Bishop Wooden Preaches // "The Importance of Preaching"

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[Music] the importance of preaching by the way of introduction the believers commentary says it will help us to understand the section that follows if we remember that the Corinthians being Greeks were great lovers of human wisdom they regarded their philosophers as national heroes the way we regard sports stars I won't say preachers and entertainers and rappers you see the turnout when that rapper got shot and killed the other day the way we regard basketball players and football players and movie stars is the way the Corinthians being Greeks regarded their philosophers some of this spirit is unrealistic regard for irrational regard for philosophers had apparently crept into the assembly at Corinth there were those who desired to make the gospel more acceptable to the intelligence e'er hear me well they did not feel that it had status among the scholars so they wanted to intellectualize the message this worship of intellectualism was apparently one of the issues that was causing people from to form parties around human leaders in the church at Corinth in Chapter three some was saying I'm appalled others were saying I'm of Apollo's they began to view the human leaders in the wrong way I thank the Lord for the privilege of serving as your prayer and I know all who are in positions of authority are appreciative for the elevation but we're not God we're not defined a man I was somewhere one time and someone introduced me and they they they gave me a designation that I that was not proper to be given to me or any human being they introduced me and they said at this time we're gonna hear from this garden man Superintendent Patrick L wouldn't send you this great Godman God man God man is an official theological messianic title there's only there's I am I right professor their goal has only been one god man to walk the earth and that was Jesus Christ Jesus Christ 100% God and 100% man what are the rest of us men with God's help godly men with the help of the Holy Ghost the Scriptures Bible study fasting and praying righteous men but we're not you're not to see us above that you are to reference our place in Christ in the kingdom there is regimentation we should be treated with respect as you show respect and we should be given honor and the scripture says the elder that rule earth well should be worthy of even double honor so I'm not saying that the leaders aren't special but we're not to be worshipped he-man love us playfulness respect us / save your worship for the Lord pastors don't let your members make more noise at the mentioning of your name that they make when then when they mentioned the Lord if you do you're allowing idolatry and that's the quickest way to end up in degree always make sure more praise and glory and adoration is given to the Lord than is given to you a man so they they began to form around human leaders or to say this efforts to make the gospel more acceptable are completely misguided there is a vast difference between God's wisdom and man's wisdom and there is no use in trying to reconcile them Paul now shows the folly of exalting men and and emphasizes that to do this is inconsistent with the true nature of the gospel not only does he not want us to confuse enticing words of man's wisdom and the Greeks thirsts for wisdom and the Jews thirst for sign he also wanted to make sure that people did not even respect mistake or to properly view the role that baptism please see because before he got to their thirst for wisdom and signs he said I'm glad that I baptized none of you well I did baptize Gaius and I baptized a few of the house of stephanas but I don't think I baptized others now he was not teaching against baptism he assigned that task to others in his ministry the Bible says he that believeth and is baptized same shall be saved now what the point was making was is that nothing takes the place of the cross I won't be before you've been around and he says I don't even want righteous ordinances to take away from the cross see so lest somebody would think that they've been baptized in my name and baptized many of you says for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the cross he points to that message his first point is that the cross the message of the Cross is opposite of all that men considered to be true wisdom follow me now death on the cross was associated with the idea of all that is shameful and dishonored to speak of salvation only by the suffering and death of a crucified man was to excite in their bosoms only own mingled score Noba found the message of the cross attractive because the cross was associated associated with ugliness the cross was associated with death and dishonor and one of the things that Paul was speaking against is trying to make the message of the Cross prettier and more palatable I'm going to say something that I'll get a lot of feedback on but I do that a lot and I get a lot I'm convinced that many have never met Jesus I'm convinced that many who who claim to be born again today have never met the Christ of the Cross they met a dressed-up souped-up cool modernized soir au pawn with it hip hop worldly Jesus that's who they accept the salvation from if the guy is a black nationalist he had to be black so you had to preach him as a african-american before the person would ever come and get say but Jesus was not african-american and and for somebody who was white and and racist then he had to be white Napoleon and all of the paintings or Napoleon burned all of the original Madonna's all of the original Madonna's the paintings of Mary with her baby were those of a dark-skinned woman not African American but a dark brown woman with her dark brown baby the head it had to be some kind of way because they hid in Egypt I had now according to the historical record had Jesus been as white as the paintings are they would have hid in Egypt they would have he would have stood out like a sore thumb but for some they would not have accepted him unless they made him look like them the truth is Jesus was not african-american Jesus was not black Jesus was my Aryan Jesus was not white Jesus was a Jew and he was a Jew who died a bloody death the was not beautiful the cross was hallelujah and the members of the church at Corinth felt that the message of the cross was not appealing to the masses or is like some of us you know the truth is the more things change the more they stay the same some of you to get a banker in your church to get athlete to attend your church to get somebody of note to attend your church there are things that you won't preach there are things that you won't say oh yeah you you you dress it up because you like the status of having this basketball player or this football player or this movie star or this worldly person as a member of your church and you know if you please preach flat holiness they will leave your church so you preach or Jesus who is not the Christ of the Bible and they walk the aisle and they get saved and they accept this pseudo Jesus when in reality they've never met Jesus they meant a Snoop Dog Jesus which is not Jesus they meant a jay-z Jesus who is not Jesus so this is the context of the tech here's what they were trying to do in Corinth they were trying to dress up Jesus dress up the message of the Cross because the intellectuals the high class the aristocrats did not find the preaching of the Cross at rap deal amen so whether we're trying today to mystify the message or to intellectualize the message or to modernize the message or to dress it up and make it worldly and hip-hop the message so as to make it more appealing to the masses these attempts although many times they are sincere they are misguided see Jesus says you got to accept me well we gotta we gotta we gotta make we got to present him in a way where the world would just like him oh no that's one of the hurdles of getting saved and that's what make getting saved such a wonderful experience because you come face to face with who he is and you accept him see some of us are wanting to get saved by trying to get Jesus to accept us praise the Lord he will save you as you are but he saves you to make you like him not for you to make him like you Jesus is not going to wear his pants hanging off of his rear end Jesus is not gonna get all tatted up Jesus is not gonna learn Ebonics and slang and then become Street Jesus is not going to become homosexual or lesbian so you will feel better about him you can't change this thing the new buzzword is the word relevant we've got to be relevant relevant everybody says relevant you know if you people say it be relevant more than you people saying be holy you hear relevance more than your righteousness a man relevance means relating to the matter I'm here to say that some things some of these matters at hand just don't fit in the church we don't relate to those things the Lord just says forsake those things walk away from those things come you out from among them and be separate we're trying to retrofit and twist everything and bring in everything into the church oh my and we're trying to make things matter we're trying to make things matter we're trying to make things fit that simply do not fit it is not the job it is not the calling it is not the task of the Christian minister to make movements actions doctrines philosophies that do not fit in biblical Christianity it's not our job to try and make them fit anyway fashion fashions styles of dress styles of clothing that is not becoming for the righteous we're not supposed to try to make them fit any show us too much but leaders singers teachers people up in front of people you know you're out I'm preacher I'm preaching to you streaming Facebook all of you all of us some things don't fit some of these fashions they were not designed with Saints in mind the designers are surprised that the Saints bought the dress because it wasn't designed we're doing what we do in mind what design was shouting the way we shop and dancing the way we done and lifting your hands the way we lift our hands say son it wasn't designed with the way we worship in mind and yet we're bringing those things in we're bringing them in and they all bring a culture what comes what accompanies these things is a spirit oh you're preaching about preaching all of us who you preaching to every church in NC third in the world anybody in particular know anybody excluded know what you know who I'm talking to one who's you're talking about no one in particular and everybody in general God's calling us to holiness we're trying to make things fit that don't fit this is so I want you to understand the context of what Paul said here they were trying to fit things and doctrines let me tell you something the walk movement don't matter of fact they're asleep whoa don't like Christianity because for blacks to be woke then their their awakened to the fact that Christianity is a white man's religion when the white man that brought the Nation of Islam to America amen so they say you got to be walk but let me tell you something the slave owners knew that you couldn't let the same read the back because when dysley would reach it back the slaves decided we can be free hallelujah Christianity is what woke up the slave owners and the slaves themselves and then Christianity puts the desire in a man and in a woman to live are you praying with me to wanna be somebody changed my whole life so the walk doesn't belong black lives matter as a movement as a statement I agree with it 100% because black lives matter but so those blue lives unborn lives newly born lives just now born lives hey governor just now born lives all lives matters but that movement if you go to that website and read that website they don't want you they don't want the church what's amazing what we take up and who we what will fall for and the people will tell you that they don't want what we have now you go walking around with a black lives matter shirt on and see somebody with a mega hat on and it is amazing to me that we have fallen to the place as a once proud people that a person can put a cap on and you are not ashamed to go on the news and say as a no wonder some of these are new programs The Cooking Channel gets more ratings now then see it in people people rather most people now would rather watch the channel and learn how to boil water then to watch somebody shows the muffets beat these shows now because you got commenting people who will come on and say when I see someone with a certain hat on that fingers a trigger and and then you find we began to say yeah yeah yeah that's a trigger whatever happened to let your moderation be known to all men whatever happened to having temperance and self-control how can a hat trick are you like that and you're not ashamed of yourself I'm ashamed of you I'm ashamed for you that you mean to tell me that we have degenerate we otherwise intelligent save sanctified Holy Ghost filled people you mean to tell me you have given somebody that kind of control over you you're the fool they can make you make a fool out of yourself make a fool out of your family make you behave on seemingly just by putting on a cap you mean they don't have to say anything they don't have to hit you they don't have to try to rape your child then have to try to take your wife they don't ever try to flag your car time all they got to do is be in your purse and your facility with a cap on and and it will get a reaction out of you you think that that's wisdom do you think that that's good do you think that that's leading us in the right direction come on in see third don't be afraid to admit that's lunacy we don't respond like that when we see somebody wearing the Stars and balls and that's the clean hat and you look right at them and keep walking because you know you get crazy with one of them their subjects get crazy with you two and whoever the craziest prayers along be a shootout right there in the stop but we're trying to take these movements lbgtq when cooper mentioned them tonight when the preachers mentioned them earlier today I heard I heard the spirit of the devil saying Danny go preach it again start again why they all over got em into that why did it bring it up what is it the spirit of the world by the way I'll tell you why there's a reason why there's a reason why I'll tell you why the cause and every commercial there they are pushing it and every movie they are pushing it in their music they are pushing it in their churches they are pushing it and in political parties they're passing laws and they're pushing it well it's time for us to stand up and push back you push me around tell you that now for god I'll leave for god I'll die can I get a witness we're bringing these things in with ku Klux Klan doesn't fit in the church tell you something else I'll lose half of you these Greek fraternities and sororities and Freemasons and Black Panthers Nation of Islam KR st and all these things you can't bring them in and create another gospel many preachers are trying to send the message that they're hip that they're cool that they're relevant I'm not going to study my daughters or my son's all my grandchildren's language and colloquialisms and so I can at 57 stand up and talk and sound like them I don't want to embarrass them like that I don't preach you know you know every other sentence now you what is the young folk saying now that a young folk saying we'll walk and a young focus saying there's a well you're not a young folk and what the young folk are looking to the grown folk for its leadership the tale ain't supposed to wag the dog Wow there is such a thing as age appropriateness my god let the grown people be grown uh-huh I'm preaching just a minute here but we're trying to appeal to the flesh of people when in fact we're doing damage to God's truth the truth is we're behaving like Corinthians nothing more and nothing less excellent person next to you are you let me preach here I'm almost done two hours late but both to the culture of the Greeks and to the pious Jews the story that Christianity had to tell sounded like the sheerest folly Paul begins by making free uses of two quotations he preaches because Isaiah 29 and 14 the B clause and Isaiah 33 and 18 the B clause when he says for it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to naught the understanding of the prudent where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of the world he did this to show how mere human wisdom is bound to fail he cites the undeniable fact that for all its wisdom the world had never found God and was still blindly and gropingly seeking Him praise the Lord that very search was designed by God to show men their own helplessness and to show and and so to prepare the way for the acceptance of him who is the one true way Minh had searched and they had tried to find God but they couldn't find God hallelujah and Paul said in verse 17 he says for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel and he said this not with the wisdom of words the point is Paul was he wandered he didn't want to impress the people with his oratory he didn't want to repent and impress the people with his rhetoric because he felt that they would miss the deeper meaning of the Cross preachers I know that we are worried sniffs our profession is speaking but let us not get so fancy that people fail to see the forest for the trees don't preacher don't preach in a manner where nobody knows what you're talking about when a day now where we glorify preachers that we don't understand will move because they're so deep they're so deep that they've fallen out the bottom and they preach it we go so whoa wow what was that did you get that understand no honey child that went over my head well we we certainly had a great time good preaching is making the complex simple the Lord didn't call us to pray to try to be auratus the Lord called us to be preachers this is what Paul meant in chapter 2 when he said and I brethren when I came to you I came not with the excellency of speech all of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God I've determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified and I was with you in weakness and in fear and with much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in the demonstration of the power of the and the spirit the power demonstration of the Spirit and the power praise loss that your faith should not and in the wisdom of men but in the power of God hallelujah it is impossible to exaggerate the almost fanatic mastery that this silvertone rhetorician had on the Greeks Oh the Greeks were intoxicated with fine words and to them the Christian preacher with his blunt message you know you're criticized now for being a blunt preacher well that's not a new criticism the Greeks criticized the preacher with his blunt message and they said his message he seemed a crude an uncultured figure to be laughed at and to be ridiculed rather than to be listened to and respected oh I hear the things that people say about us and they talk about our bluntness and bonus but I want you to know that this new style of preaching Paul would put you out he'd he'd snatch your papers from here you're scared to cry loud and spare not you won't preach against sin to save your life you love to spend time preaching sermons on things that have no eternal moment but God calls the preacher to be blunt God calls the preacher to be crude hallelujah the Greeks didn't like it them these these Greek speakers they were called Sufis they were call wise men they were men who could speak so wonderfully that they could make a worse situation they can make a bad situation seem good just by their talking men who could spend hours on a mental hike could god almighty with no interest in real solutions but they love to spend endless hours hair-splitting trifles pootrap tells us about the surface he said they made their forces sweet with musical cadence and melodious of tune and they echoed Renaissance oh there was something they thought not what they were saying but how they said it many of us are experts that's saying nothing wails but I'm telling you there's nothing like the content of the gospel their fault may be poisonous but as long as it was enveloped in a line who need words people would listen to it that was a Sufis Adrian the Sufis he was he had such a reputation in role that once it was announced that he was going to give a lecture the Senate emptied the the theater the games impeded people left the games and they flocked to him Adrian the Sophists they loved to hear him speak he had perfect diction he had a perfect voice he had perfect pitch but he talked about nothing but the people love is nothing talk and on the other hand the Jews are you praying for me the Jews the Jews to the Jews the message was a stumbling block for two reasons Barkley tells us he says to them it was incredible that one who had ended his life on a cross could possibly be God's chosen one they pointed to their own law which unmistakably said cursed is every man who hangs on a tree Deuteronomy 21 and 23 says if you die on a tree or by crucifixion that you're cursed by God there to the Jew the fact of the crucifixion is was so far from proving that Jesus was the son of God for to the Jew it disproved it they said the fact that he was crucified said that's no way he could have been the savior even though they read Isaiah 53 over and over and over yet they did not concede that that would be a suffering Messiah hallelujah Jesus the Jews salt for sign at the very time that Paul wrote this letter good God Almighty there were many folks messiahs and they were beguiling the people in AD 45 a man called sidess had emerged and he had persuaded thousands of people to abandon their homes and to follow him out to the Jordan promising that with the word of his command that the Jordan would divide and the people would walk cross on dry land do you not know that people followed him needless to say he was a false prophet and in AD 54 a man from Egypt arrived in Jerusalem claiming to be the Prophet and he persuaded 30,000 people to follow him out to the Mount of Olives by promising them that at his command the walls of Jerusalem would come falling down and they went out there and he gave his commands and the walls stood that was the kind of thing that the Jews were looking for they were looking for a sign and the Greeks they were in love with wisdom but I had Paul said I don't care what they want we're not going to adjust the sermon to go along with them don't give him a sign and don't try to be our ace office but stand flat-footed and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and then tell them that on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross and you've got father cross hallelujah shake somebody's hand and said don't don't stop preaching it don't change your message I like what Paul said he said for the preaching of the cross it's a certain message and a certain style a certain subject he said when the Jews hear it and when the Greeks hear it they won't like it to them they call it absurd but don't you change it preach anyhow preachers when you preach against abortion some people are gonna leave your church but preach anyhow when you stand against the sins of this world when you stand against transvestitism transgenderism hatred backbiting of fornication and adultery when you stand somebody's gonna leave what standing when you preach somebody gonna sit on you what region don't dress it up don't soup it up Mike [Music] [Music] talents of bridges talents of missionaries to just grab somebody by the hand and just make a promise soon I won't water it down I won't change it promise you my brother wherever you live when I preach you know that I'm gonna preach the truth I know that you're gonna preach the truth we're gonna cloud we're gonna tell it like it is yeah somebody brave the Lord somebody brave where is the wise that is where is the greets office why was described where is the Jewish scholars where is the disputer of this world well is that you our group who's gonna stand and show me a better way another way to salvation well there is no other way come here Socrates say what you wanna but you can't save nobody here Aristotle you can't save nobody I thank God for the Passover meal but when Jesus died Jesus said I'm giving you another meal take this breathe this is my body that's broken for you that shed for you thank you Jesus he gave them a new way and I wanna pray that God tonight send the spirit of defiance upon all the churches I'm praying that God make the preachers brave I'm playing God please make NC third preachers make us all bold God make us crazy God make us go for broke in the name of Jesus make us reaches up who are be defiant and stand up tell the world where is your wife where is your scribe where is the disputer the world that isn't don't get your philosophers if you can find them and bring them to me because I have a better answer what is the better answer it's the preaching of the Cross can I get a witness here there is no other way to be saved and then to preach the cross I thank God in my clothes can I get a witness up Paul said for it is written I will destroy the wise the wisdom of the wise and I will bring to nothing the understanding of the fruit where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of the world have not God made foolish the wisdom of the world is foolish to try to find joy in yoga is foolish to try to find peace in that big belly Buddha is foolish to try to find deliverance in that wicked Mohammed is foolishness to try to find a way out to atheism it's foolish to find solace in suicide I get a witness they give you rest did he give you rest I'm gonna have rest tonight give him praise for your is somebody give gone ahead [Applause] that's your Mackey's that you're my Savior and I'm getting ready to close but they said it please go it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching how many please go how many I want to do something that God takes pleasure Sunday whatever he gets a chance preach you want to please him preach since the world calls it foolish since the world calls it absurd Paul said all right you can call it up said all right but buddy please go to the absurdity of a man standing up the Greek word is Karuma the kuruma is the main stage and he yells to the top of his voice extra extra read all about it the kerygma is the man who proclaims God's truth he acts like he's crazy he doesn't look good sweat pours from his face he looks like a fool the intellectuals don't like it but it pleased God by the cannibals the actions of the preacher just save them that believe somebody praise God for P yeah we cry loud why don't we crawl out we cry loud first and foremost to get the world's attention we cloud to put emphasis on what we have to say we cry loud we cry loud to cry above the voices of the world because we believe in what we say we cry loud because we're convinced and we're convicted that this thing is true and it has been assumed to us and we cry loud because it is the method that pleases God so all of the sophisticated methods of the world he rejected he chose a method that the rest of the world would find disdainful preacher crude oh I feel you you sophisticated preachers but wouldn't you to direct that's what they said about Paul that's what they said about preachers of that time that's a compliment to you I wish you would be more direct I wish I wish all of us would be less politically correct I wish more of us actually actually believed that God is wiser than we are that's what I really wish because we think when you when you follow some of our arguments to its logical conclusion we think we're wiser than God and so if you just stand up as said that way nobody's going to hear what well well you know what the Bible says you're on that issue the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than man and he intentionally chose a method that the world would call foolish because if he would have chosen a method that the world loved and that the world agreed with then the world would not appreciate being in him see that are built in to come in to Jesus because Jesus is what's it he's worth it he's worth it we're trying to take take the hurdles up we teach a seeker we got seeker-friendly churches oh we got we got the donuts and the coffee on the way in and to hand them the mints and the donuts and the coffee and now everybody's all like that in the pew but they water bottles I'll see you all out there and we're all just having a ball you don't have to change you have to change your actions you have to change your clothes or change your ways never do anything and and then but now I'm telling you you don't have to agree with me a lot I won't debate it with cuz I know I'm right you're introducing them to someone but is not the Christ of the Bible the Christ of the Bible he was naked his back the yank the crown of thorns on his head and in his head so twice its size yes a grown man up there naked with his mama out there in the audience he stinked with the spittle of soldiers as they spit on him his face and head was swollen because Matthew tells us that they blindfold him and they would strike him while he was blindfolded and say prophesy unto us and tell us who hit you when they will put him that that that that that's whip the cat it would rip into his skin pull his back open and yet the way to God is through this bloody and through this bloody message Moses first wife miss God she lost down because Moses had the circle circumcise his boys you know she wasn't spiritual no she said to him you have a bloody religion he left her he had to leave her because she didn't see this thing was not designed to be fixed up and made palatable we got to fix it so the people will come no no Jesus says because ain't no matter we'll get gonna get saved but those who see the true Jesus anyway I came to Jesus as I and who was presented to me was the man that died on the cross and rose again the third day and nobody promised me when I got say that he would take away all my troubles fix everything make everything all right there would be no cloudy days you think about the promises we give people now and you know you some of you you're so game for that kind of stuff you like it you like it it just it just you just it just it's it's it's up your alley when you all these things that angle happen they don't think the processes don't come to pass but we like that stuff Paul's argument here was simply this don't change it he says the Jews won't a sign the Greeks won't wisdom we don't give either we preach Christ crucified neither a sign nor wisdom I stick to you stick to this Paul says you stick to this when you're going you preach to the laws you preach the truth you don't soften the truth well you know I don't want to say anything to make folk get up and walk out yeah Adam they come back after don't you knows what happened they gonna perish and there Paul had acceptable losses he says he says the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness what you gonna do with them that perish been in Paris until they see there's been something other than foolishness they go in Paris you're not supposed to change it and now they're saying you know what it's saying now they said now that Jesus turned down across Jesus died on the pole Farrakhan said the other day that Jesus didn't die on the cross Farrakhan said Jesus was in front of a stove and and a Jew a Jew merchants shot Jesus and Jesus used a preaches on saviours day and he said and Jesus had his hands up saying hands up don't shoot and said that's where we got Jesus oh that's why we got that from because he were really saying hands up don't you and a Jew shot and that's how they killed Jesus and and and the house was packed and everybody there said amen so means what we say man - no wonder some of us have no faith no wonder some of us would go along with anything the world does come on some of us have never met the Christ of the scriptures we're to introduce people to this well I I want to grow my church I was invited to one church growth seminar to speak and I spoke and they never invited me because I told them church grows seminars aren't of God I said that I said that at zemana [Applause] why do you say that because the moment the preacher sets his heart and mind on growing the church the church is compromised now won't we won't have a soul winning conference that's different want to reach the loss conference that's different but if the objective is to grow your church what do we need to do to grow the church and you're bringing all these tricks and gimmicks and you look over and and I'm not saying that the gimmicks don't work that's proof in Charlotte you know but if they were they were they were good they know the techniques to get people in there they fill us up in three Sundays bye you have to get rid of jeez got to drop first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 and down because you can't preach the cross you can't preach the Word of God the Cooper was right we do not judge in the sense when Jesus says judge not we don't judge that way which means to come to a conclusion without knowing the facts but we do judge once you know the facts we then do determine we discern whether an action is right or wrong based on what the scriptures say about that action so on that no we do judge but we don't judge before we know the facts the man run up to you and tell you I just robbed a bank and you call that man a bank robber you have not incorrectly charged him he robbed a bank he just told you he robbed to me he's a bank robber or life so if you said well you are a bank robber he can't then come back and said don't judge me try to the money you did it the world wants to make us afraid to make judgments these movements now poor Morehouse Morehouse College it used to be something it's nothing now poor Morehouse they just announced they just announced they get rid of the get ready to start taking transgenders a few years ago a few years ago a few years ago Morehouse that's the one with the man a few years ago Bush was in they announced that they were borrowing from the campus pumps and high-heeled shoes and dresses they bought it from the campus what's the big deal Morehouse all-male school what was pumps and skirts doing at Morehouse an all-male school now they just said you know what we're taking transit we take an air of everything this is all this and you know you know and people wanna know why we preach the way we do people want to know why we cry loud I'm so tired I'm done of preachers telling me every time I take a stand I'm so sick of tired people telling me that would ever stand it is I've taken that's not the only sin I hate it all the time and you know but my response to them is it seem to be the only one you won't take a stand against [Applause] and I noticed this the that's not the only stand preacher crowd our preachers who are not known for taking a stand against anything you don't know they have not stood on anything but they're gonna tell you because you have conviction they feel that they need to remind you that that's not the only sin like you're dumb like you don't know that no abortion is not the only saying but it's the biggest killer of African Americans that the world has ever seen it's not the only one but it's the only one killing us the way is killing us I preached long enough acts 15 and 35 Paul and Barnabas came preaching and teaching did its goal to increase understanding of the pupil we got to preach and teach the Word of God I want to pray a special prayer tonight for the preachers who will say God because I noticed things easier said than done I hear well pastor my church is smaller than I'm trying to get it off the ground if I preach that stuff I'm gonna get in trouble my response to this man that's the point mine may not be as small as yours but I sure there's a lot of expenses and things and you need the revenue you need all are things that keep it going that's the temptation not to preach it either everybody's got to everybody's got a reason they can fall back home for compromise but none of them are true none of am i right God is calling us both men and women missionaries and ministers to preach the gospel I was fast man pray for me male or female pray that I take advantage of every opportunity that the Lord gives me to preach the gospel pray that I preach the cross and I preach the Jesus Jesus of the Scriptures we don't want the entertainer's Jesus look at all the NBA players who name the name of Christ I down the court cuss more than it cuz more than the guys who don't claim to be saved always fighting always complain and say they're Christians my position is stop naming the name of Christ leave us alone you are bad for us give me the courage preacher to save what needs to be saved give me the courage to preach the truth in love in love also means with conviction I preached in love tonight I gave you a good example of preaching the truth in love love has passion so I don't know about some of these people love they love me so don't that kind of love love anything you love your passion about it move you meet me at the altar blood that Jesus shed for me way back okay Laurie that usually strength from day to day it will [Music] it's power it soothes my mouth and calms my fears thank you and the same blood he tries all my tears love that gives me strength found a boot it will never never lose mr. sang this it reaches it reaches ha to the highest mountain can I tell you where it found me gotta tell you it found me and it fly - the lowest Valley to the lowest Valley that gives me strength [Music] and will [Music] ah Wow Richard that is boundless I'm getting ready to plant to play but it's uh - the lowest Valley to the lowest Valley [Music] like you miss get weirdo and well it will will now father your blood okay double shot your blood tonight your blood Jesus your blood tonight oh my lord but we leave here tonight reality is reading small memberships is waiting disobedient followers awaiting mountains are waiting challenges are waiting the devil gonna be standing but somebody's door with his arms all folded saying I dare you but God let this anointing leave this place tonight unknown everybody here not knowing every preacher unknown every missionary unknown every man woman boy and girl every carrier of the gospel every preacher and every teacher tonight I know them Lord to preach your word to stand on your word to call a spade a spade in the name of Jesus to go for broke in the name of Jesus hallelujah Jesus hallelujah God that's power in the name of Jesus that's power in preaching Jesus in the name of Jesus the Lord anoint you the Lord here your body the Lord give you strength right to live this thing to cry loud and despair now you may not be as sophisticated as the orator you may not have be the word spit that the rhetoric ation is but you have the gospel of Jesus Christ you may split a verb you may fail to properly conjugate that the census when you're preaching your colloquialisms may be awful but crowd anyhow you may start up when you preach you may lose your voice thank you Jesus but the Lord is saying I'm with you and I'm gonna show up and I'm gonna show up in the name of Jesus that is our divine i define blessing now there is a move of God in the land there is our healing for your body our healing for your family deliverance for you in the name of Jesus I declare it done in Jesus name [Music] let him see your hands pictures let live your boss pictures live your boss pictures this is what the preacher man and the preacher woman hallelujah you don't know what those God's going to open you don't know you don't know you don't know but when that door opens don't miss that moment when that don't open you step up you hit you hit you sad I need about a two or three hundred I shop to God and say Lord I'll do it [Music] Jesus name for his belly amen god bless you god bless [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 4,791
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Id: UHxDJ9oNisQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 4sec (4324 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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