Cy Amundson - Bus People - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored

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- Now I have never seen a man get hit by a truck before, so I don't know if they always hit the concrete and then Bruce Lee back up immediately ready to fight, but that is what he did. It was like, boom, boom, let's fucking do it! (techno music) (growling) - Welcome to This Is Not Happening, everybody. (crowd cheering) Thank you! So, here's the show. Just a bunch of funny people and we're all telling true stories. Please, give it up for Mr. Cy Amundson, everybody. Let him hear it! Cy Amundson. (crowd cheering) - I used to be terrified of flying. Terrified. And a number of years ago, my parents were going to adopt three teenage girls from Texas. And before we adopted them, the whole family had to go down to Texas to meet them, to prove that we were an okay family to be in charge of children. And I, I thought if I flew, I would die, obviously. So instead, from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Dallas, Texas, I rode a Greyhound bus. And after you ride a Greyhound, you realize dying... Not that bad. (crowd laughs) Use a pillow, you can stretch your legs out, you don't have to worry about somebody trying to finger you in your sleep. (crowd laughs) Comparatively, it's pretty nice. So, I dressed the part, I wore hospital scrubs, a Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt that could not have been intended for a man. And a camouflage vest. I loaded the bus and I found a seat. I was one of the first guys on the bus, and I found my seat. Right here are three, Mexican, young Hispanic Mexican type-y folk. Somewhere in that region. Behind me is a man, a grown man, with a stutter. Now I only know he has a stutter because every town we came into on the entire trip, he had to announce it out loud. (stuttering) Topeka! (crowd laughs) Now I'm not gonna make fun of somebody with a stutter he can't help that. I just don't understand why the fuck he's boasting about it right now. You don't see people without arms like, Hey come watch me swim laps at the pool (screams). And then to Stutters is an old Nigerian man. So we're cruising along, and I'm trying to sleep, and I can't 'cause Stutters is announcing every town and village we come into. We pull into a McDonald's slash gas station parking lot in Oklahoma City at 2 o'clock in the morning. The bus parks, everyone gets off to smoke cigs. If you ride the bus, you puff cigs. You a kid, on the bus? Puff cigs. Everybody. The only three people who stay on the bus are me, Stutters, and the Nigerian. Literally, everybody else gets off to smoke cigs. They get out and they're right in front of the bus right here, in their group smoking. And because it's the South, at 2 o'clock in the morning, on the other side of the parking lot is a group of Good Old Boys, and their significant others, and their pickup trucks. Correct. (crowd laughs) Within a matter of moments, that devolved into the Good Old Boys and the bus people shouting at each other across the parking lot like some long distance episode of Maury Povich. Like, fuck you! No, fuck you! (screeching) Just fucking, cackling, white trash madness at one another, right? So they're going back and forth, and then the Good Old Boys hop in their pickup trucks, they start hopping in their pickup trucks, driving as fast as they can at the group of bus people and then at the last second (car noise) they peel away and circle to do it again. They are playing Human Chicken with the bus people. (crowd laughs) I'm sitting watching it unfold, and then I see a truck coming and I remember thinking, oh, well that one's coming way too fast. And it was. And at the last minute when it tried to peel away it hit one of the bus dudes. The moment it hit the bus dude, the old Nigerian behind me goes, kaboom mother fuckers! (crowd laughs) He's the only hero in this story. (crowd laughs) He is the only champion in this tale, okay? Now I had never seen a man get hit by a truck before so I don't know if they always hit the concrete and then Bruce Lee back up immediately ready to fight. But that is what he did. It was like, boom, boom, let's fucking do it! The two sides rush each other like a WWE event to the middle of the parking lot. Now, if you've never seen bus people fight parking lot people. It's a lot like the Civil War. If the South would've fought itself. (crowd laughs) The moment it starts getting ugly, I had this thing in me. My dad, he taught me to be a peacekeeper. So I'm thinking, I have to do something, and I stood up to go help, but I shouldn't have had that thought. I shouldn't have gone to do this, this here is natural selection at its best. Okay, Darwin could write a book about what's gonna happen in this parking lot. People need to die, gene pools need to end. It has to end here. But I didn't think that way, I was like, I gotta help, and I got up, and to his credit, Stutters came with me and the two of us got off the bus, and by that point the bus driver had come out of the gas station McDonald's, and it was the three of us in the middle of this fight trying to separate it. It actually went really well. It separated really easily. Everybody was pretty calm. When the guy, the truck, who did the hitting of the man came pulling back up. In the truck was the man who committed the attempted vehicular homicide. (crowd laughs) Next to him was his cartoonishly obese wife. And in the back, well not really in the back, just more darting around the cab was a nine-year-old boy just like Mountain Dew! Mountain Dew! Mountain Dew! Mountain Dew! 'Cause fuck seat belts and safety, right? It's two o'clock in Oklahoma, he's not fucking going to college, right? We might as well get a jump start on his organs is what I'm saying. (woman groans) Yeah, welcome to the show. (crowd laughs) So, that truck doesn't even stop rolling when that obese woman flings the door open and starts storming at the group of people accusing the man who got hit by the truck of faking it. You're a fucking faker! Fuck you you fucking faker! You took a goddamn dive, you're a fucking faker! She's roaring up the fight. To his credit, the man pulled the truck the rest up of the way up to the fight and got out way calmer. He was like, yeah, I did that. And then his boy got out, and because he's a wonderful father, he took his son he put him up on the hood of the truck so he could watch over the fight. Like it was some scene from Hillbilly Lion King. One day son, this could all be yours. ♪ Ha svenya! Skitty ski, red bull! ♪ Who Toby Keith, tattoos (crowd laughs) The dad steps in front of the truck to the fight, by this point everything has calmed back down again. Either because the woman is no longer angry, or b, she is winded from the 11-step walk from where she exited the truck to the fight itself. Doesn't matter why, she's no longer angry. Everything seems fine. When one of the bus people did the funniest thing you could ever do in that scenario. They threw a Diet Coke at the fat woman. (crowd laughs) Now, I'm trying to keep peace and I know that's a fucking boss move right there. That's a winner's play. He throws a Diet Coke. It hits the fat woman in the neck-ish, chest-ish, boob, you can't tell what it is, but in this region. It explodes, she reacts like it's Holy Water. (screams) So fucking funny! Oh my God, it was so fucking funny. Her husband did not feel the same way about the humor that I did. He lost his damn mind. He started Tasmanian deviling his arms. Trying to murder someone. And I'm right in front of him. I'm not trying to punch him, I'm not trying to hurt him, I'm literally just trying to stop a homicide. I just have my hands on his chest, that's all I'm doing. This is it. I don't know if his son thought that I was trying to hurt his dad, but that nine-year-old boy shouted the words Hulk Hogan. Which isn't even a fucking relevant wrestler at this time, leapt off the hood of the truck, and flying punched me in the face. (crowd laughing) Now, I don't know if you've ever had to opportunity to be in an Oklahoma City McDonald's slash gas station parking lot at 2 o'clock in the morning with 60 of the grossest people on the earth, just fucking Crocs, and socks, and jean shorts they cut themselves, and sleeveless racing t-shirts, and fucking Tweety Bird tattoos. (crowd laughs) And been able to be the worst out of those people. But I've lived that, 'cause I had a real moment where I was like, I am gonna fuck this nine-year-old up! (crowd laughs) And I stepped to him. I stepped to a nine-year-old child. I did the what! The I'm-gonna-crush-your-face-child. That move. Literally 60 of the worst people on earth all at the same time were like, no! Fight's over! That is the exact moment the police car pulls into the parking lot. They see 60 disgusting adults going, no! A child and a grown man in a Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt welded back ready to melt his nose. Now, the good news is I didn't get in any legal trouble for the incident. They believed me, I told my side of the story, there were other witnesses. I was exonerated in the process. The bad news is I had to miss the bus. They left without it. Anybody who was involved in the fight had to stay behind and do statements. We missed the bus so I missed my bus, I have to sleep in the Oklahoma City bus station. And take a different bus in the morning, because fast fact, the longest you can be banned for a Greyhound bus is until the bus shows up. (crowd laughs) So I'm getting on the bus in the morning, it's been a long night, and it hit me I was like, oh shit, I have to call my dad. I'm not gonna be there when he thinks I'm gonna be there. So I call my dad and he answered in an incredible mood 'cause why wouldn't he? This is one of the monumental weekends in his entire life. He goes, hey bud, how's it going? I was like, dad, hey just real quick, I am not gonna be there this morning. There was an incident last night. I threatened to punch a child. I didn't punch a child, he punched me first actually. There's a fat woman and Diet Coke, and I was actually trying to keep peace. I wanted to fucking punch the child, but I didn't. The point is, I'm gonna be on a different bus later today. And my dad goes, all right, well, I'm gonna take you off speaker phone there, bud. (crowd laughs) My dad was at breakfast with my soon-to-be three new sisters, two of their foster parents, and three social workers from the state of Texas. (crowd laughs) So I am still a little bit scared of flying, but I'm definitely far more scared of all the disgusting trash in between places. (crowd cheering) (techno music) Thank you guys so much!
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 3,231,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cy Amundson comedian, cy amundson this is not happening, This Is Not Happening, Cy Amundson, comedy central, Ari Shaffir, greyhound bus, fear of flying, stand up comedy, stand up comedians, funny video, stand up videos, best stand up comedy, watch stand up comedy, comedian, best comedians, bus people, This isn’t happening, storytelling, Comedy Central stand up, funny stand up comedians, best stand up comedians, the south, good old boys, white trash, jokes, hit by a truck
Id: ngHI7ApqUkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2015
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