Bishop Wooden Preaches // "Adjusting But Not Broken"

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[Music] I want to preach this is part 2 of the message adjusting but not broken adjusting but not broken this message it deals with the Saints and are contending in the age of the corona virus we there are this flux is taking place changes are happening two or three weeks ago we're told that to wear a mask is a bad thing now we're saying it's recommended that we do we're in constant flux a friend of mine shared with me an interesting post that was online and the pulse read said that 90% of the churches are in compliance with the coronavirus mandates they're helping in the community they're doing all of the things that they should do but there are 10% of crazies who are still having service I find it amazing that someone I hope whoever wrote that was not a Christian and if they were God may put you in the same category that the text put Edom and Babylon I think to call Edie Church that that obeys Hebrews 10:25 crazies is wrong it's godless a man there's at least five states where the people are still allowed to gather and have Church and make no mistake about it if our governor and the mayor's had not passed the mandates that they had have in this state if the police hadn't visited us on multiple occasions to the point of even pawning counting the parking spaces in our parking lot if there were no mandates we would definitely be having service with the Saints gathering in the sanctuary and if you call that irresponsible behavior or crazy III understand if you say something like that and you're not a believer sinners don't know but for Christians to begin to call all the Christians crazies or irresponsible for practicing the tenants of their faith I want you to know you are being used of the devil amen well we got to keep people safe as important as keeping people safe is as painful as hearing the reports of people losing loved ones and people dying to this dreaded virus as as painful as that is to hear the number one goal of biblical Christianity has never been to keep its people those who adhere to the teachings safe Christianity was built on the back of mortars you read Hebrews chapter 11 you read where people were killed sewn asunder cut in half for the faith they were not kept safe and I'm not by any means suggesting that anybody break the law but I'm speaking of mindset I want to come against some of the things that are being said because I believe that they are well intended but I believe that there are many who do not realize that they are playing into the devil's hands for the same people from the governor down who tell us to remain safe we got to keep the distancing we can't do we can't worship we can't gather up to a certain number of people and that kind of a thing that is good for keeping down the depths of the corona virus these same people allow abortion clinics to remain open same ones one of my one of the oldest spoke to me today and said in the city that he was in just yesterday he drove past the clinic in that city on a Saturday around 1:00 p.m. now for abortion clinics for those who are in the battle you know around 1:00 the majority of the babies that's going to be slaughtered in in any given clinic by one they're all dead and you got your little numbers of cars by one in the clinic that's the way that works and yet by at 1:00 p.m. there were at least 20 cars at the clinic at least 20 cars at the woman's choice health clinic that we are protesting there were at least five police cars there yesterday ready and lined up anticipating the arrival of the Christians to try and save lives isn't it amazing that gathering for service is bad for the spread of the virus but in the abortion clinics where you know babies are going to be killed that's allowed there is something wrong with that and I want you to know I'm going to preach but but I need to say something I need to say something now freedom of religion our freedom to practice our religion and our freedom to assemble is an expressed right it is a part of the First Amendment it is an expressed right you don't to interpret anything you have to guess at it if you just read the Constitution it is an express right for us to practice our religion and together Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging to abridge is to shorten the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of people to peaceably assemble to assemble and to petition government for redress and grievances this is our First Amendment rights now the so-called woman's right to choose is an interpretation it is an interpretive right for you won't find it in the Constitution isn't it strange that as we fight the coronavirus the express rights of the people are indeed being infringed upon indeed being limited indeed being hampered and the interpreted rights interpreted better word made-up rights oh the so-called warmers right to choose these clinics flow freely so in the age of Corona where everyone is telling us that the main thing to do is to be safe in this same age the people who are in business not to save any baby not to save any child are going full-bore and they are in business killing babies I find it I guess the pregnant ladies who are abortive intended then our concern about catching the virus because they go to the clinics but our our rights to protests to stand out and try to protect lives have been revoked have been greatly diminished but their right to kill I thought we I thought we're trying to save lives their intention to kill is full-bore and then you add preachers who may be well intended but who really don't get what's going on when they imply that those who gather to worship are being irresponsible you need to really ask God to show you what's going on because this thing and it'll come out you this thing is more than about simply saving lives there is this is a spiritual battle that is taking place and they're trying the powers that be the ruling elite those who are employed or a new arrangement of nations to reconfigure things to bring America down to silence divorce of the Christian minister these people have an agenda and you know while they're concerned about population control and things like that we better know what's going on and while they talk to you when they talk about the population and the CEO tools and and the rate the rise in climates and all that be careful because each individual represents 98.5 degrees and one of the quickest ways to bring the temperature down is to eliminate people be aware my friends of what's going on never before in this country have we explicitly and said from the holes of of the highest ruling officers in the land on down never have we said churches gathering to pray is the act of crazies well we hadn't said it out loud and at that particular abortion the doctor driving one of those bad calls a Tesla with a Bernie Sanders sticker proudly displayed on the back as he go in and kill babies I've got to talk about it I've got to talk about it there's no way that we cannot not bring this before God's people amen let's look at the text and and you know I was really dealing with the texting you just you may not know it Bible says by the rivers of Babylon verse 1 by the rivers of babylon babylon had a series of canals and two major rivers in Babylon was the Tigris and the Euphrates but the Babylonians even back then had a complex advanced system of canals and all of the canals there were irrigation canals they fed into the Euphrates River so the reverse that the Texas referencing were actually the canals the multiple canals that fed into the Euphrates and it was a very well watered fertile area the plains that surrounded the city they were fertile and green and lush and the Jewish exiles were settled there so the writer being a Jewish exile and this was written after the fall of Jerusalem and in approximately 586 BC so the writer remembers is probably an old man now when Jerusalem fell when the temple was destroyed and what they went through and in his memoirs in his recollection he writes by the rivers of Babylon there we sat down to sit down was an official position of mourning he says I recall vividly when we were there it was lush but the cabin Brodeur it was green for irrigation systems it was pretty to look upon but it wasn't sighing and he said there we sat down and not only did we sit down sit there but we we mourn and what occasioned their mourning he said we moaned when we remembered Zion when we remembered Zion Zion when we remembered Jerusalem when we remembered the city our homeland and our temple Zion here is the same as Jerusalem or the southern kingdom Judah more importantly the Temple of Solomon which by that time lie in ruins and ashes he said even though that were plush greenery all around us we mourn when we remembered Zion in the midst of plenty we mourn as we remembered Zion I'm sure I'm moved by the number of church leaders who not mourning who not mourning even those of us who are being obedient to the Kings edicts y'all not to be so happy to obey to conciliatory we're giving up our rights without putting up a fight here at the up Aroon we had service until they took it from us until we ran up against law enforcement I've talked to pastors who have voluntarily felt voluntarily closed the doors of that church and don't seem to be bothered by there there's no morning that the recall as they recall Zionists said we're being responsible well I guess Daniel was irresponsible when he prayed three times a day after they told made the law for him not to we're being responsible and safe well I guess the three Hebrew boys were irresponsible when they refused to bow when the music played they said King were not careful to answer you on this our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace I guess the Hebrew midwives were irresponsible when they disobeyed Pharaoh and that they allowed the young Jewish boys Hebrew boys to be born that come a time when there are some things that are more important than safety I'm back to that see Christianity my friends was built on the back of the martyrs Jesus died and he rose again Oh the Apostle Paul was beheaded the Apostle Peter hung upside down all of the original twelve were died a martyr's death except John and they tried to kill him but when they dipped him in the oil he didn't die if you know your church history you know that had safety been the first priority of the Christian movement that the movement would have died oh my and I and if I'm coming across at all sounding like I am unsympathetic or uncaring or hard and and and don't understand those who grieved I called mother Crawford yesterday she lost two of our family members due to this condition this virus and I can't talk to that wonderful woman of God and I thank God in talking to her all I heard come out of her mouth was a biblical worldview thank God for her and let me say this and I submit this prayerfully and I hope it is received let us not turn Facebook into Anna and obituaries let us not turn it into a constant chorus of those who have left us I think that it's right to report of when a saint or a child goes home but how about adding the list of names of all of those who have recuperated whom God allowed to to live and many got well and they never went to the doctor me as a matter of fact the more people by comparison the overwhelming majority of people from covet 19 survive and live and thrive and goal with very few if no symptoms at all and yet all we hear now is about who have died and by no means do I make light of those who have lost their lives but my friends god is good god is good and if we're going to report when the Lord takes one at least job was fair job said the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh blessed be the name of the Lord see oh we're making it look like all God is doing is taking but God is giving also so let's include the the healings the deliverances and the blessings that have taken place as a result of this situation this virus that we are contending with now let me let me show you this they said they said when we were there we went and honey first lady they said they hung their harps on the Willows in the myths there of the midst that were now whatever else they may have left back in Judah a church house band brother rocky crazy they brought their harps so the writer of the text was a musician he was a singer and they may have had to leave in a hurry but they grab hold to their instruments on their way out of Judah and as they made that nine hundred two thousand miles or so Trek from the southern kingdom from Judah to Babylon they they brought their harps and they the Bible teachers but they hung their harps and one of the reasons they brought their hops was that music was a very important part of Jewish worship as it is ours today the Bible says in Psalms 81 first one through three sing aloud unto God our strength make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob take a song and bring hither the timber oh and the pleasant harp with the soldier blow the trumpet that is blow up blow the horn blow the trumpet in the new moon and in the time appointed on our solemn feast days when we come together for our festivals and our feast days play to music and play it loud so they brought their instruments praise the Lord you know so music is a big part of that worship and our worship and also music was an expression of their grief job 35 and 10 says but none says where is God my maker who giveth songs in the night all of us have night seasons and many songs I'm a songwriter most writers out there will tell you that many times at our lowest point God gives us a song both songs come when we're at our highs or our lows and we write about our experiences with God as they look back on their experiences they remembered how painful it was looking back giving their memoirs they remembered that it was a painful situation and and that even the trees of Babylon were different from the trees of Palestine the Jews were familiar with olive trees and the cedar trees but in dimension in the olive and the cedar of the promised land and yet in Babylon there were the willow trees so we hung our harps in this strange land on the trees we we're here against our will we don't want to be here our heart is broken because we're remembering Zion praise Allah we're we're trying to adjust we were remembering and then to add insult to injury verse 3 records two very very very very important things that happen to them that is happening to us today one is obvious the other is not so obvious the first thing that happened to them which is just obvious if you're a decent Bible student is you see that their captors taunted them verse 3 says for their by the rivers of Babylon there they that carried us away captive look at this language required of us tasks or to demand our pews are empty because they that had the power required of us they asked or they demanded that we do so not a hen required this I got the kid I got to bring it up of the abortion clinic that required this of the ABC stove oh I'll sound crazy now then require this of the grocery stores I hear you I hear you you said well preacher we gotta eat yes but Jesus says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God shall man live that in many states churches are included on the non-essential list sticks in my craw that's not something that I can away with that's not something that I can pretend I can't I can't hardly I can't get used to that because nothing is more necessary than the house of God praise the Lord the Saints calling on the god of the bodies they they they they they stopped singing and then bother they hung their harps on the Willows and then their tormentors said to them that they required of us required of us a song it is amazing that a notice the construction the captives required a song so people who kidnapped me the folk who conquered me said sing back in savory times they the Massa born into slaves living in deplorable conditions steer one of them to say and to be happy here they are taken to a strange land and those who captured them said sing are you looking at your Bible sing us a song sing who would feel like singing in a situation like that remember now this is a memoir it's the Word of God but the man is remembering what he went through a musician by the Rayford said they want to be the same it wanted me to sing my house is burned the temple is destroyed family members are dead all kinds of things have happened and I'm in a strange land surrounded by false gods and they say to me sing are you following me out there praise the Lord I want you to zero in I want you to listen for this is the word of the Lord is that saying and and then they said this they said the same says the day that we stood us they that wasted us required of us myrrh saying sing unto us one of the Zion songs to waste there is those who brought but who put fear in our hearts those who fear and brought us pain and who were out told me tours they began to tote us and said sing and then they got personal Zion song Zion song the Zion songs were songs of joy and triumph there were songs to be sung in the temple Zion songs were songs of celebration of God's majesty and God's protection that is singing of his protection that's what they were that was the talk seeing about your city how beautiful it is even though it is now burned and laid waste sing about your temple that it has been destroyed a man you're in a strange land and you saying as though you would never be captured and yet you are and basically they were saying sayin now sayin now sayin now they were they were in a bad place and the people said yes you proud Hebrews you proud Jewish people you proud people of God your God Yahweh your God is invisible God well our God niebo our guard Murdock the God of the Chaldeans have conquered yoga sing sing sing now oh the abortion industry is grinning or they're singing oh happy day when now they can go to the clinics in North Carolina you know Governor Cuomo of New York and all the rest of they're crying saying they need more equipment cause he knew in 2015 that his state was very low dangerously low in ventilators he knew at 2015 and he didn't order one knives crying and you hear crying about medical supplies well if you just need some supplies you know I can't make anything that's not my skillset but I can tell you where you can find some vendor abortion clinics shut down the clinics Amen the essence they got they got mass in there and all kinds of things you might have to purify them convert the clinics if then if the hospital rooms are full convert them yeah convert them if you won't close them Governor Cooper if you won't close them convert them how about let's see if the church has got to be empty due to the corona virus how about requiring that that their bosses can it save lives I feel like preaching I don't know if they'll keep this up on Facebook or not cause depending upon I'm telling you right now depend upon what you preach all of a sudden that's a glitch oh I hear ya I hear you out there oh so there they were telling them a sing sing now your house is burned down sing now your God have been conquered sing now you're in a strangely they were being taunted but the taunting the taunting took in you Eggman wasn't the worst thing that was something barger worse we're Kevin then the taunting and that was they didn't answer the taunting the answers what I'm getting ready to tell you about now because see taunting verse verse 4 when they says how can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land that that doesn't be that's not a response to taunting well what is that a response to among the taunting when they said sing one of to us one of those Zion songs they that verse 3 they that carried us away captive required of us a song they were saying listen you've hung your harps on the willow tree you're in the midst of all this plush greenery life is good here sing sing here be satisfied with this you're in green lush Babylon I know that there are some idols and false gods but it's no different to sing here than it is to sing Zion songs here there is the same all songs in the temple you got to understand that wherever you say it's alright even if you're singing all polluted crime in the land of your captors it's just as good to sing here that it is to sing that I hear preachers and teachers and leaders saying that Facebook Church cyber Church online Church it's just as good as Saints gathering together if you believe that you're broken it's one thing to adjust I'm preaching about adjusting and not breaking but not breaking see if why you're watching at home if the phone comes to your mind this ain't so bad rebuking thought comes to mind well I got you I got my food here I've got my I mean my easy chair I'm in the comfort of my own home I'll have all my slippers and I have all of the conveniences and I can you know I can support by online giving the only I do just kid in a man doctor go through the trouble of getting up and getting a shower and didn't dress and getting the kids ready and getting out and coming out to church this is just as good we built that that's the way the devil will through convenience try to break your spirit and make you think fool you into believing that one is just as good as the other but even though these musicians were hurt these musicians were not carnal and they were not broken they said how can we sing it was my intelligent brother how can we sing the Lord's song in a strangely that is in a defiled land in a cursed land in a unclean land Babylon was cursed it was unclean and that all those idols were around and they said you expect me to it to to view singing here the same as singing in Zion cause we see it all the time now on American Idol and the voice and all this these people not afraid to sing a science on I told y'all I felt like preaching in a strange land in a strange land but this musician said hi how can I allow you to make me believe that this is just as good how can I sing the Lord's song in a strangely oh my this is why I'm calling for all preachers and those who will listen obey the law do what is right but don't be happy if you on camera please spend some of that time telling them I can't wait to get back we need to open up our churches we need it sounds good to sound so responsible you know we're being responsible then but let me tell you something that's not Zion that's not the temple and these are these young manners he was a his old man buddy he recall that Idol as a young singer a young musician he said how can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land you are there on Facebook how am i doing praising I know I'm preaching the truth of God with power and authority and I like what those young men did brother Wilson they were kind of in the style of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they may have been Shadrach Meshach and Abednego before Shadrach Meshach and Abednego made that stand for these young men begin to ask some questions and a series of ifs that was actually a file that they made and I want you to know today I've made a vow to the Lord and I won't take it back praise the law when you pipe down Wooden's pipe down pipe down pipe down nothing we need the question needs to be answered why the president have church but the ABC shows right now that you're going down by all the liquor they want and I guarantee your church services don't don't produce the domestic violence that liquor consumption does oh my oh my when you when you compare the effects on society it's not even close it's not even close and yet and yet people who don't have the spirit go to the store and buy evil spirits and drink those spirits and behave in a ungodly manner but we can't come in Oh and worship and said we were you still stuck on that stop for as long as it lasts we're gonna preach now we're gonna preach but I got to keep it before you because I'm telling you I'm telling you I know what I'm talking about I'm never wrong about these things this is a trick of Satan this is a trick of the enemy and these young men they made a vow to the Lord they said if I forget thee O Jerusalem hmm that is if I allow Jerusalem to be lost from my memory if I allow time to soften my memory of Jerusalem if I allow pray the Lord Jerusalem to began to fade from the recesses he said if I do this he said before I let this happen a brother Rayford he said let my right hand lose its cunning other words before rocket I forget Jerusalem I'd rather forget how to play my instrument good God Almighty before praise the Lord I forget about God I'd rather forget how to play wouldn't it be something if in the NBA and in the NFL and some of the young men coming out of college praise the Lord had that kind of commitment but we've seen many of them when they first came out praise the Lord a they claim to be Christians claim Jesus as the savior and got in the league and we're crazy they were crazy because they put the game ahead of their commitment to the Lord thank you Jesus and they gave up the Lord but they kept a game I'd rather give up the game and keep Jesus the musician said before I forget to rule them before you all convinced me that it's just as good as be singing in Zion before you convinced me to let that's the uniqueness and the sacredness of Jerusalem leave my mind he said before I give that up he said I would rather lose my ability to play an instrument and I heard him say and if I do not remember thee I let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth that is all God if I do if I fail to think about Jerusalem if I fail to recall how special it is if I fail to recall silently or verbally praise the Lord if I fail to talk about the way Jerusalem is he said let my tolki to the roof of my mouth praise team you great singers you were saying my ability to sing if I forget about God Lord I would rather give up singing than to forget about the Lord we've seen so many singers leave the church and go out into the world and they make a whole lot of money and they get on television and they win their Grammys and they win the world's praise but I've got news for you hallelujah one day you're gonna have to stand before God and I thank God for this musician cuz everybody don't go out that way some said before I forget God I'll give up singing I'll give up my career and then I heard him say he said if I prefer not Jerusalem notice this if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy I got to love Jerusalem therefore I need more than I love anything else I can let Jerusalem my love for the temple my love for worshiping in the house of God they can be eclipsed by my and my joy for being at the ball game but for my love and my joy for playing soccer on Sunday morning for my love in my jaws for doing something else rather than gathering in the house of God he said if I don't lift up if I don't keep your Lama in that sacred place he said let me lose my ability to sing in other words he was saying I may have to adjust to being in Babylon I may have to adjust to my new surroundings I'll make the adjustments but we will never break my spirit you'll never make me stop talking about Jerusalem about the house of God about what it's like to come into the sanctuary see the mothers sitting on the front row good God Almighty the Deacons older Deacon roja choir in the quality the babies in the baby suction huh in de saint-cloud in Spain you'll never get me to believe that worshiping in the house of God is the same I thank God for this medium don't get me wrong but as your man of God I'm not gonna let you get comfortable sitting there say to yourself this is the new normal this is God get the word out to the whole world the devil is a liar I heard a preacher say God's been trying to get us to go out of the four walls of the church for a long time my response to that preacher is you mean to tell me that all these years the first time you had evangelist to go out from your church was doing the co-head 19 if that's the case shame on you for the most of us we've been in the prisons for long time on the phone line we've been gone in the streets witnessing witnessing teams the pendulous routine for a long time we've been at the rest home we've been at the homeless shelter we've been at the senior citizen shelter for a long time we've been on the air been on the radio you know for a long time yeah they don't take copa90 to cause me to evangelize but when you get them the Holy Ghost you can't keep it to yourself safe don't let the devil break you keep your fire just but you'll never break my spirit you'll never get me to give in thank you thank you lad thank the Lord you are watching just wave your hands and tell the law thank you give me some love give me some hearts give God if it kills me I won't let go knocks down a song we used to sing I won't let go I heard the great evangelist pastor Shirley Caesar sing I won't let go I won't let go he took me by the hand and I won't let go I wonder today I've been the saints out there who will say hallelujah i'm-a a gesture but you won't break my spirit I'm getting ready gonna be gearing up you're all gonna have your outfit already set go to polish your shoes get ready for that day to come together because I'm believing God we're coming back designer just like people the Jews Babylonian captivity we are common desire ah thank you Jesus we're coming back [Music] and some others because there's something to keep hallelujah somebody give him praise right now [Music] he refused to be broken I'm not gonna forget you Jerusalem I will not fail to remember you Jerusalem and I'm gonna laugh Jerusalem Jerusalem will be mine will always be my chief job my chief joy there's my chief joy as this is my chief joy in the church we can have a Super Bowl every son before he messes up every Sunday Super Bowl every Sunday was the playoffs every summer the drama you never know what might happen in a given service but when the house of God and the glory and the yolks that are destroyed and yes the devil rears its ugly girl Satan's attend church also all of God's gonna bring it back but let me tell you something I want to be like this musician Church I was bad I want to be like this musician that why what captain what kept him going what kept him what enable him as he grew up and became a young man what gaming the power town lasts the captivity was that he remembered Zion the way that it was he did it he did he didn't get used to this new way get used to the new way see both ways can't survive one takes the place of the other I love the old time way you missed banana rock I mean I still love the old time way singing it shout hand clapping foot stomping Church old times we will never have a Sunday morning service I'm not gonna come to you in a robe a bathrobe and slippers and all that no no so when you tune in we're gonna have a church service we're gonna go as far as we can go in Babylon keeping in mind that we're on our way that desire element yuku is when the Zion doors thing open again I don't have AI won't still have my Zion mine she forgot the goal of Sabre is when you are allowed to come back that you won't have a man to come back and if you notice when they were set free from Babylonian captivity some staying in Babylon they chose to stay when the emancipation was given not all of the slain although all of them was set free not all of them left the plantation because they were broken where his brother wooden early in the game and I'll tell you right now because I'm spirit filled my stamina will not change early in the game I'm telling you keep that cyan man you're not being irresponsible and to those churches in those five remaining states that that still allow you to worship and the people to come you have my Envy praise and all half Church practice all of the social distancing stuff they talk about but don't volunteer aliy close your church in most cases most persons people do not concede power willingly most people don't concede power without a fight many churches concede power without a fight wherever just got to be safe you know I like the Constitution and the mindset of some gangbangers better cuz them brothers understand what it means to go to war and they understand even though they may be running a criminal empire enterprise they understand that when it's time for war that you have to fight what happened what happened what happened to many of us what happened to us what happened let me tell you this and I want you although I'm coming down I want you to tune in tight listen to this listen to this because this part of the song doesn't it preach much but it's so important and it's so it is vital that you get this that you get this and you don't have to leave service early today because you're home amen you don't have to leave early to beat the crowd you know okay ain't no car line today trust me the governor care of all that the Bible says now they did after they talked about what they were what they would not forget they did however ask God to remember something they said remember O Lord the children of Edom who were I'm not gonna say are because they will exist no more who were to e demise the Edom eyes were the descendants of Esau Esau was the brother of Jacob Israel is the descendants of Jacob Esau's descendants were the am I right about that Jacob and Esau their mother was Rebekah daddy Isaac grandfather Abraham so these were nations that were if you will first cousins joined by a common lineage both equally traced back to Abraham and yet he says remember Oh Lord the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem that is when Judah was brought down Judah was attacked by the Palestinians and by the Arabians the book of Obadiah tells us and Jeremiah tells us I'm sure in a minute and when these eliminations and finally Nebuchadnezzar Babylon when these intimate nations attacked Jerusalem Jerusalem's first cousins the Jews first cousins the instead of joining in and fighting with their cousins for their survival they stood aloof they practice on brotherliness brother lessness and they said from a distance crystal they said raise it raise it that is they stay they stay stayed up in their mountains and look down on their brothers fighting and they began to cheer for the enemy like we hear Christians now cheering for the enemy calling churches that want to have service crazies I rebuke you in Jesus name you eat a mite you eat a mite you call the Saints who believe Hebrews 10 and 25 irresponsible be careful that you don't maneuver yourself and and God look upon you like God looked on eat them I tell you all the time everything isn't about everything you need to know the Bible speaks to everything all you got to do is just read it which I realize is a tremendous task for some but the Bible says this oh let me just show you I told you this is this is the meat of it I will have it listen to this in the book of Obadiah Obadiah I read it for you for times sake that's right after Amos in the Old Testament says and the vision of Obadiah thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom we have heard a rumor from the Lord and an ambassador is sent among the heathen nations arise ye and let us rise up against her in battle God began to stir up enemy nations nations that were previously allies of Edom and God began to stir those nations and say let us fight against Edom verse verse 2 of / - just one book behold I have made these small among the heathen God says - to eat them and to eat him I if you know anything about the history they were very proud people they were they were look they were stone warriors they were Esau his descendants they were very fierce and very strong and they and they took pride they lived in the mountains they they lived up high they would cave dwellers I mean he had to be survived to be a leader Mike and they were strong and they knew they were strong and they were violent and they could fight and they knew they could and they knew that they could fight and God says I have made thee small that is I have judged you and I've declared with your strong and mighty self you think that your impregnable I have made you in significant among the heathens and those same heathen nations that were your allies he says thou are greatly despised God the pride of thine heart have deceived the thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock whose habitation is high oh yeah you're up there and safe in his heart hey be careful what you even think while we're on this air why are you watching be careful what you think because God hears what you're saying your heart he says you have said in your heart who shall bring me down to the ground we're so strong nobody can topple us God said I heard you and the context of it was they were saying this when the eliminations were bringing Jacob down when the Jews were falling and being defeated they were saying this couldn't happen to us we're in such a strong position that nobody could do this to us see you got to be careful now got to be careful because they hadn't happen to you don't that doesn't mean that it came well I know nothing can happen to my church because we got this this distance I got this kind of member that kind of member no no all you need is to let God hear you say that one time too many and all of your assets would become liabilities overnight it happened to our country the guy erased all those games all those games all that money made in the market really those don't in two weeks ie overnight he says thou verse four though thou exalted thyself as the eagle and though thou set thine s among the stars Vince will I bring the time who said that the devil down saith the Lord and God says I'm gonna tell you how I'm going to get you I'm gonna tell you how how severe I'm gonna get you it in the Bible something now I'm almost from run I'm really long but you know what I'm not running long according to our natural regular time I got a few more minutes look at this you know look at this now it says God says this if thieves came to thee if robbers by night how I cut off that is how bad would that be so if a thief came at night or if a robber came at night how bad would that be would they not have stolen until they've had enough if the thief came won't he take all he won't that doesn't it say to me you take everything he'll just take what he came what he can have what didn't carry out you don't leave something cuz can't take everything says if the great gatherers came to thee would they not leave some grapes yeah they don't get them all they'll leave some grapes on the vine then what reasons come from they will get them all he says how are the things of Esau search that God says now watch how ESO is going to be pillaged how are his hidden things salt up and the mean of the Confederacy those who you have gotten advice from who are with you who a part of your treaty who was on your side all the men of that Confederacy have brought thee even to the border the men that were at peace with thee have deceived and prevailed against thee they that eat that bread have laid a wound under thee there is non understanding in him they are against you there is no understanding of it you can't make sense they've turned on you shall I not in that day saith the Lord even destroy the wise men of Edom when you try to figure out how to fight against this coronavirus I'm going to destroy your wise men and the understanding of the of out of my out of Mount Isa and that mighty man of teaming teaming was one of the chief cities of Edom one of the chief settlements teaming was in the northern part says they shall be dismayed to the end that every one of them of Mount Esau may be cut off and slaughtered so the smart man the wise men your counselors going to come up with solutions but none of them will work why am I going to cut you off turn your enemies against you now listen to me now why am I going to do this to you you-you-you he says verse 1 verse 10 for thy violence against that brother jacob's shame shall cover thee because of your own brother leanness your brother lessness you turned on jacob you began to speak the language of the world you Christians out there who call believers who want to worship even if they came call them call us irresponsible you are teetering I warn you in becoming a ADA may you call folk who have service crazies everybody jumped on the preacher in Florida I tell you what the governor came to his rescue even if you can't do it y'all not criticize the man who can that's and and and then side with the world and saying and begin to talk the world's language you're teetering on becoming an Edomite he says for that reason thou shalt be cut off and then not only his brother lessness preacher but it says also his aloofness it says in the day that thou students on the other side in the day that the that the strangers carried away captive his forces and foreigners entered into his gates and cast lots upon Jerusalem even though was one of them other words when you saw Jerusalem being ransacked when you saw foreigners attacking them when you heard all the bad talk against Jerusalem you you have much to say oh you you didn't speak up at the water fountain matter of fact you named droppers you stop dropping names in every time we see you you drop in a name tell us on whose church you just came from and this and that but once that person came under persecution of the world all of a sudden you don't know God judges you for that read The Book of Jeremiah reach out to 49 verse 7 to 22 you will see the same thing where because Edom began to use the words of Jerusalem's of Zions enemies them got in trouble and today in 2020 this month of April you could turn the television on just about any channel or any news channel at any time of the day and you could hear reports about Israel from every major and minor news network on earth nobody reports on Edom for the no longer exists even though they said that they were impregnable when they turn their back on the people of God God brought them down now let me tell you something unless the God of the Bible protects us from covert 19 20 21 22 so forth and so on except the Lord build the city they labor in vain that building except the Lord watch over the house the watchman waketh but in vain now I'm for all of the precautions and all of that but you watch what you say because what we're beginning to hear elder we're beginning to hear the and folk don't realize they're being manipulated by the enemy of the church these people these people care nothing for the church and I'm not saying that the virus is real and that people are not dying but to try to suggest that Christians behaving like Christians behave is crazy that's wrong so he said in the text I'm wrapping this up I'm getting ready to pray for you he said remember Edom and verse 8 and the daughters of Babylon remember them and says I like the way he wrote it he's an old daughter of Babylon who are this ought to be destroyed says when you go to a happy shall he be that rewarded V as thou has rewarded us this particular part of the Bible unless you understand God's covenant with Israel you'll have problems with it because this is the Lex talionis this is the the law that God gave the Israelites based on the law of retaliation I want to say my friends retaliation is not revenge in short this Lex telling on us is God's Way of saying let the punishment fit the crime and that's practice in the courtrooms even today God says they were happy to bring Zion down the were glad to see they said Lord deal with them the way they dealt with us don't over punish you but let the punishment fit the crime in it hard well you see happy verse 9 and shall he be that she'll take and - thy little ones against the stone oh that's rough in it but you think that's rough I do but what they were recalling is how Babylon and eat them stood idly by and watched a little Hebrew kids being dashed against the stone lives lost if you read if you read Jeremiah's writings I refer to you Jeremiah if you read his writings you'll see what God even gave them mercy gave the the mercy jeremiah chapter 49 i won't i won't read it to you for the time sake he said he did tell him I'll spare your women and I'll spare your fatherless children but you're going down eat them you're going down because you sided with the enemy to the body of Christ who've watched this message today I want to say to you keep your fire keep your fire keep your longing for the house of the Lord keep your love for the house of God began to envision coming back praise the Lord began to see it I heard one preacher say and I liked it when he said it then you might all of us may need to go go to saying it until you see it before you see it you'll never see it you got to see yourself by faith out of that situation delivered blessed lifted by the God of the Bible David said I had fainted except I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living he said you can't take that away from me I believe I believe God is going to take care of me and that God is going to take care of you and I know that we're in the mist these are the beginning of Sorrows but I'm believing the God of the Bible I'm believing the God of the Bible to open us up there the Saints come to bless us together a get together in the assembly why do you put such an emphasis on this because I believe that it is as much a part of the Cure as anything one believer can chase a thousand two can put ten thousand to flight what you think would happen if the Saints came together and prayed glory to God you if you if you're where you can stand on your feet right now if you're where you can if you're where you can don't feel funny I know you feels a lot of sorts there in the living room the bedroom wherever you are amen but remembers on you you'll get back Oh in my mind I can see mother Christian I can see the mothers I can see my mom I can see mother marching I can see the mothers look Morgan oh I can see them God's gonna bring it back but wouldn't it be something if God brought us back and bring back the good old days where we can worship in the house of the Lord and and one reason I want to get back so we can get back to trying to shut down these clinics that things bothers me see now they're gonna polls say the devil figured out a way just try to shut us down so the word is gonna kill all the baby that you can but you're discounting God he has he has the last say I want to pray father in Jesus name Lord if I forget sign let my right hand lose its cunning if I do not remember Zion let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I do not prefer Zion above my chief joy then let my hand lose its cunning and my roof clean my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth we who are on this call today we who are viewing this Lord we who are on Facebook wherever you're watching however but we declare that we will adjust but we will not be broken we will not be broken we will not be maneuvered we will not be conned we will not be conned they won't do something to us and tell us that it's rain we won't be conned into believing that this is of you we put our hands in your hands we pray that the will of God be done we pray Lord that the house of God all over this country be opened again God do it God do it we pray that businesses businesses return to business this this solution is not sustainable we pray O God for divine intervention we pray for a move of God in the name of Jesus God you move you move Lord in the name of Jesus we pray for the healing and health of every believer who is watching today we pray for their families we pray for that children I pray God for the finances of the saints many have been laid off through no fault of their own good workers hard workers and yet they're contending and adjusting I speak a word of blessing to you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus God will do during this time God will do things that you cannot see God will open doors that you cannot see in the name of Jesus I hear the Lord saying tell them I will provide I will provide this move of God I will provide in the name of Jesus I'll provide for you I'll provide I'll provide I see you I got you serve me don't forget me hey the Lord said don't forget me I am yours I am yours oh don't forget me and I won't forget you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord thank God a man would you praise him right now would you praise him right now in the name of Jesus what a mighty God what a mighty God we serve what a mighty God we serve he's a good God a true God and an everlasting king and if you don't know him today we dare not conclude without giving you an opportunity to give your heart to Jesus Christ he loves you he loves you a friend of mine from a few states over shot me a text from last night and a business associate and he said sir I just wanted to check on you and I let him know that we were doing good and I'm praying for this brother very cool brother that the Lord would save him and in my texts in my response I told them how to accept Jesus praise Lord I pray that he would take not me but take God up on that offer Jesus loves you Jesus died for you he rose again the third day and if right now have you asked Jesus to come into your heart he will and he will save you from your sins and you'll be ready to die whenever that time comes hopefully later and not sooner but it will come and you want to be ready I want to be ready to walk in Jerusalem just like John I give my heart to Jesus Christ Lord Jesus come on pray with me now Lord Jesus I accept you into my life as my Lord and my Savior I believe oh I hear you I know you mean it I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and right now I accept Jesus as my Lord and my Savior thank you Lord for coming into my life thank you Lord for saving me from my sins thank you Lord in Jesus name Amen hallelujah if you prayed that prayer with me and you believe it and you mean it tell somebody if you're a longer on the phone to call someone and let them know that Jesus has saved you from your sins and you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior god bless you thank you so much give the Lord praises give the Lord [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 6,188
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Id: 2S6I8OUvRoI
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Length: 86min 35sec (5195 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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