Conga Listening Bishop G.E. Patterson's Last Year Plea For People To Know GOD In CHRIST Personally!

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yes when will we who profess jesus christ as lord and savior learn how to stand [Music] up for our lord no matter what anybody says offense amen [Applause] the more i read the word the more i understand that this book i i don't expect anything different from the children of ishmael because of what the angel told the hagar [Music] the angel told her that he's going to be a wild man and that every man is going to be against him and he's going to be against every man and of course that was only about 2 000 years before jesus was born which makes it only about four thousand years ago and any time you can have the prediction of how somebody's gonna act four thousand years ago you've got to know that this is a inspired bill and i i see a number of you that um you can out dance everything and in here speak in tongues [Music] hello but when it comes to standing up for your faith [Applause] i see coward written all over your forehead because you're sitting there now saying and i hope you don't go no further on that huh all right that's far enough now you don't need to say no more about that but we're going to have to learn to be bold witnesses for our lord and savior jesus christ i'm happy to see um our national prayer leader evangelist francis kelly she has the task of leading the early morning prayer during the international women's convention and also during the holy convocation she basically had to step in and take those uh 30 hours that i started off leading there's just something about it the bible tells you call for the cunning women the moaning women and then here at the local church mother deola just came out of the chat in [Applause] [Music] it's just wonderful when we can for hours wait before the lord until he gives us that answer that we need somebody is waiting on your miracle now and i want you to know that the lord has not turned his back he has not forgotten about you yeah you know your your blessing is a whole lot closer than you think but let me [Applause] let me be the let me be the old-fashioned sanctified preacher today and go to this um passage of scripture in the book of daniel there was a time when the preacher got up you know you was going to hear daniel in the lines then other hebrew boys in the furnace well we're going to the furnace today we're not going to go to the lines then the old testament prophet daniel and we want to look at chapter three just pausing because i yet hear some pages rattling and i wanted everybody to be on the same page daniel chapter 3 look with me to verse 13. and we're going to read verses 13 through 18 and chapter 3. you have it's amen then nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring shadrach meshach and abednego then they brought these men before the king nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them is it true o shadrach meshach and abednego do not ye serve my gods nor worship the golden image which i have set up now if ye be ready that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sack but sultry and dulcimer and all kinds of music ye fall down and worship the image which i have made well but if you worship not ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and who is that god that shall deliver you out of my hands shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king o nebuchadnezzar we're not careful to answer thee in this matter if it be so our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand o king but if not [Music] be it known unto thee o king that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou hath set up i wish you would just look at somebody and i i'd like to do this every once in a while i believe it's in the book of malachi where it says they that fear god spake often one to another and some of y'all are saved but you wouldn't even talk to each other if the preacher didn't keep you saying you know tell your neighbor this tell your neighbor that so we make you do that to make you talk to one another some of y'all to sit two feet apart and won't say nothing but look at somebody and just tell them god can and he will deliver you god can and he will deliver you well who am i talking to am i talking to people who are in financial despair am i talking to someone who has a legal case am i talking to somebody that is afflicted with some dreaded disease who am i talking to i'm talking to any person under the sound of my voice who will accept the message and believe that whatever this thing is that have you bound to have you entangled that god first of all is able see that's the one thing you got to remember over in the book of hebrews it says whoso cometh unto him must first of all believe that he is and you're not going to believe that he is able if you don't even believe he exists when you come to him you've got to first of all believe that he is that he exists and then you've got to believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him so if you have a need somebody that's listening to me now is bound by uh some type of chemical dependence and i'm not going to say that if you're bound by some chemical dependence that you're not saved but the one thing i am going to say is that once you are saved you are set free and the word of god says to you to stand fast in the liberty where with christ hath made us free and what be not again entangled with the yoke of bondage you know when when the lord delivers uh and and sometimes god does it and it's so easy until the person doesn't really appreciate what he has done but when god delivers you and brings you out and then you foolishly mess around and get messed up back in the same ole mess that that next time your deliverance isn't quite as easy jesus said that when the unclean spirit goeth out of man what does he do he walks through dry places seeking rest and then when he does not find it he says what i will return to my house um i don't have the scripture at my disposal right now but you go back and read it and you'll find out that the enemy does not even give up claim yeah the lord set you free but the enemy still looks upon your body as his house but he says when the enemy comes back the one that was cast out and finds that house swept and garnish swept first of all meant that that it wasn't blood washed it was dry clean garnish simply meant it was decorated and a lot of times people believe that because uh you know they they make things look good decorate and make it look good that that means everything is all right but you're not really free until you are washed in the blood self-reformation that that's what dry cleaning is you know the house is swept and decorate it and a lot of people will tell you you know i can quit this whenever i get ready and through your own willpower you put down your tobacco you put down your other chemical you do that through your own will but the thing i want you to know is that that which is done through your will is not something that you can depend on the enemy can overcome your will at any time but when the power of god when the holy ghost comes in and actually takes charge of an individual's life satan can try all he wants to but he won't get back in that house you know most places now they they have those uh adt uh whatever kind of signs up on the door on the window uh letting you know that uh this house is protected and who the protecting agency is and uh whenever the enemy tries to break into your house your spiritual house he doesn't see anything but just a drop of blood and that says i'm protected by the blood of jesus he can't get by the blood of jesus when the lord really washes you and cleans you up satan may be like the big bad wolf he may huff and puff but he won't blow that house down no no no no he he he may give you some some rough days and and and give you some stormy winds but he can't blow you off course because you've got to understand that when that house is built on the rock what is the rock the rock is the word of god that's a solid rock and i hear the lord say that when it's built on a solid foundation you're built on a rock you're built on a solid foundation and the enemy cannot blow that house down because the rock that it is built on is jesus christ himself when i think in terms of the word deliverance and we've already said a little bit about it and as i said i know there are some persons here and others listening to my voice maybe by way of radio uh delayed video tape dvd or however i want you to know that god who is able is also willing to deliver you he is ready he's able he's willing to deliver you from whatever you are hung up on i still have people that say you know i sure wish you'd go back to that theme that you had years ago jesus is a habit breaker you may never hear me say it but he's still a habit breaker he still breaks the stranglehold that satan has on those persons uh whom he has in his grasp here is a story in the old testament and you've got to i don't want to get too involved here because whereas is there's a very simple plan it can keep on expanding and expanding and expanding but when i read in the book of daniel this is just a part of the experience of certain hebrew certain of those jewish men who were placed in captivity down in the land of babylon uh you look in the book of rebecca and habeka is one of the minor prophets and when you read that little short book of rebecca you find that habeckett is complaining to the lord because the people of god were acting so ungodly and say what you want to if you really are trying to live for the lord it doesn't make you feel good when you got people maybe going to the same church professing the same testimony but their life is even a joke to the people on the job it does not make you feel good when people name the name of christ but they still have not departed from iniquity [Applause] and so habecke was one of those that couldn't understand how god allowed his people to do so many wrong and evil things and yet never brought judgment upon them and when you read the first chapter of the book uh he's wanting to know how long will i cry under thee even of violence and you won't hear i keep telling you about what your folk are doing but god you don't want to do anything about it but then the lord comes back with his answer and he says i'm going to work a work in your day that you won't believe even though it would told you he said i'm going to bring in the chaldeans that bitter and hasty nation they've got horses that are swifter than leopards and more fierce than the evening wolves and i'm going to bring them in and they're going to be like a rod of correction in my hand and then when god told rebecca what he was going to do then he got upset this is not lord how you how you going to do that now you you're going to hold your peace while your people are divided by a nation that is more wicked than they but god when he gets ready to start whipping you can't tell him which switch to use he uses his own method and so rebecca he was upset [Music] about what god was going to do but the lord told him you may not understand it but he said i want you to write it write it down in box call letters write it down in large letters that whosoever run it they can read it while they run and rebecca knew that the judgment was coming then they flip over into psalm 137 and this is after they have gotten down into captivity and the psalmist is saying it was by the rivers of babylon there we sat down and we wept when we remember zion for those that carried us away captive they wanted us to sing now here they locked us up and carried us down into a strange land and talking about sin how we're gonna sing the bible says that a merry heart do it good like a medicine and you're gonna have us as prisoners and then want us to sing they said we hung our hops upon the willows and they just refused to sing i looked into the book of ezekiel and ezekiel said we were by the rivers of babylon and i'll tell you where i was i was down by the river chiba and so you read so much in the old testament that talks about them being in babylon daniel shadrick meshach and abednego well hananiah azariah and michelle actually their names but they gave them the uh chaldean names of shadrach meshach and abednego and each one of them had the good baptist they had that test to go through but daniel had his daniel's test was going to be a den of hungry lines while that test was a burning fiery furnace you may not have the same test [Applause] as your fellow church member you may not have the same test as the other person sitting there in your sunday school class but every one of us have got a test that we're going to have to go through [Applause] azariah hananiah and michelle shadrach meshach and abednego they were brought face to face with having to determine whether they were bold enough to stand up for their god sounds like i'm back to my opening coming but believe me something is going to happen in your life where you're going to have to make it up in your mind whether you have the courage [Applause] to stand up for the god that you believe in shadrach meshach and abednego they were observed by their enemies who were the enemies their enemies were the chaldeans who saw these three men promoted over them and yet they knew there's got to be a way that we can turn the king the emperor nebuchadnezzar against them so they watched and they saw that these three men were devoutly religious so that's what we'll do we'll just kind of uh pump up the king's ego so anybody who doesn't worship his god will be thrown into uh burning fiery furnace and so they have this big celebration out in the plain of dura and all of these various instruments are played and they are supposed to on cue everybody is standing but at a certain moment everybody is to bow but when the queue was sounded yeah all of the other so many hundreds of thousands bowed but these three stood and here they were three standing there and everybody looking at them as they stood exposed while everybody else was kneeling oh they could not wait the enemies couldn't wait to get back to nebuchadnezzar and tell him what had happened he was so enraged and outraged until he sent father oh you all know the story but just let me deal with it about five more minutes and i'll be finished [Applause] and when they brought these men before nebuchadnezzar he said i'm not going to prejudge you by what somebody else accused you of i want to know from you is it true oh shadrach meshach and abednego that you do not worship my gods is it true that you refuse to bow they said oh well yes it is true he said well i'll tell you what i'll do and you've got to give the king credit uh he loved these young men and he wanted to to be what he thought was fair and he said i'll go through this whole thing again verse 15 of chapter 3 says if you are now ready that is what time you hear the sound of the cornet flute dulls them up sack but sultry and all kinds of music if you fall down and worship the image which i've made then it's well but if you worship not you will that same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and who is that god that shall deliver you out of my hands and that's the problem today people don't know who he is you wouldn't have all of this stuff of trying to convert folk at the point of a gun trying to force somebody to submit and become a part of your religion yeah i know you don't want to do it willingly so you know with the threat of being beheaded and they put all kind of threats on folk to try to make them serve their god but you see the thing about it the question that was asked by nebuchadnezzar that question is in the mind of so many people today who is that god that can deliver you oh but let me tell you when you get to know him and the only way you can get to know him he only reveals himself through his son jesus christ he only reveals himself through his word i believe it's john uh that writes in his gospel and he lets us know uh that uh in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shine in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not then he goes on to let us know that the word that was in the beginning with god was made flesh [Applause] and dwelt among us see if you're going to know this god no man have seen god at any time but the only begotten god who is in the bosom of the father he has declared him if you really want to know him you got to know jesus and they used to sing when i was a little boy growing up everybody don't know who jesus is but then they come on down a little later everybody ought to know who jesus is if you don't know you all know if you want to know who this god is that can deliver me hallelujah heals the word incarnate he's the great i am he is jesus my lord and savior he is the lily of the valley and the bright and mourning star if you want to know who he is he's the one whose name means savior call his name jesus because he saves his people from their sins if you want to know what his name is his name is jehovah rafa rafa meaning he's a great physician if you want to know who he is anybody in here knowing i mean you met him for yourself not somebody told you about him but you had an encounter with him glory to god lost in sin but he washed you in his blood do you know who he is oh glory i wish you tell somebody i'm glad i know who he is nebuchadnezzar said who is this god that's going to deliver you and then i love this verse verse 16 shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king oh nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer you in this matter now now some things that maybe if you were to ask us king we would have to take a little time and think about it uh but but we we don't even have to take time to give you consideration you know we don't have to use care in answering you concerning this matter you can do what you want to do and this part i really like verse 17 if it be so and i know that that it's hard for you all to get this one but if it be so if what if you have the ceremony over if you put us in the fiery furnace our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand o king now what comes after o'king a period that's not a comma [Applause] but the if only referred to you putting them in they are saying if you put us in the god we serve he's able and he will deliver us out of thine hand o king period put us in he's gonna bring us out oh my god and then comes another if but if not and that if never refers to what god's gonna do the if always refers to what the king's gonna do but if not in other words king if you don't put us in we still not gonna bow there's no if about what god will do if you put us in he's gonna bring us out but if you don't put us in we still won't bow know i know the way we have it [Applause] if you put us in hallelujah our god is able and he'll deliver us but if we don't we still won't bow no if he don't you'll be dead if he don't you'd be burned to a chris so tell somebody the word if never refers to what god will do it only refers to what the king will do if you put us in our god's gonna bring us out but if you don't put us in we still won't bow our minds are made up i don't know about you but my heart is fixed my mind is made up oh god i feel this prevalence in here right now somebody you're in your fiery furnace no it's not a literal furnace with physical flames but the situation on your job is like being in a fiery furnace your domestic situation is like being in a fiery furnace it seems like the flames are everywhere but i still have a god that's able to bring me out i serve a god i'm going to have to go to the sea [Applause] but somebody is about to be delivered in this house this day [Applause] you walk through the door's bound but it doesn't matter about coming inbound i wish you'd tell somebody i walked in down but i'm going out free the ropes i i need you i i need you to get this the ropes that they were tied with hallelujah when they threw me in they were bound the only thing the fire did was burn the thing that had been bound the fire that's in the furnace it's not gonna bother you god only let you go in so that the fire would burn off the ropes would burn off the thing that's got you bound i heard i heard one preacher say that there were three [Music] that went in but after god rescued shadrach meshach and abednego he said wait a minute [Music] i thought i saw that we put in three but now there are four walking around in the flame but when the three came out they don't know what happened to the fourth one and i heard this preacher said the reason the fourth one didn't even come out is because he knew one day that they were gonna put you in right now he's in the flame waiting he's waiting for you waiting for me in all of that the fire [Applause] oh my god let me out i don't know who it is and i don't know what it is that's got your mind but that's freedom today there's deliverance and i'm talking about deliverance for you so many times i use this area we call this the pool this is our salon pool this is where deliverance flows my only problem is that whenever i call for you to come you don't get in here and don't want to leave but the fact is the pool isn't for you to stay you don't have to do nothing but walk through and when you walk through deliverance i wish you tell somebody deliverance is waiting on you come on come on come on receiving deliverance receive it so glory glory glory glory glory oh oh this me so uh uh hmm so to thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i'm here i'm healed i'm delivered yes i'm healed i'm delivered and i'm set free i'm healed i'm delivered and i'm set free who's here today who is here today and you came to confess jesus as your lord maybe you did not come with that in your mind but the word of the lord has touched your heart today and you want to come and make a public declaration that i will commit and submit today to jesus i'll give him my life today if you hear and you're not saved if you don't have the wherewithal to stand in the midst of trials tribulations temptations persecution come confess the lord as your savior [Music] if you're already saved and you want to become a member of this church come come over here we'll do you good we praise god for our leader praise god for the strength [Applause] he's our miracle we praise god for these who've come today i perceive that you've come to become a member of the church are you already saved did you come to confess jesus as your lord and savior or did you come to do both [Music] [Applause] did you come to accept the lord as your savior to join the church or to do both [Music] [Applause] all right i recognize this space thank you jesus thank you jesus bishop told us in the early part of his message that he that cometh unto god must first believe that he is and he is the rewarder your heart's been pricked today come on and let the tears flow lift your hands to the heart lift your hands lift your hands lift both of them up lift them up go to surrender to god i surrender to you today and i thank you lord because you touched me today and you didn't have to do it i want someone minister to him personally we're gonna take them in the back those of you who've come to join the church we're gonna minister to you right here for just a second just a second open your mouth open your mouth you came to be saved come on and say lord i'm sorry oh over here i know your face open your mouth young man with the black shirt say lord i'm sorry take me back somebody come on take me back take me back i confess my sins and i forsake my evil and wicked ways take me back you told me that if i'd come you wouldn't cast me away and i thank you because many my age already did but you spared me for this day and you told me in your word that if i'd come you would accept me you told me in your word that if i could believe that jesus died and that god raised him from the dead that i'd be saved you believe that jesus died and god raised him from the dead he raised him from the dead so that you could come today and accept him as your lord and savior [Applause] he said with the heart man believeth unto righteousness but with the mouth confession is made under salvation if you're sorry come on and say it again i'm sorry come on and help them i'm sorry i repent i believe in my heart that jesus died and god raised him up so that i could be saved today so it's with my heart i'm believing him with my mouth i'm going to confess it open your mouth young man you right here young man look at me have you understood what i've told you today jesus died so you'd be saved he said with your heart you believe in with your mouth you make confession you told the lord you were sorry and he's forgiven you you've got to believe it it's just that simple we don't have to stand and clap over you they spoke to your spirit they spoke in your mind you came brokenhearted he will now accept you in the beloved and you can open up who did you come with did you come with anybody anybody that saved who is it that he came with to save did you come with someone saved no where's your buddy that wasn't saved came with you what's his name huh what's his name well cheryl the lord calling you too i thought it was a man but if it's a girl you should have beat him down here oh come on y'all i'm standing in faith come on cheryl god calling you too if god gonna save your friend you're gonna have to be saved too where are you sure i'm calling you by the power of god come on down here [Music] come on down here cheryl in the name of jesus i command you to be healed delivered and set free today in the name of jesus [Applause] all right holy crap hold it hold it this is your friend this your friend thank you jesus shot lift your hand cheryl the bible said go out in the highways in the hedges and compel them to come he was talking about the feasts but we go out in the highways and in the bushes and make you come and join the and and accept the lord as your savior you don't have to join this church if you want to we'll be glad to have you but we want you to accept the lord today you can't let your friend get saved and you not get saved [Music] any woman in here your husband and your friend any woman in here that's not saved and your husband and your friend want to be saved you better wake up women been asking god to send them a husband and if you don't get saved gotta send them somebody else you sir are you saved are you saved already then you need to be filled with you've been saved come on the ak shaman oh huh then god married to you to back slaughter come on there shiver me lift your hands to god say lord i thank you for taking me back over my mama open your mouth hey mama my mama come on let him touch you he's touching you now come on mother kelly come up here mother killing turn it in come on yes lord come on yes lord come on yes lord let mother kelly do it yeah the lord called for her to do it yell on get on yeah yeah yeah yeah hey they've come to join the church they said they already saved they came to join the church alan macron's gonna shake their hand i just took amendment many with them we're walking in the national one and they okay we walking in the nation oh the spirit of the lord gives life yes go sister the spirit of the lord gives life thou spirit of the lord give the spirit of the lord gives life [Music] the spirit of the lord gives life and go in jesus name the spirit the spirit of the lord gives life the spirit of the lord gives life he's come to give you life right now thank you for life thank you those of you who came after the offering ah that an issue we going out of here but there's an anointing in here those of you who came after the offering [Music] get your envelope and give your ties and your offering the rest of us my my my my
Channel: Conga Listening
Views: 36,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1Bl2r63UGb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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