Presiding Bishop G. E. Patterson "No Weapon That Is Formed Against Thee Shall Prosper"

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[Music] tonight we've enjoyed our musical guest a tremendous young lady um who i met some years ago in atlanta georgia at our unac convention and invited her to come to memphis and ever since we've been real good friends and she's here um stayed over from the workers meeting by invitation of our pastor and she's here sharing with us today in our service and she's going to come at this time and minister us minister to us in song let's say amen and give another hand for sister sean pace [Music] there is a name [Music] i love [Music] to hear [Music] i love to sing his word [Music] it sounds like music in my ear the sweetest name [Music] the savior's alive of how he died to set me free [Music] [Applause] that is shed on [Music] the reef [Music] i love it with all my heart i love him with all my love jesus oh [Music] lord i love you jesus [Applause] me love me i love the laundry my soul loves jesus i love you so much [Music] love me me [Music] made me my god yes [Applause] i love you jesus clap your hands for jesus i love you jesus [Music] take them to a flat right quick [Applause] god gave me a love song to him in the midnight hour one morning i was praying [Music] sometimes we go through things and you your love for god be tested and the lord told me he said sean you know how much i love you i said yes lord he said but for you to take what you're taking for you to go through what you're going through saints of god it takes a love that you have inside for me to go through what you go through then i start singing god i love you i love you god it's the love that i have for you and your faithfulness that is so true [Music] god i love you i love you it's the god that i have for you [Music] it's the love that i have for you it's the love that i have for you it's the that is what's bringing me through this storm ain't nobody ever been through a song god i love you i love you god it's the love that i have for you and his faithfulness has he been faithful that is so true i don't care what's going on i love you i love you i love you guys [Applause] is that's the reason i lift my hand and praise it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's the love that i have for you [Music] that is what's bringing me through this song then i said thank you lord thank you and the wee hours of the morning i lift my hands and say thank you lord thank you thank you in everything i've got to give him thanks this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you come on and put those hands together [Music] [Music] hey listen [Music] i will bless the lord at all times for his prayer shall continue to be in my mouth giving thanks always for all things unto god the father in the name of our lord jesus christ with i'm gonna be faithful [Music] oh i will bless the lord at all times [Music] for his praise shall continue to be in my mouth giving thanks always for all things [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you is [Music] [Applause] please [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lift your hand just [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] i talked to my mom the pace family we are we are very close family i talked to her twice this week and after i didn't come home saturday murphy got worried called my mom she called me this morning told him to call me he called me what's up girl i said well bishop wanted me to stay over well if bishop want you to do anything you do what bishop said [Applause] sister lou my mother said tell you she love you and tell bishop she loves you and she was concerned about how i was feeling and what how i was doing in my spirit she said sean i'm praying that god send you somebody that'll talk to you and minister to you because that's what you need and i told her if i didn't have my two babies i would stay right here in memphis atlanta wouldn't see me no more except for an engagement [Applause] and the other night when i went to hugs first lady it just came out naturally i hugged i said hey mama and i was like oh jeez i was like i hope she didn't take that wrong but when i was sitting there she told me she said i'm going to talk with you and tears just begin to well up you know sometimes you need somebody to talk to and my mother often tell me sean you just i i think i did this but i told y'all to be honest when you was coming up and sometime i think you just tell too much i'm like but mother sometimes i have to deliver my soul she was asking me how i felt i said well mother i don't want nobody ever think shawn is a star or she thinks she's this uh i'm on your level i'm with you i heard and i go through and i told her how i felt i said i want to go get drunk and just forget about her she was like oh god don't do that [Music] she said bishop didn't walk in that hotel room saw you drunk you think you got problems now the devil don't want you to see what'll happen after he tells you to do what he wants you to do [Music] i need that laugh but i'm dedicating this to my spiritual parents i'm just claiming you that away bishop and sister lou if i i were in control [Applause] of my [Applause] [Music] i think that i i would have worked things out so much differently there will be no hurt no pain of these things my life would be [Music] scot-free but that just goes to show you how little i know about leading about controlling sean's life [Music] because all of these things have a work together just to make [Music] oh the best [Music] if i were in control [Applause] of my life i think that i i would have worked so much things out differently [Music] there [Music] of these things my life would be [Applause] [Music] how little i know [Music] about leading about controlling my life all the hurt all the pain all the lies all the misunderstandings all of these work together just to make the best of everybody everybody everybody everybody everybody in here today but [Music] god controls my life my times are in his hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] trust him i've got to trust him come what may oh if i were in control of my life [Music] i would have worked things out so much differently if it was up to man i'd be destroyed but my time it was up to the doctors and the report that they gave me i should have been dead last year but my [Music] [Applause] time they are in his hands [Music] [Applause] yo yo yo yo yo yo yo thank you all for having my times they are in thank you jesus his hands [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends of all are in god's hands [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise jesus [Applause] [Music] thank you lord without any delay i want you to turn with me to the book of the prophet isaiah i want you to read with me and allow your bibles to remain open to the 54th chapter of the book of isaiah and we're reading together verses 16 and 17. if you have that same man come on let's read it together behold i have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work and i have created the waster to destroy no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the law oh praise god verse 17 no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper just turn to somebody and say those words no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper you really ought to just stand up and tell about three people around you that because you don't know what they're going through hallelujah no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] i thank god hallelujah i don't know of any words of scripture that would be more consoling to god's people [Applause] in this present day and age than the recognition of the fact we have god's promise for this is a day when i cannot help but go back a few years when the democratic candidate walter mondale was running for the office of president of the united states and a part of his platform was nuclear disarmament and whenever he would mention the weapons of destruction that were in the hands of the superpowers he would say and we've got to get rid of these god awful weapons and the weapons that man have devised in this day and time we have seen nuclear proliferation come to an end we have seen the uh superpower of the soviet union come to naught and yet there are many missiles that are in the hands of unstable governments which yet create a potential threat to the civilization of mankind but on a more practical note we have just experienced even in our city and in many other cities the exchange of food for guns because the saturday night specials and the various uh revolvers and automatic weapons in the hands not only of street gangs but the average school child if he wants it can get his hands on a weapon we live in a day when it doesn't matter how careful you are you don't know when you're going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be the victim of someone who is wielding a weapon so we're concerned about weapons and the natural but we're also concerned about weapons in the spiritual because the devil has an arsenal and he's not so concerned with destroying his own he's already got them but he is constantly attempting to release his arsenal of weapons against the saints but we have god's assurance look at somebody again and tell them no weapon that no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper now this has addressed the very last sentence says this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the lord you see the devil he tries to play games with god understand that even when moses came to his dying hour and the lord called him up on the mountain and moses had to go to sleep the sleep of death in a private ceremony nobody was there but god as the eulogist and the angels were there as the pall barrels and grave diggers and while they were in the process of putting moses to rest the devil showed up and said the body of moses belongs to me yet michael the archangel in contending with satan over the body of moses did not bring a railing accusation but simply said satan the lord rebuked thee why would the devil have the audacity to want to claim the body of moses who was a great leader and had led the people of god as great as moses was he made a mistake he made the mistake of spoiling the type the rock which was to be smitten once symbolizing jesus being smitten on the cross moses in anger hit the rock for a second time and because of that one mistake god didn't let him go into the promised land but the devil wanted to even take possession of him and don't you fool yourself when you have done all trying to live for god the enemy will afflict you with a guilt complex and the devil will tell you because of that mistake you made that i'm going to let my weapons tell you asunder but god says that if you're his child no weapon formed against you will prosper this is the heritage of the servants of the lord not because of their righteousness because all your righteousness is has filthy rags but your righteousness is of me hallelujah when i stepped on the promise of god when i put myself in the master's hand he became my righteousness sometimes i might slip up but thank god it's not as bad as the saints had us thinking when i was a child we saw god like as an old man with a stick in his hand calling us to a tight rope walk and if by chance you just happened to laugh too loud they made you feel like he was going to hit you across your big head and you were going to fall down into the bottom of this pit but the lord has invested so much in your salvation that he's not out to destroy you he's out to save you and when the weapons come flying at you they are not god's making they are the devil's making and god says that the devil's weapons will not prosper let's look at the text and i'm not going to be before you that long we've got some other things to do this afternoon this message comes from the book of the prophet isaiah and the book of isaiah in fact this is in fact the uh a part of what is called second isaiah for all students of this prophet will quickly relate to you that one man did not write the whole book it is called first isaiah second isaiah and it is similar to the bible itself the bible has 66 books and uh the book of isaiah has 66 chapters isaiah 1st isaiah has 39 chapter and the second part of isaiah has 27. so does the old testament have 39 and 27 and there are a lot of similarities between the book of isaiah and the bible itself i will not take the time to go into all of that today but when we come to chapter 54 which is automatically a part of second isaiah this chapter [Music] has six movements in it six movements are six musical poetic if you want to use rhythmic terms six strophes they are called it opens with the first trophy which is verse one through three and i want you for a moment to look at the beginning of chapter 54 and let's read verses one through three come on and read it with me sing o baron thou that did it not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud that thou did is not travail with child for more of the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife saith the lord enlarge the place of thy tent and let them stretch forth the curtains of thy habitation spare not lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy states for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left and thy seed shall inherit the gentiles and make the desolate cities to be habitated now what you see here the prophet speaks of jerusalem the children of israel as the bereaved and widowed mother understand that in that day and time there was nothing more embarrassing than for a woman to go childless and the lord is saying of jerusalem that you are the bereaved and widowed mother jerusalem had been destroyed by the chaldeans in 586 bc and all judea lay in ruins this destruction was symbolic of god's divorce from his people israel but even though israel had provoked god to the extent that it was like a divorced bride god promises that the one who was barren solitary and separated from her husband while exiled in babylon will end up with more children than in the time of her marriage prior to uh the captivity god is saying that before 586 bc before the chaldean invasion before the deportation down into babylon you were my bride but you uh had some children now i've divorced you and allowed you to go down in the captivity where you stayed for 70 years you've come back all bruised and come back embarrassed and you've come back childless but god says that when i get through this uh bride that had a few children before the captivity and now you're just a barren woman but i'm going to give you more in the end than you had in the beginning now you may not have noticed but that's the way god does things notice even in the life of job all that job had before his affliction came upon him but when you get to the last chapter job god turned the captivity of job when he prayed for his friends and he had what twice as much as he had at first god has a way of allowing his people to be tested allowing his people to go into captivity and in the case of israel and the babylon god declares that he did it himself because of that disobedience but in the end he promises that you're going to be better on the end than you were in the beginning consequently when they come back from their captivity down in the land of babylon and when those who were building the temple the man the zerubbabel the son of shiatil the governor of judah who had been assigned the task of rebuilding he asked the question look out those of you and see if there's any left who saw this house in a first glory you saw it first now look at it now how do you see it now when solomon built it it was beautiful but now it's in shambles but god said after the shake up i want you to know that the latter glory is gonna be greater than the former glory i think about samson strong man that was stronger than any man that had ever been he was able to kill a young lion with his bare hands when a group of philistines thought they had him cornered he grabbed the jawbone of an ass and killed a thousand philistines and here was a man that they were scared of finally they put out his eyes cut off his hair and threw him in prison and he ended up grinding in the middle how be it his hairs begin to grow again and say what you want to it doesn't matter what the devil have done god knows how to let your hair grow again and in the end in the end glory to god he was able to go to the temple of dagon their idol god had a young man to lead him with his blind self to the two pillars where the house stood and he put one hand on one and the other hand on the other and when he pushed the pillars and the temple of dagon came falling down the bible said more philistines were killed at his death than all of them that he had slain together at his life god just got away that when you think it's over as sister sean said my times are in his hand and you may think it's over but god says i'm gonna let you live again i'm going to bless you again i'm going to anoint you again i'm going to let you come forth again [Applause] jerusalem has been destroyed by the chaldeans in 586 in all judeo-laying ruins this destruction was a symbol of god's divorce from his people israel but god promises that the one who was barren solitary and separated from her husband while exiled in babylon will end up with more children than in the time of her marriage prior to the captivity and verse 2 simply says because i'm going to do that enlarge the place of thy tents in other words said god said i'm going to give you more children so add some more rooms start now making your house bigger see whenever god tells you something you can build on it you don't have to worry i wonder is it so i wonder will it happen if the lord said it you can build your future on it you can build your house on it glory to god you can build your future on whatever god has said praise the name of jesus verse 3 lets us know that the children of jerusalem not only will god enlarge his people to the degree that they've got to enlarge that tent stretch forth the curtain of thine habitation spare not lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes in other words just let the tent get bigger for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left thy seed shall inherit the gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited god said to israel you don't have to worry you can start enlarging your quarters because not only am i going to give you the children that will be the natural seed of abraham isaac and jacob but the gentiles are going to also be included and that's why i say that we've got to be mighty careful as people who love god and as christians getting caught up in a lot of ethnic uh rhetoric hello somebody you know i don't care how you may hear some persons talk about the jews this and the jews that don't let anybody stir you up to a point of hating a nation that god has so wonderfully blessed because don't forget whether jesus was tan brown or black he still was a jew and all of those men who were his first disciples they still were jews and we have a directive from the lord in the book of psalms to pray for the peace of jerusalem we cannot detach ourselves and think that we have a religion that is just simply black hello somebody because god has included us as seeds of abraham when you read what paul has to say he said whosoever has faith you are abraham's seed and that's why i don't read the bible and give all of the promises in there to somebody else when i start reading of how god promised that i'm gonna bless you in the city i'm gonna bless you in the field i'm going to bless the fruit of your body i'm going to bless this i'm going to bless i'm going to bless and you can say oh he's talking to the seed of abraham he talking to me because if i've got faith i'm too am inclusive in the seed of abraham well when we move from this first trophy we come to uh the second and this comes from verse four and five read verse four and five fear not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither be thou confounded for thou shalt not be put to shame for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth and shall not remember the reproach of thy wilderhood anymore for thy maker is thine husband the lord of hosts is his name and thy redeemer the holy one of israel the god of the whole earth shall he be called he's saying here that i want you to understand israel fear not you were invaded by the chaldeans you were captured by the babylonian empire but fear not you don't have to worry because of what happened because god is saying even the thing that happened to you in your youth he's referring here back to the time in egypt understand now that the first hostility that israel encountered was as slaves in egypt and this thing that happens in babylon is their second exposure to captivity he said i want you to know you don't have to fear what has happened in the past and the lord begins to unravel in verse 5 who he is and the ways in which he is related to his people he says first of all i'm thy maker i made you secondly i'm your husband next i'm your redeemer and then i'm israel's holy one oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying and the last thing he says here is soon you know all over the world i'll be known as the god of the whole earth but back in that day israel's god was more or less reserved to israel and a few nations round about other people were worshiping their idols but the god that was israel's maker the god that was israel's redeemer said he shall be known as the god of the whole earth and now it doesn't matter where you go you can call him yahweh or you can call him jehovah but in the far-flung regions of the earth the same god that brought israel out of egypt is the god that we glorify today i'm not glorifying some uh mythical unnamed deity but it's the same god the same one that stretched out the heavens the same one that made the earth the same one that created man from the dust of the ground that same god is our god let's move on down to the fourth movement here and that's verse 9 and 10. do you have your bibles come on and read that with me as i found the waters of noah should no more go over the earth so have i sworn that i would not be wrought with thee nor rebuke thee for the mountain shall depart and the heels be removed but my kindness shall not depart from thee neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed saith the lord that hath mercy on thee oh praise the name of jesus emphasis on god's everlasting covenant the king james version said the waters of noah the revived standard versions virgin says the uh days of noah god reminds them of just like in the time of noah after the flood waters had abated that i put my bowl in the heavens and i made that as a covenant between myself and mankind that it doesn't matter how it reigns doesn't matter how the rivers flood never again will i destroy the whole of mankind by water god is saying i want you to know [Music] that just like i made that covenant with noah that which i allowed to happen to you down in babylon i won't allow that to happen to you anymore the mountains may depart they may shake no matter what happen you don't have to worry because god says it will not happen again we move down to the fifth movement and i'm rushing verses 11 12 13 and 14. let's read them all thou afflicted tossed with tempest and not comforted behold i will lay thy stone with fair colors and lay thy foundation with sapphires and i will make thy windows of agate and thy gates of carbuncle and all thy borders of pleasant stone and all that children shall be taught of the lord and great shall be the peace of thy children in righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for that shall come all right all right praise god listen to what he's saying here god is saying all afflicted one israel is bowed down in misery in her present enslaved condition she stormed tossed disconcerted and troubled by the events she has experienced but as i read verse 12 from the revised standard version says i will make your pinnacles of agate which is a hard semi-precious stone your gates of carbuncle which is another kind of gem and all your walls of precious stones hallelujah then he moves in verse 13 after saying how i'm going to beautify the city itself the outward appearance then he moves to the inner appearance some of us only get concerned about how we look on the outside we'll spend hours in the morning getting ready for church because we know it's going to be hundreds maybe a couple of thousand people there and i want everything to look right from every strand of hair right down to the tip of my toes i want people when they see me to know that i'm together and then you'll come to church late and you'll sit there and talk all during the sermon and anything that'll help dress you up on the inside you don't have time for you ought to touch somebody and tell them but god wants us not only dressed up outside but he wants us dressed up on the inside and if you can't say man say ouch [Applause] from the physical splendor of the new jerusalem the prophet turns to her inward glory and verse 13 says all thy children shall be taught of the lord and great shall be the peace of thy children verse 14 and righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come near thee god said i know you may be in a bad shape now but when i get through fixing you up you're not going to have to worry about the days of your youth when you were slaves in egypt you're not going to have to worry about those that came against you the chaldeans and deported you down into babylon and in this day israel was experiencing an unfolding of many different weapons from the beginning the caveman didn't have anything but a stone hello somebody but as man has continued to live he has created new weapons and new systems of weapons but god is saying to them it doesn't matter what kind of weaponry you have been exposed to nor what they will come up with in the future behold i have created the smith do you see that who is the smith a smith is a skilled worker in medals [Music] you've heard of the goldsmith and the silversmith and the coppersmith and the gunsmith hello the smith is that person who is skilled in metal but the lord said i'm the one that created the man who makes the weapons i have created the smith that bloweth the coal in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work and i have created the waster to destroy not only did i create the man that made the guns and made the weapons i created the one that uses them and man can't spray anything on me that i don't know about and because i'm familiar with every weapon and every weapon system that can be devised that's why i can stand at a point of omniscience and omnipotence and say to you that out of everything man has made everything he will make out of everything the devil has forged in hell and everything the devil will come up with out of all of the weapons past present and future god said i make you this promise no weapon that's formed against thee shall prosper i'm just about finished but understand here that weapons fall into broadly two categories there is what is called offensive weapons and defensive weapons the offensive weapon that you attempt to reach out and hit the enemy the defensive weapon is the one that you use to try and protect yourself we remember that during the war in the gulf when uh the man from uh saddam hussein that's who i'm trying to think of decided that well if the united states drops a bomb in baghdad we're going to attack israel and when they start shooting their stud missiles at first the scud missiles if it didn't just fall short on his own would hit its target but they came up with a anti-missile missile that once the scud was launched this missile was to intercept the skull sometimes it did and sometimes it missed but i want you to know that god's anti-missile system it doesn't have a miss every time the enemy shoots a dark in your direction god said i've got an anti-missile missile that's called my word and it doesn't matter how the enemy shoot at you i can intercept his shot in mid-air i can stop his missile before it even leaves out of the weapon projectile i can stop it midway between the enemy and you i can let you see it coming and be close enough to feel the heat and stop it just before it gets there that's why i don't want you to worry because whatever weapon the devil shoot at you if you've done what i told you he'll not be able to penetrate for when i told you in my word to put on the helmet of salvation put on the breastplate of righteousness have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace have your lawrence girded about with truth and then have in your hand which is the shield of faith it doesn't matter what the devil shoot at you he doesn't have the power to penetrate and when you get through surviving his attack i've given you one weapon my god everything else is defensive but i've given you one offensive weapon it's called the sword of the spirit which is the word of god no matter what the devil shooted you god said i didn't give you but one weapon to fight offensively and that is the sword of the spirit which is the word of god and if you put on what i told you if you have in your hand what i gave you no weapon [Music] turn to somebody and tell them i don't know what you're going through and i don't know what the devil is shooting in your direction but you have god's promise no weapon formed against you shall prosper [Music] i'm closing i'm fixing to go to my seat but one thing i want to add as a footnote after he says no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper then he comes up and say in every tongue [Applause] [Music] and every tongue that shall rise up against thee thou shalt condemn in the judgment now the reason he didn't put the tongue as one of the weapons is because it doesn't matter how bad folk talk like has always been said words can't hurt you folk can lie all they want to but it's not a weapon they can threaten all they want to but it's not a weapon god said all you got to do is don't worry about folk talking i didn't put the wagon tongue under the category of weapons folk that lie on you god said i'll give you a chance to deal with them later [Music] [Applause] if they really got something to hurt you god said i won't let the weapon that's formed against your prospect and then when it comes to all the junk they're saying god said i'm going to give you a chance to face them in the judgment and every tongue that condemns you and the judgment you can condemn them you can tell them like joel you are nothing but miserable comforter you're not speaking the truth my witness is in heaven my record is on high god knows [Applause] now turn to somebody and tell him god promise [Music] that you don't have to worry about weapons but he also promised that you don't have to worry about loose tongues glory [Music] i gotta go on a seat one of my best days hallelujah but i feel my help coming in oh glory satan is busy trying to destroy the people of the living god but god wants you to have courage and let the devil know that it doesn't matter what you said it doesn't matter how you come at me i'm gonna be like little david you come to me with a sword and a spear but i'm coming to you in the name of the lord saying get out of my way because god had given me the power he told me i could run through your troops leap over your walls i better steal satan he told me i could rub all over you so get down where you belong you belong under my feet hallelujah hallelujah touch somebody and tell them saying them can't hurt you [Music] hallelujah [Music] you see you got to realize that on calvary god had said seed of the woman is gonna bruise the serpent's head on calvary the blood of jesus pounded satan's skull he doesn't have the power that he had he may be as a rowing lion but he's a lion without teeth his teeth have decayed he's got a loud growl but he don't have much in the way of a bite and the bad thing about a growling line he may not have the power to hurt you but if you are not careful he'll make you hurt yourself and you got to quit running in the stuff running from the devil's ground all he's got is a ground because jesus took his teeth on calvary he don't have the power that he used to have because the lord said i got the key of hell and death i'm holding it in my hand whatever sailing is trying to do to you it will not prosper whatever the enemy has tried to do life in his face he can't hurt you because god said no weapon [Music] glory glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god [Music] well did one leader say in years gone by that we have nothing to fear but fear itself we're around here killing ourselves running from the devil who don't have the power that you think he got hello somebody look at somebody and tell them god did not give you the spirit of fear but he gave you power that's why the devil can't hurt you that's why his weapons won't prosper [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can you tell somebody i'm through word about the devil [Music] the devil with the devil god told me that he will not prosper [Applause] hey [Music] be [Music] you ought to lift up your boss and praise him hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] please tell me [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] victory [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] bless the name of jesus my mama hallelujah go ahead and read them anyhow [Applause] [Music] hallelujah oh hallelujah praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus open him up and give him the praise [Music] hallelujah bless the name of jesus god we praise you for your word thank you lord thank you lord for the stronger yoke of the enemy thank you lord for promising us that it won't prosper thank you lord in the name of jesus we thank you for strength we thank you for victory hallelujah thank you for victory thank you for victory oh we praise your name jesus glory to your name come on let's praise him open your mouth hallelujah oh hallelujah thou art worthy [Music] thou shalt worthy oh lord to receive glory [Music] glory real we're going to sing that one more time and you're going to take your season we're going to get out of here but whatever you're going through we're going to praise god in spite of it because the very thing that you're going through may be the thing that's going to help you to go high and high in him thou art unworthy in spite of what i'm going through thou art worthy thou art worthy oh lord hallelujah to receive glory my my my glory we are an honor [Applause] [Applause] if there's a silliness building today tired of your sinful lifestyle want you to know that god loves you he doesn't love what you're doing but you as a person god loves you and today he's come to let you know that he can give you a brand new life the enemy is destroying you through drugs and alcohol but the lord is saying he's going to give you the power today to overcome what the enemy has put on you if you're a sinner lost in your sinful ways don't know jesus and the partnering of your sins come to the altar right now hallelujah and then there's a backslider in this building today you know the voice of god you see the presence of god in this place but yet you're backslidden you're not in the grace and fellowship of god but the lord is calling for backsliders to come on home you left the ark of the covenant of god you left the protection of god but right now in the name of jesus you can come back under his fellowship that's right my sister will praise the name of jesus there are others that the lord speak to you that's right my brother come on deliverance is here this morning oh hallelujah praise the name of jesus that's right my brother come on hallelujah hallelujah do you want to be delivered do you want to be saved if you do want us to come to the altar right now my mama that's right my brother come on saints can't you see god moving in this place oh hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of jesus the lord is yet speaking and moving in this place hallelujah you know you're not right with god you know you're living in a backslidden state but god wants to make a new creature in you this morning hallelujah why don't you give god a chance in your life hallelujah are you coming [Applause] oh bless the name of jesus hallelujah that's right my sister come on even from the west wing oh bless the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and if you're not saved today don't you know that the enemy has a weapon against you he's trying to destroy your life and the only way that you're going to remove the curse that the enemy has on you is get under the ark of jesus hallelujah and then you'll be able to say that it won't prosper against me no you're not saved no you're living in a backslidden state even in the balcony hallelujah you can go over to the elevator and press one if you know that god is speaking to you why don't you come on down west when you want you that know that god is speaking to you why don't you obey god and even in the main level god is speaking to others that you know you need to be saved hallelujah and while the saints are yet praising god why don't you come and join the saints of god lord bless the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah oh praise the name of jesus hallelujah god you're wonderful god you're great and i praise you right now the stronger yoke of the enemy that soul that wants to be saved but is afraid god we come against fear this morning in the name of jesus we come against the enemy that's holding the souls back you don't know that god is speaking to you come on right now hallelujah saints turn to somebody tell a neighbor if you know god is speaking to you why don't you obey god hallelujah oh praise the name of jesus it's the lord speaking to you if he's speaking to you why don't you come hallelujah oh praise your name i'm going to give you another moment because i'm doing my job if you want to be delivered you have to do something hallelujah oh praise the name of jesus hallelujah oh hallelujah my mama the lord is just speaking to you hallelujah as i stand here as a representative of god there are centers on backslider that need christ back into their life and need christ in their life and if you don't obey it's nobody's fault but yours thank you for watching the jonathan desvarni gospel channel make sure to subscribe to the channel and get your praise on
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 19,834
Rating: 4.7950821 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Gospel Videos, Gospel, Gospel Music, Christ, Jesus, God, HolyGhost, Praise, Praise God, Praise The Lord, Awesome, Praise Break, Dance, Presiding Bishop G.E. Patterson, Lashun Pace
Id: eLSDZag01gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 32sec (4772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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