Bishop Wooden Monologue - "The Equality Act"

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in times like these you to to not know is to be deceived and to be destroyed because there are so many things that are happening and Satan knows how to disguise himself and if that's ever been a day where believers have to be savvy from college students to senior citizens even I find even in the third and fourth and fifth grades because they are targeting our children the the church has to be in the business of informing people informing people so that we know how to recognize and combat the enemy you know speaking of the devil there is a piece of legislation now say this quickly that that passed the House on Wednesday March the 13th it passed the House Nancy Pelosi introduced this so-called equality Act it passed the House of Representatives the the yeas were 236 the nays was 173 228 Democrats voted for it eight Republicans voted for it 178 73 Republicans voted against it it passed the house it has not gotten through Congress the Senate yet the house has passed the Congress but it hasn't gotten through the Senate and I pray that it doesn't and if it does somehow pass the Senate which I pray that it dies in the Senate if Mitch McConnell don't just keep just let it die on the sidelines but if it passes the current president says that he would veto it and I pray that if it passed a sentence that it doesn't pass with a veto-proof majority and here is why every believer should be against this this this sexual this so-called equality Act is a bill that would add sexual orientation and gender identity as a protected class where the original Civil Rights Act of 1964 furthered equality by ensuring that African Americans had equal access and public accommodations and material goods the Equality Act would further inequality by penalizing everyday Americans for their beliefs about marriage and biological sex did you ever believe that we'd ever live in a day where we have to use the term biological sex it just used to be sex because everybody you know most people understood by biology determines your sex when we never thought that we would live in a day where people can determine their sex by their thinking I think I'm a girl so therefore I am one and therefore you must call me one it must treat me like one and if this law is passed if you failed to call me one then you're in trouble but if tomorrow I decided to go back to being a boy then you got to call me a man and treat me that way the next day if I go back so far for so long it's crazy but these are times in which we live and I'll tell you what it would do to African Americans it will make the gains that we got in the 64 1964 Voting Rights Acts the gains that was given to us would be erased so no person of color and no Christian no person of color no African American should be for this and the way they try to fool black folk is they come after us and say well you know you were discriminated against no one should be discriminated and and and and our people who are not thinking go well you know that is right so I'm against discrimination but discrimination in and of itself is not a bad thing to discriminate means to decide to decide that's what it means to decide to distinguish between two things good or bad we discriminate every day but you're not supposed to discriminate on the basis of race you can't look at me and assume that I can't afford the house or I shouldn't be able to say that at a bar or I should have equal access to a facility based solely on the color of my skin which was the injustice of our country now what we're trying to do is vote into law deviant behavior a man and then compare that deviant behavior and say it's like being black the Equality Act would further inequality would further inequality by penalizing everyday African Americans for their beliefs about marriage and biological sex similar sexual orientation and gender identity laws at the state and local level have already been used this way here are five booths and I'll do this quickly that have been harmed by the Equality Act first and foremost employers and workers the Equality Act would force employers and workers to conform to new sexual norms or else they will lose their business and jobs this is already happening on this state and local level the most high-profile example involves a Colorado Baker Jack Phillips whose case went all the way to the Supreme Court after the Kalla Ward after the Colorado Civil Rights Commission accused him of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation when he declined to create a cake for a same-sex wedding he didn't create baked a cake for a same-sex wedding because he don't believe in same-sex marriage and he was sued and had to go all the way to the Supreme Court now he ultimately prevailed but do you know how much money that costed do you not know how these kind of laws will discourage new businesses there are some wonderful Baker's in here if anybody cannot bake sister Morgan I have met him but but listen if you may want to go into baking and do that that 10 left 10 level layer chocolate cake but then if you think well wait a minute they may want me to do this for a same-sex wedding and I'm a member of up Aroon I can't I can't do it make a design like that then you got to take all your savings all your money all your profits and fight it all the way to the Supreme Court he's not the only victim other cases involving disagreement over the meaning of marriage feature florists bakers photographers wedding venue owners photographers video videographers and website designers and and all kinds of public servants these people are affected by this law also medical professionals those of you who are in the medical profession the Equality Act would force hospitals and insurers to provide and pay for these therapies against any moral or medical objections if the doctor thought it was a bad idea to do a sex change operation on a 12 year old the the Equality Act would force him to have to do it it would publicize it would publicize medicine by forcing professionals to act against their best medical judgment and provide transition affirming therapies the fight is already here look at this Catholic hospitals in California and New Jersey have been sued for declining to perform hysterectomies on otherwise healthy women who want to become male so the woman goes in and says because I want to be a man give me a hysterectomy and he said there's nothing wrong you're overs I don't care I want them out because I want to be a man any good doctor with four good conscious would say I can't do that but if this would pass it and these cases are already in play you get in trouble by saying to a perfectly healthy woman with perfectly healthy ovaries ma'am I don't want to do this to you she can claim discrimination and by the time you get through paying whether you win the lawsuit or not whether you win or not you're broke a third Catholic Hospital in Washington DC settle out of court when the ACLU sued them for declining to perform listen to this ladies a double mastectomy on a gender dysphoria sixteen year old girl a sixteen year old girl wanted both of her breasts removed the Catholic Church said baby this is not good you don't want that you don't want that and AC else the ACLU sued them and and and the hospital had to settle out of court not on the world the Equality Act effect profession medical professionals and and and and also workers and employees but parents the politicization of medicine but ultimately harm families by normalizing hormonal and surgical interventions for gender dysphoria children as well as ideological education in schools and other public venues eighty to eighty-five percent of children eighty to eighty-five percent of children with gender dysphoria no longer feel distressed by their parties after puberty that is a fancy way of saying they grow out of it they grow out of it just you know I wish somebody would tell old Dwayne Wade they grow out of it 80 to 85 percent after puberty yet activists continue to push their own radical protocols social transition as young as four years of age puberty look at this puberty blocking drugs as young as nine so the boy thinks he's a girl to give him drugs that block his production of testosterone increase his estrogen so as to promote this wickedness because you know why they're doing that because they know that the children would grow out of it so what they do is we're gonna sure that you don't by giving you drugs and the kids got dummies for parents dumb is four pounds that not a preach right there dumb is for parents dummies for parents cross-sex hormones as young as 14 and surgery by 18 or in some cases even younger this protocol could could become mandatory in the future if this thing lies but look at this the latest issue of the American Journal of by bio to edit bioethics excuse me includes an article arguing that that the state could could overrule the parents of gender dysphoria children who do not consent to giving them puberty blocking drugs so if the parents say well you're not gonna give my boy drug that would block his testosterone development and further his estrogen so he grow boobs and all that the state could overrule the parent the next group I'm not doing it all because I have limited time the next group would be who would be this would be affected is women the Equality Act would eliminate would ultimately lead to the erasure the the erasing of women by dismantling sex specific facilities sports and other female only spaces sexual orientation and gender identity laws that open up sex specific facilities like bathrooms locker rooms you know when people have brains they thought it was a good idea for women to go to the women's room and men to go to the men's room how did we determine who was a lady who was a man we pretty sure that if he was swinging and if we could use a journal standing up in times past use a hundred percent sure that's a fella everything has changed sexual orientation and gender identity laws that open up sex specific facilities bathrooms locker rooms etc to members of the opposite sex enables sexual ladies sexual assaults for example Pesce thomas was forced to remove a child from school after a classmate assaulted a five-year-old daughter in the girls restroom the bore had access to the girls restroom because the school's policy grants that grass students access to private facilities on the basis of self identity and gender identity so the boy had a perfect right to go into the bathroom all I can say about stuff like this is you seem like the meeting they know whose children to pick some let me tell you something so you're talking about stuff that make you take the law into your own hands see that's the kind of stuff that creates lawlessness you see you see people mean do people know who to pick on I wonder where these children's daddies [Applause] that's what I wonder when I hear about certain kinds of abuse the first thing come to my mind is blaster daddy something daddy ought to him then call the police he wants to edit that don't edit a thing administrators refuse to change the policy despite Thomas's complaints federal authorities are now investigating the incident the concern with these policies is that predators take advantage of the loans to gain access to victims policies like these make women less likely to report the incidents and and law enforcement less likely to get involved for fear of being accused of discrimination so the lady don't report it the laws don't do the law enforcement don't get involved because it's discrimination these policies also leave women at a disadvantage in specific sports and other activities too biological males who identify and compete as women easily took first a second place at the Connecticut State Track Championships Selena Sol a former a female runner Selena a female runner lost a race and the chance to be look at this to be scouted by a college coach she coaches and selected for an athletic scholarship because she came in third she lost the college opportunity she lost being Skye and she said this quote we all know the outcome of the race before it even starts she said quote she says it's demoralizing because men should not be able to do that for women women just know just know when you promote all this progressiveness and these leftist policies you'll play your supporting people who are making life mighty hard for you amen and this thing destroys title nine which was meant to ensure that women would have the same opportunities as men in sports but this kills title nine because neither man can just say I'm a woman and he competes in the sports with women and when every time lastly who these this this thing will hurt is nonprofits and volunteers the Equality Act would hurt charities volunteers and the population they serve state and local sexual orientation and gender identity laws have shut down numerous faith-based adoption and foster care agencies across the country in Pennsylvania New York Illinois California Massachusetts and the District of Columbia these states wrongly treat the belief that children do best with both parents a mother and a father they call that discrimination when we used to call it common sense kids are the ones who are paying the price with four hundred and thirty eight thousand children languishing in foster care nationwide we need more agencies working to help kids find homes not fewer now charities admit that admit the reality of biological sex under attack - if you are a charity and you acknowledge that if you're born a male your male if you're born a female you a female you come under attack for even admitting that you believe that these people are crazy Anchorage Alaska in Anchorage Alaska a biological male twice tried to gain access to the city's downtown Hope Center a shelter for homeless abuse and traffic ate the trafficked women the man tried to get in there in response the individuals sued the Center for alleged gender identity discrimination a federal sexual orientation and gender identity law could force any charity to open up private facilities including sex specific bathrooms showers and sleeping areas two members of the opposite sex I tell you these things my friends because this is these troops are the true definition of being woke tap your hands for Jesus and give God the praise and every I can say this without fear or violating any laws about nonprofits because there tell you every Democrat running is in support of this they'll tell you they say so I can say what they say but who you won't - but they'll tell you there's a part of this I'm not God is not even you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 43,650
Rating: 4.9319587 out of 5
Id: sVc-GUSI1F4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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