Betrayed By My Best Friend - The TryPod Ep. 45

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rambles this podcast is brought to you by Shopify and Bubba rose and potluck and puppet pal and a million other businesses why so many because we are sponsored by the Shopify and they do everything they can to support the independent businesses on their platform so they're including other businesses in their ad Wow Shopify I can do all the things a business owner needs to do to see how his stuff is being shopped if you are business of any size big or small you can use Shopify to grow your business see all the ways that Shopify is supporting independence at Shopify com slash independence Shopify supporting independence on with the show thank you to shop five best fiends and honey for sponsoring today's podcast [Music] are you looking at my mug I was looking your shirt thought I was wondering if that's a picture of you and your shirt I mean you know not super far off my vibes somewhere between Elton and Larry David and Rick Moranis youth and maybe a little low-key future president Sanders on Sanders choose to wear yeah and then a little little vocal sprinkling of Aziz Ansari you mix those all together you get me tall as Bernie Sanders how tall are you seeing if my vote based on height no I mean I was just like kind of delighted by the idea of of going against the typical I'm gonna vote for someone over six foot one for president yeah anyway welcome to the podcast you don't delight me if he's I'll tall you think Bernie Sanders is well four foot seven are you talking about man has a constant hunch doesn't matter just how what's what's my plan I think I see eye to eye with him on a great many things including literal how tall do you think he is just that fact I'm in Ned's camp like 511 I think short five five Bernie Sanders is six feet tall when he comes so when he comes into this room he's six feet tall okay but he's six feet tall if he had proper posture which means he's actually 510 511 all about the part that means but you know you typically see it's like basketball players you see presidential candidates on a debate stage together and most of the men are six feet and up so you think like people judge is tiny but he might be like 510 we don't know this is a classic try guy situation everyone's like Bloomberg what a tiny little man no he's a normal-sized yeah all the freaks the other presidential candidates are freaks they're tall giant monster men and we need a normal size team I'm not talking about Bloomberg fine that guy yeah I'm talking about Zachary corn fo how tall are you on the record me yeah why on the wreck unfilter on the record officially yeah back foot five seven and three-quarters in three good okay so we got some cushy shoes I was a clean five eight yeah I round up to five eight but I feel a little disingenuous sometimes I feel like okay well let's let's be real I'm I'm breaking five eight with the whiffs wisps of my hair right so it's good by the way Thank You Man thank you Buddha judge is five nine what a tiny little [ __ ] Sanders is six-foot Biden a six-foot Booker six to bait O'Rourke six four he's lanky a lose one five eight good for her yeah Soros was Kamala who was five to do we think yeah Wow let's fight - yeah you wouldn't just think that with her like all those presents yeah yeah ALC is also small I would I would swear that camel is bigger than me it's I guess politicians are like basketball people have to have her on the podcast yeah they scale up Wow yeah weird what um the tripod we are the try guys it's we're recording this on Super Tuesday you're listening to it on a super Thursday yeah we're thinking about politics cuz it's it's all this consuming our mind right now but by the time you're listening to this shit's already gone down yeah what's up fellas I don't know I was just excited that Bernie's in my head I thought he was like five nine five ten but I'm so the 6-footer curious that you're focused on height focus on the issues office but I was like delighted by the idea of a shorter president but like two to three inches not that big of a deal except for in the bedroom how do you guys think Angela Merkel is oh she's small she has to be seems in photos on the shorter end of the political leaders height spectrum bridge for sure people get elected to world offices more often oh yeah that is definitely true absolutely but now I'm wondering is this an American phenomenon or is this worldwide is this pitbull the queen is wrong yeah fine fine i follow then you expect no kidding huh huh you saw a post like five ten oh wow I would have thought pitbulls like four seven how the hotels uncle five five Uncle Emeril that's taller than you'd expect Ned on the record how tall are you Oh me I'm comfortable yeah okay yeah 510 your fuckton that's pretty good feel like I'm not that far off from you inches okay and then I must be 5/8 I'm rounding up I'm six foot you're six foot floor yeah let's put vote with the hair but with the hair bond with the hair I look like I'm six to a fire spiked with the posture also you have very long torso and very good posture yeah so Keith's not here today also by the way pitbull is 5-7 there yeah all right I couldn't dare pitbull in the eyes yeah what grade beginning of a podcast I love talking uh people's Heights surprise our towels member is not here today but a weird thing about Eugene and Keith is that Eugene while a little bit shorter not much has a longer and taller torso and better posture yes so when you guys sit next to each other you look taller than Keith sometimes yeah I have what's called a swimmer's body so like that the torso is long the the arms are long the legs are shorter and powerful like a little like a little rudder I think swimmers would have long legs no because they're kicking you want it to be like more precise and quick you want the strokes of the everybody to be really long oh yeah so yeah it's all about wingspan like wingspan and a fin you have a swimmer's body I've been told I have a TV dinner body what's the joke I was trying to find a better one and that's the best that I came up with in the 20 seconds you were talking you know how they say if you were alive in the 50s good they say you have a voice for radio I do think I have a body for radio yeah I mean do you consider yourself a short king oh yeah for sure a short short good internet lingo they're miles thanks I also learned what I learned what cake was yes me like like ass like yeah but like she's she's got cake and it means you have an a big ass how the [ __ ] that I was I the last one to know that case why do you think we have you do the advice section don't know it's much that's true wait a second we used to say that within the try guys Ned was the slowest to pick up on the hip internet but maybe maybe miles is supplanting you maybe you're the hipper one now Wow I am the reigning champion at ticked I throw Zach you you claim to be the most in the note give them a current internet slang to see who knows it oh yeah what are the kiddos saying these days I know you all know this because of a video we've got oh that's like tsking yeah what does it mean this guy's SK SK SK SK SK oh yeah I don't know yeah you know it you were in a video about it you don't think I remember everything you know how many videos we make I do not remember every moment of every video there are things that I watch on the internet that I am in that surprised me I'm like I said that yeah yeah you gotta be you gotta be open you gotta be fluid you gotta be you know popping off the top of your head mmm this is a wonderful privilege that we have where sometimes I'm like do I like that food let me go back and watch this day says that three million people of watch know that's all know my opinion about this thing so I just have to look up one more thing about world leader sites and I'm done with it who in history is the most famous world leader known for being short Napoleon Napoleon how tall do you think the pulley was actually I know Napoleon is taller than you think drive 2 5 7 whoa people made fun of him for me he's like Zac's height okay maybe that's why he's had the Napoleon complex not because he was so short trying to make up for because he was like guys I'm not that short this is crazy - oya you're the frit I do i yeah Napoleon complex isn't for guys I like 5 3 and under it's for guys who are like five six two five eight guys I don't think I'm that sure the room of short people I'd be tall salting - actual short people do you know how weird I feel when I meet people that are you know tinier than me and they go oh I oh you're actually normal you're you're you're taller than I thought and then I'm like am i misrepresenting myself am I am ia false short king am I am i a tiny god that is that is an impostor I'm stuck in the middle I think it's also because you're always next to us you also have smaller like bone structure Oh certainly I'm tiny in every place that counts all yourself except one place slender king slender we must slay the Sunderman what's the average height in May in America say Oh actually know this fact I believe the average male height is 5/7 worldwide is above average worldwide and for women I think it's five four or five three or something like that double check but I believe they've ever around well above average I also love the identity of girls who are like five six five seven like I'm so tall yeah I'm just so tall I'm so tall I'm five five I'm so tall you ever see a really really tall guy when you'll be walking hand-in-hand with a very short girl yeah those are my favorite couple are amazing I love it I'm talking like the extremes but they find each other I've seen that a couple times I got my college campus you see all the time I saw there's definitely a couple in college that they didn't get together until senior year but then when they did it was the biggest guy and the smallest girl like in college fascinating it was a shot putter who was like probably like seriously six eight yeah and not like offensive lineman B he was like he was just he was jacked yeah he was he was fit yeah yeah yeah fit and large Hewitt's look huh how are the glutes you know they were good they're good never they were firm it probably bounce a quarter off of them wow what kind of tell toys was you rocking yeah I do not know which muscle that is please enlighten me somewhere over here it's the one that I injured well I know it's somewhere in your shoulder but is it the front shoulder of the back you shoulder I think it's the deltoid comment below no issue another traps back I know that no I think it's like the front one right anyways delts were great that's obviously as a shot footers delts were top-notch yeah but she was for yeah it's interesting idea what do you think that is do you think it's just like oh I want to feel like a tiny little princess and he's like I want to feel like a strong big man that's like I think that might have been an element but they also probably got each other right so a correction there's you can't really quantify the worldwide high cuz it ranges quite differently on average by race but in America the average high for a man is between five nine five ten long whoa and for women it's five four okay I'm back tiny kings you know that other white guy yeah I'm average every now and then I do get someone who meets me most people say oh wow you're taller than I thought you were every now and then I go I thought you'd be shorter and I'm like well then how I've also one person once told me that I looked fatter on camera oh my god that is like okay thanks maybe it was the opposite maybe she told me I was chubby err in person either way actually nicer someone said you look better on camera yeah we did a reading media thirsty tweets video and one of them was a sweet comment that was actually the meanest laundry what was it it was like I really hope Ned gets more sleep because he always has these big dark circles under his eyes I'm like excuse you this one is almost two years old I am getting eight hours a night just fine thank you anything about my face is now just my face yeah that was a fun video because I think in the comments there's like tons of people calling out people that have wronged them yeah Keith asked them to call out those who have who have made them upset or more cheated on them yeah and then I think I also saw some people leaving mean or comments because Zack could complain in the video that those comments were oh hell yeah yeah I should I should go back in there I'm out yeah love mean comments especially within a controlled parameter you know I like we're gonna go uncontrolled and just read it yeah this is dangerous I love a good roasting I don't know there's something about you know what it is I don't like unprompted mean comments but what I really delight in especially in videos is when I can set someone up to spike me down like if I can love that ball in the air and just have someone just help me with it and so cuz I I'm now part of it it's we've built a joke together right one time I got Lance Bass to insult me in a video oh no a true a true highlight of my life in my career you guys all looking to see if it's about me yeah I'm looking for these comments I mean here's one that's it's pretty cutting and me and miles is so underrated he's so funny [Applause] Wow burn he's burn on me actually this top comment is like the sweetest thing it's like a paragraphs about how great we all are yeah you already know this podcast is brought to you by Shopify and Bob burrows potlucks Puppet Pals a million other businesses including the try guys that's right because Shopify does everything they can to support the independent businesses on their platform including including sending their advertisement yes it's an all-in-one commerce solution designed to start grow and scale your business on your terms did you know that Shopify can help you start smelting right now can I get Shopify to help me with that they can help you sell market and manage your business I think Shopify proves that it's not the size of the business it's how you use the way you shop it yeah and you Shopify it no in all seriousness Java is essential press managing our business they help us do our best work it's just it's just seamless it just works if you are a business of any size you should look into the ways that Shopify can help you grow see all the ways that Shopify is supporting at Shopify dot-com / independence that's Shopify supporting independence not as an Independence Day but independence like TS Zach I think that the reason people think you're shorter and you know they're gonna be shorter cuz you've got DD e go on I mean if I can describe you I would say be de just so if you're listening at home right now I just want to paint a picture we're in the studio and every single try guys on their phone the seven last week when Zach was the only person studio and he was also on his phone miles I was gonna contribute the conversation but you're talking about my my energy you know I don't want to interrupt you yeah absolutely I think that like the way he's so underrated he's so funny first of all so is in all caps and this has 630 like smiles yeah baby that's very sweet I can kind I appreciated everybody thanks for being a part of the nation in the army okay here's a mean comment speaking of Zach's hair his hair looks great in this video not that it doesn't look good every video yeah Eugene so I actually been wanting to ask you I I've been I was gonna get a haircut oh yes go on and I was wondering if you had any hair advice for my new haircut that'll go for that'll go for a yeah what what have you what do you typically do I'm at the point where I've had the same haircut for like a number of years and I'm wondering if maybe I need to change what I'm telling the barber so what do you ask the barber when you go in I say I wear it like this and then I usually push my hair up and to the left and then I say I like it a little bit longer and in the front shorter on the sides you tell them I want to look like I used to listen to my Chemical Romance but now I'm ready to integrate back into society yeah I'd say I want the emo boy swoop but then not so exaggerated I'm a sad boy but not too sad and not too boy right exactly still employable is employable but emo I but I like how much length you get and yeah I should run with the lane run with Hawaii like it'll and keep the I do like his like the know I'm miles oh I find that like I like it when it's long in the front I don't like it when it's long on the sides cuz then it starts to look like a shaggy dog boy but I don't like mullet no cuz I for my face I feel like I've got with the beard I want it to be like straight lines on the sides so my face is like a little sim character a deer barber I want you to make me look like I know that Pinkerton is the greatest album ever produced yeah barber I want you to make me look like Kevin Smith is my favorite director the greatest contribution to cinema exactly how short you go on the sides and back I usually I don't even use clippers a video scissors they use scissors then I use clippers interesting you know I think if you actually wanted to push it you would go really shorten the sides and back see that feels like then I'm going for like a Macklemore type look and I don't want to necessarily do that no cuz his hair was never long on top grow it out grow it out full grow it out mile I want you remember what Brad Pitt looked like when he won the Oscar for 12 years of slave yeah that long like Jesus Savior look I've thought about it yeah you could go for the Jesus and just pull it up into a table not everybody top-notch job not now my hairline is with that top my hair lines going so I don't know if a top knot would walk it in Zack yeah my hair lines go Saxe got some recommendations i know it's kind of going a little bit but that's surprising to me you've got so much bang I've got a lot of bent wallets to cover the hairline going yeah that's right never before have I sweat so much on the bike guys yeah yeah it's kind of going it's in the corners it goes well I see you've still got the middle the middle is fine you're doing okay the sides are going my dad is like my dad has very long hair in the back but he's got but nowhere else what's your vision what's your what's your like describe miles is perfect hairstyle yeah I mean if you can't grow it out then I think that you should at least try I mean I just like that you keep the length on top most guys don't run as long as you do yeah so I think you should maybe play with how short you take the sides in the back end wait good so why can't he do a topknot because I doesn't want to expose them I feel like it reveals the airline and people are like you do a back knot you just you just bunch off the back of there you can do like a samurai front little bangs on the sides like that and then that's like in every video game character creation picture someone in Cruel Intentions you have it I want that I mean what if you had as much product in your hair as you gene and you kind of had this like you know soundscape on your head I don't do a lot of product but I was inspired I did shoot that I remember we shot the hair video and I was inspired to put product in my hair and then I ever did I wasn't that it's not but I feel like I am interested in that making myself look sexier and hotter I don't know maybe 2020 is a year fashion fashion fears like well you also got you guys so you also get a full beard so you also have hair working with the front that's training so it's also shaping part of it so if you want shorter on the sides and back with the full beard that'll be pretty hot okay that's good to hear that's good too now give you some visual references I would like to take it to the to the barber okay cool and then I mean it's a pretty typical style for a lot of straight dudes these days but you'll know you'll look pretty pretty intense I think that's good I want to leave in severe yeah yeah the three of us get our hair cut by the same guy our friend David yeah shout out David as every time like the last couple times he's given me new hairstyles to try out and he like he'll give me tutorials on how he's styling my hair the second I get home I forget and I do this I refer to the same exact thing I don't like it's hard to know how to do things and then to have the patience in the morning to style it like most guys I assume most people you get your style and you just [ __ ] go for it I used to do this YouTube show that was called trust me where people in a relationship would give instructions for the each other's haircut oh yeah without any like any knowledge of what was happening on themselves there's like a curtain between them pretty pretty dynamic results you're just getting a haircut blind no idea how it's gonna turn out and it's very fun I mean hair can transform your your face your presence your being but then continuing that style the day after that yes that's the trick right yeah I mean mobile I think Arielle did it with me and like not only did we go way shorter but she was also like yeah like died a little like more like brown oh she really trusted you oh well I trusted her yes she dyed your hair a little more Brown yeah this first time I've ever had any sort of dye Oh your hair went shorter in your hair yeah that is cool though put a little dye in there that's also David that was David yeah yeah yeah David dang David dang there my friend that then my friends now go to for hair yes now our friends you think so David is my friend I will get David on the phone right the [ __ ] now yeah do you want me to call him where is David right now I don't know oh because you gene I trust my friends I let them fly free and then they return to me where is David right now he's in Vegas with my boyfriend oh that's why you know that because we're friends where's Keith I don't know I let my friends run wild free-range friends it's good for them yeah they eat grass are you friends or clients who are friendly Oh I mean everyone thinks that stylists are the ants do you want me to call David right now I mean you could hey I mean I'm sure he'll say you're his friend if he answers then well how you see him more in a friendly situation or more when you get your hair done doing that's a trick question because I don't see any friends I rarely do really outside of work how are you yeah would your old friends say oh yeah Zach's my friend and when you see them do they do your hair man Zach I saw you playing Catan this weekend I got so much foam oh I remember Catan you know Scott stylist and makeup artist and manicures and people in beauty industry will tell you everyone thinks that they're like close friends with them yeah that's because they're also therapists so when people go to do their hair and all they do when they're sitting there's talk about their life then they leave them they go oh this person's like my best friend and the guys like yeah there were friends but also I only see you when I'm doing your hair hmm so it's interesting cuz they have a very different perspective clearly you guys are friends like you'll invite him the thing you don't want to disturb David right now I feel such a good friend I don't want to call a stylist know what I'm talking about it's a different type of friendship when we were shooting the facial video you guys were revealing way more than in the why detective video and nickimja looking at each other being like we can't put this stuff in the video Nebu revealing a lot of versatile details you probably don't want in the video to the spatial you guys are just very comfortable you were like letting it flow free yeah there's something about someone pampering or styling you where you feel like oh this is a moment I feel like I should express all my innermost secrets yeah yeah if you feel very relaxed you know that's why secrets come pouring yeah yeah we just I remember her we just joked a lot about drugs she was very cool cool she was in all she used to be on vine I'll tell you what you said but yeah well I've seen the first rough-cut of that video that for you guys will be coming out in a week or two and there are there are already a couple things I'm like oh I've never heard that admit that everybody right yeah I watched I'm comfortable with everything nice geez guys coronavirus has really been rocking the world in the last couple weeks yeah how what are you guys doing to prepare cuz it seems like there's like now more than like a 2% chance that we'll go into a quarantine type deal that seems to be is that right Ned you seem smarter than me I would say there's more than a 2% chance 2% is the likelihood that you'll die oh yeah Jesus when you get it now a couple things you need to know yeah that I've learned because obviously with the young child I've been a little worried I'm gonna drop some facts and then we're gonna make it funny fact one it more disproportionately affects older people and people with already pre-existing like pulmonary conditions okay boomer not okay we have lung conditions if you're you know caring for elderly people yeah people more at risk or your immunosuppressed or if you're a nursing yeah really fortunately children not babies but children because they have a different type of immuno response though it's not antibody based it's more like primary I think they call it they are seemed to be getting less worse sick so that made me feel kind of nice yeah but it's you know very you can take some easy steps to prepare get extra food you know get a bunch of canned food make plans for what would happen if you had to work from home or if you couldn't send your kid to school mm-hmm just kind of think through that so that you have a plan it's very probable that internet and water will still be fine but you know you might you might want to avoid crowded places for a while you might want to stay inside your house fortunately this thing to do obviously also wash your [ __ ] hands people oh yeah one washes their hands and I'm not talking run it under the water for a second and then shake it on your pants yeah 20-second wash it for 30 seconds and water not one or the other you need them both and the amount of people that don't know how to wash their hands for 20 seconds like it's all boring [ __ ] you yeah because it spreads just like the flu or the which you know it's like sneezing handshakes all of this it can make it spread very fast and the cold and the flu sorry the flu it has a 0.1% fatality rate so that's why it's kind of scary cuz that's like you know 2% I've gently more than 0.1% I mean yeah another nono or rather the first no no don't go hoarding medical masks yeah there there I forget what the name of the mask is in this five yeah and 95 my girlfriend is a nurse fun but right now medical staffs have shortages of these masks because people are are hoarding them and thinking like you don't need them first of all they only are good for about 30 or 45 minutes so you're gonna be going through a ton of them please save them for the people that are on the frontlines in the medical field like they need them you don't I've been seeing a lot of my friends I've been disappointed or like posting photos in their masks it's like no no no and they're most effective if you are already sick yeah right don't help you not get sick yeah so this last week I was at physical therapy and it was a crowded place and I I did that thing where you drink water down the wrong pipe and so I had a coughing fit in the corner and I saw all of these heads turned towards me and especially the older clientele in physical therapy of which there are many and II hate in their eyes that fear in their eyes they were like this guy is gonna kill us all and so I have felt hits like hysteria is reaching that critical point and I don't know that it's cyst area because it's this thing is coming and it's spreading but you wanna you wanna hear something worse please last night same thing happened to me Jim of course I look like everyone who has it yeah this is full of people who are healthy in a gym and everyone looked at me immediately like oh and then what I did was like Chuck my water to show that I was like coughing from the water just as all right there fears because I went and they turned and looked at me I went water on your face I did a whole song dance because I think there's certain times where you know don't be racist it's probably the last thing mm-hmm but everyone I think currently is very afraid of East Asian looking people especially if they either have a mask on or if they're coughing certainly it's not all people who are sick because now it's coming from Italy to everywhere that's why I didn't play Mario Kart last night I'm like I'm not letting this plumber into my house yeah it's important nice one nice one I feel personally attached yeah you know that honey is the free online shopping tool automatically finds the best promo codes and applies them to your cart whoa yeah you know how great it feels to say it feels so great yeah you know when you say with honey oh it feels so good to save okay save him with honey it feels like putting on a fresh pair of socks and a on a cold winter day feels like when you buy french fries but they sneak in one onion ring by accident you're like oh is red the other day I bought some some protein powder for my for my smoothies protein powder I buy about once a month and I got to save five dollars and 74 cents and that's not the only thing I'm buying stuff like crazy and honey is saving me money and uh Chang it's found over 18 million members over two billion dollars in savings did you know that honey supports over 30,000 stores online including Macy's Target Sephora Best Buy and more and they're adding more every single day plus it's free to use and installs in just a few seconds get honey for free at join honey dot-coms last try guys let's join honey calm slash try guys Oh saving money feels so good ah yeah the whole thing's crazy but I'm generally not genuinely now thinking like I have tickets to a concert next week do I not go there music festivals coming up around the corner I mean we were supposed to go to South by for a podcast and they canceled the podcast there's also petitions from Austinites trying to cancel the entire festival whoa my sister both my sisters have business engagements in different cities that involve conferences both were cancelled within the next month so I think everyone's starting to cancel these large-scale events well hopefully I mean off to err on the side of safety we'll probably see more especially like festivals start getting canceled but I haven't seen any major cancellations yet yeah yeah yeah the four of us are gonna be traveling a lot coming up too and I'm like oh boy oh yeah for those videos yeah yeah I we went to meet and Ariel and Wes went to New York last weekend and I was a little worried because New York's a very populous place we were traveling in the airports and sure enough we got sick on the way back Wes puked all over Ariel it was a stomach bug not not a flu mm-hmm and then and then I got an all Saturday I puked and it was it was not fun and I was like yeah you can like you can get sick so usually like father like you guys are gold thank you thank you peeps together stays together he was very cuddly on Saturday and I said like does your tummy hurt and he said yeah and I was like my tummy hurts too and then we just sat on the couch and watched Paddington yeah Danny said bear movie that's very cute isn't Paddington - no no you know he's 19 - is even better that's what I've heard yeah we didn't get there cuz yeah we both napped for about three hours vomiting isn't associated with the krona virus no no no so I have I got another type of bug but you know that's just I mean that was clearly cuz we were traveling in a new city Wes was on a playground you know in Madison Square Park yeah would y'all be more nervous as a stranger who's old and maybe a little racist seeing me in the airport with scon or without a mask on I'll tell you anyways I'm curious not even associated with the coronavirus anytime I see people with masks on I'm like what what's going on what are you doing why why are you sick or my sticker should be obvious like what's happening yeah it freaks me out you know what's crazy though is my mother who you'll see in a couple videos coming up she's amazing she's been doing her stateside tour cuz she lives overseas she lives in both Korea and France so she's been in Korea like half the year she's going back to Korea like back to Seoul in a week whoa my sisters and I are like mom are you worried about the coronavirus or you're literally going back to you what's considered hotspot she just amélie said no it's fine she is no zero concern she's like yeah this happens all the time she's like these virus outbreaks people get off the streets you just stay inside you wear your mask whatever she's like a little less it was weird she just like maybe has seen it before because of SARS or MERS or whatever I'm just bird flu swine flu I don't know she seems a little more jaded about it she does not have this sensationalist like oh I'm going to die cuz certainly if I wasn't traveling to Korea I would be checking every precaution right now but she has zero inhibitions or apprehension about going I mean you are if you catch it you are not automatically going to die it anything oh no but she's also like in the target age group of people who get sick when what that's what's making it we don't need to dwell on this that's what's making it more more dangerous right now is that it can the symptoms can be very mild and so it can spread a lot more easily because something like SARS and and was it MERS yeah those were like you know when you have it and so it was a lot easier to contain that okay I'm gonna share a great Twitter thread I found today where you know there's the the old sing happy birthday twice to wash your hands for 20 seconds but everyone's sick and tired of singing happy birthday what a pain in the ass so Weiss yes day two yeah I mean you got a miles do you want to be safe I'll say this I don't wash my hands very often miles I had to do it miles I had committed go wash your hands right now right now right now I'll say this no all right I'll wash my hands go wash your hands I'm gonna I'm going to read these things while you read it I'll wash my hands this is at Jenn money houses men responsible money or money a on Twitter suggests love on top by Beyonce perhaps landslide by Fleetwood intercourse right yeah raspberry beret by print miles sing Jolene by Dolly Parton ooh Africa by toto these are all songs that you can repeat the chorus twice wash your hands you'll be safe and you'll be jam into a tasty groove YUM which also makes me feel like the average course must be around 20 seconds yeah that's a lot of danger that was not 20 seconds I'm saying it like you sing it at a birthday party you want to leave see that you dried your hand off on your shirt might be sweat one nice thing is that our our business is on the internet so it's long zenon it doesn't go down you know we can we can do vlogs for my houses we could do like it like a quarantine food taste tests I think people are gonna need entertainment now more than ever what are you what are you gonna do when you're at home all day you know watch YouTube videos that's true well we might not get as many advertisers advertise the right Purell would be an antibacterial sponsor yeah maybe maybe we'll get more like Clorox sponsorships yeah have you guys ever considered having a bunker nerd but I did like purchase all of my supplies yesterday yeah that's good I like water and food yeah some water just in case those exist the the nuclear bunkers that rich people buy like spaces in so when something happens they can get shipped off off to like those special like human gene I think they exist Oh human Ark you mean like for space stuff in 2012 either space or for just human survival but then in those movies they always do like a genetic lottery where they say oh we're choosing yeah this supremes young specimens of the human race Diane if you're rich yeah whole premise yeah yeah unclick to the 2012 exactly yeah I bet there's a program I bet you know multiple government programs doing that yeah you'll dig this Eugene every sci-fi movie there's always like the common enemy comes the aliens come down humanity bands together and what I'm seeing I think with the spread of a virus which is a common enemy I think the opposite would happen yeah I think if aliens land in Luxembourg the first thing the u.s. does is shut down their borders they're like [ __ ] it the aliens are their problem it's staying over there anyone who comes in might be an alien in disguise yeah anyone who looks like they're from Luxembourg we're getting out of here yeah I think that's what would happen it's a sad sad state right but then maybe you know the try guys get called in - that's right communicate with the le exactly because for some reason they love YouTube oh and then there are Amy Adams exactly then we're all and we're the only people that can communicate respond to stripping exact offi stands we're just dabbing arrivals equal just love dabbing they need youtubers yeah that's true Jake Paul passed away when the aliens landed on his house so yeah oh my god that would be great if Jeff Jake Paul like it turns out he's actually the only one who know no no no it turns out you guys are actually a secret code that only the alien language can unlock yeah have you guys heard about his financial freedom movement thing sure okay this isn't a personal freedom movement from a wealthy youtuber yeah tell me more I did I'm doing a little personal project on this subject but to give the gist of what it is is Jake Paul's like hey I'm really rich and I'm gonna make a service this $20 a month and you can join the service and it's like infotainment about how rich he is like him being like as I understand it it's here's a like you know the master class of like you know Ron Howard don't teach me I'll make this is Jake Paul's version of how to be successfully viral and then become financially independent and part of the message of get rich quick yeah get rich quick but also like we don't need school and student loans our generation and we're gonna take control but getting famous on YouTube I thought you and I talked about this I didn't think it would make a fantastic video to take that course I just don't ya have that much time in self-loathing guess who does and I already shot it so but but that it's amazing it's really hilarious there's a Lambo in the commercial it's like it's all about like you want to retire when you're 65 like your parents are unhappy and it's Jake like you know holding it down with other billionaires apparently that are in the videos hmm hilarious I got a Bloomberg and I love to tap on the haters yeah this and that's beautiful beautiful that a good Bloomberg I don't know we're still learning personally I would workshop but I haven't really cared to cultivate an impression I didn't I mean yes it may be 12 million ads running everywhere so I don't get away from him and yet I don't remember him that's how ineffective he is but I do remember his voice is very particular there's one where he goes we made Mike he's like you like Mike you like Mike it's just like I remember him doing comedy or Muppet II all I know is I severely dislike him oh I just like Jake Paul these are all people I dislike yeah though this is coming out on super Thursday rather than Super Tuesday and they're still still a lot of voting over the next couple of weeks so hey if you're listening right now make sure that you go vote vote early vote in the mail mm-hmm go you know look up when you're voting is and make sure you go vote and be educated on the issues we're making him Kennedy ask what do we do you know I know he sounds like nasally yeah yeah have you guys voted yeah J yeah I'm wearing a sticker you're a mistake Jackie B Rodya I have not I have filled out my absentee ballot or my I filled out my early voting ballot a couple weeks ago and I decided to hold on to it see if I had to change a heart and so I'm gonna go drop it off this afternoon oh nice yeah I don't want to be late for the podcast yeah you gotta have your priorities first you pod then you vote if when you wash your hands for 20 seconds yeah truth hurts by whiz Oh what is a fun way to pass the time while engaging your brain and enjoying breathtaking visuals and a gripping story probably taking a hike while doing a puzzle no you fool it's playing best fiends oh best fiends is everyone's favorite game in best fiends you can focus on the character collection and the fun puzzles in the game I just started Best Fiend but I have found it it's fun because it's casual but it's also stimulating and challenging and there's all these fun little monsters that you can collect who doesn't love little monsters oh the monsters got these funny little names there's one named Buggles and he's my best friend best fiends is there for you when you just need a couple minutes to pass the time best fiends is a unique and exciting puzzle experience unlike any other puzzle games out there you can train and collect all the different characters and then you can use them strategically for each level engage your brain with fun puzzles to collect tons of cute characters trust me with over 100 million downloads this 100 million dollars please really really popular this five-star rated mobile puzzle game is a must play you can download it free on the Apple App Store or Google Play that's friends without the are its best fiends when you're washing your hands and deciding who to vote for why the world may seem scary it may seem overwhelming and you might say I could use some advice mm-hmm perhaps some advice that will go for miles mm-hmm perhaps some advice that will go for miles with your host miles bouncing you're a mouse nation [ __ ] be the best team in the business get a Soniyo that's my advice on your prisoners wish list doing over there pretty good rice kicks baby a new fresh head don't print a podcast the gun just marked out with a business asset assets [Music] what's up miles nation yes very good very good miles how y'all do it on this Super Tuesday super super Thursday have you to get lactic acid Oh have you ever wanted to be prim proper and stretchy like weather so for over to Angelina Jolie Nichelle qualm and the swimmer guy with the bomb Michael Phelps male Phillips cilix these are all people and one thing they probably have in common is that they all do yoga yeah Yoga is a hidden art that allows your body to cramp the next day after you stretch it in a downward-facing dude I did yoga on Sunday night and I'm sore today yeah what number podcast is like what is it what are we in the sixties yoga running out of advice man sweeping the nation like 3040 years oh god I discovered this hot new trend yoga yo guys been sweeping the nation in the Internet did yoga broke the internet the other day you know who does yoga sha'lame probably shall Ameen make sure you go to a yoga studio I go to one near my house and it's very good it is 444 no a yoga is a good way to relax it is exercise it is extreme stretching and I like it very much ned beatty yoga i don't have the patience for yoga but my wife is a yoga instructor or at least trained yoga instructor no way doesn't do it anymore since we lived in chicago so was the entire time you've known me a certified yoga instructor any certified white water rafting instructor earth true and she's just a box of enigma if the world know one thing that she learned that I thought was very interesting was the reason that yoga makes you hold all of these uncomfortable positions is physical yes but it's also to train your mind and to achieve like a mental clarity mental like Zen type of you know it's by pushing yourself to these physical limits yeah is how you get like a mental piece and I couldn't I couldn't handle it I was like oh I'm so bored this is so uncomfortable I'd much rather be running running running or like kicking or jumping yeah sometimes you can get so calmed that you just freak out yeah well no it's because I wasn't able to push myself see I yeah that's good and here's something I noticed from my yoga is that I did it on Sunday no I was like me and that was tough it was a hard class and then Monday I woke up faster than I've ever woken up Wow 6:50 a.m. bolted out of bed boom easy wake up and I was like maybe that's from the yoga hard to tell to your point of concentration that you're supposed to do what's called je breath yeah and it's like you're constricting the back yo out and only breathing through your nose like an imaginary no no no not the fire breath no no just through your nose it's you're supposed to be very loud when you breathe in yoga you're all failing it so it's like constrict your cut it's supposed to sound like Darth Vader and it's remind you like the waves crashing but you are supposed to keep your focus on your breath the entire time so you're not focusing on what am I gonna do for lunch or oh this is such a difficult pose you're just trying to train your mind to stick on that breath which is I've been doing it for almost four years now and it's still so hard for me it must be nice I mean one of the things I really like about soccer is I get into this flow state where all I'm doing is thinking about the game not thinking about not about lunch not about after it's about the game yeah well no I mean it's about more than the points but the fellows in the team the team the snacks Brotherhood the Brotherhood your brothers it's about how many points there are because sometimes your aren't trying to score points you're just trying to not let them score points Eugene do you yeah I don't yoga both my sister's my oldest sister really likes yoga but it's not it's a little too relaxing it is realizing I'm not a big relaxing workout yeah you're like high impact you know it's interesting I think that's a question to ask you boys like what are you certified in because there's a lot of like Ariel you just have the time in your life where you need a job and what is you certified in Eugene certified bartender Oh certified dance instructor oh cool six months of Dance School for instruction so I could reach at the gyms here in LA oh that's done that for a year my older sisters are certified Pilates and a bar instructor mm which he also passed the bar in multiple states while you're raising the bar I was like it's a lifetime show my little sister's a cyclist instructor certified and but they all have full-time jobs and both of them are certified in like some wine connoisseur thing well yeah I the whole rating system yeah they know everything about it because they're part of some like commando Khalid - bill do or some [ __ ] I'm sorry what did you just say it's some Club Oh club for rich white guys that's good like wine I'm a certified forklift operator did not know I am certified fresh' so we are the track let's make sure you subscribe and rate us five stars on wherever you're listening to check out our patreon patron comp slash track guys we got bonus clips of our YouTube videos you can drive a forklift Ned yeah cool yeah I feel like you're not excited enough about me being fresh I'm fine well we knew you were fresh we know we always knew it I didn't know you could drive before us today I mean I can't drive a forklift - just let me give me a shot I'm a certified ocean you got it on your own time but I can drive it at the office I got weight we all did that we all know provide for a different thing different thing for us for that weird ladder ladder ladder safety if you don't want to pay for Jake Paul's [ __ ] service you can get miles for advice that go from else he will pay you yeah to listen to him I'll pay you to listen you should try yoga get the March give us a review send us your love until next time you know miles already saying Oh Ned is with the official tripod theme song yeah we did a trap out in your wash your hands wash those hands a boo-boo Duke - but do we wash those hands until next watch those hands and wash those hands [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 282,304
Rating: 4.9442787 out of 5
Id: -8K8GTI7C-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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