Bishop Wooden Preaches // "Blind Watchmen, Dumb Dogs"

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[Music] I want to preach from this tenth verse from this subject blind watchman dumb dogs blind watchman dumb dog I hope that don't upset your sensibilities I just read it in the Bible father bless us now maybe we do no damage to your word but preach that which become if sound doctrine and gospel in Jesus name a man blind watchman dumb dogs can you say Amen this message today is about the seemingly increasing blindness that is taking place all over the body of Christ one of the things that's accounting for the blindness is that we made a mistake and we began to allow the world to interpret scripture to us in times past until recently the most impoverished scripture in the Bible the most popular were John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son oh so believes that him should not perish but have everlasting life and Psalms 23 and 1 the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not more god bless mother Moscow so good to see you mother so good to see you today praying for you the 23rd psalm the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want that those scriptures have been surpassed by Matthew's Gospel chapter 7 and verse 1 it's the new most popular scripture in the Bible is George not that you be not judged even those who can't find it quoted but they I said and not executed when Jesus was talking in the Sermon on the Mount he was not speaking about against it wasn't prohibiting making judgments you can't live without making judgments you can't live without having the ability to discern between right and wrong that's what a judgment is that's actually that's what discrimination is every so - Islam against discrimination discrimination is wrong discrimination is not wrong discrimination on basis of race is wrong but you discriminate every time you choose Kroger over harris-teeter a food line instead of a and P you go to the righty if he's going in well I started to say winn-dixie bottle okay they're helping me by Oh Piggly Wiggly IG but you you know it is it is the ability to choose and what has happened is because we've been so afraid of being accused of being judgmental which is to come to a conclusion without knowing the facts you're judgmental when you look at me and assume things about me without knowing me that's being judgmental I was at the hospital one day it visited someone on my way out I stopped by the men's room and I was standing at the urinal they're in the bathroom I've got to tell you that points are your lung saying what I'm saying and a white gentleman walked in with his grandson and as I was standing there the grandchild looked at me pointed up at me and he said grandpa a criminal you know I couldn't move look back I said what did he say the child meant no harm the child had been conditioned by its parents to assume that everybody who looks like me is a criminal now you have to you won't like this part you have to give them a little bit of credit though because you go by the news well you see a steady parade of folk looking like us doing dumb criminal things behavior creates stereotypes but he he judged me that's either he didn't know that I'm a man of God but to him that was equivalent so for fear of being like the little boy who pointed at the preacher and said a criminal we are losing our ability to make judgments and you've got to be able to make judgments one of the worst judgments that you can ever make is to conclude to come to the conclusion that you don't judge anything that is in itself a judgement to conclude that you do not judge is a judgement so you're saying that you're wiser than God for God have determined that certain acts to be wrong certain acts to be right certain behaviors to be good certain behaviors to be bad if you then decide that they're theirs there are no distinctions in behavior and nothing is worthy of either being right or wrong then you have put yourself place yourself on a higher level than God and you have made a judgment that you will never live up to because you can't live without being able to decide whether deeds are good or bad and people who say I don't judge I don't make any judgments I have any opinion on that let somebody cut line in front of them let them go to a restaurant and don't get the service that they deserve you know what they do they make judgments hmm so many there's an increasing blindness because we're trying to get rid of or let go of moral issues right and wrong too many preachers are becoming motivational speakers and the church services one that's just designed to encourage you make you feel better about yourself whether you should feel better about yourself or not in Isaiah chapter 30 and verse 10 I'm off in the wings a little bit here but it makes the point the bible says speaking of the rebellious children of israel verse 10 says which say to the seers see not and to the prophets prophesy not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceit they says don't preach right that is don't preach ethics don't preach about ethical things don't deal with issues of right and wrong don't deal with doctrinal issues don't deal with issues that govern our behavior but instead prophesy unto us smooth things that is preached flattering things to us preach complimentary things preach comforting things and in the attempt today to be a comfort many of us today are blind more to the point is also it is about the constantly increasing lack of willingness in church in the Church of church leaders today to this message deal with the lack of willingness with church leaders to speak up and be the gatekeepers that God have called us to be it is harder and harder to find the preacher who will preach God's truth and believe it or not Saints people want to hear the word of God amen believe it or not there will always be an appetite for God's truth the Prophet ain't Amos said this about people after God says he was going to send a famine he said this about people's response to the famine for the word of the Lord he says and they shall wander from sea to sea and from the North even to the east and they show on to and fro to seek the word of the Lord and shall not find it as Amos chapter 8 in verse 12 that is they will run to and fro from the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea from the north to the east literally all throughout Israel's territory to hear the word of the Lord to hear a word of explanation a word of forgiveness a word of Correction a word of hope people want to hear God's truth well in a time where many voices speak for God but few speak God's truth they're not speaking from God they claim to speak for him but they're not telling the truth they stand behind podiums we call preachers but they're not speaking the Word of God as I've said before it is the will of Satan to silence God's preacher to silence the man or the woman of and our text describes the worst situation for a church leader and that is for that leader to be blind and blind and dumb that's that's that's the pitch that's that's the worst jesus said this in Matthew's Gospel chapter 15 verse 12 and down it says then came his disciples and said unto Him knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended after they heard this Jesus preached and the Pharisees who were members of the Sanhedrin who were the religious leaders of that day the word Pharisee literally means separated ones righteous ones these these righteous separated Pharisees when they heard Jesus preach instead of saying a man they got offended so the disciples came to Jesus said do you not know that you you offended the Pharisees our Lord's reply was an interesting one jesus said unto them verse 13 every plan which my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be uprooted and then the Lord said you know what you know what he actually said don't you the Lord says then I they're not even a part of God's kingdom anyway he denied that the father had ever even planted them even though they were Pharisees and all of their religious God and they were supposed to be the righteous leaders of the day but when they rejected Jesus's message and they rejected God's truth Jesus says the reason they rejected my truth is because I the father have never planted them in the first place in an amazing a number of church leaders who disagree with God then the next verse says Jesus didn't say win them to the Lord Jesus says leave him alone let them for the Bo English for they are blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind then both shall fall into the ditch a blind church leader is a bad thing a man too blind to see too blind to discern danger therefore dumb that is mute because they don't see it then they can't give the warning so blind that they don't see what Satan is doing so that fall they don't warn you of what Satan is doing they're too blind to see what God is doing therefore they don't tell you what God is doing people can't tell you about that which they haven't seen and they don't know amen I cannot warn you of a danger that I do not see nor can I tell you of a blessing that I have not heard about these leaders were blind therefore they were dumb they were mute matthew henry said this they barked at god's prophets bite them and worried the sheep but made no opposition to the wolf or the thief i've said this before it is more popular today for preachers to preach against preachers who preach the truth than it is for preachers to preach against sin i have received much persecution for agreeing with God from preachers and yet these same preachers when it comes to people who are committing sins and acts that God says is wrong they look at them and who am out of jail but will say about the preacher who preaches the scripture he is too judgmental or he's too hard these blind leaders said nothing to warn the people about the wolves that were coming they had nothing to say about the wolves but they had a whole lot to say against the prophet Isaiah oh man someone else said this Watchmen were supposed to keep the wild animals away from the crops but these Watchmen the ones of our Tech's Israel's leaders were ineffective silent mute dogs and asleep this comment made by the Holman Christian Study Bible priests and prophets in the Bible will often call watchmen hear me today the God of the Bible said this to the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 God says this son of man I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel therefore he the watchman look at this the watchman has to be able to watch but it has to be able to hear as a matter of fact the watchman was so trained in their hearing skills that they could determine the difference by hearing in an approaching army or enemy and an approaching animal they were trained seers and listen watchman he says I have made you a watchman therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me watchman were lookups they watched for approaching danger they were posted on high police's and such as roofs of gate houses and they were placed on towers the Watchmen were elevated so that they could see things that the people could not see would you turn quickly with me to Ezekiel chapter 33 and I want to show you this in verse 1 of the 33rd chapter of the book of the prophet Ezekiel it says again the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man speak to the children of thy people say unto them when I bring a sword upon the land if the people of the land take take a man of their coasts the man needs to be one of them and set him fought their Watchmen if when he see the sword come upon the land he blow the trumpet and warn the people then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet and taketh not warning if the sword come and take him away his blood shall be upon his own head he heard the sound of the trumpet and took not the warning his blood shall be upon him but if he but he that taketh warnings shall deliver his soul but if the watchman see the sword come and blow not the trumpet and the people be not warned and if the sword comes and take away any person from among them he is taken away in his iniquity but his blood will I require at the hand of the watchman at the watchman's hand so Val Oh son of man I have set V a watchman unto the house of Israel therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth and warn them from me I am the watchman here this is why I warn you the way that I do see God sets the watchman is why no one in the church should try to match sites with the watchman because you're not on the time you're not on the tower no matter what position you hold you're not on the time you can't see that's why when the watchman sound there long your job is to respond so that you can save yourself a ton and not try to take the trumpet out my hand not trying to change my mind but thank God for the watchman and don't you know at times don't you know during those times there were times when the watchman blew the trumpet at times when it was not convenient they had a picnic schedule they had a service schedule they had this schedule they had that schedule somebody was getting ready to get married and all of a sudden the watchman Bulls the trumpet the guy said this can't be happening I'm getting ready to get married folks that wedding is over the watchman have sound the alarm so we must adjust to save our life and then there were times when people paid no attention to the watchman and they were destroyed but no blood was on the watchman saying I don't want your blood oh my when I stand before God I want to be able to say Lord I told them Lord I said it some said amen some said oh me some left the church someone's called me a great preacher and Lord some called me a low-down dirty dog but I said I sound there long once I've done that I've done what the Lord have required of me to do the watchman came it steep for you watchman can't run for you the watchman is not even responsible for how people respond to the warning he's just called to give it as you can see among the duties of the watchman was to wait and watch for what God would give in a command or in a warning our job is to see what God has to say about a thing another duty of the watchman was to watch over and superintend to people are you praying for me as to another duty was to warn the people of God Watchmen therefore could not be lazy nothing as bad as a lazy preacher could not be lazy can't love II I don't like lazy preachers all they do is eat stomach steady getting bigger don't appear to have any discipline in life whatsoever this is not good the watchman had to be ready and the watchman could not love ease and the watchman could not be lovers of see I just read it into text they had everybody have to sleep but you don't want the watchman asleep when he's it's time to be watching Amen watchman's watched so that the people could sleep let me let me wrap this up because I think I'm getting a little bit too heavy for some and I'm challenging your sensibilities and I see you're reaching for your purse I see you grabbing your bow said man I think I'd better get out of here guys he's a little rough but I still don't like a lazy preacher I think it's bad for the professor a man we've got to be before the Lord on our posts souls at stake so many things are going on now so many things are going on so many things are going on who would have thought we'd ever see a presidential candidate man running for the office married to a man I don't know what's going on in our married to a man and getting big support hopefully nots nationwide but but at least in one state that ordered that with me that's ain't no point you saying anything else who this guy with you or that's my husband's who everything as you say to me is in a foreign language a man there's no way in this world there's no way in this world I would no way in as well just just no way we things things are happening but in in out X let me let me let me get to this and we're going home our text is filled with good news he starts out with God's promise of redemption but also Saints our duty to him as a result of that Redemption promise see in this day of unconditional love we have given the idea that the believer has no responsibilities and that we have no duty toward God that God is just going to bless you in half no matter what but if the Lord has something for you that is a duty that that that that accompanies of that Duty on our part that was a sudden response that that that the Lord is looking for from us that's something that he wants us to do as a result of the wonderful redemption that he's bringing our way see you can't work to be saved salvation is not of works but I'll tell you what we do have works because we are saved see my my good works don't save me but the good works followed they accompany in my salvation see we when people claim to be saved and they had changed nothing has happened nothing's changed they'd been saved yet because where you can save you'll get right oh I've been saved I've been saved thirty years and you still drinking and smoking no you had oh yeah you might have been religious thirty year but when Jesus saves you when Jesus saves you he saves you to bring you out forget save things change I can't get a man in here praise the Lord in this day say everything now is upon condition but I hear the Lord saying thus saith the Lord number one keep my judgments and do justice look at I'll do it so for my salvation is near to come and my righteousness to be revealed God's salvation my salvation my righteousness these terms were were terms in terms of prophecy it has to miss the Edit tone it deals dealt with deals with the salvation that Jesus was bringing a man and in real time it was dealing with God the deliverance from the Assyrians and Dillon dealing with the National deliverance that God would bring Israel but he speaks of his salvation and notice what he says that's a duty tied to it the duty is keep my judgments keep my judgments and do justice and he says this you want to be blessed blessed is the man that do is this blessed is the man happy is the man the happy is the human being who keeps my judgments there the son of man that lay hold on it I told them today in leadership that the Bible is my standard praise the Lord everything are compared to the Bible but I compare the Bible to nothing because the Bible is disbanded it is the fixed see it's fixed it's fixed if the thing line up with the Bible I'm through with it bring me a ideology or doctrine or way of thinking that is antithetical to Scripture I won't receive it because the fixed thing is the Bible I'm not going to investigate the Bible well someone have told me something and I've heard these are five percenters and these won't people and these are the folks and they've said some things and they don't believe that the Bible is what it claims to be a wooden what you think I think they're crazy because the Bible is fixed God said forever is his word settled in heaven praise the Lord praise Allah well I read a few passage of Scripture in the Quran I might need to go back and see what the Bible says again not me not me not me nothing makes Miriam in the scripture not for truth I my reexamine in the scripture so so I can respond to this crazy man because maybe I forgot what the Bible said but I'm not gonna re examine the scripture to see if the Bible is right because that's already settled when you get saved when you get saved and you've been saved for a minute your is settled settled in your heart that the Word of God is right a man stopped me one day and said bishop we're not we simply said pastor wouldn't we need to have a summit we need have a summit I said for what so we need to have a summit and this was a few years ago and we need to go back and look at the scriptures and and see what the Bible says about homosexuality we need to have a summit I said for what no we don't mind I'm not going to that for what it said today when it said yesterday ain't no change praise the Lord you can read it right side up upside down inside out forward and backward thou shall not live with mankind as with womankind who's what I do is an abomination now what what how many times do you need to examine say no I do not tell you what's happening people are losing faith in the scripture don't you lose your faith in the Word of God don't you let anybody cause you to doubt the Bible well you know you know Jesus is not law cause you know there's something about the letter J the letter J weren't even like like all letters what made up somebody they were doin didn't just drop out the sky I know that Jesus is real I know that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father and if you wanna be happy lay hold on the Word of God praise the Lord when he said keep my Sabbath this is not to just be limited to the observers on that Saturday but keep my Sabbath is actually it is it literally means obey my word keep her from polluting it don't do things on the sidewalk that I told you not to do and keep his hands from doing any evil neither God says this neither let the son of the stranger this is good stuff right here and I'm getting ready to rock you don't go far we're gonna bring it home but you know God is concerned about the Gentile said neither let the son of the stranger that have joined himself to the Lord speaking said a lot of separating me from his people what he's dealing with here well there's some of the Gentiles who had left their pagan gods left their false religion and join them to the Christian band Judaism at the time join themselves they were concerned that sense they were not children of the Covenant that is Jews by birth they will concern that when God got ready to pass our blessings that he might separate them or exclude them and the Lord wanted the Gentile to know that if you keep my word and if your baby that matter to me whether you are Gentile or Jew I'll bless you the same you know I love the Lord praise the Lord ah my mama wasn't married to my daddy when I was born praise God I'm illegitimate I'm praise God a bastard hallelujah but one day I made Jesus my chores he saved me and I was like the song I came to Jesus as I walk waving wounded and say from the loo Philadelphia section of rocket hand which is called the wrong side of the tracks but I found in him a resting place and he made me clay sanctified me Paul be the priests ordained me made me a pastor made me a superintendent good God Almighty made me a doctor theology and then made me a bishop in the Church of God in Christ and then gave me a force to tear the wall with my illegitimate self that nobody's Savior but Jesus I just want to hear some of the folk in my situation everybody's gonna praise him in a minute but but if but if you happen to be one of those who your mama wasn't married to your daddy but Jesus still saved you anyway and raised you up and blessed you here good can I get her can I hear a praise from you [Music] now let everybody praise the Lord see if you do right this is the point if you do right you won't put a difference between what pastor you don't know I've done wrong I've been this and I've been that I've been into homosexuality I've had an abortion I've done time I've done this and I've done that Paul said and such were some of you but now you are washed you are justified you are sanctified in Christ Jesus I need to hear about ten or twenty maybe two hundred three hundred maybe a thousand full or better the shout the line wrote me [Applause] praise Allah no stop Jesus Jesus he don't walk through the audience he doesn't walk through the congregation and see well your background he wanna know who's obeying me so I got blessings in my hand I got my pot pockets full of blessings I got salvation on the way I got things I want to pass out I just want to see who's living for me if you're living right doesn't matter what's in your past if you're walking upright he will bless you and then I heard in my head and he said not only am I gonna overlook I'm gonna include the Gentile but I heard him say I'm gonna look out for the eunuch thank you Jesus can I get a print Church to say thank you Jesus yes he says neither let the eunuch say behold I am a dry tree for thus saith the Lord the unit that keep my Sabbath and choose the things that please me and take hold to my covenant even unto them will I give oh Lord in my house and within my walls a place and a name better then of sons and daughters what are you talking about here Evan what is Jesus saying what does the Bible say you know the unit in biblical times units were thought of as being men who are of no use because eunuchs couldn't have children and they didn't have children and most likely they wouldn't have any and to make the unit's way even harder priests were not allowed to be eunuchs a units were not allowed to be priests excuse me and if you read Leviticus chapter 20 and chapter 21 the units the units couldn't be priests and they couldn't even enter into the assembly and I got something for the transgender crowd Deuteronomy 23 in one said he that is wounded in his stones and have any and hath his privacy his private members cut off he shall not enter into the congregation of the law all I can tell you is you better be glad you're not under the law because if you mess yourself up like that you couldn't even enter into the temple what does that tell you about God's feelings about a man let them cut off his manhood do you know that's the devil you know that's the devil most men would rather die than to lose down there and now you got men who were voluntarily let them remove his family the devil is a liar but let me get back to this two units didn't have any family and the unit's didn't marry so they considered the unit's to be a dry tree but God said even to the eunuchs I'm gonna remember you he said thus saith the Lord into the unit's if you obey my word and here's the key choose those things that please me and then take hold of my covenant I'm gonna give you a name why is it so important for a unit to have a name because they didn't have any children they didn't have any kids they had no posterity they had no one but themselves and one day unit died that was the end of everything that was the end of his family God says I'm gonna give you a name that won't even be cut off and he said in verse five to the unit sir I'm gonna give you an everlasting name they did a wonderful thing like the God of the Bible has a blessing for everyone who will obey Him doesn't matter how low you've been doesn't matter what your situation is if you just do right if you let Jesus Saviour if he could give the eunuchs and inheritance even though they had no children if he could still give them could give them a name what do you think God can do for you if you just served the Lord God told me to tell you today he said terrible so at the bottom tell those who are going through he said highlight and choose those things that please me you have choices that you can make you have choices you can get with him or you can get with her you can choose to drink this or you can choose a drink that you can choose to do right or you can choose to do wrong you can choose a left or right north or south east or west but the wisest choice that you can make is to choose those things that please alone when you choose those things that please the Lord sometimes we go hard sometimes your friends get filled sometimes you have to stand alone but if you stay with that choice if you just hold on to the Lord's hand God knows how to bless you hallelujah the devil want us to believe that the way up is through compromise the devil want you to believe that you got to take a shortcut to get what God has fire but the Lord is saying forget about the shortcuts just choose those things that please me you may know about somebody who's serving in the churches but they're not living right he's slipping around lift that woman she's slipping around with that do you know how to keep your eyes bless you in the city and to bless you in the field bless your going and to bless your coming are you got to do choose those things that please the Lord just ask yourself when you gotta make a choice no God be pleased if I do this will God be pleased if I go there if God will God be pleased if I say this I'll say that if it doesn't please the Lord let it go please the Lord throw it away and just wait on it somebody throw your hands up let me hear you praise the Lord I'm gonna bless I'm gonna blasted you I'm gonna blast my people I'm gonna bless the Gentile I'm going to bless the stranger I'm gonna bless the eunuch I'm gonna reach out to the outcasts of Israel and bring them in my house shall be called the house of prayer for all people and then after God gives this blessing give speaks of this coming salvation speaks of our duty toward it then the text takes a sharp turn a shout turn God begins to rebuke the Watchmen he began to highlight the enemy there are enemies out there there are demon spirits there are people in the field there are animals who don't want you to get what God has for you yes I Amen God thank you there are things out there there forces that don't want you to get what God has for you he called them in verse 9 beasts of the field yes sir that the beasts of the field they come to divide yeah all the beasts of the forest of the Lord have watched over us all through 2019 and we're coming down to the close of this year hallelujah we've seen many things we've seen the lightning flash and we've had the Thunder roll but the Lord has been faithful been through sickness hallelujah but mama God is with you kiss your God is with you been through death in your family but look at where you're standing now district missionary the Lord is still with us can I get a witness people have suffered losses people have suffered games and the Lord is still with us well I'm here to tell you that bears are never blessing that is all the way because I am your watchman I see the beasts in the field I see them come in to try to devour you to come to try to separate you from God's truth I want to tell you as your Watchmen hold on to God's unchanging hand I'm gonna tell your church let's remain a whole in this church let's keep on shouting let's keep on praising God let's keep on living holy let's remain a saint if our church we're not gonna take the crosses out we're not gonna darken the church we're not gonna Connie where'sa and have Church like a hip-hop Club the devil is a liar we're not going the way of the world but we're gonna stand on the Word of God because all of these trends they're nothing but beasts in the field watch what God said yeah glory to God glory to God glory to God I'm gonna be like those blind watchman preachers who have no opinion preachers who won't speak up preachers who won't I had a white preacher come to me yesterday you were telling me about a black with your friend of ears who loves the Lord he's a good preacher where'd the clinic he said to me by Reverend I can't get him to come to the clinic I can't even get him to even preach on it and white man said and Reverend is killing most of your people I said what you said this guy was say he's a good guy he loves the Lord I said tell him that Bishop Wooden said he's a coward just tell him I want to talk to him tell about said he's bladder I don't prepare my ball my message tell him I said he's a blind watchman and a dumb dog because you can't do that how you gonna be quiet I don't be quiet I will not warn the people well if he says something about it he may lose his job that's what the text said said they said they were in it for themselves [Music] [Applause] that's what the text says said they were in it for themselves for their own day they look to their own way everyone for his own for his gang verse 11 says verse verse 10 says his watchman that blind the ignorant their dumb dog mu not dumb as and stupid but mute they cannot bark sleeping lazy take off all day lazy lying down loving slumber yeah they are greedy dogs which can never have enough that is they are self-serving and are shepherds that cannot understand how you going how you gonna be neutral all the preachers I was talking about all the preachers in DC who lined up behind same-sex marriage back when Obama was pushing it all the preachers all the preachers in Chicago who helped voted a lesbian mayor dumb dogs they got they got they got the endorsement of the clergy blind Watchmen and when you talk to him they struck it Bible says let me tell you one of the greatest things one of the worst thing can happen to you is to have your understanding dark all of a sudden now you can't understand you can't you sitting there right now I don't quite understand what Bishop is saying you need as God to deliver because cause now what I'm talking I'm talking simple old-time black and white for gold conclusion truth that today is confused calm place you sound judgmental when it's simple stuff simple stuff simple stuff simple stuff when you get saved second when you're sanctified you come out but yourself I said simple nights where you want to be saved and be a Mason saved Anna's Etta better read ur Omega say baby all that when when times bad when we got saving oh you don't like me today and time fast when you got saved God called us up now now we can't understand you are you saying and you have committed your soul to the Lord and yet you take a vow to join whether you call it a fraternity or even you take a vow to join something that in the vial it tells you that you can't leave you take a vow to join something that God never endorsed that in your value say that if you betray may your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth and you mean tell me you can't understand what's wrong with that and give that for a if that is a ritual for that to be the presence of a ritual that must by definition be the presence of a God but you can't give a ritual to the God of the Bible and he accepted if it's a ritual that he didn't call for show me and I'll get on television and take it back show me in the scripture where I will call to be these things talk to your man the other day he said what I join it's this certain group because help me with my college they they hit me with this they help me with that and I said to him it's very polite I said I'm not denying the good works that certain organizations do every time I see when they were Shriners commercials I'm so impressed with what they do to help children I said but let me let me submit to you Paul was a part of the Sanhedrin Paul was a Pharisee of Pharisees Paul was touching the law blameless Paul was a Hebrew amongst Hebrews Paul was a chief promoter of Judaism Paul said concerning the law I'm blameless am i right let's see the good things good works of Judaism Judaism gave us the Ten Commandments the Decalogue Judaism gave us the law and the prophets Judaism gives us Daniel Moses Isaiah or Jeremiah the Old Testament Judaism have given us prophecies on Jesus Christ Judaism is the foundation for Christianity and yet when Paul Gossie he came out of Judaism and he said concerning what he'd learned in Judaism he said now I count that as dung for the more excellent knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ now Paul had to give up Judaism and the god of Judaism the god of Judaism the god of Judaism is the God and father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ now that can't be said about the God of Freemasonry because the god of freemason Jesus Christ is not mentioned and I got the book he's not mentioned the God of the Bible is not the God of Freemasonry Jehovah is not the god of free men so there is can you then you don't like me now you know what now you want me to be a blind watchman now you want me to be a dumb dog cuz I'm all up in your kool-aid well let me tell you something let me tell you something now if the god of Judaism of which Jesus Christ is all through it all in it jesus said jesus said the whole set search the Scriptures talking about Judaism in them you think you have eternal life say everyone I'm testify of me no Jesus say Amen so now if Paul had to come out of there what about these other organizations of which none of them and and if I'm wrong y'all show me I'll get to make a public apology none of them have in their founding documents in their mission statement the promotion of Jesus Christ well what about making a football team enjoying - you ain't got to make a vow you had to make a ritual just going to hit somebody it's not a religion it's a game it's a sport Paul used sports metaphors all the time but he considered the knowledge of Christ to be so superior that he came out of everything for them and now we see these things trying to creep up and make that way into the whole industry and more and more of our preachers the style is oh don't say anything don't say nothing don't say anything you don't want to get killed you may hurt you later may hurt you up the road if if if I got it the only way to move up is to be a dumb dog so I can't say nothing so mute I'd stay away and say what God it says yeah let's stay I would stay right here on my low level and be the Lord's voice then to get elevated to the top of some organization but once I get up there it is required once you get there that you become a blind watchman and a dumb dog now it's required if that's what gets you there see that if you got to become that to get this he can't get then all of a sudden now you got something to say it doesn't work like that you you you have to be consistent and God rebuked him he rebuked them for their laziness victim for their willingness lack of willingness to tackle some of these issues the Lord is calling us out the Lord is calling us out and at least and and you know why I've done I did it intentionally I want to give you so I want you to think about it and I said to the brother as I talk with him I said brother I challenge you to be Pauline in your thinking for if you are Pauline Pauling the Apostle Paul if you adapt pause stop you gonna come because he came out of everything came out of it even changed his name came out of everything and said you know what no I want to come out of this but he says this man ah here's why I came out he says that I might know him and I want to know the power of his resurrection now you can't know that unless you're willing to die but not only that not now I'm gonna lose you he said and the Fellowship of his sufferings other words I want to suffer like Jesus I want to know I want the full experience of being a believer see some of us want the experience of being a believer but we just want to upside you don't want the full experience going to all the stuff coming no I didn't sign up for this I'm amazing that he's America they stood up then say for better for worse said it in front of everybody for richer or for poorer in sickness and in here sickness or worse sure Porsche or then you sat inside over yes you did yes you did you said it what am I going to go home with your poor self 6/7 worse self and trust God to make it better and he will only do it gonna have a few folk to say man won't he do it young preacher come running back they hurt my feelings I got hurt I got hurt I got hurt they hurt my friends I thought you said you wanted to work in the church I thought you said you wanted to work in the church part of working in the church get your feelings on pastor I'm the only one in my family save I'm don't about it like wholeness in my house but me and I just I just I just don't know what I'm gonna do I thought you wanted Jesus I thought you wanted all of this that's what you were saying last Sunday Lord give it all to me we sang all the promises in the books of mine every chapter every verse and every line then we'll no promises begin to come Lord I wasn't talking about that but that's what he's talking about I want to know you I want to know you Saints my prayer is that I not be a blind Shepherd and there are not be a dumb dog but that I tell you as I have done today things that are admonitions this is not a negative message it's a positive one God has blessings for you God has things for you but there's a duty as a duty there's a duty and for those who wanna who want to know him better who want to get closer to God we want to get closer to God come to the altar
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 74,839
Rating: 4.8243904 out of 5
Id: iFi43ZyL840
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 31sec (4111 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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