Bishop G.E. Patterson: The Arrow's Of The Lord's Deliverance

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will you please accept him by your hand clap sleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord in his honor praise God I praise God for being here I thank God for my life today you know when we left church last night I was sitting in the car and the Holy Ghost spoke to me and said you just sit still just sit here just wait right here and I was trying look like there was a car in front of me and it wouldn't move for nothing but I wanted to move I like ongoing this grocery store but I kept all sitting there and launch it now I watched these two guys and they kept all circle around and the Holy Ghost said to me those guys are something not right about him and when they began to just come and kept walking around that field finally they wanted us to when I saw them they came back out and they were just walking with something in their hands and when I and then look like this Holy Ghost they say now you can go in the store when I walked in the store the people in there say we just been robbed and I thank God [Applause] turn to somebody something god is good god is good and very good about two people but I'm glad to be here I'm glad to be is not serving one more time put your hands together [Music] we want to get anything [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing new here I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] help me with my [Applause] [Music] never go [Music] ah hi [Applause] my [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah to be in Gaza there one more I want to taste it one more one more one more one more one one one one one one one more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you're glad you don't appraisal on to your lady and say I'm bad somebody tell my bad superior service subpoena sir he's blessing one more time he's got the ball we go Peter there one more one more one more one more time you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we are free to pray we are [Laughter] to pray we pray you know [Music] one more time we are free [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you long we are free to love you are free [Music] ah [Music] [Music] we are free to bless you ah [Music] [Applause] let me pray [Applause] [Music] no we are free to praise you free to frame you we are we are we are [Music] you [Music] [Music] god bless you well you know we're just really happy today we've got not only brother James did with Johnson back with us but brother man's H hand just shows you how God does things sister Myrna was with us for almost four years and last Sunday of officially her last time with us and she is back in Washington DC today and then we look up this week and his brother H Han and brother James did with Johnson and we just don't see which way the Lord can care this plan amen but as I've always said to you one thing is certain no matter how many transitions we go through he never cares us anyway but up a man higher hikes and deeper depths in the lawn and that's what it's all about let's look to the book of second kings and of course I want you to let the Lord speak to your situation in this message today I've already said to you I don't plan to be before you very long and the only way that I'll be before you long is if the Lord stretches it out I want to give you a sermon in a nutshell this morning second Kings chapter 13 few years ago I spoke from this particular text and the subject I'm going to use in a Tuesday night service never use this particular message on Sunday morning in fact I don't remember whether it's five six years ago but I do believe that this is what the Lord has given me for this particular worship 2nd Kings chapter 13 if you would begin reading with me in verse 14 you have it a man all right come on let's read now Elisha was fallen sick of the sickness where he died and joash the king of Israel came down unto Him and wept over his face and said o my father my father the chariot of Israel and the horsemen there are and Elisha said unto Him take bow and arrows and he took unto Him bow and arrows and he said to the king of Israel put sign hand upon the bow and he put his hand upon it and enlasa put his hand upon the Kings hand and he said open the window he stood and opened it then and Isis said shoot and he shot and he said the arrow of the Lord's deliverance and the hour of deliverance from Syria but thou shalt smite the Syrians in Athens till thou hath consumed them and he said take the arrows and he put took them and he said unto the king of Israel smite upon the ground and he smoked thrice and stayed and the man of God was wrought with him and said thou should it have smithy five or six times then has thou smitten syria till thou has consumed it whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but thrice all right let's stop right there I want to talk to you about the arrows of the Lord's deliverance would you say that the arrows of the Lord's deliverance a man allow your Bibles to remain open we might just do a little expose Ettore preaching on this this particular passage of Scripture deals with the successor to Elijah this man even had so much power in his bones when he died that a real dead man came in contact with this dead prophets bones and was raised from the dead Elijah was considered and we still consider him as being the mightiest prophet of the Old Testament that ever lived other than Elijah but when Elijah was instructed by God and then here again you got to look at him this man was so great Elijah that he could call down fire from heaven and set ablaze and altar that had water instead of kerosene and the fire was so intense that it consumed the old to consume the sacrifice and lift up the water in the trenches and yet this man Elijah became fearful when he found out that Jezebel wanted to take his life so he runs away the Lord gave him to eat and said now eat all of it because you're going to travel in the strength of this food for 40 days and he ran until he came to the mountain of God he hid himself in a cave and the Lord want to know what are you doing here he said well Lord I tell you I hid myself because they kill all of your prophets and now Jezebel is trying to get me and the Lord had to tell Elijah something that all of us would do well to know when we wrap ourselves in the cloak of self-righteousness the Lord told them they can't get up from here whining and crying told my you the only one I got 7000 prophets that I have reserved under myself who have never bowed that need to bail and when you around here thinking about God don't have nobody but up you better hear the Lord saying I got some low folk you don't even know nothing about a man but the fact that he ran from Jezebel asking God to take his life the Lord decided well what I'll do you've lost your courage I'm going to terminate your mission but you go back and God gave him who to anoint to be king and who to anoint as his successor and the man that he anointed to be his successor was a last shot now he'll I sure was out in the field and Elijah didn't do anything but walk through the field and just kind of touched him with his prophets mantle with his cloak and kept on walking and Elijah stopped what he was doing and went after Elijah started following him Elijah looked right what you doing following me he knew what was happening but he just wanted to give a man express himself and everywhere Elijah went Elijah followed him and he asked him now what what do you want why are you following me so closely he said well I want a double pushing I not only want a hundred percent of the power and strength that you have but I want a double portion I want two hundred percent and Elijah said I'll tell you what it's a hard thing but if you see me when I go up in other words you can't take your eyes off me if you see me when I go up the thing that you have requested will be granted and it was sold that when Elijah would go up to heaven in a blaze of glory on a chariot of fire they were standing down by the banks of the Jordan River and Elijah had just smitten the waters of the Jordan with his mantle and the Jordan opened up and the two of them walked to cross on the other side but when they got on the other side Elijah looked up and saw chariot of fire that was drawn by horses of fire and the wheels were turning and spinning fine the horses were chewing on bits of five as they were prancing their looks were prints and fire and all of a sudden he looked up and the chariot started down and he got on board that chariot and started up with and Elijah saw him going up and he said my father my father the chariot of Israel and the horseman there are and when he said that Elijah took his mantle and dropped it in other word in Lodge Elijah said and this way I'm going so he dropped it down to Elijah and Elijah picked it up and to test out the power that he had he went back to that same Jordan and took the mantle and then hit the water and said where is the Lord God of Elijah and the Jordan starts backing up for him so here this man has twice as much power as his predecessor praise God but now this story tells us about the death of Elijah verse 14 now enlasa was fallen sick of the sickness we're off he died now I want you to know something folk doesn't mean that God is not with you because you get sick there are those who would tell you that if the Lord is really dealing with you you have no business ever getting sick well if you never get sick you'll never know God for healing amen I'd like to sing Andre crouches song sometime in that particular verse that I love and now I thank God for the mountains and I thank him for the valleys and I think him for the storms he's brought me through because if I never had a problem I wouldn't know that God could solve them and I wouldn't know what faith in God can do but through it all I've learned the trust in Jesus I've learned to depend upon God's Word so you ought to touch somebody and tell them it's not a sin for you to be sick that thickness only gives God an opportunity to heal you Oh bless the name of Jesus I know that's right the writer here stands now in Lasha was fallen sick of his sickness we're off he died now recognize that the writer is writing this in retrospect because the next thing you read after talking about him dying it says and joash the king of Israel came down unto Him and wept over his face and said all my father my father the charity of Israel and the horsemen they're off now isn't it strange that the same words that Elijah had used concerning Elijah in second teams 2 and 12 now King joash uses the same words concerning in life shop now Elijah talking to Elijah as Elijah was going up he saw Elijah going up and he realized that the preserver of Israel the preserver of God's people had not been the armies but the Prophet in other words in Russia was declaring that Elijah had been a one-man army he was saying as he saw him go up my father my father you the chariot of Israel and the horsemen use the one that God has used to protect his people having been the Kings and helping them the armies but it has been the man of God now Elijah himself is about to die and King joash says to him my father my father you've been the same thing to that Elijah walls in earlier times you'll the warm that God have used to preserve his people and I got news for you all we have a military might such as has not been dreamed of in ancient times the United States mobilizing forces in the area of the Middle East and of course Saddam Hussein recognizes that there is no way that with all of his firepower that he can compete with the super power of the United States but do you not know with all of our super power the Scriptures are yet true unless the Lord keep the city the watchman waited but in vain when President Carter lead an attempt to rescue those hostages that were being detained at the American Embassy in Iran the attempt was failed because the helicopters stopped falling to pieces with all of our military might we still do not have the ability to police the world we don't even have the ability to safeguard our own Coast y'all don't hear what I'm saying the only thing that's going to sustain us we've got to stay close to the Lord Jesus Christ and as I talked this morning in the communion service of three times in the scripture there in the twelfth chapter of the book of Exodus when the Lord was getting ready to deliver his people Israel from the land of Egypt that night when he would bring them out he gave them a token by which their lives would be spared he said the blood of the Lamb the blood shall be a token unto you in the houses where ye dwell and the Lord said when the Death Angel come through and smite the land of Egypt the thing that will save you from death will not be your militia but it will be the blood of the lamb in the second chapter and in the sixth chapter of the book of Joshua when Israel would come into the city of Jericho to destroy the cities of Jericho of the city of Jericho that one woman rehab the harlot was the only one that had a token of assurance that her house wouldn't be demolished they said the spies said to her the scarlet cord this red color this symbol of the blood that's hanging from your window the code by which you let us down when we come back to destroy Jericho have your father your mother all of your family and all of your possessions inside of this house we will not be held accountable for those who run out of the house into the streets but those that are bide here you'll be spared and nothing will happen to you in Ezekiel chapter 9 the Lord instructed that the people in the city who did sigh and cry those who are concerned about the abominations taking place God said put a mark on them then it sent for six men with destroying weapons saying everyone that doesn't have the mob in their forehead now cut them down kill them and start at my sanctuary and focus going to be sad when the Lord does allow the walls to break through on the mainland of the u.s. it's going to be tragic if nuclear missiles start heading in our direction because a whole lot of God's folk are going to be destroyed because we are not concerned nothing moves us nothing gets through to us well y'all don't hear what I'm saying people can be murdered right in the block as long as they are not related to us we don't care young folk can be hung up and strung out on dope but until it hits our house we don't care whatever going on we don't care but the Lord wants people who can be touched tip somebody and tell them God don't want cool folks and he certainly don't want cold folk he want people that can be touched hallelujah and I want you to know the day that's the only way we can escape destruction in this 20th century in the decade of the 90s as we head towards the 21st century there are more and more diseases to contend with more drug problems more problems that we can't even describe but the only way you're going to be able to escape the ramp and escape the destruction of our age you're going to have to be mopped by the blood of Jesus and I don't mean just come into the door but in the land of Israel when they walked in the door that night in Egypt through the door that was covered with blood they had to stay there too many for come to church on a special Sunday like today hello shout down the aisle and two or three tears and walk back out tomorrow you're not gonna be saved going in and out that somebody and tell them you gonna have to get in Jesus and stay there hey man hallelujah Elijah is greeted by joash joash says my father he's weeping because joash is the king and the king recognizes that Israel if they have to trust in him as the king and have to trust in their armies that they don't have a chance against the Syrians so he begins weeping over the Prophet who is lying upon his sickbed but look at verse 15 and Elisha said unto Him the Prophet is saying to the king take bow and arrows in other words I want you to get your bowl that's that curved instrument with the string running from one end down to the other then the arrow is that which he puts within the bowl against the string and pulls it back for leverage and power then releases it and the arrow is propelled to its target so the Kings that takes the bowl and take the arrows and when the king took the bowl and the arrows in his hand then the sick Prophet Elisha put his hand on top of the Kings hand want you to see something here the Prophet is getting ready to die joash the king has to lead his army in battle so he is the one that will actually be going forth to fight but as an act of blessing the king who is the leader of God's people Israel Elisha takes his hand and put his hand on top of the king man and then he says shoot in other words when he released the the hand of the Prophet was on top of him and so the eye roll that was released was a blessed arrow can I hear somebody says it was a blessed arrow hallelujah he opened the window first and he told him to shoot Eastwood now the biblical scholars disagree that this city affects is the same city that is mentioned earlier in the scriptures the first city of a sex that we read about in the Bible was a city that was located west of the Jordan River but this city is located east of the Jordan but the name a sex itself means secured or fortress so he said I want you to shoot Eastwood and he shot the era Eastwood and he said while the arrow was flying the arrow of the Lord's deliverance and the arrow of deliverance from Syria can you imagine that the arrow is flying in the air heading eastward in the direction of the city while the Syrians had made that stronghold but while the arrow is flying east with the Prophet says I want you to say this with me the arrow of the Lord's deliverance and the arrow of deliverance from Syria now look at what he does here for thou shalt smite the Syrians in ethics till thou hath consumed them now if King joash had had the right kind of a spiritual vision he would know that all the Prophet is trying to do now is build his morale for battle you notice how when we keep getting the report every day about our troops in Saudi Arabia everybody is concerned about that morale how is that spirit how are there spirits you're not going to be able to do much fighting the enemy when your spirits are dying when you're feeling depressed you want God to just bless you cause you down he's not gonna do that therefore with what joy shall you throw water out of the wells of salvation neither be ye sorry because what the joy of the Lord is your strength when you get ready to fight the enemy you can't fight the NMS in a sluggish LexA days ago a pathetic attitude you don't have to have some kind of enthusiasm prophet is about to die and he's trying to stir the king so he told him now I want you to take these other arrows that you have not shot and just starts beating the ground with him take the arrows and hallelujah he took them he said to the king I'm in verse 18 smite upon the ground in other words I want you to kind of do like the Indians I want you to get a wall dance going take these arrows and then just hit the ground and what did he do he took the arrows and said like some of you so you want to be filled with the Holy Ghost or yeah everybody that want the Holy Ghost come on up here praising God and here you come come on lift up your hands and praise the Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Applause] you ain't don't get nothing you're gonna have to have some enthusiasm the arrow is flying towards a text the sikh prophet is trying to get King Josh out of his eye pathetic thing out of his lethargic state come on taste all the arrows and smite on the ground and he does a and the Prophet just got mad at it I think I know what he felt Monday nights over the night of our convocation we were in the process of receiving the offering and I was singing think the yells I'll make the darkest light before you Saints all over the building all they were clapping their hands and praising the Lord and the Lord said I want you to observe and I looked and I saw preachers in that clergy collar and I tried to make it as nice as I could but my righteous indignation was stirred how are we as preachers and missionaries licensed potential caring folks don't pull the laymen out of the right when we're sitting up here with no joy sitting up here with no enthusiasm when you do something for God God won't you all oh he won't snapping at all you'll tell somebody that God won't you all oh he won't nothing at all turn the little Shyam thank you Jesus you remember when David bringing up the Ark of the Covenant hallelujah glory to God the art had been out of the possession of Israel for a while first time they tried to bring it up they didn't read the scripture they didn't do it right put it on a new car and when that taught Hill a bump the OP started to fall and was a man named use the other whatever his name was tried to stop it from falling and he touched it and fell dead hope didn't understand how how to the merciful God strike the man for trying to stop the ark from falling but if he had read the scriptures the ark was only supposed to be touched by consecrated hands by the priestly tribe by the Levites a few more years passed within when David went and got the arm and was bringing it successfully Oh hallelujah into the city of David David was running in front of it leaping and dancing' hello somebody the Bible said he danced with all his might but when his wife Michal Saul's daughter looked out of the window and saw him she despised him in her heart soon as David got inside she said sarcastically how Gloria was the king of Israel today as he shamelessly uncovered himself you will like the basil fellows but I hear David what is there woman let me tell you something I'm paraphrasing maybe I look bad to you today but all the next time that I get a chance to praise my god I'm not only gonna praise him till I look bad to you but I'm gonna praise him till I look bad to myself if you really want God to move in your behalf you've got to quit trying to be so pseudo sophisticated and calm and reserved and cool and you don't have to learn how to give God you all whoo hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah surround just a minute here Elijah put his hand on Joe Ash's hand and said shoot east foot and he shot the arrow while there is flying is it now take those other arrows and strike the ground and he should have been down there just striking but he was doing a one-two-three and the Prophet the man of God verse 19 says and the man of God was wrong with him in other words he got angry with him and that I shouldn't help smitten five or six times then half thousand serious till thou have consumed it whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but right now suppose you knew when you got up and start praising God hello that God will give you victory just as many times as you clap your hands if you knew that I know you wouldn't be standing up there clapping like this if the logs are okay when the devil strike you over the next year I'm gonna deliver you three times but you know the devil is going to hit you every day he gonna hit you at work when you come home he gonna hit you at home you go out to do something in your yard he's gonna hit you in your neighborhood you go to the grocery store to shop and he's gonna challenge you that so if you know that how many times you clap your hands that's how many times God will deliver you you'll set up hello somebody if you know that he's gonna deliver you according to how long you praise them in the dance you quit doing this and you'll operate hallelujah [Applause] sit down a minute I'll be through them in [Applause] yeah glory hey he said look what your purse should have done you should have spent at least five or six times you because of you two kept on smiting the ground every time you hit the ground it meant that many times when the Syrians come after you that many times God is going to deliver and I want you to know as many times as you praise the Lord that's how many times not so give you the victory as many times [Applause] today as you put your trust in here that's how many times he's gonna bring you out but when the devil speaks you down and get you quiet in the corner don't look for God to bring you out because the law is not gonna bring you out while you are whining and crying and feeling sorry for yourself but you've got to come on out of that corner and tell the devil I don't blame em no matter what [Music] sit down y'all I'm fixing the clothes preacher what do you mean the bull and the arrow touch somebody and tell them the boat is not the error neither is the error of the bow hello both of them have that place the bowl is that which propels the arrow tell somebody else that the bow is that which propels the arrow it sends the arrow why you want it to go [Music] but turn to somebody else and tell them the era is the missile that hits the target that destroys it well preacher if that's the case how does that fit with me he tell somebody a pharaoh kills the Word of God Oh y'all don't hit me you see when you get in a fight with the devil the weapons of our warfare they are not tunnels but mighty under God to the tearing down of strongholds and when you fight according to what Paul said in the book of Ephesians I believe it's that big chapter he tells up the waffle take the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and he gives up the defensive armor that we put on helmet of salvation y'all don't hear what I'm saying breastplate of righteousness Lorne's gird about with truth hallelujah put on those sandals that are sharp put the preparation of a gospel of peace the seal of pain but you got one offensive weapon it's the sword of the Spirit in other word is your era would you what the Word of God the only thing you got to fight with is the word Oh God but now how please sit down y'all just a minute the question though how do you get the word to be propelled as a missile to hit your target you got to have a bowl touch somebody and tell them the bow is your faith in other words you got to send your era of the work upon the bow of faith tell somebody that in your era of the word upon the bow obey [Music] Samantha will preach explain that to me walking around here quoting scripture without faith ain't gonna do it walking around here trying to tell the devil how much you said it the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want and you want me for everything you can't shoot the arrow unless it's got faith but you get in a condition of war when the children are crying it ain't no food at home and then you called off to his word and still a lot is my shepherd and I shall not walk when you shoot that arrow with paint I did fire somebody will knock on the door [Music] [Applause] ah all right I'm trying to quit but I feel my helm about now listen let me just tell you sit down please yo let me tell you just a few of the errors I only want to tell you about for about four hours four or five hours that's in your bag hallelujah you don't need to sit here and let the enemy with you take your bold face and every time the devil shoot in your direction shoot our Adam y'all don't have it look at some of the arrows that's in your arsenal when sickness disease and infirmity is in your body or in the family members body what am I gonna do I'm gonna take my fault my bowl of faith and I'm gonna shoot in the direction of the enemy I'm going to shoot X to the 15 and 26 and I'm gonna shoot the name but the Lord gave Moses when they came to Mara well the waters were bitter I'm going to shoot at the enemy Jehovah Rapha i'm a loc'd that healeth thee and while he's reeling from that I'm gonna shoot Psalm 103 verses one through three Adam I'm sick but bless the Lord O my soul and all that it was in me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all of our diseases and while the enemy is reeling from back I'm going to reach back and shoot another when Adam saw what body three and three for the enemies has persecuted my soul he has smitten my life down to the ground he has made me the dwell in darkness and those that have been long dead huh but all glory to God I want you to know what the Lord does he healed can I hear somebody say he healed he healed so broken in heart and bonded up that wound yo don't hear what I'm saying and while the enemy is reeling from that I'm gonna shoot another arrow eyes at 30 and 26 so he heal it's the stroke of that wound and while he yet reeling from back I'm going to shoot at 10:38 at him how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil but God will heal yes y'all sit down please I tell you I'm almost through then when the enemy tries to destroy my home I'm going to shoot at 16 and 31 Adam huh where you say believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house touch somebody and ask them is the devil giving you a fit at home keep believing God until he save your whole house flora [Music] whoo and I go back to Exodus 12 and 13 my god if he's trying to destroy your home shooting this one at him Devils my house is covered with the blood by Exodus 12 and 13 says and the blood shall be to you by token above my house is where you are and when I see the blood I'll pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I like the land of Egypt you ought to tell somebody you can rest easy at home now because your home is covered with the blood [Applause] [Music] then when the enemy anybody have been having any trouble with the enemy bothering your finances in other words has the devil been messing with your money yeah I see him sticking his head up holdouts and he's gonna strip you but you ought to just take that bowl and pull back the string and let's shoot the hell read him well what did I guess shoot I just shot at him Psalm 24:1 Burr gives a lot and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell very in wait a minute we better shoot one more to make that one effective come on shoot it at him well what did I just shoot at in that time I just shot at him hang on chapter 2 verse 8 well the loss there but silver is mine and the gold is mine says the Lord tell somebody the bank go on it they only a resource my Heavenly Father is the soul well let's shoot one more here we don't really get these finances are loose now come on pull back on it touch somebody and tell them just about and tell them I just shot Psalm 84 and 11 at the devil and you know what that's that no good thing will he withhold from them that walk upright [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelu come on turn around and out somebody is the enemy trying to inundate you with trouble let's shoot another enemy come on drawback shoot [Applause] [Music] he got rid of help trouble with this one because we just shot two hours at one one of them of Isaiah 43 verse 1 and 2 and it says but now thus says the Lord that created the old Jacob and he that formed the oil here not can I hear you say here not hey why I have redeemed thee I have called me by my name thou art mine when thou passes through the water I'll be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow these when by walking through the fire thou shalt not be burned neither shall the flame candle upon thee and you know when the devil tried to move and miss that one he ran in Isaiah 59 and 19 and you know what that was that when the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a better against him I don't know what you're going through but take your more faith shoot your error of the world to this at the devil and peper Harow a lot deliverance I'm gonna make it I'm gonna win because I got a hospital at my disposal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now you know what you got are you gonna use it come on ask somebody now that you know what you got are you gonna use it whoa are you gonna use you [Applause] I think I'm gonna quit right there hallelujah let the Syrians come let the Philistines come let all of the devil's folk come I'm not afraid of them because God put some arrows in my bag God gave me a bowl paint and I'm gonna shoot it every time the devil stick his head up yeah yeah yeah I got the victory God is on my side and I got the victory did you say that God is on my side and I got the victory he'll about three more people that stop is on my side and I got the victory [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Spirit of Praise church of God in Christ
Views: 75,835
Rating: 4.7451739 out of 5
Keywords: your answered prayer, God hears, believe your call
Id: r6nNdsegFGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 35sec (3695 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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