The Purpose of Pain by Bishop G.E. Patterson

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ah [Applause] worthy of the prize worthy of the prize [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it'd be rather the price today come on lift your voices and sing with us worthy [Music] worthy [Music] Wow [Music] he didn't have to sign [Music] he didn't are you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] and eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sopranos come on if you're bringing out the world [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy today to acknowledge the presence of the pastor of miracle temple Church of God in Christ pastor Benjamin Smith man god bless him and of course he is also a member of temple of deliverance Church of God in Christ the Cathedral of bountiful blessings I'm gonna ask you to open your Bibles with me to the synoptic gospel of mark I don't I don't plan to be before you long today we're gonna talk to you briefly from the Word of God and after we go to these passages of Scripture then we're going to push our way into a blessing I don't know way coming from you will in a few minutes you have Mark chapter 5 we really want to read here about nine verses they're not so very long but we do want to read the entire narrative and then I'll get into the message mark chapter 5 we want to begin reading with verse 25 and we will read from verses 25 through verse 34 now if you have that say man come on read aloud with me and a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched His garment now I want you to especially mark verse 27 when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched His garment come on let's read on so she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that Bircher had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes and his disciples said unto Him thou see if the multitude thronging thee and saith thou who touched me and he looked around about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and be whole of that plague all right we return again the verse 27 when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his gum that's the verse where we want to center our attention on today yesterday morning we were in the process of preparing to return home from the four Knights regional jurisdictional crusade in Nashville and I think just about everybody else had left was nearing the noon hour and I said the sister Patterson I can't go right now I got to sit here and make some notes before the thought that came to me leaves I was in the process of doing some last-minute things trying to get ready and and I heard in my own spirit the voice said get in the press get in the press and I knew he was not talking about press as it relates to printing but press in the sense that it is used in this particular verse and some things that the Lord began to speak to me and I don't write very good at best but when it's coming like that you know I had to scribble it out as best I could and that's what I want to say to you today somebody that's listening to me right now and then there are others who are viewing by television that need a blessing from the Lord but you wanted your way but the Lord is saying that if you really want a touch from him if you really want your need supply if you really want God to act in your direction get in the press I'm gonna explain that as we go along but just touch somebody and tell them that get in the press a man now I think that it is obvious to everyone who has just read with me this passage of scripture from mark chapter 5 that the word press refers to the crowd in fact the King James Version is probably the only version of the New Testament that uses the word press now if you would look in the New International Version verse 27 would read like this when she heard about Jesus she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak if you were to read it from the Living Bible it would say she had heard all about the wonderful miracles Jesus did and that is why she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his clothes wherever Jesus appeared in Galilee or in Judea great multitudes soon engulfed him it is true that some came out of a sense of curiosity that's true even here it's true in all of our churches that there are people who go to church only out of curiosity they go because they want to see what's going to happen but for the most part they came seeking help for their particular situation now that was a time when it used to bother me when I would hear of people being so attracted to certain ministries especially when I knew the foundation upon which those ministries were built knowing that many of them don't even believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost and they don't believe in healing and they don't believe in God performing the miraculous but then I began to thank God for the fact that when that is a what one preacher Caucasian brother that came to us one night well he actually came in one of the day prayer services and came back and he had words of expression and he said concerning the bountiful blessings ministry that the thing he loved about it was that it is a needs meeting ministry and I praise God that for the most part the people who come here are people with needs people who believe that through the preaching and teaching of the word of God and through the power of prayer and the anointing of the Holy Ghost that that needs our men now there are some places where people gather by the hundreds and thousands simply because they consider themselves to be the word we used to use as the word elite you know the upper crust the five hundreds a man and they want to be where all of the folk that are in that category are well I praise God that that I don't have to deal with a social club under the disguise of a church you don't hear what I'm saying but we come together because we have needs from God and we have sense enough to recognize that what we need can only be fulfilled by God you know if somebody else was able to meet the need they would have met it already if the job couldn't meet it you wouldn't have to come here y'all don't hear me if the classroom could meet the need you wouldn't have to come to church if friends could meet the need you wouldn't have to come to Jesus the woman in our text hallelujah she had gone to the doctors and you see a lot of folk who don't believe in healing today they said whether you see they had back in that day people going to these healers and miracle workers because they didn't have doctors like we have here but my god we have doctors today and they had doctors then praise God I look even in our congregation and one of our most faithful members since the head of Gibbs is a doctor but she never hardly misses a service because there are needs that medicine don't meet y'all don't hear what I'm saying praise God and when you know that the needs are not being met in your other places where you present yourself then something says if there's any hope for my need to be met it's going to be in the presence of Jesus and because the church is the body of Christ if Jesus is gonna be found anywhere he's gonna be found where his body meets whenever he appeared in Capernaum on his return trip the crowd overfilled the house where he was ministry I'm not gonna take the time to go to it at this point but you can make a note of Mark chapter 2 the beginning with the first verse it says again he entered into Capernaum huh after some days and it was noised that he was in the house there is no way that Jesus can be moving and working in the midst of a people and the word not get out some folks are hung up on that stuff you know I don't want to go to a big I don't want to be where there is a large congregation you know God is doing so many great things here but you know I just love our little living room Church if the Lord is there it's gonna soon become too big for the living room a man's body when word got out that Jesus was in the house you know what they did they filled up a house and it says there was no room to receive them no not so much as about the door and one thing about Jesus jesus knew what to do with a crowd island he didn't turn his crowd over to the politicians he didn't say the mail Jerusalem is here there's here from the mail he didn't turn it over to a symposium but when he got the crowd together he did what he preached the word unto them crowd representing many people many people automatically mean many problems but I Got News for you it doesn't matter how many people know how many problems the answer to every problem is in God's Word when the Word of God is being preached you hear it one way you hear it another it meets this need in your life it meets that need in your life hallelujah and then it's meeting needs in the lives of people that you don't even understand simply because the Word of God is not like the newspaper when you get through reading the newspaper the facts in the newspaper are just what they are they may be true representation of what happened it may be distorted but when you read that newspaper there's only one way to read it but the thing about the Word of God you can read one verse and that one verse means something different to everybody that hears it because the Word of God is not cold hard facts the Word of God is alive touch somebody and said a word of god is alive Oh glory to God for the word of God is quick the word quick means alive quick and what powerful and I don't care how folks try to shake their head and shrug that shoulder and act like they don't want to hear it and say ain't getting through to me that's something about the Word of God his word is so alive that when the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached I don't care what your countenance says something about it it goes through your ear it enters into the inner recesses of your very being and even after the preacher no longer is speaking that word is yet talking to you a man you're over laughing before we were getting ready to receive the offering what I said about people finding that joy in the Lord and coming to church on Sunday night I'm not worried about it some of y'all didn't even move you gonna be here first one here tonight because the Word of God is alive you don't hear what I'm saying when he saw the crowd he preached the word but that was a crowd that was a press and there was a man we're not told his name all we know is that the man was sick of the palsy he had a condition of paralysis in him he probably was totally immobile totally paralyzed but he had four friends that would not allow the press to stop them from getting that buddy to Jesus when the crowd was so thick that they couldn't go through the door and if the place that the Jesus was meeting had any windows they couldn't get in the window so they decided to go up on top and tab a roof off the house but they were determined to get in the press and make that way through the crowd and get to Jesus on the road near Jericho crowds followed Jesus but blind Bartimaeus did not allow them to stop him from getting his sight Matthew 20 and 30 tells us that there were two blind men Bartimaeus wasn't by himself there were two blind men according to Matthew twenty and thirty Luke 10 and 35 says that was a blind man mark 10 and 46 tells us that the central figure was Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus and the thing about it although Matthew 20 and 32 tells us that were to Luke 10:35 or ever Luke 18 and 35 Luke 18 and 35 lets us know that that was a blind man and it doesn't even name him mark 10 and 46 tells us that that was a blind man named Bartimaeus but in all three instances they all agree that on that Jericho Road that was a crowd touch somebody and tell him in way of Jesus is you can expect the crowd hallelujah they all agree that that was a crowd on that Jericho Road Bartimaeus had bad eyes and he could not see but he had good lungs and a strong voice so he used what he had to get jesus' attention praise God I'm here to tell you you may be handicapped there may be something that's not you know usable or workable but praise be on the guard you can use what you got the crowd was surrounding Jesus and bartimaeus got the attention of somebody somebody ever then the must have stepped on his foot he grabbed the head what's going on we're all y'all doing somebody moving in a hazy memory Jesus you know that prophet from from Nazareth he's the one say who Jesus Jesus Jesus don't you pay no attention to folk talking about how loud you yelling I would mind going down to that chair y'all make too much noise by the mails let them know hey listen you don't have what I want you don't have what I need what I wanted what I need is in this crowd but it's one person hallelujah I'm gonna get his attention you kept crying Jesus son of David have mercy on me cried out till he got Jesus's attention and when he got the attention of our Lord crowd trying to make him hush you know you may as well recognize that you're gonna encounter sometimes some difficult folk in crowds why is it that all of us think that life should be about relaxation peace and quiet you know and we really try to take that out on God certain times a month you can pass by places and you see cars everywhere you see crowds of people they lined up they either tried to get their monthly share food stamps they're trying to get government giveaways and you better not hear that a certain place that has some good jobs available you may get 300 people to show up for 21 positions and they don't mind crowding there's something about a school not in the notes but something in Memphis here there's a certain educational advantage that parents can get for that children hello and they'll go to the Board of Education and camp out overnight some of them camp out the weekend and newspersons interview I'm wondering you know what are you doing out here well you see I got to be the first one in line because I want my child to be admitted in this school but when it comes to the church oh I enjoy seeing bountiful blessings on television but I just rather belong to the little quiet church on the corner because I don't want to push through that crowd Oh My Lord gave me this today but there are some persons that need this friend listen to me your soul is more important than the school you get your child in your soul is more important hallelujah I remember when we were feeding every day my god and you signed people all out on the parking lot line from the door that opened up right under the main steps they'd be from the door all the way across in front of the building down Mississippi all the way till the front of the old building and it got worse than that when we when we let them give away government cheese honey let me tell you your soul is more opponent than government cheese your soul is more important than that position that's open and why are you trying to dodge the crowd going to the church there and for the last thirty years thirty years ago they had 150 members twenty years ago they had seventy five ten years ago they had forty last year they had twenty two you sitting that well you see this is where my grandmama raised me up and I'm gonna stay right here preachers and deacons have an open fights and your soul is dying and you are attached to some broken stained-glass windows you attached to some ragged pews you don't hear me you attach to memories of yesterday but I'm here to tell you that if your soul needs something from God you better get in the press you better go somewhere we're sick bodies are being healed where don't addicts are being cleanse where alcoholics are being soldered up where people are receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost my god it's not always here there but touch somebody and tell them if you want to get something from God roll up your sleeves and get in the press hallelujah the first few verses of Luke chapter 19 tell us of a rich publican you remember Zacchaeus huh he wanted to see Jesus but he had a couple of handicaps number one he was short of stature and number two the crowd was too great hallelujah but you know what he did he ran ahead of the crowd I wouldn't mind going down there but you see by the time I get there I got the park wheel on the far side of the parking lot come earlier come to Sunday school this man ran ahead of the crowd and when it got ahead of the crowd he found an ideal tree climbed up in a sycamore tree so now I don't have to worry about the crowd I ran ahead up in a while now I'm over him well he could get a good viewpoint some probably well you see honey I wouldn't mind going down yonder to that big church but so and so here's remember and I won't even tell you what I saw them doing don't you know whenever they found the crowd that Jesus was leading in the inner circle that were twelve men one of them name was Judas and he had the money bag he was the treasurer y'all don't hear me but when's that kiss climbed up in that tree he said I'm climbing above whatever is going on in the crowd you got folk in the church that don't mean right you got the church that the only title that fit them is the title hypocrite you got folk in the church that's in the junk and in the mess and it don't matter how much they hear the gospel being preached they are determined that they're like Israel fanatically attached to the idols and you're not gonna be able to break them loose but friend of mine it doesn't matter what's going on in the crowd you've got to keep your eye on Jesus if you've got to lift yourself over the crowd just because so-and-so down there is the homosexual you don't have to be one hello somebody just because such and such a person is shacking up you don't have to do it just because somebody else got their name on the book and they still sign up and still using dope you don't have to do it lower it to God you got to learn how to run ahead of the crowd and how to climb over the crowd because your salvation is a personal affair don't and tell somebody that your salvation is a personal affair bless the name of Jesus I'm almost finished whatever Jesus appeared that was always a crowd for a minute turn in your Bibles back here to Matthew chapter 4 don't lose mark chapter 5 till you in a few minutes I'm gonna be finished and we're gonna push our way into a blessing hallelujah Matthew chapter 4 praise the name of Jesus verse 23 if you have it's a man come on and read aloud with me and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people and his fame went throughout all Syria and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments and those which were possessed with devils and those which were lunatic and those that had the palsy and He healed them and they followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee and from Decapolis and from Jerusalem and from Judea and from beyond Jordan and now I can add and from New York and from Los Angeles and from Memphis throughout America and from Europe and from Asia and from Africa the crowd is getting bigger in friend of mine I want you to know that if you want Jesus you gonna have a hard time avoiding the crowd tell somebody the crowd is growing every day whoo and while the crowd is growing he's still doing now what he did then I don't want to go the way somebody just give me a biblical lesson about yesterday you see in the Old Testament were the Apostles or rather the prophets of old made on swim and use meal to neutralize poison and all of this these miracles have passed then you come into the New Testament and Jesus worked miracles opened blind eyes and multitude were healed and delivered and he gave the power to the twelve but you see all of them are dead now so all that we can do now is try to be good Christians and treat our neighbor right [Applause] don't give me a dead religion like that jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe he didn't say it would just follow Peter James and John but it will follow them that believe in my name they will cast out devils they'll lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover and when Peter my god got up on the day of Pentecost they try to say the Holy Ghost was relegated only two goals in the past but I hear Peter saying the promise is under you it's to your children it's the val-kill Drance to all them that are far off even as many of the Lord our God shall call and since he called us out of darkness into the lava was light he's given us the same Authority and Paul said there in Hebrews the preach Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever he cured incurable diseases yesterday he's doing the same thing now hallelujah he opened blinded eyes yesterday he made the lame leap for joy yesterday he transformed disintegrating personalities in the worthwhile individual yesterday I want you to know he's doing the same thing he's a miracle worker here yet a devil driver he'll yet a door opener he's yet a provider glory [Applause] that's the name of Jesus reach over and tell somebody I served the same Jesus that Peter serve and he's the same today and the wall yesterday if you believe it shout hallelujah [Applause] flora hey I'm gonna close but jesus said something and I believe it to Luke 16 and 16 he says the law and the prophets were unto John talking about John the Baptist in other words Jesus says Old Testament dispensation didn't end until it got to John the Baptist the law and the prophets were unto John but since that time the kingdom of heaven is preached and every man does what presses his way into it in other words if you want to be saved you got to get in the press you're gonna have to push by the critics you're gonna have to push by your relatives that called you a fool and a fanatic if you really want to get in the inner circle with Jesus you've got to push by doubt push by fear push by hindrances push by skeptics and say I need a touch from the master and I need to feel the presence of God people try to criticize you but I am say get in the press push you away huh push your way into a blessing push your way in the Oh Helia flora that's the name of the Lord it's not gonna be an easy job because just like you want something somebody else or something the preacher told us last Sunday he said you know if you go to a restaurant hello wonders haven't been washed 1 or 2 folk in there nobody's sitting down for hours at a time you better not eat in there because the food must not be any good y'all don't hear me don't let nobody to sell your on the fact that don't nobody come to that church cause they so hold it no no no no no people don't stay away cause they so hold it people stay away because they ain't got nothing to serve without skepticism and unbelief but when you set a table of faith David said I prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemy and all God wants you to do is press through until it's your time to be served and when you sit at the table everything you need is on the table salvation is on the table the Holy Ghost is on the table Healing is on the table prosperity is on the table loss is on the table peace is on the table job is on the table I got to quit hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah touch somebody and tell them if you want it God's got it and you can get it but it's up to you to get in the press [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah sit down a minute y'all hey thank God for Jesus thank God for Jesus you know hallelujah I have never felt this inspiration before but the Spirit of the Lord speaking to me he told me to tell his people today to get in the press hallelujah you read the story of the Pool of Bethesda y'all don't hear me and it said the first to step in after the troubling of the water we made hope of whatever infirmity they had praying God I just believe thank God for Jesus I just believe that God right now have a pool of blessing [Applause] hi Yaya Yaya healing deliverance victory salvation prosperity deliverance is yours right now hallelujah [Applause] if you you got to come down the center but you're gonna have to go back that way that's the only way we can stop getting deadlocked you gonna have to go to the sides when you come through and keep moving preachers keep it moving make sure you get in it get in the press but you can't come across the front hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah get in the press when you come through praise him when you come through praise him when you come through praise him when you come through praising when you come through praise him capsules are gonna be healed blood pressure is gonna be regulated joy is gonna be restored haha eternal abajo Shanda hallelujah hallelujah confused holes are gonna help peace yes yes yes hi your Sunday hallelujah bless the name of Jesus bless His name bless His name bless His name lore and a God glory to God glory to God the Holy Ghost said get in the press the Holy Ghost said get in the press the Holy Ghost said get in the press you got a daughter hallelujah let's hung up with a pimp you got a son that's trying to be a pusher or else he's addicted the pusher got him hooked yes yes yes bring him through if you don't have him here bring him through in your heart and when you get in the pool begin to claim the victory began the thank God begin to give him the glory begin to give him the praise hallelujah when you get that praising when you get in the pool praise him when you get down here praise him my god don't walk through dead and ritualistic but come through praising him come through thanking him come through rejoicing hi [Music] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] [Music] the Holocaust is here the prophets of God is here deliverance is here [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ROHO
Views: 90,990
Rating: 4.6971045 out of 5
Id: n7UJPncPcY4
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Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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