G.E. Patterson JESUS!!!!

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hallelujah God we want to thank you and praise you magnify you exalting your name above every of a name for there is no other name other than your name healing that's in your name salvation that's in your name strength that is in your name the name that even makes devils tremble hallelujah Oh Apostle Paul let us know that the Lord said every knee shall bow things in heaven things in the earth and things under the earth and every tongue confess that he is Lord oh when he says every knee things in heaven personalities in heaven in heaven we've got angels on the earth men in the depths of hell demons so at the name of Jesus angels men and demons must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father thank you thank you but not only did you give us the name but you gave us the authority to use the name thank you Lord that's when we use the name we're not using it illegally but we are using it with the authority that you granted and therefore in the name of Jesus this very day we command demons to be cast out in the name of Jesus souls will come to Christ in the name of Jesus sick bodies will be healed round and the oppressed we'll be set free knowing you're like we do we thank you in advance because we know it's already done come on and give him praise because it's all god bless you you may take the seats and you only vit like you came in Jesus name [Music] by oppressed afflicted sicker [Music] Wow for the power on the Lord is steel the slang so yeah you only hear like you can in Jesus [Music] maybe there's somebody you need to sing that to you won't leave it like you can in the Jesus name Wow oppressed afflicted sick Oh Oh but plane so yeah [Music] I'll tell yourself our only Embree somebody tell them we Oh [Music] please be seated [Music] thank God [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] please be seated on numerous occasions I have spoken to you and to various congregations across the country from the book that I consider probably to be the greatest single text and the whole not only New Testament but in the Bible itself it has been said that if one wanted to translate the Bible but you didn't have the money to translate the whole Bible but just needed one particular book that could be translated and distributed in so many different languages so as to spread it worldwide book that would have the power in it first of all that would say anyone who had the nerve reading a book that would let you know that the Lord does have the power to heal and to deliver and to set free that that particular book that would come closest to doing everything that you need it would be the Gospel according to John often when I have ministered from that book I have used the subject he made a believer out of me but in spite of the fact that he has made a believer out of me and he has made a believer out of hopefully the majority of those of you who are worshiping with us here I said hopefully he's made a believer out of the majority because I'm not so naive as to believe that everybody who comes to church on Sunday morning is safe different people have different reasons for being here some here because we have such a dynamic music department some are here because it's a beautiful edifice that's a venue that you can come to consistent lift and have no need to be ashamed some come because we all I'll say this this fits more on the latest side women who say well it's a lot of different people a lot of guys there maybe I'll be blessed to find a husband and some fellows that every now and then get it in their mind that well a lot of folks there maybe that's a place where I can find a good wife so you have women looking for women [Applause] and I know I know that sounds crazy and way out but you do you have men looking for women you have women looking for men and you have men looking for me and you have women looking for women but the one thing that you will persistently and consistently find as long as I'm your chief servant you're gonna find someone who's preaching this book as it was intended to be free and not not someone that's going to compromise I don't understand fully what is going on in today's world and when I say what is going on in today's world I'm speaking with reference to how those who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are so weak that while others are ready to fight and it it's really it will anger you but then it's also a little bit amusing a couple of weeks or so ago when the Pope made his statement holding something out of history and basic was saying that you cannot change one's beliefs with the age of the soul that you can't take your ability to stir fear and make me put down Jesus and take up Mohammed and don't you know that before the words really left his lips doing exactly that threatening nuns threatening to kill the Pope himself and yet at the same time that's not what they about and what do the Christians do but say the Pope Oh lemon apology for what if you can defame every religion in the world and call the whole of Western society infidels that if you will not Islamic then you an infidel and you're gonna burn in hell now if anything is politically incorrect it's incorrect for you to believe that your religion is the only true religion and you ready to kill somebody either accept what I believe are you dying and then what do we do but back up in a coma ah that was not the intention that was not what was meant to be conveyed I can remember the day that when everybody especially if you were bold enough to not only say you were a Christian but a saved sanctified baptized feel what the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues preached it you really didn't believe nobody else was saying we have a lot of folk now that have just joined the church but the truth of the matter is I can remember when those coming into the sanctified Church you didn't believe and nobody else in the church believed that you were even saved until you got involved with sanctified folks when what nobody else saved but us and now we dad let somebody tell us that if we not one of them will not say let me tell you it doesn't matter what you say it doesn't matter what you think when I get through reading this book I don't know where everybody else is going and these other Reformation I don't know where everybody else is going even as it relates to our church but I made it up in my mind oh yeah as a youngster even as a young preacher I made some stupid foolish mistakes and I don't think that's hardly any of us we having somewhere along the line but whatever foolish mistakes of me I asked the Lord to forgive me for those and if I got the opportunity and it was against someone else I asked them to forgive me and I determined that it doesn't matter what's going on in this world I am a 100 % x 100 % x 100% believer in jesus christ that he that he and he alone is the door by which I must enter into the presence of the Heavenly Father and somebody sitting back there now saying how in the world that he gets so messed up the book of John John mess me up real good I only want to give you a few points and afterwards the one making invitation because I sense in my spirit today that there are some persons that God wants to save and I also sense in my spirit that there are those who are hungry well what do you mean for each other those are hungry the scripture teaches blessed are they that do what hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled I thank God that I was not somehow forced and then let me let me explain this on the front end I was forced to go to church I was also forced to understand that saved I know save if you're gonna live in this house under my roof some of y'all never heard that language that you gonna either be saved are you gonna live like it but I was not forced to get saved but I was forced to not embarrass my save sanctified Holy Ghost field parents sometimes I run up on young people that I know they themselves have to be ashamed of the life they're living and then they turn around and say who their mother who their father what church it's even painful that they would claim salvation with the lifestyle that they have adopted if this world is going to be turned around we have the only weapon sword of the Spirit which is the word of God we've got the only weapon that can turn this world around I've never seen in mine and and then let me say to you what I said to those persons on the tail end of the 7:45 worship that I want to appreciate each one of you for how nice how and how generous even though I said don't do it I still got birthday cards and love tokens and as most of you know just a couple of weeks ago I moved a little bit closer to 70 when I moved to my 67th birthday none let me go back let me go back to where I am see and that's that's one of the signs of the fact that I'm moving toward 70 [Applause] focus squirming and not God he's gonna be slow and long today we'll see when you get to where I am you don't care no more yes you hope that people will listen you you hope that they will be blessed but regardless of what is going on you you gonna keep right on doing whatever you feel that the Lord has blessed you anointed you to do amen no that was saying when the Lord Himself began to deal with me concerning salvation like most of the young people in that day it wasn't so much I love God it was a matter that I really was hell scared we've come to a time now when most people don't believe that there is such a place it's only a state of mind and it's something that ends when we leave here but I believe it now I'm just as strong as I did then the wages of sin is death the gift of God is eternal life and I believe right now as a six to seven year old man I am yep just naive enough to believe that that is a place you can call it Hades you can call it Hale you can call it whatever you want to call it but it is a place where according to the words of Jesus well the worm that even died the heat is intense but a worm won't die a place of torment how do you escape it jesus said if you want to find the door of escape am the door if you want an end to the presence of the father I am the door through what you enter into the presence of the Father I am the way I am the truth I am the life no man now that's some strong language I'm sorry you can get angry with me you can say I'm an infidel you can say that because I have not embraced your religion that I'm going to be lost but let me tell you something I would rather stand on the name of Jesus then the stand on every one of the so called sacred books of the East I believe that there are a lot of good things that you can learn from those books I believe that there's a lot of good teaching that you can learn by studying the official book of Islam and meditating with the Buddhists that's probably something you can pick up that something you can pick up here and something you can pick up there but Jesus did not tell me to come and embrace my principles he did not say come and embrace the ideology that I put forth but he's saying the salvation that you seek is in what Who I am let me say it that way not just what I teach oh my god but he says come unto me the salvation that you seek is in a person Jesus Christ is a living person oh yeah he died I don't care as rugged cross they nailed him to the cross he hung out there between the heavens and the earth for six hours crucified at the third hour nine o'clock in the morning Sun blacked out at high noon three o'clock in the afternoon when they broke the leg of the thief on the right and on the left trying to hasten their death because the Sabbath was rushing on they looked at him and was getting ready to break his leg but see prophetic verse there in the book of the Psalms said that not a bone shall be broken they didn't understand it but they couldn't break his bone because of whatever the scripture says even those things that that that the old time was didn't even know referred to him was talking about him well not if he's already dead that's known even and breaking his bones but I believe is going to be even with the rich in his death so somebody said well he he wasn't he wasn't a good businessman he didn't prepare to have anywhere to be buried we don't want to just take him up the tuffet and see him out there on the flames of topic we got to get somewhere a barium can't leave him hanging over the weekend well that's a rich man that used to follow him his name is joseph of arimathea let's see if joseph will help us as a relate to giving him a good burial Joseph and then his Nicodemus member of the Sanhedrin I'm sure that they'll let us have a parcel of ground the barium so they whent said to Pilate said we need to get his body off of the cross barium because there's a High Holy Day coming Nicodemus evidently understood that there's more to this man than meets the eyes Joseph of Arimathea I never really got a chance to sit down and talk with him the way Nicodemus did when he went to him by night but there's something about him whenever I'm near him whenever I hear his words ringing in my ear there's something that tells me he's not like other men and I've been reading a little bit of the Hebrew Scripture and if what I'm reading is true this man's not gonna be in there too oh he needs is there somewhere to hide out for a weekend and they big pilot for his body took his body put it in Joseph's new tomb and say what you want to see a burial plot in that day was even more precious than it is in this day we're gonna bury him in Joseph - yes in Joseph's - but I heard somebody say this man claimed that he was gonna rise again nobody believed that but those women you know tell the woman anything she'll believe it and consequently the man you just wouldn't believe that men who followed him so closely men that saw him yeah we like to talk about how he made clay out of spittle and sent a blind man down to the pool of Siloam and told him to go and wash and when he washed the clay he came back but they have another record that speaks of the fact that he didn't put clay on another man's eye the Bible said he just spit in his eye Jesus spit in the man's eye and here is a man that couldn't see and he came back seeing he did so many things that was so strange and people could not understand it men who helped him pass out the bread two little fishing five little body rolls that the little boy's mother had fixed him for lunch and yet that boy was generous enough to say well if Jesus needs it here it is but the man had to pass it out they were standing around they saw the power that he demonstrated they saw him go to the bedside of Jairus daughter Peter James and John were the only three that he let in the room but as soon as they got out they went and told the others you know the master did something the little girl was dead then the master walked in there I don't know what he said that's it something like tell them who MA tell us about what would that mean you all know what it meant by what happened said damsel I say under your eyes and when he said it she sat up they were back at the city limits of name they saw him hit that flat board the bear as it was called and they saw that young man that they were trying to get to the cemetery sit up and then it happened Ben but about five days ago that we saw him go up into those heels when nobody hangs out but dead folk and it's good a friend as he was to Lazarus they heard him called Lazarus name and heard him said Lazarus come forth and Lazarus comes up and yet they could not believe that Jesus had the power to walk out of that grave on his own he told him I got the power you you think you something but he said I got the power to lay my life down and then come back and pick it up again and in spite of everything that Jesus taught everything that they saw they still didn't want to believe but on the other side the women what happened what happened out that Calvary you know it was preparation the eve of the Sabbath and we couldn't hang out down that the cross no nobody was there from our group from the women's group except for Mary his mother and Mary the wife of Cleophas who's also his mother's sister and then there was also Mary Magdalene who he cast Seven Devils out of these were the only women that were present so you brothers tell us what happened [Music] I don't know you know that had some business to take care no you were scared to be identified with it women said I you you fellas y'all didn't even do a good job know you know how to go up and wash nets fish but you fellas didn't didn't know enough about preparing a body for burial I'm sure you didn't do a good job so we can't do anything during this Sabbath weekend we gotta wait until the Sabbath is officially over so early that morning don't push me out there angled your heart earlier that morning they went and said well then let's see what what can we do but somebody's gonna have to roll away the stone who's gonna roll the stone away and when they got there the stone was already rolled away oh my god and and the tomb was open and exposed I heard somebody say that you know all the things that Jesus did you know that he didn't need an angel the rolls stolen away in order to let Jesus out stone was rolled away to let you and me in stone was rolled away so that we could know and understand that he really is alive if it were possible if we knew if that were grave markers if we knew exactly where to go and find Joseph's tomb where they had buried Jesus you know you'd find an empty hole in the ground my god and you'd find that nobody would even be hanging around looking waiting because this Jesus that I served when he finished the work that he had to do he showed himself alive by many infallible proofs stayed around the earth for forty days appeared here in that but when he figured he had enough people on record that could verify the fact that he really is a lie he's not gonna let you all see me for the last time yeah you'll be able to see visions of me you read about me you feel my presence but let me show you the new power let him out his flowers on the Bethany lift it up his hands and blessed him you'll find it in Acts chapter 1 and while he was blessing them gravitation seemingly lost all of its power and the man who had been walking began to float and the man who was floating started to fly and the man who was flying just called a cloud sat back as though it were chair hmm and he went right on into the very presence of the heavenly father left the atmosphere of this earth went on through the troposphere and the ionosphere and kept on sailing and after a while he went through in a planetary space passed by Jupiter and Mars and Saturn and Neptune when he got through passing up planets these men are still looking with their mouths open in fact even the two that are referred to his angels that were evidently his escorts they even got attracted by looking at the lord's movements so oh oh oh wait a minute listen got to tell you you you men Galilee why stand you here gazing in the hilly the same Jesus that's why I don't pay no attention to these new Messiah yeah I don't pay no attention to the man oh I'm waiting on the same one the same one born in Bethlehem raised as a Nazarene the same one that's the one I'm looking for I'm looking for the one that was able to walk on water the same the one that could break bread and it multiplied as he broke it the one who even when he called your name the name would cross the transitory line out of time in the eternity and call one and from the dead the same one death had no power to stop him even let Pilate know I know you represent the whole Roman government I know that you are the governor and that you report directly the pilot but but you just don't know who I am you don't know that I'm the one that's got the power and the only power that you've got is the power that is granted you from above and all let me tell you mr. pilot that when I get ready I'm not concerned about going to the cross and not concerned about you crucifying me go ahead leave me in the ground go ahead kneel my hands go ahead nailed my feet whatever you want to do do it I want you to know that no power earth that can hold me down put me in the - but I Got News for You I'm gonna rise again and all that no I'm going to mercy but early in the morning you're gonna find out that something is gonna happen that have never happened before yeah let your security guards let them sit down with a stone and what a government seal but when the time comes the seal will be broken when the time comes nothing that man can do can stop the wheel that my father has set in motion I'm coming out anybody believe that I know I know a lot of folks go to church for a lot of reasons but honey you couldn't get me in here you couldn't tie me to one of these seats for no two and a half or three hours no way you could make me give back 10% of everything that come into my hand if I didn't believe what I read in this book but the cost I'm a believer I'll tell the world I might even be sick but I'll get up out of the sit there and go and tell somebody the Jew he's asleep he's not dead he is alive and and if you don't know it you need to get to know him for yourself it's really about 25 or 30 of you out there now that the Lord has been trying to get your attention but you keep putting it off no matter I'm gonna do it after I do this but let me tell you baby you don't have control over your own life he's got power over your life and if you would just give that life to him today something would have happened to you that you never dreamed possible I feel it even now he would not only save you but if you are sick in your body he'll heal you if you're bound by drugs he'll deliver you if your mind is confused he'll straighten out your troubled mind my god I dare you to get up from where you are and to come down here right now and give him your life you you you you will never be the same Nayla Venus however even while these are coming god bless you young man got nestle unrelated let's the young men even why you upcoming I command the enemy to take his hand off [Applause] receive in crema see the power save friend Sunday hallelujah I know you don't always understand when the Lord is that world you're used to it happening in a certain traditional way but I hear the Lord saying I'm here in a non-traditional manner but you can receive everything you need right now I won't those others to come I don't care what side you're coming from oh I know you had some plans and I know your plans I know your plans you're gonna be late it's a matter of what about you listening to me I won't you're listening to the enemy but I command the devil to take his hand off of you right now receive its breath [Music] receive Oh [Music] complain -
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 516,712
Rating: 4.622313 out of 5
Id: cMa8v_f6LBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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