BEST STARTING CLASSES! Starfield Classes Explained! // Starfield Guide

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yo guys what is up Moxie here with the Starfield guide and today we're talking about the best starting classes now there are 21 classes that you can pick from when you get into the game and I'm now currently about a week and a half into playing Starfield I've beaten the main campaign and there are some perks that are just way better than others for starting out when you get to the starting screen it just gives you a general description of these perks doesn't actually tell you specifically what they do and on top of that all of these perks have four ranks that can drastically change the way that they work for example they get additional benefits at rank four and so I want to label which classes I think are worthwhile to pick obviously you can play the way that you want but these are going to be my five recommended starting classes and I'll back up with reasons why these are classes that you might want to gravitate towards I hope you guys enjoy the video let's get right into it so my first character recommendation is going to be the Bounty Hunter now the Bounty Hunter doesn't start with fantastic skills however it is the only character of the 21 different classes to pick from that start with three skills in the same tree now why is that important well the way that these skill trees work is you need to put a certain amount of points to get down to the next tier and then the next year after that you need to put four points in the starting tier to get down to the second tier and then you got to put more points to get down to the other ones but what this allows you to do is reach your capstones faster than any other class choice now the tech tree that the Bounty Hunter starts in is all about your ship combat your ship weapons and customizing your ship the Boost pack training will allow you to utilize boost packs this is going to be a must-have skill no matter what character you play you're going to end up using boost packs just trust me they're so useful uh the targeting system controls is going to help you with ship combat ship combat is pretty minor in this game you can kind of choose to engage with it if you want it's not very important if you want to do a bunch of ship combat it's actually a pretty decent way to make money um it's just not like a super important part of this game to be honest however the piloting skill is going to be a must-have for later now the piloting skill allows you to unlock the ability to use better ships uh b-class ships and C-Class ships are actually better than A-Class ships in this game uh and some of uh the struggles that you might have is you upgrade your ship and make it a better ship and it upgrades the rank without actually telling you and then all of a sudden you're locked out of using your ship which can kind of break you uh so piloting is going to be a very nice skill and boost pack training is also going to be nice uh in the end of this tree uh you've got things to basically give you automated weapons to shoot at things the Boost pack assault training will allow you to deal more damage and be more efficient while you're in the air with your Boost pack and the EM systems will just make your ship do more damage if you're looking to get into ship combat uh this is going to be the skill tree for you and it's also got the Starship design which allows you to really get creative with your Starship so if you're really interested in the spaceship part of this game the Bounty Hunter is simply the best class to pick for it because you're going to get the best start the next class that I'm gonna recommend is the soldier class now the soldier class starts with the fitness perk which is going to give you increased oxygen availability your oxygen is your stamina in this game if you want to Sprint from one point to another you're gonna have to stop a lot more often if you don't have more oxygen availability so just more stamina is starting which is great it also starts with the ballistic perk which is going to give your ballistic weapons more damage at Rank 4 you get 30 percent more range with your ballistic weapons and the ballistic weapons are probably the most straightforward and you're gonna get a lot of them during your time playing there are a bunch of laser weapons but they're all kind of subdivided into different categories and I just found myself using ballistic weapons personally a lot more than laser weapons in terms of pistols shotguns rifles um like handguns there's just a lot of really good ballistic weapons so this is just a fantastic perk to start with and lastly the Boost pack training that you're gonna get is also a must-have so you're basically starting with three perks that you're going to grab regardless of how you're playing uh which is why I rank this Soldier class so highly the next class that I'm going to recommend is the Ronin now the Ronin starts with the dueling ability this is going to make your melee weapons deal 25 more damage and you take less damage while wielding a melee weapon uh then as you rank it up your melee kills will deal more damage and eventually you get melee kills heal you uh healing is pretty sparse later on in the game in terms of you just having to constantly make med pack so getting the ability just if you need some health to go kill something with a melee weapon is really nice um and it also comes with the stealth perk now stealth in this game is tough when you're starting out um enemies it just feels almost impossible to sneak up to them uh without the stealth perk and you need to get ranks up of the stealth perk uh in order to start making stealth a viable option enemies will turn around at the slightest noise it's actually quite frustrating trying to level stealth but once you get it leveled and you grind out the levels of stealth uh and you get ranked four you become a hundred percent more difficult to detect and then stealth becomes a pretty viable play based out not only viable but incredibly strong and you can pair that with melee weapons and once you get the concealment perk to deal 10x damage with your melees uh like silent attacks or your sneak attacks which just make the like Melee stealth playstyle the highest damage play style in the game and the Ronin gives you a great start to that and lastly it starts with the Scavenging perk the Scavenging perk is really great uh to find the rank one gives you extra credits which we don't really care about but the rank two of it allows you to get extra ammo when you're searching your containers Amma when you're starting out is very scarce you're gonna build up a ton of ammo as you get on later and later but I found myself constantly out of ammo uh when I was first starting the game and so being able to find extra ammo in containers which there's a lot of uh will allow you to use your guns more often and you can go for that like Silent Assassin play style and the ronin's really great for that start the next class that I'm going to recommend doesn't have to do anything with combat if you're looking to kind of get into the game and see if you like laser weapons or ballistic weapons see if you like stealth or don't link stealth you're just looking for a character that comes with a lot of just must have skills but isn't going to dictate your play style because you want to figure that out the industrialist is fantastic so the industrialist starts with the persuasion skill the persuasion um opportunities pop up so often and so many times if you fail those Persuasions you've just got to do more work you can convince someone to just give you something and if you they just give it to you then you don't have to go do all these extra Quest steps um and so persuasion will save you a ton of time it pops up all the time as a skill uh the next skill that it comes with is security some of the best loot in the game is uh locked like no pun intended behind harder locks you're gonna get a ton of these Digi picks and you're gonna want to be able to unlock Master Level and expert level locks uh to get some crazy crazy Loot and this is a must-have skill so it also comes with that and on top of that it also comes with research methods which allows you to reduce your crafting costs and you're going to be crafting not very much early on but later on when you can craft silencers and red dots and muzzle breaks and Flash hiders for your weapons uh crafting becomes more and more important you're going to be crafting uh for your food for your spacesuit for your ship and having to reduce the crafting costs just means you have to grind less and so this is also a fantastic skill if you're not sure what kind of playstyle you want to go with industrialist is a really really good pick and my last recommendation is the Cyber Runner class this comes with the stealth skill which gets really really powerful as you rank it up and you can start stealthing on enemies it comes with a security skill which is a must-have I think everyone is going to need this skill because there's so much loot and so many containers that are locked um and you need to pick up security to get that and then it also comes with the theft skill now theft is really nice because you cannot pickpocket uh enemies if you do not have this skill uh some of the skills will like oh you deal more damage with this or you are better at this but it's not like you're locked out of the option entirely the theft skill not only allows you to pickpocket but also increases your chance of pickpocketing and you can get some pretty good loot off of stealing from other enemies um so that's another great pickup if you're curious about the other perks I'm just gonna like quickly go through them so the boxing perk is going to allow your unarmed attacks to deal up to a hundred percent more damage and knock down targets fit Fitness is for more oxygen stealth gives you stealth meter weight lifting increases your carrying capacity and wellness increases your max Health up to 40 percent in the social commerce will allow you to buy and sell for better deals Gastronomy is going to allow you to craft better food um persuasion gives you the chance to persuade enemies and increase your chance of persuasion the scavenger perk allows you to get extra items when you're looting the theft skill allows you to pickpocket ballistic is increased in damage for ballistic weapons and increased range at Rank 4 dueling allows you to deal more melee damage and heal lasers is going to allow you to set your Targets on fire at a five percent chance at Rank 4 and your lasers deal more web damage pistol Rank 4 gives your pistol kills a 25 crit chance for 5 seconds which is really really strong um so pistol skill is awesome shotgun skill allows uh gives your shotgun kills a small chance to stun additional targets with shotguns for a limited time to take them out nice and easy astrodynamics increases your grab jump abilities I never had any issues with grab jump which is why I didn't like recommend this skill uh if something is really far away you can just jump to a closer planet and then get there rather than not being able to get there with like it being too far uh geology is going to be pretty cool once you get it later to get exotic inorganic resources for crafting uh that's going to be nice medicine allows you to heal more I haven't had any issues with healing uh research absolutely massive to be able to craft things for 40 less cost or up to 60 reduced cost of crafting that's why I rate this skill so highly surveying allows you to zoom and scan further haven't had any issues just scanning everything around me with my rank one which is why I didn't write that so highly ship combat I don't think is that big part of the game honestly I wish it was um boost pack training must have you're going to be able to use your Boost more often and actually be able to use boost packs without the skill you can't use it piloting allows you to use a higher ranked ships which is really cool security allows you to rank or hack Master Level locks and it'll make the lock picking a lot easier and the targeting control systems allow your uh the rank 1 gives you ship targeting functionality and then you can lock onto targets easier if you're struggling with aiming and shooting ships which the shooting is a little clunky that will help as well guys that is gonna do it for the video I hope you enjoyed obviously I will prioritize things and perks differently than someone else might prioritize them I think from my time playing the game the classes that I recommended are classes and perks that you're going to end up getting anyways um and are just pretty good perks all around obviously it is a big decision but at the end of the day if you want to play something else or want to try something else totally go for it eventually you will get all the perks because there is no race backing but the perk grind is a bit slow I'm currently 40 hours in and it looks like I've hardly touched my skill trees um so yeah guys that was it for the video I hope you found it informative I'll catch you on the next one take care bye [Music]
Channel: Moxsy
Views: 30,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield news, starfield direct, starfield skills, starfield release date, starfield trailer, starfield game, starfield bethesda, starfield traits, starfield character creation, starfield new gameplay, starfield showcase, starfield xbox, starfield lore, starfield backgrounds, starfield leaks, starfield classes, starfield review, starfield weapons, starfield factions, starfield rumors, starfield details, starfield crafting
Id: b1FCZny2iIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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