10 Secret Features That Starfield NEVER Tells You About...

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salutations everybody it is Maddie here today we're back with another tips video for Starfield and I gotta shout all of you out the support on yesterday's 15 things I wish I knew before starting star field video has been phenomenal but more than anything what I loved was the community interaction all of the comments for you folks sharing your own tips and tricks and it's fueled this video truly so if you're wondering why this video is even being made at all it's thanks to you thank you for being involved in what I do I really do appreciate it and helping out fellow members of constellation Now ladies and gentlemen today we're getting into 10 secret features that Starfield never tells you about I'm telling you straight up never some of this stuff as someone who's played close to 90 hours in the game I'm going what okay well I gotta test this and all these I'm gonna show you today and I think a couple of them will surprise you some of them are good for beginners because tomorrow is it or really today honestly if you have not played Starfield Buckle info folks you got a lot of learning to do and these videos will help you between yesterday's and today so let's get right into it ladies and gentlemen if you're new here and you're into Starfield news information conversation all that fun stuff you're in the right place consider subscribing if you want some updated Impressions on Starfield for my final review ladies and gentlemen it shouldn't be too far off I'm really liking what I'm seeing here all right let's begin with number one when you're away from your Starship You can actually check the cargo through the pause menu so if you're looking to loot something you're wondering if you already had it stored in your cargo you can just pause the game go into the ship menu press X for cargo hold and go through there now what's key about all this it's not just viewing if you're within 250 meters of your Starship yes you can actually store stuff in the frontier you don't have to enter it and then go to your cargo hold and transfer everything in you can do it straight from the menu without entering your ship at all granted you have to be kind of close but this can save you a lot of time if you want to quickly drop off on a planet do a little bit of Mining and then throw some stuff in your ship and keep going on along and exploring without cramming too much of your inventory space which is beyond precious in this game number two on your Starship there is of course the cargo hold but did you know there is a second bit of storage there available for you that has nothing to do with the cargo hold it's called the captain's Locker now it's not full of inventory space 40 mess but it's extra stuff that you throw in there for me you'll see I'm putting food I'm putting drugs in there just a little place to store that stuff away separate from the cargo hold where I use resources typically in there or big weapons big spacesuits that type of stuff it's where all the heavy stuff goes so this is a good place to put some lighter stuff or to segment off your companions Goods over there and then have your stuff in the cargo hold number three shout out to all of you for this one I I'm ashamed to say I did not know this so we're all members of constellation if you've played even a little bit of the main story you already know that's something that's going to happen and eventually you're going to go to the lodge in new Atlantis now it's there that you're going to find a safe in a room that you're going to get as a member of constellation and this safe has straight up unlimited storage not only that but in the basement of constellation is every single crafting station that you could ever want so if you want a all-in-one Hub this is actually the place to go but I got a shout out again with the storage space this is one place that you can go to and not have to worry about filling anything up it is a wonderful wonderful site after going through cargo hold after cargo hold and Captain's Locker the captain's Locker filling up my companions inventory just to have a place that says you can throw anything here is wonderful number four one of our first tips in yesterday's video was about using the scanner to find your way through the environment whether it be questing or identifying objects for new players however a little bit more of an advanced tip that's going to save you a lot of menu navigation because make no mistake you you will be fast traveling this game a lot it is a big component of it not just because it's an open Universe game but I mean you're going to be going to the star Maps a million times over is using your scanner to travel to different planets to different missions so when you're flying around in your ship you can press the scanner button it'll open up and you can highlight a plethora of planets or the actual Mission it'll open up the map and allow you to zip to that very star system or you can navigate to the nearest star system that your ship can handle and then zip to that one and then keep zipping multiple times now on top of that it's not just an in-ship thing it's also on foot if you're on planet and you want to go back to your ship ideally you can go ahead open the scanner look at the frontier icon and just fast travel right back to it and it'll put you right inside the ship or you can fast travel to different parts of the planet this is better for known civilizations like Aquila City or new Atlantis or neon where fast traveling using this scanner can also be really helpful number five this one's really cool again shout out to the comments this one is awesome didn't know this is a thing you can shoot asteroids and loot them for resources so you don't always have to land on planets you'll see here as I sloppily fly around my ship you have to pardon my piloting ability here but you're gonna see that I'm gonna blow up a bunch of asteroids and I'll get iron from it iridium from it it's not always a guarantee what you're gonna get from it but yes these drop little loot containers that give you resources and they go automatically into your ship's cargo hold so awesome stuff here I just love that Bethesda even did this number six this is for my decorators out there whether you like messing around with outposts or maybe you just want to place a couple of things around your ship this is how you interact with items in Starfield and it's the same way in Fallout 4 but I think it's just a tip worth passing on so naturally in all these bgs games if you hold the interact button which on PC would be the E key while on controller it's going to be the a button you're going to hold that down and that's how you're going to pick up an item you're going to see it kind of shake a little bit and then immediately you'll have control of it afterwards there's a little bit of a delay there compared to other bgs games from there you can use the left and right Trigger or use the shift key to rotate the object so if you're a little particular about how things have to be placed in Your settlement this is a way to control those sort of things or around your ship or areas you're going to frequent that you want a little bit of control on how things are decorated number seven this one you probably are aware of but when it came to the armor section I was less aware of because of this weird I don't know if it's a menu bug or just Bethesda had a bit of an oversight here but you can equip your companion with better gear so I mean that yes you can obviously put a better weapon in their hand but no you can also put new spacesuits on them new clothing on them like I'm doing with andreja here you're going to see that I'm going to open up her menu I'm going to give her some disciples streetwear I'm going to give her a brand new spacesuit and everything but when I'm putting it on you're going to see my character front and center this is why I never did it because I was like wait no I have this on I I don't want to equip that I I want that for andresia and I thought oh maybe they just have like set looks and that's really it I like her outfit anyway so whatever but it turns out you can customize all that don't be tricked by the fact that you see your character in that menu that will be equipped on whoever your companion is so fret not you can customize them a lot more than you realize number eight this one's just cool you're not gonna use it a ton but some Labs allow you to use your cutter to explore if you look out for a wall kind of like this you have to use your cutter to knock down these four corners and indeed the wall will fall down and open up another part of the dungeon so this opens up your exploration a little bit but it's also again just this little feature that is never mentioned when you get your cutter it's always about mining of course but yes this can be used in dungeons to explore which I just thought was such an awesome thing that bethesda's just putting in here and and they never mention anything about it number nine a lot of this is about time saving tips kind of economizing your time spent in Starfield because it's an overwhelming game there's a lot of quests a lot of activities you're going to be spending so much time doing so many different things in this game you want to spend less time in the menus or navigating them at least or in your inventory and so one way you can quickly open your map is by holding the pause menu button whatever that may be on your controller or keyboard you hold that button down and it'll open up the map automatically now this will open up the planet map you can press RB and open up the surface map which is helpful I'd say on the Lesser known planets but the ones that are much more populated like new Atlantis secular City and so on that will be a little bit more disappointing I hate to tell you but this is still useful if you need to quickly access the map you can just open it up that way or if you need to quickly get to the star map this is just one way you can automatically do that without having to go through a couple of tabs number 10 is less of of a tip but it is such a cool piece of attention to detail I thought it would be a perfect way to cap off this video and kind of blow your minds on the attention to detail that Bethesda is packed into Starfield so as you see you're in a galaxy and there is a Sun at the center of this galaxy right okay cool so what's really interesting about this is if you land on the dark side of a planet it will be night time when you get there it will be dark out meanwhile if you take your ship and then you land on the light side of the planet where the sun is hitting it it will be daytime and I just thought this was beyond cool is it gonna impact your gameplay no but is it something you may end up paying attention to now I think absolutely and I just love this type of stuff in their games it's why I'm such a big fan in the first place just these little secrets packed underneath the surface so while it's not a gameplay augmentation type feature I thought it'd be something that a lot of you out there would appreciate just the level of detail there is in these worlds while the content on these procedural planets doesn't blow my mind as much as I would like it to I have to say that the visual aspect of things has been consistently really cool and I'm really not a visuals guy so that's a lot coming from me but ladies and gentlemen these are 10 features that Starfield just never tells you about and I think some of that's the product of a lot of tutorials and many of them not being great and I think some of it's a product of allowing the player to discover all of its secrets you know I see a lot of these videos online like oh X things the game never tells you and they recite the tutorials from the game but this is the first time in a long while outside of our from soft game I can authentically imagine people wanting to watch these things and actually learning something actively from them it's like that larion and and that's really it I didn't think of bethesda's the aim Studios game would be in there because it's bgs their games are usually pretty straightforward in my opinion but with how many systems are in this game it gets more and more complex I know a lot of people have been asking about ship building guides Outpost building guides I'll look into it because truth be told I'm still figuring it out myself shipbuilding is extremely intimidating but you have my word I will try to figure something out for all of you because I imagine that'll be a guide unto itself but nonetheless ladies and gentlemen I thank you so much for tuning in to what was a really fun video to make I had so much fun checking out these features you suggested to me putting them all together so again a thank you to all of you for your feedback in the comments down below it was really awesome to see that Community vibe there and then have a video come to life because of it because I wanted to showcase the stuff y'all were talking about so thank you so much and with that take excellent care of yourselves and to those of you diving into Starfield for the first time today or tomorrow enjoy yourself I hope it's everything you wanted and more with that ladies and gentlemen it's enough for me let's sign out be sure to follow me on Twitter follow me on Instagram those links are in the description down below and a big thank you to all the patrons all the members who continue to support the heck out of the content here stay sexy stay active I love you all rehearse
Channel: MrMattyPlays
Views: 128,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield secrets, starfield secret features, starfield, starfield tips and tricks, starfield tutorial, starfield guides, starfield review, starfield impressions, starfield gameplay, starfield xbox series x gameplay, starfield preview, i played starfield, starfield trailer, starfield mrmattyplays, starfield mrmattyplays review, mrmattyplays, starfield news, starfield update
Id: 2_x6l9zUodg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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