Bishop Wooden Preaches // "The Glorious Light of God's Truth"

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[Music] I want to preach today from this subject the glorious light of God's truth the glorious light of God's truth as unto a light that shine a--the in a dark place till the Sun comes up and lights up the place once the Sun comes up you won't need a light because the Sun will illuminate everything but until then you need a light a flashlight or some type of light to see in that dark place till the Sun comes so you are to take heed to the gospel as it is a light like it is a light that shining in a dark room in a dark cave in a dark crevice in something dark until the Sun comes up then you're able to see the glorious light of God's true father bless us now as we preach the word of the Lord may we preach it with power and authority in Jesus name may we do no damage to your word but preach that which become if sound doctrine and gospel in Jesus name a man as unto a light that shine is in a dark place if you wouldn't hurt the production and brethren don't do it I'd have you to turn all the lights off and then turn them back on don't do it but as unto a light that shine is in a dark place allow me to begin this message by saying this and but let me say something else before I say what I was about to say the glorious light of God's truth that I'm speaking of is the Bible the Bible that book that you have right there in your lap or whatever hopefully you brought your Bibles to church but if you however you have the word of the Lord the Bible is the light God's glorious light that shines in this dark world I say this the Bible simplifies life that's why the devil don't want you to read it and it most certainly don't want you to little bite and he most certainly don't want you to hear it preached so sharing with me that they got an edict the other day from corporate America where one of the corporations are saying among the things that you can't talk about while on the job even if I is about the Bible and religion and Christianity one of the one of the movements behind this is that Satan knows that when this thing is spoken it cannot be communicated and be resisted if it is allowed to be communicated somebody is going to come to Jesus they may not come that day they may not come that hour but that word is going to germinate in them it's the great effort on behalf of the devil to keep God's truth from being heard Satan doesn't mind preaching Satan doesn't mind teaching he just don't want us to preach and teach God's truth you can preach pop psychology you can preach and teach [Music] Black Liberation Theology you can preach and teach a lot of the thing a lot of the things that you hear being preached and talk today and Satan is not moved at all but it doesn't want the Bible to be preached and taught the Bible says this about life in proverbs chapter 13 and verse 15 it says good understanding giveth favor that his discernment brings favor it it adds to one's social standing a man being learned college students and learning to discern and to develop insight and to be wise in your decision makings adds to your social standing good understanding giveth favor but the way of the transgressor is hard treachery double-dealing being underhanded makes life ha word hard here carries the idea of swimming upstream some people's whole life is characterized by swimming upstream bless you Carol because they won't do right just won't it just got to always try to bend the rules always try to be a slickster always trying to take some sort of shortcut always something always an angle a game people like that doesn't you don't realize that you make your own way is what the Bible says about life the Bible removes the gray in life and the Bible brings clarity to life it clears up a lot of things a lot of people are confused because they simply don't know what the Bible says a man they have challenges because they do not understand the scriptures let me say this about the Bible the Bible can be hard-hitting it can be quite compassionate but the Bible is always right the Bible God's truth both shows us the way and it reveals what's there hey man the lighted path or the light that the Bible gives is not a light that is whatever we want it to be the Bible shows us what's there what's there the pitfalls that exists not a fairy tale book Bible will show you that if you persist in certain behaviors if you are determined to live a certain kind of way the Bible will show you what will undoubtedly happen to you the Bible doesn't light up the road of life and all and just show you that life is a beautiful Street sometimes it shows you that there are some bad potholes in the road the Bible will show you whether bridge is oh yeah it's a it it shows us what's that a Bible we reveal wherever a relationship is worth your time or not the Bible that's the reason the devil don't want you to read it there's a reason he didn't want you to live by it as a reason he doesn't want you to hear him preach see people want to come up with their own philosophies their own definition of how life works and you can come up with your own but it's pseudo it's false it'll never pan out because indeed God's Word is going to speak and what the Lord says will be will be regardless to whatever philosophy you are I praise the Lord come up with or invent or imagine it doesn't matter in the end God's Word prevails as we embrace the Bible's teachings and concepts we see just how the Word of God enables us to navigate this life - as this I want you to turn with me to Psalms 119 and we're going to begin reading at the of the 119 'the song sums 119 and 105 reads as following thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path I have sworn and I will perform it that I will keep the righteous judgments I am afflicted very much quicken me notice where do the law doesn't keep afflictions away but God knows how to quicken you in the mists I am afflicted very much quicken me O Lord according to thy word except I beseech thee the freewill offerings of my mouth o Lord and teach me thy judgments my soul is continually in my hand that is my life is in constant danger yet do I not forget that law the wicked have laid a snare for me yet I erred that is I wondered not from the precepts that testimonies have are taken as a heritage forever for they are the rejoicing of my heart I have inclined mine heart that is I have resolved my heart to perform to obey thy statutes always even unto the end notice what he says about the word he says the word and verse 105 is a left to my feet and a light to my path I like what William Barclay had to say about this particular passage Dave William said this about the time of David writing David writing this Psalm he says we are not to picture a modern electric torch shining its light in a beam ahead in the darkness the lamp an Old Testament in Old Testament times was like a flattened teapot it carried one small wick which could only fluttered in the breeze as its light fell only one foot ahead in the darkness and as the pilgrim took one step forward so the light moved that much forward with you so it's not a flashlight in the Old Testament that you could see way down the road but a little like that only lit up the way one foot ahead as we move the light move as they moved the light moved with God's light Berkeley says does not destroy the darkness we cannot see into darkness so we cannot find a final answer to the problem of evil but the figure here is sufficient for faith God is with the pilgrim on his way excellence three and 12 says God says certainly I will be with thee God is with us and he's never more than one step I hear his word is a light lamp unto my feet and a light to my pathway in that something as we move the light moves with us follow me now the psalmist he hates every wrong path because if you look at verse 104 he says though my though thy precepts through excuse me thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way this man who hates every wrong path is thankful for God he's he's thankful to God for His Word verses 106 through 1:1 or 12 I just read shows that obedience to God's glorious life puts us on such a path that we can overcome any danger and dodge every trap thank you Jesus and walking in and we can walk in God's god-given heritage of joy righteous judgment is mentioned in verse 106 the word is mentioned in verse 107 judgments in verse 108 law in verse 109 precepts in verse 110 testimonies in verse 111 statutes in verse 112 these all synonyms for God's true or God's were a man verse 105 says thy word Oh God is a land whether you call it its judgments his truth his testimonies his precepts all of these are synonyms for the Bible and if we obey it the Bible takes us through everything and the Bible gives us joy and keeps us through life's challenges even in verse 142 of this song Psalm 19 it says this the righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law the Word of God is the truth in that good news also verse 140 of this same Psalm says thy word is pure that is the Bible has been tried refined and tested that word is pure therefore thy servant love it who here loves the Bible if you don't you should learn to for it is the only pure book in existence is the only book that have been tested and tried and have come out with complete victory the Bible is right you can apply to every hour and you should to every area of life lastly in this particular text verse 103 David says this about God's truth he says how sweet are thy words to my taste you see the exclamation point there yay sweeter than honey to my mouth the Bible is something I know I said I won't let psalm 119 go but if you look at verse 97 through 100 you y'all let me read these three he says oh how the law it is my meditation all the day long it is what I mused about this is what I think about it is what I go over in my mind be careful with all these video games all this television all this time on your smartphones all the time you spend on Facebook and everywhere else learn to invest time in God's Word learn to read it and think about it the word Selah in the Bible it's not to be spoken but it means think about it see some of us read the Bible but we read to get through well I better read something cause the pastor might say something to me if I don't know you got to read the word to learn what's in it he said all hi I love that long it is my meditation o the day thou through thy Commandments has made me look at this wiser than mine enemies for they are ever with me the Bible makes you smarter than your enemies who are trying to bring you down he says I have more understanding than all my teachers for our testimonies are my meditation I understand more than the ancients because I kept the precepts be careful of some of these so-called community leaders who come to you and try to hijack you with all back teachings don't let nobody sell you on the five percenters don't let nobody sell you on these strange doctrines and teachers don't let anybody sell you on some ancient Egyptian religion why would I serve a god from Egypt when the god of Moses defeated all of the Egyptian gods see a lot of times I'm just gonna say this see some of these things that angle on some of these are to try to make your color your skin color a religion our blackness is not a religion it is not just as that Aryans were wrong to assume that they were superior because they were white we were wrong to assume that our skin tone is a religion so mama fanon hard I guess we got Amen I wonder what you know back in the day when they didn't have air conditioners on I wonder how they make it now use just so much not every time to turn over oh I love you all I know you love me I know you pray for me but you know they're always trying to people always trying to criticize you now the media who knows more and more and I speak with a from a position of strength because I've dealt with the media I've dealt with the media one of my friends told me when they said we don't see you in the news as much as we used to what happened I said when I began to take them as they take me they stopped interviewing me but when I would interview them and just let them do the taping they would take the interview and splice it and make it say whatever they wanted well we send people to the website and show the whole interview and so then they said well now we can't you who's him the media has tried to do in the primaries suggest that somehow black folk are somewhat behind that we have not evolved and developed like white people in that we even black Democrats would not vote nor support booty change because he was married to a man and he's an open homosexual and the black community has not caught up yet and they still have a problem with this [Applause] [Applause] Amos and I pray that we if that's behind I don't know if I should use that word if that is our being backwards then lord please leave us backwards amen they're saying we're backwards because we agree with God on the issue of marriage and human sexuality because we we're so dumb to believe that a man should marry a woman and that praise the Lord that homosexuality is wrong and and that you know it shouldn't have anything to do with whether or not you support him you you you have to weigh a person's judgment see because if he believed that that's all right I don't care how care how clean-cut he may have presented himself trying to look like a homosexual virgin version of Obama clean-cut articulate and married to a man you ain't clean Mary to no man another clean about that and thank God for them black folk down in South Carolina they sent him packing them and the party trying to get rid of all Sanders and so I praise the my community for being backwards like that and I know that white folk who back was like that also but you talk about the media the way they if it wasn't a compliment to it you know he can't he can't get african-american support because african-americans have not evolved on the issue of homosexuality I pray that we don't and those who have you haven't evolved you devolve you you've gone backwards you you go down you've lost your mind it's a wicked godless lifestyle now if I could just get us on board with the sanctity of life now but got one if we could just check this other box you know look I'm gonna preach and I got to go to Asheville in a few minutes Asheville Asheville Asheville but let me the 2020 presidential candidate spoke Thursday at a town hall in South Carolina where he discussed how populations in developed countries have declined and proposed funding programs that help women spur economic growth and as a reason why the population in developed countries have declined the main reason is because what this candidate is for was killing the population and it's not the coronavirus that's a that is a media driven story I'm not saying that it's not real and by the way Saints if you have a cold you know you got a cold and you know you make coffee don't shake people's hands you know people don't know just tell them I got a cold you know just they just you know just feel don't smile whatever save your neighbor I'm not gonna ask you to shake your neighbors hey you know sometimes we get the preaching grab your neighbor by the hand now folks look at the neighbors at the end then you have coronavirus the reason I call it I'm a reason I call it a media driven story every year in this country between twenty to sixty thousand people die from from the flu every year and I think so far in Corona there's been 14 to 16 deaths and the overwhelming majority of people were elderly and they had underlining conditions and so this is a media driven thing because it's design they are politicizing a condition a man and we're praying and and thank God that you came to church and I'm so glad nobody's setting up in here with a mask on but if you're sick stay home and and if you you know your Jojo just some I told me in one day I've reached out to a pastor I don't want to touch you guys I've had a bad call said thank you I don't say come on in no thank you this is my tool I need to say ma'am but what's killing the population was hurting us in developed countries it's what we fight every Saturday and every week in this church abortion an audience member attending the town hall asked Joe Biden what he would do to empower women in poor countries to address over population what would you do to empower women to address all the population and everybody who talks about the overpopulation they never offered themselves up to help fix the problem so we got too many people I don't know oh no it's all it's always someone else since now its overpopulation when it's someone else it's its proper population when it's you the hypocrisy of the argument so so over poverty empower women in poor countries to address overpopulation another serious issue is overpopulation the audience members say the majority of the world's population growth takes place in the poorest countries in the world we countries that feel with brown and doston people yes admit it am i right and I'm not I'm not I'm not giving a dog whistle I'm talking playing have you have you know something how many people knocking here dog whistles it must not be a dog was used to be it was a dog was only the dog could hear it not everything's a double question so how did the human beings develop the ability to hear dog whistles I'm gonna treat you in a minute but I I'm headed somewhere it takes me a minute to get there because I'm slow like that but I want to take the audience along with me so these the poorest poorest countries in the world where women aren't being empowered what will you do to help empower women in the world's poorest countries iDEN reportedly explained that he strongly opposes the United States contributions he strongly opposes limiting United States contributions to organizations that provide women's health alternatives for choice so the first place he goes to empowering women is to abortion our world is wicked the first place you go to empowering women in poor countries the first thing you mentioned is killing babies as I'm going to empower you by killing your see what kind of power was that he said I strongly oppose the limitations on the ability for the United States to contribute to organization and country in these countries that in fact provide women's health alternatives for chores by them said we should in that limitation he added it's called the Mexico the New Mexico act named New Mexico because it was signed into law by President Bush in New Mexico keeps America from providing paying for abortions overseas as soon as Clinton got in he earned did he did away with the New Mexico City and when his reign was over Bush signed it back into law what his reign was over Obama did away with it when his reign was over Trump signed it back into law it prevents our country from paying for abortions overseas so this man is campaigning saying if I get in I'll overturn it again and the way we empower women in poor countries poor countries see and think about this when this man stands up and says this this is all white man standing up with a mix artist mainly black offering the extermination of people who look like them if they both for him and the roles applaud him that's heavy heavy that I've said it is heavy that they did it I'm just reporting on you don't look it up for the new googling I just described to you what that that we are that we view empowering women you empower women by killing babies and what does that have to do with a the Bible says that children are a heritage from the Lord according to the Bible you don't empower a woman by killing that children when Jesus was born it brought to pass the prophecy that Jeremiah Jeremiah said that will come a day when Rachel would be weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they were not when Jesus was born King Herod to kill the baby Jesus killed every child from two years old on down trying to kill Jesus and a cry went out throughout all Jerusalem throughout all Israel Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they were not oh I hear I hear my critics I hear them wouldn't leave religion out of it you always bring religion into it I don't bring religion into it I bring God's truth into it Bible says and all that ways acknowledge him and he will direct that path the word acknowledge means in everything you do acquire his knowledge acquire his position find out what God thinks about the thing how many ways in our that's politics sports entertainment clothing jobs who to marry whether to marry Oh everything you do I feel the Holy Ghost God says that's my opinion ask me for direction that's part of the problem right now we we don't ask God most of us those of us who are in a bad wreck we're in the rut because we ask God after we soak the Lord after we jump fallen oh god help me you should have asked God before you jumped you seek the Lord before you leap you seek the Lord before you buy you seek the Lord before you say I do you seek the Lord before you even cast that vote you seek the Lord you find out what the issues are and you find out what the Bible says you can't don't you act don't you give any credence to any organization any that any that contradicts the Bible in double-a-c-p or any of the rest of if they go against God's Word you stand with God's Word don't go with the Republicans don't go to them God don't go but anybody who goes against the glorious light of God's truth do you still believe that the Bible simplifies life oh it does I'm gonna preach to you and then take my flight because I don't know how to like the way you all us amen I told you in the opening of this message sometimes the Bible is a problem boom sometimes it's compassion according to our text in our text first Peter excuse me second Peter chapter 16 chapter 1 excuse me verse 16 through 21 I'm so ahead of myself today before we deal with the text the 14th verse tells us something in this chapter he says this he says knowing that shortly and must put off my tabernacle put off this my tabernacle even as the Lord Jesus have showed me the text revealed that Peter knew that for him death was around the call that time was running out the Apostle Peter was martyred at the age of 65 Jesus told him around the age of 21 jesus said this to Peter in John's Gospel chapter 21 in verse 18 jesus said verily verily I say unto thee when thou wast young thou Gerdes thyself and walked whether thou wouldest but when thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth thine hands signifying how he would die they would be crucified and another shall gird thee and carry thee whether thou wouldest not Peter was around 21 when Jesus in John 12 and 18 made this prediction the Apostle Peter when Jesus first met him they called him according to John's Gospel chapter one and verse 41 Peter was at least follow me now 18 years old how do you know that he was at least 18 for the reason I know is that he was married and a matter of fact he was the only disciple of the twelve who was married and the Jewish male was expected by 18 to have a wife we know in Matthew's Gospel that Peter was married because the Bible speaks of how jesus healed Peters mother-in-law her means is Mary right and so the average age of the disciples when they walked with Jesus believe it or not they were between 15 and 18 years of age see the culture was different then she had become a man fast the way the culture is now at 40 you not I mean notice notice notice all of the understanding and the consideration that you have to give there is 50 year-old but by the age of 18 Peter was a married young man trees wooden Jewish males if they did not submit to a rabbi and become his student were expected to between 15 and 18 to get a job as an apprentice either in their father's business or in business for themselves we know that the disciples were apprentice they were fishermen they worked for the day they had their own business and Peter was married so you put them between 15 and 18 Peter over 18 because he was mad he followed Jesus for three years the text that I just read from to you where Jesus prophesied in John's Gospel chapter 21 and verse 18 was after the Lord had been resurrected from the day so this is now this puts Peter around 21 Jesus tells him the day will come that ah they don't carry you and you're going to be crucified when you die 41 years later Peter writes knowing that I must put I must put off this tabernacle the Lord said gave him 41 years between the time he told him and time that it came to pass what are you gonna do with your time no none of us know how much time we're had I tell you one thing Peter made full use of this time didn't it oh my he hit the ground running and and knows what he said he says in verse 15 he says mova I will endeavour that ye may be able after my deceased after they kill me I'm making every effort that you may be able after my decease to have these things always and remembers I'm doing everything I can even though my time is almost up to make sure that when I'm gone you'll remember lord have mercy he's thinking perpetuity he's saying I want the ministry to continue he makes he's working with diligence that after even after he's gone the church will still be strengthened and he says I want you to remember these things what things do you want me them to remember Peter Peter might have been referring to the Gospel of Mark theologians know this that mark was called Peters interpreter that is the Gospel of Mark was based on Peters account praise know what Peter saw Jesus do what Peter heard Jesus do Peter told mark and Mark based on Peters eyewitness account wrote the book of Mark Peter said I want you to remember this and he possibly may have been referencing his own writings first Peter was already in existence when he wrote of course second Peter and here's the thing uh parole and those who are streaming he says I want you to remember oh listen this will this do it this will do us no good if we don't remember it when it when it when it matters you got to remember this stuff that's why when you come to church you gotta pay attention they go home and study in because if you forget it and in the time of trouble it won't profit you any if you fail to remember the scriptures in the time of hardship it won't pop it won't help you you have to remember you know most of us most of us remember what we should forget and we forget what we should remember you should always remember what the Bible says Peter says I want you to remember this I will remember this I won't be with you always but remember I remember the things that old eternal has said to me I remember the gospel I remember I remember and in times of trouble that's when you really have to remember are you praying for me and he says in verse 16 in our text he says for we have not followed cunningly devised fables notice he says here for we hear Peter links himself with the other apostles and he certifies pay attention to this that their message is based on their eyewitness experiences own the experiences that they had with Jesus and oh gods attestation of Jesus Christ he said what we've been telling you is not a cleverly devised famous fable that is it is not an invented story the gospel is not a myth it's not something made up praise the Lord Bible is not a book of fables and it certainly or not it's not fables about false gods the Bible is real it's a disgrace that Jesus has to share Christmas with a fable it's a disgrace that the resurrection have to be shared with a fable a bunny rabbit is a fable and we speak of the two some churches have Easter egg hunts you mix fables with God's truth you have a Christmas program and put a big Santa Clause up well what about the Christmas tree the first Christmas tree was called a Christmas tree the history of the Christmas tree is that the Christmas tree told the story of Jesus Christ we just got to go back to putting the right decorations on the tree is supposed to tell the story of the life of Jesus Christ amen thank God for silver bells but it's supposed to tell the story about Jesus Christ we're mixing faith with God's true Peter said we have not given you cunningly devised fables we didn't make this thing up say it is likely that there were false teachers there who claimed that the message of the incarnation of Christ Christ's coming into flesh the resurrection of Christ God raised in Jesus from the dead the coming kingdom that Christ will bring that there are those who said that the apostles made this up and that they fabricated the stories and that the whole thing is a made-up lie Peter said for we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord that is the incarnation and the fact that Jesus is coming back and how God raised Jesus from the dead Peter said we didn't make this up but we saw it when it happened but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty we were there you know Peter James and John was taken with Jesus in Matthew's Gospel chapter 17 on the Mount of Transfiguration and while they were up there Jesus transfigured right before them he began to shine like the Sun Matthew chapter 17 verse 1 says and after six days Jesus taketh Peter James and John his brother and bringing them up and to a high mountain apart and was transfigured before them all he crowed beyond the majesty of the Sun the power the light the beams of light the glory that came from him it was so powerful that the only word that can be used to describe it was the word Transfiguration that means he changed into another form his glory was released lord have mercy his face did shine as the Sun and his raiment was white as the light even his clothes lit up his face lit up my god he he fulfilled Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 that says that Jesus is the Express image of God the Father he didn't look like a natural man there he looked like Jehovah shined like the Sun and while shiny like that the Bible says and behold there appeared unto them Moses and Elijah talking with him ain't that something whoa they showed up and standing there talking with glorify Jesus then answered Peter and said unto Jesus which he should have said anything I don't know how shaped his lips was that word Lord it is good for us to be here so people don't know when it's best to say nothing everything don't know don't deserve a comment Lord it is good for us to be here if I will let us make here three Tabernacles thank God that they didn't do that one for me one for Moses and one for Elijah and while he yet spake the Bible says behold a bright cloud overshadowed them while Jesus is shining like the Sun Moses any light you're standing there and Peter talking too much a great cloud overshadowed them and a voice a voice out of him out of the cloud the voice spoke which said this is my beloved son speaking about Jesus in whom I am well pleased then he said hear ye him translated in the modern language Peter shut up hear him and when the disciples heard it they fell on their faces and was so afraid praise the Lord and Jesus came and touched them and said arise be not afraid and when they had lifted up their eyes they saw no man Elisha was gone Moses were gone save Jesus only this is the event that Peter is writing about said this took place when I was between 18 in 21 years of age he said I saw it we will own the hold him out and we heard this voice speak we experienced this he's going by personal experience to have anybody here today who have any personal experiences can you testify and give it anecdotal testimony or what the Lord have done in your life I have personal testimonies I'll tell you right now he laid his hands on me or I can tell you I can take you back to the day and I can take you back to the hour when the Lord touched me with his holy power I can tell you what he did for me last week I have I have stories to tell that's one thing I love about being saved God gives you experiences well I never experienced anything I ain't never felt another hand saved you yet but when you get saved just know that the Lord will give you personal experiences why you'll be able to tell people you can't make me doubt I know too much about it I remember in my early walk that was a man who came to me and said I'm gonna show you a flaw or era that's in the back and what he was trying to do was define the scripture where Paul says when he was riding to Damascus and he fell from the horse and how he he heard a voice and and how Jesus spoke to him and one text talks about how Peter Paul her divorce and how did the cypress hurt it but they saw no man and how Paul said they saw not that they heard not divorce of him that spoke to me so they the guy was a legend that there is a conflict in the Bible and I hadn't been saved very long and I knew while he was standing there trying to find it and it's just like the Holy Ghost he didn't let him find it I can find it and show it to you it's not a conflict at all it's just a different way that he worded the same thing he didn't say that they didn't hear God he said they didn't hear the voice of him that spoke to him that was a conversation that the Lord had with Paul and that he didn't have with them but the light shined from heaven and him not Paul off of his horse let me tell you what I had concluded done even while he was trying to find it I thought about what the Lord had done for me I thought about the touch that I had gotten that Sunday morning I thought about the jaw that had thought my soul so I said to myself if he comes up with something I'll just wait until I can find the other turn and talk with him because one thing I know whatever he said I know that my God is real for I can feel him down in my soul I know he's real don't have anybody here who knows he's real you know through personal experience you know through the Lord laying his hands on you you felt his touch if you felt his touch let me hear you give God praises in the name of Jesus don't you touch him don't you touch nobody but look at your neighbor and say he ladies zone man he touched me he just said I saw him I was there but I thank God that that ain't all he had Heda said not only did we not make this up we didn't make up the Incarnation we didn't make up the stories about the resurrection Peter said but we saw him we were eyewitnesses to his glory but that he knows he goes to the next level he goes to the written word of God in verse 19 he says and we have also a more sure word of prophecy look at this we have a more sure word of prophecy that is we have the words of the prophets made more certain here he's referencing the Old Testament Alleluia the point that he's making is that the Old Testament was written by what Jesus did and Jesus the Old Testament strengthened Jesus and Jesus added authenticity to the Old Testament because he came and he fulfilled everything that was written because Jesus came the Bible is reliable the Old Testament pointed to the Messiah that he would be born of a virgin that he will live a sinless life that he would be crucified and that on the third day that God would raise him from the dead hallelujah the Old Testament prophesied that he will because we born in Bethlehem the Old Testament prophesied that he'd be called out of Egypt the Old Testament prophesied that he would bear griefs and carried our sorrows whoa Testament prophesied that that would come one who would happy just like Moses but he would be the son of God the Old Testament prophesied and said unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and he shall be called wonderful mighty counselor the mighty God the everlasting father and the Prince of Peace and it said of his kingdom there shall be no in ya when Jesus was born he four filled all of the promises that was kept so Jesus and in credibility to the Old Testament New Testament only that Jesus so Peter said we not only have a personal experience but there's a written word to back us up I don't just have a testimony but I've got Matthew Mark Luke and John I have the epistles I had the revelation I have the songs I had the Pentateuch I have the old and the New Testament aren't you glad for God's Word aren't you glad that you have that Bible and you have no experience it'll let you know but if you just stay with God the word of God your Holy Word I'm gonna do in the name of Jesus right now and begin to just begin to shout all is well [Music] hallelujah right here that here would be a good place to tell you to have somebody bow to him but don't grab him just look at me and said you better do it you better obey God's Word you better obey you better get it right you better do it do you want to be successful do you want to be happy do you want to come out on top do you want to live do you want to be anointed do you want to be blessed don't listen to the shyster don't listen to an ayah don't listen to that guy Eamon you better obey the Word of God because everything's going down but the Word of God how should we obey the word follow it like a light shining in a dark place this is our evil world this is a mean world but all I'm glad that the light of the Lord keeps on shining we used to sing Jesus is the light light up the world he's forever shining in my soul whoa Jesus it's the light here's the way out he's the way through he's the way out he's the way over just live for him just our BAM we'll be all right if you obey the law God will I feel my help here you say if you are bad somebody shout right now oh I feel somebody trying to resist about trying to resist God but resist him to resist him is to walk in darkness the wild is dark and the Bible says this is the condemnation that light has come into the world and mean choose darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil it's time to come out of the dark it's sad to walk in the light it's time to enjoy Jesus it's sad to have your power it's time to show the devil that you can do it because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world I'm gonna obey the word of God for he says right here knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation you know what he's doing here he's going back to the original argument and that is that we didn't make it up we didn't make it up it's not about private interpretation that ain't where we got it from this ain't Santa Claus this a ds2 Bunny this ain't Halloween this ain't Kwanzaa it ain't some made-up thing but this is real it's real why did you get it from Holland man later out as they was moved by the Holy Ghost that Bible is the Word of God you know Helia it will delay it was such a free you just got to follow you got to tell the Lord where you lead I will follow I'll go with you [Music] [Music] somebody praise the Lord right now for his glorious world [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this world with all that's going on there's a way through there's a remedy there's a solution there's a way out it's God's Word it's God's Word it's God's Word if you're not living the Bible you're walking in darkness if you operate in agreements that that contradict the Bible you're walking in darkness if you've decided that you won't do your own thing you're walking in darkness and you will lose you will lose even if you don't lose until you die you're gonna lose even if it works until you breathe your last breath remember the other side is forever this side is temporary the other side it's forever any way you look at it this life thank God without the light that Peter speaks to is a much stronger light then what David spoke to and Psalm 105 because what Peter speaks speaking of now is a torch it's a torch light and it had them torches when David wrote that but it's a torch light and when you turn that torch on and you push that torch out there it lights up the world it lights up the land it lights up the terrain oh that's a 50-foot drop there I didn't see it but the light showed it to me let me go this way oh my god there's a snake over there I thought that I wouldn't have I would have walked I would have walked up on him but the light lit it up a torch lit path hallelujah it's all kinds of pitfalls but the Bible shows you the way if you follow it if you obey it's the key to getting through all of life's obstacles school life marriage sickness pain death sorrow there's a lie and we got to promote the light tell the people about the light Thank You sis waiting for preaching the light let the light shine around the world glory to God I'm glad that I had this [Applause] I'm glad I wonder where I would be had I not saw the light what would have became what would I have done had I not followed the light glory to God now I tell you my mind is made up to just follow this light how many got your mind made up today and following this light whoa the altars open pray for me pastor I want to follow the light the worldís there's all kind of questions all kinds of things I need the Lord to lead and guide me to help me navigate and get get a grip on life see I opened with the way of the transgressor being ha always swimming upstream God don't want you always swimming upstream it's his will it's his will to cause your life to flow like a mighty river downstream with the momentum if I'm talking to you come quickly come quickly hold up hold up hold up oh you even bound so just hold up the line let the light shine those were walled up alive wonderful Apple I owe you given bound soldiers [Music] though [Music] would that be another before we begin to pray thank you Jesus father in the name of Jesus your word Oh God your glorious word this word that has not been fabricated it's not a myth it's not what I think he's MSNBC news reporter Chuck Todd said he called the story of the wailed Jonah being swallowed by whale he called it a fairy tale Jesus reference Jonah Jesus endorsed that story and Jesus is Lord I take Jesus's word over Chuck Todd's word any day that's why I don't watch them shoulders I don't know why you get your news from anybody who who would tell you that they believe the Bible isn't a fairy tale there you sitting there watching it something wrong with you Father I'm trying to pray father father father we come before you right now in the name of Jesus your word is right and your word is the solution to everything that we face the Word of God your word your word the words in your word the stories that are contained in your word is right and a true and holy and then God our personal testimony you've touched us somebody on his altar needs another touch from you though in the name of Jesus father we ask that you would do it we ask that you would do it for your glory and do it for your honor in the name of Jesus we were built the devil right now Satan the Lord rebuking the Lord rebuke you right now this is not made up this is the Word of God the Bible is not some myth it's the Word of God and we stayed on God's holy word in the name of Jesus we stand on God holy word in the name of Jesus we stand on God's holy word in the name of Jesus take your call us what they want to they can label us but we stay on God holy words in the name of Jesus now father break it real Oh God Oh God you know what is needed you know what each person's come for God do it on this altar in the name of Jesus restore the backslider strengthen the weak heal the sick strengthen the feeble minded in the name of Jesus swithin the feeble needs God meet every need God give us to be steadfast steadfast steadfast in Jesus in your name we pray in the name of Jesus thank God a man and a man would you give the Lord praises [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 3,139
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Id: V9AkFOfFDts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 59sec (5099 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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