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we do not have the means to pursue this campaign successfully and that my service will not be as a candidate nor as a nominee of this party for the presidency done meme review what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers I'm here kind of mobile I'm on the road today a little bit of a makeshift set but it's all good I promised you guys to gun meme reviews a month and I'm sticking to it damn it because I love you of course I could not go without doing a gun name review this week first of all because we're doing those first and third Thursday of every month now so that's been really fun do you guys want a more gun mean so we're giving you more gun memes but more importantly than any of that crap gun grabbing bado has dropped out of the presidential bid for 2020 now Vado's almost become a staple of gunman review at this point now we've done basically two whole done meme review is kind of half centering around him so it's only fair that we give him a proper send-off I think I know the meme Lord's hat so without further ado without dragging us on too long let's get into some sweet sweet gun memes when your wife asks you why you're sad that bado dropped out even though you didn't like him you wouldn't get it I will say excellent use of Joker meme here the little Facebook icon marks safe from bado taking my a R and a K today sorry BAE know if you got to do that other than just saying it on a debate stage you actually have to you know win an election when the only presidential candidate with the balls to advocate for full-on gun confiscation [ __ ] out you have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words it's been really weird watching all of the the accelerant what do you call it accelerates Ellery accelerants i forget the technical name for the term of the people who want to vote for anti-gun candidates basically to accelerate the Boogaloo seeing all them come out of the woodwork has been kind of interesting not sure that's something I really dig you know Boogaloo is kind of one of those break glass in case of I'm not sure that's something we should necessarily be hoping for work kind of sucks especially civil wars so while I do agree it's something that you should definitely be prepared for and prepare to fulfill your duty as a as patriot not sure that's something I want to happen um I'm not that bored yet sorry I kind of like having electricity running water indoor plumbing being able to go to Walmart without getting drone strikes the little things in life you know hell yes I'm going to take your order hell yes I will take your shopping cart I love in this meme here he just looks so defeated I think this was even like a promo photo like he actually posted this himself thinking that that that was a good face that wasn't a likable face yeah I don't really see a very promising career for him going forward at least not with the tact he's taking now he broke the cardinal rule and actually admitted to what the anti-gun er the gun grabber agenda actually is and so he's not exactly used to be the DNC poster child and now he's kind of he's on their poo poo list say what you want about bado it's kind of [ __ ] up that they euthanized him look at him he just looks like a kick puppy this almost makes me feel sad for him then I remember he's kind of a total [ __ ] and I think if he could only get 20 times the popularity he actually had he could have actually become a lawmaker sad really but bado bon voyage it was a pleasure getting to see you murder your political career up on a national stage and the memes that you've provided to the gun community were incredible so thank you for your service and I will rate this meme 5 stars or one hell yes hell yes he's dropping out okay so these next ones have been circulating on Reddit and 4chan and everywhere else I'm sure for the last little while I think they're [ __ ] hilarious I'm hungry for the forbidden tuna I almost bought one of those landmines there was a deactivated one that was for sale like that it was like Circle 10a okay I think had it it was a bunch it deactivated landmines I'm like hmm $60 yeah that could go on my office wall they sold out for I could get one I will I will have on Monday deactivated forbidden tuna hungry for the forbidden cheese semtex if you're really sensitive like lactose intolerant the result is the same I think illusion 100 destruction 100 that's just [ __ ] me you just have like a full-grown soldier just taking a childish reprieve from this hellish war he's fighting and just skipping along the riverbank and then I'd land mine was like anti-tank mines what a person even be able to set those off I know very little about ordnance of that scale so either way still mean when the ATF comes to do an audit and one of the agents mentions your youtube name review and discord face is too good I'm not gonna lie it's been in the back of my mind sometimes I'm just strong scrolling through the discord or I'm filming these gun man reviews and I see some of the memes that are recommended I'm like really don't know somebody with the license really wants to go on camera and see that some of this stuff I know it's edgy humor but edgy humor is one thing it reads a lot differently as a transcript so I try to be careful and toe the line okay here's one that's unrelated but I had to share it I get a DM on Instagram the other day and this is what it says try drawing a K daddy for school I open up the picture that's actually not bad it's a hell of a lot better than I can draw I get a follow up message day two I'm so sorry still probably better than I can draw but what the hell is this nightmare fuel from the hair that just seems like grass crudely super glued on top of what should be my head I guess to the eyes that's just pure terror everything about this says I'm in pain this is like the perfect face for stalks I love the fact that he would share this and not just hide it forever and I I honestly laughed a solid five minutes of that so just thought that was worthy of sharing but on to the next big threat of memes let's go for it next mininum yeah you knew we had to talk about it me running out of Petsmart after teaching all of the parents to say epstein did not kill himself the joke amines are strong this week I don't know that the Joker gave us so many good meme templates there's a good movie on its own but just the memes that came out of that were worth it so uh thank you walking Phoenix for very cool when you start thinking a little bit and realize Epstein didn't kill himself what and check me down to the Paradise City where the grass is green and Epstein didn't come so not the strongest writing better than a lot of the other stuff Guns and Roses has done lately so I'll let it pass I'm sure you guys have seen this all over your feed where there looks like a random factoid or something and then it ends with you know you think you're gonna learn something and instead you just Epstein didn't kill himself is actually we have meme the hell out of this so hard it's actually become a No and people are starting to ask who the hell Jeffrey Epstein is very cool so I'm glad I can help contribute to that if you haven't heard of that I would recommend googling it on another note I was very sorry to hear about my suicide next week so the Epstein meme I give one unused noose this is almost more like a PSA from heat tactical just because your meme has Boogaloo doesn't mean it's funny Hawaiian music stops yeah honestly the Boogaloo means started to get really kind of overplayed people just like they thought it was humor I was comedy gold just through a scenario from a supposed Boogaloo onto a meme template and just talk about grace and dudes and then all of a sudden oh haha comedy gold me watching the home intruders navigate around the Claymore room as I set loose in my dark ass house the Claymore rumba meme has just not gone away it's kind of neat I dig the concept very cool claymores I like claymores Roombas room bizarre okay Claymore Roomba what could go wrong but this episode of gun man review gets over 10,000 likes we'll start the next one with a claymore Roomba just cuz I think that would be kind of fun choose one you can fly you can read minds infinite garlic bread your peepee does the m1 garand ping wanker yeah okay I'm taking it I'm taking that one all day long wood press the button little hard to explain on first dates I'm not gonna lie I'd probably get a little awkward but the hardest sacrifices require the strongest of will Thanos 39:45 book of infinity war also just throwing it out there according to our analytics the majority of the people who watch gunman review are not subscribed what are you doing you obviously like gun means subscribe we do this twice a month so if nothing else just come along watch the gun man review and maybe you'll accidentally watch some other content of ours that you really like so you want to help us out subscribe hit that notification bell icon down there and join the hashtag APG notification squad I want to be giving out at least four shirts this month to the notification squad guys those are the guys who show up in the comments in the first hour of having posted a video and leave a comment at the bottom of their comment with a hashtag she notification squad and we choose for those guys you win anything from t-shirts to stickers to whatever but I want to start giving away a lot more shirts but I believe that is all the gun memes we have for this week thank you guys very much for watching again don't forget the hashtag AG notification squad don't forget to like the video because I really want to do a [ __ ] flame warmer room but I think that would be really cool episode 3 of brass Valley comes out on Monday and on Thursday we'll probably do something equally just [ __ ] ridiculous so I'm looking forward to it thank you guys for watching as always and I will see you sexy [ __ ] in the next video production quality
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 357,429
Rating: 4.9622359 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, vlog, entrepreneur, guns, gun, startup, Gun meme review, Meme review, Gun memes, Beto, Orourke, Dropping out, 2020 election, Epstein, Memes, Comedy, Pewdiepie, Forbidden tuna, Claymore roomba
Id: wcdWgXJjE1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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