How To Make Money Fast - Starfield Guide

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making money can be a grind in Starfield so today I thought I'd share how I can make my credits quickly so that you can start purchasing better equipment and more importantly building the ship of your dreams as it can be rather costly first of all I'll cover tips to make your money go further then we'll talk about what you should do to earn those credits I should also mention from the get-go and up until now I've avoided the main story so that I don't spoil the plot for anyone in my stream over on forward slash total eclipse but I do know that you can get quite a bit of money from doing the main missions if that's the route that you want to go down and really you should do the first few main missions because they will open up new routes for you to make money such as exploration you're going to ideally have done the first few missions for that and also with the Bounty missions which we'll talk about shortly you'll want to do the first mission of that and the main storyline does lead you there though you can do it separately should you wish regardless of which route you take though make sure to invest in the Commerce skill selling items offers very tight margins in Starfield from the get-go even when it comes to capturing and selling ships investing any spare skill points in Commerce can go a long way also if you are looking to complete the challenges for the ranks quickly then just capture a ship we'll talk about that in shortly and what you can do then is just sell all of the random stuff that it has inside using one of the trading terminals by the pads it's so quick to level up probably the easiest skill to get Rank 4 out of all of them it's also worth investing a point in Scavenging if it specifically credits that you're looking for but you'll earn more from the work that I'm about to suggest than finding random credits in chests and if you are someone who doesn't mind stealing invest points in theft and security and at least one point in stealth because it's going to help you so much having that stealth meter I can't tell you how many times someone's seen me steal something and my sweet profit margins have gone to waste wherever possible do sneak and try to unlock safes pickpocket NPCs or steal as you will make a fairly good profit from doing that but there are better ways of making money so if you're someone who dislikes combat this tip is going to be for you I started out exploring and I hadn't realized at the time but my inventory is full of planetary scans these each go for up to a thousand each or even more depending on where you sell them and you get them for fully scanning a planetoid now that sounds like a lot of work and certainly on the habitable worlds that is but you can minimize the amount of time spent exploring by picking planetoids wisely first choose planets and moons without atmospheres this means that they won't have creatures or plants to research greatly reducing the amount of time that will be spent on this also focus on areas that have very few resources and ideally don't have traits these are quite often on moons and this will make landing and scanning the planet much easier just be aware that for higher resources that's those with the one two or three diamonds on the chemical elements name you will need to have the higher level of scanning to be able to see where those resources are so you've landed on the planet now you just need to scan each resource there are veins that you can scan or individual minerals and these will be highlighted in blue at first and then once you scan them they'll be green you can use your scanner also to search unknown points of interest you can do this by viewing them on the scanner even from afar and then scanning them by pressing e on PC and that will give you a good idea as to what's in that location if it looks like it's going to be something that you may consider a trait do go and explore it but leave things like buildings and ruins out of the way now once you have scanned all of the resources and also found all of the traits you can take the scan to Alpha Centauri and to the eye satellite there but you will need to proceed a few missions into the main mission to unlock that and you'll be able to sell the scans there and I just want to show you very quickly looking at these moons a lot of them are contenders for getting a lot of cash quickly by the way if you are enjoying this video and finding it helpful please do hit the thumbs up it really does help my channel grow especially given this isn't the niche that we normally cover but I am looking to do a lot more guides for the game so do make sure to subscribe and why not check out one of my guides either on shipbuilding or Outpost designs in the cards above now next let's talk about bounties these can be unlocked after doing the First Bank Mission in a killer and these can be found at Mission computers and offer a few thousand credits a job now I do recommend only taking the hostage or destroying missions as these are the quickest to do however there is one catch with these you'll have to unlock the targeting control system skill as we will be boarding enemy ships and we'll need to disable a ship's engine in order to board them and in order to safely do this rather than using normal weapons you will want to have an em weapon for your ship these can be picked up at the den in the wolf system and it is a must if you do have any hostage situations in my opinion because otherwise you risk blowing up the ship now with this Mission you will need to fly to the system and find the enemy ship from here you can take out the shields followed by the engines using the targeting system and using the EM weapon to Target press R and then use left and right keys to Target the specific module with the engine down you can board with the ship and free the hostage now make sure to always ask for cash when saving the captain for a few extra credits this is also the perfect time to loot their ship for any Contraband high value items or credits when they're not looking and once you've sold the Contraband at the down as well as any other high value items that you can find you should be able to pull about 10 000 credits per job and this can be done in 10 minutes or so but my favorite job for the money is the destroy bounties but this so all you need to do is destroy the enemy ship in return you'll gain credits but I find it much more profitable to disable the enemy ship board them and then kill the captain from here I will loot any high value weapon and I should mention for me the items do scale with your level so I'm quite high now for me it's any weapon worth about 10K you'll also find Contraband and extra credits normally on the captain as well as in the storage along with some rare items normally I'll grab the stuff then destroy the ship and rinse and repeat but occasionally if it's a b-class or better yet a C-Class ship like the white I'll also capture it and head to an outpost to sell everything on board normally you can collect 20 plus weapons on top of other valuable stuff and sell it for a good profit you can then register the ship with your earnings and sell it for some more credits making you a good 50k in about 15 minutes the only issue is that the shops don't have that much money available so if you do find that the shop owner is strapped for cash wait for 24 hours on a chair or a bed nearby and speak to the merchant Again by that time they should have their credits back if not you can wait for a further 24 hours and rinse and repeat the same goes for Mission computers if you see that there aren't any missions available fall asleep and then come back a day after now if you do have any other tips for making money in Starfield let me know in the comments below or come over to forward total Clips I'm going to be streaming there every day this week and obviously don't forget to subscribe special thanks does go to all of our amazing supporters on patreon most notably our solar eclipse patrons James Owen firefest and treble as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star the dude aw as well as our blood moon of the day which today is Papa snoozy until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 265,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Money Fast - Starfield Guide, Starfield, Starfield guide, How to make money fast Starfield, Totalxclipse, Totalxclipse starfield, Starfield how to make money, Starfield tutorial, Starfield how to get rich quick, Starfield tips and tricks, Starfield release, Starfield gameplay, Starfield game, How to earn credits in starfield, Starfield Credits guide, starfield credits, Starfield get rich quick, Starfield bounty hunter, starfield money making, Starfield Money
Id: M3ilIoREZ6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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