Bishop GE Patterson " I Am In The Circle of God's Protection " 1987
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Channel: BrothaRollins
Views: 46,395
Rating: 4.8613863 out of 5
Keywords: I Am In The Circle God's Protection, Bishop G.E. Patterson I Am In The Circle God's Protection, The Circle of God's Protection, sermons on god's protection, Sermon on Protection, I Am, In The, Circle, of, God's, Protection, Bishop, GE, Patterson, bishop ge patterson, bishop gilbert earl patterson, G.E. Patterson, gilbert earl patterson, memphis, tennessee, Memphis Tennessee, Temple of Deliverance, Church of God In Christ, Bountiful, Blessings, Ministries, God's Protection, G e patterson
Id: ZaEi_Ds9ahY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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