Bishop Wooden Responds to Greensboro News & Record May 2016

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Allen Johnson of the Greensburg News and records wrote articles minimal to the black ministers who are endorsing this state's divisive new bathroom by the way Allen Johnson is I know that so take what he had to say with a grain of salt he's got a memo notices to the black preachers who endorsed HB 2 the KKK is in your corner turns out the Klan believes that may not to use the men's room and women ought to use the ladies room I mean who knew an organization as wicked and as backwards and as godless as the Ku Klux Klan an organization that has blood on his hands or an organization like the Klan mirada's made up of cowards who would ride through the black community with masks on and they didn't stop you know where they stopped marauding our community they rolled through one night and shot and the black man shot back all of a sudden when they found out we had guns they saw the light they saw that's what happened guns that's what happened really that's what got him next time you talk we would need to get rid of guns guns got rid of the Klan man so now the claim here's what the Klan said quote these freaks are jeopardizing the safety of bathrooms for our women and children across the nation fight balls landed I got to make a tape see let me tell you when they come after you you can't get scared you have to double down now Allen Johnson we're gonna put this on YouTube y'all's pastor Allen praise the Lord and the Greensboro News and records all right this is a blog it seemed like a rag to me but Alan in your column memo to the black ministers who are endorsing the state's divisive new bathroom law the KKK is in your corner all I can say Alan is that a broken watch is Right twice a day apparently when it comes to going to the bathroom the Klan is wiser than North Carolina's in double-a-c-p hallelujah now the reason I said north carolina's is that I have bishop friends and preacher friends who are part of the n-double a-c-p in other states and they are fighting tooth and nail against such laws so reelin does the whole and we're not going to speak of all of the n-double a-c-p just north carolina now the man mentions me in the article he says for their part the pro HB to black preachers or all preachers went on to repeat the NC value coalitions talking points chapter and verse they also had a sharp had sharp words for n-double-a-cp president william baba here's the quote Reverend barber does not speak for us it's then the quote bishop Patrick wouldn't say two things Alan number one if if they had talking points that day they never showed them to me the only talking point I spoke from was this one the Bible number to tell the whole story be a honest journalist for once in your life when we had when we did the the Riley a news reporter Acts said you know Reverend Bible is going to have something to say about this you know he's gonna respond what do you have to say about Reverend Bob not what I should have said number one is I'm grown I'm grown I'm gonna grow I'm 54 I'm a grown man I don't have to get invited permission just say anything I'm grown you don't add no an adult what about this what about that I'm I'm grown I have children and grandchildren I pastor a church I have employees I went to school but my answer was with all due respect to Reverend barber and n-double-a-cp well I said was Reverend barber does not speak for me nor do I speak for him that's what I say they left that part off I guess you need to do something to sell papers but for the record if you think trying to keep this man look at that messed up neck this man out of the ladies bathroom you say that this is the new Jim Crow look at these black men being hung on the Jim Crow laws look at all these white folks smiling nobody went to jail look at this bus with all these empty seats but at the back is crowded with black folks standing because blacks couldn't sit at the front under Jim Crow he made woman of the year I wonder if he made with all these reps on his back man of the year look at look at this he can go in any restroom he wants to a man but here the colored look at the colored water fountain a mess and filthy and look at the brand-new white one and that black man had to drink out of this dirty water fountain because he knew he could not walk over now it's there's only one pipe the pipe is one pipe that connect both fountains one time but the white man's fountain had to be modern and clean and the black man's fountain had to be a fountain of antiquity and dirty now if you believe that fighting against this is the new Jim Crow then there's something wrong with you they have called this this fight the new Jim Crow under Jim Crow a black man could not cut a white woman's hair on a Jim Crow a black black folk couldn't could not dedicate a baseball field within two blocks two to three blocks of a white baseball field on the Jim Crow if the circus came to town they had to have two lines because whites and blacks couldn't go in the same line under Jim Crow black people were dehumanized we were treated like chattel we were we were not considered as human this was a uglier time in our history I got a question well how many transgenders Allen have been home how many people say to this man who made manatee in and got the espy award that's been watered ain't nothing who is nothing who have tried to hit him fight it you know what he got he got a TV show out to deal and millions of dollars Black's didn't get this oh no this is not fighting this is not the new Jim Crow this is a shame on you Loretta Lynch for saying for using Jim Crow and this fight in the same sentence this man should not be allowed in a woman's restroom and ladies if you are married to a man who think that this man should be able to go in there when you are in private behind closed doors doing your business in a vulnerable position if your man agrees with that you need to check your man because that's someone with your man because a natural man a natural man Ingle stand for know stuff like that praise a lot so Johnson not you praise the Lord not the readers of this paper not anybody tells me what I can and cannot say that was a ton of african-americans I said at the press conference we are not a monolithic group we are allowed to think for ourselves and my mind tells me based on this book that man should go to the men's room and women to the women's room
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 9,098
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Id: uqfGWvpwy54
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Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2016
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