Bishop G. E. Patterson - Dealing With Life's Battles #1132

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[Music] in Memphis Tennessee and from auditoriums across America we present the bountiful blessings broadcast with Bishop GE Patterson our mission is to reach the universe of mankind with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ admonishing them to receive the gift of His Spirit to lift and nurture the total man as we expectantly await the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] no one else can touch my life like you do I can search for all eternity [Music] there's no there is none like you no one else can touch my life like you do I can search for all eternity [Music] [Music] [Music] hello welcome to the bountiful essence telecast for the joy it is to be coming to your homes or wherever my voice is heard and today my great testimony is just this is just another day that the Lord have kept me he has kept me from all evil with a mind stayed on him it was just another day that the Lord has kept me what a tremendous testimony in that standing mister lot of that so many things happen in our lives that would make us more swayed turn away from God now why trying to way from God when he has promised us that he will be with us always even until the end mother what other companies would you want that would be more eloquent than that so I'm in God and he's at me so whatever befalls me whatever life babbles deal in my direction I prepared because I'm covered let's go into today's telecast I want to talk to you about dealing with life's battles I sincerely trust that some word from the Lord today will instruct you as to how to deal with life's battles because when all is said and done every one of us in this building as well as those who listen by radio internet and later by television and video every one of us in some arena of our life we are dealing with a battle you are either on your way in on your way out oh you are right now smack dab in the middle of a battle in some arena of your life now what I mean some arena of your life with somebody that battle is domestic arena either they are battling trying to hold a failing marriage together and believe me there's still people who will fight for their marriage everybody won't just after they have an argument walk away there are people who have been battling to save their marriages for years if the marriage is solid the battle is still in the domestic arena and that they're trying to turn that way with children around well if the arena of your family life your domestic life is alright there is a great possibility that you are dealing with a battle in the arena of your health because everybody that looks good not nearly as sound on the inside as they look on the outside there are people battling with diseases that the doctor has already told them is incurable and yet although the doctor has said it's incurable and that you only have a limited time to be here something on the inside that we call Fame in God says I've heard from my general practitioner I've heard from the specialist I've even sat out and talked to the surgeon but I also had a talk with Jehovah Rapha with the law at my physician and because he says I am the Lord that healeth thee no matter how foggy this thing looks I'm yet going to hope against hope and fight against the odds well if you're not having a battle in the domestic arena now in the arena of your health maybe your battle is in the arena of your livelihood here you are stuck in a dead-end job somebody that just came to the company a few months ago and you trained them and they've already gotten the promotion that you deserve maybe everybody else has gotten the routine raised and nothing that's happened to you for the last three four five years and here you are just trying your best to battle and stay there because you need the money well I could go on and on but most of us are having a battle in some arena of our life and as I said either you are in the middle of it now or you are just coming out or you may be just going in but life itself is a war zone I don't care how few years ago they were talking about this is the Age of Aquarius you know everything was going to be peaceful and everything is harmony but I'm gonna tell you that as long as you are in the body of flesh until Jesus Christ Himself returns life will continually be a war zone and you are going to have one battle after another I don't think there's any better proof than Jesus himself after he was baptized by John in the river of Jordan and the Spirit of God carried him out into the wilderness where he would be tempted of the devil for 40 days and when Jesus got through defeating the devil one of the Gospel writers I believe it was Mark said Satan leave it him for a season you might have just gotten through with one battle but don't think that you are on easy street because there is another battle coming your way I've been saying it I've said it here not too long ago that I could appreciate that I got in on the tail end of the first nineteen hundred and fifty years of Christianity because the first nineteen hundred and fifty years or so people were taught from the minute that they became a part of the body of Christ that you have entered into an area where you're going to have to put on strength we were not told that now that you have embraced Jesus your troubles are over but they prepared us for the fight even the songs that we sang prepared us for the fight yeah I often think of that to song and my soldier of the cross and a follower of the Lamb and there's a verse and asks the question must be carried to the sky on flowery beds of ease while others folks to gain the prize and sail through glitter seas no I must fight if I would reign increase my courage Lord I'll bear the cross I'll then do it the shame but I just want to know I'm supported by thy word and back in those days that so the good old days when we used to have open testimony service when everybody got up to talk about the goodness of God regret the fact that we had to stop having just a moana service because you don't know what's gonna come out and the best thing to do is don't have it but back in those days you know somebody would start singing I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord and for the next 30 minutes we'd be gone I mean we shout and dance and praise God and time and I've been wounded and we kept right on shouting in the army of the Lord because we knew that life was a battle seal and such scriptures as be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand in the evil day and having done all the stand stand having your Lauren's girded about with truth and the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation seat shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and in one hand having the shield of faith in the other hand the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God because you are in battle and the battle is not with you and me that's where we make our mistake we look at people as I enemy but you got to understand that you had Masseria is not flesh and blizzard we wrestle against principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world huh spiritual wickedness in high places and we've learned that when Paul is rattling all of that off hallelujah that he's just naming the rights of Satan's Kingdom that the devil does not fight like an amateur he's got a professional army of demons his first line that comes at you is called principalities but even when you fast and pray and break through the first line don't think you've got in me after you break through principalities you've got to fight powers and after you've pressed and pray your way through powers you still got the deal before you get the spiritual wickedness in high places you got to fight against the rulers of the darkness of this world and if you finally make it through that the last line of defense is spiritual wickedness in high places and the only way you're going to go through you're gonna have to be armed with the whole armour of God Oh hallelujah you ought to tell somebody life is a battle and this is an army not a nursing home hallelujah well why why would you say not a nursing home because I emphasize the fact the first nineteen hundred and fifty years of Christianity we were teaching believers to be strong to always be ready for the fight but the last fifty years an increase in the soul within the last 15 years or so the message is the message of healing the hurts and don't get me wrong I know there are a lot of people who have been in the Army and in so many battles until they are scarred and they need healing for their hurts but the sad thing is you've got folk who just got saved day before yesterday they have been saved long enough to have a splinter in their finger and the whole thing is healing the heard and handled me with kid gloves cuz I'm gonna leave the church why well when that usher told me to move to the other seat she didn't smile I'm gonna leave the church I've been in the choir for two years they haven't called on me yet to lead a song I'm gonna leave here why because when they were called in everybody's name that was instrumental in doing something they left my name out when they printed the name on the line where my name was they aint got smeared but honey let me tell you something you have got to be prepared for battle we tell God Lord I just want to tell you that so-and-so is going on in my life and I need you to do this and do that and then a man click but your crown is not over until you hear from God it's not enough for you to give him a one-way conversation but you got to learn how to wait until he gives you an answer you got to remember that when you hear people talking about I don't understand all of these long prayers well when I was a youngster I didn't understand it either we go to church and according to the schedule the Saints weren't supposed to stay on their needs but 30 minutes of maybe an hour and sometimes an hour and a half later they just down that scent oh Jesus we're waiting Lord no I was tired I wanted them to quit we're waiting laws I didn't know what they were waiting on but simply they had learned that a real prayer is a two-week conversation in other word Lord for the last 30 minutes we've been telling you what we want but now how we are waiting to hear from you the prize isn't over until you hear what God has to say juh Havel said eyes are upon you and then he just waited while he was waiting you would have thought that since the proud meeting was being led by the king that the answer would have come through the high priest but God didn't say anything through the high priest he didn't even speak through any of the associate priests but he just looked over in the corner and got an unlicensed preacher a Levite by the name of jahaziel and jahaly Allah the Spirit of God fell on him and he stood up and said hear me o Judah and now King Jehoshaphat be not afraid by reason of this multitude but don't be afraid I know the odds are against you but don't be afraid don't be dismayed my god from on high because the battle is not yours but gods and I want you to know that when you are a child of God and when evil forces attack you God takes it personally and it ceases to be your battle it becomes his battle I'm just wanna tell you this afternoon that what you're going through it's not so bad I wish you'd reach home and tell somebody being courage is not your batter finally [Music] now another point not only did he tell them it was not their battle but like God will do God pulled the cover off of the enemy you know the enemy plots and schemes and thinks he's covered up he think he's underground where can't nobody see it but God didn't do a thing but just took the cover off and said let me tell you something else tomorrow go out against them they think they're gonna make a sneak attack but I'm gonna tell you what that route will be they are coming up by the cliffs of ziz and you'll find them at the end of the brook just before you enter the wilderness of the rural and I just want to remind you you don't need to fight in this battle because it's not your battle [Music] hey I know you say that platinum platinum my job there plottin in the classroom they're plotting at that other place where our meets even in my church but I want you to know don't worry about plots don't worry about Steve it's not your battle [Applause] ah hell I come to clothes he father instructed that since it's not your battle since you don't need to fight he said go head-on and set yourself in a ray but appoint singles to go before the army in other words hide behind me behind the quad and let the choir go forth praise it the beauty of holiness and let him sing one song praise the Lord for His mercy endureth forever I just wish you'd say that praise Allah saw his mercy in do it forever not well the enemy heard this sound that generals told the runners run to the top of the hill see what you can see how many men a sitting on horseback archers lift that balls strong and an era getting ready to shoot how many shields do you see shining in the Sun how many Spears how many glittering swords they looked they couldn't see a thing they said all we see is a bunch of folk dressed in quarrels saying praise a lot saw his mercy in do it fire Hey they'll praise their praise drove their enemies mad oh yeah Amma more album not sale they start cutting off each other's head spearing one another and while the praise of the people of God was yet going source they couldn't understand it and the devil can't understand it now with all that he's putting on you why you haven't lost your mind why you haven't messed the church why you haven't committed suicide what all he's done to you you're still giving God praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this is the part that I really like when barmy finally got to the battlefield they didn't have to fight because all the intimate soldiers were there they didn't have nothing to do but roll over dead bodies pick up your rings pick up necklaces pick up bracelets stuff them into their bag it took them three days to collect the smile what am I trying to say to you don't worry about the battle gods go cite the battle but when the battle is all ah he's got a blessing waiting on you [Applause] [Music] some Bionic Raymond somebody on a plane [Music] why are you praising them move out of your seat go and tell seven people when the battle is over there's a blessing waiting on you it's a rare love story of two precious pearls that through their life of service to God created a strand of pearls that strand is seen throughout the pages of this book call 1-800 five four four three five seven one that's one eight hundred five four four three five seven one two find out how you can get your copy of this book today or you can go to our website that's be blessed dot or remember whatever befalls you you have a savior that is willing and able to come to your behest what Elva called it is he loves you and he wants you to have the best what a way to be covered covered by the blood of Jesus if you would like to order today's tape lesson that tape number is 1132 again that's 11:30 to view the screen and you can order and whatever mode that you would desire we thank you for your past gifts and for how time you've been to this ministry just purpose to solar gift into the television ministry so that we can continue to do what we love doing and that is bringing the uncompromised Word of God into homes and so many people are being blessed and for that we are thankful if you would like to write me you can write me at bountiful blessings post office box one Memphis Tennessee three eight one zero one our toll-free number one eight hundred five four four three five seven one remember this is our website www less dot-org now I want you to note that this staff loves and appreciate our viewers in his our prayer that God would bless every one of you in abundance god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Dennis Martin
Views: 77,799
Rating: 4.8394966 out of 5
Id: L7wj2hf63Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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