Bishop Wooden | "Fighting the Right Fight the Right Way" Part 2

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[Music] bye father bless us as we preach the word of the lord today in jesus name amen fighting the right fight the right way you know many times today the church is involved in fighting the wrong fights the wrong way we many times major and minors and we minor in majors major things i think we've witnessed just a few day for the last week or so what happens when the military and generals and people in positions of authority fight the wrong fight while our generals are fighting to promote wokeness in the military while they're assessing the greatest threat and danger to our military and to our nation is racism so we've got to fight to get rid of the racists they took the eyes off of al qaeda the taliban as they were gobbling afghanistan president was asked do you think that uh afghanistan will fall just in june or july of this month of this year he said no it fell so fast that nobody was even ready why because we're distracted looking at the wrong things not paying attention to things that ought to be you saw what happened last summer y'all won't like me today but in many cases we were marching all over the country shutting down shopping centers uh destroying shopping centers raiding businesses um shutting down freeways marching all over the country chanting the name george floyd my comments is not about george floyd my comments about us but you'd be hard-pressed to find any of us who will march or even just come down and visit a clinic with thousands of babies over which the overwhelming of which the overwhelming majority are black just as black as you and me are slaughtered every day all that marching about one man but not a whimper about thousands that are slaughtered every day every day one of our riders the other day i won't mention the city that he said that he was in because i don't want to indict anybody but he was in one of our major cities where we have bishops and pastors and superintendents to spare pastors bishops auxiliary bishops i mean we got all the positions and he said while their own business i visited a clinic and said there stood one white man and i went there and i marched and i stood with him and said for the time that i was there he was there on business he said no one else came and i thought about all of the church leaders that i know personally good people in that city but they have no interest in fighting this right battle the right way we've stood idly by and allowed marriage to be redefined family is being redefined we are defining deviancy down i've been talking to you about that things that we used to call deviant and we used to be somewhat shocked and alarmed about now is treated as normal i told you the other day that the saint valentine's day massacre which was considered to be horrible was four men killing seven gangsters on valentine's day that's a light weekend in chicago now that's almost like weekend in some of these neighboring counties and even here we've defined deviancy down are you praying for me satan is coming against us and i'm here today to sound the alarm and say to the church that we are going to have to fight amen um forget uh adopting the strategy that you can just go stand off in a corner and i'll stand up in the corner i'll be a good guy or a good gal and i'll make no noise and nobody will bother me no no satan's coming against us all right satan's coming against us all we're all are being challenged in this day and time and uh but i believe that god has given us what we need to reign paul says to the saints at ephesus i won't spend much time in laying a foundation because we talked about it thursday night he says finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might we said thursday night that the power must the the strength we must draw strength from jesus from jesus jesus must be our power source and no one else amen and the power of christ is sufficient he gives us more than power i read to you where the bible teaches that christ is exalted far above principalities not just above but far above room to spare amen i thank god for that but we've got to turn to him and we've got to trust in him and we've got to lean on him and we're told in verse 11 to put on the whole armor of god and verse 13 take all up the whole arm of god the idea is put it on and never take it off you you wear it as a uniform that you never shed and many times we compare the roman soldier as paul writes about this and we show the soldier but and there's nothing wrong with that but according to isaiah chapter 11 and verse 5 and isaiah chapter 59 and verse 17 the armor is god's armor god is telling the believer that i want you to dress up in what i wear myself the bible says in isaiah 11 and 5 and righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins and the faithfulness and faithfulness the girdle of his reigns isaiah 59 and 17 says for he put on righteousness as a breastplate and as a helmet of salvation upon and and helmet of salvation upon his head and he put on the garment of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal and as a cloak you know the enemy wants to rob us of isil amen wants to it's the will of satan to make the church apathetic matter of fact jesus predicted that the last epic the last stage of the church would be that of apathy apathy laid back as a matter of fact the laodiceans were described as laid-back people one writer said that their invitation was come on over to laodicea and join us and they were just as relaxed as they could be and jesus said this about their state of apathy he says and this is described in the last day church he says because you say that we are rich i am rich and increase with goods and check this out and have need of nothing see when people don't sense that they need anything they're not zealous to get anything see and you know when you got to be careful that you don't let the devil rob you of your zeal see an an apathetic christian can never win against a christian who is still hungry i told him at eight o'clock what the devil wants to do he wants to rob us and i i worry this way of the dog in us see you got to have some dog in you some desire in you if you're going to do if you're going to make it in this oftentimes the prize fighter who ends up losing his belt the champ who gets dethroned becomes apathetic see it's one thing to be out there running in the winter time getting in shape for your fight and you don't have any money in the bank you're talking about something that'll just get you up you're out there and you're punching that uh that heavy bag and you doing all of the work because you're hungry your family is depending on you you need to win this fight that's very different from after you've won a few now you got three or four hundred million dollars in the bank you'll ask yourself why you out there running what am i doing this far right almost worth uh 400 million dollars of a sudden that heavy bag can easily get too heavy and what happens is the man who was broke like you were and who was as hungry as you used to be before you got full that man will come and take your title because he has more of a reason to fight he has zeal you've been lulled into a false sense of security and achievement and all of a sudden you begin to skip stages i saw one man fight a fight not too long ago and i told my wife i said he's going to lose that fight right before the fight um he was downstairs the boxer you know most time when the fighter gets ready to fight a heavyweight championship match you're not downstairs in the locker room with your wife she's sitting on the couch beside you and you cooling out before the fight his opponent was in there getting ready i told my wife i said he's going to lose that fight he says how you know i said uh he's too relaxed his zeal is gone god he's got his honey down there that ain't the place for you honey send her up into the stands i'll see you when this is all matter of fact i don't need to see you for the next 14 weeks because i'm going to need all of my strength to beat my opponent because he's doing the same thing see some of you who have never uh been uh athletes and content uh contended you don't understand that no no at a certain time you know you got to praise the lord walk away from the pleasures of this life in preparation for what's coming up say amen god gave egypt seven years of plenty but god knew i've got to tell them in the seven years of plenty that they will follow seven years of famine because if you get seven years of plenty it's easy by that third year to feel like this is the way it's going to always be by the fourth year you you feel like you are an expert at knowing how to keep plenty right here we are today in our 67th week back into live services but in week 67 we don't want to not be careful we don't want to not be smart now we know what we're doing but if you're not careful you can lose your age and get messy and get sloppy god said tell them that there there's seven years of famine coming after the seven years of plenty tell them because they'll think that after five or six years of plenty that this is the way it's going to be from now on but it will get just as bad as it was good and everybody knows that if you don't save in the seven years of plenty it won't take seven years of famine to deplete you take maybe about two years and now you got now you got praise the lord five more years to go sometimes the enemy robs us of our zeal gets the church to sing in all uh we we were toning it down preach reverend i hear that all the time we're toning it down we don't we don't want but so much jubilation don't get but so happy don't shout but so much come on now we've got to we got to learn some sense that's a trick of satan to rob the church of its zeal and while the churches are cooling off have you noticed that the world is heating up [Applause] the nfl just added a few games to its schedule the world is becoming increasingly worldly raunchy mu movies are becoming increasingly raunchy the deviant are becoming increasingly deviant but they're telling the church to tone it down the devil is a liar they're inventing new ways to sin every day but they're telling the born again to tone it down you don't hear what i'm saying you know and and i'm going to move on i'm i'm i'm you don't like this i can look at your tail but you know you you you could see it coming mother that they were gonna uh put us on the non-essential list oh you're back on that again with i told you i'll be talking about this for a while because you know what they may try to do it again i see it coming i see it i see it i see it with these variants and all that but before the governors declared the church is non-essential you know who declared the churches as non-essential pastors churches you remember the trends the trend was having shorter and shorter churches church services quicker and quicker brevity in the presence of god became the selling point come to our church our our service will be over in 90 minutes come to our church the preacher is not going to preach for 15 minutes come to our church service starts at 11 you'll be out by 12. come to our church service starts at 11 at the most you'll be out about seven by by 12 30. and people flock to these churches that the moment you sit down it's time to get up and lean but now the baseball game got longer so the psychologist said that the human attention span is only 15 minutes nobody told hollywood when was the last time you went to a movie and paid your hard-earned money and bought a bag of popcorn by the time you get the ticket and the popcorn the drink you spent 30 dollars and sat there and watched a 15-minute show if they listen had they pulled that you would have left their fighting and would have demanded your money back but when it comes to god when it comes to the things of god the trends have been less of thee and more of me [Applause] so it stood to reason when they declared that we were non-essential it stands the reason that we receive they receive minimal pushback churches folded like cheap tents some haven't opened yet went home with the tail tucked between the legs are driven by fear when god when jesus said that my house shall be called the house of prayer for all men churches now and the leading church voices are sending out notices telling their members that you cannot enter into the sanctuary unless you show your vaccination call now where is that in the bible so much for whosoever will let him come praise the lord praise lord so so much for coming be healed and somebody asked the other day concerning vaccines what would jesus do what do you think jesus how do you think jesus would act in all this well if you go by the biblical evidence they probably would have called jesus a rebel because according to the historical account jesus walked up to the leper and touched him that's what jesus did that's what jesus did [Applause] don't get me started [Applause] and when he touched him the leper called healing didn't he do it so let me move on i feel something i'm going to preach in in in a minute but i want i want to talk to you see because we're living in a different time and the church is standing idly by we're being re-defined god said dress up in my outfit put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand against the wiles of the devil we spent time thursday night on wiles the greek word is methodia the word method the the orderly and systematically handling of a subject that is when satan attacks us he attacks us after he studies us every human being has flaws every person has weaknesses everybody has desires every every everybody have kinks in their armor we all have propensities we all have procured peculiarities we're all just people amen all human beings have idiosyncrasies oh a pastor says nothing strange about me ask the rest of us i said all right then i said all you know we just you know we just don't see our own but people do the husband stands and says i'm a complete man there's nothing wrong with me the wife sits beside me don't say a word then when she finally does other stuff she said he's guilty of thinking more highly of himself than he ought to think satan studies us and organizes a plan and then launches his plan that's called the evil day that's when he comes after you after uh he studied your brother monet and studied your family oh my study he studies our appetite i can't imagine that there are people who don't like chocolate but there are a few messed up people who don't uh and uh and you know what uh satan won't come after them with chocolate because he knows that they don't like it i can't imagine a man not like a fried chicken i really can't imagine that and yet especially brother hey yeah yeah yeah i'm having some fun with it and yet uh there are those who don't so satan won't come after you uh if he knows that there's something you don't like he comes after he studies us and finds out what our preferences are our likes and dislikes and he organizes a plan and he makes a move and sometimes if you've ever had that feeling where you feel like life is just working against you and somebody up there is working against you and something's going wrong you you're halfway right it ain't somebody up there well maybe up there yours with satan being the prince of the power of the air but not in heaven the devil knows how he's really satan down there the devil knows how to study you and then after a while he launches an attack and he comes after you sometimes he's in a then b it comes in a series a b c and d and then sometimes when the series don't don't work he'll send them all at the same time and then after that attack is over and you've you've withstood it the bible teaches that satan leaves for a season he leaves you he comes right back and by the time he gets back he studied you again this is what paul says you need to suit up to be ready to fight against you ought to shout to somebody and say shoot up and he didn't say put on half of it he said put on the whole armor [Music] the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood our enemy is not human but there's a there's a reason paul said we do not wrestle against flesh and blood there's a reason he said that the first reason is obvious because we don't but the second reason is less obvious this is one that that the discerning and those who are filled with the spirit understands even though our battle is not with flesh and blood when the enemy comes against us he comes through flesh and blood our battle is not with flesh and blood but flesh and blood humans are used of satan to promote the darkness of this world to promote spiritual wickedness in high places humans are in the position to promote these powers and wicked things so as a believer you got to know how to look at that person see the wickedness in them and then see beyond that and know that it is the devil that you're fighting against that takes discernment if you don't know how to see it you'll end up being racist you'll end up hating people you'll end up thinking that everyone is out to get you you end up uh rejecting folk who look a certain way talk a certain way because you don't realize that your enemy is the devil but satan uses people so he says put on the whole arm of god for we wrestle a not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places i got a question with all these the repetition the repetitious use of the word against my question today is what are we against is the modern church now against anything what are we opposing what are what what sins do we oppose well somebody please tell me we're certainly not against the abortion industry because you know even we sanctify people believing a woman's right to choose so when it gets that we're certainly not against the lbgtq because we're not judgmental we're no longer against that we're certainly not against telling our young black boys and black girl brothers to turn pull their pants up and stop being a victim amen because if you are against that then you're called a oreo or an uncle tom my question is what are we against what are we against when racism had its ugly grip on our nation the white church did not speak especially in the south against it as they should have i don't care if you don't say amen what are we against what are we against we've claimed that god have gotten us out of the correction business joel osteen pastors the largest church uh in the country if not where any in our country and uh he'll tell you that i'm just called to encourage you the lord didn't tell me to do anything but to encourage that's not that's not possible there is no calling that limits a preacher to encouraging people only that that that that doesn't exist see the bible teaches do you all still believe the bible now i know you didn't like it you don't like it that i said something about your precious job but the bible says this and and last time i checked the bible is right the bible says in ii timothy 3 and 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instructions in righteousness now will somebody find in this passage i'm just called to encourage you the word here notice two words that are side by side reproof and correction reproof is to cause you to be convicted it is to convict you to the point of shaming you it is to convict you to the point of making you angry to bring about correction now when did the church get out of the correction business we're not called to be movie stars we're not called to be the celebrities y'all don't like me we're not called to uh learn how to uh cohabitate with sin to find middle ground with sin that's not what we're called for we're called to be against these things against them and you may not want to be against anything but god sent me to tell you whether you want to be against them or not the devil is against you don't you ever forget it don't you ever forget it you have an enemy out there that is doing everything he can to say to it that you not put on the whole arm of god to say to it that you not stand up and resist and hold out and hold your ground praise god when the evil day comes it is the will of satan for you to fold so if you're not against him then it's a one-way fight because he's certainly against you and i want you to know that uh god have called us praise the lord to fight we're not called to accommodate sin we're called to uphold sin it's not a compliment to you that uh when the world calls you and says well you don't judge you don't do anything you're just sweet that's not a compliment to a christian that means you're not bringing any correction there was a time when the world saw saints coming they could be cussing and they'd stop cussing because the saint walked up they could be smoking man put the cigarette in his pocket because rebs just walked up they'd be drinking they hide the liquor because the preacher just walked up now the world see you coming up they offer you a smile hey man you won't want to drag hey doc you want a hit why because we don't correct we don't correct instead of standing uh in opposition we are learning to just get along why can't we all just get along now rodney king asked that he was not a preacher he was not an apostle he was not an anointed man there's a reason why we can't get along paul said what fellowship have righteousness with unrighteousness well amen what concord have he who is a believer with an infidel where does light and darkness get along see that's the answer to that question sometimes the reason we can't get along is because you don't want to do right and you don't want to do right and you want to you want to pull me into your sin that's why we can't get along and god didn't call us to get along god called us to stand against [Music] [Applause] and i want to say to the preachers who are watching and a lot of you do that you better you better stand on your calling because satan is putting a plan together right now to try to put you out of business and you're the purpose in your heart that you're not going to allow the enemy to do that to you but instead you're going to stand and put on the whole arm of god and stand against these wicked powers that exist and i heard him say for we wrestle not against human beings but we stand against principalities these principalities are ruling devils they rule over territories you know you find a lot of these principality demons in the world of government oh lord look at what the government is doing to us now did you ever believe that you live in america in america where they're trying to make people take shots that they don't want to take now even though it's against the law the nuremberg codes of 1947 said that they're not supposed to be able to coerce people to take any medical treatment that they don't want and look at you now that's saying if you don't do it we're going to fire you whether you've taken the shot or not that's your business and that's not my point but my point is you ought not to be able to walk up to me a perfectly healthy human being praise the lord and tell me that i've got to put something in my body and i don't know where the women are who used to get mad bring up abortion and the first thing she tell you is my body my choice now the same people are telling us that we've got to put stuff in our bodies good god almighty and and many of those if not all of them are made with the byproduct of aborted babies and when you get good and sanctified you don't want that in you you're not saying amen and uh they're they're they're trying to force you to do it and they're putting pressure on the saints now unless you have been paying attention to this church you didn't see it coming but the reason i say if you paid attention here is that i told you months ago that the day they said we're going to make uh vaccinations available to all americans who want them i said then soon they're going to drop that all americans who want them and they're going to try to make everybody do it and i'd whether you do it or not that's your business but they ought not to be able to make people this is of the work of principalities we see principalities declaring that a man can turn himself into a woman and once that man says he's a woman now these principalities and demons are trying to tell the rest of us that if you slip up then the man been the man's name has been mike all your life you've been working with mike on the job for 20 years you went out with mike you went to with the church with mike you went to the bar with mike you watched the game with mike and mike decided that mike was going to become mikayla and if you now slip up and call mikayla mike they're trying to sterify you and discipline you this is the work of evil spirits it's the work of the enemy in the world and then when you see all this stuff going on god knows you can't take it unless you're suited up unless you already have on the whole armor of god because without the armor you won't be able to resist without the armor you'll find yourself constantly giving ground giving up see that's the context there keep your territory hold your ground soldiers don't retreat good soldiers don't retreat unless their commanding officer tells them to retreat but if their commanding officer don't tell them the retreat then they stay where they are but look at what the devil is doing we're constantly retreating we're giving ground we're making excuses we're becoming something else but god says i want to give you power to stand your ground i want to give you strength to be able to stand up against the wiles of the devil against these principalities against these powers demon spirits that have been given permission and authority they've been given might they've been given the right from the devil to come against you and they come in human and inhuman forms so you got your principalities you got your powers and look at this thing here principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world this is a dark world there are people in place who rule the witchcraft they rule the pornography yes they do they mess up children these are traffickers it's the darkness of this world the drug trade they said the other day that uh i think it was the fires a vaccine they gave it uh fda approval fda approval fda approval they call the fda the gold standard fda approval i might be wrong about this but then those opioids have fda approval and look at all the people that got killed look at all the lives that got messed up with fda approval look at all the drug addicts that they created with fda approval you better be sure that your ankle holds you better know that you've been suited up because the devil is a liar he's coming against the saints he doesn't he don't care about the little man don't care about the little woman but aren't you glad today to know that jesus loves you and jesus has given you power and given you a way to keep from losing your mind to keep from cracking the lot told me to tell you that it's time to be strong be strong in the lord and stand your ground against the rulers of the darkness in this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wicked folk who promote all kinds of sin and maliciousness persons who are not they're not just evil themselves but they don't have problems expressing their evil they plot evil they are plotting evil against the church even as i speak the lord's showing me how the world is trying to surround the church but i'm so glad that despite their best efforts we win why you got to do is hold to his hand stand your ground and live holy because god has anointed us to be able to stand up against the wise of the devil somebody declared a day i'm not gonna lose my mind somebody shout today i'm not gonna crack i'm not gonna fold i'm not gonna be depressed i'm not gonna get discouraged i'm gonna outlast this attack because god has put fight in me god has put dog in me the lord have put something in me that gives me what i need to keep on keeping on i want to fight the right fight the right way let me close but i had somebody said you don't know what i've been through if you knew what i'd been through you would understand my praise if you knew what i've suffered you'd understand my praise you would understand that i have a right to praise the lord the holy ghost began to move on me and the holy ghost said patrick reverse the thing tell him you're right to praise me it's not based on what you've been through but you're right to praise me is based on what jesus went through on your head he died he was crucified he was beaten he was lotto he was spit on good god almighty they kicked him they stabbed him they lied on him he hung his head and he died [Applause] somebody shouted that sunday morning he rose again and he's the reason that we have a right to praise the lord he's the reason that we have to give god to praise will i will somebody praise the lord for saving you well somebody praise the lord for setting you free let me hear you praise him not for what you've been through but what he went through on our behalf yeah yes [Music] thank you since you've done all this for me i think i'll throw my hands up since you've done all this for me i think i left my voice since you've done all this for me lord jesus i think i'll tell the world that you're the only savior that you're real that you're powerful and that you're soon to come again how many know that jesus christ is coming back jesus christ is going to snatch us out in the nick of time so friends of mine let us fight the right fight the right way let us pray in the holy ghost let us put on the whole arm of god let us make sure our feet are showered with the preparation of the gospel of peace that is i'm ready to march i'm ready to climb i'm ready to run whatever [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let me hear you praise him if you're ready whatever the costs whatever the fight oh lord i'm ready i've been prepared and i've got the shield of faith let me close here but that faith leads me to believe that whatever come my way god will see me through whatever whatever comes our way he's still a healer he's still a deliverer he's still a waymaker do you still believe that he is [Music] that he is able to see you through your neighbor to set your soul on fire yeah [Music] [Music] y'all just looking at somebody and say suit up [Music] put on put on put on the whole arm of god you can't fight without the armor [Music] i read but just for a spell some soldiers ah didn't like the armor because the armor was heavy the helmet was heavy the breastplate was restricting and they felt that they could be more nimble and they could fight better without the armor so they were allowed by their commanding officer to go out without the armor they all but got slaughtered without the armor see i know i know in this day of easy believism i know in this day of where they call holiness bondage i know as we talk about things that can be restricting i know that they call it old fogey i know that they call us play in church oh i know all the stuff that they're saying but wait until the enemy comes against them they're going to do what they've done everywhere else they've been fooled full you know why because they have no armor they have no armor the armor might be heavy but you can't but let me tell you something when you you you you know what i'm talking about you're a real one he's been behind enemy lines all that you have to whack into battle is quite heavy but it it helps you come back see see yes it's heavy sometimes what the church put on you you can't go here you can't go there you can't do this and you can't do that and sanctification means got to come out of this group sanctification means you can't do those ski weeds sanctification means you got to be real now sanctification means you can't be assisted you can't be a homosexual can't be a homemonger oh wow it means all that stuff and and and you know what that gets heavy but i'll tell you why it may be heavy but when the devil come against you you will be glad that you have your armor whoa somebody lift our hands and praise the lord somebody will say i'm so glad for my armor some of those restrictions pastor put some on those mothers got on my nerve some of those others yeah they oh they i'm a young man but looking back on my life without that armor i wouldn't be here today wouldn't have last 44 years and counting armor armor armor gives you power to go through something imma give you the strength to fight the right battles the right way see those who are fighting against the armor they're fighting the wrong battle how you gonna be a church preaching against the church that preached church stuff see how you gonna be a church and you you you're busy trying to make sure your church don't sound like a church that you don't look like you're going to church there's nothing churchy about your church if you're fighting but you're fighting the wrong battle are you fighting the wrong way the test of the church i want to go on record pl wouldn't the test of the church is not how far it can stray from its old landmark [Music] is how close you can remain where you were when god called you in the first place how many can still say i'm saved sanctified holy ghost field and i'm fire fire baptized [Music] see jesus died so we could be sanctified he didn't die for us to move away from it there's two things and they have to be understood i'm gonna pray we're going home i want to celebrate my mother so i'm gonna get to that right after seven uh two things so you got to know the difference between imputed righteousness and practical righteousness that's what these guys miss it see these lightweights these lightweights don't understand the difference imputed righteousness is the righteousness that you gain the day you get saved god confers righteousness upon you now you haven't changed the thing yet if you if you were drinking before you came he got saved the liquor bowl is still in the car because that's where he left it before he came to the church all right the the drugs i'm just using still in the gun compartment [Music] but the lord has imputed righteousness on him the ease of believism churches and these guys that don't understand stops right there that's why we're wrong that's where they go wrong paul teaches after we've been imputed with righteousness see this is how the book of ephesians is divided the first part deals with imputed righteousness righteous that god declared before the foundation of the world but if you keep reading in chapter four he begins to talk about what you got to come out of what you got to give up take off the old put on the new that's called practical righteousness practical righteousness see you begin to walk in practical righteousness because you have imputed righteousness now i'm going to brother haynes if you're watching i'm going to put your wife on the spot i thank god for you you look so nice you look like a first lady you got you got the look now you got there now i'm gonna ask you a question and i want you to i don't want you to think anything deep because not true trick question why are you standing there uh with that dress on cause i bought it well he bought it okay what's the next reason and i liked it i wanted to wear it one more i'm a woman got it [Music] she said she said and she's right she said i didn't think i had to say that one she's right but that's why nobody thinks it's strange because you know what when she came here god decided before she got here that she'd be female so with her being female she puts that on because she's a female well when the lord uh declares you righteous then you begin to walk in practical righteousness because he have declared you righteous [Applause] ruffin he just came in to marry this girl you're her husband you gotta treat her right you gotta prefer her before you [Music] you have to be her protector if she needs you to work five jobs to take care of the family do it that's mine six that's what men do but you know why because you're the husband and once you take on that role and you and it's imputed you're it now you know what you have to do once you become it you have to act like it [Applause] somebody shout amen somebody shout amen oh lord [Music] there's a certain way you do because of who you are i'm done i want to read one verse i i quoted the other day it's been hanging around my spirit and and john you and anthony uh elder uh armachuca you and elder wilson y'all probably could do more with it than me but it's been hanging around me um in chap proverb [Music] proverb chapter 17 and you know and it's a simple looking ver it says in verse seven it says excellent speech become if not a fool much less do lying lips a prince nobody is expecting a fool to talk like he's got good sense because he's a fool but people are surprised when rulers and princes and people of note are liars because you expect the person that once they attain certain status to have certain characters and integrity right right all right we're saved god has made us righteous then it is expected that we walk out and live out that which the lord have declared us to be in the name of jesus [Applause] hence the whole armor of god because satan is determined that you are not going to live out what you have but has been imputed upon you if i couldn't stop the imputation if i couldn't stop you from getting to the altar i did my best to keep you from getting saved and you went up there and got saved anyway if i can't stop i couldn't stop that but what i will do is i'll come against you in the evil day and keep you from being in a practical way what god just imputed upon you god says that's all right i have a remedy put on the whole armor of god amen and the armor will do the trick i'm stopping right here my time is up i want to pray for you today i want to pray for everybody who wants to fight the right battle the right way who wants to uh walk first of all prepare see you some some things you can't do without preparation what happens is real life shows when a person is actually prepared you can claim to be prepared all you want to but everybody knows if you get out there and you crash and burn everybody says they wasn't ready looked ready talked ready and thought they were ready but it wasn't ready the ready the prepared we're prepared to march run climb and do what it takes god wants to prepare you god wants to prepare song says love prepared me to be a sanctuary pure and holy tried and true and with thanksgiving i'll be a living sanctuary for you father in jesus name i pray i pray for the believers i pray for everyone here today everyone here today who is interested in living out practically what you have imputed upon us spiritually i pray oh god the holy ghost is in here for every believer who is saying lord i want to fight the right battles the right way i've wasted so much time fighting the ones who are trying to help me i've wasted so much time pushing against kicking against the prick you've given me a pastor you've given me a church you give me people and i resisted you i've i've wasted so much time with the attack of the enemy during the evil day lord i don't i don't want to waste another moment in the name of jesus so father i ask you now to bless me to suit up to put on your outfit the whole armor of god in the name of jesus from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet dress me lord in your uniform dress me for battle trust me o lord that i might be able to win in jesus name i pray healing i pray deliverance i pray freedom in christ in the name of jesus and it is so in jesus name amen give the lord praise glory to god you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 687
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: HDUC-nsXxJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 51sec (3951 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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