh it just blessed me to hear these warriors warrior after warrior lay that word down i said god we're doing good and somebody's listening say amen see so the enemy he will try to confuse us he also wants to confuse our emotions and thereby pervert our affections morals loyalties goals and commitments he desires to snatch the word of god from our minds and replace it with his own perverse ideas he seeks to undermine pure living that's why we talked last time about the uh loins girded about with the truth you you care about truthfulness you want to be a true believer satan seeks to pervert and undermine pure living and replace it with immorality greed envy hatred and other vices he wants us to laugh at sin rather than to mourn over it and to rationalize it rather than to confess it and bring it to the lord for forgiveness and we're on the day now where the rational the rationalizing of sin is uh is in intact now you know you can't judge anybody you don't know their story you know i never listen your story ain't that important no neither is mine god's story is the story that is most important it's it's god's the gospel it's what christ did i told you all the other day that sometimes we uh i was so wearing the preacher was saying if if you if you knew my story you would understand my glory that sounds good but you know our glory really comes from christ's story what jesus did for us on the cross he's the one who was seated at the right hand of the heavenly father he's the one who took it's called the kenosis he took a great step down he left glory and wrapped himself in flesh sin for human flesh and for sin condemned it in the flesh jesus did that you talk about a big step down some of us we wouldn't we wouldn't have done it we don't want to stand we don't want to step down from anything that we're accustomed to jesus learned the bible says he learned obedience through the things that he suffered he had to learn had to walk out the human condition god all of a sudden had to sleep all of a sudden god who is not subject to hunger got hungry god had to bathe god's feet need to be washed the human condition god had to be affected by wind and rain heat and cold the human condition then here comes the devil tempting god god led by god the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and yet without sin and the bible says and for sin condemn sin in the flesh that we might become the righteousness of god in him so the the the story the story the story is god's story for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish are you with me tonight amen see he wants us to laugh at sin rather than to moan on over it to rationalize it and rather than to confess it the protection against the attacks of satan is the breastplate of righteousness these are these particular attacks righteousness is to be taken and wrapped around our whole being and thank you uh for pointing out how the the breastplate covers the back for it is to be wrapped around our whole being as it were just as the ancient soldiers covered themselves with the breastplate of honor now of armor now let's talk about first and foremost the righteousness that the apostle was not talking about because there's three kinds of righteousness that i want to visit tonight then i want to talk to you about the ones that he was not referring to and uh righteousness number one that jesus was not referring to and and i know tonight is gonna be like i'm talking in a hole to myself uh it's probably the most popular righteousness that we see in the church today but it is the righteousness this is one of them that the lord was not talking about and that is self-righteousness the breastplate of righteousness is not the breastplate of self-righteousness turn to luke's gospel chapter number 18. i want to show you something luke's gospel chapter number 18 and verse 9 says and he spake this parable unto unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous aha now they weren't righteous just ask them they knew that they were righteous and they didn't trust god for righteousness but they trusted in themselves that they were righteous some of the worst people to deal with in all of the kingdom of god are self-righteous people the self-righteous they don't come to church to get blessed they come to sit around and inspect everyone else the self-righteous are never moved by the myth the message i mean you after 52 sundays not one message you found them pastor the word really blessed me tonight today because it made me think about so-and-so or it was just what i just finished preaching or whatever self-righteous jesus spoke a parable unto them that trusted not in him not in god but trusted in themselves not even in the law but in themselves that they were righteous and and this always accompanies self-righteousness and despised others self-righteousness produces a particular of uh arrogance the self-righteous are quite arrogant because you see the self-righteous are more righteous than everyone else you see we're self-righteous we're righteous and you're not you don't qualify for our group why are you so righteous because we are we're self-righteous he said two men went up into the temple to pray one a pharisee and the other a publican one was a religious leader a pharisee a pious jew the the pharisaical movement the pharisees were the descendants of the maccabeans who gave did great things during the maccabean period and and they became the the pharisees but they became so self-righteous until they became obnoxious so notice what jesus does in his parable he says uh while talking to pharisees about the self-righteousness that one was a pharisee and then he picked the group that the pharisee knew that they would win so we got to be favorable in this parable he said and the other was a republican well everybody hated the publicans amen everybody hated republicans for the reason folk hate the publicans i didn't say republicans but the reason folk hate the publicans today the publicans were tax collectors how many of you love the irs let me see you wave your hand for the record nobody waved their hand so he says uh one was a pharisee another was a publican and he said this the pharisee stood and prayed within himself and listen to this prayer god no god god god god i thank thee that i am not as other men are extortionists unjust adulterers or even as this republican let me write that in the temple man standing there just he just just blew him up i said i'm glad i'm not like him and what's funny as i as i lay this out this is not as unusual because some of you looking at me like that that you got that look on your face i know some folk just like that they treat me that way lord every time i sit beside them in church they act like them they're so righteous that i did them a favor to let them sit beside me they said they'll sit beside you instead and look at you and say you're welcome god i thank thee that i am not as other men the extortioners unjust adulterers even this publican i fast twice in the week i give tithe of all that i possess yes that was his prayer amen and the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much his eyes unto heaven but smote upon his breast saying god be merciful unto me a sinner god be merciful unto me a sinner jesus said i tell you this man the publican went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone that exalteth himself listen now listen listen from the pulpit to the door listen whether you're credentialed or not listen everyone that exalteth himself shall be a base i've got to make a name for myself everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased do you all see that how many exceptions do you see in the word everyone none everyone that exalteth himself shall be a base but he that humbleth himself shall be exalted matthew's gospel chapter number five i got to go i got to move faster i don't know what happens on thursday nights i think there may be something in that that that clock that time thing there amen matthew's gospel um chapter number five and and verse 20 says for i sound to you except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the pharisees you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven the scribes and the pharisees had a outward righteousness outwardly they obeyed all of the law of moses but inwardly jesus said they were as raving wolves jesus says on the inside you he said to them you're like white it's a pulchrist you're like well decorated graves but on the inside of that grave is a rottening corpse it is not the will of god for the believer to just have it together on the outside it is the will of god for the believer to be strong and righteous on the inside isaiah inside and out isaiah chapter 64 and verse 6 says but we are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousness are as filthy rags that is righteousness um self-righteousness praise the lord the bible says it is as filthy as filthy rags it is as a used minstrel uh paraphernalia you follow me the bible says that's what our righteousness comes up to without god so one of the things you don't want to be is a self-righteous person let us fight against being legends in our own minds because that righteousness is not the hoof or the metal or the covering or the or the iron that makes the breastplate of righteousness impenetrable that's not the kind of righteousness that he's talking about conversely there's another uh well well before i move on let me show you one other thing because because this righteousness that he's talking about we need it to be able to stand up against the devil in the evil day james chapter number 4. and we're going to begin at the sixth verse of james 4. he says but he giveth more grace but he giveth more grace wherefore he said god resisteth the proud but giveth grace unto the humble submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you draw nigh to god ye and he will draw nigh unto you cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your hearts ye double-minded be afflicted he says and mourn this is another sign of uh one of the things that self-righteous people never mourn now i tell what self-righteous people can do they can perform but there's a difference between mourning and really praying uh like we're gonna do sunday night versus putting on a show performing showing that you know how to do it right so that's there's a world of difference between praying and knowing how to preach praying saying or whatever there has to be uh your heart has to be in it and when you when you are self-righteous you you don't mourn like you should because you don't really believe you need to because in your heart of hearts ain't nothing wrong with you i'm righteous and that explains uh a lot of the much of the spirit of apathy and and how many believers today are laid back because you know many preachers don't preach against sin sin is not a not a topic most of the time the topics now are you know 13 steps to your best life how to get to the next level we used to talk about atmosphere to covert closes down shut us down and some of them are trying to bring it back now but you know what when you preach in days when sin and right and wrong were topics saints uh sought the lord to a much greater degree to be right with god because we respond to what's placed before us and you know a lot of people think that churches like ours and ministry like they're hard you know wooden is hard we're not hard we're not hard at all we just lay it out there because the greatest enemy of all people is sin and wrong so when you are self-righteous the self-righteous will defend themselves even if they're in violation of scripture i know what the bible says but self-righteous and and let me tell you when you're self-righteous self-righteousness robs the believer of god's protection it robs the believer of fellowship with god seth right the self-righteous believer literally gives satan a ready-made weapon to use against him or her in the evil day see so james says be afflicted and mourn weep let your laughter be turned into mourning let your joy uh uh to heaviness and your joy to heaviness humble yourselves in the sight of the lord and he shall lift you up but you cannot humble yourself if you are self if we are self righteous are you following me now the second kind of righteousness and this one i thank god for that paul is not talking about is and this righteousness is is wonderful and i thank god for it and we'd all be in trouble without it uh it is imputed righteousness imputed righteousness or as some call it perfect righteousness um imputed righteousness is that righteousness that each believer receives from god the moment we become born again now i thank god for that whoa aren't you aren't you glad that there is a righteousness that we receive from the lord i'm talking about before we've given up any sin the moment you confess jesus as lord of your life and you mean it there is a righteousness that is imputed unto you to impute means to count or to reckon to reckon anything to a person is to put something on his or her account you know the bible says that abraham believed god and it was counted unto him as righteousness even before anything happened before it even came to pass abraham believed it and because he believed it god says you're righteous romans chapter 4 and verse 6 talks about this imputed righteousness i want to read romans 4 6 through 11 and then i want to read verse 22 through 25 of the same chapter romans 4 and 6 says even as david also described the blessing of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works that there's a blessing that we receive when when god pam stamps you're righteous and notice where it says without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven thank you lord and whose sins are covered do you see that blessed is the man whom the lord will not impute sin so when you get saved god removes your sin and he imputes righteousness upon you and he imputed righteousness upon me let's look at verse 22 through 25 it says and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness now as now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also talking about abraham god didn't just impute righteousness to abraham alone but he also imputed it to us if we believe on him that raised of jesus our lord from the dead the moment we believe god stamps us righteous who i'm glad about that imputed righteousness look at ii corinthians chapter 5. and verse 21 it says for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him christ the word is vicarious his substitution every death he died in our place he became the sin offering for us so that we could be made the righteousness of god in christ jesus so the moment you give your heart to the lord jesus christ that very moment you are imputed you receive righteousness you are stamped righteous thank you jesus and this this this has nothing to do with the sanctification process this is before that before that before that praise the lord any of that you had you just got saved you hadn't even walked out to church yet and and uh you hadn't even had your first test yet praise the lord probably still have a taste of beer in your mouth but you're born again god pam he stamps you righteousness righteous now one of the reasons we know that the breastplate of righteousness can't include imputed righteousness is that you can't put on something that god has already imputed to you see paul said you got to put on the whole llama it's something you got to put on well you don't put on imputed righteousness because god jesus puts that on us himself when we confess him as lord so you ought to think god for that so what righteousness is he talking about he's not speaking on self-righteousness he's not talking about imputed righteousness well then what righteousness is he talking about he's talking about the righteousness that we used to love to talk about but we don't uh much anymore and that is practical righteousness practical righteousness this is the one uh evangelist will born that just shuts the church down it makes a holiness church a graveyard the holiness responds like catholics you get a man from a catholic catholic hold out any man in there and their master catholic is gonna be put out are they they having that what is practical righteousness here it is practical righteousness is a life lived in obedience to god's word this is the righteousness that we got to live out oh my see this is the righteousness that uh the charismatic movement charismatic charisma free gift praise the lord you our anointings are free free gift free this is the righteousness that creates a problem for the free gift crowd this is the righteousness that creates a problem for the one save always save crowd or the crowd that believe you don't take all that see practical righteousness this is the one that's going to take us for a walk you ready to walk you walk with me all right let's travel together see now it is this practical righteousness is a life lived in obedience to god's word it is putting on our friends who are streaming it is putting on righteous behavior that falls in line now listen to this with one's new self i just told you that when jesus saves you he stamps your righteous that's imputed you didn't do anything to get that status but now we got to walk out who we are what the lord how the lord made us you follow me we got a new nature look at look at ephesians i want to show you something ephesians chapter number four and let's let's let's look at this um righteousness and then i'm going to show you before the times out the relationship between the imputed righteousness and the practical righteousness because they go hand in hand you can't have practical righteousness without imputed righteousness notice i'm not talking much now about self-righteousness see self-righteousness is worse than no righteousness at all self-righteous people don't repent whatever you do you don't you don't want to be married to a self-righteous person because the self-righteous is never wrong how about that somebody said they're scared to say amen i know what you're talking about preach the self-righteous are never wrong they're always right it's my way of the highway self-righteous you don't want to be on a committee in the church where you got to deal with somebody who's self-righteous they love you as long as you are accepting their ideas the moment one of their ideas don't fly they get us get get an attitude that the rest of the meeting you self-righteous person that seat would be imp it's better empty than having you in it because can't nobody have their way all the time some of your ideas are good some some of them are not the wife is right sometimes the husband's right sometimes everybody writes all the time well she's right all the time just for based on her being the wife no she's not he's right all the time because he's the head and he has the final say no he's not right all the time that's that's self-righteousness when you locked into something with a self-righteous person it guarantees that you're going to be miserable amen and the self-righteousness want to leave let them go no nothing no righteousness is better than self-righteousness let that sink in for a minute now let me come back over here to practical righteousness ephesians 4 and verse 24 says that you put on the new man which after god is created in righteousness and true wholeness see you've been stamped imputed righteously in god created in righteousness and pure holiness so since you are righteous now you got to put on the new man a new way of living that lines that aligns itself with what god has imputed unto you you see that do you see it he says wherefore put away uh-uh put away lying practical and every listen speaking every man with his neighbor speaking every man truth excuse me with his neighbor stop being a liar tell the truth for we are members one of another now what if the church just did that part and uh and be ye angry and say nah let not the sun go down upon your rap that kills holding grudges i haven't spoken to so-and-so in the church in six months have the sun gone down in six months i guess you live in an area where the sun don't set how you gonna walk around uh upset with your spouse three weeks and counting and you hadn't even said a word or won't even talk now when men can do that i think i think he got a spirit in him you borderline homosexual yeah i said it because that's not that's not a man's nature how are you gonna a man how you gonna walk around all this time and don't even say anything to your wife she's trying to talk you won't say anything you you've got to be a there'll be something wrong with you all that and you ain't going to talk t typically typically look that breaks the man down praise the lord he might he hold his ground for a while but after a while okay baby i mean look have your arms dangling everything you should oh yeah i mean you praise the lord i mean am i right brethren but now if you can you can you walk in five days in a row 10 14 and 21 and you could walk and no don't even say anything just walk in the house okay if you i don't care if you nine feet tall a thousand pounds you're nine feet one thousand pounds something's wrong with you you don't hold no grudge like that what's wrong with you mother i don't know why people look at me funny when i say simple things just simple stuff you know you can't do that you got there's a spirit in you your mama somebody raised you right you thank you the prize the man ain't the prize the woman is the prize that's why you she's the glory of the man how you how you gonna come to church all dressed up new outfits and everything all your stuff uh just just killing you got everything on and your wife's in there looking right late she can't afford to get a hair fix but you get yours cut though oh no my wife ain't she can fix her hair herself you just left the barbershop praise the lord i got your head shane got that got me beard fixed got everything sitting there getting your fingers manicured but she got the paint on me did you hear that so the dirt said the blood of jesus see you there's something wrong that's that's there's something wrong with that because the the the the the man with the right spirit takes pride and uh having his wife look good if you got to choose between her looking good and him looking good he'll just pull out that suit head out put it on and come on to church praise the lord tell god thank you and and let her get the dress and then if you just can't afford a dress just can't afford one how about try a little tenderness you know she's been waiting for things that she will never ever possess so while she's waiting try a little tenderness you'll go a long way be nice it's bad when you're broken won't treat it right and you ain't got no money don't buy how did i get off of ain't nobody told me nothing but sometimes the holy spirit would just park you somewhere you know i'm right you're you don't know that you're a big say amen what else can you be your sister are you ignorant now if you learn you hear me tonight you change your ways and your problem was you just didn't know i don't know why you didn't know but you didn't know but once you know you shift let me get my time is oh lord thursday nights we might need to start uh start at six say amen now look at this look at this now hey didn't nobody say amen you know what church i'm glad that we have a congregation and a church where we enjoy church amen i'm glad of that um and while i'm while i'm making laugh brothers i'm telling you the truth though treat it right now straight away we talk about these kinds of things all the time with our men's meetings when we're with the writers we talk about this all the time amen we value uh our wives now look at this look at this look at this he says be angry but sin not let that the sun go down upon your wrath and this scripture doesn't only apply to america but the context here is to the church now if there's anybody in the congregation you you got a feud going with somebody you better you better fix that that's why i tell you practical righteousness it's not sexy it's not exciting because practical righteousness requires something of you you got to do something you got to stop being a liar speak the truth stop being so angry and and and and holding grudges and look at this it says neither give place to the devil you see give the devil no leave give him no room to work if you see something going on and you see the devil trying to get in shut it down neither give place to the devil and then it goes on to say let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor working with his hands the things that are good that he may have to give to him that needeth then then look at him this is practical let no corruption come look at this let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to use of edifying now corrupt communications can go for can range from cursing you almost can't watch the sports shows no more and and i guess i guess espn and all these shows i guess they had a meeting with all the black guys and said to the brothers now when you talk sports we want you to cuss because the brothers do most of the cussing and what happens is it gives the impression to folk that we talk like that ask the riders every time we run into some white guy on the trail and we start talking he gets around us he automatically just starts cussing and i guess he goes there am i right he goes there because i think he expects us to talk like that we look at him like he's crazy we're sanctified we we're riding in practical righteousness and you so he's the only one standing that cousin you know what he does he stops cussing because he he just assumed that that because we were a bunch of brothers i guess we've been watching espn he assumed that's the way we talk but that's not the way we talk uh corrupt communications can it can it can uh anything can be from cussing to improper conversations to making passes at people that you ain't supposed to make a pass i told you this is ice water to the saints but it's good corrupt communication gossip corrupt communications sowing seeds of discord among brethren corrupt communications talking things that you ought not corrupt he says let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to be used of edifying that it may minister grace to the hearers and then he tells us practically and grieve not the holy spirit by which you are sealed to the day of redemption and let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and brawling and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice malice's evil intentions when you have to hurt somebody and be kind one to another look at this look at this compassionate that is tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake have forgiven you practical righteousness colossians colossians colossians chapter number three colossians chapter number three and we're going to begin reading at verse 9. it says lie not one to another seeing you have put off the old man with his deeds and have put on the new man see that practical righteousness you're taking off the old put on the new which is renewed in the in in knowledge after the image of him that created him whether uh where where excuse me there is neither greek nor jew circumcision nor uncircumcision barbarian nor scythian look at that bond nor free but christ look at this is all in all all believers we all make up a nation of saints we're all to be clothed in this practical righteousness look at this put on therefore as elect of god holy and beloved bowels of mercies look at this uh that is compassion bowels of mercy compassion kindness humbleness of mind humbleness of mind that deals with your disposition you walk around and thank you above everyone else you got to let god give you humbleness of mind meekness long suffering amen long suffering that's the ability to to forbear and to put up with people some of us well i just as soon as somebody does something i don't like i just write them off no long suffering cause somebody put up with you long self forbearing look at this one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as christ forgave you so also do ye isn't this something and above thee look at this and above all these things put on charity which is the bond of perfectness perfect the perfect bond of charity that's what holds the church together love and let the peace of god rule let the peace of god govern in your hearts to the which ye are called in one body and be ye thankful is it is this good let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the lord and whatsoever you do and so whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the lord jesus look at this giving thanks to god and to the father whatever we do as a community of believers we're to do it in the name of the lord and while doing it while we do it give thanks to god even if the person don't thank you you do it you do right so that's too much tent for tact there shouldn't be any but tick for tat revenge get evenism do you like you do me there's too much of that in the church we don't turn the other cheek we don't turn anything we get revenge we had like our motto at the big payback amen that shouldn't be that shouldn't be paul said uh to the saints in first corinthians chapter six he said why not suffer yourself to be defrauded they did me wrong he said take it take it take it well lord how can why you want me to take it jesus i took it look at what they did to me take it take it you saying you want to be like me want to walk like jesus i want to talk like jesus well the big big thing about jesus he took it they stabbed him in the side he took it they spit on him he took it they lied on him they framed him he took it while hanging up there he says that my father have 12 legions of angels ready to come and to get me off this cross he said to them don't y'all move i got to take this if the only way this cup will pass is that i drink it then not my will but thy will be done i told you it's gonna quieten you down practical righteousness but we don't take we don't take it we fight back we get vengeance you ain't gonna get away with it that's probably that's that's that's part of what's wrong and when you operate that way you you open yourself up for the enemy during the evil day to really get you because now he knows how to attack remember the methods of attack the wiles of the devil i know how i'm going to get so-and-so here's how i'm going to get you i'm going to i am going to cause a few believers they won't even know what they're doing i'm going to manipulate a situation and they're going to cross you because you don't suffer yourself to be crossed because whoever gets you you going to get them back because you're bad like that and now you've just given satan the weapon that he needs to bring you down in the evil day yeah i i've taught you a few weeks ago that he studies us and then he comes with a series of attacks based on what he knows about us and so after a while you don't see so and so you don't see the person attending church anymore they've lost their jaw they move from the front to the back can't holler praise the lord anymore you get you you call them into office sister what's wrong so and so hurt me pastor i just i just don't think christians ought to do things like that i'm her now you you don't know the victim was you you're looking at it the wrong way god never promised you when you got saved that wasn't nobody gonna hurt your feelings he never said that there would be no scrapes and no bruises why you read that at say well i uh i thought that when i got saved every day would be sunday they bury people on something you know you know all kinds of disasters happen on sunday and besides uh there is no promise that every day would be a good day so when it happens to you you got to know how to not play into the devil's hand i'm i'm out of time so let me go go to philippians you can tell i'm a holiness preacher only the holy preacher will tell you say the amount of time then go to another verse i want you to paul says in philippians i want to show you the relationship right quick between practical righteousness and imputed righteousness paul does a great job with it philippians 3 and 9 says and being found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law that's practical but that which is through faith imputed through the faith of christ the righteousness of god which is by faith you see that so he says i'm found in him not having not because of my practical righteousness but because of the righteousness of god that have been imputed upon me see that but now but now look at verse 12 and he says not as though i had already attained either were already perfect but now here pursue impractical but i follow after that i may apprehend that for which i am apprehended of christ jesus brethren i count not myself to have apprehended but there's one thing i do i'm forgetting those things which are behind me and reaching for the things that are before i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god which is in christ jesus so you see he's working toward a goal practical but he realizes that he's found in christ he's righteous first and foremost because the lord imputed it so you see the relationship between the imputed righteousness and the practical righteousness and because righteousness have been imputed upon us then we must live this practical life romans romans hurry hurry hurry romans chapter number six romans romans chapter six uh and i won't just read but verse one and two he says what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound look at this god forbid for how shall we that are dead in sin that's imputed live any longer therein practical see once the lord saves us we can't just live any kind of way verse 11 of that same chapter verse 11 through 13 says likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord look at this let not sin therefore rain in your mortal body that's practical that you should obey it in the lust thereof verse 11 is uh imputed verse 12 deal with practical uh righteousness neither look at this yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god for sin shall have no dominion over you for ye are not under the law but under grace isn't that something so this breastplate of righteousness is our living from moment to moment day by day in obedience to the heavenly father i'll close with this again this is a quote from my golfer he says the church today is often guilty of supplying believers with the paper armor paper armor of good advice programs activities techniques and methods when they they need when they when what they need excuse me it's godly on the godly armor of holy living no program method or technique can bring wholeness and happiness to the believer who is unwilling to confront and forsake his sin failure to be armed with practical righteousness will cause fruitlessness the disobedient christian is unproductive in the things of the lord unholy living brings loss of reward whatever the worldly fleshly believer does will never amount to anything worthy of heavenly praise lastly unholy living brings reproach on god's glory the greatest evil of a christian of a christian's sin is its reflection on his heavenly father unholiness fails to adorn the doctrine that we are told to adorn in titus chapter 2 verse 10. so this breastplate that i want to pray over you with pray with you about tonight is our living holy practice practically getting it together letting that be the armor amen that be the righteousness not self-righteousness not imputed righteousness and if you know imputed righteousness is necessary for this to work but a made-up mind to do what we know to do to remove the sin that we know needs to be removed to do right by god so when you're doing that when the enemy comes in during the evil day he'll hit you and he'll bounce off because he don't have anything that he can he can't he can't penetrate that because you already been imputed righteous so you can't do anything with that and if you're obeying god now you have the fellowship of the father the attention of the father the anointing of the father all of that operating on the inside which which gives you power over the devil glory to god power to withstand in the evil day everybody standing glory to god dear lord tonight we thank you for this friends online are praying with us we thank you for this we thank you we thank you for your word we thank you for first of all lord we thank you for imputed righteousness thank you for saving us and stamping us righteous and lord we we thank you for the degree of practical righteousness that we have but lord we we see even in paul's writings that we've got to keep paul didn't say he forgot he didn't say it was a one-time act the things that were behind him and that he reached one time act for the things that were before but he says forgetting those things that are behind and reaching for those things that are before so lord we thank you for the progress that we've made but we're reaching for more we're striving oh god to get better and to get closer to you in the name of jesus oh god in the words of the book of job that which i see not teach thou me and if i've done iniquity i will do no more father we rebuke sin god give us strength to let not sin reign in our mortal bodies but to obey you and to walk up right before you in our daily lives in the name of jesus and father where we find ourselves falling short god forgive us and lord move it out of the way hallelujah make us the saints that you would have us to be in the name of jesus practically lord give us to walk this thing out to live this thing out to be all that you would have us to be god i am a new creature in christ now father anoint me anoint us to live like the new creatures that we are in jesus name amen god bless you tonight heaven smile upon you hallelujah come on and clap your hands one more time tonight for this phenomenal teaching that we've heard in our hearing from our man of god on practical protection bishop wooden gave us several wooden nuggets he said the bible will outlast all of us and then he said i may not know your story but god's story is the story that everyone needs to be told that needs to be told and known he said no righteousness is better than self-righteousness and then he said it's a terrible thing to be broke and mean even around the anniversary time amen and lastly bishop wooden said i'm not safe because of the vaccine i'm safe because the lord is my shepherd does anybody have the lord as your shepherd tonight let's just bless the name of the lord right here as we celebrate god and thank him for the word that we've heard this evening uh bishop wooden is a masterful teacher as you already know i've said this before but i i really believe it that we don't know of many black theologians of the past and of our time but bishop wooden is one he is one that god has anointed immensely in these last and evil days and we are blessed by that amen philippians are you ready to be a blessing to our man of god at this time [Music] i'm giving hundred dollars superintendent cooper is giving one hundred dollars superintendent parker 125 dollars chairman morgan 100 elder peoples 100 elder wilson 65 zelda rayford seventy five dollars evangelist leicester fifty dollars brother ron moore fifty dollars say man for these if you have that offering tonight whether it's a hundred dollars or fifty dollars or twenty five dollars at this time make preparation to give it and the ushers are going to come and receive it from you you don't have to pass it down they will collect it from you at this time for those of you who are watching from all around the world on facebook live and on youtube instructions are there for you to be a blessing to our man of god tonight we thank you for tuning in to the broadcast on thursday nights and on sunday mornings whenever we go live you are there we thank you for that tonight you have this opportunity to be a blessing to a man of god you can do so at this time as you follow the prompts on the screen we are around 10 days away from the biggest service of the year and uh there's so many wonderful things that i i tell you that i want to tell you tonight but i can't i got to save it till sunday and i got to go ahead and sit down because i might go ahead and tell it before the time and i'm a mess up but i'm just so excited about what god is doing and this wonderful committee that i get to labor and serve with they have showed out this year i can't wait to tell you what the committee is doing on sunday morning for this year's pastor's anniversary they have come up in a major way and i'm excited about reporting what we are going to do amen has everyone had a chance to give tonight as everyone had a chance to give all right let us pray deadly father god we thank you tonight for both the gift and the giver in jesus name we pray amen at this time evangelist lester is coming with our announcements general services for elder john price's mother ms arena may price will be held on saturday september 11th at 12 p.m at people's funeral home of whiteville located at 707 vinson boulevard whiteville north carolina there will be a viewing prior to the service at 11 a.m please keep elder price and the entire price family in your prayers registration for the north carolina third coaching academy ends tomorrow september 10th and classes will begin on saturday september 11th all classes will be video conference via zoom only tuition is 2 25 per semester and new students must include a dollar non-refundable application fee for information and enrollment visit nc third or send an email to infotech.nc3rdca gmail for an application dnc third coaching academy apologetics course has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date if you are due a refund please send an email to infotech.nc3rd nc3rdca intercessor arise amen [Laughter] join first lady pamela wooden and the upper room women's ministry for the summer empowerment prayer retreat finale amen to be held on sunday september 12th at 6 p.m in the sanctuary our pastor bishop patrick a wooden senior will be the featured prayer warrior and will lead the men of god in interceding on behalf of the women ladies get yourselves ready for this prayer explosion and make plans now to attend amen get ready for the 34th pastoral anniversary celebration of bishop patrick at wooden senior unmovable sunday september 19th prepare to be a blessing to our man of god during two power pack services at 8 a.m and 11 a.m we're pleased to welcome guests artist reverend michael boone and brother jerrell smalls but that's not all prepare yourselves to hear the preached word from bishop destruy c bale it's the 34 pastor anniversary celebration of bishop patrick l wooden senior unmovable this concludes this evening's announcements thank you for your attention praise the lord everybody say amen thank you so much for your generosity thank you for your prayers may we all stand god bless every one of you tonight and thank you for coming out and the lord let the weather get right so we can have church tonight because it was storming pretty bad this morning let's take this word and study it our friends who are streaming tonight thank you for joining us let everyone let us continue to be wise you know the we got a new variant out and another one so forth and so on see you got to keep your hands in the lord's hand do your part to be wise dude let's do our part to be smart you know we're not we're not silly people we're not dumb people we're not people who are in denial about the reality of what we're facing and you know what uh we're the ones who god has given the ability to outlast this because you never know how long things like this will last but i know this nothing outlasts the believer god anoints the believer to deal with whatever the situations are so let us continue to serve the lord i was praying about it the other day god says i brought you close i brought you safe thus far i brought you safe thus far and god who brings us satan he'll have brought us safe thus far that god will lead us on and and and if you do that the lord will keep you and will bless you and and i'm a strong believer in in us doing our parts saying let us eat right let us contribute to our own health let's let's let's do the things that we can do let's watch the watch the weight let's watch some of the comorbidities that that's out there that makes this thing worse than what it normally would be so they're that practical they're practical steps that we can take and uh um and whatever you decide to do that's your decision but let it be yours and you go on in the name of the lord and god will keep us let everybody say god first our mothers and the senior saints are exiting the sanctuary first thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much god is good you talking to me you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 3,124
Rating: 4.9703703 out of 5
Id: 99e44WJ5SS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 0sec (7500 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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