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rambles this podcast is brought to you by Shopify and Bubba Rose and potluck and puppet pal and a million other businesses was so money because we're sponsored by Shopify and they do everything they can to support the independent businesses on their platform so they included them in this sponsorship you know we use Shopify and everything we do it really helps us run our business we love it you should see all the ways Shopify is supporting independence at Shopify calm slash independence Shopify supporting independence thank you to native deodorant and Shopify for sponsoring today's episode of the podcast [Music] welcome to the tribe but it is a beautiful bright and sunny day daylight savings time that means we all lost sleep that means we're all having extra caffeine this morning we're all feeling good you got your regular bros you got your ned hey you got your Eugene hi Zach's not here yet he's here though and miles is here as always Oh gross no it's not a good sound wake up with a kiss from me with my worst mouth sound yeah what's the worst one you can make I don't how about I like that all of those sounds could be like a weird space octopus monster oh the sound of someone almost about to vomit no no no no no no no who like almost needs to vomit when you see someone yes I am vomited for the first time in years last week for likey okay here's the thing I've always since I've been a kid gotten like nauseous I've gotten the feeling of car sickness but never in my life have I actually thrown up from riding in the back of a car until last week after our boxing video that we shot guys get ready there's a boxing video coming yeah right guys try box and you have this long net and I were in the back of it of an uber all the way from Santa Monica to Los Feliz it was an hour and a half in the back of an uber through traffic herky-jerky driving and I was not even a less than a mile from home and I was like I'm gonna get out of the car and walk a see you later Ned and I got out of the car and immediately bounded just a little bit but I was like wow I've never actually vomited from car sickness before a motion sickness it was like oh no I'm that age where now I am fully a person when I look at the sign on a roller coaster it says you get motion sickness I have to say that's you yes I - oh but you're also physically exhausting I'm sure the box [Applause] zags bumpin every single camera my camera is now a jar we just came in wreaked havoc on this studio okay put my dog away I'll be right back oh [ __ ] talk when you get back your worst mouth sound yeah I mean Keith the boxing was one of the most intense like exertions of my life surely I mean at the end we did three three-minute rounds so nine minutes of effort yeah at the end like I was shaking my god I put my hands out and they're like yeah it was ramming great I mean I definitely liked in that car I'd had a whole bottle of Powerade in a whole bottle of water so my stomach my belly was full of liquid so maybe that was also part of it it's weird because for anyone who does buy any sort of athletics the idea of nine minutes doesn't sound that much it doesn't on paper but then imagine like sprinting on a treadmill for nine minutes straight while trying to kill the treadmill yeah and not get killed that's like that's like high-intensity combat sports yeah those guys it was crazy it was the most effort at all can i brag about myself one more time yeah so the next day on Saturday so Saturday I was like I need to go to Orange Syria I haven't worked out I've been like traveling I need to actually go use this thing that I pay however much money a month I'd pay for and I went in and it was a tornado day which means every two minutes you switched where you are and normally I don't get a good workout on that cuz I can't get my heart rate up but this time in the 50 minute workout I burned 915 calories which was like I was a lot it was I have no point of reference double 2000 in a day double what I normally would work like knowing normally I have 500 issues where I hid in a nice strong workout so I was like double exhausted on Sunday from boxing and from you know actually yeah yeah on my own but feeling good so one thing that people can look forward to is we did a a Ned verse Eugene fight oh it we pitted the most athletic members of our group against each other what my words not yours and it was it was intense I think some people there's a there's a reason we don't fight each other in videos yeah exactly yeah as we're both very very intense people I mean after the fight the one of the trainers I was talking to said she enjoyed watching it so much because she was like well you lost all the technique but that was a street brawl that was like she was like train people don't even go that that mean any time and a half there was zero blocking their hands were down and they were just punching and not just absorbing hit please please you look at the video of us and it's like immediately our hands drop like do our sights or only go hand with our right arms we're both right-handed so it's like all of our left I was like why does my left side I'm for hurt more than my right blocking no blog yeah only right-handed I mean we we really feel proud of pushing non toxic masculinity and talking about you know it's okay to be yourself you don't have to like kill yourself to compete but I have to its moments like that where you have to see Ned and I have come a very long way because we were not just competitive people we were more competitive than the most people you know that's why we just like it was only one video we've actually gone had ed which was the Olympics video and that's when we wrestled naked in manure right yeah and and I learned something on that day which was it's not you know just being competitive is not always doesn't always make for a good video in this case it did but yeah yeah on that suit shoot day I remember wanted to win and I wasn't even thinking about was this good for the video or not hmm turns out it was because people like people trying their best either are but you know it's always good to keep in mind that we're also making content but that video for the boxing video the silliness grinded to an absolute halt at a certain point in the day it was a lot of jokes a lot of fun it's silly can fun competitive nature we're about to get started and then once the fighting started it was just like this is a totally different video just watching their boxes just box we needed to you know as try guys would go into a new sport or culture and we really embrace what is you know known about that sport I think it would have been doing it a disservice he didn't definitely cry yeah it's rising now we could have been at better at blocking that was like taking it seriously but also very unskilled yeah I mean even I don't know if you guys talked about this but even me and Keith were where the goofy ones I you know I was training all day and I'm like you know what I want to see what I can do I want to try and do this right so I think that's why I tried normally to not be competitive in videos and I do think first and foremost what's the funniest thing because when you let yourself be competitive it really easily get taken away and I will tell you you'll be happy to know Keith that the my shoulder has been in so much pain so you're the one that was already hurt or the other one the one that was already hurt though is your left one right yeah that was the only when I get hit so I mean a little bit of a spoiler but Zach and I agreed we wouldn't punch each other in the face I didn't think about how there was no way I could hit Zach's tiny body at all if I couldn't hit him in the face so like I was nothing I could do except occasionally literally shove his arms away from his right side and just punch him in the ribs that's all I could do that was the only thing I could do on offense Eugene ever texting each other over the weekend like how you feelin like how's the pain level I feel like we shot on Thursday and it took probably until like Saturday or Sunday for the pain to fully yeah or to just my biceps and my forearms every part my forearms so what what was this about growth not gross mouth sounds that I missed well it just happened it was yeah that was just mouth sound you can make on pod the grossest one but the one that comes to mind is I used to you know flap my cheap that's it back and forth up your cheeks so similar to mine except I do it without my hands but it supposed to be like tentacles being unstuck that is good Foley Keith you did a show at The Comedy Store yeah I played The Comedy Store for the first time it was so cool it was not the biggest room but it was like the second biggest room and it was for a fundraiser for a a private school and it was so it was all parents at the private school so we kind of agreed to do it cuz we figured well if it's a private school in la france probably rich if they're rich in LA they probably work in media so I'm probably a good opportunity and it was a very funny brain thinking but there's one of those things right you know normally we play for college-age kids and they love the show but I'd never played for like an audience of only 40 plus in with Lewbert so I didn't know how they'd like it and turns out they loved it even more than the college student so that was very cool to see that our demo raunchy parents and we didn't even sing raunchy songs but there was one raunchy comic and it was very funny she talked about [ __ ] all over her body and I was like this is why all it was she was right before us that always is wild is so descriptive it was wild that's a way to heat up the room it was fun I'm most curious Keith this is now dipping back into two weeks but you've missed two subsequent Rahad so we have not got to talk about this Keith you had your first foray into canceled culture you uh you upset the entire state of text yeah they're still upset they came after you hard and I am so delighted canceled by Texas yeah I'm not and that and then South by Southwest was cancelled so I can't go redeem myself in Texas so I'm still just a villain givin me from the very beginning what happened we did eat the menu what a burger I did it while on the road now I ate at Whataburger in Arizona Earth's mistake apparently you can't eat in fast food chains outside of their home state because franchises aren't supposed to maintain the same level of quality whatever we mentioned what a burger on the podcast cuz I had no idea what the [ __ ] what a member was until I met you Eugene water burgers uh it's like the in and out of Texas it's the well any but less expensive and more a larger menu but I grew up next to I didn't eat much as a kid because I was over Dairy Queen kid but I have had it like a million times it's it's the staple fast food of Texas it's like this is the Texas fast food chain yeah but it happens to also be in different parts of the Southwest but Texas is like this is our [ __ ] we love what a burger I ate the water burger now I want to say this review was not that negative there were things I didn't like and it did start negative because I started with the chicken and the chicken that I had a plain and simple was very dry I'd like no ink it was your most negative eat the menu I think Burger King is the most negative yeah or no Arby's Arby's was so negative RVs might but this one I love where like Keith tell us about the time and he's starting this by doubling down doing like the chicken was run out the game I don't go into these being like alright I'm ready to [ __ ] tax it an honest reviewer I have standards I'm a critic of the Fast Food Nation and I am honest and but I really did like a lot of that menu and I [ __ ] loved that what a catch and all the people who were like he liked the fish sandwich have you had the fish sandwich have you had the fish name how many places have you had the fish sandwich no so you can't tell me that I got a defend just fast food in general that no one in their [ __ ] right mind which means I think that is like one indicator that it just wasn't a good franchise right when you say the fish sandwich was better than all the chicken and hamburgers yes yeah food was delicious I'm just telling you it was that must have been restaurant specific amount of credibility when you ate it in Arizona true yes yeah but I you know everyone knows that Arizona has the best fresh fish there Mr there are water burgers in Arizona there are water burgers in New Mexico and for those viewers I really stood out heard them you know it's not did you have anyone in Arizona was like it is mostly okay I guess so I get why Texas is upset I didn't give it like but there were some people who are like you have to eat it at the Corpus Christi location the very first like that's extreme yeah I should have had it in Texas I agree I did like almost all the burgers a lot I love the patent patty melt then I liked the flavors I just thought that chicken was dry and I thought that if that was the the biggest concern and we can you do your I'm sorry video now live on air while we play twinkly music I don't feel sorry for you to rehash all the things that you pissed them off about more I'm wondering well the whole thing is the best thing was even if an entire state canceled Keith over something silly we I think everyone who's mad about it also is aware it's silly and Keith this word so let's get that straight yeah you know I keep has not given in to poking me auntie oh yeah anytime someone says something he just he just responded in a tweed well maybe you should have better control of your franchises no keith is not the most engaged person on Twitter but watching like he got all these mean comments and yes as you said he just started stoking the flames and responding back and you know fish have you tried the fish yes and you can't and then you were on the news how many times I was on the actual TV news twice I was written in three online journal zones also on I think at least one radio station Wow so everyone all of these all his media in Texas yelling about this California youtube no I think as earned media every headline was like worse and worse it started with just youtuber reviews what a burger that was like the first headline I was like and he's like and he doesn't like it and then the last one was like California youtuber like throws California socialist UTSA that Texas beloved water it's like making me such a villain but you have the headline its YouTube star says Whataburger is like in and out meets Burger King throws shade about Texas chains chicken and then youtuber Keith average burger has some choice words for what a burger nice the california-based creator released his water burger video Wednesday and he was not kind keep in mind that average burger orders from a lot of burger location in Arizona this podcast again is brought to you by Shopify and Bubba Rose and potluck and puppet pal and a million other businesses why so many because we're sponsored by Shopify and they do everything they can to support the independent businesses on their platform so they included them in this sponsorship you know Shopify really does everything possible to support independent businesses that's kind of why like we're naming these other businesses in this moment they actually do support their businesses more than just saying that they do they are actually including them in this sponsored beast which is very cool including us yeah they helped us start and sell and market our business that manage our business and Shopify powers independent businesses of all sizes so they can support you even if you're small or if you're getting bigger it's a really a great solution for any business out there yeah really the best business partner you can have with 24/7 customer support because just because you're in a pennant it doesn't mean that you're not alone so see all the ways Shopify is supporting independence at Shopify com slash independence not independence like Independence Day Independence like you're independent go crush it Shopify supporting independence so Keith what would be your contrite like fake apology try that tries to get the cancel culture to go away yeah a lot okay any others have done I'm sorry that you guys found my comments I'm sorry that you got ups I'm sorry that the chicken I had is not up to your standards I do think I may have made a mistake in going to an Arizona Whataburger however I gave the review of the food that I ate I would like to say that next time I I'm in Texas I will try five of your favorite things to re-review them and if my mind has changed I will issue a full apology that said I will never apologize for standing up what is right for what is right which is the fish sandwich it's good have you ever ordered a [ __ ] that's what I do the show is I have to order everything right I have to so when I find something that's a little golden nugget yeah I need to sing its praises and someone else actually said like I've never ordered the what a catch I finally did and you know what this [ __ ] slaps okay see you got to try it and also it's Lent so now is the time where Catholics have to eat fish on Friday so I gave them a really good option yeah a good affordable option for all those Catholic Texas food now Keith I do not believe that hashtag cancel keith was trending or anything like that right no there wasn't like that it's a shame I Whataburger was trending and I think I had a part in that hmm I'm a little disappointed because I feel like that was you know we got all these people mad at us they were mad at you they're mad to try guys and we still didn't get hash tag cancel the try guys trending yeah and every time that some it's like hash tag Jake party's over party like what is it Jake calls over blows over party party party all the times that one of those trend it seems to be great for them you know maybe they lose subscribers real quick but then they bounce right back and everyone's like why's Tana mojo trending let me go follow her ooh you know what she seems to do some incendiary [ __ ] I'm gonna give her follow on Twitter too all of the followers go up I want to get us canceled yeah I think that that is the missing element you know I don't know if you guys have noticed our subscribers they're you know we had a strong and mighty families we enact the most recent video actually gave us our biggest like to date month in a long time that's great to hear you know give us a bigger bump hashtag try guys's over RT though what we did in that via was start beef with a lot of other youtubers T we talked about it is there drama have people been like oh you guys are meddling like I'm on Team Tati no actually people were just like someone saw me is like I'm very interested in tattoos palate after see oh good yeah I actually had a very lovely interaction with James Charles and things okay sweet [ __ ] what is gonna be the thing that cancels us we're gonna go around the table right now Keith we're gonna share our most cancelable cancelable opinion Heath's is that what a burger is overrated that the fish is delicious I would like to see us cancelled that was what you got I mean most people can cancel because they say something racist okay Eugene what you got what's the what how far can you go to be canceled properly so it boosts you but not so canceled that you get okay I'm gonna give you one yeah you ready for this I am someone that watched the office when it was live on air oh I think it is Michael Scott is one of the greatest characters in TV history it was part of my personality before everyone else came around it was like oh I know the office I've watched the whole thing where's the twist I think Parks and Rec is a better show merrimette people and for you I haven't I haven't watched Parks and Rec enough to know I think that it's a stronger ensemble I think it has more heart I think it's tighter in its later seasons whereas the office tapered off I said it okay that's not enough we gotta go we gotta push further we gotta go deeper you're basically just asking unpopular opinions right what's that Eugene your did you just say BTS is overrated Eugene you can't have the army come after you don't do that guy army please don't Yuji I can't believe you said that why would you do that oh my god BTS army I'm so sorry hashtag try guys is over party I I didn't want this that's one way to get cancel quickly at the kpop fandom yeah for sure they're vicious Eugene I feel like you do have a fair amount of unpopular opinions because you know you can't like it is you're telling it how it does you're looking at the people and you're saying this is how Eugene Lee young guys that leads to our next segment good or bad where we give you Jean a list of things in pop culture and he declaratively says good or bad based on the massive success of the ranking franchise I like this Eugene you obviously your options are good or bad the Galvan's are good or bad and there's no middle ground because our let's start in the counter world rebel Wilson good or bad good or bad oh you're [ __ ] out hashtag rebels over party yeah I'm Camilla Kibeho Camilla because that's a bad bad wow I know that like she and I are really close friends I'm okay she's gonna I do like that's the there's one song that's very spooky chords it's out now that I like the new one my oh my yeah good first good one she's made yeah I'm noticing some songs I hear on tick tock and then I hear the full song I'm like oh that's a tick I know like do Lipa I heard that on tick tock before I heard it on like a full like Spotify which Sun just a I don't know you know the one you know the one you like yeah that's a great so I like Julie but I didn't I wasn't on board with her at first but I was wrong she's great yeah sweet potato fries good or bad mad yeah time they're bad unreasoning this I think but with ranch dressing I think they're like they're good because they're fries like compare them to a really good French fries I'd much rather have really good french fries you can look me in the eye you'd say oh you would always rather have sweet potato farm no but that's not the question the question is are they know it or are they bad well I know no but that's the question is are they leaning more towards better goodies I don't get a middle ground no no middle ground not 11 I will just like to agree for listeners at home Eugene is drinking a full bottle of cold brew concentrate from like bottle but like unfiltered with water I've never seen him kamar fishing good or bad I always wanted to fish and was never fished not really I tried fishing once in a video about spilling our brother but we just caught a crab what kind of deep-sea fishing sometime I would experience that's a great video I I did that nobody feels sorry for fish because fish are dumb yeah I do like sharks the shark sir what do you mean you like you like sharks to eat no no no no I think sharks are cool I think they're sharks for people too yeah sharks are cool der and they're really good for the environment and there's whole things that like apparently is not that dangerous to swim it's kind of fine we've done it you guys did it right yeah no cage no age you win no cage yes miles Wow my bosses are cool video do you know I don't know not sometimes I forget we did him we did so many catalogue I feel like we've talked about this in the pub that's the only video I would read it if we could more entire you know hundreds of videos yeah in what way it's the only one because it was a branded video and they wanted it to be really short oh and so it's this we had to fight for it to be five minutes long and it like they wanted a two-minute video and it's such an exciting visceral adventure I feel like there's there was a lot more there you're right I remember the day after we did that of the night of after we swam with the sharks Zach was like to begin enough should we go back out there tomorrow like are you [ __ ] nuts oh we got plenty everybody's freaking out are you crazy but that's just sort of a testament to like like perfectionist mine is like maybe we didn't get enough maybe we should put our lives at risk again just to make sure we get a good video out of it that's awesome I don't remember that that sounds very much like it's like we really aim to the side of the boat like Spartacus yeah I remember being so scared that actually had this 180 where he was like scared to death yeah I'm scary you were like we should go out there again I was like Zach it's I mean it's cuz you have nothing to live for the moment cuz also I was like down to go to I was like yeah sure okay and then I was like well why isn't net so scared oh he has yes many things so used to lose things to do yeah that was I think like the first week I had dated Maggie or like within the first month I I met her and then it was like oh I have to go to Florida to swim with sharks and she's like what who are you I had a flash to us being 65 years old still doing this podcast speaking of older as you guys know you got to be older to get drunk and you're gonna say to get the coronavirus we're two guys you guys get miles nation is over party trending before try guys departing I will be so pissed off I will devastate it would probably be more helpful for me to be cancelled than for you guys to be canceled because it would give me more clout to be cancelled than you guys I think you everyone's just gonna be like who are you exactly they're gonna be like what the [ __ ] up with this guy following on Instagram yes yeah crazy thing she doesn't know is when you click on the hashtag of like someone's over party and you're like what is it that canceling about and every post is just why is hashtag this thing yeah trending you're like get on it I need you're clogging up my feet I need to get to the source you gotta be older to get drink and we have people get drunk and email us in a time drunk try guys email is a great segment people are always hitting me on the d-ends asking what's the email I'll just think what do I feel right now and that's the email it's I'm drunk try guys at this is coming from somebody named splendid splendid is riding in splendid is wasted and she's got a conundrum that she needs you guys's help on so today we're going to help out splendid got you splint and here's your problem first of all just want you to know I love you guys in the Tri guys team thank you for the bomb content always an advice that'll go for miles now for the tea and then there's a tea emoji I've got a crush on my coworker I've made myself get over it but tonight he reignited it after many many drinks on a co-worker night out I don't know what to do he's a good seven years older than me maybe he bothers him but it doesn't bother me I feel like he likes me but I can never fully tell today at work we both got in early and we spent a lot of time talking then he made a point to solely tell me that he ended things with his month long fling while making direct eye contact we went about our day feels like he's always looking to looking at me so after our company happy hour we go to local our local go-to bar we got inebriated still needed I made cookies for happy hour he hands out around the bar and tells people the amazing woman over there haha me made them I think we are gonna sit next to each other but a few seats further next to other coworkers so instead we are in diff convos but still looking at each other occasionally making eye contact then the night is getting close the there's only a few of us left he moves closer then as I'm in convo with somebody he leans into another co-worker while staring directly at me and says isn't her hair amazing maybe cuz it's just because I'm drunker right now but I can't get over that comment I'm a curly-haired girl my hair takes a lot of care it means a lot and maybe I just want to have in my behalf of course not me too look maybe he just wants attention or maybe he likes me what do you think detail the way that she described it makes me think he likes her yeah but also she's drunk and maybe she's seeing things and writing things down that aren't true yeah that's hard to say for sure like reading too much into it yeah but I mean yeah every comment era Commons pretty telling mm-hmm although I definitely feel like maybe they're just being friendly they're drunk for being like your hair so great like you know Clement ah what about the deep eye contact and that he broke up with his girlfriend yeah that's pretty big I think I mean it's only been a month long so it's not like a big of a deal but to specifically say that mm-hmm I think that's that's a sign that would be a sign for me yeah looks you in the eyes as I broke anyway I'm not with there in them anymore hmm see I'm picking stuff up I want to [ __ ] Ned yeah see that inter interoffice romance while frowned upon by PR is inherently charming PR it can be a big win for us you'll find the love of your life while frowned upon by HR is inherently thrilling with the caveat I just want to make sure to our drunk listener that this is not someone you said that he is older yeah it's not someone in a position of power over you right that's the right thing but I'm going to assume in this case which honestly even if it is consensual I just want you to keep that in mind if he is someone who is directly over you maybe it's not the best idea but you don't want to mess it up but let's keep this fun way for the sake let's imagine they're in different departments sure why screw the apartment she's in the sprinkles so exact job there's something about like the naughtiness of like oh we're coworkers we shouldn't that makes it sexier yeah I guess so it's exciting I was talking to your ass on the cop Eugene you know me I'm a sweaty boy okay you're sometimes a little okay yeah but you know I come bat that bye you know what everybody does I use deodorant but I specifically use native deodorant I love it it's a very safe it's formulated without aluminum parabens or talc it's also vegan and never tested on animals so it really fits you know the sort of crunchy granola life that I've been living more and more lately but what's great is that it's not like a crazy difficult change you know sometimes you're doing you you want to venture into the you know they're more ergonomic deodorants but they don't actually work well native deodorant actually works you know it's got something for everyone it comes in a wide variety of options for men women and even teen that's right even you stinky teens came and fix your bits I mean that's true that's when you start stinking then they offer an unscented option and a baking soda free formula for those with sensitivities like Becky she can't do baking soda ones but she's really had there is one for Becky and if you're still not convinced Eugene if I still haven't got a now then just check out the over 9000 5 star reviews from happy customers who make the switch to native they have you don't want to shop for it in person you can do it for a discount with our code that's right for 20% off your first purchase visit native deodorant comm slash try guys that's native deodorant comm last try guys or 20% off your first purchase it's good it's good I used it guys it's in my home keith hammers burger and doors is it exact you're talking about like that forbidden love factor or bit in love I think that's why honestly the four of us are as close as we are yeah early days at BuzzFeed they were like guys you can't do it you're four producers working on one project it's it's insane it'll never work and we're like oh oh tell me I can't mm-hmm and then we ran through the streets at night and we found each other stay up late together these two and a half minute videos painstakingly together Eugene do you think that this man likes this girl you asked him that question the man likes a girl yes for sure I don't think most guys have any semblance of game sounds like this guy this guy is pulling every every like bass that he can run past to let her know or Telegraph I am interested in you yeah yeah from his perspective he's just like [ __ ] good I'll see something about her hair you have hair I'm healing up a sign that says steel he basically said girlfriend I had gone yeah cookies you made amazing look at her hair gorgeous like he's just like a full-on like yeah like spread my legs let's go and some as a man who had no game and probably continues to have no game I will say that the just stick around till it's really late is really like the only move you got it's like I'm just gonna stay around and hope that we're the last two together and then there's that moment where like other friends like hey Sydney do you want to ride and it's like oh no I'm good I think I'm gonna go with with Max that's like well but max was understand yeah I got to yeah I think yeah yeah yeah with Matt outside Sydney the bars closer telling us yeah no I'm okay what was your like ace in the hole flirtation tactic yeah it's imperious because most of you could qualify as like nice guys I would say all right yeah like guys that most people be like that guys you're not like bad boys you're not over there like you know [ __ ] somebody and then throwing the curve you guys are like you know they'd be like yeah he's really nice first thing I do knock into were spill my drink all over and I say why'd you knock into me then I make her buy me another then I leave they don't see me for two years I come back and I I've been working out I shave I used to there's a fun thing about me so when I was touring right after college with mission improbable I was always in like a different City a different like place all the time so like I I was just like there's no way for me to like actually have a relationship so I would just try to like meet people for it with them maybe I'd make out with somebody you know who knows and what I would do was peacock so I had these really ugly jackets really ugly wind bite breakers and I would put a really ugly windbreaker on and then I would put a really ugly wooden breaker on over that windbreaker and hide the first windbreaker I go up to order a drink next to someone at the bar and then inevitably they would comment on the windbreaker it's so ugly how could they not comment and then I would talk and realize that I'm not they would realize I'm not a crazy person yeah and then I would take off the first windbreaker to reveal an uglier windbreaker and it was so funny every time that inevitably she's like I've got to introduce you to my friends and then I would like make friends and I would like if nothing else it was just a great to make friends cuz it would work with guys and girls just to like have someone to talk that is a tactic it was a tag dad is it was REME editing it was very well I did it on accident of it oh this this is a way to make friends it's just a way to break the ice it also is was featured in that awful vh1 show oh really pick up whatever it is is they say to wear a baggy jacket with Miss Snorri yeah yeah someone does the idea of peacocking is like one of those tricks Ned yes or no did you own a copy of his book no no like definitely had friends who own the book and they all passed it around and got to me at one point in middle school we all read that photo school yeah that's when it came out in colleges when my group of friends were talking about it I never look I never watched that show it wasn't what you were doing it now no I was just a natural he believed in peacocking and and negging yes and I always remember there was this one thing that mystery we are not condoning the show so ridiculous and he would wear like the dumbest steampunk outfits but he did this one trick that is burned into my mind Keith put your hands out like this where he would go to girls in a bar and they would have their finger separated and he was like circling around is like gonna see a trick and he circles his finger around oh it's working on Keith and then his fingers get closer until they touch and he would say give me a kiss on the cheek alright that works though that was cool you just circle your fingers around their fingers no wait I want to [ __ ] you I just die can I kiss you on the cheek yeah but then his whole thing was I'm gonna go away maybe I'll see you later and then when they see each other again it's like oh there was that guy who did that crazy thing I can't get him out of my mind whoa that's how I met Maggie actually I mean I'm in a girlfriend by the first thing I said to her was you look like a little snack monkey snack table and we're both really chowing down and I just looked her I went well snack monkey huh what was that the voice yeah she he laughed about it was funny I was just like Oh snack monkey huh like that kind of because we're both chowing down you're both snacking Oh second but we always talking about this that if she was also flinging her poop at people yeah she's gonna poop if she didn't think I was cute that would have been the creepiest worst thing to say ever yeah but here's a move that you can try at home if you're at a bar with a girl and another guy or whoever you're dating like your other person you're with if somebody comes up and tries to flirt with them try to help them out while winking at the person you're with Oh interesting as if to say we're on the same team let's entertain this like loudmouth person who's coming here to try to pick you up like kind of like it's like play-acting you just go Oh Steve Steve you should meet Rebecca and then Steve's like are actually working financing like Rebecca he works in finance this is kind of fun I just become the wingman of the other person yes because you on the same team as them and they're just like oh this person like isn't super egocentric and they're able to like take themselves not that seriously you know in primates it was observed because that you always hear about like alpha culture that in in what does it call congregations of monkeys I don't know a pack is called congregation they women would sneak off in the bushes with the beta male and they would get impregnated by the nicest beta male and then go back and pretend it was the alphas baby oh it's observed in nature and I believe it's called cooking and now that the alt-right uses it in a nasty way but it's but it's a real thing that happens in nature and I always thought it was really cool and actually the like animal populations will like go through a little like get regulated between beta males and alpha males so that there's like a balance because obviously if too many people are doing the sneak off in the ocean strategy then all of a sudden someone that just is like all far to everybody and steal everyone's girl that is like that will then shift the balance of power you can note you can look at like the population of beta males versus alpha males and some lizard populations will like fluctuate and then find a specific like happy medium percentage and normally the opening line is the monkey goes up to another monkey is like wow you're such a monkey monkey aren't you mm-hmm I want to talk more about lizards alright we've never talked about lizards on this podcast and I think that is a shame - lizards are dope they're so cool you were trying to get a Komodo dragon or some [ __ ] and some sketch you did oh yeah I mean it's going on there I made a sketch about doing a Kickstarter to buy a komodo dragon I think you should get a komodo dragon thank you dude really dangerous - I brought Bowie in same energy lizard to dope my brother had an iguana it died of an eye infection it also got loose in the house several times it was dangerous and very germ filled and I but I'd lizards her dope how big was the iguana it was it got to a good like two and a half feet by the and then it's I rotted I mean that's a really good like pick up technique have a lizard yes talk about lizards with people Keith takes off his windbreaker my shoulder III do think lizards are awesome I think we don't do enough lizard content here at the try guys because like think about the lizard the lizards very cool is one of the only animals that regrows like parts of its body yep it doesn't as a defense thing it's very smart I lick their eyeballs so cool right I owned a lizard Florida and when it's lizard time and all the iguanas are looking everywhere especially when they're territorial and their each other in the pool and they're just swimming in the pool like their pool their little hands like getting across the water skis on the diving board like I guess nobody's my god it was great I remember that it was when I met Demi Lovato Demi Lovato Roboto Gabby robot Debbie Roboto is a huge blizzard queen she I mean there were a lot of lizards there anyhow I like lizards and they're cool I think more lizard stuff yeah I mean Eugene look my my pick up strategy is just just to find a common interest you know talk about something that gives us both excited when there's lizards or usually like travel you commented as your pickup line no I don't have I just walk up and say hi and smile and make eye contact and she usually get to know whether someone is interested in talking to you or not as cool as a point of a pickup line is to convert interest that wasn't there it was to create interest mm-hmm Eugene what is your killer move is it a hair flip is it you do a little turn how do you pick up lizards yeah I like leave little pieces of raw chicken yeah lizards works on men works ladies love those giblets my pocket my hands who knows yeah that's my tip that joke well I owned a lizard oh when I was growing up I got a bearded dragon in first grade his name was spike because I was very creative yeah and I it was this thing where I would go to the pet store and I would stare at this lizard and I was like oh he's so beautiful he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen you've never seen beer dragons there they're like desert lizards I have no idea how I'm gonna describe what they look like anyway they're from the desert dry there's they're dry they're spiky but like they're fun to pet cause it's like sand then underneath the little chance I'm trying to describe something called a bearded dragon I think the description is pretty much in the does appears dragon as yeah his face looks like a dragon but you know I made that promise with my parents that every kid is made we're like no no no I'm gonna take care of it I'm gonna walk my lizard three times a day I'll be in charge of feeding it I got this mom and dad trust me and then about a weekend I totally gave up on it I would though I would build um you know those like cardboard blocks they were like not Legos but yes yes so I would make little mazes for spike and I would have him run through and then he would always push through the wall and I would have to quickly grab him before he scrambled by the house anyway my dad had to feed him crickets live crickets and it was this massacre where you would dump the bag of crickets and spike would just go [ __ ] nuts I mean for about 95% of his life he was sedentary he didn't do [ __ ] but when because there were in the desert they conserve their energy there under a heat lamp but when the crickets come out all game over but inevitably you know it's just a plastic bag that you you you take the top of the cage you rip a hole and you just shake crickets out and so about 1 to 5 crickets would escape a month I would say and so we had just the constant chirping of crickets in my house throughout many years of my childhood because crickets just escaped and made a home and and made a lovely lovely life for themselves Wow you not only kept the lizard as a pet its colony of crickets no that's bike pass spike in his later days so I got this I got cats and and no no no no no is that what you think Cooper my cat would lay on top of spikes cage because of the heat and also the the lizards smell and so I imagine poor spike was just traumatized by the pressure like the air quality first bite got very dander filled I probably suffocated yeah no he lived for years like that but I yeah one day I was in high school I mean he lived a long time first 1st grade I come on Jesus yeah II not I guess snakes do that yeah I was confused with feel bad for spike all I've heard about was your cat Cooper well never about this yeah how dare you keep this from Jack justice for spike hashtag try guys [Music] you want to find out how you yourself can be canceled we've got some good and often progressively more and more confusing advice on this podcast as as miles continues to try new things in his life and turns those into segments so this next segment is called advice that will go for miles with miles [Music] i okay [Music] DJ Sammy Johnson this next segment is advice that'll go what's a miles nation Sammy how'd you do that effect on his voice we sounded like a little little DJ demon I'm a little editor I had me think so what's up miles nation do you want to be as spicy as an eggplant hmm I see a stick shaped food do you want to be a steak dinner mmm well oh yeah your skin is as dry as the desert and you are gonna want to pour moisture on it Ned you'll personally attacked the Sahara Desert spicy chicken lo mein apple fritters with these all have in common is oil huh and what we all have in common is a beard put coconut oil in your beard put coconut oil in your beard thank you miss audio okay no I only know it's alright deserts not fertile put coconut oil in your beard uh-huh I tried it out let me set the scene for you I'm standing in my bathroom that is your it it's Saturday night the night is about to be upon me I look in my face you're about to go out we're about to go to bed to go to sleep okay the night is upon me I've showered wash my balls wash my deck sure wash my butt and I spy a little jar of coconut oils in mine own cabinet m'lady and I took it and I saw it and it was chunky it was dry it was old it was not pleasant to put on your skin so I took a big glob of it and naturally I rubbed it in my beard and that is how I keep my beard healthy but you did it once I did it one I have so many thoughts but all is good for beards it is good for bed do you use it argan oil or coconut oil yeah think I have a beard oil mmm that's that's made out of like argan oil well if you don't have the cash thing for Coco I'll take $4 yep about $4 but what you want to do is have a big fluffy beard mm-hmm I can't grow one mmm this is what I can do over here what's fun about coconut oil is its antimicrobial it promotes beard growth mmm it helps cure colds infections it helps you stimulate your growth it helps you smell regarding specified beard good so what other growth well I want to make fun of you but I am so firmly on team coconut oil it is so versatile you can cook with it yeah I've got a higher you can put in your hair higher fat for my scalp my little scalp scalp see I've only been putting it on my face once I might be speaking at a third year I think Maggie used it there was a period where she was using it as a makeup remover yeah it can be used as a makeup remover it's like you can do so much with it but you want to get triple filtered ultra distilled coconut oil because otherwise it'll clog your face and you'll be a big possible yeah you can be bags it's oil no I'll have you have to use the right kind of oil don't use canola oil made that mistake once put some coconut oil and my dog's food you really think it's good for his thing yes yeah when I was a kid we put vegetable oil on a dog's food it was good for their coat yeah oh maybe if you like a hair commercial but for your dog yeah good for the coat way better than looping my dog up and just rubbed in the coconut oil olive oil and coconut oil has like it's kind of a liquid kind of a solid just got a very low melting point right and like basically your hands are the melting point yes you said it was all clumpy that's normal that's just relate to the temperature outside well normally but it's barely old coconut oil so it was a little chunky even my beard oil I know it shouldn't have been oily just rub it in your hands longer I may be but it's see cuz I've dealt with it before mine's always a solid I know what you're saying Zac I get it but why see if I must counselor I must big boy old doesn't like dry that's what you think but my oil dry it out here's a riddle for you that's a great point but America love Monica just stick with me the oil is dry I'm pretty sure it's because it's winter and it's colder and some are solid the colder for beer something it probably happened somebody like put their hand in the [ __ ] you know like they took a knife they put it in some butter or some cheese and then they also put it in the oil so now that has a little cheese or butter in it I think we have it was we have it in the kitchen for a while and then it moved its way to the bathroom so it was being used as a food group and now it's being used as a beauty group and I think that if it happening to know what to do it's hard it's versatile it's versatile so now I think we've got the food oil in the bathroom and then miles an important question here are you a night shower I rarely shower okay at all is it because you said that you you just clean maybe I don't want to dwell on this you just cleaned your nuts before bed is that like you don't shower bed but you just give a little no city shadow well I was okay truthfully the reason I took a shower is because I was feeling ill and I thought I have the corona virus but I what were your symptoms I had a fever I went to the hospital they said you have the corona virus this was on Saturday night I was like this no but yeah this episode night I was feeling like I'd have been taking my temperature every hour what were your symptoms I just like I think the coffee's fine I don't have a cough but let me to be honest here's what happened I went to a Korean barbeque and I ate so much food that my gag reflex started to hurt because different my friend vive le was full I woke and then I immediately went home was like I have an enormous headache I'm sweating I have the corona virus and Sarah was like no you say to be yeah you're just insane and so it turns out I don't think I have the corona virus because I'm gonna take my temperature don't have a temperature don't ever call my phone temperature zero degrees and I'm not uh yeah I don't have the corona but I was in fear of it because I read a lot of inflammatory things like you thought you had it because you're nearby Wow hashtag miles nation Wow the kind of people at the try guys hire I don't know what's going on over there hashtag the try guys is over party yeah well do you if you want to hear more background virus exiled on patreon let's try guys we'll be talking about on the after pod new try guys post thoughts podcast make sure to subscribe make sure you support the podcast by checking out our new merch entre guys calm we just released a whole ladies line using lizard leggings and fitted t-shirts things that we've been working on for includes a months and months and months from your suggestions so check it out and you know make sure to subscribe if you're listening you haven't subscribed what are you doing subscribe raise five stars helps other people discover the podcast yeah thank you so much we'll see you next time Keith he does with the official tripod theme song we've been walking through these hallways for what seems like thousands of years who will never get to where we're going cuz we are crying too many tears thanks for listening to the time now sounds [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 371,235
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Id: -St0Vrk0LwM
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Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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