Sal Vulcano - Possible Terrorism - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored

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You linked to the wrong video. However, it lead me to the right one and It. Is. Amazing.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/b1gj4k3 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

That was definitely one of the better ones I've seen.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cheeky_monkey_698 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

The pictures made the story.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HailCeasar 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

definitely top 3 "this is not happening" stories. thanks for reminding me about these

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/elislider 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2016 🗫︎ replies

This never fails to cheer me up. Absolutely hilarious. HELLO, I have your pants.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/alwaysbaffled 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
<i> - But instead I said,</i> "Do you think I'm playing games?" Yeah, the terrorist in me ain't gonna stand for that shit. This is my first time terrorizing anyone, I'm going balls to the wall. <i> [intense musical buildup]</i> - Aah! - Aah! - [kissing sounds] [tires screeching[ Let me smell your vagina! [brakes screech] <i> [dark electronic music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> - You guys might know him. He's probably the best thing to ever come out of Staten Island, you guys. [cheers and applause] [laughs] From the show "Impractical Jokers" on TruTV, my friend and yours, Mr. Sal Vulcano! <i> [cheers and applause]</i> - I want to tell you guys about a time I took a weed edible. It's a story of the first... and the last time that I saw Stacy Wu. Okay? - Whoo! So I g-- [laughter] - Quiet down, step children. No, I'm kidding. I got a package delivered to my house. It was addressed to Stacy Wu. I don't know Stacy Wu. Never heard of her. Never met her. But the address was my address. So I figure, okay, it's a mistake. I'll toss it to the side. I'll deal with it later. Weekend comes, I take a weed edible. Later that night I'm chilling, I'm like, all right, let me open up this package, see if there's a contact info. for this Stacy, see if I can let her know that I have her stuff. So I open up the package. Sure enough... her address is in there-- her email address. And it is a pair of pants, women's, six 6, sateen dress pants, black, from Ann Taylor Loft. So I'm like, I'm gonna get Stacy her pants back. So I open up my email and I type her email address in. I write right in the subject, "I have your pants." [laughter] And I'm about to tell her, you know, "Just drop me a line. I'll get 'em to you," you know? But then I thought, "Ohh, wouldn't it be great if I wrote her a ransom note for them?" It's the weed edible. That's what happens. I'm like, "Of course it would be great." So that's what people do. [laughs] They write ransom notes. So I get out my "Entertainment Weeklies" and just start chopping away. Five hours. For five hours, I cut letters out of years' worth of "Entertainment Weekly" magazines. It was a work of art. And I taped the pages and I scanned it into the email. And I'm about to hit send and I'm like, "Ah! This is not how ransom notes work. "I have to send her a picture of the pants, prove I got them shits." And then I thought, "Oh... "wouldn't it be great... if I was in them?" 'Course it would. That's why I'm here. Tonight. So I get myself in these pants. It took minutes. That's a long time to get into pants. But I got this body into those size 6 sateens. And I take some pictures of myself and I realize I'm bare-chested, and I'm like, "Ah, that's kinda weird." I don't want her to get the wrong idea about this ransom note. I want this ransom note to be on the up and up. So I put on a shirt, a tie, a jacket, shoes. I really classed this ransom note up. I really did. I'm about to take a picture of myself in them and I said, "Oh... "this is not how this works. She can't see my face." So I said, "Wouldn't it be great if I was in a ski mask?" [laughs] I know. It's awesome. [laughs] So I put on a ski mask. I take a bunch of pictures of myself. I upload this all into the email, I hit send, and I am so proud of myself because this is what life is. Okay? A lot of you don't know how to live. People don't know how to live. I figured it out. This is it. So I just go to bed. I dream great dreams. And I wake up on the morning-- It's like Christmas morning to me. I run straight to my laptop and I open it up to see if Stacy Wu has received my correspondence and if she wrote back. And she did. And I'm going to read you now what she wrote back to me. "This is really creepy. "A man sending pictures wearing women's pants "and a ski mask? "I'm filing a complaint with UPS. "I'll have the authorities track you down "to where the pants were delivered "and charge you with robbery and possible terrorism." [laughter] I know! [laughs] I did not--I never in my wildest dreams I'd think this was "possible terrorism." I thought this was gonna be a hoot. Like, a little light hoot, not a possible terror. - That's terrible. - She goes on. "They look for people like you, you son of a bitch." [chuckling] "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. "This truly isn't funny, "and if you're looking for peanut butter, I don't have any!" I'll get to that in a second. I'm in over my head. I'm in over my head. It's obvious. I should have said, "This is a joke! Take your pants!" But instead, I said... "Do you think I'm playing games?" Yeah! The terrorist in me ain't gonna stand for that shit! This is my first time terrorizing anyone. I'm going balls to the wall, okay? I do everything I do to the best of my ability. If I'm possibly terrorizing you, look the fuck out. And I just sent her a bunch more photos, okay? So then I step away from the laptop. It was the first thing I did that day and did nothing else, so I went to my phone for the first time and opened it up, and I had a text from the night before at 10:32 pm. This is before I dabbled with any of this other stuff. And the text is from my landlord Stanley who lives right below me. And this is what his text said. He said, "Hey, buddy, "was there a package delivered last Monday "and left on your porch? It's for my girlfriend Stacy." [audience groans] I felt the same way. Felt the same, exact way. I'm like, ha ha ha ha... there's no way he's finding out about this. I don't care what I have to do. I'm getting rid of the pants. I'll take the fucking pants down to a ravine and fuckin' shoot 'em. However you get rid of stuff. I'm gonna do it. And then I realized... oh, man, I sent her the note from my email address. It's got my first, last, and two middle names in the type. So I have to confess. I have to come clean to Stan. So I call him on the phone. I'm like, "Stan, it's Sal. "As a matter of fact, I do have the pants, "and if you wanna meet me on the side of the house, I'll give 'em to you. Uh, also..." [laughter] "I gotta tell you something. Gotta tell you something." So he meets me on the side of the house. He's like, "Oh, Sal, thanks so much." I'm like, "Stan, no problem. I even emailed her and let her know I had 'em." He's like, "You're the best. I'm like, "Hold on. Just hold on. Just let me finish." I said, "Stan, somewhere in there I felt it apropos... to also write her a ransom note for them." He's like, "What are you talking about? I'm like, "It's exactly what you think." And I knew... [laughs] I knew he was gonna ask me, "Well, what did it say?" And so I brought the ransom note to the side of the house to read to him right there in the driveway. And I also brought it tonight. [cheers and applause] [laughter] - This is it. This is living. It says, "Hello. I have your pants." You guys? I'll do it every five pages. "Hello. I have your pants. Check the picture for proof." - Oh, wow! - We agree that the ransom note should have ended there. Allow me to read you the next 18 pages. "In order to get them back safely, "I am going to need one 15-ounce jar "of Skippy all-natural Honey Peanut Butter... smooth." This is the weed edible talking. I'm allergic to peanut butter. "I know what you're thinking. 'Peanut butter'? "Yeah. Peanut butter. So what? This is about<i> me</i>right now." [laughter] Bitch. "This really isn't the time for you to be judging me "about the peanut butter. I have your pants." "To be honest, I felt silly asking for the peanut butter, "but I gathered myself, and here we are. [laughter] "Peanut butter is delicious, and I'm out of it." I'm now explaining myself to her for no good reason. "I could have asked for a lot worse than peanut butter." I don't even know what the implication was there. I don't need to question myself. "So let's just move on. Put the peanut butter in an unmarked duffle..." [laughter] Clearly, all of my knowledge of ransom notes has come from the movies. I don't even know what an unmarked duffle is. I--What is a-- What is a marked duffle? What is a marked-- I don't know, but don't send that shit to me in a fucking marked duffle. "Deliver to my home no later than noon "on Friday. "Every day... "that I do not receive "the peanut butter... "I will wear your pants... [laughter] "With a different cute top." She's giving me no choice. "Your move. PP forever." [applause] That's nice of you. That's how I felt. I was elated. I said to him, "I also, uh-- "I also sent her a photo to prove I had 'em." And he was like... "Let me see it." And I showed him on my phone, but for you guys, I went to Kinkos. You're gonna wanna look at that. [crowd whooing] I call that terrorist casual. Yeah, I got your pants, but really, it's no biggie. Just what I do. It was my first terrorizing. I kept it light. He said, "What did she say?" I said, "She said... she was gonna call the authorities... and charge me with robbery and terrorism. He said, "Holy shit! What did you say?" And I said... I said, "Oh, I just said, 'Do you think I'm playing games?' "and then I just fired off a bunch more photos to her." Look, this one cuts deep. This one's like... I'm straight relaxin' while I'm terrorizing you. I'm literally wearing the pants in the situation. Moment of silence and then he grac-- Oh, by the way, Kinkos, no questions. [laughter] Ten employees, not a fucking word. But he graciously said, "Look, I will tell her. I'll tell her and try and hash it out for you." And then, uh, a year and a half later, I'm walking out of my home down my driveway and a female's walking up it, and we meet in the middle. And she says to me, [inhales, exhales] "Are you the guy..." [laughter] "That had my pants?" This was a moment of truth for me, so I dug very deep, I looked her in the eye and I said, "I never got the peanut butter." That's the story of the first and last time I ever saw Stacy Wu. Thank you, guys. Thanks. [cheers and applause] <i> [dark electronic music]</i> <i> ♪</i>♪
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 4,671,816
Rating: 4.9340324 out of 5
Keywords: Sal Vulcano comedian, Sal Vulcano videos, This Is Not Happening, watch This Is Not Happening, Ari Shaffir, drugs, marijuana, fashion, photos, nudity, email, crime, terrorism, police business, food, uncensored, housing, pants, ransom, threats, stand up comedy, stand up comedians, funny video, stand up videos, funny jokes, funny clips, hilarious videos, hilarious clips, best stand up comedy, watch stand up comedy, comedian, funniest stand up comedians, stand up comic, top comedians
Id: zxke4iYuR28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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